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Male on Futa
Post girls with dicks getting fucked by guys.
Shemales are allowed. Bitching goes elsewhere.
No AI.
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>turn 21 last October
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Im looking for some romantic male on dickgirl/futa/trap/ type of hentai story.. anyone got some?
oh no! my incubus childhood friend is turning into a girl!
part 2: fellas is it gay to suck your futanari girlfriend's dick?


smug succubus (male) loses to the dick. a classic.

smug trap tries to cuckold the wrong man. another classic.

seems to have been purged after an official release, but if you can find Locon's Kaname series i recommend it. doomer trap accidentally finds a good man.

succubus (female) gets summoned as a dickgirl and has a good time. animated.
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Source? Cant find shit on my normie reverse images
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Where's the guy?

Only bit of futa by the artist.
Photographer of course
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Finally, use for those uselessly large futa ejaculations.
That doesn't look like a guy to you?
No. Cuz that one looks breedable!
The feminine should always submit to the masculine, doesn't matter if it's just a petite young woman or a 10 foot amazon with a 3 foot dick, it's their proper and fulfilling role.
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That is the guy.
I don't see anything masculine.
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I don't see a pussy there, it's a guy.
No, it's not a guy. It has feminine appearance, as it should goes into the asshole!
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Anon, a lack of a pussy means it's male. You can't cope your way out of this.
Is cuntboy considered male then?
Not this shit again, you dense motherfuckers. The thread is MALE ON DICKGIRL. Regardless of where >>11186623 falls on the chart, IT IS A SOLO IMAGE. It's off topic, as is your autistic screeching.
Yes, male body. Requirements for female are female form and fully functional pussy including womb. Anything else on top of that is just a decoration.
Incredibly inaccurate chart.
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Incredibly accurate chart.
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Chart looks pretty accurate to me. Where do you disagree? Genuinely curious.
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It's a cope chart by westoids who don't understand what a futanari is.
Pic related is the correct flow chart to determine the characters category.
Today we learn that anon can't read Venn diagrams
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Seems you're too far gone. Shame.
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Where do the Venn diagram and flowchart differ?
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i think the name of the next thread should be male on dickgirl/futanari to clear up the confusion.
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Sure is a lot of male on male in this thread.
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Rest are too large, originals at https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/93720280
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Are you here to view or are you here to fuck around?
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havent seen a single pic of that
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You're ignorant, trolling, or both.
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He's making fun of you because you deserve it.
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Not sure why you encourage off topic posts.
Because this is /d/, where complaining about the "misgenderings" is more important than posting content.
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Because you are a faggot.

I am posting content.
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>Male on Futa
fucking disgusting
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kill yourself
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I know! it's so against the laws of hentai! (unless the male is black of course)
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Instruction unclear
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