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Giant Mousegirl Edition (Ratgirls also welcome)
Previous: >>11187388
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Cat to scare you mouse girl posters to post faster.
With another week long thread we'll miss Christmas
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I like this cat
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Totally forgot Christmas was right around the corner. I just wanted more giant mousegirls.
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We still have a few days, so we can do mouse girls
Wasn't the story of the Nutcracker both Christmas and mouse related and included shrinking magic?
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>convince every size artist on the internet to draw your OC for you
>use the same character in the same generic outfit doing the same generic things in every single picture
I'm not jealous, b-baka
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I have a question of mild important. Which pairing is better?
>Low energy tiny+High energy Giantess
>High energy tiny+Low energy Giantess
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Depends on my mood but high energy tiny + low energy giantess first.
zun is based like that
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I think
>Low energy tiny+High energy Giantess
is closer to what i like
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what are you talking about
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I just think of >>11193257
Seen that OC around from varying artists. I'm basic but I love the office lady theme.
Took me a long time to realise all those OLs were 1 character.
Good, we get OL art without excessive OC autism
I meant Hank88 lol
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I know it's 3D shit, but i like the concept here with the roles being swaped in VR
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I love Protea(s)
how do you make a popular size oc?
whats the secret?
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Either draw her a lot (if you can do that well) or comission her a lot
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A healthy dose of autism, a dash of obsession, and either some very deep pockets or talent to pump out content. Bonus points if you can make your OC appeal to other autists who in turn make free content.
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Same but I don't want to reply to my own question
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Absolutely based taste, low energy giantess and Mamizou
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>kuudere types absent mindedly putting someone down their clothes then not really getting why it's feeling good
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Thank you Patche enjoyer, the giant asthmatic is good too. And I like the huge hag as well for similar reasons.
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>neiro became a normalfag too
okay, this fuckass author can go die
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>shrinking down the character who actually liked being big
Fucking AWFUL. The only way this manga can be redeemed is if it ends with someone else suddenly growing.
Willing to bet that's what happens to that rich girl obsessed with the idea
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Fingers crossed but I don't see it happening considering we just got a chapter explaining why she never grew in the first place.
You're retarded if you think this isn't an obvious sign that they'll grow back. I doubt Mitogawa is dumb enough to go scorched earth for all the size in the series
It would make sense for that to happen, but remember this is a romance manga so utter dogshit endings aren't exactly rare.
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First they came for the Cheirifags, and I did not speak out because I was not a Cherifag.
Then they came for the Neirofags, and there was no one left to speak out for me.
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What do those cosmic scaled girls do in their free time when they aren't taunting tinies?
Cheiri's sister please
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>Series ends with the girls returning to normal size while all the boys shrink down
>Sequel manga comes out called Yumeji's love is 7 centimeters
I am putting money on this, someone screencap it
Then everyone else except the rich girl as a joke
Would be based and was probably the most common AU request. We got 8km tall Chieri, so the 8cm thing should happen too
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Something I'm kind of enamored with is giga omni girls being streamers and having their own little extra dimensional room and abusing people on Earth. She looks normal size on the screen, but everyone knows if you cross her your city might be turned into a footprint, or you might be teleported to her feet and gravitationally bound there while she games, or you might be one of many people converted into living beads in her beanbang chair.
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>giant Ribbon Warrior girls
Fucking nice
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>fufufu's in your direction
i like this interpretation >>11193553
at least with the character i posted (Hildr from FGO), i know she likes video games so she would probably do something similar
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Oh god if Ringo onee-san got big I would never stop cumming
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>hime hair style
>little emotion
great find love these type of girls so much
yeah expecting them to grow back and maybe a few more girls turn giant as well
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both of these would be great
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Nice trips btw. Matching fus for those fives. I need to get played with by Yukari in the same way you need soft Patchy feet.
Saw it coming. Manga like this are always obsessed with conformity.
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really want girl on the right to turn giant just imagine her going around picking on/up all the girls
>generic girl in a swimsuit
>add mouse ears and tail
I think this is suppose to be breast envy, not lesbian.
But maybe i'm biased cause i love stacked giantess × flat tiny
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is this a collage?
No idea, but i like it
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Here's a scrapped tachyon draft never before seen wowow
no the city is a 3d asset from whatever program they use that giga artists use to so they can pump out slop without actually knowing how to draw city destruction backgrounds. Its probably modeled an actual satellite image or something
still fappable
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Shizuka should be even bigger
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Mitogawa-sensei has ruined Christmas.

>final chapter is Jan 26
Guess we'll see if he's based or not.
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>giga omni girls being cruel streamers
Based. I think Uru had something similar to this concept.
>gentlefag wishing death on someone
nice oxymoron
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bad game
What does she do to nice humans who enjoy being shrunk?
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Gives them to Fern to play with
W-Will she be nice to me?
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But I was a nice human, not rude
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I like how this one has an implied even bigger version
Uru's Lemon is one of my favorites, but I'm thinking of something a lot more direct and powerful; an omni girl who gleefully announces to the entire world that Earth is gonna be both her plaything and audience. Society is forced to restructure around her streams under threat of punishment, she's entirely unassailable both due to her infinite size and her stream setup being outside of our dimension, etc etc.

There's a lot of fun angles you can do with an omni streamer angle, like...pick one representative each from two major cities, and force them each to support one of her boobs Atlas style. The loser's city is destroyed!
And don't think of trying to run away during the competition; you'll just be instantly teleported into her streamer snackbox. Or between her buttcheeks as eternal butt lint. The possibilities are endless!
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Yeah, I absolutely love this.
> As Frieren tries to focus on your near-microscopic form, she blinks unconsciously
> Despite the seemingly vast distance to her face, the simple act of her blinking is enough to buffet you with gale force winds
> Meanwhile, in the far, far distance, Fern looms over the two of you, disdain plastered across her monumental face
I just desperately need to be microscopic on or around a breathtakingly massive Frieren and Fern.
I'll rub her and Frieren's feet, I'm a good boy! And I'll tell Frieren where all the best grimoires are.
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> the simple act of her blinking is enough to buffet you with gale force winds
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marisa is made for patchy's slippers and soft soles
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>Want to make size content
>Want to make cute content, teasing/rough content, and red dot content
>Most people don't like red dots, and most people who like red dots don't like the first two
I look forward to appealing to all four of you in this thread. And maybe a few from the trash one too.
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Lucky for you I can enjoy gentle girls just as much as cruel bitches. So bring it on!
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Chieri jump festa art
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This manga is nuts.
>From the cosmic abyss, it came
>Such size... We don't even know how many light years away it is, either...
I love absurd sizes like that
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With the state of my commute, a giantess fumbling about on the roads would be an improvement.
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cute and great size difference
shes so soft
glad its this arc they remastered
need tiny guy or girls from noble family being treated like a pet and doll by the entire household even the newbie of maid gets to play with them
even better if its a tiny Villainess that wants to show off to the normal size Heroine but doenst go as planned
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forgot pic
how long have you been posting for
5 years active ITT
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since time immemorial They won't let me leave
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I first visited this site because I saw a flash animation on Newgrounds promoting op chanology.
I was on 4chinz since...'08? But I didn't start posting here until I discovered I had this fetish on fucking Tvtropes of all places a couple years later.
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Since 2011. I stopped using more of 4chan a while ago but I've been here all that time.
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The girls who win at Love Live should be able to shrink and keep the losers. Repeat winners get to shrink and keep the families of the girls who lose, as well. High stakes, high reward.
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Lurking for about eight years, posting about 5.
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This is the first image in my drawings folder that has a 4chan-style filename and the metadata says that I saved it on 17 April 2006 so I guess since then.
around 06 or 05 but /d/ only had futa threads back then so i was mostly on /a/. i forget when size threads became a thing
goddamn, on this hellsite for nearly 20 years.....
>busty idiot sub
>the best character for being big and also for tentacle play
>gets absolutely nothing related to it
>nothing else size related in the maga for years now
it's crazy how there has never been a size manga that has ended well.
It's a very size artist thing though to go full on melty and give a fuck you to your audience at the end
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Posting? Once or twice every month, but I've been here since before the overlord changes, when you could drink milkshakes with Moot, when we just sent each other the same doujin each time with different photoshopped shit.
I was there when the laws where written and I'll be here when the universe goes dark once more.
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Morumo 1/10's oddly depressing conclusion followed by a joke ending chapter stands out.
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>even better if its a tiny Villainess that wants to show off to the normal size Heroine but doenst go as planned
How does that work here?
Villainess invites the heroine to her own mansion and accidentally shrinks herself before the guest arrives?
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Hold up, Morumo was fully translated?
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nta but thats how id do it
The year is 2005
You've been shrunk and kidnapped by a DeviantArt girl who's determined to keep you as a pet. Do you take your own life or just your ear drums?
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Assuming i know everything i know now i'd just wait 2-3 years to sepculate on the massive global recession that's about ot hit
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late 05 on chins but dont remember when i started browsing /d/ as often
we are here forever
No but it's pretty clear what happens
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I have been tormenting the thread with my autism for at least 12 years
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14-ish. Can't remember the EXACT time but it was definitely in the early years of the 2010s.
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Is the Dragalia Lost story writer from the last thread here? I wanted to ask if you posted anywhere else, and also talk to you about the story you wrote (as a fan of Dragalia myself).
>captured by a girl who altered your body to shrink whenever you cum
>said effect also causes you to be more and more horny as you lose more size
Why is this so fucking hot
I still remember when we would kill each other for more CGs of "When a Mimosa cries".
Fuck those times were dark
>that file name
made me laugh
of course this happened, the main character's the terrible bland male lead, of course everyone was going to get made equal to him, that's how these manga work.
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Rems doujin when
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I'm hoping the nurse ends up getting forced to toy with her and is slowly converted into enjoying it
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If you fell into a giant QTs food, which food would you want to fall in? Which food would you have the least and most chance of survival in?

posting from a loli's soft serve ice cream btw
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Humanity thought the smug elves were the worst, because they haven't met the autistic ones yet
Best to survive on? Getting shrunk on a loli's brussel sprouts that her mom is forcing her to eat or something, that would probably give you the best chance of seeing another day
Is this supposed to be an anthropomorphized Hellstar Remina
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I hear that the autistic giant elves are leaking classified human military vehicle specs so they can argue about the age-old question: "Which species would win in a fight?"
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Human tank vs elven boot discussion is just as retarded as those gorilla vs bear arguments.
When one of the two is a lot bigger and stronger it realy isn't a competition.
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You'd just be fed to the dog under the table instead.
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if they have one
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There might not be an argument, but that won't stop an elven autist with a hyperfixation on human tanks sending racial slurs to the elven autist with a hyperfixation on human mechs when they debate what would give an elven soldier the most trouble.
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imagine the smell of her farts
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>Monster Bug Wars, but it's human machinery fighting instead of insects
>Target audience is hyper autistic space elves
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Knife ears, giant or not, are no match for the indomitable human spirit.
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>Knife ears, giant or not, are no match for the indomit- ACK!
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Gonna need a bigger chainsaw.
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Ghost Anon trapped in gaudy chains attached to a giant girls toe for eternity because he didn’t respect the spirit of Christmas threads…
Don't threaten me with a good time. (Also, all we have to do is hit bump limit today and we'll still have time for a Christmas thread.)
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>tfw she gets a Switch for Christmas
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We just have to post faster!
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Who would win?
>The entire combined might of every human spellcaster in the land
>One smug elf
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Elves are kinda Christmas theamed if you don't think about it too hard
Does anyone know any good websites for non English Giantess stories? I just kinda search Pixiv's section here and there, but I assume there are other sites.
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Hopefully she's not feeling hungry.
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Cause its objectively the hottest scenario, as long as you ignore the even hotter scenario...
>girl grows whenever she cums
>the bigger she gets, the hornier she gets
I "came" here as a horny teen... sometime around '08, '09. I was super ashamed and never saved porn for fear of people finding it. To my credit, my friends bro once sent me some degenerate normie core porn and my dad confronted me about it, so he was going through my computer, lol. I have no idea if my senpai know I have this fetish tho. I feel like kids are not as subtle as they think they are, but I may have successfully hidden my power level.
It wasn't until around '12 I started posting on some other boards, and started getting more comfortable. I started actually saving porn I drew instead of deleting it. 10 years later I'm now a proud degenerate perv, saving pics I like and drawing and sharing my own art.
Irl ppl still don't know, except I told my gf really early in our relationship... she let me take pics of her, I think she got into it a bit, but we're both subs that play switch roles cause, obvs.
Thanks for arguing about this fetish for so many years, you make it feel normal, even though it isn't.
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What about one human apprentice who learned reflect spell, which causes the elf to shrink from her own magics?
He wasn't smart enough to realise standing in the palm of her hand means he'll be affected too
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I use:
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Has anyone got that other pic of what I think is the same witch only smaller with her tits taking up a whole street?
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Seriously don't get the point of this giantess fetish. There's nothing sexual about huge growth and unless you have a partner in equal measure, you can't really do shit with them, unless you're gonna shove a train or tower in their holes. *shrugs* I'll leave this as 'just not my cuppa' but still just freaking pointless work from such great artists.
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this pasta is fucking STALE
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Knowing Serie, she would probably spare them if they just tell her she's cute.
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Seriously don't get the point of this giantess fetish. There's nothing sexual abo-ACK
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What happens if I call her a knife eared hag?
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She might spare you for having the courage to say that to her face (or foot), but she'd also shrink you even smaller as punishment. I hope you enjoy spending the rest of your days as an infinitesimal speck in one of the gaps between her perfect toes.
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Crimas with a titanic Toeho.
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