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Futanari no Elf Continuation

>Last thread: Not found

>New Thread starts here
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>chromatic aberration
What would happen if a world like this existed?
Would there be protest from men and demand from women?
Would there be any political influence from it?
Not much would change, because outside of porn it would not be superior in any way. Thus it would become a porn subgenre that's more mainstream than huge futas are IRL. Some people will be into it, some people will hate it, but it won't have any major effect on the world.

For comparison, there are groups of people right now that have unique genetic advantages compared to the average, and this goes for things more impactful than cock size. A well known one is that koreans have way less body odour than the average person. It's not making any waves.
why is this image fucking 1990's 3D?
god uncensored chapter when, i'm dying here
I like Zombie-chan's penis a lot. Would be cute to see Zombie-chan remove her head to suck her own penis. Though letting Yuri borrow her penis to fuck the main elves makes more sense.
Kawakami should make a series of images with onothing but tansho in sexy poses while showing off her crotch.
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It would be awesome if we could have more people to demand for this doujin to be animated. It probably would skyrocket on sale for how unorthodox it is as a doujin.

There are very few futa tier animated (that are good), if this ones gets its chance it would be a turnaround for everyone.
Please don't monkey paw it, cause we all know it will be fucking Queen Bee and it would be ruined.
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This should be the next girl introduced. I want Yuri to corrupt a straight laced Elf.
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When he returned non-h work?
>Golden Kamui Kano Ienaga
What gameboy she play?
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Oh my god, it out!
Why does the ogre have a dick now?
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New year /a/!
>part 3 makes both characters become futanari
>no docking or frotting scenes
>futa on futa
Now wholesome?
Advance SP
Where do you think you are?
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Its a miracle. He's drawing a Funou portrait and it isn't a 100% ass shot. VARIETY.
I want more family bonding in the new chapters so fucking bad
Holy shit. Is he finally drawing Funou titfucking her daughter? I'm both happy and sad. happy that it's finally happening, and sad that it's only a single page,
Considering Elf-world is on the other side of a literal magical portal, people that don't want to be involved could very easily not be involved.
But, there is an exchange that Yuri is part of where they can learn actual magic. Even if you don't like futanari, or elves, that's a chance a lot of people would jump at.
Potential colonial government set up?
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Love dorm mother
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I want mama futa to kiss yuri while wearing full clothes and her bulge can be seen. Is it too much to ask?!?!
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Funou should have been this long
She is, right?
She is, she just doesn't have a foreskin for some reason.
The author is really wish washy with foreskins with it being there sometimes and not being there for each girl.
I would suck dat!
Massage her dick though
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Elf thread
? What are you doing
This is honor/a/ble thread
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It do attracting female human.
people keep memeing queen bee but when was the last time they did anything
do they even still exist
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Busy drinking saint uta eggnog
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they're still going and is now the largest hentai studio and make like 70%+ of the hentai cause its cheap
its horrible
Volume release mid Feburary.
New arc starts in March.
Its gonna be a while since he bought a new tablet AGAIN and has to get used to it.
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Frieren noo, that spell is forbidden.
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Author being based as usual.
Why does he need so many what the fuck
Assuming he uses it alot, it may have some slight grooves or scratches on the screen that would affect the pen touch sensor when drawing. Probably just buys a new one straight out instead of dealing with the hassle to get the screen replaced
He caved and bought another drawing tablet, but he said he's one day planning on a drawing PC setup where you just have to buy the drawing screens and replace them, since the PC setup would have all the software and hardware. It overwhelmed him a bit, maybe next year.
Yes, we do.
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Chapter 40 Sypnosis (with Kawakami's patented handwriting)

AV-san's Anal Book.
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I regret running this through a translator.
So Yuri's first anal will be with AV-san or not? Give my girl AV-san some more action. I hope this will open opportunity to see a Tansho with Umanami anal in the future.
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Second Chapter Plot Summary

Looks like some 69 action takes place. Will start streaming within the week I think
I thought it wasn't going to be a sex chapter
You believed Anons lies? Never believe what Kawakami will do until the rough draft is done. Even these idea scribbles are subject to change. Even the draft is subject to change until the last page is drawn.
All we know for sure is it is an AV chapter.
To be fair it wasn't anons lies, Kawa tweeted it himself. But that was before he even started drawing chapter 39. It could be changed he ended up not liking the idea. Or the people that bring up AV not getting a turn. Or even cold feet over going non porn for a chapter/arc after being all porn for years now.
>Or even cold feet over going non porn for a chapter/arc after being all porn for years now.
Its probably this. He looked at his bank account and noticed all the money he's making these last two years.
I wish there was more focus on the foreskin in the story desu. Exploring such a sensitive spot on a futanari would've been a nice touch

Chapter 40 is go
>missed the notification
God damn it. was anyone screen capping
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Its butt stuff.
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Theres also some deleted pages, so theres no point in screenshotting too much. Like the page I just posted in the post above was just deleted.
Artists perfectionism strikes again.
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>yfw no sex and having a more FnE like chapters meant no penetrative sex and going back chapters with less than 10 pages
I think it's licking veins 血管舐め? But I can't read much else
>It's a NTR chapter
Yuri has a boyfriend
What if her brother
>Yuri's boyfriend NTRs her by becoming obsessed with elf cock.
How is it NTR?
>It's another chapter where the Kawa sketches Yuri getting fucked into submission only to redraw it and put Yuri in a dominate position
So far only Funou escaped this fate
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>buck broken
I couldn't blame him a single bit
Kawa just sucks at proportions, her dick sometimes looks as big as Mara's and sometimes it's a fucking floppy anaconda, same happens with the other characters.
How big is Marcille's dick?
>Its butt stuff.
Fuck yeah!
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Has no one told him?
Bros... I think we finally saw the almighty yaoi hole
8 inch cm
I thought we were getting more story stuff? Not another anal chapter and another av chapter.
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>fuck funou and uma for hours
>go straight to masturbating to porn mags right after
Yuri needs an intervention. She has a problem.
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He forgot how to draw AV. Hopefully he just writes her out of the story after this, cause even he doesn't care about AV.
He's just bad at that shit. He kept forgetting Uma's sheath and the how her dick is colored. Anything that deviates from the usual Mara kit tends to have issues.
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>yuri has officially started romantic and sexual relationships with Funou, Mara, Tansho and Uma
>but she chooses to masturbate to AV instead
This, wtf is this bullshit. There are 4 dicks right there ready to penetrate her and wouldn't mind a gangbang as well. Yet she goes for masturbation.
Yuri is a true gooner. Her brain has been completely fried and she needs constant sexual stimulation.
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Being horny doesn't always translate to wanting dick in you. It's kind of like how there's a difference between wanting a snack and feeling like eating a whole pizza.
>that page

Insane how hot that pose is. No wonder so many JAVs use it as their promo image. To build on your point, jacking off and sex feel different. There is room for both.
She's hung like a mule
so tired of your stupid ass posting unrelated images on catbox, fuck you
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You ready for a 10 page chapter of just looking at porn mags?
They are still going to have sex but seems like it will more akin to Masturbation/Yuri using AV to stretch her anus.
Could someone please post every page of the manga where there are characters openly masturbating, undisturbed, in the presence of others? Like mara&tansho at the beach or uma while she watches momma pound Yuri?
While we're on the subject, could someone tell me what "no" means in this title, in this context?
I've seen this title for years, I just don't understand Japanese.
Futanari if they were an Elf basically.
の it's a possessive particle.
The title means 'elf that has futanari characteristics'
I kinda like AV so yeah I'm down.
I am finally getting my anal arc? Thank God! My ass is ready for this.
And skipped.
I fucking hate Kawakami's little poochie.
Fuck this
This bitch ruined the manga and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
>more anal
Not my thing, but good for you guys who enjoy that, I guess I'm still not enlightened to that.
>artists always draws assholes and ass shot
>does a chapter about anal
Are you guys fucking retarded? Yuri licks someones asshole every chapter.
ESL or just ragebait, we are talking about it being the first anal PENETRATION chapter ever
If he's not going to focus on story and romance then I want more kinks explored, exhibition, bath parlors, cum play, anything other than more AV.
Stop crying, av is peak and the second hottest one. They all get along too, there's not even ntr.
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>Kawakami's little poochie
It's starting to feel that way, late addition to the story that was completely unnecessary and taking up a bunch of "screen time" and focus, pushing the established characters more into a backseat role.
>taking up a bunch of "screen time" and focus
She has had 2 chapters and the current being her third is the shortest chapter in years.
>pushing the established characters more into a backseat role
You chuds are just jealous at a cock with a pro status. Either cope or jack off
She appeared in her own chapters and in Funou's and Uma's chapters too. All the other characters were established before they made a move with Yuri and with emotional investment.
AV comes in, no development, no feelings for Yuri, just wants to fuck and that's who she chooses first during those chapters all the other characters that had real feelings and motivations were pushed back in the line of intimacy for a pornstar that just wants to fuck.
Why make a romantic story in the first place if it meant nothing and anybody could just fuck Yuri? All those cute moments, the awkward tension, seeing where it will go, all into the trash the moment AV showed up, it turned on itself.
The series became less for having her in it, it's a bait and switch and every single chapter just gets further from the original premise which is what hooked many. It's just another porn series now, which is not why I ever cared about this series in the first place.
Mara and Tansho are the only ones with any sort of build up. Uma was getting fondled in her second appearance and got the first BJ in her third. Funou didn't even gain feelings for Yuri until the beach chapter. Prior to she being dragged in by Uma.
>Why make a romantic story in the first place
[citation needed]
>it's a bait and switch and every single chapter just gets further from the original premise which is what hooked many.
pretty sure this never had an original premise to begin with and the p*rn parts is what's attracting more people to jack of-er, I mean read
The romance thing really only came about during the sex. Every bit of Tansho's side was because of a misunderstanding and Tansho thinking Yuri romantically liked. Even the handjob happened because Yuri thought Tansho was going snitch about her porn collection if she didn't do it. It didn't start pulling the emotion card until Uma and that was only because Kawakami thought Uma pushing Yuri into the dressing room strong arming her into sucking her dick felt a bit too much like an NTR scene. It was originally going to be like when Uma jumped her and pressured her into going to the beach.
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Yuri is getting teabagged? Did she lose a game of Halo?
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Guess not.
Elf magic semen is making Yuris boobs grow bigger, you cannot convince me otherwise. Shes practically an I cup now if not bigger.
Saw your post in /gif/ futa thread
or you can fuck her in the ass?
I hope there is a paizuri-focused chapter one day.
I just want the elves to turn on eachother already. Theres too many of them under Yuris harem and she cannot satisfy them all the time.
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what did he mean by this
no seriously i dont understand
Trim your nails before fingering a chick
Why isn't the futa elfdom real...
yep, pornstars are gross whores that don't deserve anything but misery
But she's only ever fucked cute futa elves...
Now imagine Yuri suck all the elf energy
that sounds like a drain pipe being evacuated
I wish I were Yuri
>doesn't show the inflation at the end
Wasted potential. Also, if you're doing futa with balls, then at least make the balls contract during ejaculation.
AV's tongue is long as fuck. How can Tansho compete?
Brother just say you don't like her, you don't need to come up with blatant lies like that to justify yourself.
Tansho will be the last one to impregnate Yuri, after Yuri has already had two kids from everyone else
She cannot compete
>Beaten by AV's pro-tongue
Everytime its an AV chapter the thread dies, even the self proclaimed AV loverss don't care about AV. Holy shit we're down bad.
Thank god its only a 10 page chapter so we can get to the next one and leave AV's ass behind. Figuratively and literally.
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Why would you ever want to leave this magnificent ass behind? It screams for a sweaty face-riding ass-eating scene.
The thread dies because there's nothing to talk about, the only time they're fairly alive is when something highly anticipated is finally coming, like when Yuri was finally about to get dicked.
Once more, you don't have to lie, just say you don't like AV and get it out of your system.
Thread dies cause we don't get anons posting stream screencaps anymore mostly, with also the MEGA link basically being dead
Its usually me who posts everything but I have no interest in this chapter. Also I requested MEGA ownership like a year ago. I don't think the guy wants to fork it over.
I usually only screen cap the pre sketch and things I find interest. But a combo of missing stuff, and him scrapping most of the first draft kinda messed that up. Also I don't really care for all the rimming.
With only ten pages I'd prefer if the first anal chapter spent more time on the anal sex
I could just be spoiled after all these 30+ page chapters
The Superior elf
The foreskin scar(?) seems extremely long in this compared to where it usually should be with AV
Elf magic
When we introduce two young elf?
I won't forgive her till she fucks Tansho
Bless you, anon.
Finally, someone else besides me who's not blind, or worse, in deep denial, and is able to notice and see the obvious.
>Finally, someone else besides me who's not blind, or worse, in deep denial, and is able to notice and see the obvious.
What a strange, convoluted way to say "I'm part of the minority"
you know, i dont care if its AV, i'm just not into butt stuff
poop is gross
So how long until the next chapter? I don't feel like waiting 3 months till we get past AV.
Wouldn't be surprised if the next chapter features her too, then it would be half a year till a chapter I'm actually looking forward to.
Why do people keep asking the guy who is obsessed with gigantic asses and who also refuses to draw futas with smaller boobs "because they would look like men" to draw lolis.
I am convinced the Japanese replace L's with R's on purpose at this point just to fuck with us.
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Okay I wasn't all that interestest in this chapter, but this page is winning me over.
Why not have Tansho boned her while cosplaying as RWBY character
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Too soon…
>yuri makes a professional pornstar go cross eyed
She has to be part succubus at this point, I swear to god.
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>Futanarijima ~The Queen of Penis
This one is right.
It has to be a running joke for them, they know we have pointed it out for them in the past
None shall survive the Rim Reaper
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Can we make this into futa version?
That's not Funou
Face shot and internal shot were replaced
And here is a page that either I missed entirely or one of the pages got changed
>internal shot were replaced
why must he make us suffer all the time
he added 2 extra pages, we went from 10 to 12 pages
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>pornstar not so cocky after getting yuri'd
Yuri is a menace.
Anon that AV on top, she is about to pound that anus
Look at her face in between. She lost in the Yuri sauce.
>get to learn actual magic AND suck elf cock
Let me in... LET ME IN
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You don't need to catbox on /d/ you silly billy
14 inch monstercock with balls the size of pears
Cute but respectable 6 inch
While I appricate the like 40 page chapters. I'm glad for the shorter chapters since the content comes out faster. 10-12 is ideal honestly.
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>in /a/ thread
Are you sure?
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For an artist that said he didn't like stomach buldges, he sure has been going all out with them lately.
Also Yuri isn't gonna shit for a week.
As much as love stomach bulges this one is a bit too pointed. it should be wider and probably less pronounced so that it feels like AV is hitting something and not like Yuri is empyt sack of rubber. I doubt he sees the appeal in it and is just doing because it was well liked even by the japanese readers.
considering how the intestines look like, there shouldn't even be a bulge unless av tore yuri's intestines. otherwise the womb spell turned all her insides into rubber so they stretch instead of tearing or getting punctured, and that's how you can see it this way.
>considering how the intestines look like

You know all of that shit doesn't matter in hentai right
Wow that looks good, I hope the chapter finishes soon
>As much as love stomach bulges this one is a bit too pointed.
Its magic. Elves ain't gotta explain shit.
Now with motion blur
It has to be at this point, and I dont blame them lol
Ok it looks better with motion blur.
Why a RWBY character?
Which one?
next page
Weiss Schnee aka Schneenis
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Okay he's going a bit too crazy with the bulge.
He just keeps taking longer and longer with every chapter, at this rate it'll take 10 years before Yuri gets pregnant, 20 before a baby is born and 30 years before they finish school.
I do take Yuri-chan place.
>Birth before high school graduation
My man.
But knowing Elven magic BS, and basing this on completely nothing except for two loli elves at the start which could have easily just been from two mothers. I'm gonna say that every Elf, Mara, Tansho, Funou, and Umanami can all impregnate Yuri at once since magic bullshit. Shes gonna be popping out 4-5 kids at a time.
If this is how he draws them, no wonder he doesn't like stomach bulges.
Is the dude going back ecchi
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mangaka math
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>"my dick cannot live without this childs asspussy"
AV has fallen. Shes going to retire and become a mother. Also Yuri is without a doubt a fucking succubus.
I'm an AV hater but fuck this looks good
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We're finally having nice belly bulges, they're perfect and realistic considering the D in question. Bulges with Funou's D should have been even more accentuated.
>decensor anon hasnt posted the latest chapter
did he give up? last chapter was the best chapter yet
fucking based guy. id take him out for a beer.
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Yuri-chan tanked dat
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Its over. AV is part of the harem now, she got lost in Yuris sauce.
>fucks your "succubus" into submission
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>AV nutted so hard she had an aneurysm and is now in love with Yuri
If AV was converted into a harem member by Yuri, then no elf is safe. The Japanese truly released a bioweapon upon the Elves.
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What do you think the elves favorite food is?
does anyone know what line brush he uses to draw with
Onion soup and fried mushroom
>then no elf is safe
Two elementary elf is next
Wait was this chapter only 12 pages so that he could get it out at the same time volume 3 his the DL site?
You ever get the cum scared out of you?
I feel so bad for Mara. Shes always used as the butt of the cuck joke.
Funou is the one walking in
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Yea I thought it was Mara when it was the original sketch form yesterday.
And god DAMN does Funou have massive knockers.
What a terrible chapter lol
AV just walks in and they fuck, wow so great
AV fans will defend this anyway and say it was amazing writing
Well that was boring.
I liked but it definitely could have been formatted/paced better. Rather than fealing like a short chapter it felt like a long chapter with pages or panels missing. Like AV going from easing Yuri into to losing her patience and deep thrusting yuri on the same page.
As expect from a professional with a pro-cock.
>AV chapter was shit
Wow what a surprise shock and awe.
The chapter wasn't bad. It jsut wasn't the excitement from all the elves first times with Yuri.
Also Anal is shit tier.
>Anal is shit tier.

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What's with all this ass eating and focus on the assholes these past two chapters? Also it's an AV chapter so I just skimmed.
But I particularly liked last chapter when the moment Yuri showed kind motherly comforting towards Uma, Funou instantly went into impregnation mode.
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Yuri being a succubus or the Elves being them (why do their crotch tattoos have devil horns hmm?) is something I've been thinking for a while. Also, tell the AV whore to get behind Funou. Funou literally needs Yuri to cure her erectile disfunction, Funou gets the ring. AV-san can be a side piece along with the others.
What"s that? You want more chapters that are just AV?
Here's volume 3.
Had to use file.io because litterbox times out before it can upload.
tinyurl DOT com SLASH cjdh363x
Seems like he left some of mini manga out. Shame I wanted a better quality version of this
Will there be anal this chapter?
From what we've seen so far I'm relatively sure the coming chapter is all about anal.
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The chapter has been out for 3 days.
He even accidentally made the full size japanese version free at first.
Would too
Yeah I realized it as soon as I wrote the reply.
Really glad Yuri finally took up the bum, especially by AV though I would've preferred Uma but she already had her own, or rather half a chapter to herself, prior to this one.
>thomas lockley imposing falsely historic context
Who gonna tell him?
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Oh from all his notes it seems like shes gonna be a shy introvert with phimosis. Chapters about a lot of caressing and phimosis play.
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Looks like the Kasei redesign
Looks like the only surviving features are the eyebrows. Possibly the weeb thing since she recommended Tansho manga but it's clearly way less aggressive. Probably the phimosis, iirc Kasei means transform or something and it probably is referencing pulling the skin back. Hope we get the elf that keeps it up.
It 100% is. Idk if I'm reading it right. But apparently her and Yuri are dorm neighbors and shes been hearing the shit Yuris been up to. Also both Yuri and her are listening to those sex tape ASMR cassettes. So they start bonding over that. Kasei seems to be the typical THICC unkempt introvert, who is scared to interact with others because of her phimosis which makes her self conscious. But apparently she might have the biggest rack.
I can't tell exactly whats going on, but I think either her and Yuri talk about their porn addiction and bond over it, then Yuri plays with her phimosis and tits telling her to be more confident, or shes imagining everything while listening to an ASMR tape.
Bros chicken scratch kills me everytime I read it.
>new elf
>no sexo
feel like people are gonna be pissed at that but the design and chapter concept are peak
Eh, its better for Yuri to play around with new elves before sexo, rather than just becoming a giga where and jumping right in.
Considering all the shit AV gets for line skipping, it's probably for the best.
>Yuri's neighbor
>the biggest rack
She she basically exists just to completely mog Tansho in every size category while also stepping on her niche.
That poor dicklet can't catch a break...
Yea, but Tansho is considered a 10/10 in looks. Shes pretty much an elf super model, she even mogs Mara in looks.
Granted she also has the most unfortunate backstory most likely since its confirmed she was raised by the church, making her an unloved orphan. I hope the author isn't intentionally shitting on her like he does Mara.
Now that I think about it, all the elves involved with Yuri seem to be outcasts in a way besides AV.
So now I'm not surprised about Kasei joining up since she's a super neet and is friends with Tansho.
this is peak, fuck AV, this is what we need
yeah but imagine a threesome with her and Tansho
now he's (literally) talking my language
sorry bros but this one ain't for me, I can only hope it won't devolve into smegma play
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So she's got a big mushroom head? She also is an introvert with phimosis, as in her dick is hidden away like herself, right? Yuri is going to break her free of her shut in ways as she simultaneously pulls back her foreskin, calling it now.
Not sure, I think that elf was unamed when he drew it but he could use that dick for Kasei.
I feel I would enjoy this porn more if Mara was the biggest and really smug about it
>Phimosis play
I want symmetrical dock with her foreskin as a cocksleeve for another elf (Tansho or Uma would be nice).
I hope he starts to today. He usually doesn't wait too long after doing an outline
I hope under the foreskin lies a smegma banquet
I doubt he's into that. Probably will be a smell thing like did with Tansho and Umanami.
friendly reminder that 90% of the time japs say this, they actually just mean "has foreskin"
>its a 16+ page chapter
Here we fucking go.
pages so far
She's short and doing the Golem pose
When can he Introduce two loli elf?
Hex maniac
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I recognize that archetype.
slight change
People crying about av make my day lol, how ridiculous.
Combo, you like the most boring character aka tansho lmao, her scenes make me fall asleep, good thing a similar and better character is appearing to "replace" her.

More seriously i like all of them (Funou's still the best by miles), but whining about characters for a harem is just stupid. And so far, the few tansho fans in the back of the room are the most toxic ones.
Last panel got changed. shame because I like the blowing
>right after AV leaves, Funou punishes Yuri by fucking her in the butt at least 3 times as punishment
Holy shit Funou is possessive.
Yawn, try harder next time
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He extended the chapter to 20 pages. Also Kasei's rack is fucking MASSIVE.
>virgin otaku elf jacks off to asmr
>over hear slutty human having sex in the dorm even though it's against the rules
>ask her to record some lewd asmr
>she immediately starts sucking your dick
This kills the romancefag
>yuri wanted to make her own asmr to jack off to later
Yuris gonna become the most famous elf pornstar, I fucking knew it.
I hope Kasei isn't a one off just to push the story forward though, her design is top tier.
The end
whos seething in the bottom left corner?
Also few more changes but i'm not gonna bother because it's a new page of ass shots because he somehow drew the whole chapter without them and he probably going to change shit again. Otherwise it is the same
>He extended the chapter to 20 pages
this guy will never stick to a plan
>this was originally going to end with her cumming after yuri lightly blew on her dick
>now it's got paizuri and 69'ing
If it wasn't for his elf imposed deadline the AV chapter would have expanded too.
>mekakure elf
i'm interested in this
Oh boy my ears are going to have the hardest boner ever
>stream ends early two days in a row
kasei is cursed
His new bed arrived, so he went to assemble it. He's been complaining of back pain. So rather than exercise, he got a new bed.
I know, I was just joking that it happened to happen right pixiv messed up yesterday
I hate to say it bros, but her design is growing on me. I'm waiting to see her fully drawn but her design is kinda mogging my favorite elf. Kasei is kinda hitting all those buttons.
I thought she'd be thicker
Lmao huh?
it really is her >>11243446
yuri is in trouble
Obesity for an elf is fat tits.
>I hate to say it bros
Why? Everyone here likes her except the AV-fags (if there's even more than 1 of them)
I've been a loyal Funou supremicist since day 1. I like my ara ara shy milfs who think they're too old to find love again.
However, a mekakure neet elf is making me question my Funou faith.
We need more elves with super voluptuous bodies and a small penis.
We need more elves with super voluptuous bodies and a huge penis.
I like her design but I'm not sure about her first contact with Yuri already leading to sex. Sure Kasei was there in the past but she never even had an actual conversation with Yuri yet here she is fucking her. Honestly at this point Kawakami should just adopt the cracktheory of Yuri being a succubus, it's the only way to justify this situation.
#1. Theres no sex. Itsj ust a blowie and lactation.
#2. Yuri knows Kasei through Tansho.
#3. They go to the same school.
#4. Fuck you shes hot.
Yuri has already accepted she's a slut for futa elves, of course she'll put out much faster than before.
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He jumped that shark with Yuri a long time ago. She isn't scared to pursue sex anymore, and the elves obviously are down all the time. We're way past the shy Yuri and gradual romance stage of this doujin.
>Kasei's room is full of human women porn
Also I swear they are two of these are bigger than funou
>Yuri is a human with an elf fetish
>Kasei is an elf with a human fetish
I like where this is going.
>draw highly detailed full images
>for posters in the background of one panel
Is artistic autism?
Also he has two more to do
welcome to kawakami, enjoy your stay
be glad you werent here during the hotspring double spread redraw that took months
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Hes drawing an actual succubus, this is basically foreshadowing for the reveal, Yuri=succubus lineage confirmed.
I'm out of the loop here, given that I'm seeing tons of drafts of Kasei chan, does it mean the AV chapter is nearly over? Or both characters are going to get spicy scenes in the same chapter?
AV chapter came out two weeks ago
Wait seriously?? God dammit kek, the rock I was sleeping under must've been comfier than Tansho's giant balls.
>That page of AV's asshole with her magnum dong pulsating
muh DIK
I think these might be drawings in universes rather than "real" posters. Kasei is a manga nerd.
So still no confirmation that succubi exist in their world? Still calling it, fan theory will be right.

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