You guys are fucking weird, and it intrigues me. One of my fetishes is knowledge. Learning turns me on like nothing else.So, I implore you to please explain your fetishes to me. Why does it turn you on? What aspect of it gets you aroused? The more details the better.I'll start, I really love consensual guro, specifically women begging to be taken apart without anesthesia. I find the concept of subs actually wanting agony and seeing their body disassembled ridiculously attractive.Please, teach me of your fetishes. The more details, the better.
>>11206364>You guys are fucking weird>I really love consensual gurolmao
>>11206373I never claimed I wasn't weird.I outright stated I have a fetish for learning new things.
>>11206364OK anon, I don't usually do this to people who ask questions but...Please, you first. YOU are an outlier even here. Do you have any idea why?Now you say you like learning stuff so I'll explain how I like to examine other people's fetishes. It's honestly part of why I frequent /d/. That, and I'm into some /d/ tier shit myself, of course.A lot of fetishes, to my mind, can be boiled down to two broad things.>Characteristics humans associate with sex being viewed or emphasised in some specific way>Some exchange of power or unusual power dynamicboth can often be present. Let's take breast expansion. Boobs are a human sexual characteristic. Someone having larger ones, or having them actively grow, can be a sign of increased sexual availability, sexual desire, etc. Not to say I believe that "bigger tits = more sexy" in all cases (I'm a "no more than a handful" man myself), this is just an example that is easy to discuss.But you ALSO have the social power dynamics that come with it. You ALSO have the potential for gain or loss of "control of the self". If the expansion is willing, the subject is gaining power over others by having bigger tits. If the expansion is unwilling, whoever triggered it (genie, scientist, witch, whatever) is transactionally gaining power over the victim, who is "gaining" the big tits and losing bodily autonomy.That's the thing I think /d/ doesn't actively discuss enough - "how does your fetish interact with bodily autonomy?". There are a lot of places where characters in /d/ porn are gaining or losing power over themselves, in ways less obvious than simply telling someone else what to do or being told what to do.and because this is an imageboard, here's an image: >Skinsuiting, which is an extreme take on robbing someone else of bodily autonomy and gaining power over them, by literally turning their body into a costume you wear, either for sex or for other pleasures.Hope this can be a fun discussion.
>>11206364>One of my fetishes is knowledge. Learning turns me on like nothing else.You sick fuck.On a more serious note, I feel like I've heard of this one before but I can't remember which board I heard it on. I wonder if it was you.Anyways, the most oddball fetish I have is probably bondage/imprisonment using bubbles (and other similar things). It's kind of hard to explain exactly why I find it so appealing, I guess they're just really shiny and soft and the idea of being held captive inside of something like that with no hope of escape is very appealing. Bubbles that float are hot because you'd be totally helpless until someone got you down. so are bubbles that don't float because even if you're able to roll around in one you're totally sealed off from the outside world while inside of it. Small bubbles would be more restrictive, larger bubbles would be more comfortable for longer term confinement, etc.I also like the idea of smaller bubbles being used as restraints, like arms or legs being pinned together by a smaller bubble, or a pair of bubbles being used as bondage mitts. My favorite scenarios are ones that feature an excessive/overzealous use of them, like someone who's had their upper and lower halves put into separate bubbles while also being completely inside of a third, larger bubble. I suppose the appeal is similar to how a lot of extreme bondage will have someone be bound with multiple layers of straps and latex when one layer probably would have done the job.
>>11206364I've been going around all the hentai boards and barging into every absurd fetish general and posting OC for them. We started at /brap/, then we went to /spanking/, tonight i'm going to do something for /guro/ on /trash/. I like the work! I could draw pretty much anything...
>>11206453>>11206511Fantastic! I thank you both very much.I guess I should explain my thing for consensual guro, huh? It really plays into power dynamics as well as an intimate relationship with pain. I live vicariously through others' suffering since I've experienced it myself and crave it. I just can't afford to ruin my body and feel that sort of divine pain. Like, you ever have a tooth ache? You ever focus so intensely on it that it starts to feel like how "sweet" tastes? That's what I like. The entire world is gone and all I have on my mind is that agonizing sensation. It's godly, like I'm managing to experience what it is to be a higher being, as brief as it lasts.So, I like when other people feel the same. When they beg for such an experience, and I'm willing to provide it for them. But aside from the pain, I have a fascination with the human body. How its built, how it functions. It's absolutely intriguing and I want to explore it's inner workings.So, if someone asks me to take them apart? I'm game. Quite the blessing they grant me in that scenario.
Oh yeah, also this is mai waifu.
>>11206539You're doing God's work, Anon.What are your rates for commission?
>>11206610nice. >>11206453 here.As a certified monstergirl enthusiast who likes the crazy/inhuman thought/morality line of thinking that comes with "monstergirl worldbuilding", fran madaraki is a good waifu.Heres' an example of the non-gore stuff she's good for.honestly the idea of a hot-swappable body that can do all sorts for pleasure is neat. A partner who literally changes to do things you want or to look how you want, for your pleasure, is a great bit of hotness.that has led me to some interesting lines of thought that aren't really "/d/" material because they're not sexual, but are more like "what'd it do to the world, if things were really fucked up?">if humans could store, swap, and share body parts and functions, what would that do to society?>in today's society, you'd have apps like uber turning bodily function into a gig economy, which is fascinating black mirror sci-fi but not really /d/ suitable discussion.>>11206539As anon said, you are doing god's work. The drive-by drawfag is my favourite kind of drawfag on the site. Drawthreads often turn into a few people yelling their mountain of requests at tired drawfags, while the drive-by delivery is just fun for everyone involved, no strings attached and no expectation that it *would* happen.
>>11206677>>11206610>picFran is best shonen horror
>>11206610How the fuck do we not have a Franken Fran anime yet?
>>11206364>FutaI usually can't register a vagina as a genital. To me, a vagina symbolizes the lack of genitals altogether, making women's crotches normally look bare and "lacking." (It doesn't help that most artists have no idea how to draw a good vagina and that real-life vaginas look disgusting.) Adding a penis fixes that. It also makes it obvious when a girl is aroused and gives you something to hold / jerk off while mating with her. I like the idea of a girl cumming, as well. I'm not at all interested in futa-on-male - it's too gay to me. I prefer when the futa is a woman and takes a woman's role.I should note that my appeal of futa completely breaks when a vagina is present along with the penis. Not because of the reasons I just described for why I usually dislike vaginas, but because there's no way a vagina and a penis can coexist in the same area on the human body. (It's kind of ironic how my suspension of disbelief doesn't allow for something so seemingly inconsequential.)>FacesittingI find a woman's crotch and butt erotic, and I want to be swallowed up in them. Not in a vore kind of way - I just want my face to be pressed against and wrapped in them.>Armpit and pubic hairI have these fetishes for two reasons.The first is that I dislike when armpit hair and pubes are shaved. To me, a girl with wild pubes and pit hair is a girl who is confident enough to stand up to society's expectations about grooming. This especially applies to pubic hair, the shaving of which has been pushed by Jews via porn, so a girl who doesn't shave her pubes is, to me, resistant to porn culture. It also indicates that she hasn't been sleeping around, since there's a high likelihood that her would-be partner would expect her to conform to modern grooming standards. So, in short, innocence.The second reason is that body hair is a natural indicator of sexual maturity, and it makes girls look wild and primal to me, with their hairiest parts screaming for attention.
>>11206785 (Me)>Licking / suckingAnilingus, cunnilingus, armpit licking, navel licking, neck licking, breast sucking, fellatio (if it's a futa). I like imagining myself licking and sucking parts of girls that are sensitive and imagining how she reacts in response.>MidriffThis fetish is conditional for me. If the girl is a little pudgy or if she has toned abs, her midriff can turn me on. Otherwise, if her midriff lacks definition, it does nothing for me. Also, the girl must have a thin waist / hourglass figure. I don't really know why I have this fetish.>BackThe backside of a woman. This is another conditional fetish: if her back has no definition, I can't get turned on. I also don't know why I have this fetish.>LactationBreasts were meant to lactate, so those that don't are considered immature / incomplete in my mind. (I'm aware that this is an unscientific perspective, but fetishes are hardly logical.) I think lactation can improve any art involving the stimulation of a woman's breasts, especially breast sucking. I also like the idea of tasting something so intimate belonging to the girl I love.>AnalThe anus is a very sensitive part of the human body, and as I have mentioned before, such areas erotically appealing to me. As a man, I'm well aware of the sensitivity of this area, and I believe that plays a big part in the appeal. (Mind you, but I don't want my own booty to be diddled.) It's also vulnerable, intimate, shameful, and penetrating it is taboo. All of these factors make me want to be inside it.>LolisSize difference is erotic. Being able to pick up, carry around, playfully toss around, and use a girl as a living onahole is incredibly hot. The appeal diminishes when the girl looks too childish (like you can tell the artist referenced real "content" when drawing the picture) so I'm thankful most artists just draw them as petite, sexually-mature women.
>>11206765wtf is that from
>>11206842Franken Fran, of course! That's my sister in law, she's pretty badass, huh?
>>11206364cumflation (not hyper), whether through one time or repeated use, but by the same dudeon one side it objectifies the woman as 'the place to dump your semen in' and her body conforming to it by stretching her belly beyond her limit to accomodate it, but also shows how good she feels to fuck, how much cum she can milk out and in some cases 'shes so desirable i want to fill her over and over again with little to no breaks'sub segment for tentacles and similar, girl is being repurposed into a barrel for storing eggs and fluid and the monster doesnt care about her intended capacity, just about fitting as much as they can
>>11206364>>11206677My oddly specific one in a similar vein is fucking monster girl eggs. Not fucking monster girls that lay eggs, but fucking their gravid bodies and jacking myself off with their eggs, fertilizing them manually, and then watching them shit out their children fertilized by my thick creampie. Oddly specific I know, not really much art exists for it.
My fetish is hyper wombs.I like hyper stuff in general, and there happens to be extremely little hyper womb content, so it's novel from how rare it is.The thought of playing with a hyper womb is lewd, I like the thought of grabbing a woman's ovaries and squeezing them, and for her to arch her back, throw back her head and let out a moan as she forcibly ovulates with oversized eggs.A woman with a hyper womb would probably have a shockingly feminine body as well. Huge breasts, broad hips, thick ass, tons of estrogen. I'm also into venuses, so I typically associate venus bodies with big wombs and vice versa.I think the artist Rebis may have given me the fetish in the first place. He doesn't draw hyper wombs outright, but he draws women with protruding lower abdominal muscles that look like the bulge of a thick womb.
>>11206364It's not the most degenerate fetish I have, but I feel like it's the one I almost never see art of: Microphilia where it focuses on the tiny person in some predicament (Story that went with the pic was about someone slowly pushing the tiny into an already chewed gum).I fucking love imagining predicaments and bondage means for tiny characters, using only basic house stuff like tape, glue, strings, paper clips... But everytime I see micro stuff, it focuses on the taller character's crushing them, shoving them inside them inside their panties or holes, etc... I look for micro stuff hoping to see stuff centered around the small character, not the tall one.I think part of what makes me hard in that is the creativity and how mundane objects can turn into devious contraptions for someone so small. I'm not into snuff, it's the sadism part of it that makes me hard: you might be in some predicament right now, but it might change the next day to become something even worse, and you can't know if there's a end in sight since you're too small to have any kind of agency.
Core thread?
I really really like pregnant bellies. Reasonable ones that aren't hyperpreg or ready-to-pop I mean. Pregnant sex is my prime overarching fetish. I don't like erotic birth of humanoid babies though, or anything with eyes really. Likewise for unbirth.I do however love tentacle birth. Tentacle sex is also good but I actually prefer humanoid sex, as it feels more of an intimate coupling of the masculine with the feminine.So what I really like is for a tentacle swarm to transfrom into a handsome, masculine, ikemen form. Though for completely straight reasons. Seeing a woman shiver before the allure of handsome masculinity gets me particularly diamondsThat way I can get my tentacle birth, with humanoid sex. With a side of tentacle sexI typically hate vore and unbirth but actually REALLY like the thought of this unbirth-esque concept I came up with called "Self Genesis". When you orgasm inside a girl your whole body melts down into a semen-slime and compresses into a single spermatazoid after it rushes into the girl. It carries your consciousness and powers and you can telepathically communicate with your "Motherwife" while inside her womb while pulsating with masculine virile power that she can feel. And it's VERY comfy in thereThe compression rate would be immense as I don't like inflation except for the very slight kindAfter birth as a tentacle(s) you can morph right back into a man and do it all over again.I like Futa but only of the temporary ball-less sort. I "came up" with a novel concept of it too: semen transfer. The futa of this variant can't produce semen of her own and instead her womb takes in the semen of a man and stores it, then can ejaculate it back out (and casts magical boons on it or whatever) into a girl. I don't understand why Male on Futa on Female isn't much more popular.This pairs well with Self Genesis as the futa would be able to feel that aforementioned masculine energy as it passes through her dick and into the girl.Very hot[p1/2]
>>11207503My tastes are otherwise all pretty mild. /h/ with a splash of /d/ I call it. To list them:-Shapely pregnant bellies that aren't distended are a must. Nor balloon shaped. The bellies must accentuate the curves.-Loli good but toddlercon and borderline toddlercon bad. Lolis should have slight curves. No hips at all suck. Heavily artstyle dependent.-I oscillate between hankering for loli and hankering for long-legged babes with great curves. Equal preference. JK=JC>JD>>JS. JS CAN be made to work, but it's artstyle dependent.-Thicc is ok but don't overdo it, same with Sticc, same with muscles. Lean and lithe is always welcome.-I don't like pregnant girls to put on weight of any kind outside of the bellies and especially not be subjected to body deformation, even breast expansion. A girl's given size/breast size is part of her aesthetic. Amenable somewhat, for lactation.-Preferably no pregnancy-browned nipples nor large areolae. Easily tolerated though.-No nipple fucking. Thin tentacles inserted to get the mammary glands working are ok.-Dislike anal-only but DP is ok. Anal is only an afterthought that may enhance vaginal sex.-Futa must be buried in another girl, not getting sucked off by a tentacle or using a sextoy.-I don't think I like a girl to be futa and pregnant at the same time but amenable somewhat. I think I've just been burned by bad art doing it. It's amenable mostly because this idea under discussion could leverage it. Idk how I feel about it.-Corruption cannot be of the total mind control/hypnosis sort. Or of the infected sort. Simple corrupted-by-the-pleasure is much preferable.-Tattoos are fine if they are the temporary magical sort but I for whatever reason am severely turned off by body writing. Tallys and whatnot.-Chiseled ikemen are preferable to ugly bastards. This includes monsters. Even tentacle nests shouldn't be pustulous masses.[2/2]
Here’s a quick rundown on my main ones:>FeetMy feet are an erogenous zone, and always have been. Simple as. It is just how I am wired. Same thing with tickling, which goes hand in hand, its a physically erotic sensation for me. >FuckmonstersFor those not in the know, these are absurd creatures with ridiculous, oversexualized designs, like fuckplants, dorses, picrel, and the like. I imagine they would feel amazing to touch in so many different ways. These creatures that exist purely for the purpose of sexual gratification are like a swiss army knife of genitals, orifices, tits and asses. I imagine they exist in a constant state of pure orgasm. I wish they existed in real life and I had one as a pet.>Hyper genitalia, especially pussy/clitsBigger means more sensation and pleasure, again simple as. I am very particular about hyper pussies though, I dislike them when the clits are long, thin and pointy, the clits should be fat, wide, and more rounded, natural shape, with a thick, soft foreskin pulled back by its size. This is just my personal pet peeve as someone with a pussy. The long clits seem painful and uncomfortable to own. >Fur (not furries)I love the texture against my skin. This is especially good combined with tickling. A lot of the attractive women I knew growing up also wore a lot of furs in the winter, and it imprinted on me. Especially good when combined with bimbos. >GooningSometimes to relax, I lock myself in a room for a day or two, and do nothing but smoke weed, huff poppers, eat huge quantities of junk food and masturbate to as much porn as possible. It feels good not having to be a responsible adult for a while, and to let my physical desires run completely free. Its very relaxing and therapeutic.
>>11207014if you have any saved, please share anonthat seems so specific i refuse to believe its real
Alright, lemme run thru a few...>Round object fixationI don't know why, this is my most abstract kink. I really like when a girl embraces, straddles, bounces, grinds etc on a round, often spherical object and it eludes me why. I guess maybe it has to do with how aesthetically people find the most sexually appealing things to be round on shape? (like breasts or asses). This ends up extending to things like liking art of anal bead play, girls riding exercise balls suggestively, and even balloon straddling. Balloon Straddling is another weird one I like. Something about the soft, roundness of a balloon being pressed into by a sexy, curvy body just gets me going.>Doll humanoidsDolls are cute, doll joints are oddly sexy when on a hot character. My love for doll girls is kinda like my love for robot girls but trading the scifi for the supernatural, kinda intersects with monster girl stuff too, but most importantly: The idea of a dollmaker being enough of a pervert to create a doll woman with an intricate, lovingly crafted dress hiding an anatomically correct nude body with just as lovingly crafted genitals is incredibly hot (the dresses are also very important! It makes the girl look even prettier). As something that is created and loved carnally, it represents the eroticism of artistry and I love it.>AnalFor women I like it for it being the road less traveled, the pussy is there, but rebelliously turning a hole not meant for sex and essentially turning it into a pussy is wonderful. It requires a ton of prep work to get ready, and even depictions of the process of lubing up and loosening up are highly erotic, like this is more than a sex act; it's some epic ritual or some shit.
Too many to list here, and I honestly don't know what it is with most of them. So I'll go with two I can explain:Cannibalism and endosoma.They're weird and scary but also highly intimate. Consuming someone's flesh, or physically being inside their body, is the closest you can possibly get. I'm a based gurochad, and it's even more appealing when it's someone I love, but also I love them and don't want to just fuck them up for nothing.Also, both tie into other fetishes I have that I can't explain so well.
>>11206364Fetishes mostly form in two ways, association and misplacement. Association is the association of some specific stimuli with sexuality. This is the common case with people who have specific tastes in people based on their first partner, where the association with their first sexual experiences is strong, but can really be applied to anything.Misplacement is the more common form around here; it's misplacing one form of excitement for sexual excitement. Usually not a positive form of excitement --fear, disgust, and various forms of adrenaline dumping are pretty common.For me, diapers. I actually just have a medical issue that requires them fairly frequently, and being around diaper fetishists make me feel normal and nice and desired, so I gradually developed an attraction to diapers myself. Going from constantly afraid of having an accident and thinking where the nearest toilet is at all times, to being able to relax and not caring if an accident happens at all, is a pretty intense relief. Pissing your pants is a huge deal that can lose you a job, but pissing your diaper is a non-issue and basically expected of you if you're wearing one.
>>11207701have any sauce for that?
>>11207712It's safe to say most kinks come from trauma/developing fixations (like imagine your whole life you get one idea told to you over and over again you'd end up getting addicted to the constant, humans are creatures of habit) and general curiosity IE "what if that was possible and safe to do" though their still is the factor of "this is something most consider taboo" aspect which does play into things since humans are also contrarian to some degree.
>>11206364Princessification, typically making tomboys/unattractive/nerdy/plain girls into sweet beautiful cute girly girls who get put in elaborately detailed dresses, make up, big nice hair and then proceed to live a care free life being spoiled in a lavish mansion without a single worry or fantasy varies from time to time, sometimes the girl is tsundare, sometimes she's into it but shy, sometimes she absolutely loves the hell out of it, occasionally there's light bondage and silk gags but it's never to harm them or be cruel it's a form of comfort in a way sort a willing bondage where she's content to follow you with a rope you lead her and cuddle with you on the couch with happy mmph noises, sometimes I add hypnosis to the mix but just to make them feel all warm and fuzzy "bringing out something they wanted but couldn't" or just for relaxation happy trance, corsets are part of it, same with the silky soft materials/being something alien/taboo to them but in a good way, they can pick up girly hobbies like dolls/plush making or have something that contrasts it like basket ball while still wearing a formal gown and out playing everyone else, typically still being gentle, every movement precise and demur, calls me cute, maybe I dress like a prince (or princess but just so the girl can gush about what a cute boy I am with a teeny bit of cute teasing, not into any extreme sissy dom stuff), sometimes it's 1 girl or 2 but rarely I do think of a harem who want to smother my face in lots of kiss marks of various colors, also ABDL stuff but nothing extreme.I have some oddly gentle lovey dovey yet fetishy taboo tastes, it's odd.
>>11207713Sauce for what?
>>11207970for the type of fetish that anon described. like i meant did he have any porn or anything that involved his fetish
>>11207223is that some wonder bread/floor tile tier shit?
>>11207614pic related I should have specified this but its specifically amphibian or fish girls, because you're basically taking the process of external fertilization and mixing it with mammalian sex
>>11208252also my autism makes it so it combines with anatomically accurate cloacas, they rarely co occur in the same piece tho
Inflation is one of the few realistic fetishes in the world.
>>11208205"attractive woman in mortal peril" is more common than you'd think, the specific form of predicament bondage involving the demon core is probably pretty damn niche, though.
>>11208355>demon corenta but what are u referring to here
>>11206364There are two 'out-there' fetishes.>smothering/snuffOne of the few fetishes where I can pinpoint when it exactly awakened in me, and also it's the strongest feitsh I have rivaled only by bondage. I just find asphyxiation, especially any kind of smothering whenever it's with plastic bag, tape over the nose and mouth, or simply just holding a hand over the lower face especially arousing. If I'm having a hard time getting off, usually this type of stuff gets me going to completion. It's mainly the struggling for me. The victim desperately trying to stop their body from shutting down as they groan and moan into whatever or whoever is killing them. Especially with hand gagging. Their assailant holding them close in a sick version of a hug, while they suffocate. I like it long, with a few subtle groans here and there to really hammer in both the suffering and the lack of oxygen flowing in and out of em.>quicksandIdk why I like it sexually. I'm just interested in the final death plunge where a hapless girl's head sinks beneath the surface. Maybe it's about being overcome by a force of nature you can not beg or plead to.
>>11208478>smothering/snuffsend some of ur favorite sauce of this fetish anon
>>11208473An old stroy from the 50s that got really popular a couple years back when some youtuber made a mini doc about it. Then people began to meme it.
Group acts of degeneracy where they're all doing it, where one party acts like it's completely fine while the other party is mortified. Don't know what it's called...
>>11206364>consensual gurothat's my shit too, but usually I self-insert as the victim. you probably get the appeal if you're also into it, so I'll be brief: I just love being hurt and treated like a subhuman toy, and begging someone to torture you to death is probably the most pathetic and degrading thing you can do. bonus points if the snuffee cums during the deathblow.>>11208478based, good fuckin taste right there
>>11208485Alas, most of the material I consume of it is live-action stuff, as I have trouble finding that shit in the wild for some reason, booru sites aside. Seems that most asphyxiation related stuff in hentai is either strangling/choking or smothering inbetween the breasts or ass, which while still very hot doesn't get me as good as the stuff I described. So I turned to AI and pumped out some shitty gens of guys and gals being smothered.Although another reason I forgot to add is that concealed facial features are also kinda hot on their own, but paired with peril like this is so fucking good. Only being able to see the victim's whirlwind of emotions through their eyes, and watching them slowly becoming more dazed as they pass out? Chefs kiss.Vacbeds are another fetish I have, but drawings don't really do it justice for me so I solely jork it to irl stuff.
>>11208473Some physicist's braindead experimental setup to keep a nuclear bomb core from going critical by wedging a screwdriver between it and a beryllium sphere. I have to wonder if it became a meme in Japan because it happened in 1946 to a guy who'd worked on the Manhattan Project bombs, but that kind of absolutely idiocy by someone who should know better would probably be funny to anyone so maybe that's not the reason
>>11208951>concealed facial featuresBased. You like fully concealed faces too, or just nose+mouth? Personally I love the identity loss and dehumanization of a totally obscured face, or better yet, entire body.
>>11206364>another gurofagit's because i find it romantic. organs are something hidden inside someone, and it seems intimate being able to explore someone's inner workings. you can't get any closer to someone than touching their insides, or even drinking/eating them. but it's also about being able to quantify someone; to be able to take this beautiful person apart and see all their different parts, so you can almost say "this is who he really is, and only i've been able to see it". so the idea of someone being 'all mine' to explore and take apart as i wish. beyond that, i find people in distress or pain incredibly cute.when i'm imagining myself as the victim (of snuff), it's about giving myself up to someone entirely. making myself into a memory of theirs. it plays into the stuff i've outlined above, but just with myself on the receiving end (at least sometimes).i promise i'm not as psychotic as i sound.
>>11209040When it comes to suffocation, it's mostly just the nose+mouth. The fear is part of the draw to me, and I find that covering up the eyes dampens the emotions presented.I go buckwild for fully covered latex gimps, though. The anonymity and loss of identity can be a real good treat.
>>11208951>most of the material I consume of it is live-action stuffcan u link some of your favorite videos or sites of that fetish then? or would that go against the rules of this board
Non consensual surgery. Gots to be male on male or unknown gender on male, or else I won’t like it. I developed this by misplacing the shock I felt when seeing gore in movies when I was little with sexual gratification. I like it especially when the perpetrator is nice and gentle to the victim like“It’ll be fine, this will hurt a little but I’m not gonna kill you. Relax your body, and trust me.” Though I also enjoy it when the victim doesn’t trust the surgeon at all, and just screams in pain- oh, but the screams have to be muffled, or else it’ll bother me
>>11209356Unless linking fake snuff flies too close to the "no guro outside of /b/" rule I could prob shoot some stuff here.Linking every vid I got in my browser bookmarks would make this reply even longer than it's gonna be, so I'll just be general. Motherless is a very good site to look for that stuff. There were a few gems on Heavy-R but those videos got deleted and I haven't found them anywhere else. Cocoasoft was a studio(?) that stuffed cute asian girls in those vaccum-sealed bags that you use to compress folded clothes, sucked the air out the bag and filmed em' struggling till they went unconscious. They got a few vids floating around on extreme fetish sites. Occasionally a vid of theirs gets posted to normie sites as a shock vid.I still even get off to non-sexual depictions of asphyxiation, so movie/TV scenes are a treat. I found a VK Playlist that's just death scenes from media. there are other stuff I found on miscellaneous sites but I don't want to increase the chance of any jannies being on my ass.Hope my ramblings brought some satisfaction to your learning fetish desu
>>11206364Sexy ladies that double as walking bombs, complete with ticking timers or hissing fuses, counting down to a huge, orgasmic KABOOM. I love love LOVE the tension of that whole 'oh god she's gonna blow thing' The two best ways for the lady to act as she gets ready to blow up like the BOMB she is are either like, super horny and dommy about being ready to blow and take you with her, or just very nervous and trying to warn people off. My favorite place to self-insert into these fantasies is as a victim of a lady who's about to go off in my face.I also like it when the bombgals are truly, like, almost excessively voluptuous to fit all the BOOM, but that's secondary.
I have a bunch of weird ones but my most out there kink is showing off a friend of mine to random people and hearing what they'd do to her, the more fucked up or weird the better.
>>11206364On the topic of consensual guro, I remember reading an article about a white South African security guard who would take jobs in really sketchy districts in Johannesburg just so he could shoot and kill black dudes and claim self defense and the white cops would show up and take away the body. Anyway, a journalist found him living with his son or whatever and asked him what it was like to kill like a hundred guys and get away with it and the security guard was in a wheelchair and he said he had to get his leg amputated for some reason, and the doctor wanted to use a general anesthetic and he said no, that he wanted to watch his leg get sawed off, and the journalist said that the dude talked about it like it was a sexual experience.Anyway, to add something to the thread, I like it when girls get eaten by small animals like bugs and fish. Getting eaten by a lion or T-Rex or something does nothing for me, but a girl getting swarmed over by ants and having her flesh stripped away completely does it for me every time. I read a horror book recently where the bad guy is recounting the experience when he broke bad and it was when he and his sister where in an African country while their dad managed an emerald mine and mining explosives disturbed a colony of ants who surged over the mining camp and he had to watch his sister get devoured by ants. It was supposed to be horrifying but it turned me on, especially the part when the ants crawled into her mouth and she started chomping them before she died.
>>11206364>transformationidk where it started, just that anything remotely related to it in media etc gave me a powerful butterflies-in-stomach feeling as a kid. Part of the appeal for me was the drama of being forced to relate to and be seen by the world in a new way, but I think the core of it was/is the fantasy of escaping my body.My TF interests have gotten way weirder over time. Onaholes, pussies, flesh-monsters, lewd statues, the more degrading and physically restrictive the target form the better.>bondage & masochismMy dad had a length of rope and thought it'd be funny to hogtie me when I was around 10-ish and I was totally into it. He also tried spanking me around that time and never did again because I just asked for more/harder. Neither the bondage nor the masochism were really fetishes to start with, I reckon I'm just a natural adrenaline/endorphin junky, which naturally translated to sexuality when I started to get interested in that sort of stuff.>feetThis one I can confidently say is the internet's fault, so many poses in porn feature feet prominently that I got conditioned into it. The blossoming submissive part of my psyche did the rest of the work. To date one of my most vivid fantasies is being forced to clean my master/mistress's sweaty feet.Also if you haven't guessed I'm pretty autistic.
>>11211493To expound some on>transformationWhen I was like 5 I had a vivid dream in which I had the body of a Pokemon. You would probably expect it to be, like, Gardevoir or Lucario, but no, it was Linoon. Fucking Linoon. I'd first seen it on the card art, and it didn't really catch my interest at the time, but y'know how dreams are.So anyway, nothing really happened in the dream, just kind of sat around in a field, but it was super peaceful and felt amazing. I'm fairly certain this wasn't my first brush with TF, but the experience really stuck with me and probably knocked some screws much looser than they were before. I think it was around then that I went from being kinda weirdly interested to outright fixated. Lots of daydreaming, especially once I started reading novels.When I started to engage with porn, it didn't take long before I realized could easily get off to TF even with nothing explicitly sexual going on. Confusing orgasm highlight for that period is a certain 4-panel comic about a woman getting assimilated by a dragon to become its new heart as part of a 100-year replacement cycle. I went to look for it to post it here but couldn't find it.I'm trying to find a way to better articulate exactly what I find sexy about TF as opposed to why I think I became fixated on it to begin with, but it's just not that sort of fetish for me. I see the thing turn into the thing (or don't see, if it's implied) and get super horny like someone pressed a button in my brain. But of course it's even better when elements of my other kinks like submission, degradation, bondage, etc are involved.
>>11211493>the fantasy of escaping my bodyI feel you on that. I'm not a huge TFfag but I do have certain fantasies of it, or that run pretty adjacent. It's also a big part of my interests in sensory deprivation and total obscuration. I love dissociating myself from my body like that.
>>11206511Huh. Me too. I didn't think I would see another person specifically mention the bubble bondage/trapping fetish outside of deviantArt. I don't even see it in furry circles.Bubbles are such a benign, cutesy, non-threatening thing, so it's comical in a way for someone to become trapped in one. The transparency and tendency to rise, if someone nude is trapped, is also humiliating, as they float off and are put on display before they even realize what is happening. By a stupid bubble. Something often associated with kids toys or mundane tasks like washing oneself or dishes. I'm certain seeing it happen in cartoons I grew up with contributed to this interest of mine. I wonder if it's the same for others. I couldn't point to a specific cartoon, but I do think of a music video: think it also pairs well with slime, magic, micro, and rubber fetishes. I also appreciate the fact that they're associated with cleanliness, and typically have a colorful sheen.>shiny and soft>totally helpless>sealed off from the outside world>large/medium bubbles used as mobile trap rooms, small bubbles used as sticky restraints>multiple layersAlso things I enjoy about the fetish.
>>11206364I'm into extreme body modification and TF stuff, occasionally dipping into light guro territory, especially when the subjects are consenting, desiring, or otherwise happy about what's going on. I've been posting OC here occasionally for years, mostly in an effort to draw things nobody's ever drawn before.As for why? Turns out I was trans and projecting a lot of that into sexual interests since I had no other way to express it at the time. Trying to keep that locked away leads you to some weird places. Inb4 other anons tell me to die in a fire, but if you find yourself interested in that kind of stuff and don't have any obvious explanation, you might wanna do some soul searching.
>>11206364I had a dream where this blonde girl in grade school was nice to me when I was bullied really badly and i was neglected at home.I had a dream where I would wake up as her cat and she would take care of me and we would have a cozy life together. Now I am into tall women, facesitting, gts, and transformation.I am 6ft 2, fit and moderately successful now, so I always am dominate during sex but when i jerk off I regress to my sub degeneracy.
>>11211618cont again because I've got more time and I like writing about this stuff.>hypnosis, mind control, and corruptionThis one's somewhat conditional. What's important to me is the effect the control has on the subject's mind, and that they at some point submit internally such that the control becomes redundant. Therefore I tend to prefer 'soft' control along the lines of irl hypnosis or any other kind of limited, technically resistible control, but I can still enjoy 'hard' mind control like picrel if it hits the right notes. The idea of having someone or something reach inside you and pull out the most shameless, humiliatingly sexual version of yourself drives me wild, and it can be incorporated into just about anything.
>>11209538I love you
>>11211867> I always am dominate during sex but when i jerk off I regress to my sub degeneracyi hear this sometimes and i makes me sad. i want men to live out their sub fantasies irl .will women refuse to do this?
>>11206364I like detachable heads, not guro like OP, but more magic/cartoon-y. Heads can "pop" off or be cut off but the neck stump is always just covered in skin like pic related.Sometimes the girl controls her body but usually the headless body has a mind of its own. Bonus points for head and body being at odds with each other.I also really like the idea of being headless myself. One of my biggest fantasies is some headless dullahan woman beheading me and stealing my head to keep as her own decor while my headless body returns back home on his own. I've got lots and lots of weird fantasies around the idea and feel more hesitant about it than just headless girls but both are good stuff.
>>11206364You can't just sexualize an exploded nuclear reactor
>>11206364for me it's mainly wedding dress and humiliation/DIDso first of all wedding dresses, I think beauty, elegance, femininity just turns me on and wedding dress is embodiment of that, I really think it's the most beautiful and sexiest outfit out there. I want a bride that wears nothing but wedding dresses, forever, for eternity, willing or not.the second part is humiliation/DID simply put I just really like it when the girl is forced into situation she's not really into. The more embarrassed/humiliated/desperate she is, the more excited I am.By combining those two it's like princessification but I like the subject to be forced/unwilling, my favorite scenario is mostly forcing a character to wear a wedding dress unwillingly and force them into a wedding where they will become an obedient bride and wear the wedding dress forever (big bonus point). This is also where it's why a wedding dress, because a wedding is like sealing a relationship. The more unwilling they are to wear the dress or to be married, the hotter the scene for me. By this situation I can like other stuff that facilitate it, usually they are- bondage, to make sure the brides are on control unable to take off the dress- body control, prefered than mind control as I want them to feel embarassed- dollification/petrification and some other magical way to make the wedding dress permanent- transformation scene to contrast their before and after become brides- gender bender, imagine the brave and handsome hero turned into the enemy's beautiful bride- collection showcase where all the unwilling brides is displayed to people/publicthat's just my ideal tho, having either of the main two is pretty good for me, like vanilla sex while wearing wedding dress or just bridal attribute. Or any other outfit but the situation is making the girl embarrassed/desperate, like sometimes I enjoy forced bestial too because it makes the girl even more embarrassed not really about the animal
>>11212730Meant to reply to this in my post. It obviously depends on the person, but most girls prefer to be dominated. But I can speak from experience that I am very happy exploring the dominant side of my fetish with my partner and just fantasizing about the rest. Then again, none of my shit can happen IRL anyways, so its a lot of fantasy.
I like outfits that are like, thread small, basically naked but pretending that an outfit who's total coverage is less than a centimeter is perfectly fine. Other stuff included is like totally sheer clothes that need like 5 layers to even be visible or outfits that don't even cover a woman's backside, just hanging off their nips and staying on with a buttplug.but yea, anything with like microscopic minimal clothing and experimental stuff.
My fetishes either come from my personal philosophy or just direct result of my IRL traumas I activly want to relive.For the former:-PrimitivismIm not a anarcho-primitivist or whatever but I feel our modern world has grown increasingly disgusting in the constant search for perfect and platonic forms. I absolutely despise the porn industry and looking at most forms of IRL porn, I already fucked a girl with pretty obvious plastic surgery and constantly wanted to vomit. Sex is supposed to be the release of the human soul back to it's natural instincts, not something you can buy and pamper and cutify. I have a place out back by the highway near the end of my city I take girls to fuck in the woods with, it's heaven. I love woman who look natural, be it hairy, soggy, whatever the fuck but just have them in their natural and flawed state. Fucking by the sea water sounds fun too but I don't know where to try such things even with a prostitute. -BDSM and masochismI just feel like it's so beautiful, embracing pain and hurt so much you get a orgasm from it. That thought is poetic, charming, endearing and so on. I myself haven't managed to do much other than bondage in real life because I typically fuck like a animal and im very impulsively to carefully buy and make torture machines, suits and so on, but I love staring at these types of videos and admiring them as a form of performance art. Im specially fond of this character from a game called Fear and Hunger, Ron Chambara, who believed he could be the world's greatest poet by consistently torturing himself into pain, because art is derived from pain. If I do subject myself to this type of treatment, which I have tried and sadly failed, he would be something of a mold. Plenty of people have humiliated themselves over me in my life but I couldn't help but not get hard and just laugh because I see myself as a pathetic leech, some girls even called me a dog, but I like humiliating myself for mere crumbs of love. [1/2]
>>11213420As for the ladderI saw my mother overdose on cocaine when I was 15, I saw my ex girlfriend overdose on stomach medicine when I was 19. I genuinely loved her so fucking much, im a BPD lunatic and she was one too, she would induce me to activly rape her out of spite and anger. She begged me to hurt and kill her countless times but I couldnt do it by my own hands and she died like a dog. We even had plans to kill each other.Oh well, guess the necrophilia thing is in, more as a beautiful poetic allegory for constantly clinging onto lost love and also because dead girls can't say no. Dead girls are lovely, they are the perfect figment of my imagination and a manifestation of whatever I want them to be, of our fondest memories of all my ideals of her, and she's just standing there. I like letting my mind run rampant and tell me what to think of her.I have grown fond of fictional characters who look like my ex, I guess Dorothy from Big O and Veronica from Franken Fran (saw it mentioned earlier, fucking awesome piece of work) are close to what she looked like. That deadpan look with a absolutely foul mouth and short hair reminiscent of the 70s. I've grown particularly fond of The Doll from Bloodborne, the way she's the perfect comparison to the violent and grim Maria you meet at the hunter's nightmare, who's pretty hot herself, I love the way she just stands there almost dead except to tell you nice things and cry over small gifts. I don't know how much I wasted for prostitutes to dress like her and act like her, it's been so much, every girl I date I attempt to convince them into dressing the same way, liking the same things and getting the same haircut. Makes me and deadwife feel special im sure of it. I have wasted so many galoons to old pictures of her. I remember seeing her vomiting on the ground and her shitass pomeranian licking it, so fucking vile.I feel I explained pretty well the appeal of necro, sorry for the blogpost but I felt it was needed
>>11213424EXTRAPicrel's broad is pretty close to what she looked likeI feel I should add im into being called disgusting things like a dog, I have been called a dog so many times and it's so exciting every time a girl puts me down that way!Im not looking for a therapist or any mental help whatsoever, don't even try itBreeding seems like one of those kinks that seems more fun to observe. Quitw fond of monster breeding, where some attractive girl has her life ruined after being raped by some disgusting lake monster monstrosity and birthing a slug baby, something like that.I like findom but only in the sense of dating someone poorer than me and making them pay for dates and such, feels extremely humiliating for them and makes me cackle, I was born in a upper middle class family and my mom used to joke about paying the 19yo skinny, disgusting and brown maid to fuck me. Plenty of fetishes like raceplay or amputees do this for me as well, im not attracted to the ideas themselves but the thought of them makes me kek due to how humiliating it must be. Kicking and mistreating prostitutes is generally good too.I have a specific fetish for jews because I just really like smart and clever girls, which jewish ones usually are pretty above average, and the thought of being extremely dirty to one of them and getting her disowned after willingly defiling herself with a goy. All 3 of my actual relationships have been jewish girls and my first love was one too, I just love how their dads look at me with disdain, even flirted with one's mom once and she looked so disgusted.
Breeding, but like all aspects of it. The impregnation, the pregnant belly, the birth, the act of nursing. Honestly I think for me a few wires got crossed with the excitement of building a family. Like the idea of being so in love that you choose to impregnate this lady and the kind of joy and love drunk vibe of watching your wife grow with a coming child, watching her tits get bigger and her body soften up, you get so excited and love it so much you end up popping a boner lol. The pleasure and the orgasm is kind of like a celebration, an act of intimacy that makes the whole thing feel good - it doesn't really work for me if the media focuses too much on the sex acts themselves, all that is somewhat secondary. Something abt helping the girl through birth by giving her an orgasm so the process feels good really gets me, but that's just my headspace. Tldr I'm a huge sap
>>11211833>I don't even see it in furry circlesFunnily enough, up until now I've only seen one other anon who was into it and they posted a few pics in the pooltoy/synthetic threads on /trash/ a while ago. It is extremely rare to see it discussed at all outside of DA or occasionally furaffinity though, that much is certain.>The transparency and tendency to rise, if someone nude is trapped, is also humiliating, as they float off and are put on display before they even realize what is happeningEven if they're not nude, being essentially reduced to a floating decoration is really hot. Kinda like that fetish artwork where someone gets encased in solid resin but way less extreme. I also think it lends itself really well to a lot of lighthearted scenarios (no pun intended) just due to how inherently silly it is.>I'm certain seeing it happen in cartoons I grew up with contributed to this interest of mine.That's probably the case with me as well, I can point to a specific episode of a show that I remember piquing my interest at an extremely early age but it's literally a show catering to 4 year olds so I'd feel really dirty about posting a link in this thread. Also, I don't really know how much media as a whole influenced me having a fetish for it. It's a very ubiquitous trope in children's media, far more so than something like inflation or ABDL that also commonly have cartoons cited as a cause, but as a fetish it's extremely niche. If watching a show is all it took to get saddled with a fetish there's no way it would be relegated to the corners of DeviantArt. I feel like watching certain things as a kid just reveals things you already have an affinity for and possibly reinforces them. Or at least that's what it felt like in my case.
Like many others this isn't my main fetish as I'm more into hyper/size difference/expansion content but, this one I do go hard for.>GaslightingI love the idea of having power over my partner and forcing them to apologize and beg for forgiveness for acts they aren't responsible for or have no control over. Like pinching their sides or slapping them until they groan in pain and punishing them for it unless they apologize for it.Or for fantasy settings, hypnotizing a partner and giving them commands their body executes but they themselves are unaware of like snapping my fingers to make them burp after a meal and then forcing them to apologize to me for being a disgusting pig.The pure anxiety it creates for the person if they're unaware of it and constantly try to better themselves with no hope of actually achieving my demands turns me on so much. It's actual brainrot if I think about it for 2 seconds but, fuck! It's just so hot when I see it in fics. Bonus points if it's exaggurated to extremes or repeats multiple times of the course of a story.
>>11206364I have loads of fetishes, mostly all involving beasts and animals. Tentacles, insects, beasts, monsters, animals on people, male, female, trans, futa, whatever. All consensual and always involving some degree of breeding, impregnation, oviposition, egg laying, grub laying, etcMy greatest fantasy around this fetish involves a scenario where a new species of insect is found that eats garbage and produces waste that makes good grow fast and with high nutrients, it produces the strongest silk for clothes and construction, the carapace it sheds every year is clean burning for power and can be cheaply made into building materials. It produces secretions that cure everything from colds to cancer. It's truly the most wondrous discovery since penicillinIt seemed to show very little interest in its own species, only breeding once every few years and not in the numbers needed to be sustainable. When near humans, however, it enters a stage of heat that makes it very hard to control unless it's satisfied, and breeds in numbers far greater than with its own species. Imagine the shock and embarrassment when a horny teenager decided to let the bug mount her, only to find up being told by a doctor that she was filled with eggsIn time, one could walk into a clinic, sign a few forms, and find yourself up in stirrups with a horny bug lubricating your hole (and turns out both men and women were equally as suited), fill your senses with pheromones that made you horny and increased your pleasure, made you cum over and over again, before it fills you with its eggs, a thick batch of a semen-like goop that would sustain the eggs, and then plug your hole up with a hard, waxy substanceAfter a few weeks of feeling like you're on top of the world due to the chemicals in the goop giving you nice feel-good hormones, the eggs hatch and dozens of maggots eat away the waxy plug and you birth them back in the clinic, experiencing untoid pleasures the whole time
>robot girlsNot transformation fetish btw, just a girl out of fucking metal. Androids, automatons, robots, however you and others call em. Magical or logical, doesn't really matter, but i lean more towards sci-fi half of that. Don't really know whenever it's because of other party being almost perfect in every way, or the fact that robots are submissive by nature, but i loved them for my whole life and still do. Think it has started small, used to be really into cybernetics and other augmentations of human body (not for erotic purposes), read up everything related to latest developments in that field, aaaah, the innocence of the young and dumb... Some time during that period i discovered anime, 4chan, learned english to the degree of surfing non-native language web, etc etc, and just stumbled upon what now is one of my main fetishes. As i got older and more bitter, i see that I won't live long enough to witness humans not just partially repaired with janky prosthetics, but augmented to be better, i just stopped caring about that stuff altogether, but fondness for the steel ladies remains. Just a thought of an unconditional, pure love with a being smarter, stronger, faster than me is too sweet. Especially considering that while perfect, she depends on me for small repairs and other tasks she could easily manage herself. The more mechanical and non-human she looks, the better. Could draw a parallel with owning/repairing computers or cars i guess, except the machine calls you honey in return. The purr of cooling system, the heat from processing circuits, hydraulics sliding back and forth around lubricated ball joints, eye camera lenses refocusing, face being the only place artificial skin is used, neck and spine being complex arrays of hydraulics and straps and bars of metal, cables and wires where there would be veins and nerves, tactile sensors lining the corpus... Love me sum robot women.
>>11213827I don't think you do actually have a gaslighting fetish.
>>11206364okay so this is gonna sound really messed up, but i swear this fantasy is STRICTLY fantasy, i don't actually want this to happen to me irl. I'm a girl, and one of my biggest fantasies is getting kidnapped. Specifically, getting kidnapped and forced into kink. So like, forced into petplay, bondage, latex, all that. I think a lot of it for me is the humiliation aspect of it all, but also the degradation. And, for some reason, my freaky brain just REALLY likes the idea of being forced into stuff. I have a huge thing for cnc, if that helps.
>>11214403Personally, I don't think kidnapping is that weird in isolation. Don't have any hard evidence but I think noncon fantasies of some kind are a pretty common for people on the sub end of things (and the dom end too, but probably less so). If you want to have your control taken from you, it's hard to get any better than having absolutely no decision making power over what's done to you. There's also often an element of being forced to do things that you wanted to do anyway.I'm >>11212180 and basically everything I said there also applies to noncon in general. I want someone to take me and break me, the whole time humiliating me for enjoying it. Sometimes I fantasize about being forced to undergo extreme body mods like amputation. No more independence, no more being mistaken for anything other than a living sex toy.
>>11214456detachable limbs are cool too
>>11214222interestingmind if I ask why you chose consensual instead of non-con?if men are used as much as women, how do you think that works with the waxy plug you described?how did it work before it was legal?is it commonplace outside of the clinic?how long does it last? and how often can you do it?how would parents react to finding out their sons and daughters were pregnant with eggs and laying maggots? was there any way to deal with it safely by doctors?you said it makes people feel good so how often did people do it for pleasure knowing they were locked into laying eggs? is there a way to do it without eggs?inquiring minds demand to know
>>11215182I have spent way too much time thinking about this (1/2?)>mind if I ask why you chose consensual instead of non-con?A bit of non-con is nice and all, but the idea of a person willingly giving themselves over to be fucked, bred, impregnated, filled with eggs, bear beasty children really revs my engine! Especially when they're begging and horny for it>if men are used as much as women, how do you think that works with the waxy plug you described?I thought of two ideas. Either 1) The eggs are laid inside the man's stomach and the plug keeps them from going through the bowels. Any food and nutrients is slowly absorbed into the body courtesy of the goop allowing better sustenance somehow (through ~*~horny magic/science~*~) or 2) the eggs are laid throughout his whole colon which expands to take them on board, and the goop itself converts shit into nutrients to feed the eggs>how did it work before it was legal?I assume it was like prostitution or drug work. In some places you could work in the equivalent of a brothel where willing but down on their luck guys and girls would earn to be bred by bugs and produce new ones. Others places might be more like places where you could advertise using code on sites. Cartels might have all sorts of kidnapped girls held against their will to farm the insects>is it commonplace outside of the clinic?Before legalisation under supervision, in line with the previous question. A lot of illegal or legally-grey opportunities. Cash in hand for immigrants and people doing it tough. I also imagine there's companies offering their services for welfare recipients in order to 'qualify' for their payments
>>112151822/2>how long does it last? and how often can you do it?That's a 'should' versus 'could' question. The clinics recommend once every six months to allow the body to heal and avoid addiction. Those forced or resorting to it or those with backyard bugs do it as often as they can for money, due to being forced, or due to addiction to the pheromones and pleasure. The eggs and maggots aren't so large that they'll cause tearing or anything, but it's like anything else - the insides are delicate and need time to recover>how would parents react to finding out their sons and daughters were pregnant with eggs and laying maggots?Probably with shock and horror at first, but as it became more commonplace it might have been seen as a disgusting fetish, then a weird fetish, then it's no different to a kid having a Fleshlight or a vibrator. Sure, they know their kid's masturbating and as long as they don't need to see it or wash the sheets, they can be ignorant>was there any way to deal with it safely by doctors?I'd say doctors found ways to melt the waxy plug and either extract the eggs or kill them safely, much like an abortion>you said it makes people feel good so how often did people do it for pleasure knowing they were locked into laying eggs? is there a way to do it without eggs?As with the prior question, it's a matter of addiction. People could become very used to the pheromones and orgasms you could have so might do it as often as they could. I'm sure some enterprising people created some kind of dodgy medicine or remedy, then later something more legal and medically sound, to allow people to fuck their bugs without getting egg'd
>>11206364I have a lot.>Tentacle rapeI don't like watching dicks so I prefer watching tentacles. And I like the hentai version of rape because I'm just sadistic.>Yuri2 girls is better than one, and I just like watching them kiss.>Lactation and pregnancyTaking over a woman's reproductive system for pure sexualization is hot.>FeetMy brain thinks they are a sexual organ.>Feet being Dirty/SweatyI don't have a smell fetish but I like when a woman's feet are in a state that would normally be embarrassing for them to display.>QuicksandI'm sadistic and I like watching a woman struggle to save their life in vain. And I like that it's their fault they got into that situation.>MilitaryI like the uniforms and it can be combined with most of my other fetishes.
Lately, i've thinking of a world where there's femboys only...Have you guys got any mangas got such concept?
>Small Penis HumiliationI have a rather alright size 7" x 5". When me and my husband get down and dirty i cant help but sometimes maneuver my hips so that the size of my dick doesnt look so impressive and i want him to jerk me off with just his two fingers. I want him to call it cute and pathetic and other various things.One time he did and was hovering his ass over my head while he was doing it and said i wasnt allowed lick or do anything while he jerked off my "tiny cock". Since then hes never done it again.I dont know why i get such a thrill for it. Apart of it is because i want him to love me even if my dick was small. I like getting told my cock is small and that it doesnt satisfy like bigger dicks could.I also partially blame /R9K/ from when i use to browse there. Blacked is Cringe af tho
i just got an ai chatbot (running locally to avoid cuck filters) to write a story where i, having been eaten by my (non-existent) gf earlier, gets shat out while she masturbates on the toilet and i came 3 times in the same night reading it which i can't remember if i've done beforei kinda wish i was into something pedestrian like feet since there's so much content for it, but we don't get to choose what we're into
>>11206364I have a overarching fetish for physically powerful people people losing their power. Men turning into women, Men becoming traps/femboys, men/women with superpowers losing them, even stuff like giants or giantesses being reduced to normal size, etc. Gender doesn't really matter, either.It cuts across a lot of different fetishes but only parts of them, and it's hard to articulate why I like it. It's sort of like a humiliation fetish with an extra step involved, I guess.
>>11206364I enjoy all sorts of BDSM, but one thing in particular that's close to my heart is military themed BDSM scenarios. Prisoner of war/hostage taking stuff.As the bottom, I'd like to be taken as a POW. I'd be forced to surrender my weapons to a captor, played by my dom/top. Tied up, I'd then get hauled off to a POW camp, where the captor would angrily demand me to strip. My clothes, my gear, even my identity and dignity would get taken away from me at that point, and I'd be nothing more than a piece of meat, to be beaten and abused by her at her whim.The game would be that she'd interrogate me for info, and, contrary to what subs are expected to do, I'd have to resist her to the best of my ability, and not give in to her demands. This, of course, would lead her to abuse me even more.Aside from the usual corporal punishment, she'd also play these mind games with me, and humiliate me in an effort to break my will. She'd strangle me (just lightly for safety) with wire, and whisper things into my ear, like she'd threaten to send agents from her side to harm my friends and family if I don't give her what she wants. Or, I'd get violated sexually, the act photographed and the photos would get sent to my home with me clearly visible in the material.I'd be humiliated by things like having my face pushed into a bucket full of shit (not the real stuff, but merely just something similar looking that'd be fake and safe to use). I'd be served lousy food that I'd have to eat by hand. Like, I'd have to cup my hands and oatmeal would get poured into it and I'd have to eat it like that, no plate or spoon for me. Right next to me, my domme captor would feast with all sortsa tasty foods, and she'd promise to share with me if I give in to her demands.This play would be a battle of wills between two strong minds to see who cracks first. Only she'd would have the right to use force. I'd just have to take and endure everything until I either safeword, or get released.
>>11206364Mine is weird. I have a strong fetish of wanting to be obsessed/desired, to the point I am being chased down and held down and love-bombed. Almost to the point of rape. I end up giving in though.
>>11220130same. you like collars?
I have a fetish for walking barefoot. I always wear shoes when others are watching, and most people who know me think I hate being barefoot, but I like taking them off when i'm certain no one will see me. My feet are very sensitive and the sensation is crazy. I didn't know this until recently.
>>11220578Do you perhaps like to wash your feet using a hose? Or forcing your feet sweat? And, do you always clean your feet?
>>11220584I like spraying water on my feet, sure. I don't mind having sweat or dirt on them but I generally clean them fast so no one notices.
>>11220593(Continuing) I've never ventured barefoot outside of my house and backyard really. I'd love to do it but since I like 100% secrecy, and I don't own a car yet, I need to be creative to find the right spot.
>>11220578I like you already. :3I'm in this weird place with my feet where I'm not sure what the pleasure is that I'm getting from keeping them bare as much as I can. I started in 2007 and ever since I've managed to increase the toughness of my soles considerably. A major milestone was in 2012 when I decided to condition my feet to be able to handle snow and ice. I absolutely love it now. I love being able to strut on ice and snow, even if only for about 5 minutes. During that time it feels like my feet are invincible, and it's goddamn satisfying.Last May I tried wading in deep mud and peat barefooted, just because. I wanted the experience of wading in thighs deep muddy swamp wearing pants, so I wore a pair of crummy old cargo pants, but no shoes, and entered barefoot into a swampy ditch that I had scouted earlier from a familiar forest where I was out of people's sight, LARPing as an explorer exploring a tropical swamp.My happy times after experiments like these feel special for sure.Do you have any forests nearby? Maybe with a nice trail? Expand your horizons, bro (sis?). Try walking a trail from end to end barefooted someday, and let the warm summer ground grace your feet. You shan't regret it.
>>11221637I don't have any forest nearby, just small parks surrounded by houses. But I'll travel with family to a foresty place soon and I'll try to sneak out. It's kind of a tourist spot though, so I probably won't do the whole trail, just a portion of it. I see the appeal on doing the whole trail though, forcing a challenge on yourself makes it more arousing, that's also one of the main reasons why I don't want anyone to see me.
>>11221648Carpe diem, Anon. Good luck to you. Life is too short to spend wearing shoes, so seize every opportunity to bare them.And remember, if a total stranger accidentally happens to see you in bare feet, don't sweat it. It's less of a problem than you think. Chances are you'll never see them again anyway, so there's not gonna be an aftermath. Just keep a straight face and feign a little bit of false confidence. It will actually make you look more normal as opposed to suddenly getting all jumpy and scared. If you're worried that people might mistake you for a poor person, maybe carry your shoes with you in your hands to eliminate that.
>unified all-encompassing waifu goddess religion, female worship, extreme gynephilia>superior beings such as elves, fairies, angels, robots, dolls>purity, virginity, ritual/sacred sex, love, hypersensitivity, just how pure can we go>eternal while(1) intercourse and other heaven candidates / endgames of existence, inexhaustible virginity>scary awe-inducing mind-breaking incomprehensible 12-dimensional direct interface soulfucking where i barely understand what she's doing to mei routinely experiment with drugs in pursuit of this, in spite of the dangers>plain scary and yandere and crazy-eyed but not evil or violent, more like frighteningly smarter>emotionless, disinterested, deadfish, do-whatever-you-want>casual nudity/lewd, useless clothing>lactation>seeing the empty Y mound and attempting to relate to the lack of a dick glitches me out>girls don't really have genitals but a very complicated multi-purpose buttlove all three holes in perfectly equal proportions>alternative hole layouts due to lapses in information when younger. cloaca, missing holeshaving a potentially inexhaustible search space of female sexes instead of one is pretty greatstill prefer default and i do not like modification, she must be created that way>girls peeingbecause they do it differentlypeeing behind is cute>anatomy, exploration, endoscopy, depth playprettyseeing the g-spot is life changingsame with the bladder, full or deflated. wet or dry. peeing or filling back upcute cute cute cute CUTE. all of it cute>unlubed, dry vagina, wrong lube (sweat, pee, water, milk?), through_clothes, painful/unenjoyable/spent>casual/on demand insertion, very slow / paused intercourse, sleeping connected>tampons, pads, recreational tampon/pad use, wrong hole, condomsesp. when she has no need for them like a robot girl. adorable>small and/or flaccid dick getting lost in her curves and smothered by themi'm huge and i hate it. thank goddess for drugs
>>11206785> To me, a vagina symbolizes the lack of genitals altogether, making women's crotches normally look bare and "lacking."> I find a woman's crotch and butt erotichow do you hold these conflicting ideas?
>>11222452have you considered becoming islamic, or perhaps mormon? maybe starting your own religious movement?
This is more of a meta question because I feel like I won't get an honest answer if I asked in say, their dedicated thread.What the FUCK is wrong with preg/birth fags that any time there's female MC game, they have to crawl out of the woodwork to beg for pregnancy content? Even when there is a game that does feature swollen belly/birth/offspring/etc, they have to have endless retard purity spiralling, where it >doesn't count if it's a slime>doesn't count if it's ovipos>doesn't count if it happens too quickly>doesn't count if it only happens in bad ends>doesn't count if there's no effect on gameplay>doesn't count if it makes gameplay impossible>doesn't count if the offspring doesn't matterIt's like their fetish is actually verbally raping gamedevs until they bend over backwards to integrate this insane esoteric bullshit content that would have been added if that was the intention.Apparently this is also starting to affect fanfiction sites, where authors have to tell commenters to stop asking for it. What the hell is going on?
>>11223219Maybe they want to be prangent themselves but know they'll never be able to, so they want Game Developers to build their fantasy.
>>11206364Fuck it I'm bored. Weirdly I have only two real kinks with a bunch of like sub-kinks that I can't name, but like I know it when I see it kinda deal. Tomboys I just like because masculine women are cool, so instead Ill talk about gender-bending.Anyway, my fav kink is gender-bending. I just like the idea of guys being turned into girls. Usually accidental, sometimes consenting, but ultimately doesn't matter. Mildly frustrated that in most gender-bender fiction, the recently feminized guy-turned-girl just takes to their whole feminine side like a duck to water. I wish there was more of a process, dialectical stuff (slow processing), and hell angst at having that be done to you. Not just "Oh I guess I'm a girl now; where the frilly panties and skirts at?" I know it's a fetish but damn if it doesn't feel real.Furthermore, I wish it wasn't so politicized because of its apparent adjacency to real life gender politics bullshit.I get it, a lot of people in those camps have this fetish too, but when the affirmations, saccharine acceptance, and lack of meaningful or logical angst are at play, it turns my horny side off and turns my story-writer side on juts to say this is BS.As for whether I want to see other men turned into women or myself? It's a bit of both. If I found out a homie I knew woke up one day as a girl and we were close, I would be the first one in to try and deepen that relationship. If I ended up getting transformed, I'd be in a weird spot of wanting EVERYTHING to do with the physicality of my new body (sans some of the physical inconveniences) but wanting NOTHING to do with the social expectations of being a girl. I'd probably just end up as a work-from-home neet who still wears their baggy boy clothes, dresses like a granola girl outside, and continues to present male online. Even using a voice changer in VC.
>>11224940Do you think mid-process of genderbending would be futanari (temporary)?
>>11224950I can see it and it's a common trope in gender-bending stuff I've seen. Personally not my thing but I can see and understand the appeal if its a mid-transformational thing; you get to enjoy the additions upstairs for a while and get an extended goodbye to your downstairs hardware
>>11206364Somone wearing a shirt and tie with the top button undone and the tie a bit loose. It has to be a shirt and tie, also helps if the rest of it is a bit sloppy i.e. shirt untucked. Nothing to do with revealing cleavage or skin or anything, just seeing the top one or two undone. It goes back to school where'd you'd get in trouble for wearing your uniform like that that, so it's exciting seeing them look so rebellious. Back in school, I was a pussy and stuck to wearing it all proper, but I'll fantasise of having a girlfriend who does wear it like that, undoing my top button for me, loosening the tie and saying "Now, isnt that comfier? Keep it that way" I come to school the next day, forgetting what she said and she undoes it for me again and tells me off. Then, I get so used to wearing it that way that getting told to do it up by a teacher makes it feel like it's choking me, when it was once felt fine.
>>11208278PSA, it really isn't.If virtually *any* part of the human body is inflated with *anything* to the point of bulging, that person has most likely suffered a lethal internal rupture long before you see the results from outside.I think the ONE exception is the slight bulging during a deep throat, and even then you're playing with suffocation.
>>11225009>>11208254You can get some bulging from giving her a large enema. How safe it is depends on how extreme you go, but with a little time and a lot of saline, you can make a thin girl look pregnant.
Any kind of hidden bondage in public. A thing I miss about covid was the masking in public, you could easily stuff a girl's mouth and no one would know.I really love opaque contacts, how instantly vulnerable they make someone. Just having her clinging to my arm, blind eyes open and no one the wiser had me diamonds. It was wholesome and fetishy, all at once.
>>11206539/r/ing >>11201444>>11201446>>11201448
I have a few, like femdom and POT, monster girls, and giantesses, but with the pic attached I guess I'll talk about watersports. I guess the origin story here would be pretty boring, kind of your typical childhood trauma turned into a fetish after puberty thing. Got a bladder infection as a kid and I just never learned to be able to pee outside, so overcoming it was really difficult and I developed a crippling fear of wetting myself. After puberty (and being groomed by a woman 10 years older than me but I won't get into it,) the fear flipped over into a piss fetish. Wetting isn't really my thing so much as girls pissing anywhere and everywhere, usually deliberately. Bonus points for when they already started peeing before even taking their panties off, or when they pee right where they are because they can't be bothered to actually go to the bathroom. I made my first text posts in years over on the omo thread, and people were really nice to me, so I drew this to try and show my appreciation. I haven't drawn in a very long time, so it's kind of embarrassing, and I know it's not very good. But I hope it brings someone some happiness! Or...other use. >>11206539See, this is what I want to do, too! But my art just isn't good enough to jerk off to, and I don't think I have enough time to really sit down and practice every day and get it there. Plus, I don't even have a tablet or bougie markers or anything, so I don't really have a way to finish them properly. I was hoping to find some inspo in this thread, but just the thought of posting this here is so embarrassing that it's put me off grabbing my sketchbook entirely.
>>11216720i found this 458615 dunno if thats what you want
>>11207911the duality of man, we like to fit in as much as we like to stand out
>>11206364Straight traps and muscles girls.Especially straight traps x muscle girlsEven better if it's smalldom and he has a huge cock.Cock-bully time if it's also NTR.To date I have never seen anyone depict this combination yet, let alone do it well. Perhaps it's time I picked up a pencil for good.
>>11209523Oh very nice. I'm a fan of medical experimentation and non consensual modification/surgery, but only when the victim is male. I also like the idea of the one performing the surgery being like, "Man someone gag him, he's getting annoying." before he gets gagged and muffled. Adds to the humiliation of it I guess. No idea why I'm like this because medical stuff irl makes me nauseous.
I've had a question that's really been on my mind for some time now, and this thread does seem like a good place to ask it. But first, my fetish.If I had to pick two particularly /d/ tier fetishes, it'd be either Body Modification or "Grotesque Vaginas", i.e. hairy vaginas with large, darkened pussy lips, big clits, smegma and so on. I'll try to be brief in describing their appeal to me, because my tastes I believe are somewhat nuanced and I could fill a whole two posts with the fine details. For body mod stuff, I generally like it when a body moves more towards being hyper-sexual. Not 'hyper' as in tits the size of mini-vans or cocks as big as sofas, but going from normal bodies to plumper, breedable bodies, with some extra quirky bells and whistles like large clits, penetratable nipples, snake tongues, etc. I love hags/mature women, so the perfect scenario is a women essentially becoming a ripened MILF succubus, built for pleasure.This ties into the grotesque vagina angle, as thicker, more mature, Venus style bodies tend to have more "well used" looking genitals which have a sort of raw, aged texture to them. However as a degenerate, I am cursed. Because the two aforementioned fetishes of mine are often strongly tied to two fetishes that I truly dislike. Moral degradation and bad ends. Body modification especially. It's often always non-consensual and the girl has to "fall" and turn into a generic slutty bitch before she embraces it, and that personality is majorly unattractive to me. So I say all this to ask the question here...why is porn so negative? I mean seriously. Whether it's here on /d/ or /h/, or any other site, eastern or western, regardless of the fetish, there's this constant, reoccuring theme of nonconsensually forcing something sexual onto someone and enjoying their misery or suffering until they either "break mentally" or die. Running out of text here, so I'll continue in another post.
>>11227798To continue, it's just like, a lot of porn has this sort of negative tone to it where there's a "victim" involved. It's as if sex and sexuality can't exist unless some party is unhappy at some point. Usually there's a breaking point where the "pleasure is so good" the victim just accepts their fate. And another thing. What's with the emphasis on permanence? Possession, transformation, petrification, life ruination, death. Why does sex and so many fetishes need to be this hazard, this life-altering thing where whatever the fetish is, it just becomes your whole life and you're expected to do it until you die or in some far more existentially bizarre cases, for eternity? I'm most likely overthinking it all, but you can't avoid this aspect in porn. Mainly Japanese doujins. I'm not gonna say that I don't like it every now and then, but it starts to skeeve you out when you think about it. Porn stories always just conviently end whenever they feel like it, the full ramifications of what just occured left to the reader to either forget or like me, ruminate on. It reached a point where I had to take a break from doujins and just watch 3D porn shit was bumming me out so bad.And I have to wonder is it just human nature? At our core as men, do we just want to rape women and women want to be taken by the strongest man? It's a reductive mindset, obviously. I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd really like it if more body modification stuff had a more...postive vibe to it, while still maintaining that sexual intensity you get from the girl being changed against her will and having to basically go insane to cope with it. I've drafted countless story synopsises featuring body mod storylines with more casual, enjoyable themes. I've been practicing how to draw as well ya know, be the change I wanna see in the world? Will I ever actually make a full comic? Who knows. But it's weirdly become a dream of mine. Anyway yeah. I like flabby gross pussy lips.
>>11227798>>11227800>To continue, it's just like, a lot of porn has this sort of negative tone to it where there's a "victim" involved.I'm >>11214456 and everything I said there is more or less applicable. But to more accurately address the question, I think the negative tone you're describing is intrinsically more visceral. For people already inclined toward the extremes of sexuality, that's often appealing to some degree or another. >What's with the emphasis on permanence? Possession, transformation, petrification, life ruination, death. Why does sex and so many fetishes need to be this hazard, this life-altering thing where whatever the fetish is, it just becomes your whole life and you're expected to do it until you die or in some far more existentially bizarre cases, for eternity?Same sort of deal here. Permanent changes are more invasive, inescapable, and far-reaching in their consequences. With all that said I can only attempt to understand the more extreme sadistic end of things. There's a limit for how miserable a situation can get before I stop finding it to be pleasantly spicy, and as with you it's typically doujins that cross that line. However my appetite for horrific scenarios waxes and wanes. Mainly waxes, of late.>I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd really like it if more body modification stuff had a more...postive vibe to it, while still maintaining that sexual intensity you get from the girl being changed against her will and having to basically go insane to cope with it.This is fairly close to my ideal as written, though my interpretation would probably look very different from yours.>I like flabby gross pussy lips.Me too. I like grotesquely sexual bodies in general, but vaginas are a particular fixation.
>>11206364Oh thank god I really need a place to vent. I'm too anxious/embarrassed to talk about this with any professional honestly.>please explain your fetishes to me.So you might know me from /hdg/ as the "Centrifuge anon/G-force anon". For anyone not aware, my fetish is women/girls in peril, strapped tightly to a seat while enduring a threatening amount of G-forces/acceleration on their body - usually as part of some form of pilot/astronaut training involving a centrifuge.>Why does it turn you on? Not entirely sure. I think it's the helplessness of the situation that turns me on - you're basically: >locked inside a small cockpit stuck to a giant metal arm that swings you around fast.>You're pressed further and further into your seat back as the G's increase. >Seatbelt harness tightens, breathing becoming more strained and harder as you feel your body getting heavier. >You can't lift your limbs, heart starts beating faster, vision blurring etc. In a nutshell you have no control over anything. >What aspect of it gets you aroused?Seeing how the person in question is realistically affected by G-forces, e.g sunken cheeks, how their body is basically sinking back into the seat, and is deformed/flattened a little. Bonus point if afterwards they are all sweaty/tired/exhausted.I also hate having this fetish because it is SO FUCKING NICHE and it gives me adrenaline rush to the point of sickness. It's a curse. There is plenty of footage of pilots during centrifuge training and stuff, but most of them are men. When I do find something that hits the itch, I get so fucking anxious that I tremble and get nauseous. For example there is one anime where in episode 2 and 6 it has a scene where a cute vampire girl is enduring g-forces as part of astronaut training, but the scene is so short and I crave more and don't want more because anxiety:'ve been trying to cope training my own LoRA's and using AI, but it's not the same...
>>11227866By all means, share some ideas you have for more positive body mod stories. I'm curious to see where your mind is on the matter. I'll drop some I've come up with.>A boy and girl start dating, but the girl is a bit insecure. One day after snooping around the boyfriend's phone, she discovers he has tons of porn featuring sexy mature slampig hags and she worries that her modest body might not appeal to him. So she goes to a sketchy laboratory and undergoes a bunch of erotic surgeries to modify her body to be like that of the girls in the porn. She comes back after a period of absence and surprises him with her more lewd body and persona, regaling him with the stories of how she was changed while they have crazy sex. And in the end, the boyfriend tells her that she didn't have to do all this for him and that he liked her for who she is. But now that she HAS changed, might as well stay changed. Nice and sweet.>Teens go to a special school for Henshin Heroes/Magical Girls, and upon passing some test, they're given their random transformation item. Three girls who are friends get their transformation items, and it allows them to transform into a pig, cow, and horse themed magical girls, with nosehooks, enlarged breasts, and a horsecock, among other features. At first they're all mortified by their transformations, and they get made fun of by the popular girls, but the Popular Chad Red ranger finds them all to be super erotic, and he ends up fucking them all. A nice thing about this one is they can change back and forth between their normal states and lewd ones.>An adventurer girl who hates bugs gets sent on a quest in a forest known for being full of them, and she's explicitly told not to harm them, but she squishes one. This causes them all to attack her and infest her via parasitization, again, making her body plumper and lewder, turning her into a living hive. And at first she's upset, but she actually gains neat powers over bugs from being their new queen
>>11206364Sure why not, have my data, Sir. Miner.>Amputation/AmputeesMy main fetish that has developed in me way before I was a teen and stuck with me all my life.Even as a completely prepubescent boy I used to roleplay as characters and soldiers that lost limbs all the time.I thought it was the coolest shit ever.Eventually, during puberty, this fascination with missing limbs got projected onto girls.Not entirely, perhaps, because despite the thought of becoming an amputee myself is slightly arousing, I cannot see myself being happy in that (bottom) position.However, I think the only way I could die happy is if I had sex with a girl who is an amputee (ideally quad) at least once.So, what's arousing about amputees, you may ask.Firstly, the stump. The stump to me, and most likely others like me, is an "erogenous" appendage.I'd say I view it the same way as I and many others view breasts or vaginas. An object I love to look at and would love to touch even more.There is something insanely riveting and titillating about watching a stump move, always just short of conveying/achieving what a full limb could.I love imagining/watching the girls attempts at performing simple and mundane tasks with her stumps, most often with great difficulty/innefectivenes.But another big aspect of it for me is the helplessness (this mostly only applies to quads, though no type is exempt).The thought of having the girl be completely reliant on me, hardly even being able to move, eat or do anything else without my assistance fills me with great pleasure.I want to spoil her rotten, listen to her every whim and completely devote myself to her, while I'm holding all the power throughout.At any moment I could deprive her of everything, or take anything I want. And I would.There's more to it, I must admit, but I'm no poet, and words fail me.Most of my other fetishes are linked to this one to some degree at least, so I'll try to be brief in the cont.
>>11228238cont.>PetplaySelf explanatory, but not in the traditional sense, perhaps. I'd definitely like to take care of a quadruple amputee girl as if she were my pet, and treat her like one, except when we're having sex.>ProstheticsTo a limited extent only, and admittedly, the'd be the first thing I'd take off in bed, way before underwear.Kind of like how people view lingerie.>FeetBut not in the way most footfags do. I don't find feet very appealing to look at in general. What I appreciate is a girl (usually an armless one) being very dexterous with her feet, mostly out of necessity. I'd love to get a footjob from a girl while I suck on the nubs of her arms.>MasochismFew things are as arousing to me as a girl receiving "punishment" yet obtaining pleasure. I'll get into more specifics further down.>Cock Worship/Worship/Love in general.More precisely to be at the receiving end of it (i.e. a girl worshipping/liking my dick or me)>FemboysI find men wholly unnatractive. The bodies, the voice, the faces... ugh. The only part I like to look at is the penis. Feminine penises, to be precise. And femboys are as close to something feminine with a penis as one can get. Trannies give me the uncanny valley plus I don't want to deal with the whole mental illness aspect.This is somewhat linked to my anal fetish, but I won't list that here.(But wait, there's more...)
>>11228238>>11228240Perhaps most importantly, however, my last fetish I'll talk about is:>Pleasure/HappinessDespite everything, in every scenario, I always end up fantasizing from the POV of the girl/bottom (i.e. not me). Why? Because I want, nay, must know if they are enjoying themselves.Even in a non-con scenario, I need to know that despite her protests, the girl is thoroughly aroused and does not want me to stop at any cost.Ultimately, a big part of my pleasure is the thought of bringing pleasure to others, and if that is lacking, my enjoyment quickly fizzles out too.I can only be happy if my partner is (at least in a sexual scenario).No matter what, even if I am with the amputee girl of my dreams, a quadruple amputee femboy pet at my feet and with all the other fetishes I haven't even mentioned in one room, if not all of the participants are happy/aroused to be there, I most likely cannot be either.There's more, to be honest, but I doubt anyone cares to even read these, so alas...(Captcha: VG0NA lol)
>>11217352I'm kind of surprised how little SPH gay/yaoi content there seems to be out there, I'm personally more interested in the "SP" than the "H" part and I mostly lurk the SPH thread for pictures of cute guys with smaller endowments while fantasizing about having a bf with a smaller-than-average cock for me to admire and shower with affection and suck off every day
>>11214403If you've never read tabico's stories on mcstories, you really should. Some anon in a world building thread here on /d/ turned me on to her work, and mcstories in general, and they've been some of the peak erotic experiences I've had over the past few years. Few authors come close to the perfect balance of eroticism and subject matter tabico delves into, while being well written, qc checked and free of annoying grammar errors and lengthy but well paced all at once. Based on what you said here, I highly recommend her story "herd instinct."
>>11206364I've always had a fetish for male feminization, as long as i can remember. Not sure why. But seeing strong men brought down to the level of sex symbol or a delicate plaything has always done it for me. Maybe because of some subconscious disdain for my own sex or something.I'm also pretty into femdom and dominating men in general although i think that's probably a manifestation of my weird neuroses around dating and self worth. What can I say, i like the idea of men not having the option to refuse.
>>11214495You know what's even cooler? Detachable and remote controlled limbs.Love this one because of how normal it looks unless you look closely
>>11206364I'll shotgun a few of my fetish clusters with my underlying theories as to why I have 'em, why not.>OlfactophiliaOne of my stronger overriding fetishes, is a fixation on smell. The details don't usually matter too much, though I broadly prefer bodily smells like sweat, BO, and so on to outright repulsive ones like fats, shit, or filth, or smells like shampoo ect. The smells of a person's body drive me wild; I have the broad suspicion that this one is almost entirely due to my early fetish and sexual development being informed by porn, and smell being the one thing porn can't exactly capture. Thus, smell is, to me, the most "real" and grounding sensation associated with sex and the human form.>Extreme gender blendingI like the entire concept of gender and sex being obliterated from porn. Boys acting like girls, girls acting like boys, neuters or herms interspliced, and a general disconnect and inability to immediately tell what someone is by their role and how they act. I like these things turned on their head over and over until there is no more norm, and scenarios just end up being people with various bits enjoying eachother.There's a couple different reasons competing in here, but the strongest is that I really like people who define themselves as themselves, not as some overarching role or archetype, and obliterating gender from porn wipes that slate completely clean.>Body part fixationsBroadly speaking, if there's a kink related to specific body parts, I have it. Feet, armpits, bellies, muscles, hands, thighs, forearms, you name it, and not only do I probably like it, but I probably have some strong opinions about ideal forms of them. I have no idea why this is; I have some singular opinions about parts I can explain, but I have no idea why I have such a fascination with all of the physical aspects of a person. It's not even strictly relegated to the human form, either, as I have similar affection for tails, horns, and so on as well.
>>11230182Also sex fluids.I fucking love sexual fluids.No idea why, but the more of them there are, the better, often to excessive degrees. I like anticipatory fluid more than climax fluid; precum and pre-emptive vaginal fluid are kings. Not that I don't like other kinds. For them, I have a general desire for sensation of them. I love the wetness, the smells, the stickiness, everything.
>>11208254Cloacas are wonderfully sexy, especially on near human characters.>>11206364In terms of fetishes mine (typically) are absorption, cloaca (especially on humanoids, rape, raceplay and art (drawings) that feature real women.Typically this cumulates in my private commissions of which feature women (some I know/knew) often with cloacas, in scenarios where they're being raped, absorbed, having a heated metal horsecock rape them, portraits of their faces contorted into a gastly visage (eye sockets empty, jaw broken and mouth hanging open, can't stand gore tho so no blood only cum oozing out) I also quite like to see them get absorbed by various characters and monsters