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A thread dedicated to sharing pictures, stories and advice about anal masturbation and sex.
The more pictures, the better!

>Question of the day
How has anal changed your daily life? Do you find yourself better off after discovering anal?

Previous thread >>11194380
>FAQ -Please read before posting!

>Regdude's Technical guide to anal (very detailed, recommended to all butt sluts)

>Panty's Guide to Anal Training & Blowjobs

>SurfboardPotato's Guide to Prostate Play

>What's the lighter test?
It's a way to know if your chinesium toy is in fact silicone. Follow this guide:

>Anon’s Guide to Knotting

>Say hello

>Sock & Condom Stretching

>Anon does the math with J-Lube

>JLube Testing by /ftt/ ScienceAnon

>Cleaning techniques and alternative methods


>Slim Shell Mold Making Tutorial (DIY Dildos)
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Anons with experience fucking with a real dick, how long can your top fuck you and how many times? Will it be possible to cum from fucking with a real dick if I can cum from a dildo?
(I failed to notice the new thread)
>red and green generally represent left/right and up/down lighting information, the blue channel is height
This might have been the info I was missing. I've only ever messed around with basic blender stuff so I only had a vague idea what I was doing last time I attempted this. Now I have a vague idea and a couple more hints. Might open blender for the first time in six months and try again, lol.
For anyone who would like to mess around with the models and maybe take a stab at this detail problem, here's all the model data from BD's site as of the last time I scraped it in January 2022: https://files.catbox.moe/ljpbqd.7z
What are some good squeeze bottles to make and store lube in?

Also I remember seeing a guide posted here a while back about using magic shave powder to remove hair in difficult locations. Does anyone still have it?
Any innocuous household lubricants? Is olive oil decent? Clarified butter/ghee?
Olive oil should be fine, I can personally vouch for coconut oil.
Condiment squeeze bottles.
though I will caution you that this is only really viable if your pubes are on the finer/thinner side (as in, the individual hairs, not the total amount of hair). Mine aren't even particularly thick and leaving the paste on long enough to remove them all is not really viable. You don't want chemical burns on your junk. Even mild "oops I left the paste on for a minute too long" ones are extremely unpleasant. I've given up using it for pubes and gone back to the electric shaver.
Works a treat for leg hair, on the other hand.
Coconut oil. It's not fantastic but it technically works.
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I have feminization/crossdressing fetish (not to be confused with transgenderism as I acknowledge that there's no way one can become a woman), and anal play is the extension of it, as it's the closest I can get to experiencing female pleasure during sex. Plus anal itself pushes me towards taking care of myself systematically, thus being more girly.
You already got an answer last thread
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Yep, but only from one anon. Maybe there are different opinions
>How has anal changed your daily life? Do you find yourself better off after discovering anal?
Technically better? But it's not like anal saved my life or something. In general I eat better to keep things clean, I'm more mindful of my self care/hygiene in general because I just want everything down there to be as clean as possible, and I want to be an attractive bottom. Anal sex is infinitely better so I guess you could say I'm better off in that regard, if I was trying to top I'd be miserable.
>Wake up in the middle of the night really horny for no reason
>Stick thumb in ass and rub prostate
>Almost cum
>Slowly wake up and become less horny
>Stop and go back to sleep
I don't know if this happens to you guys as well, but it happens pretty regularly to me. I just wake up and immediately start fingering myself..
if it's been a few days+ since I did anything to my butt I get the same thing. I'll be in that half sleep twilight and get it, or like you said waking up in the middle of the night. i keep a few toys in my nightstand so if I'm lucid enough i reach over and pop a plug in and fall back asleep. i think it's just a sign you're a butt slut, why else would it be wanting to get filled so bad it wakes you up at night? im proud of it desu
Yeah it seems dangerous because I just have no inhibitions when it happens. I remember once when I lived in a place where my curtains were right next to my bed I just pulled them open and did it facing the glass door until I realised what a bad idea that was.
>Bought a horse cock from a local store to avoid import issues
>Just got tracking number
>It's coming from a different country
Goddammit. Very excited to get a note from customs telling me they opened and looked at my horse cock.
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Oh great another one. Look, nobody gives a shit about you shoving stuff up your ass. I ordered my horse cock from a local Amazon analogue that has postal offices for convenience (Idk how the actual Amazon looks like), and it was handed to me by a middle-aged man who worked there, in a box and shit, but still. The way it worked for me is that they can't see the contents of 18+ packaged for discretion purposes. Also ordered a bunch of shit ranging from high heel shoes to stockings and nipple clamps, and no one chased me on the streets yelling "LOOK AT THIS SISSY BITCH, WHAT A FAG".
yall act like these dildos get shipped in a box that says SHIP TO FAGGOT on it and it just rattles around in the box nonchalantly and every person who touches it is curious and investigating what could be in it. You're not that important. No one cares about your dildo.
>Look, nobody gives a shit about you shoving stuff up your ass
I'm glad I kept reading. I was about to ask you where you think you are. But you mean everyone else. Yeah, it'll be fine, honestly more concerned they'll just damage it or delay it. Was hoping to have it early next week.
Sometimes amazon and other seller don't ship them in discreet cardboard box packages. I've had a couple where they shipped in those plastic envelope things and you could clearly make out the shape of a mystery cylindrical object. Maybe civilians won't immediately figure out what's inside but your courier or post master handling thousands of parcels every day can probably take a guess what's inside - "yup delivering another dildo today lol". Are they going to harass and tease you over it? No, they're delivering these all the time, and don't care, but that's still embarrassing.
that's a lot of assumptions you're making. the only thing they're worried about is completing their manifest in time to not get chewed out by their shipping facility.
No, not for government couriers at least, I have family that's carrier couriers and this is just how it is for them. They will memorize your name and address since they have the same static routes for their entire carriers, and they definitely can tell whats inside a box. Again, they don't care but they'll still know. I can't vouch for private couriers like fedex or ups though so maybe you're right that they won't be as intimate.
>hottest toy
>has knot
>knot probably isn't as enjoyable in practice
>kinda hot
>flared seems kinda scary
>unflaared seems like a waste of money
>medial ring is probably better since I cum from thrusting
help me decide. also ideal size/firmness for both? I have a 7in dildo right now and when im really getting into it I find myself wanting more girth/depth but idk how much i can actually handle
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That stray shot about not being about to become a woman is highly suspect friend. If you're getting hung up on the definition of what a woman technically is, then you're literally just playing an autistic word game for midwits. Right now at the same time as you're saying that, there's millions of males who are self-describing as women, wearing womens clothes, socialising as women and in the vast majority of cases, being treated as women by polite society.

If you want to be a tranny then just fucking do it. If that's too scary and you'd rather just be repressed and miserable, then do that instead. In either case, shut the fuck up about it on my anal masturbation thread forever because literally nobody cares.
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Which horsecock?
That's a great question. I can't really remember. Was either called the Wild Savage Centaur or Wild Rebellious Clyde. Either way probably some Chineseum garbage that will kill me, but I was very horny.
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Bro I knew it was gonna strike at least one faggot nerve, YIKES!!!!!!!!!
>Right now at the same time as you're saying that, there's millions of males who are self-describing as women, wearing womens clothes, socialising as women and in the vast majority of cases, being treated as women by polite society.
They are just clotheted perverts who want to put their fetish on display but at the same time they don't want to acknowledge it as a fetish, so I'm just straight-forward about it unlike them. Also worth mentioning that they often don't put any effort into being woman, thus disrespecting the concept of womanhood and insulting cis-women.
And what do you think being a woman means?
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both of you shut the fuck up literally no one cares
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Had my aneros in for a few hours the other night. Felt some waves from it for the first time I think. Definitely felt a really warm sensation down there and a few jolts. I never ended up cumming after all that. Grabbed my wand and put it to the base and turned it on. Instantly the tip of my cock just went super tingly and almost numb feeling. After a few minutes of that I came in two strokes. Will have to try again when I’m not as tired and hopefully get a handsfree one.

What type of electric shaver? I’ve been wanting to get one for something quick solo play. The one I have now sucks for balls and stuff. Manacape is the only one I know because advertising. Seems gimmicky though.
I and at least a few other anons like the philips oneblade. It's been a pretty well-spent fifty bucks for me.
I don't wake up in the middle of the night to fuck myself, but I entirely relate to the feeling of being "horny tired" sometimes.
Weird hill to die on in a thread about putting shit in your ass. I agree with you, but who cares enough to bring it up unprompted? Just feels like you're trying to convince yourself when you bring it up yourself.
Does anyone make a dildo with a knot that isnt pretty much at the base? I love a good knot but id like to more use out of it
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how does one get p-waves consistently?
Fuck off back to tumblr. Nobody is interesting in your preaching about how biology is a social construct and a mentally ill man in a dress is actually a woman.
>itching wet rash on my ass; have eczema elsewhere and suspect this is the same
Wanted to stuff my butt but now I have to butt in to get the doc to check my butt out. Ugh.
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>Sometimes amazon and other seller don't ship them in discreet cardboard box packages
this literally happened to me yesterday

>want to buy a few plugs and a wand from amazon
>read that it will be discreetely shipped as long as i mark it as a gift
>decide to order it with a few other non-sexual things
>fast foward to yesterday
>dad hands me a package from the door
>mfw 'sexual stimulation device' is written right on the bottom of the amazon package box
thank you amazon, very cool!
likely fungus. Keep it as dry as you can until you can get to a doctor. Like, dry with a hairdryer after a shower type of dry.
I almost never masturbate (outside of a session), down from about once a day previously. I feel like I'm generally more aware of my body. I eat better now.
I've actually been experimenting with anal for the better part of 15 years, since I was in my early teens. The positives only really kicked in when I tried anal on an edible earlier last year and really understood what was going on with my prostate for the first time. I came so hard that I basically went "oh alright, why would I ever bother cranking one out the normal way after this?"
Ironically this also led to the downside of doing edibles too often, when as a rule I've always avoided forming habits like that. I have since gotten THAT under control, after abstaining from them during November and sort of re-setting my relationship with that particular substance.
>dad hands me a package from the door
Have you tried *not* living with your parents?
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also i forgot to answer the qotd
>How has anal changed your daily life? Do you find yourself better off after discovering anal?
i think im better off desu. it's encouraged me to start going to the gym to put on size, i've started eating better and begun grooming myself properly. of course the orgasms are a nice bonus lol

also somewhat related to this, i've just got a hard wax heater a few days ago which is really handy for getting rid of unwanted hair, so far i've done my stomach and nipple hair which i always found unappealing

>Have you tried *not* living with your parents?
in this economy??? im only 19 goddamn it!
Tell us about the facial expression your dad had while handing it to you.
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desu i dont think he actually noticed it, i was with him at the door when it arrived. he saw there was 2 packages for me (one was just skincare stuff) so he just picked them up and gave them to me. it was in small writing near the bottom of the invoice, and his eyesight isn't great.

still incredibly devious of amazon to do that, at least it didn't mention anal lol. i just hope whoever delivered it doesn't say anything about me
He was probably at the door worried it was his dildo arriving and didn't want you to see it.
Lel no, biology > your mental retardation
Anon never heard of chromosomes kek
>Only 19

Skill issue
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I'd say a M/M unflared chance is probably the best option. The 10 inches of insertable length sounds intimidating but it's not super girthy so you should be able to work up to it without too much issue. I'd also recommend getting one with a cumtube so you can get lube deep in your ass.
I know you've got extras to spare
>Right now at the same time as you're saying that, there's millions of males who are self-describing as women, wearing womens clothes, socialising as women and in the vast majority of cases, being treated as women by polite society.
Hell yes, fucking based.
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I want a really realistic one... What do you think of this one??
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first of all, this is a hentai image board, you should only be posting hentai here. Second, that material looks fucking awful, don't buy something so cheap you retard.
please enlighten me
Don't buy bizarro literally who brands off Amazon. Probably just don't buy sex toys on Amazon. Buy from a reputable web store that carries brands that use genuine silicone so you don't get ass cancer.
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What the fuck, Hismith.
Whereas you're clearly missing a few
What site are you getting ass fucked on the price
That's Hismith.com. It's the only place I saw that had that version. Amazon has suction cup adapters, but not that one with the rubber bands and (more importantly) the ridges on the back to hold those bands, to let you use non-suction toys as well.
Maybe I can get that ordinary adapter and 3d print a solution instead.
>magic hair powder
GTFO, smoothassbros on this general recommended sugaring and I am never going back. Sugaring kept my ass smooth and edible for a solid month, plus the regrowth has been softer and thinner. I think if I go back a few more times my crack may just stay permabald. Another plus was having a cute young lady lavish my cock balls and ass with professional attention, the small talk did not keep me from bricking up and leaking pre haha. Your mileage may vary on that last part if you're a single neckbeard though, I went with my gf and I'm chad-presenting so there wasn't any weird looks or vibe misalignment.
Definitely more hornier, but I've noticed that I also eat much better -- to not get messy doing my plays -- and also have started to workout more intensively -- to look good while I'm playing.

Also bought a new bigger toy, yay! :) Unfortunately I still have to wait it to arrive...
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off center prostate makes it feels as if it sits in my leg kek
anons give me your eating and pooping schedule
I eat once or twice a day, always high fiber and healthy meals and I usually poop out a decent stool every 2-3 days, after pooping i'm usually clear but for longer sessions i'll clean out some more just in case.
got a prescription for titty skittles.
how will this impact my anal legacy?
Damn lol, this is making me think I actually made the financially responsible decision building the OSSM.
Any adapter I make for it is about 75 cents in plastic.
Small breakfast, liquid lunch, normal dinner. Poop every day around 11am. I am in perfect control of my bowels.
back to your safe space pls, did you know that 4chan isn't for snowflakes? there is reddit for that
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>Question of the day
>How has anal changed your daily life? Do you find yourself better off after discovering anal?

Prostate play has replaced my daily fap. Instead of getting home from work and having a wank somewhere between then and bed time, instead I pop into the bedroom and give myself multiple prostate orgasms. Because it's so quick to do, I can literally rip out upwards of 5-6 orgasms in about 5 minutes, meaning I can fit a session in any time I like. Bus delayed by 10 minutes? Rip one out. Working from home and bored on break? Have a sesh. Can't get to sleep? A few orgasms always helps me fall asleep after

If I wanted a short wank it's generally dissatisfying for me. If I have a really good wank, it takes a long time - a good hour or two at times with edging. Because prostate play is so quick and works every time, I spend less time overall on wanking but can still get myself off at literally a moment's notice

Bonus I guess is that the increased fibre I eat to facilitate the daily anal play has also made me feel way healthier
Bowl of 'High Fibre All-Bran' Kellogs cereal with a little honey at about 7am most mornings (later on weekends) plus a large mug of coffee (instant, milk, one sugar). Poops triggered about 7:30am on the nose. Drop a very clean log that usually requires one wipe, often none (though I do always, I'm not a pajeet). Lunch is anywhere between 11:30 and 13:00 depending on schedule. Dinner is usually around 7pm. Lunch and dinner is whatever I want, sometimes good food and sometimes trash. Zero supplements. Zero pills or potions. Anal play and prostate orgasms daily with zero douching and zero mess
why unflared?
how did you learn this power, what do you do?
not that anon but I can pretty much do this as well. i havent fapped in a long time, no reason to. takes me a bit longer than 5 minutes since i douche, but once I'm on it's go time.
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Njoy wand does it for me. Lie on my back like picrel, insert the large head and just slowly and gently rub the head along the upper (stomach side) wall. Because I don't target the prostate specifically and just stimulate all the nerves along the wall as well as the prostate, I induce orgasm within 30 seconds to a minute. After the first few my nerves and prostate become sensitive enough to just have a continuous orgasm for as long as I'm rubbing until my hand gets sore or my brain tells me I've had enough of the good chemicals for a bit (wrong picrel supplied, deleted to supply correct one)
can we stop posting 3D on the hentai board kthx
Tell that to every dildoposter

Also no

Also fuck off
and the first time, did you just keep doing it until it happened? Did you like edge or anything? Or did you just do it consistantly?
not them but flared is somewhat unpractical to play with imo, takes a lot of extra stretching and prep work for every session. Depth training to get there is it's own hurdle as well, you'll want some specialized toys like slinks to practice that. You don't want to be a dumbass like me and just ram a flared in on a whim and hurt yourself.

I like knots, they're fun to finish with, popping one in for a quick session is nice. Though I think riding a larger toy like a horse is more enjoyable for a long session. I do like the medial ring on mine.
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Honestly it was all by accident. I got into the mood for some play and like always I couldn't make anything happen. I tried with my Njoy with seemed like it was getting close to something but I could never get over the hump. Then I watched some rando clip on PH of a woman using an Njoy (I was in the mood for female masturbation vids iirc) and saw she was taking it slow and gentle so got it into my mind to replicate it

Laid on my back like the pic I shared and just went at it slowly and gently and found a technique that worked for me so spent a week where I'd spend hours every day playing and having the most incredibly powerful orgasms, so much so that I had aftershocks for hours and even had full orgasms in the middle of the night while asleep. Then one day I wasn't getting anything out of it any more and things felt swollen in there, so took a break

Returned to it a few weeks later and either the technique I had stopped working or I had it wrong, but found this new technique where I roll the small head of the wand in my hand like a bike wheel/cog and it then makes the larger head roll over numerous points inside to make me orgasm but that introduces a lot of air into my ass so I fart a lot and get stomach cramps a few hours later. Then I found another technique like my original comment where I just gently rub the head up and down steadily along the upper wall

There's no edging or anything, just stick it in and go. Best advice is don't go fast or rough, don't try and find your prostate and target it, just stroke along the upper wall. Treat it like a g-spot, slow and soft. Also don't go deep, it's not necessary
Thank you anal papa
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as nice as that sounds i think i still prefer stretching my ass over bigger and bigger dildos for hours on end
>How has anal changed your daily life? Do you find yourself better off after discovering anal?
My orgasms are way better now, so I'd say yes.
I'll answer last thread's question too.
>What was the first thing that got you interested in anal? Was there a specific moment that got you curious to try?
I discovered Kink.com/DivineBitches as a wee lad on the internet.
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>first dual density dildo arriving in a couple of days
>cost a mere $55

I haven't been this excited in a long time, soon I will be able to throw away my $13 chink cancer stick from amazon
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The flare is wider than the medial ring or thickest point of the shaft. It's a unique feeling but going from a normal dildo to that, you're probably not going to get it in comfortably. In comparison the unflared has a head smaller than the medial ring so it's easy to get in and then gradually stretch out. If you had more toys to stretch out it beforehand it probably wouldn't be an issue but unless you plan on picking up some other toys I'd stick with the unflared.
>Bowl of 'High Fibre All-Bran' Kellogs cereal
i gotta try that one, i've tried the all-bran buds before which has psyllium but found it to be pretty meh compared to the original. but it's hard to find anything but the buds version near me now.
he's right you stupid fucking retard, this is a HENTAI board, this thread is for anal HENTAI. The anal-related conversation is secondary.
This is the stuff I eat, only the version without the almonds. Couldn't tell you how much fibre it has nor what percentage of your daily requirement it has, nor how well it compares to any supplements - but what I can tell you is that one bowl of it per day with a cup of coffee and you will be shitting at the same time daily and so cleanly you barely need to wipe

Calm down, son

Also continue to fuck off
No breakfast
No lunch
A coffee during the day
I cook a nice meal every night, half the time vegetarian
About a tablespoon of psyllium husk in two cups of water after dinner
Big poop every day after coffee, and that's it
It has been a long few weeks staying with family, but I'm pleased to report that I'll be home and back to self plapping tomorrow
Wish my sphincter luck
is this only for the days that you're gonna be playing or your regular schedule? how do you actually go with only a dinner every day?
ive been having the greatest time of my life sexually as of late with nipple play dry orgasms, medium nox anal orgasms in the shower, and njoy wanding my prostate in bed. usually a session goes in that order until i cant take anymore and either vibe my cage or unlock and jerk to cum.
the thing is though i think im chasing the dragon too hard on having a hfwo because i get frustrated and that leads to me feeling the need to finish somehow, and finishing with a vibrator or my hand isnt even giving me that much pleasure compared to all the stuff beforehand.
i dont like how i act when i dont cum regularly, especially if i do a session and dont cum, so i wish i could figure out how to hfwo. i wouldnt have to vibe my cage which im not that turned on by or unlock it which also takes away from my kink.
ive only milked my prostate once and that was from me mashing my prostate with an njoy on the toilet in an awkward position, it didnt even feel that amazing. ive never achieved hfwo. every time its tons of precum, tons of dry orgasms.
i think the reality for me right now at least is that i gotta stop fantasizing about ejaculating because from my experience up to this point its mostly killing the vibe.
same honestly, i keep trying for a hfo and just end up with nothing but frustration every time whereas before i would just have a great time pounding my ass for hours with no goal. i really should give up on it and learn to enjoy the moment again.
same, even ended up finding a guy who might want to make me his bitch once I'm back from vacation
can confirm, my coomer stuff is not the same as gender dysphorics and many of those (hopefully more in the future) can transition well enough to be indistinguishable from their cis counterparts and live a mostly normal life with less suffering
>i keep a few toys in my nightstand so if I'm lucid enough i reach over and pop a plug in and fall back asleep. i think it's just a sign you're a butt slut, why else would it be wanting to get filled so bad it wakes you up at night? im proud of it desu
Hot, I'll start doing that. What lube do you use, xlube will probably dry out and give me troubles when I wake up
true, it's probably who anon got their buttslut genes from
>wondering if it shaves smooth enough for my beard to not be prickly for a guy's pp
you'll probably become an even bigger butt slut
damnit looks like I'll be rebuying it
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Any anon going anal only for the entirety of 2025?...
I'm planning on getting the real deal for the first time in two weeks, and I can travel on weekends and wednesdays so if that breaks me in the right way, maybe with some chastity thrown in, I might end up doing only anal and oral from then on
Fucking based, wishing you the best anon, super jealous over here...
I found cereals and oatmeal didn't quite cut it because milk kinda counters the benefits of fibers...
Applesauce+psylium husk has been the best combo for me thus far.
is milk that bad? i drink protein milk for workouts every day, if i started taking psyllium husk would it still not be too clean because of the milk?
honestly finding other sluts to snowball with and lock eyes with as we're getting stretched is also a dream, I hope I find some in my country
Depends from person to person, personally I digest it well, ot doesn't cause any stomachache, but I want to be pristine for anal and milk, in my experience, counteracts psylium. Heard some people here not having this issue though.
how long does it usually take for the prostate to sensitize during a session?
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not really a goal of mine, but i already do anal way more than i fap. pulling a number out of my ass, it's like 5:1.

i do plan to spend even more time locked, which will probably increase that a bit.
i've already been doing it since april when i got my toys so yeah
Most likely. Not going to cage myself, so can't guarantee it, but nowadays fapping feels mediocre compared to good anal play.
coconut oil is great to have. its good for your skin too, and nails.
Also ive been using a diy lube recipe i found in one of the things in the OP for over a year now and it works good. Its this one:
>1 teaspoon of vegetable glycerin, 1/8th teaspoon of xanthan gum and 4 teaspoons of water. mix glycerin and xantham togeather first, then add water. its good for a day or two
This is good because xantham gum is used for baking and vegitable glycerin is also used for cooking as well as skin care. It was also cheaper than the pre-made lubes last i checked but im sure those veterinary lubes in bulk are still king.

Each has upsides and downsides.
Coconut oil is easy to use, and can be chilled solid so you can chip off chunks and pop them in for self lubrication. Its downside is it doesnt work as well at high speeds.
The diy mixture is really nice water based lube that cleans up really fast and easy and is great at faster speeds, but it likes you to stay in motion so everything stays coated well. Coating the toy in oil then using the water based is best of both worlds.
No that's the regular schedule, I find that I honestly don't even want to eat during the day, some days I get a bit hungry in the evening, but beauty is pain, thus I manage
This sounds good ill try to emulate you. Intermittent fasting is all the rage these days anyway probably this is good for metabolism or something
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>how will this impact my anal legacy?
If you like it now you'll probably still like it, maybe even more, but your libido in general will probably crash early on and slowly come back as your body adjusts. Technically, the prostate can shrink over time from androgen deprivation, but I dunno if that has a significant impact on sexual feeling if it already reached full development.
Progesterone seems to make people crave being fucked but it typically isn't added until a year or so in.
>try some of those videos with dildo instructions
>eventually get too horny to follow the beat and just fuck myself hard and fast
>cum really, really hard
>not sure if this is a success or a failure
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I'm the same way, I eat one meal a day and I vastly prefer it. I think people eat too much in general which leads to a number of issues. It's difficult to get used to for a few days, you'll feel hungry, but once you get used to it you don't miss it. I actually feel like I have more energy and mental clarity.
41% chance you stop have anal orgasms forever
i dont use any when that happens, I'm quite literally half unconscious when it happens. I guess if I want it enough lube isn't necessary, which is ironic cause I typically over-lube if anything
bless up
I've already been on HRT for years, I simply went off it. I took prog :3
>literally nobody cares.
literaly false, see >>11201380
anon can crossdress and ride a dick whenever he feels like it and you still don't get to tell him what he ought to think he is. just go talk to your own doctor to advise you on what pills to sell you and stfu about your fickle identity here. I cared enough to write this.
I've had probably 20 different dildos.
That exact dildo is my favorite hands down.
The material is silicone, the slick texture is perfect, it's has a softer material on the outside and a denser material on the inside.

The only con is that it's a little long and harder for beginners to take the whole thing.

Buy it.
The XL is way too big for most people though, stick with the regular one.
These posts are uninformed at best or low iq at worst. Gender is a sociological construct that only tangentially relates to biology, and is not to be confused with sexual dysmorphia or any fetish (smaller circles within bigger circle); it is a framework of self-identification within a dynamic system. Furthermore, to suggest that one's self-identification can disrespect the collective identities of another group by not conforming to the default is a reactionary position.
I'm sorry your nuanced post fell flat. Pearls to swine.

I physically bought my first toy in a store today. If you can drive then just physically go there, walk in, and buy one so you have more control over hiding it later.
rewiring is such an odd process. when i started out i got a p-wave on day one. then on day three again and hoping to get them more often incorporated nipple play. then i suddenly was not able to feel my prostate without stiulating my nipples. took a whole month to overcome that one
>too horny to not cum
>too lazy to cage
>sometimes too lazy to prep
free me from this hell
>to suggest that one's self-identification can disrespect the collective identities of another group by not conforming to the default is a reactionary position.
ironic, considering the butt-hurt you both display over the other anon simply stating one of his reasons for not "becoming a woman". does the squeezing at least help you hfo?
look fellas, i respect your right to put on a dress and pretend to be a girl, but that aint me and it sure aint on topic for this thread
if you wanna talk about taking your retard pills, take it to >>>/lgbt/ otherwise keep it to butt stuff and butt stuff related images ITT
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Aiden Starr was a big influence on my budding sexuality
anal takes work anon
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I only ever go one round, and I don't know how long. Long enough. I almost never cum with a dildo, and cum once or twice being fucked. I think it helps that I'm in love.
I got used to it pretty fast, honestly it's just easier for me most of the time
afaik the jury is still out on some of the benefits of intermittent fasting, although there is some evidence that it's kinda good for you. What is certain is that it's an extremely simple and easy form of calorie restriction, which is primarily why I do it
And like this anon said >>11202864 I actually feel better when I eat less anyway, works on my machine at least, but ymmv
Aiden Starr is a GOAT. And early days Madeline, she was the Prostate Milking Queen.
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So, I kinda made a replica of this 3 stage inflatable plug
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Each air chamber can be controlled separately
Based on this old comic
Extremely based, has it gone up your ass yet?
Also are you the pneumatic soft-robotics tentacle anon?
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>accidentally have a 3 hour anal session
>forgot to eat dinner
>now im spent and starving
>everything is closed
>but beauty is pain, thus I manage
I admire you
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No and no, I took a haemorrhoids surgery and has been recovering since, but I've sold around 300 of a couple versions of them for now
I wish I had been born female desu
wow where are you selling these anon?
I don't
Yeah it would be easier to get laid, but literally everything else would be worse I think
It would be nice having a self lubricating orifice for penetration, and I guess this is more of a personal thing, but it would probably also mean I'd be shorter which would make finding someone taller than me easier.
>There was no significant association between lifetime RAI exposure and any medical diagnosis, except for anal fissures, which increased linearly with additional RAI exposure. Both sexual satisfaction and mental health symptoms improved with RAI exposure.
i mean ig it's finally time to admit to being bisexual and see if getting dicked will fix me
it will
>ass has been screaming for attention this entire week
>parents are home 24/7
just wish they did a small visit to family or something.
Should i just do it while they are home?
Last time i was too horny and did it, my mom entered my room. i was only warming up with my plug so i could just sit down on it when i heard her coming upstairs (this did make me cum a bit from the sudden excitement, so also had to clean my sweater).
would be a lot harder to hide with my dildo (might not even hear with hmv blasting my ears)...
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maybe I'll throw in a few extra kinks, I still need to check chastegen and try that stuff, idk if that will make things better or not
i finally decided i'm gonna risk ruining my life by getting caught and order a buttplug, maybe other stuff in the future. i just need it i can't go any longer. wish me luck bros. i'm also open to suggestions on what kinda plug i should get.
Post where to buy so I can sue you later for getting ass cancer from this 3d printed elements
where to buy p*ppers in the US?
It won't, but it's a really good time nonetheless
How to get on the fast track to becoming an anal addict?
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Going to have a threesome with two big dicks using me like a slut tonight. Can't wait :)
Nah You won't, the parts that touches the anus is all warped in food grade silicon, the internal structure is made with food grade petg as well

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