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Chubby Christmas Cheer Edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread: >>11136825
>posts deleted entirely at random
>404'd, not archived
fucks sake
>not archived
/vt/ uses Wasoru for archives, here's the link for the last thread that got nuked.
for your reference this is the thread:
when a thread isn't deleted and dies naturally it looks like this:
good to see it got put on wasoru anyway but i was just trying to say it got deleted as opposed to falling off the board. we are still getting harassed it seems
post keyword above
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>this is off-topic somehow
the inner machinations of the janitor's mind truly are an enigma
Ember's new outfit requires much feeding to break
Tenth Day of Feedmas, 10 Bowls of Pasta, 9 Crumbl Cookies, 8 Roasted Turkeys, Seven Fresh Baked Pies, Six Pounds of fires, FIVE FOOT LONG DOGS, Four 4x4s, 3 Neapolitan Milkshakes, 2 XXL Pizzas, 1 Rainbow Cake
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beeeeeg mori
I love Daviel I wish I could comm him
Been waiting through a lot of board drama to post this. Fuu-tan mass vore/corruption/weight gain fic I commed. Chocolate elf love!
love fattening vtubers, here's a fat meicha in her old model
And here's a meicha in her new model!
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It's funny how early peagade art is starting to look thin by comparison
fantastic, always love to see new fics
Eleventh Day of Feedmas, 11 Fried Chickens, 10 Bowls of Pasta, 9 Crumbl Cookies, 8 Roasted Turkeys, Seven Fresh Baked Pies, Six Pounds of fires, FIVE FOOT LONG DOGS, Four 4x4s, 3 Neapolitan Milkshakes, 2 XXL Pizzas, 1 Rainbow Cake
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Since we're in exile right now I can post images that are too fat or too naked for the main board
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I'm not going to directly spoonfeed you, but you should be able to find us.
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Speaking of Rushia, anyone has that sequence where she drains Noel's boobs but gets fat all over?
Been a while. Is there any KR vtuber fats out there now?
Outside of Ina and Kronii, no.
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Depends on what you mean. There's plenty of fats of vtubers who are ethnically Korean, but not many of vtubers who stream exclusively in Korean.
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Still the best Rushia fat art and likely to stay that way.
We are up.
Same keyword
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fatty shishiron
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So sooooft!
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and they say everything is bigger in Texas
hot but should be doki behind her
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That but the roles reversed
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Belated thanks, I forgot it was by this artist but now it makes a lot of sense. I want to write a story about this sequence, although it will be a project for 2025.
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this gets me so flustered and hot as a small vtuber
I demand proofs
>small vtuber
Not for long with that attitude
we can make you grow :)
Why so flustered?
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You happen to have the artist's X/Twitter/Bluesky/what have you?
i cant rly show much! i'm just some chubby idiot...
weight gain embarrassing..
Got a favorite oshi?
projekt melody! :)
Anon... the name's in the bottom right-hand corner of the image.
(His most recent post is "i will forgive nijisanji of all their sins if they debut a fat girl." lol)
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Trying to find twitter handles by their truncated form feels like a crapshoot more often than not.

>i will forgive nijisanji of all their sins if they debut a fat girl.
I don't know if I would agree but it would absolutely gain them some brownie points.
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Huge dog ass
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Home thread has peacefully left this mortal coil, let me know when the new one gets baked tomorrow
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cool stream that was posted right as the thread entered bump limit
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/vtai/ is cooking for once
/ag/ proper is up.
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You weren't subtle enough you DINGBAT
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lol that was a speedrun
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>deleted in less than 15 minutes
It's funny how unsubtle he is about targeting us sometimes. That time he nuked a thread that was on page 10 and well past bump limit will forever live rent-free in my head
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global really is a stealth /ag/ thread now, kek
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So do we bake a new stealth thread or should we wait until tomorrow?
NebuDebu's iofis are pretty dang cute
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Wait until tomorrow, a very late stealth thread will be extra hard to keep alive during dead hours with less people aware of it. I say we go back to the usual blueberry coverup, it worked well for what, 2, 3 whole threads?
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Actual sick af merch drop
Make it a one-off /bg/ - Baoberry General just for the funny
kek that's a good idea
How fucked up in the head do you have to be to see a vtuber and think man they'd be so much hotter if they put on a few hundred pounds? How did you even discover this fetish?
I'd understand that kind of question on /vt/ but here on /d/? C'mon mate
Think of it like boobs.
But instead applied to the whole body.
How fucked up in the head do you have to be to see a thread you don't like and think man it would be so much better if I posted there?
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More to love (plus they're cartoons so you don't have to worry about health problems)
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>Mori got one of those robots that delivers food and shit to you as a present
Oh yeah, it's all coming together...
>>11193234 (me)
>they're all eating pon-de-rings now
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Yuuna is going to celebrate her birthday with a lot of food
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In a vacuum, physical largeness is sexy (sign of being more sexually developed than others)
Getting bigger by indulging in a pleasurable act? Very sexy
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She's so sweet, would rather hold an event where she can bake for her fanbase than a live.
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This is such a fucking shitpost kek
does any anons have the original Ai pic that started this all?
>you wonder how that anon from bbwchan feels about this
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Something like I am become Berrymaker, inflater of worlds
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the way she plays with her belly is too cute
during the rare times she stops sucking in i think it surpasses her chest in size, it's a good tummy
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Is our regular baker MIA? I'm going to concernfag...
i'm banned rn
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Ami discovered Elf-san, but unfortunately doesn't think an anime about chubby monster girls is for her.
Was it the anime? Should've gotten into the manga first, that does a great job easing people into the concept as they slowly get bigger over time. The anime is primarily for people already into the manga and is there for the extra fanservice.
She looked at the manga later too once buckos told her the artist does skebs and has drawn vtubers, but implied she doesn't have time for reading manga.
No idea anon. Frankly I feel that way about most women I find remotely attractive or cute.
Lemme guess you mentioned something about a PL and the anal af mods did something.
I posted a chammers and it got deleted for being "offtopic"
That's even worse.

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