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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>11158926
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Nice long fart from a JP vtuber
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I will admit that I still think about that one Minecraft tree-building stream where Fauna is talking about dealing with portapotties. I'm usually much more toward diapers and soiling when it comes to this content, but goddamn is Fauna having diarrhea in a portapotty extremely hot as the fumes rise up while she's still taking such a massive dump. Better yet if the portapotty doesn't have toilet paper, so she can't even wipe her asshole or clear the piss from her all-natural bush. Or if Fauna's diarrhea cleared the way for a solid mess that makes its way out after she pulls her panties back on, so she made it to the toilet but still ended up shitting in her panties anyway. But anyway, man, I love Fauna.
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Anons, this one chubba is about to piss me off. She has just done two six hour streams and didn't go to the bathroom ONCE one stream. that's actually impossible. there's no way. either she has the bladder and bowels of a GOD or she's a wearing a diaper. I have no clue what else it can. And before y'all say anything yes she does drink water on stream, you can hear the gulps.
damn, that was a good one! I'm impressed! Add that one to the next vtuber comp!
Marinefic anon from the last thread here, I finally finished writing the fic, and since it was my first time writing something, I’m kinda happy with the results! Any feedback and suggestions are appreciated. I plan to do something with Chloe in the near future

The fic consists of mainly: Brap, Sweat, Femdom and Facesitting
Don't have any name for the story in mind but I was thinking about naming it "Dangerous Hag Smell"
You can read it here: https://rentry.org/9cshi3b7
nice one. Is there more or was this just a one-off from the wetting stuff?
Here’s another one I found that she let out while peeing: https://www.youtube.com/live/C_5vc3-Qv3M?t=4500
There’s probably more. Currently looking through the vods with a lot of views.
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ringo+choco on fanbox
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Has any IdolENfags managed to clip Roca sneezing? I've tuned in to a majority of her streams, but this feels like capturing a unicorn.
Found this tweet. She might leak the vod if she can find it since she received $50 for it.
Of course we find about this now, when the vod is lost to the ages.
Anyone got clips of Lanya Talking about her ibs incidents?
Anyone got the full timestamp?
>Pure, ruthless brap/sweat torture
great fucking job anon, specially for a first time story
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She's says she can't find it, of course.

An okay pic out was made of the ordeal.
She said on her alt she’d fart for $500, but followed it by saying she would be too embarrassed. But if the money was in front of her…
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3 times.
How is that even possible?
To this day I still await and search for a chuuba that is into scat. Not just the peepee-poopoo jokes/toilet-humor like seen from most chuubas posted here, but a chuuba that honestly is into and caters to scat fetish. We've got plenty of chuubas that record their piss and farts, but almost none that is into actually talking about their shit in a sexual manner or recording their poop audio for the degens out there. The only one I know of is Mel Nekomata and that bitch got a whole a nutcase of issues completely unrelated to /ringo/ content
How tf do you even clog a toilet
Probably too much toilet paper or she flushed unflushable wipes or something, if we’re honest. I doubt she shat 3 huge turds one right after the other.
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Kiki is the only female chuuba who's admitted liking it
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God I wish I could be a toilet for a day. Being dominated by cute girls (and boys) would be so heavenly. Barf, piss and farty shits on my mouth all day, as I hear their precious grunting, and I can't scream or walk away! Not like I'd want to~
I honestly wonder how it'd feel to be a clogged toilet
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choco on fanbox
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>>11186396 (me)
forgot link https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/125020525
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more on fanbox
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lots of alt costumes, messing, futa bulge
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>she shat 3 huge turds one right after the other.
Big if true.
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>ywn be the shared fart cushion for Zen and Matara's fat ass
why live
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Tummy noise anons will go crazy for this one
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choco on fanbox
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I was tempted to pay for his fanbox to see this one, but all of his works seem to have been privated for some reason.
wth, he only posted that a few hours ago
twitter and fantia are still up
Fuck and I was about to sub to him to get the Mio and Fubuki piece.
Going by his twitter it looks like he had to make a new account and is working on reuploading everything.
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menace's merch page sure does get the imagination running...
New Ebiko fart
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this is actually one of my biggest dreams
stock cartoon fart sound effect, she's had better ones, 3/10
True, but at least it means she hasn’t completely stopped giving them away for free.
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This woman can't stop shitting, or the toilet is just fucked.
There's no fucking way.
What the FUCK was her problem?
the guy proposed
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I think It's the toilet. Not to say that I don't think she's capable of having toilet clogging turds, it's either due to the amount of toilet paper she's using or the toilet's water pressure is too low
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choco on fanbox
Anemia medecines cause constipation. Would (You) help your oshi?
I’d help Dooby get her compacted gluten shits out.
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more behind paywall
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More on her toilet clogging.
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In honor of Fauna's graduation, did some cute ringo/choco stuff for the CouncilRyS/Promise girls.

Title: Never a Dull Moment for Mama Nature
Characters: Fauna, Mumei, Kronii, Bae, IRyS, Sana
Tags: Ringo, Choco, Diapers
saving this to read tomorrow
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choco on fanbox
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>about to take a dump on your carpet
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this was cute
less ero than expected, but the Fauna part at the end redeemed it
I'm glad the Fauna part made up for it, and the fic was more graduation-inspired than anything, although I still had more thoughts in mind for her, even if I don't write everything before her graduation. For more choco-focused stuff, I was still thinking about the portapotty stuff with Fauna, and then something more ero would be when her and Kronii did that penguin co-op stream with all of the breeding jokes.
It must’ve been pretty loud if the mic was able to pick it up so clearly
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Stronny burp ASMR
Please do braps some day. Even if it’s paywalled behind patreon.
It's nice hearing the foam force it's way up her throat. Would love to hear Stronny purge all that soda and water from her tummy.
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we are so back guys (brap)
Best Vtuber gas moments are when they'll say something funny before or after the brap. Very nice!
Shibi mentioned management cracking down on burping and has stopped. It was a huge relief to see that this hasn't affected Stronny.
Doesn’t Stronny own the company? How could they stop her? I don’t understand why she’d allow them to stop any of them.
Idk where you heard this anon but that’s stupid. Why would a company need to crack down on burping and stop it? I mean I know what but you can’t tell someone to stop something that happens naturally
You can suppress burps though. I’m pretty sure hololive tells their talents not to burp on stream. 20 EN holos and none of them have burped unless it was an accident. Though I suppose it’s also possible they automatically disqualify any applicants who burp like a slob.
I'm not sure actually. After debut she talked about passing everything over to another group of people so now she's just a talent, but she's also involved with scouting and recruiting new talents too.
She was given "feedback" about it, not actual orders to stop. Immy is also openly gross on stream but I don't watch her enough to know if she's also following through with it.
that's just terrible, but it's their company I guess, they can do whatever they want.
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choco eating
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Small Kiara burp
Exhibitionist pissing is one of my favorites.
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One day, reality will manifest a brap artist who's obsessed with Dooby.
...that day isn't today, but I'll keep dreaming. Maybe that artist will be me?
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choco on fanbox
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choco on fanbox
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new suisei doujin at comiket 105 features a choco enema
sample pages
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Source? Once in a blue moon this guy drops something good but it's always a pain in the ass to try and find out where he's posting his art
Concealed thread is up on /vt/ btw.
And it’s dead. Stealth threads never get anywhere anymore.
Nice. VShojo has had some really good art lately
Hello. How (un)welcome is AI stuff here? I'm at the point where generating most of the related things is very easy.
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eh, got some examples?
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I'm not against it, but AI usually tends to be pretty bad. The only one that I would say's above average was the Grimmi sloppa that was posted a while ago. AI seems to do better when it comes to softer shits I've noticed, but I'm curious to see what you've made.
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Not the best example but something like this
Like the others said, show us some of your work and I’ll make a judgment. In general though, I don’t really care for AI art.
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or this
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or this
any choco? AI generally sucks at drawing shit.
Your stuff is decent, but it’s still obviously AI to me and doesn’t hit like real art would. Don’t let that stop you from posting it though.
write aiart on your posts so i can filter it
i can't get off to it and genuinely despise it
if you're too lazy to do that, write on the first post and create a reply chain (everything under the main post will be filtered)
thanks in advance
some (most, in my experience) are really hit or miss, don't do much for me. Though the day it nails kakuzai's style I might skew a bit in its favor
Definitely my favorite turds out of any artist. Wish he drew vtubers.
I also love Kids Gamera, but all he ever draws is those damn Splatoon squids.
This, make it easy to filter or don't post, I don't want slop mixed with actual art
Lol. Get over yourselves.
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choco artist with several hololive sets
Is there a specific set of tags or terms to search this time of scenario up? Specifically two (or more if somehow possible) girls forced to keep chocoing back and forth.
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not sure that there's a tag specifically for that, but "tube" or "intubation" optionally with "scat" would narrow it down
Nora did her annual Christmas enema stream
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