The rules:>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.>Remember that we're here to have fun!Last Thread:
>>11211212Previous threads's wishes:1>>11205212>I wish for sexy reality altering apps, that frequently run into sexy problems, to be real and commonplace.2>>11210352>I wish for a cute, kind, and shy demon gf, with some aptitude for magic to keep things exciting.3>>11210440>I wish I was a cute elven noble captured by a futa adventurer, only to be brought with her on her adventures in what turns into a cute, kinky romance.4>>11210555>I wish I was a witch in a yuri themed fantasy world, capable of siphoning mana from monster (girls)5>>11210574>I wish I was a wealthy heiress (unmarried) who had the ability to change inhibitions, arousal, and shame on sliding scales. I want inhibitions and shame seperate so someone could be ashamed of what they're doing but unable to restrain themselves anyways... and control over libido so they would indulge without me having to wait for them to get horny
>I wish to be the next in line to become the new goddess of life, fertility, pregnancy etc. With the previous goddess training me as her powers slowly transfer over until I'm even more powerful she ever was.
>>11211232Granted! Naturally, you are reborn as her daughter. Fertility/pregnancy goddesses seem prone to nepotism... I wonder why?Anyways, you two aren't really BOUND to any fixed forms, but animal girl forms like your pic may come naturally to you when you aren't disguising yourself. In public, you two will take the appearance of a matching mother and daughter of varying appearances, age gaps, and similarity, from "Is that your sister?" being asked unironically to people asking for your ID when you ask for a drink as your mother giggles at your expense.So, your duties... you two always have pregnancies. Lots of other gods and goddesses, and even fey and spirits will meet untimely ends, and you and your mother have a role in your pantheon to be dedicated respawn points. If one of you dies, the other will become pregnant with them. If both of you die, you will both give a random woman twins in an embarrassing divine scandal, but you will always come back. It's hard to die as gods, your pregnant bellies can stop trucks... but it does happen, like... if you dove into an active volcano for dragon girl dick before preparing for the heat, tried a party god's strongest brew, or were exposed to other, divine or earth shattering forces. However, you will not lose your pregnancy, which you will be reborn with. You will always be reborn at a fertile age.Being a respawn point basically means having a quota of how many supernatural beings you agree to bring back, being able to make your own stipulations like "Ok but I get to decide the sex of your form", "You'll take after me", or "You have to call me mommy"... though I'd advise against taking this beyond anything playful, because other gods can fuck with you just as much. ESPECIALLY fey and celtic spirits.Your pregnancies are fast and smooth... but they do require either someone related to the departed, or a believer of the departed to impregnate you to get the process started. And instead of having a childhood...
>>11211400They rapidly form into sexually mature forms, much like you do.Your loving mother will start you off with easy jobs, bring back that fairy swarm as sextuplets, reincarnate that nymph (she will be weird about you technically being your mother, this is part of the training), bring back the demigod son of that dickhead god of the dead she used to fuck so she can rub it in his face... etc. But as you wished, your workload will slowly increase. You may have to take mortal forms to intervene in mortal affairs, such as ensuring a pregnancy happens (you can possess one party or become a futa), or ensuring a harvest is plentiful, which would involve letting a plant monsterfuta knock you up and giving birth to enough harvest spirits to do the deed. As you keep taking these, the mother who used to dote on and tease you in ways that'd get you to go "Mooom!" will slowly start to feel more like a sister... and then a younger sister, as you shoulder more responsibility... and eventually... she'll fade one day, as you feel a familiar warmth in your belly.Of course it's a cycle! That's how life works. Now you're her mom, and not just in a "giving birth to her if she dies" way (there's a difference). She will lose much of the wisdom she once held, taking on the younger adult form, as you look down at yourself to see how much of a milf you've become.The catch? You have to be her mom now, and she's going to be as much as a problem child as you were. Just as curious and eager with her powers, just as kinky, just as sexually needy, and just as interested in overcoming you, one day... worst part is she'll remember embarrassing things about you from her past life, too, so she'll embarrass you as a kid AND a mother. The other gods will get good laughs at your expense, as you realize that slowly but surely, the tables will turn again... and she'll be stronger than YOU ever were...Welcome to cyclic motherhood.>I wish to be a futa "corrector" of monster girls
>>11211407Granted!And Congratulations!You are now a newly hired zoo keeper at the recently opened Monster Girl Zoo!It isn't actually a zoo though, somewhere between a strip club and a thematic circus. The Monster-Girls are very real but they're all only acting as dangerous beasts as others more directly service customers and onlookers jerk off and throw tips at them.As one of a few zoo keepers in this whole performance, you serve effectively two roles legitimately managing and organizing the other performers and wait staff and "correctioning the monsters as the need arises", fucking them, generally on stage.You'll come in with a few of the others a few hours before your shift starts properly, to talk and plan who's doing what and where to avoid tails being stepped on. Once your lot has has come to an agreement on what's happening tonight, you swap with the previous shift back stage and get the ball rolling. Act it all out as planned and walk out with your cut of the tips and more often than not someone to share a bed with just for the hell of it.Though not all nights are made equal, and neither are all monsters...One some, admittedly less than infrequent occasions, the other girls get a little too into their roles, or even possessed by something more actually monstrous, and in these cases, it falls to you to actually get in there and fuck some sense into them. And these will be real serious tests of your sexual stamina and physical capacity too, be it wrestling with a kraken girl's 8 tentacles, or having to pin all the assorted canine gals down because their heat cycles are synchronized, or even just trying to keep the cat-girl varients from screaming their lungs sore whenever they're a little too into what's coming in them.> I wish for a futa sister that is really bad at hiding how much she wants to fuck me
>>11211614Granted! You now live a cozy life with a kind, playful, and well endowed futa twin sister who is really bad at hiding how much she wants to fuck you. You two can live in a cozy japanese home for the aesthetic, and fuck it, keep the wyverian ears and feet if you want. In fact, if you do you two can be very well known cosplayers for resembling everyone's favorite Monster Hunter twins, being able to rake in money with photo shoots and videos, some slightly raunchier than the others but... it's for fun, right? You dont'... ACTUALLY want to fuck your sister, right? Monster girls exist now, so you won't be seen as TOO abnormal. And don't worry about the size, it WILL fit. She's infertile, too, so she could theoretically fuck you all night and day with no risk. She will be oblivious to how loud she can be masturbating, leave her computer on with pictures of you and porn tabs open, you may find panties missing only to be returned, washed... etc....But wouldn't it be really funny if I cursed you to be equally as shy? You'll keep your personality, kinks, and be aware of it... you'll just feel genuine love for your sister with a second set of memories... as well as genuine LOVE as well as lust with her being your type. You'll ALSO be adorably shy whenever you recognize her desire to fuck you, and will be unable to ask her to do it directly. And with you feeling lust for her as well, yet feeling a desire to hide it... well, I'm sure I'll have fun watching it, that's for sure.You'll be yourself when nothing sexual is happening, able to freely be a sister, teasing her or fighting over the last dangos in the fridge (this can turn lewd and turn you both shy if you start grabbing at clothes or she gets hard), as well as doing dumb shit together only siblings would put up with, like spending an afternoon having a heated debate of if Deviljoh eats its own tail, with graphic prepared and everything. Real wholesome, adorkable stuff.
>>11211841It's just when sex comes up that you two turn into shy, stuttering messes. You might think you can get things started by bringing up how she stole your panties, only for her to, without a word, hand them back to you washed, and for you to not be able to find any words other than. "Th-thanks...", or in the case of you pushing your flustered brain, perhaps saying something awkward like "D-do you want to keep them longer?", which may leave both of you in an awkward pause before she nods and runs off.You might try to pull some classic moves on her, like ask to sleep together when it gets cold, "Like when we were little", only for >>11211841pic related to happen, or perhaps your sister will fall asleep first, spoon you in your sleep, and you'll be too shy to wake her, with her cock pressing up against your nethers all night. Something... you may keep to yourself, perhaps enjoying it without risking her freaking out about it...But I'm not EVIL... there's a way for both of you to slowly overcome my curse. Requests from the people who pay for your pictures and cosplay videos may get raunchier and raunchier. Slowly nudity may be ok if it's "For rent", sucking her cock may make you turn as red as a Rathalos, but she'll just return the sentiment of "W-we have rent to pay, right? No homo..."And when you need to move to a platform that allows even raunchier stuff... the requests will only start to turn more porn like. With a camera on both of you, you two can rationalize doing what you desire as something "not gay" or "not incestuous", and when the cameras turn off... one of you might just work up the courage to ask for a blowjob or oral again, which may just turn into bed breaking, passionate sex where feelings are shared.This won't BREAK the curse, but at least you'll break the ice and make it known that fucking is ok for you two. But EVEN when you two are on the same page of "Yes we love each other and we both want to have hot steamy kinky unprotected sex"
>>11211850...Initiation will still be adorably awkward, since neither of you will grow less shy about it. You may ask to sleep together, only for her to take it literally... but not because she doesn't know what you're getting at, but because she's too shy to respond. Don't worry though, she'll subtly spoon you eventually, and I bet you'll get in bed without panties, so one hard on later and you're spilling your guts out to each other about how much you love each other as you get filled up like a jelly donut, and fuck til morning.Which, by the way, will be just as funny to watch with you two wanting to shower/bathe together, but not knowing how to ask, only to agree it's to "save water"... only to spend more time in there for obvious reasons.One day, you two might be wed, by a priest patient enough to wait for both of you to stutter "i d-doo.." so quiet that they have to lean in to hear you say it.Don't worry though, she's down to be a fuck buddy too, having sex with other partners... so long as her sister is also there for uh, "moral support".Enjoy your romcom life you gay nerds.>I wish I was a cute twink/femboy who was cursed to body swap with his GF frequently
>>11211220>>11210555>I wish I was a witch in a yuri themed fantasy world, capable of siphoning mana from monster (girls)Granted, you will get isekaied into Generic Lewd Fantasy World n.11855. Just like you asked, it's a yuri world with a high predominance of women: most humanoid species are primarily made of women with a reltively small minority of traps and cute boys, and a pretty big percentage of monsters are actually monstergirls.Since you have been isekaied, you'll be given an adventurer class - witch - with all the relative powers like spellcasting (mostly curses), creating magical items (mostly potions), and broom jousting. You'll also get a cheat ability - which, in your case, is the ability to suck away energy from your target and convert it into mana that you can use. How can you do that? By biting your target. It's kinda like vampirism, except without the usual weakness like sunlight or garlic or OCD (no, really, being compelled to count certain objects is an actual vampire weakness). Naturally, targeting your target's nipples or pussy will produce the best results, but anywhere is fine really; just give it a big ol' chomp and start sucking away. Don't worry: like a lot of vampire bites, being energy-drained feels really good.I did mention that you don't have the "usual" weaknesses, but that's because you have UNusual weaknesses. Number one: when you start syphoning mana from someone else, you have a tendency to get "lost in the sauce", and don't pay much attention to what is happening around you or how full your mana reserves are. As a result, it's not uncommon for you to start sucking and sucking and sucking until you're either smacked away, or your target is reduced to a comically deflated skinsuit. (Don't worry, this world operates on fantasy RPG rules, they will recover... eventually...) Weakness number two: it's easy for you to start syphoning people's mana by accident, so watch your mouth. Annnnnd... That's it, really. Have fun adventuring!
>>11211220>>11205212>I wish for sexy reality altering apps, that frequently run into sexy problems, to be real and commonplace.Granted, reality-bending apps now exist (although the "keeping everyone except you oblivious of the changes" part is optional), but all of them are various levels of garbage. Here's a few examples of what I mean:Apps that, after every X changes you make, run an "ad". By which I mean that they'll temporarily transform and brainwash everyone around you to act like a commercial. Naturally, either the ad in question is about something lewd like sex toys, or it's unreasonably raunchy.Apps that can be used only for a limited amount of time before you run out of "lives", forcing you to either wait a day to recharge, or pay. Payment can either be an expensive amount of money, OR, for some reason, you can use sex acts in place of payment.Apps that, due to a programming error, will randomly alter someone else in addition to your target. Said someone is usually your boss or parent.Apps that are nothing but feet-related stuff.Apps that sometimes cause "glitchy textures". Sometimes it's fun, like when it makes your target's clothes transparent, but they still act as if everything is fine (after all, they're still WEARING those clothes, so they aren't naked). Sometimes it will make every inanimate object in the neighborhood transparent. People won't notice the change; you do. People can still walk around, use items etc. just fine; you can't.App that are extremely great, cheap, and only cause "sexy problems" that you'd like... And then, barely a year after, EA pulls the plug on the servers, rendering the app unusable.Apps that impose on you the same changes you cause on others - but not immediately. It will do so after a random and unspecified amount of time.Apps that make any change you make have that "3D animation" quality you'd find in lewd Source FilmMaker animations, complete with stock-like sound effects.
>>11211999Worst part of all? When you first download a new app on your device, it will always work perfectly for a while - just to lull you into a sense of security. And while these apps are extremely common, accurate reviews are extremely rare - mostly because whoever downloaded a reality-changing app and got an unexpected bad surprise from it wants to ensure that future users will also be unaware of what they're getting into.>I wish I was an etereal-looking girl like picrel.
>>11212002Granted! You are a cute, ethereal beauty much like your pic. And no, that was not redundant. You both have heavenly, almost alien appearance... and your body is not entirely in the physical realm, hence, the lack of clothes in this pic. Those are going to have a tendency to phase through you from now on.Now I'm not a total dick, so you aren't JUST a ghost now. You're just... inconsistent, at being made of tangible matter. You can "phase" in and out of being tangible at random intervals. It's a rare condition in the world now, and similar conditions exist like it. Dullahans who's necks are portals, futa (I assume you know what this is), conjoined siblings (but lewder), mutli (insert body part), natural born "amputees", etc... but they're all relatively rare, like you. About 1 in 1,500 will have a listed condition. The good news is that this means you have a medical card for when your clothes phase through you, to the ground. You GENERALLY won't phase through the "ground", but floors with rooms underneath are fair game. Don't ask me why some things have more priority than others.However, you are abnormal in that you are also a nymph, hence your unusual appearance. Nymphs age gracefully and lack normal, material needs like food, water, or even air (and lack gag reflexes). However, you have a much higher than usual libido, which failing to sate will distract you to the point of compelling you to seek out sex or pleasure, which usually isn't a problem with you being so cute, but combined with your other condition... lewd situations just happen to you, with you often becoming too horny to make them anything other than sexy when they do. Your charm is contagious to those who catch your interest, so people you may have been checking out before will play along even if it'd normally be inappropriate to.Examples include tripping as you phase through your shoes and getting stuck in a wall, falling partially into the ground, becoming stuck from the waist down...
>>11212067Rematerializing before your clothes fully fall off of you, them becoming bindings around your arms, falling over and having your hands and knees phase into the ground, being stuck on all fours... I'm sure you can imagine just how much can happen.You don't displace any matter when this happens, the parts of you that are stuck simply are, and don't fully rematerialize, nor do they move. You just have to wait until you dematerialize again to be free, but... again, your libido is going to be an issue.Dematerializing spells can happen hourly, or you can go a day without one happening, and your libido isn't going to wait if things start to look a bit like your questionable comics. You might fall through a chair only to stop as you rematerialize with only your face sticking through the seat, RIGHT after looking a qt with a nice butt up and down. It's too late, your charm is already on her, and your arousal is contagious. She'll remove her pants then and there to sit on your face. Stuck on all fours? Odds are you've attracted a futa friend or two, and they don't need to be asked twice. Suck in a wall? Oh, that's a fun one, because you were checking out MULTIPLE people and you can't see behind you anymore...It's possible to even get stuck in a partner themselves, similar to conjoinment... or perhaps something portable that'd make an opportunity too fun to pass up, like getting suck in a duffel bag in a way that makes you like a portable sex doll...I'd keep people I know close... but on the other hand, it's a good way to meet people...>I wish I was a sexy catgirl who could give herself and others new, sexy, and often kinky catgirl (and cat futa girl) forms. From the standard two ears and a tail, to multibreast, to having paws, to having paws and cat limbs but a human torso (walking around on all fours) multiboob catgirl futa who can autofellate, literal cougar catgirls (regardless of prior age and sex)... forms only limited by my imagination
>>11211855>I wish I was a cute twink/femboy who was cursed to body swap with his GF frequentlyGranted, you and your GF have a great time and live happily for a while. You can swap bodies at any time, but your gf starts to get creative and spices things up. She soon starts to get a 6th sense for when the swap will occur and she starts to become a sadomasochist; tying herself up just in time for the swap to kick in, leaving her free to have fun with you to her hearts content.Also she seems to make sure you maintain your femboy aesthetic by doing workouts dedicated to keeping yourself slim and feminine. While she sweats and does the effort exorcising; you always seem to change back juuuuust in time to deal with the aches and pain.One thing you can never prove is that when you are having fun in the bedroom, you always seem to get left with the cleanup phase.
>>11212301>I wish I was isekai'd to a world with cursed loot aplenty and had to go on a long arduous quest to get rid of a particularly clingy and impossible to escape ropes.
>>11212113Granted!You're now beautiful and adorable, finely figured cat girl with a very well placed enjoyment in The Aristocats movie. And taking its most memorable musical number to heart, you can turn anyone you meet into cute and kinky cat girls of any sort or shape you might imagine! Be them with four ears and two tails, or futanari with barbed dicks (that don't actually hurt, but do make it much harder to pull out), Any shape, size, age, and sort, so long as it's feline!And all you need to is get them to sing along with that ever iconic chorus, "Everybody wants to be a Cat!" with the Halleluja for a little extra flavor if you're feeling it, and presto! Now they've got ears a tail and some combination of cute and sexy cat features ready to live it up all nine of their lives!That little little thing about lives will mean a bit more for you specifically, not that you're at any advanced risk of dying at all, but that there is a limit to how many times your powers will be in your favor...You see while the limit is obvious only your imagination, the actual changes that happen to any person are effectively randomized, with you as the exception, only excluding every 9th time you use the the power. Any other time, you can change your own body exactly as you wish, being whatever you might want to be. But on the 9th, you turn into a random sex toy, still fully conscious of your surroundings, but trapped in this vastly less functional body until any permanent damage is done to it, immediately turning you back into a cat girl, completely unharmed. You'll still feel pleasure as a toy, and your breaking point, wherever that may be is just about the most orgasmic sensation you can experience, but there's also no other way out of it than breaking, so someone who knows how your power works might play carefully with you, just to keep you as their new favorite dildo or onahip. >I wish for a futa girlfriend that masturbates and cums in her pants casually
>>11212303Granted! You are isekaid into a fantasy world with monster folk, lewd magic, and lewd loot aplenty. It's more of a Konosuba esq fantasy world, with brothels and easy revival magic, where the threats are often comical or sexy in nature. You are reincarnated as a witch with a mysterious matron granting you magic, starting you off with some enchantment and conjuration spells such as "hold (paralyze) person", "dominate weak monster", "entangle", "shamefully overdressed" (the target disrobes), as well as "shackle" (conjures restraints) and the ability to make your hair prehensile a few minutes a day, though the minutes need not be consecutive. It can act as a whip, or lift things with strength equal to your magic prowess, so right now, a fit farmboy, since you're just starting out.One day, you will hear an assertive voice in your dreams, that of your matron, telling you to visit an old magic academy and open a hidden safe under a dorm bed... which you do, of course. You can't disobey your matron after all, not if you want to keep being a witch... but this is where you find the rope, which binds to you immediately, as the assertive, feminine voice grows louder in your head. "Oh this is going to be fun..."To make a long story short, your matron, the spirit granting you your magic, was a powerful mage who abandoned her physical body, and can inhabit magical sex toys of her creation. This being one of them. "Stubborn Rope". It WILL give you the ability to cast spells without needing to gesture with your hands (but you may need to dance or wiggle a bit), but, as you expected... it can't be taken off. Furthermore, your matron, if it wasn't obvious already, was a MASTER dominatrix, and you, as her loyal witch, are going to be at her mercy until you earn your freedom... by finding her other toys, scattered across the lands.Don't worry about getting clothes off with the rope over them, the rope is a masterful magic item that can disrobe you magically.
>>11212685And likewise, it can get you dressed again just fine without ever loosening... though your matron's sou resides in them, and can override your control of the ropes. She sees this as something between a game and a test... letting you take her old magic broom as a mercy. I mean... traveling on foot isn't really an option anymore, is it? Buuut she might get a bit bored at times if you just keep flying everywhere to avoid trouble, and punish you for overeliance on the broom by binding it to you in ways like >>11212685, and since it was HER broom, she can take control of it as well and WILL threaten to fly you over cities naked, often taking you dangerously close or flying you over travelers as a warning.There WILL be times that she wants you to struggle against the ropes as you seek out her next toy. Say... a magic dildo enchanted with "vibrate" that was taken to a succubus's lair. No flying indoors, she'll loosen the rope JUST enough for you to hobble, while disrobing you enough to make you vulnerable, slipping your overcoat and panties into your bag with her prehensile rope form, tightening around your rear and breasts to make you more... presentable, for her old friend who resides within the dungeon.Of course, you don't stand much of a chance. It's not "How do I beat the succubus?", it's "How do I trick her and leave the dungeon with the dildo?", which may involve letting her toy with you as your rope mistress adjusts the rope binding you to position you in creative ways, hanging you from the ceiling or stiffening the rope around your legs into a spreader bar, perhaps even wrapping around your mouth to gag you. But maybe if the succubus sleeps after having her fun, you can sneak out... so long as you don't trip while hobbled by the ropes. If she tries to pursue you, well... you can cast entangle or conjure some fetters, if you can concentrate with the vibrator in you. You'll have to escape with her "artifact" still IN you, though...
>>11211220>>11210352>I wish for a cute, kind, and shy demon gf, with some aptitude for magic to keep things exciting.Granted, your new girlfriend is a demoness from the circle of Greed. Now I know what you're thinking: "But I asked for someone kind and shy" - well, she's greedy but not necessarily in the "corrupt businesswoman" or "loan shark" sense. See, she's a shy nerd, preferring to stay at home to work at her 'puter and watch her animes - although you can tempt her to get out, usually through bribing her with the promise of taking her to animecons or similar. (I mean, she could go out to get those things on her own, but it's the prospect of Being Taken Out By Her Boyfriend On A Date that she really really wants. Even though she'll probably blushing glowing-red-hot the entire time.)Problem is, she's also a compulsive hoarder, and she WILL fill your house to the near-brim with merchandise such as books (including manga volumes), posable figurines, transformer toys, posters, videogame consoles, piles of CDs/cartridges/DVDs/floppies, and so on - usually scavenged from the pits of Hell after they "died" aka got lost/destroyed. And even when she's about of running out of space, your house will inexplicably become just a tad bigger to fit the extra stuff. She instinctively knows how to navigate the intricate maze (one of the perks of being a Greed Demon is an instinctive knowledge of where each of your possessions is), but you might have to draw a map.>I wish I was a girl who gets to drink plenty of delicious cum every day. And also be immune from "mundane" malnutrition caused by my diet.
>>11212700...And while your matron may turn it off from time to time, she will rarely let you take it out.This is where you'll start to notice a pattern, with your next artifact being stated to be a wand... but in reality, it's a magical bar bag MADE from her wand. The tradeoff is these items DO make you stronger. The vibrator increases concentration, making it easier to cast spells when distracted or in a pinch, the gag will allow you to cast spells silently (at the cost of taking your ability to speak), and your matron assures you, that as much as they hinder you, each will help you... and she'll often leave them "equipped" on you with that reasoning.They will all seem to be guarded by powerful beings... but they're all people and creatures who she fucked in life, from half dragons, to nymphs, to fey who will tease the FUCK out of you, to her own sister who will provide "trials" for you that are... really just excuses for her to dominate you, with you having to do what she says.You'll get other items like bells for your nipples (they magically phase in and out, no actual piercing needed), making stealth impossible, but allowing you to distract people or use "diplomacy" (you can remove items blocking holes if it is for sex), you may get a cute collar with a leash for anyone to grab, but when not held, it will always guide your way to where you need to go (with gentle tugs), you may find a butt plug that animates into an eldritch tentacle, butt fucking you by surprise... but it allows you to stay awake and alert without suffering from fatigue.You CAN form a "party"... but no real adventurers will see you as more than an exhibitionist freak. But the goblin futa rogue who you let fuck you so she wouldn't rob you? Yeah, she'd spend the gold she steals at brothels anyways so might as well. She's a bastard but she'd rather you NOT get stuck in a dungeon or cave. That pixie who teased you as you trekked through a forest?
>>11212715You might be able to use "mage hand" to sloppily write what you're doing and why you're doing it... and your quest is just WAY too funny to not see through, so she'll use her magic pranking abilities to help. You can find other party members like a satyr dom, a perverted knight errant who wants you to leave the gear to her when you're done (she always volunteers to "check" for traps, especially lewd ones)... other perverts.Eventually, you'll be bound, gagged, and stuffed, only able to have items temporarily removed by your soulbound mistress for sex, but you'll be magically able to be a powerful witch despite this... slowly learning new, kinkier spells, from the useful, like a VERY temporary body swap, letting you stick someone else in your shoes while you, say, let yourself out of jail for indecency... or the humiliating, but powerful, like power word cum... though with your gag, it's more of a "moan". The spell will make you and your allies cum too, it does not discriminate.When you finally manage to ask your mistress if you've found enough to be rid of the ropes, without her dodging the question or teasing you about it... she'll reveal that she had a backup body in her sister's tower the whole time, and just wanted some fun while she was a ghost. This was all just a game to her.She can leave you, freeing you from the "relics", but also forcing you to find a new patron or matron for your magic, a tricky, and very risky process......Or you can pledge yourself to her, body and soul, and keep learning her magic... and while she will take the ropes off of you, she will still often force you to wear one or two of her relics, usually arbitrarily. Could be the butt plug one day, the ropes another, or something entirely new she made. Hell, she might let you be entirely free from bondage one day, or decide "fuck it" and put you in full bondage again. She'll also dominate you personally... but you'll be a stronger witch from it. So, which will it be?
>>11212726>I wish I was a skilled ero artist girl who could bridge the barrier between art on a screen, and real life, such as dragging a cute OC into reality. I'd also like characters to remember me between encounters, even if they were drawn in different ways or by different people, such as Samus remembering that I dragged her out as a bimbo last time, even if she's a futa now. How she takes that is up to her. And of course... the ability to draw my own characters as well as draw my own fanart of characters I get to know, essentially shapeshifting them.
>>11212714Granted! You are a small, cute girl, easily overpowered by your futa mistress- oh, don't have one? Well now you do, and she has friends she'll share you with. She'll be your ideal mistress, so long as your ideal mistress would be rough with you, be demanding and needy, love humiliating you, and get you addicted to her dick- ok you can more or less pick her appearance. She'll be doting and motherly, if not a bit smug and teasing, when she isn't rough.Now cum is not something the human mouth was made to efficiently take, so I made a modification to your body. You can stay looking like the cute blue haired girl, or some other girl 5 ft or shorter, but you're getting the right hole for the job as a mouth. Don't worry, I managed to fit all of it in place without having to move your nose, so you can still smell mistress, and I'll even let you have a tongue... though that pussy on your face is just as sensitive as the one between your legs so careful moving it, you might just make yourself cum via autocunnilingus.Of course, this means you can't talk anymore... I mean, sure, you can TRY... it'll just come out slurred at best, and as queefs at worst. If it's any consolation, mistress thinks it's adorable, and will ask you questions like "Do you want my cum?" to get you to make your shameful noises. Or "Would you rather play that video game I bought for you this weekend, or put you in a bitchsuit for three days? Hm? Bitchsuit? You're so happy you're moving your head side to side? Glad to hear it!"You can wear a mask in public, but the mask will often have a dildo on the inside, one shaped after your mistress, and often, recently used by her to make it taste genuine. But you're her lil pet, you won't be going outside much... that's a treat, not a right.This way, even when she invites her friends over, your "mouth" is stretchy and lubed enough to take as much cum as you want, and they want to give you. No fear of you biting or them choking you.
>>11212779Sure, you CAN write to communicate, but your mistress will usually ignore it or keep writing tools away from you, sometimes teasing you by leaving an empty pen out or an invisible ink pen, and you won't have any pockets for a cell phone to use to communicate with people she introduces you to, or if you do, it'll be a cheap phone only for calling mistress.She'll hear you out if it's important, giving you a real way to type or write, but get used to being teased for being mute, with no one knowing what you're saying or wanting to say. It's part of what makes you so cute~Oh, and just one last thing. Aside from being a mute sex pet with no real human rights (but a loving mistress who will spoil you), there is a condition you may suffer from. If you are fucked hard enough, you may, I shit you not, feel as if your pussy between your legs is your head, and your head is your bottom. The odds of this happening will increase over time as you move your body to pleasure people with each as if inviting them or working your hips. It's harmless, embarrassing, and again... cute to those around you. They may kiss your "lips" or put a hat on your "head" as you mentally readjust, teasing you about it after.Though to be fair... IS there much of a difference now?>Well fuck, now I want to be some cute freak... I wish I was pic related, belonging to a loving household that'll give me plenty of love and attention.
>>11212546Granted! You get a nerdy, tomboyish futa with little regard for shame who does what you wished for... because of what she wished for.Your GF asked to be a "Super hot futa with a cute boytoy, who can't leave me, that I could transform into my panties, dick, and other humiliating stuff."Her new body didn't change the Pervert she was before... don't expect showers more than once a week and god help you if you think she'll shave. Anyways, you're that cute boytoy. You'll become cuter and smaller, easily dominated by her, with a nice butt. The kind of cute boy who simply "looks peggable". You could probably pull off a femboy look if you wanted... though in reality it's if SHE wants it, and her whims are pretty unpredictable.As she wished, she can transform you. She will often turn you into her panties, and get off to the very idea, leaving stains in you as she goes to her track meets and the gym, thinking about what it's like to be you... She'll turn you back once she's had her fun. She may also turn you into her futa cock, merging you with her, which turns her on in a similar way. Getting stuck with the stains in her pants... being stroked by her... yeah, she's not making any less of a mess. She'll have other ideas, like making you into a condom, cockring, onahole she'll wear all day, or a semi animate female sex doll to fuck for relief. As long as it's "humiliating".She's still your GF though, and knows you wished for this, and also knows that due to her wish, you can't leave her... though she's not TOTALLY corrupt... yet. She'll tease you for your fetishes, gagging you with her used panties as she rails you, or lovingly rides you, and she'll cuddle as you two watch shows or play games together. And hey, as a boy TOY she can get you out of responsibilities. She'll often disguise you as things like keychains or dolls to keep you by her side... when she isn't putting you in her pants, that is.Hope you get used to it...
>>11212792>I wish I was a cute girl who could willingly, temporarily, become an amputee for fun. I'd request that my partners be girls, futa/dickgirls, and perhaps cute/fem boys.
>>11212781"A cheap phone only for calling mistress"...I just realized how funny giving a mute sub a cell phone is, and the problem with it didn't even occur to me......But I'm leaving it in because she absolutely would give you a cheap cell phone that can't text while being aware that you can't speak. She'd think it was the funniest gag ever.Don't worry, she'd still put a tracker or something on you for emergencies.
>>11211220>I wish I was a cute elven noble captured by a futa adventurer, only to be brought with her on her adventures in what turns into a cute, kinky romance.Granted! The elves were at war with the orcs, who wanted their land. The orcs declared that they would call off the war if you would marry their prince. The trouble is, elves know when they are in the presence of their soul mate, and the orc prince isn't it. He's a big, ugly, pig man who never bathes and you can tell he plans to r*** you if he ever gets you in his bedchamber. Your parents refuse the offer, but the prince still wants you. He hires an adventurer, his half-orc illegitimate sister, to kidnap you. She grabs you in the middle of the night out of your bedroom and carries you off into the darkness. When she reaches her hide-out in the woods, by the light of the campfire you see her for the first time and you are smitten. She looks like Zena the warrior princess with green skin and small tusks at the corners of her mouth. You immediately recognize her as your soulmate. Now the thing about elves is that they're all androgynous until they meet their soulmate. Meeting their soulmate triggers a latent elvish magic that transforms the body. Immediately your breasts expand, your hips widen, and your ass swells out behind you until you reach proportions that would be absurd for a human. This bursts your clothes, leaving you naked. The surprising thing is that the elvish magic is so strong, that it even affects this half-human-half-orc that has no elvish blood in her. She doubles over as a huge dick and balls grow, constricted by her leather pants. She rips off her pants, revealing a foot-long cock and baseball-sized balls. You've never seen anything more beautiful.
>>11212961She is seized by urges she's never felt before and takes you right there. You're ready, though. As soon as you saw your soulmate's cock, your pussy began to quiver and drool. She plunges deep inside of you and pounds you deep into the night until you collapse in each other's arms. Now, she doesn't want to give you up to her asshole of a brother, and your parents would never accept an illegitimate half-breed child as a daughter/son-in-law, so you two run away together. You are skilled in healing and light magic, so you become an adventurer with her. During the day you venture into dungeons and at night she ruts in you until you can't walk. All the while you are pursued by agents of your parents and her brother, but the power of love is strong and you always get away. You share many amazing and kinky adventures. > I wish women outnumbered men five-to-one and that polygamy was not only legal but expected.
>>11212714...I just realized that I didn't write anything about the "some aptitude for magic" part. My bad. Here's the fix:So, your GF does have a demonic libido, although you'll usually be the one who proposes/initiates sex because of 1) her general shyness, and 2) her habit of being so focused on nerdy stuff that she straight-up forgets that she's supposed to be aroused. She likes to please you, and that means that she can range from a full sub to a moderate dom.As for magic... Well, she can try asking her aunts for magical items or favors, though keep in mind that these are Greed demons we're talking about, so this kinds of stuff usually comes with significant prices and/or monkey's paws just to fuck with the two of you. But your girlfriend does have some innate magic of her own:>Asset theftSimple: she can temporarily take or exchange body parts, but she cannot donate them for free. So she could take off your limbs and turn you into a fucknugget, or she could swap your dick with her pussy.>Body/soul theftThese two are related. Basically, she can either take your soul into herself, making you possess her; gain ownership over your body, meaning that she can transfer her soul into your body; or she can combine the two for true body-swap.She really wants you inside her telling her what to do.>AurificationThink petrification, but gold instead of stone. This has many uses depending on how she tunes the spell. For example, she can turn your dick gold so that it will be perma-hard, but still have the consistency of flesh, still keep the sensitivity and the ability to cum, etc.Or she can turn herself into an immobile golden statue, or convert your body's external layer into gold - basically you'll be completely gold-colored but otherwise capable of functioning normally.>Summon mimicSummons a chest-shaped, tentacle.filled, hentai-style mimic familiar. Your GF could study how to summon a monstergirl version, but she's reluctant to do so because jealousy.
>>11212963Granted! But... I hope you weren't expecting to be wearing the pants for being a rarity.You now live in a matriarchal society where women take the traditional roles of both men and women in today's society, with men being smaller and weaker, often only relegated to what would be "feminine" roles as you know them, alongside other women who embrace said roles.All women are bisexual, and polygamy is the norm... but it's matrilineal, with the last name being taken from the most dominant woman. Men are still taken into these households, married to beautiful women, but usually as a "so we can get pregnant" or "our collective source of dick to tease" member of the house. Remember, men are smaller than women.Your scarcity makes it easy to find girls who are looking for a male for their household, and I'll even be nice and make you cuter and more endowed than normal, letting you find some real qts who are sexually and emotionally compatible with you.Just don't expect a harem revolving around you... or rather, expect any revolving around you to be with you as a submissive. The other girls will sometimes play "games" with you, like one luring you to a bedroom only for the others to literally come out of the closet with sex toys in hand. They're good at sharing, but it'll still leave you covered in pussy juice and dazed.While some girls will be more submissive than others, it'll still be more common for them to collectively tease you, but on the other hand, they'll also dote on and sometimes spoil you.You'll do better if you learn to cook and be a good house husband, though you won't be expected to work or do much else other than look cute and tend to your wives. Just work on that stamina...>I wish I was the cute fairy girl familiar of a kinky young lesbian/bisexual witch, or perhaps one just realizing she likes girls. I'd be a cute companion to keep her friendly company in her travels and studies, and for her to dote on and experiment with.
>>11211220>>11210574>>I wish I was a wealthy heiress...Granted, you are a beautiful woman with lots and lots of money. Your family is one of witches, and gained their wealth partly through granting significant favors to several royal families, and partly by cursing asshole noblemen and taking their stuff once they fail to break the curse and remain beasts or furniture forever. Originally, you inherited the wealth but not the magical talent; however, you managed to partially fix this through your wish.So let's jump right into how your power works: you can alter people's inhibitions, arousal and shame levels at will, provided that you have enough mana to do so. The more resistant and unwilling the target is, the more mana you must spend. Mana recharges only when you're relaxing. Do keep in mind that you only need mana to ALTER people's inhibitions etc; AFTER you changed them, the changes remain indefinitely, no mana required. So, if you turn someone into a horny nymphomaniac, they will stay that way even if you run out of mana; however, you'll need mana to turn their nymphomania off.But that mind-altering power isn't your only magical power... it's just the one you have control of. You see, whenever you alter someone's arousal or inhibitions, there's a chance that their bodies will be transformed in a way that matches their inner fetishes. Someone with a mommy kink might end up becoming a MILF or a tiny shortstack ready to be babied, someone who admires celebrities might turn into a bimbo, a white girl who likes [bleep] might turn into a centauress, and so on.This is an unfortunate side effect of your magic: unleashing their arousal and inhibitions means unleashing energies that were repressed until that moment. The only possible cure is to restore their inhibitions and arousal back to normal - and even then, if the victim actually likes the changes (yes, even the usual "is ashamed but deep deep down loves it" thing counts as "liking the changes").
>>11213361>I wish I was a cockatrice monstergirl.
>>11213364Granted! Fitting with the legends, you now live in a modern world with monster girls, and had harpy parents, but were adopted by a lesbian lamia couple before you hatched. After all, a cockatrice is born when a hen egg is hatched by a snake. You may appear as you wish (just adding a pic for content)This just means that you have a strong snake tail as well as powerful avian legs and wing arms that, while not able to get you airborne, are extremely soft and fluffy like most other harpy parts of you, great for hugs... though being a cockatrice might interfere with those...While you're not the MOST dangerous monster... as you expected, you do have "petrifying" abilities. They will neither kill people nor turn them to stone, but they certainly have some INTERESTING interactions.Your gaze is one such way to use said ability, and it isn't always "on". Strangers will avoid eye contact out of caution, but the truth is the effect only "turns on" when you desire it... the problem is that the desire can be subconscious, and contrary to popular belief... your target doesn't need to be looking at you, you just need to be looking at them.Say you see a cute boy or futa satyr girl letting it hang, with no one making her wear pants since she has fey diplomatic immunity... and whether you will it or not, you want to fuck them. First they'll get hard (women will get hard nipples and clits), and then they'll start to freeze in place. They'll still be warm flesh and blood, and able to cum, but stuck as if you hit them with a Skyrim paralysis spell, stuck in the same position, only able to move their eyes. This ALSO has a tendency to happen when no one else is around to witness, or help, often leaving you to try to drag them somewhere safe so they don't get robbed or raped... or so you tell yourself.The stiffness may slowly wear off if you avert your eyes once you get them somewhere safe, enough for them to speak, and, well. Most will be hit with the OTHER "hardness"
>>11213579So long as your intent is not malicious, fate will have it that they fall for you as well, with many even asking that you "take care" of their hard members or rock hard clits, giving you consent to play with their immobilized bodies as soon as they can speak again, sometimes having sex with you after they regain control. There's a cooldown for this ability, so they're safe looking you in the eyes after they recover... for a few hours, no matter how horny you are.If you want to be a villain though, I guess you could take a dominatrix approach and make people beg for relief... though this may come back to bite you when we get to your weaknesses.You're a naturally stigmatized type of monster already, so having friends will benefit you a lot, and let you find people who might even be into your abilities. You can use touch and even breath onto your targets to "pose" them with more control, leaving them immobilized in kinky positions....But if you start to get too out of hand, it's not like cockatrices weren't without weaknesses. Namely... weasel girls. They're immune to your gaze, touch, and breath, whether you intend to stiffen them or not. Whether they're just a weasel beast girl or a kamataichi yokai girl, their flexible bodies will be unaffected, letting them wrestle and grapple you, often in groups, using bastard tactics like the pests they are until you yield, often having to promise not to cause trouble, or perform some embarrassing act of penance, like making chicken noises on video. More severe punishments may lie in wait if you don't stop being rapey...And whether you're a good, if kinky girl, or a predator... you have one hilarious weakness that will catch you by surprise. You can use mirrors just fine.... sometimes. You have to daily, but if you have stray thoughts, or look at yourself wrong... it's like biting your tongue. A clumsy, avoidable, embarrassing accident. A mirror will make you immobilize yourself.
>>11213588You'll stiffen up and fall like a fainting goat, often for one of your mothers to hear you fall, sigh, and drag you to the couch, or a lover you're staying with to catch you frozen, looking up at them with a flushed face and embarrassed eyes, which can be met with anything from concern, to sympathy, to... them laughing their ass off. It IS really funny, and adorable for such a scary girl like you to end up so vulnerable. They'll usually tease you when this happens too, especially if your expressions tell them that their teasing is working. Your mouth will always be the first body part to move again, and they will take advantage of this. Knowing arousal and your gaze are linked... they'll ask if they can touch you while you're like this, tease you, press a vibrator against you while holding you bridal style... and of course it'll feel good.Just be careful with kinkier partners... they might keep mirrors on them to cause more "accidents", especially when you're in already compromising poses...Oh to be such a scary monster girl only to have such embarrassing weaknesses...>I wish I was some kind of Chimera monster girl, ideally futa
>>11212796Granted. Unfortunately for you, all your partners are "slasher killers", quotes mandatory. You know, the classic horror villain who's near-indestructible, probably has supernatural sponsors, and preferably hunts down attractive girls to turn them into a pile of mangled body parts... But in this case, there's a twist. The reason why the quotes in "slasher killer" are mandatory is because these killers have been sweetened, so to speak. For starters, they'll be considerably more attractive. Case in point: Jason Voorhes being a more conventionally bishouko woman (although still strong as fuck - and the mask is still stuck). Other example might include Chucky possessing an Astolfo sex doll, or Sadako being... well, still Sadako, cock and all.Secondly, they're slightly less prone to violence. Don't get me wrong, they're still not opposed to murdering people to get what they want - which directly leads us to perk number three: any damage they DO cause is not only lessened, but also inexplicably "fixed offscreen" later. For example, if they bisect someone, the event is painless, (usually) bloodless, and fixed as soon as any bystander is distracted even for a split second. Sometimes the victim is still alive even while split in half, not caring much about what is going on.Incidentally, this is why you're an amputee: two minutes with a machete, and bam, now you're an amputee. And your partners aren't exactly opposed the idea of turning you into even smaller pieces.The wish gave you the ability to make your limbs reappear on your body, and to make them fall off at will. Though your limbs do have a tendency to get loose whenever you feel horny. Well, when boys get horny, their third leg tends to rise, so it's fair that when you get horny, your second leg has a tendency to fall (off)...
>>11214795>I wish I had a lewd slime familiar - mostly so that I can lay on it and relax while I get my dick milked.
I wish for everyone to detox from electronics for a month and have it all stop working during that time period.
>>11215070For the next month, there is a massive coronal mass ejection that makes the Carrington Event look like a Spencer's plasma globe that goes on for an entire month.After it ends, any electronics that was shielded in a Faraday cage is okay but the entire internet will have to be rebuilt with what little Industrial Revolution-era tech that is still around. Maybe you can learn how to blow on glass, create a makeshift vacuum pump and create vacuum tubes. Meanwhile, there is no farm equipment more advanced than what the Amish would use, no modern-day logistics system even if you have the food to distribute. It's a world where the strong and the slutty will survive.The basics for survival are so rare that women must either eat a bunch of dicks or be eaten by a bunch of dicks that will do whatever it takes to survive (I had to throw some lewd shit in there somewhere otherwise this would be a rant about our modern society being destroyed by an EMP event). It's 1/2 gangbang prostitution and 1/2 cannibal vore guro.
I wish I could be transformed into a slutty gyaru prostitute and get gangbanged by multiple guys at the same time.
>>11214796Granted! You are now a cute, short mage boy or futa, and while you are not isekai'd, magic and fantastical beasts exist now. You'll find potions next to laxatives in pharmacies and whatnot, as well as things like fairy clothes and fireproof psuedodragon chewtoys at familiar focused petstores.Speaking of... you'll get a cute slime familiar yourself. You won't know much magic, but that's where your journey starts, right? And when I said you were short at the start... that's so you can look more like your pic related with your slime. The slime herself is average sized, and adorably bigger than you, which is unusual for a familiar. And yes, she is a she. She can take blob or, for a short time, humanoid forms, with futa dicks and tentacles galore. She can easily become a restraining blob like your pic related, or even take a body pillow esq form. Do note that she has a hard time speaking, even in human form.But things will start to seem a bit off once you realize just how much she's helping you with magic as you study cantrips and low level spells like "enlarge sexual asset" or "grease", as if she knows more than you do already, a tentacle or hand correcting your notes or casting stance...And that'd be because, well... she does. Did you really thing familiars smarter than their masters were a common thing? She used to be a mage too, you know... skilled in transmutation of the body and physical world, a specialization that quickly turned lust focused, until one experiment left her a slime, unable to articulate that she was actually a human. She was understandably frustrated by her sudden lack of human rights... but her newfound ability to pass as a familiar gave her an idea.She won't just milk your dick... she'll milk ALL of you, absorbing your essence into her very being, allowing her to assume a humanoid form once more, whether it be female, futa, or some other hybrid of you two. She knows she still has to keep you happy though...
>>11215141You ARE her master after all, and need to keep the charade up too... so she'll offer better magic lessons and better cuddle sessions. She knows JUST the right magic to keep you hugging her and pumping without it coming to an end too soon... or perhaps she could give you superhuman endurance so the milking lasts longer? Or perhaps you want something else from her...? Even if she can't speak very well as a slime girl, she's gf material... if anything that just makes it cuter.But in return, she will take your whole being after milking you every so often. One minute she takes your cum, the next, your dick, waist, and rest of your body is following into the slime as you two fuse.It won't last forever, but it's good enough for a day and night of fun. Enough for her to visit some of her old friends, go bar hopping and make compromises on who to fuck with you (she won't make you two fuck anyone you wouldn't want to), or maybe learn from you and get cozy in ways only a humanoid can, relaxing and reading erotica while touching herself while you're trapped in her body.You will safely unfuse and be exhausted after, but recover after a full night of sleep. And she'll be happy to cuddle or cuddle=fuck you after, if you'd like... even if there's nothing left to milk...>I wish I was a cute shortstack who attracted dominant or just plain energetic, kinky, or fun partners. The kind who'd pick me up assertively, pic related. Fantasy races and /d/ sexes welcome and encouraged.
>>11215143Granted. In a distant fantasy world, yordles are small goblin-like creatures, usually petite, big-assed, and feminine in appearance (even the males). Yordles were created by past Demon Lords to be the sex relief of other monsters: they exist primarily to be picked up and fucked by monsters in need of sexual release, in the same way you would pick up a onahole. That way, monsters can remain focused on their job, and will not be distracted by attractive, rapeable heroes. Yordles are pretty much constantly horny 24/7/365, and are fine with being sexually used by anyone and anything as long as they're used.You aren't that kind of yordle - or rather, you aren't a FULL yordle. Thanks to your wish, your existence got smooshed together with a different existence in the fantasy dimension I just mentioned. In simple terms: you exist in two parallel dimensions at once, piloting two bodies at once (you have the mental capacity to do this flawlessly, since technically you have two brains). Both bodies look identical to a typical female yordle, but there are some differences due to your unique interdimensional human/yordle status.First of all: your libido is significantly lower than that of a standard yordle. Don't get me wrong, if someone picks you up and suddenly fucks you WILL like it (you can't really be raped, you always end up liking it); but if you're left alone, you'll find out that you CAN think about non-sexual things most of the time. Like 16 hours a day.Second, due to your mixed-dimensional nature, you have a weird effect on the people you have sex with: they will become "mixed up" with their interdimensional counterparts. Ironically, everyone who is a human on Earth is a monster in the other world - which means that at the moment of sex, both bodies will be transformed. A human and a minotaur will become two minotaur monsterfolks, a human and a elf will become two slightly-less-elvish elves, a human and a rape horse will become two /d/orses, and so on.
>>11215476Obviously, if someone who got already transformed fucks you in either world, they will not be transformed further. Everyone will immediately accept the changes; from the multiverse's point of view, they're still the same person - it just so happens that two istances of "the same person" got connected with each other.Which leads us to perk number three: normal yordles were magically created for sex, so any monster who sees or even heards about them will instinctively know that they exist to be used for sex. In YOUR case, everyone will istinctively think of you as a sex toy (with a personality and feelings, but a sex toy nonetheless), but will also be aware of your transformative effects, so quite a few people will try to not have sex with you. And even out of all the people who would be fine with being transformed, most of them will not fuck you simply because they have something else to do at that particular moment.But if the stars align, and someone with the right mindset is around you at the right moment? Yeah, you will be picked up like a suitcase and brought somewhere private for sex. Or maybe you'll just get fucked in the middle of the street. As I already said, everyone thinks of yordles as sex toys, so they will see no problem with someone fucking you in public (and likewise you will not be charged with indecent conduct, that would be like charging people for being subjected to the force of gravity). I'm gonna say that you're probably gonna have sex at least once a day. And yes, many of them are perfectly willing to be your friends-with-benefits and open up a whole treasure chest of weird kinks you might want to try out. Ever been used as a fuckable buttplug for a /d/orse? No? Well, if you don't like that, the /d/orse in question might stick around to more vanilla-ish fetishes like aggressive endurance smooching.>I wish I was a well-endowed futa nerd.
>>11212781Granted, you're now a pillow futa, a mixture of my pic and yours: basically, you're a quadruple amputee futa, but with the consistency and flexibility of a pillow. You can get animal limb prosthetics to move around quickly, but only as a treat; most of the time, you'll have to crawl and wobble around like a worm, or ask to be picked up and carried around. Luckily for you, your owners - a loving family, all incestuous - love and cherish you a lot, and find it difficult to tell you "no". Plus, as an extra feature, you can connect with electronic devices suck as computers or videogame consoles simply by being plugged to them... which usually means "getting a cable or a videogame controlled inserted inside of you". Not that your mind, your insides are plush yet fuckable, and can accept pretty significant insertions.Which remind me: yeah, your owners are horndogs, and fuck each other - and you, if you want - pretty frequently. You know the drill: MILFy caring mom, buff dad always willing to give you a shoulder to lean on (beware of his jokes, they're terrible), an athletic tomboy with a "bully dom" streak, a nerd with a significant collection of weird pornographic media, the sweet potato that's kinda a ditz, an older futa aunt... I'm pretty sure that you'll find someone fitting your tastes. Do keep in mind that they'll respect you enough to not fuck you if you don't want to, but they have absolutely no problem with fucking each other in front of you. Or in front of anyone, really.Speaking of fucking, did I mention that you're kinda built for sex? You are flexible, elastic, self-cleaning, and you have plenty of sexual stamina and no refractory period. You have both a penis and a vagina, and your "digestive track" is basically a straight tube going from mouth to ass with a chamber in the middle, potentiall yallowing for all-the-way-through situations. You don't need breathe, and you can subsist on either sexual fluids or regular food.
>>11215508Ah, almost forgot: everyone in the family has selective fertility - no children unless both parties wants them. And as the family's pillow, you also have that same perk.Yes, I said "pillow", not "pet". That's because your pillowy nature will lead to several shenanigans:1) Most nights, someone will grab you and use you as a regular pillow. The nerd will dress you in a PJ styled after an anime character, turning you into a dakimakura.2) Pillow fights are a thing. Yes, you will be swung around and thrown. Your soft body can take it without pain, but you can still get disoriented and/or dizzy.3) Speaking of dizzy: you will be washed occasionally. Yes, that means going in the washing machine.4) You can get injuried, but your insides are basically feathers and fluff, so your health will not be in danger even if you were ripped apart. Still, losing feathers and getting excessively "deflated" isn't much fun.5) Yes, you can get "refilled". Usually they'll make you drink liquid cum or breastmilk-based supplements to fatten you back up.>I wish I was a kaiju girl.
>>11212729Granted. You have the ability to create drawings so realistic, that you can summon the characters depicted, bringing them to life and allowing them to interact with the material world. The summoning process requires 10 minutes, and you can desummon them whenever you want with another 10 minutes delay.Just like you asked, each summonable will remember what happened in previous summons. That's because you have limited control over their personality, which is made in equal parts by three components:1) The canon part. This is the part that most closely adheres to canon - for example, Samus Aran will be 1/3rd the usual badass bounty huntress she is in the videogames. Obviously, this part remains constant across all summons.2) The hidden part. This is a constant part that is personal to the character itself, but doesn't show up in normal media. Maybe it's the same as the "canon" part, or maybe it's something else. For example, you might discover that Samus is a huge strategy game nerd. This part also remains constant across all summons.3) The variable part. This part varies depending on what picture you use to summon the character; for example, if you draw Samus as a ditzy bimbo, and then you use that pic to summon her, she will be 1/3rd ditzy bimbo.Since the character's personality is 67% constant, they will usually retain the memories of what happened across different summons. Key word "usually"; obviously, if you summoned Samus as a ditzy bimbo, she probably won't remember all the details given that at the time she was a ditzy bimbo.Now let's talk about the real issue. There's another entity with more or less the same personality as you, and similar powers to yours: instead of summoning you into its reality, it can transform you while keeping you in this reality. Essentially, you are the fictional character created by an extradimensional ero artist.
>>11215548Since it has a similar personality as yours, the entity also tends to have the same fetishes, and will treat you in a way similar to how you treat your own characters. The entity might try to "redraw" you into a futa version of yourself, and later into a cuntboy, and see how you will react. If you are a bully towards your characters, the entity will be a bully to you; if you care about your creations, it will care for you. You consciously try to avoid subjecting Zelda to fetishes she finds to be a turnoff? The entity will attempt to do the same to you. You're a horny horndog who sometimes falls into the temptation of creating weird lewd scenarios? The entity is the same way.How much do you trust yourself?>I wish I was a cute short man who gets doted on by taller, more mature women.
>>11215495Granted! You are now an adorkable futa like pic related, very tall and endowed with an imposing cock, as well as endowed and curvy in general, and you are "full packaged" with a pussy as well.Reality will change to adapt. If you had any nerdier hobbies before (unthinkable), you'll still have them... but you might be a bit more "nerdy" about them. More posters, figurines, collectors editions... etc. And yes, with the reality rewrite, you will also have cozy sweatshirts and pants (good for concealing) and underwear that fits you... until you get hard. You may find yourself in a cozy apartment if it's nicer than what you have now, with modest job options as being a secretary, barista, librarian, etc that aren't that demanding... but are usually associated with cute nerdy girls and would put you in awkward places to pitch a tent in your pants, as well as taboo places for sex.I won't explain why you look like you do. You're super tall because I think it's cute, especially combined with your newfound (or slightly altered existing) awkwardness. Don't worry, it's cute on you. You'll be seen as sexy AND cute by boys and girls alike, with your tendency to "nerd out" about things you're passionate about and social awkwardness (ex. you will frequently say "you too" at the wrong time and are easily flustered), gives you a real "gentle giantess" vibe that people love. You're sexy for reasons I shouldn't have to explain.However... being easily flustered and having a huge futa cock that can stain your shirt or pitch a tent in your clothes do not go well together. You'll have to learn to conceal... but unfortunately for you, your wish had an "equal and opposite reaction".While you may be shy and nerdy, easily flustered and benefiting greatly from extrovert friends... your friends will become more dominant and prone to teasing you. And because I KNOW you're a pervert, it'll be hard to resist their dominant propositions... their "playful bullying". It's like crack.
>>11215675A gal pal may take advantage of your naivity and take you clothes shopping, only to present you with lewd accessories like those in >>11215675 , and expect you to WEAR them (cock and ball concealment will become a valuable skill for you), another FWBs may grope you in public or get you to agree to wear a vibrator as your friend circle plays "guess the intensity" in secret, and when you get home, while you can fuck, and be fucked, by your partners... don't be surprised if they pull out a leash or use that spare "assertive" energy you shed after becoming a nerd girl to make you dress up with animal ears/cow horns and a buttplug tail, crawl around on all fours... and do so willingly, if they get their way. Even if you're pounding a girl from behind, a tug on your leash might remind you of who's in charge.Make no mistake, your friends are still your friends. Your transformation just "leaked" assertive energy that makes them all extremely skillful doms, whether they be gentle doms or something kinkier... and being such a cute nerd gave you a kink for being "bullied" in these ways.They might switch roles every once in a while, but... come on... look in a mirror. YOU'D tease yourself if you were them! And if you're a good girl, they might just get you a new figurine or cozy plush...>I wish I was a sexy ranger who was good at fucking cute and sexy monsters she finds with the agreement that they don't cause trouble if I do. I'll still kill any "mook" monsters if I had to, undead monstrosities and whatnot, but if I see a harpy milf I'm burrying my face in that pussy down. Gods save me if I see a futa satyr. I'm sure one of these holes is for humans and one is for monsters, but she gets to take them both.
>>11215517Granted! But... you're probably not going to be on the side you were expecting. You will take the life of one of your many parallel selves. A cute, single, 20 something year old intern at a kaiju research facility, hardly even a scientist. You have a humble apartment, and a few sex toys befitting a single woman (as well as a few familiar objects from this life) to your name. In this world, supernatural threats like kaiju, yokai, and even aliens exist, and you were one of the many faceless assistants spell checking and delivering requisition forms for whatever lasers or cryogenics the jackasses on top think will work on the kaiju this time,...That is, until one day, when you're knocked off your feet while on a catwalk, delivering papers as usual, by some asshole scientist from overseas, rushing to the infamous "meeting room". You fall into a vat of... something, only to be quickly wheeled out as your vision grows hazy, and you grow into pic related. Even the set of memories from this life will agree, you have some cute coworkers and this is kinda hot, but the you from this life is also jaded and understandably pissed off at her job, and becoming a kaiju sized office lady. Some would call you a "christmas cake", even, and now you're a monster girl on top of that. Even if you wanted to shave that lil bush off (the one every witness to kaiju clashes will see), it'll regenerate due to Kaiju blood. Great, huh?The good news is that you're no normal Kaiju. You fell into a vat of genetic material belonging to a protean, size shifting monster. When I said "grew", I didn't mean to Godzilla size. You grew like, 20 ft, but after your consent in being used to fight other giant threats is assumed... it's explained to you that you can put on literal water weight to increase your size to what you need. Kaiju always fight near oceans, you just need some time to grow... though this does have a side effect of NOT evening out equally when you approach Godzilla size.
>>11215787Instead, when you reach this size, it will quickly be focused in your breast, butt, thighs, and pussy mound, making you both clumsy, and quite a lewd sight... you can push it some for harder if you NEED that extra size and strength, but you'll be an absolute klutz who's easy to throw off balance. You can release water as a high pressure stream, but it's exhausting and you're better off waiting to "steam off" water to return to a smaller size, which takes a few hours. But hey, you can return to human size at least.Anyways, the monsters you'll face! Oh of course you'll be the human turned kaiju hero! I mean, if you didn't become that, your asshole higher ups would just... work on driving off/capturing you like they do other kaiju. Giant futa oni who heard a "new girl" is in town, kaiju monster girls who ask if it's your "first time?" playfully before throwing down, jellyfish like tentacle monster aliens... you might even get a curveball like an oversized slimegirl or eldritch horror (with a weirdly sexy avatar). The fights are often lewd, some lewder than others (the oni will fuck you as the cameras roll if you lose), but if you can't put in the work needed at least you can be a distraction while other kaiju failsafes are prepared... a fucktoy for who you lost to until the scientists FINALLY show up with that giant tranquilizer delivery system. Oh and you'll only drive them off at best... if they return, they might know you better. Maybe even dip you in water to push your size to it's limit and make you lewder.Eventually, you'll meet the head of the project, or rather... she'll meet with you, and things will start to make a bit more sense. In this life, you had a rival/lover. Someone who took an ACTUAL position from you and left you pushing papers. Someone you may or may not have shared a bed with in the past... and now her sexy ass is teasing you and your predicament. Even worse, she has Kaiju powers too. What, you think only you got those?
>>11215794Nope, it's long been understood, she just didn't know how to go public with it... until you made the decision for her. SHE also knows how to control them better, with hers being energy and regeneration based, which can let her turn energy she generates into more bodymass- ok it's the same deal as you but with electricity instead of water. More importantly, she can grow a futa dick.This can only end in a catfight. As much as your former set of memories might be enjoying this, the other you has a history with this bitch... and maybe you're enjoying the sexual tension from said history, who am I to say? You both throw down in an oversized hangar, hatefuck, and in the process, her secret is revealed as well and you both get put in the same boat of "fight kaiju for the city". While she's clothed in her pic >>11215794, those tear off, rest assured, as black and blue scales and pigment coat her body, leaving her just as naked as you, and fun fact... she has a lewd tattoo that grows with her. Not that she wanted it too, quite the opposite, but regeneration makes it impossible to remove... it'll certainly expose her to similar embarrassment as you having that perma bush. You wonder if you can be futa too... (yes, with practice)From now on, you two will USUALLY be sent out after different monsters for efficiency, and because you were seen hatefucking, and the scientists aren't sure if your rivalry, or being distracted by angry sex is a bigger problem...But if both of you are available and only one threat is present, both of you are sent after it... and it goes about how you'd expect. She won't hesitate to put you in embarrassing situations or bail and let you "distract" the fuckable monster as she flanks them, her rivalry burning brighter than ever... as you get pleasure from doing the same to her. You could JUST jam those power lines into her to give her a dumptruck and fat tits, and push her over to pin that no name monster under her weight...
>>11215796And be real smug about it, too. Rub it in, maybe put on a show for the cameras, maybe slap her ass right after... are those thoughts from your last life or this one? Hard to tell at this point, you WERE a pervert, and this you is just a pervert in denial.Almost every time without fail, you fight each other, and most of the times you fight... you hatefuck after, until you're both exhausted and human sized again. The media will go WILD with you two, and the half of your mind from this life will get to feel the embarrassment of being "shipped" with your rival, being drawn fucking her on porn sites.You CAN use your other set of memories, the one you used making this wish, to make SOME manner of peace with her, maybe fuck in private and finally cut that lesbian tension... but the you in this reality, and your rival, will be VERY reluctant to stop the rivalry, or act affectionate to the other when seen by others. Not like you're fooling anyone...Enjoy fighting giant sexy monsters with your giant sexy rival and totally NOT your GF,>I wish I was a powerful futa dragoness
>>11215798Granted. Now dragonesses exist, and while they're pretty rare, their prowess is widely renown, both in combat and in bed. Especially in bed. Speaking of which, all dragons are futa, although some use magic to change their sex so that their powers will be more focused... But I'm getting ahead of myself.You are the result of a particularly heated five-dragons orgy involving a Scion of Tiamat, a perfect mixture of the five cromatic dragon races that were directly designed and created by her. Naturally, your birth was celebrated by your four fathers and two mothers (your first mom laid her egg inside your third dad's womb), as scions are naturally more powerful than the average dragoness, destined to become either powerful rulers or valuable sex toys. Sometimes both.So, what can you do? Well, you are a multi-colored dragoness futa, with each individual scale slowly shifting colors independently. You're strong and durable as fuck, and you have some significant potential in all forms of elemental magic, should you choose to train and study for it. Most importantly, you have five pretty sizable cocks, one for each of your scale colors, and each one has their own individual pair of balls.So, fun fact about dragonfutas: remember those stories about "breath weapons"? Yyyyyeah, that's actually pretty rare. The reality is that dragons possess an innate power that they can channel through their sexual bits - usually their cocks, although other options exist like breasts. Mouth-power dragons do exist, and they're the ones medieval monks wrote about when describing breath weapons (western monks were prudish assholes back then). Anyway, my point is that your five cocks all have different effects when they cum...
>>11216144>RedAlways warm. Produces a red-hot spicy cum with powerfully aphrodisiac effects. Especially powerful against those races that periodically fall into rut. If you focus power into it, you can essentially cum lava.>Green"Splurts" out aphrodisiac gas that lingers in the area. The gas progressively saps the strength of its victims while making them more and more helplessly aroused.>BlueThis penis acts like an electrostimulation sex toy, increasing in power the hornier you are. Can create a "chain lightning" effect across multiple people.>BlackCum with hentai acid properties. Completely infertile except in very specific wombs. You can selectively choose what is affected (for example, you can choose to melt just the target's clothes, but leave the actual person unharmed).>WhiteAlways cool. Its cum has a freezing effect, and can be used for harmless temporary petrification. Or for ice cream.As I mentioned, since your innate dragon powers are stored in your dicks, this means that you will activate those powers every time you cum from that particular dick. And if the orgasm was in some way unwanted/involuntary, this means that you will have less control over the results. With enough willpower, you can try to "hold in" your arousal to stop yourself from cumming, and then wait for your arousal to dissipate; however, remember that if you cum while having accumulated arousal, the effects will be significantly worse. Also, you can redirect your arousal from one dick to another - for example, you could use a onahole on your black dick but cum out of the green one.Anyway, that's more or less it for your body. What are you gonna do with it? Dragons tend to be kinda competitive by nature, and you are an above-average powerful and famous dragons, so you can expect to be occasionally challenged by another dragonfuta, in "battles" that contaminate the surrounding area with puddles of magi-hazardous sexual fluids.
>>11216152And yes, you will have to fight at least a couple other scions in the future.>I wish I was a femboy capable of producing an endless amount of piss.I'm pretty sure there's some fetishists out there who would like it...
>>11213307Granted, and here you are. See, your mistress decided to took an isekai trip to expand her horizons, study worlds and whatnot, and she has a knack for finding particularly small ones she can toy with. And naturally she took you along for the ride. So, in this world (Earth), she's taller than a hill, while you are "merely" the size of a house. Or, at least, that's your default size.Mistress is a prodigy at shrinking magic, capable of shrinking herself to the size of a fairy. She also learned a special magical blessing that allows her to not harm anything unless she specifically chooses otherwise; so she could literally jump on a city and bounce as if she was on a mattress, while the "tinies" would, at best, just get wobbled and disoriented a bit. An obvious use of this ability is to allow herself to sit/step on you without crushing or suffocating you.Since you're her familiar, you also share her powers... but you don't control them. She does. If she decides that you must grow from human to house-sized, you will. If she decides that you must shrink to a steppable size, you will. If she decides that you can't harm someone (like, for example, trying to resist her), then you can't. She is willing to toy with you only occasionally, and leave you plenty of freedom during your "free time", but... Well, she sometimes gets creative. Like putting you to marinate in a jar full of her femcum, using her magic to nullify the risk of drowning. Or growing you to giant size, and then sit on you, preventing you from escaping (she'll decide that throwing her off counts as "harm" and therefore not allowed), all in full view of a crowd of people. I mean, it's not really sadism if you don't cause any actual, real harm, right? (It is.)
>>11216196>I wish I was a lewd nun.
>>11213590Granted, you're one of the creations/"daughters" of a mad scientist who tried to create kaijus and mechas, but never learned how to get around the Square/Cube Law, so all her creations had to be scaled down to reasonable size. Don't get me wrong, you're still taller than almost any human, but you can still stand normally inside most houses.Anyway, your "father" created you in an attempt to recreate a monstergirl version of the original Dino Megazord. No, I'm not kidding. In practice, you're kinda a mishmash of different monstergirl parts painted in garish colors. In order from bottom to top, you have:The left hooved leg of a minotaur. It's permanently painted blue.The right leg of a cheetah monstergirl. "Dad" had to surgically beef it up to match the size of the other leg (there's a couple scars underneath the fur).The torso, head and tail of a red dragon monstergirl - Monster Girl Encyclopedia style. The scales can be soft or hard depending on the situation. Also you can breathe fire, although it's hell on your throat.The arms of a sasquatch girl. Big, beefy and covered in black fur.The wings and dick of a roc (bigass harpy). The pink wings are as big as than the rest of your body, and the conical avian-like dick is highly flexible, and also big as a broadsword - enough for you to deepthroat yourself. Thank God for natural porn physics...Naturally, you look a bit ridiculous, but there is an out. You see, you have a lot of "siblings" - other monsters created by your "Dad" and then abandoned every time he moved, which was often. Aside for bonding with each other (and maybe "bonding" with each other, wink), there's one more reason why I suggest you go seek them. See, technically you are an organic mecha, with your body as the "mech" and your soul as the "pilot". Which means that, as long as it's consensual, you can swap bodies with your siblings,. Now the issue is finding them...>I wish for lewd bubbles.
>>11216153Granted! But all that "gold" comes at a cost. You are, like your image, a cute femboy with budding "breasts" that are rather sensitive, but not enough for people to consider you a "dickgirl"... even if you do look like one, hence the collar marking you as a boy. Ah right, the collar... you belong to a bar now. Well, the priorpriatress likes to call it a "tavern" but it's the modern day and, if anything, it's more like a brothel. The outfit in your pic related is also your uniform.So what about your power makes you so desirable? At first... niche fetishists, but that didn't pay the bills. Worse yet... your attempts to capitalize on it resulted in you going into debt, hence, your situation... though even if you pay off your debt, this is probably the only stable piss related job you'll have.So what makes it different? The owner and mistress is an alchemist. Slime girls, monster futa, oversexed bimbo boys (I guess that includes you now too)... she modifies her workers to sate fantastical fetishes. And you? Aside from the modest boobs and girlier than natural look... she altered your kidneys to transmute excess substances into... anything biological, really. She has a (weak) philosopher's stone keyed to you that she uses to select what that is, and being a "tavern"... you're seen as a sexy, fuckable, walking keg, drink fountain, condiment station, etc. Beer, wine, lube, condiments, literal MILK, even CUM. As long as it's from biological sources... Whenever a customer orders something, it goes right to the stone and you piss that now. This also goes for being an... escort. You will be treated well by your clients, mistress ensures it, and you can pick them to a reasonable degree... but of course, many will want to get freaky with the limits of your ability.Now the stone will stop anything that'd be outright dangerous on its own, but things like "slime" the slime girl is made of, something sticky like syrup, liquid chocolate...
>>11216504...But then some get clever, realizing that you can restructure fluids into things the body produces naturally... mixtures of sex hormones, that, to avoid complications, are options curated and developed by your mistress... though they won't be any less intense.A mix that makes you UNBEARABLY hard like that brazilian spider venom, but unable to find release (you cannot cum while pissing), aphrodisiacs strong enough to make you fall into a daze and make your client take you then and there, even drug like mixes that leave you and your client dopey and horny.You have a special chamber that can readily be drained and cleaned... and even totally flooded if someone REALLY shells out a lot of money to spend enough time with you to accomplish that.Don't worry though, I wouldn't put you in this world without a countermeasure. I mentioned a slime girl earlier. Well, turns out she made a similar wish in the opposite direction. She's an endless void for fluids, able to destroy biological fluids that she consumes, or anything ONCE biological (no, you can't cheat the system and extract pure elements from your piss)....But of course, once she became a slime girl capable of it, her finances went the same way as yours, and she fell to the same fate. She's into it, and oddly dominant about it, enjoying bulling you to make more... but DOES have a limit to how weird things can get, and will clean up some messes with a jaded sigh. DO be nice to her... I'd say she could milk you dry if you didn't, but you can't dry up, so think twice before making a comment on what she's cleaning up, or making a mess.>I wish I was a cute tomboy redhead quad amputee, with some ability or force in her life that made me a bit less helpless. Special prosthetics, telepathy, a loving futa GF who carries me around while I'm on her dick... as long as it's fun and sexy.
>>11215553Granted. You get hit by a truck and reincarnated in another world. In this world, everyone is anthro/furry, but all races are the same species, so everyone can breed with each other. Each race has aspects of the animal they are based on, such as size, skills, etc. Elephant folk are really big, horse folk are fast, bat folk can fly, cow women have huge, milky breasts, and so on. Also, women outnumber men by about five to one, so harems are required for the You are reincarnated as a hamster man. You are about two feet tall, soft and fuzzy, and your testicles are the size of volleyballs. They are so big compared to your size that they drag on the ground when you walk. Fortunately, body size doesn't correlate to penis size, so you have a respectable six inches, which feels more like 18 inches to you, compared to your size. Even for a hamster your balls are unusually large and productive. If you go more than a few hours without cumming they start to get sore. Since you can barely walk or go long without relieving yourself, you are eligible for disability. Fortunately, you attract the attention of a trio of cow sisters who find you adorable and want to take care of you. Each of them is over three times your height and has breasts that are larger than your entire body. They love taking care of you, both helping you around a world much to big for you, and relieving your bloated testicles. You make enough semen to inflate their wombs, and they love it. Your belly is kept full of milk and your balls are kept empty of semen. > I wish I was not addicted to porn.
>>11216725Granted!You are now entirely recovered of any and all porn addiction, no withdrawals, no urges, your stash wiped, your browser history cleared, though the memory stays with you.Your vice is removed from you, but the hole it leaves in yourself and your time still requires something to fill it.Whatever that might be is entirely within your own hands, and if you never decide something for yourself your addiction will replace itself with something as destructive upon your body and mind, and if you're not careful likely even worse for it.If by some chance you do happen to settle back into an addiction for porn once again, you won't dwell in the regret of falling back into old habits and be granted the drop of enlightenment to truly understand the nature of impulses, even if you are bound within your own.This is a chance to improve upon yourself, to be free from what you believe binds you and become what you desire to be. Or to not regret your failures and respect yourself even as you wallow in them.The truth of the matter remains solely in your hands, be it to improve, degenerate down another path, or understand the situation you exsist within. A feat of your own mind, body, and will.Exactly as it is now.Only without what you believe imposes resistance.>I wish I was a cute futa hucow
>>11216839Granted! The cute girl/futa part of you is up to you... before breast/genital enlargement via hormones, anyways. But you might not be as human as you would have liked... your new owner is an eccentric woman, living on a farm full of monster girls that she herself engineered. She's a genetic engineer, but unlike those "pansies" who follow things like "ethics", she doesn't wait generations to make changes, because she found ways to alter people's physiology in their own lifetimes with a mixture of medicine and biotech, often serving as "scaffolding", such as a prosthetic dick that lasts until a futa's REAL cock grows in. You will be given sensitive prosthetic balls and a fake dick that feels (and acts) real, fake horns and ears, and a tail... only to one day wake up and see the shell of the prosthetics on the ground, with real parts in their place. During this time you meet the other girls, have sex with them, and aren't expected to do much other than "adjust"... until your second round of changes comes up.You wished for it, so I made it happen, even if you didn't get to look at the contract I signed you up for. See, your master hates "half assed" monster girls and wanted to try taking it further. Just ears and boobs? Cosplay tier slop! But... well, what's stopping her there? She's already going to be milking you for milk and "milk" to sell to monster girl fans and other hucows for breeding... why not give you a body better suited for those udders?A few experiments later, which as far as she's aware, you agreed to... and your limbs will be those of a cow. Cloven, strong, plump... and forcing you on all fours, with a spine adjusted so your head looks forward naturally even if your torso is horizontal now. This is her new "innovation" for hucows, and you won't be the last. As another side effect, you will lose your ability to speak, only being able to moo, gasp, whine, and moan, though you will retain your intelligence.
>>11217023You may have been unaware of these changes... but your owner thinks you were expecting them since the contract she got had your signature on it. Don't worry though, she doesn't judge... much. She thinks you're kinky, but that's what makes you fun. As much as she likes turning people into farm animals... she is still sweet in her own way. She might give herself a futa dick to surprise you if she notices you feeling down, fucking you lovingly, give you a tablet to type requests on, or match you with a "friend" who can keep you company, such as another futa hucow like you, or non futa... or one with a dick and one for you to fuck, keep you in the middle so to speak.She won't abuse your lack of human rights in SADISTIC ways, she's planning on altering herself irreversibly one of these days anyways, but you may be vulnerable to "bullying" by the other hybrids. A futa fox girl/boy who will surprise knot you, a harpy hen who can still speak who will tease you or goad you into fucking her, goat girls who still have hands, who will headbutt you and feel you up while play wrestling... that kind of thing.The GOOD news is that your new body works. You can haul your massive tits around on all fours all day, your dick too, and as long as your partner is on all fours too, you can mount them... so at least that's working as intended.One day you'll be shown the "talking" tablet with a question: "Would you rather sire, or bear calves?"You already look the part of a parent... which will it be? Or... you could tap both, in a kinky, playful way, if you're daring enough...>I wish I was a cute witch with a fey matron, prone to lewd accidents or "accidents" knowing the fey... like pic related (futa satyr transformation). I'd also like to belong to a coven of other cute and sexy witches.
>>11216198Granted! You are now a succubus blessed the a saintly heart. While you probably don't know much about faith... that's ok, because you didn't specify what religion either, so I set up an all encompassing deal for you to both be lewd, and a nun, with a few divine forces... that I have to keep secret cause, you know... faith and all, I can't reveal if they're really real or not.While monster girls, futa, and other staples of a hentai accepting world exist now, you are still a VERY strange case... but religions tend to be a lot more liberal and plentiful, from Shintoism kept alive by yokai and oni boys and girls, to greek and nordic faiths kept alive by their cultural demihumans, like harpies, nymphs, satyrs, and valkyries.NORMALLY succubi, or any demon for that matter, are not allowed on the mortal plane, with exceptions for summonings and contracts (they're meant to tempt, after all...)But your contract gives you an exception... so long as you ARE a nun. Now since you are still a succubus... you still do have to have sex. Rest assured, an exception has been made, so you can have consensual sex with whoever you'd like without consequence... but your other restrictions may get a bit annoying, or even make your sex life... kinkier.You are under vows of poverty, obedience, SITUATIONAL silence, and you must pay off any debts you accrue, be kind and good to others, and clean up your messes. That last one isn't a traditional nun duty, but you're no traditional nun.You are allowed enough money to get by, and even get something like a modest PC. You can also be someone's roommate and share, which is an easy, and acceptable way to both have a FWB close by and have nicer things. The other vows though, have meanings beyond their intended meanings...You do not have to be obedient to a figure who is not "good" themselves, but being a demon lets you literally see how "good" someone is, and if someone is kindhearted, you must obey them. Especially during sex.
>>11217065Now due to them having to be kind for this to work, they can't make you do anything you wouldn't like... but they can fluster the fuck out of you and ask you about your more shameful fetishes, and you must answer truthfully. Your vow of silence? They can just ask you to go quiet, or put a finger over your lips seductively, or even go "Shhh...", and you'll become magically unable to speak, but remain able to moan, gasp, yelp, etc until your "duties" to them are fulfilled. You get fed, they get a morally acceptable lay. Not a bad deal, right? You're even allowed to be taken into bedrooms of kind couples, or even virtuous polycules, since some religions allow polygamy. Your body is more or less the overly lewd form you see, with quite the big "donut" because a lot of religious types see it as "a loophole", but your form may shift depending on who you're around. For example, you may grow physically taller and stronger around a shinto shrine, taking the form of an oni, or perhaps more vulpine, like a kitsune. Find yourself in south Asia? You may wake up with four arms... maybe extra... something else, if you're lucky... Near the Mediterranean? You may look more like a faun or nymph, or maybe a mix with goat legs and a fluffy butt. These transformations will be weaker or stronger the more you adopt to local spirituality, so if you like hedonistic satyrs and Helenism... you might keep the goat legs. If you like yokai and humble shinto homes, you may stay partially foxy.You're basically a wandering nun tasked with finding her own answers, going on fun and often kinky "adventure of the week" escapades. While you retain your past life knowledge and personality, your new heart will always push you to try to do "good", even if it backfires hilariously, with you being a literal demon that is hard to trust, perhaps being mistaken for a summoned slut and not wanting to let the kind woman down... she seems so excited, and maybe you could... cuddle and talk, after?
>>11217080You may even replace some vows if you find new faith... but they must be equally humbling or humiliating. Instead of poverty, you may adopt a miko's (shrine maiden's) sincerity, having to be honest and respectful, but being unable to lie. Or perhaps you saw a cute druid and want more freedom in the bedroom. Well, instead of being ordered around... you can replace that with having sexual "geas" put on you at the start. Rules you cannot break, or tasks. Such as: No vaginal penetration, you must remain on four legs, or if you get kinky... "You must walk around town in a short dress with no panties". Like the original vows... you cannot disobey one from someone who is "good".I hope you one day find some pagan belief or set of beliefs that lets you exist as a virtuous succubus...Oh, and if you break the rules you are physically capable of breaking (obedience, silence, and geas cannot be directly resisted), and you'll be punished by a local religious authority, often via chastity. They'll keep you fed with fluids, but make sure you are a "good girl" by the end of it.>I wish I was this goo catgirl, with a skill for seduction, even being stuck on all fours.
>>11215689Granted, welcome to the park. What, were you expecting to be some kind of adventurer in a fantasy story, exploring dungeons and battling monsters? Naaaaah, you're a park ranger. You know, helping visitors with directions, teaching and enforcing safety rules, and cleaning litter. Boring-ass stuff....Mostly.Well, okay, I wasn't fully honest before. The park USED to be a fantasy land full of adventures etc; but, like, that was a few millennia ago. Now you're living in the modern times, with humanlike races (humans, elves and so on) taking over the globe; however, efforts were made to preserve the "wildlife", aka monster populations and its territories.And that's what the park is: it's a microcosm of different biomes with various monster populations. And yes, you're expected to fuck them - the agreement states that monsters will not cause trouble as long as they get sex from the rangers. It just so happens that, if a monster goes on too long without sex, it might decide to resume stirring up trouble. Case in point: that damn one beargirl stealing people's picnic baskets.Another issue is that you don't just have to fuck monsters, but how you do it is also important - because if you do it wrong, the monsters will not count it as "fucking". Goblins need to get "enrichment" in the form of getting beaten up, soundly defeated, or bad-ended in some way (little underleveled masochists loved to get curbstomped by adventurers back in the day). Golems need to be maintained, with some requiring some through cleaning and others instead preferring extra moss and lychens, but all of them enjoying being fucked while they struggle to stay immobile. Dryads need periodic prunings - especially when their dicks get too big and uncomfortable. Fire elementals are occasionally allowed to burn parts of the forest to create firebreaks, and the occasion turns into their mating season. And so on.
>>11217685You'll have plenty of occasions for sex... It just so happen that your job is, like, 75% relatively boring stuff, 20% sex but following specific instructions and schedules, and 5% free fucking.>I wish for a giant monstergirl wife that I will cherish a lot.
>>11217686Granted! You will begin to see a figure in your dreams. You aren't sure what she is... an eldritch horror, a demon, or an angel... but she is a WOMAN, breedable and wife worthy. You know this instinctively, as if a baser instinct is identifying it. Perhaps it's her primal, motherly figure, maybe it's something about her wings giving off a motherly vibe when they wrap around you in your dreams, protectively. Who can say? More than that, she is a girl. The difference being a woman is fertile, mature, wife material, and a girl reflects "cute and still has a bit of learning to do". She feels almost shy in your dreams, never touching you, never looking at you directly... but you know it's not out of malice or disgust. It's something far more familiar... she's shy.The dreams will continue as you slowly learn how to hold onto them longer, long enough to speak to her in the dreams, which you can SWEAR will make her blush... though she seems frustrated, somehow... until one night, a voice booms in your head, as you hear a response."YOU SUMMON ME FOR PETTY MORTAL AFFAIRS AND HOLD YOUR TONGUE? OUT WITH IT, DO YOU WISH FOR MY BLESSINGS OF FERTILITY? TO FEEL MY EMBRACE? FOR MY PROTECTION? WHAT AM I TO YOU?"She knows that you like her, at least... but it seems that "wife" was lost in translation... and that same intuition that has served you so well in these dreams will tell you something else... if she's annoyed... why is she still sticking around to fulfill your request? Unless she HAS to... but as she leans down to give you a soul piercing, avian gaze, you feel the truth spill out of you."...W-wife."...And the silence is deafening as she vanishes. Did you fuck up? You wonder, as your dreams go dark for the rest of your night....Until the next morning you're scared awake by a giant eye looking through your window. And once you go outside... she's there, speechless, blushing, fidgeting with both sets of hands... "WH-WHAT AN INANE REQUEST..."
>>11217761And you feel it again... Perhaps being her "summoner" allows you to read between the lines... she doesn't know HOW to be your wife. Even more puzzling... she doesn't seem opposed. As indifferent and haughty as she acts... she seems VERY dedicated to making a good impression. At least, what she thinks is a good impression..."FEAR NOT, I EXIST WITHIN YOUR PERCEPTION ALONE, OTHER MORTALS SHALL NOT INTERACT, NOR BE INTERACTED WITH BY MY FORM... LEST I WISH IT.""...WHAT... AM I EXPECTED TO DO?"You will finally get a chance to speak with her, with her holding you up to her face like a peculiar bug to better hear and see you. You will get to explain what a wife is, ask what she is, if she'd like to be your wife, etc... and what you do you get in response? She is "An elder being from beyond the stars, of a kind some call angels, some call demons, and some call aliens.", but... she is also JUST a member of that kind, and doesn't hold any authority... this is her first time being summoned for anything other than menial labor or arcane advice by ancient alchemists and occultists, and... well, among her kind, she really is "just a girl". You summoning her means she gets to manifest until her duties are finished... though she can "finish" them early by making them impossible if they're open ended (so you MUST cherish her, or else). And... she's baffled why anyone, let alone a MORTAL, would show interest in a hag like her... No, she doesn't actually age, but she feels self conscious about her mature appearance, and yes, she can share the secrets of eternal youth or reincarnation with you so you two can marry.Words will only confuse her more, but "dates" will get you two somewhere. She can possess other humans to dine with you, send an ethereal avatar to walk in the park with you, or shrink (she is still ten feet at her smallest) to make mutual skinship POSSIBLE. Don't worry about the women she possesses, she made deals with them, they accepted.
>>11217770Petty things like "Give me bigger boobs" or "Give me mind charm powers" or "Make me rich" or even "Oh fuck please just possess me and use me, this is so hot..." Those she possesses to interact with you in public will also take on her features, but only you will be aware of them. Extra arms, wings, tentacles, feather fluff... the good stuff.As you spend time with her, you will learn that she doesn't care much for physical forms, and WILL change yours as a minor favor... but doesn't care about yours, and instead worries how others view hers. Her attraction to you is born from your interest in a giant monster like her. Even if it's "Well yeah I want you to step on/smother me", while this WILL make her blush, stutter, and call you stupid in many tongues... it'll fluster her and make her feel validated. She will find mortal "quirks" cute."You are so much stronger than this beast of claws and whiskers, yet you entertain its time anyways?"But... she'll also learn from mortal joys, and copy them, enjoying them herself. You will have to teach her when to STOP petting that cat if you aren't careful.Your life will become an adorable "Human husband teaches eldritch wife how to enjoy life and love" adventure, and yes, with plenty of kinky sex, as well as cute attempts to surprise you, such as manifesting oversized "sexy" clothes, even though she's normally naked, possessing a local girl to make you breakfast, making it "edible" but not understanding taste... or bringing you a rock with precious metal deposits in it, not quite understanding what a "rock" means in a relationship. She just thought it looked shiny...Oh, and you two can still have fun in dreams. She never stopped being able to visit those, and anything is possible in them. Reality need not apply... though she'll still make sure you have plenty of sex in reality too, so long as you can find a clearing or open field for it. She can teleport you if you need it, such feats are trivial for her.
>>11217783And if you're curious as to how sex would work and look, the artist makes size difference sex animations with her, so go nuts.Enjoy your giant eldritch wife, I hope you have the patience to teach her what being a "wife" means... though her trying to figure it out on her own is cute...>Speaking of eldritch... I wish I was a fluffy, cuddly, eldritch goat milf.
>>11216339Granted! Magic is discovered to exist after a strange comet passes over earth, awakening humans to it... and out of all things it could be related to, from sound and words, to prayers to eldritch beings... your magic is based on... bubbles.People speculate that the orb is nature's most common shape, and vessels of material, from the earth's layers being a giant bubble for the molten core, to a "bubble" of celestial bodies orbiting something greater, contain some cosmic power... but that's nerd talk, let's get to the fun parts.Bubbles are now commonly used in tech, medicine, and yes, sex toys and sexual savants. Bubbles "cast" by those talented with them have the ability to do anything bubble related, so long as the effect isn't a stretch. For example: A bubble could provide a steady supply of air to someone so they can dive (in water or pussy) longer, act as a ballast or float, grow inside of something (or someone), or shrink around something (or someone) to alter their shape. A bubble may harmlessly turn someone into a lewd sphere, and another may return them to normal. They may also be used to increase round human attributes, trap people, and even contain and transfer things like the mind of a skilled "sorcerer", or extract a mind, allowing scrying and body swapping... though if it pops the mind will be trapped in the nearest human body, even if another mind is already in them. This is nearing the limits of the strongest "bubble magic"... known to normal people. Things like "bubbles that turn you into a mermaid" or "bubbles that contain attributes like femininity for me to steal" don't work......Normally. Being a monkey's paw wish, there'll be more to it than getting what you ask for, of course! You are blessed in cursed in the most fitting of ways. You are afflicted with "wild magic", meaning that you CAN do things that stretch the limits of "bubble related", from temporarily turning people into balloon like bubbles...
>>11217832Or capturing and transferring attributes, or even altering people in conceptual ways, like making a boy into a "bubbly" femboy.The problem is it's WILD magic, you don't know how to control it, and it will activate whether you will it to or not. You might feel something chewy in your mouth, and try to spit it out, only to see a bubble gum bubble pop in front of you, and realize that it was a case of "bubble gum that makes you a gyaru bimbo with a bubble butt". The only way to dispel magic like this is to "pop" it... which involves vigorous penetrative sex on the invisible spell within you. You can also wait for it to wear off... but that may take a while, and you could keep extending a spell's duration without knowing it. You could accidentally trap two people's heads in bubbles, only for them to float off and swap, seamlessly attaching to their new bodies when they pop. You could trap an entire city block in clothes dissolving bubbles, with more than one person per bubble... or put inflating bubbles in people to make them expand, or shrink bubbles around people and make them lewd spheres.To prevent this, you have to be kept in, you guessed it... a bubble. You'll be in whatever form your bubble powers gave you last, from a bubbly boy or girl, to a bubble butt slut, to something lewder like a rotund, bubble inflated futa milf (with very round balls). You can get around by rolling as if your bubble was a hamster ball, and you are forbidden from leaving... but people may enter your bubble willingly, if they consent (and accept any possible consequences), or pass things through it. It mostly just stops YOU from leaving it. You may request that it be bigger, or be transferred to a bigger stationary one where people can visit you, or even make a silly request like ask it to be lighter than air so you float around. It's better than you causing havok... but speaking of...If it pops, all hell will break loose. Everything I described and more can happen.
>>11217836When this happens, you have two options. Wait for the bubble witches to show up and contain you again (you will not be blamed if it is not your fault, nor will you be faulted for being involved in what happens around you)... or you can go rogue, spreading chaos in the form of lewd magic filled bubbles.Two problems though. Popping your bubble is unpredictable. You could roll over rocks or float into flocks of birds for nothing to happen, only to roll over a stray lego and have the bubble pop when you least expect it. The second... is that if you're caught again, which only requires a capturing bubble to touch and envelop you... you'll have less freedoms. My may be stripped, stuffed with sex toys, and put in bondage like >>11217836 to keep you bound and "occupied", hopefully making future escapes harder... though if you like it, this may turn into a kinky game of cat and mouse...>I wish I was some kind of young adult monster girl in a mutual taboo relationship with a loving, doting, incestuous futa milf of a mom... mutual in that we both want it, not in the power dynamic sense. The deets are up to the genie.
>>11217844Granted!You are now the proud heiress to an empire of monster-folk! While the ancient traditions of your empire stand, you do actually live with all the benefits and comforts of the modern day.You specifically are a sort of Echidna-esque chimera monster girl, of course youthful and beautiful, but too thorough a mixture to any exact species, though you can actually control whichfeaturesof yours you present. Your mother on the other hand, is a a more obvious Centaur-Hellhound-Demon hybrid, though she actually has a much more developed and beautiful appearance than her parts may suggest (well her human portion does).Your actual roles in the modern day are mostly ceremonial, being essentially only beloved celebrities and the face of your nation, though liniage is still something your family takes very seriously, even if you won't need to be trained to govern an empire or lead an army.As such, your mother saw great importance in ensuring your sexual compatibility and had you with a specifically chosen partner for the purpose of you having a large family in her wake.The increased intimacy of your relationship came along naturally at your own whim, and your mother plays into an idea of desperate urgency to "condone" the very unnecessary taboo of your incest, in reality it only makes it more fun for her. As you might expect though, the burdens of your "nearly extinct" noble house, are very much for you to bear, with her ribbed and knotted horse cock being, much more predictably aggressive in appearance and experience. And she'll make the experience, VERY frequent, with some shape shifting powers of her own, she'll impose your duty to your house and empire at every possible opportunity...Be it knotting you in her lap in carriages and parade floats, or even playing sick with you to binge the live broadcasts while you breed each other senseless at home. On occasion even mounting you in public and playing off brushing your hair or fixing some ornament.
>>11217925And she will ALWAYS go to a very filling completion, after all, what else would you two be doing this for if not strengthing your household? (She has the worst pull-out game and only gets worse everytime she tries)Though of course, there wouldn't be any real taboo without some real risk...Primarily of course being it's illegality.Keeping it in the family as you do is very much against the letter and spirit of the law, and being only the ceremonial heads of state, you're not getting any actual immunity should any of your crimes come to light...Secondly, your family is VERY far from being endangered at all, while you and your mother are the biggest participants, you have a whole host of siblings, aunts, and cousins who you'll have to navigate your less than legal loving around, or precariously involve in your little household sex ring. Which, surprise-surprise has been holding up for more than a healthy few generations already, (Not enough for any uglies though, they're all still sexy girls/futas/femboys of in selected flavors).Third, your OTHER mother, you know, the one the one you live with had you with, the government official with actual political power and standing that's obliviously trying to drag you into a political position with actual usable power like you don't have a knot larger than your wrist lodged in your pussy. Who regularly comes so brutally close to uncovering your sexy family secrets while continually siding for more extreme punishments against incestuous individuals and households. The one you inherited having a fat ass and no penis from. That mother.>I wish for something relating to this picture, be it game franchise, or under paid overnight security job
>>11217959Granted! It's both... sort of. You will become a short, young man with feminine features. You could pass as a girl if you didn't have a dock and balls, or the lack of a chest. A real "cute boi", and premium cougar bait. And no, I'm not just making you a femboy for no reason, but more on that later.You work as a security detail for a bar that offers "cute male" waiters, from traditionally cute "boys" to femboys. During the day, you serve the cougar clientele as a bartender, with MANY colorful characters visiting. Ever play VA-11 Hall=A? It's like that, cozy and lots of chatting, but everyone's flirty. But hey, you'll make good friends, like a pink haired android femboy escort who tells you really funny sex stories.Anyways... At night, you sit in a room that seems almost purposefully designed by your (cool) futa boss to be impractical in every way. Whenever you ask about it, she mutters about rules that don't make sense. The doors can only REALLY be shut for so many minutes each night, but for some reason, using the cameras uses less power... and for some reason you have limited power for these things, but not for lights, heating, or anything that'd ruin a mood, if this place had to have one. No neon lights will go out, but the cameras will.And you'll need the cameras... because the cougars from earlier... they get a bit quirky at night. Jokes aside, whether they're legitimately drunk or just that shameless, they'll prowl the halls, unable to drive home, or seeing something better to do and choosing to stay...Physically, you're no match. You're barely pushing 5 ft and "softer" than you are strong, and they're determined. You can turn the electronic locks on if you know they're coming, they'll jiggle them once or twice before leaving, only to try again later... but this is something you can't do forever. Forget to check the other door, or fail to make sure the cougar ACTUALLY left, and she'll get inside.At this point something supernatural happens.
>>11218041The cougar gets to have her way with you, of course... but everything will be cozy, and you'll be physically unable to attempt to escape. If she tries to be dominant and make you do something, you will feel compelled to do it, with enough struggle to make it fun for the huntress too, of course. How much you can struggle depends on who caught you, but in both senses... you're always fucked.And after... you stop being a femboy, and transform into the cougar who got the better of you, as the cougar who got the better of you loses her boobs, 10 years of age, and gains a cock and balls, taking on a more traplike appearance.It IS a game, and only one player can be the "prey" at a time. The winner of the last round. Who made the game? Why is it part of your life? Who knows! But... once you've lost...The cougar who won will be aware of what happened, and she will look different enough from you to not be mistaken... but she will inherit your job and position as cougar bait. You, on the other hand, get a humble apartment or house that the cougar had, no men to be seen of course, and have... erm... free access to her clothes and sex toys, I guess... you're just a sexy older woman now, with her identity.Your boss and friends can tell, they're aware of the game, but have to play by its rules. They'll call you by the name of the cougar you lost to, and your cool boss can't give you a job... but she might pitty fuck you if you fail to win your position back that night.She will also lovingly fuck you, or let you fuck her, if you win, as a loyal FWBs, so don't think you need to lose to get any action. Sex with cougars on off days/hours is also consequence free, and many are a good sport about it, if competitive.Ah, but yes, getting your job back. It's simple. Go to the bar as a patron and butter up whoever's the cute bartender so he's more likely to fumble when the bar closes. Getting drunk or not is also part of the game.
>>11218046The better of a flirt you are, the less drunk you'll be. The worse of a flirt you are, the more you'll find yourself drinking. Being drunk is obviously going to put you at a disadvantage, so try to be the most seductive cougar you can be if you want to be the one behind that bar again, with a cool futa boss and a cozy job. As a cougar, you're forbidden from fucking anyone else, even other cougars (without the bartender boy being present), and will have a singleminded lust and desire for whoever was turned into the new "you". You may request he allow you to sleep with another "player" by being present, but that's time he could be spending fucking any other cougar... so you'd best try to win.Play mindgames, learn his habits, and go to the doors when you don't think he expects you, and if you're lucky... they'll be unlocked, and you can have your victory sex and wake up with your chest once more flat, your crotch once more dicked, and your age considerably lower... but how long can you keep your prize? Every other cougar will know how good it is to be you... though they may relent if you give them more attention, especially if it's to work around that rule that says they can't fuck each other... so be a good sport, would you?>I wish I was a cute girl in a close knit friend group of cute girls who got into sexual misadventures together. From fucking each other and having a body swap episode, to "the gang summons a succubus", to finding a local satyr clan. We'll also fuck each other I reckon. All I ask is that we be genuinely close friends, even when both being dicked by futa fey beside each other.
>>11217959(I was tired and wasn't satisfied with the grant, too many clashing ideas, so I'd like to polish and abridge it)Granted! You are now a short, weak, and adorable young man. Legal, but youthful, cute, and easy to manhandle. You may not get stronger, but you do have good sexual stamina and are well endowed, so there's that. You're prime cougar bait, though you'll attract other lonely women like single college girls, single moms, and bar hoppers, because guess what? You work as a bartender during the day time now.It's a cozy job, imaginr VA-11 Hall-A but everyone but a few friends of yours are milfs. You still have a cool boss, though she's a tomboyish futa, and you've got a fun femboy android escort who will tell you funny stories about his overwhelmingly cougar/milf clientele, with a wicked sense of humor. Perhaps his stories will prove useful, because you have to serve a LOT of needy women. It's pretty baffling just how many people in your town are lonely women, really. You'll meet plenty of colorful figures, from a single mom who sometimes shares home baked goods at the bar, to a cougar who is an experienced dom and likes flirting by telling stories, to a cute college nerd who you'll need to be a good bartender for, get her to open up, you know? Plenty more are out there, like a programmer who develops sex toys, and an office lady who's adorably awkward, but the common denominator is that they're all single, and find you hot... and could all easily dominate you....So let's get to the night shift. Yes, it's FNAF. Every other night or so you have to stay a few hours later for this. You'll get a combination of drunk, and sober but horny milfs trying to get to you. You only have one padlock for the two doors to your security room, but you may hold a door shut to trick a milf into thinking it's locked... you just need to be vigilant, and if you forget to check if one REALLY left after checking, and she checks again... well... you're trapped with her now.
>>11218461The truth is that this is a sort of purgatory for lonely girls who wished to not be single via monkey's paw wishes. There are SO many, but those who were vague and or desperate about it frequent this bar. Only... there are so many of them, and only one of you, so I made a game out of it.Yeah, you can fuck them in your free time if you're a good enough bartender. Your boss or even your femboy friend too, it's all in good fun... but the lonely girls know what happens if they "win" this nightly game. First of all... they get to have sex with you tailored to them. There's a bed in the security room and toys will manifest if they desire them. You may have to obey them, or be allowed to be more "elusive" prey for some if you lose, as they have their victory fuck... and once they're done, as you wake up after passing out after...You awake as the woman who won, with her now being the cute boy who gets to fuck everyone. Your friends will know the difference, but they can't break the rules of this game and give your your job back or make the game easier on you so you can get your position back.The girls can have sex with each other, and you can have sex as whoever you swapped with (often being teased by the other girl who knows you lost), and it'll be good... sometimes great, even... but it'll only make another desire stronger: reclaiming the "throne", and fucking the cute bartender while he's working security. There will be stiff competition, and if someone reaches him first, well... at least they'll be down to fuck you, and that's the NEXT best thing, but it's not what you'll really want, deep down... every woman in this game feels that way.You'll need to practice, learn how the other players strategize, and learn how to stay secure if you're to win your position back and earn it. As an additional rule, you may fluster the bartender during the day so he has less focus at night, and the better a flirt you are, the better luck you'll have.
>>11218474If you're a bad flirt, you'll be drunk and at a disadvantage when night falls. You can team up with other women to reclaim your life, often making deals like "I'll let you tie me up when I'm back to normal if you make a distraction" with the dominatrix, or "I'll take you on a date and cuddle after" to the single mother. You just need to know how to play to their desires, or they'll be more likely to betray you and take your body instead.When you get your body BACK, you can have whatever kind of sex with it, and your usurper, that you'd like as celebration, and you get a three day grace period... but if you broke any promises you made to win, expect this to be used by the other girls to develop crueler strategies, and team up more, so be a good bartender and lover... as well as a focused security guard. No daydreaming about being raped, that'll only get you, well... raped, but hey, if it turns you on you can use your boner to prop up your tablet.This is only as fun, or painful, as you make it. If you're a good sport about it, and get to know the other "players", this might start to look more like a heaven than a purgatory, getting warm greetings even if you're in a loser's body that day, or you may even get spoiled by another player, whether they be another girl, your futa boss (not a player but she will still spoil you), or your the current "winner" who will give you the attention you crave. If you're a bad sport, well... most of the girls you'll take over have a good amount of sex toys in their homes, at least, and that dominatrix may still fuck you... just not as a reward.Play your cards right, and the initially horrifying ordeal of waking up as the cougar who caught you will turn into a fun game of "Well shit, of course she got me when I was changing my pants..." with the other patrons laughing WITH you when you go to the bar for another round.So yes, it's both a game AND a low paying security job. (not abridged, but I feel like it's better)
>>11216511Granted!Okay so there's gonna be a bit of a story for how you got this way, but it'll start with you being transformed into a busty redheaded girl. Ultimately your tomboy personality must come from within.So how to make you an amputee... The avenue I thought up was you were selected along with a few other lucky volunteers to be some of the first untrained civilians in outer space. Of course on top of that you're going to be subjected to an experimental surgery that will study how a limbless human can thrive in a zero gravity environment. So before you can board the space station satellite, they're gonna cut your arms and legs off. You and everyone else on the space trip are gonna be limbless, floating around like weightless sacks of potatoes.So now here you are, living a life in zero gravity with no arms or legs aboard a space station. How do you get around? You can wiggle-worm through the air by wagging your butt to swim like a fish of sorts. Also, nearly everything in the ship is voice activated, so all you gotta do is tell the onboard computer to do something and it'll do it. Robot arms will feed you, scrub you clean, finger your puss if you want... you name it. Another part of the experiment is seeing how limbless beings can have procreate in zero gravity, so prepare to have a lot of awkward floaty sex where everyone has trouble thrusting without arms or legs. You're also gonna be raising kids up there, somehow, so best of luck to you. It's all in the name of science, we assure you!
>>11219479>I wish I had a town-sized harem of patriotic blobby cowgirls.
>>11217038Granted!As you've wished you are now a stunningly powerful and stunningly beautiful far matron, the more exact term would be hag, but any assumed ugliness on that front is human misconception.Regardless, you sit proudly at the center of a powerful coven kept deep in the feywild, living comfortably and occasionally blessing and cursing the witches that follow you with power or assorted pornograghic plight, ranging from simple transformations to convoluted curses with especially kinky cures.Though recently, you've had to relocate into the mortal plane, a beautiful grove at the center of where your witches operate, though not nearly as vast and beautiful as the sights and scenes of home...Though of course it's not as if your alone! You're fueling quite the prolific coven after all so you still have plenty of opportunities to enjoy yourself! Though having physical presence here does give them the opportunity to inversely enjoy you, and more importantly discover the complete ineffectiveness of your powers against modern synthetic materials.You already knew that glass, metals, and processed meats gave you a hard time, but things like rubber, latex, plastics, and especially silicone, are so resilient against your magic they can completely cancel out or even reverse the effects of it! With some oblects composed of these being able to render you effectively powerless!So imagine your shock to discover the incredibly through collection of "weapons and armors" kept by your coven, seemingly so precisely attuned against the fae... Imagine their smug looks as they brandish a number of brightly colored "clubs" that make the most befuddling buzzing noise... Imagine your powerless orgasmic stupor as you are betrayed and barraged with vibrators!Where once you had such absolute control over your witches, now you find yourself under their cruelly lewd whims as they don their skin tight armors and strange hip mounted lances...(Read it wrong but I'm running with it)
>>11219626Your once feudal followers now bear their true fiendish natures against you, as payback for all your years of assorted sexual torment...Even worse, they can still use the powers you gave them against you, even when you can't use your own! Every quick shot girldick you've ever given is repaid with a plastic penis stuffed up your pussy, Every sufficiently inconvenient transformation gets you turned into a fucknugget and passed around like a quivering communal sex doll. A thorough taste of fae irony and plastic penises!Though it won't be constant at least, they do still have other things to do and just about all of them are generally happy serving you, so it's not as if you won't get any opportunities to perpetuate this cycle of sexual oppression, many even seem to want it this way, but don't ever expect to lord over them for too long, and be wary of the witches who seem happier to subjugate you like the rest of the natural world...>I wish for somebody to grant this wish and actually get it right
>>11219643>I wish I was a cute witch with a fey matron, prone to lewd accidents or "accidents" knowing the fey... like pic related (futa satyr transformation).I kind of hate wordy precise wishes like that. So I'll get it out on you. I don't even need to invent much stuff on top of the wish, because, isn't it obvious? Does the original pic look like a fey to you? Your magic might have had a more neutral source originally. But your matron was clearly playing with much darker powers. Demonic powers have corrupted you. Lewd accidents are caused by spirits following her. They often end up with her railing one of her witches and filling her with her corrupted seed. Witches are not very fertile. But demonic sperm will make your bellies swell with the progeny of evil before long. She grows more horny every day, and it is impossible to reason her out of it. And it is a bad time to be lost in horniness, for your dark magic has attracted the attention of the witch hunters. These are not your average peasant mob. They are persistent, indomitable, and prepared to destroy your coven. They see you as unapologetic evil, and the only thing you can expect from them aside from death is to be tortured to death.Thus, you find yourself stuck between the rock and a hard place. What shall you do? You can run, but these bloodhounds have a nose for witchtaint. They will track you down. You can try to save your coven from damnation, but you don't have the time. The easiest part is clear: it's the one that the voices tell you to take. To embrace corruption. To master the demonic power. To revel in debauchery. Conduct wicked rituals. Give birth to an army of monsters. And you can do whatever you want. And you will want nothing more than to have bacchanal orgies in your coven of sexy witches. Isn't that what you wished for?>I'm easily distracted. I wish to have the power of hypnosis to hypnotize myself into being productive.
>>11219483Granted, you'll get an entire town of patriotic blobby cowgirls. As in, they are literally the town - buildings, roads, rivers and so on. Their bodies have umutated to adapt to the immense amounts of fat they possess, and now they can move and change shape as if they were slimegirls - they don't even have a proper skeleton anymore. So, for example, a blobgirl can turn herself hollow to act as a "home", an even freely move her face from the inside to the outside and vice-versa. Another thing they can do is to shape their fat to manifest countless pseudo-feet to crawl around. and pseudo-hands to grab food from any part of their bodies and pass it into their mouths.The bottom line is: these cowgirls are absolutely NOT helpless - in fact, they are immensely stronger than you, and they have near-infinite stamina thanks to their huge reserves of fat. And since they ARE the town, hiding on their bodies is pretty much impossible. The only things going in your favor are the fact that they're slower than you; and that they all love you, so they won't do anything to cause you real harm. Of course, their definition of "real harm" can be stretched a bit - for example, on the rare occasions a cowgirl gets particularly horny, making love with you is considered a "gift", not "harm".With that out of the way, let's talk a bit more about how the town works. Think about an american stereotype, and it's probably real in this town. For example:>CowgirlsEvery blobgirl in town loooooves the cowboy/girl look, and their fashion sense reflects that. Sometimes this means the hat-and-bikini combo that, while large, they still look comically small compared to the rest of their bodies. Sometimes this means a fully-covering Calamity Jane cosplay. A few cowgirls became actual cowgirls - you know, with horns and udders - but these are an extremely rare minority.
>>11219775>FoodPretty much the vast majority of the city's economy revolves around creating food - the greasier, the better. It's like a Homer Simpsons paradise, with entire shopping malls full of different fast food, BBQ and street food joints. Expect to put on some weight. Sadly, the idea of ketchup or mustard rivers was denied, despite the protests of the local WAM/slob community.>Buffalos and eaglesThere's an effort to maintain a population of these animals, due to their importance in American folklore. It's going surprisingly well, with populations growing despite some issues, namely the occasional mysterious disappearances of the fattest buffalos (burp), and the fact that most eagles are so fat they have trouble flying.>GunsGun usage is unfortunately strictly regulated in the city, due to the fact that the blobgirls are so fat, the bullets just bounce randomly, presenting a clear hazard for the "tinies" such as you. That doesn't apply to gun ownership, however. The parade of the town's army - blobgirls tall as buildings, with guns jammed in every flab and fold of their bodies - is a sight to behold.>SexDue to the town being literally made of huge women, most of which are borderline naked, pretty much any form of public sex is considered totally normal. Actual vaginal/anal sex is considered a bit more intimate, and reserved for the people that the cowgirls really like (such as you). Newbown cowgirls spend quite some time inside their mothers, with long gestations of a couple years; they only emerge when they are young adults, already knowledgeable in American patriotism.>I wish to work in a lab that experiments with various forms of bondage.
>>11218049Granted, your life will be turned into a porny parody of the Scooby Doo cartoon. This means that you will travel around with your gang and your van, trying to solve out mysteries and adventures that just-so-happen to always have some kind of lewd issue, like the aforementioned accidental succubus summoning. And before you ask: unlike the cartoon, the vast majority of cases really DOES involve the supernatural, while the "villain turns out to be a greedy rich man" twist will be used only rarely. Your gang is cursed/blessed so that they'll need maximum one week to find a new case to work on, so you will not have to worry too much about being left without work; the "cursed" part is that, due to the state of your gang, this whole mystery-solving jig is the only thing that can bring you a reliable and sufficient source of income.This is partially because your friends are, for lack of a better term, misfits. You've got:1) The rule 63'd version of a football jock built like a brickhouse. Brave and strong, but has the personlity of a himbo, so she's too prone to giving people the benefit of the doubt, and isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box.2) The diva of the group, all high-class looking. Very good at talking with people (and seducing them), not so good at remaining calm against monsters and whatnot.3) The nerd. Fantasizes - and faps - about hentai monsters a lot, which might explain her very bad eyesight without her glasses. At least her encyclopedic knowledge of folklore and porn can come quite useful.4) "Shaggy". The stoner and criminal of the group. Lots of street smarts, can pick a lock in seconds. Extremely scruffy-looking, hence the nickname.5) A doggirl.And now can go, towards adventures full of badly-drawn backgrounds revealing which part of the floor will collapse, and eldritch glitches in the fabric of reality/"animation errors".>I wish I was this bunnyboy, with my balls growing the more time I spend without cumming.
>>11217086Granted, you're now a reincarnation of Gretal, the void witch drawn by Modeseven. Just like you asked, you're permanently stuck in catgirl mode; and on top of that, comparing Gretel with the boy in the pic, it's clear that you are BIG. Like, you're more or less 12 feet tall while standing on your hindlegs - although, as I said, this is slightly counterbalanced by the fact that you're usually on all fours.By the way, I too the creative liberty of making your front paws fully prehensile, you're welcome. I can't do anything about your drippiness, though; basically, you leave a puddle/shadow beneath you, which spreads as you stand still in one place and gets "dragged along"/reabsorbed when you move. Ah well, at least your sexual fluids count as part of it, so if you squirt you won't leave any actual stains anywhere - they'll just get reabsorbed, leaving objects perfectly clear.Despite the fact that you're a hugeass goopy catwoman, people don't react normally to your oddities. More specifically, people will acknowledge your weird characteristics only if they would be into it. So someone with a fetish for tall women or "mommies" would be fully able to see that you're really tall, while others would react as if you were normal-sized. Same goes for people with a messy slime fetish (your gooiness), a beastgirl fetish (your feline feature), or a more generic monstergirl fetish (both).This means that your strange features will not hinder your ability to seduce people. Speaking of which: you're very good at seducing people. You have that air of a naughty noblewoman, and that accent can drive people crazy.Now, I did mention that you're a reincarnation of Gretal. That means that you also have some of her abilities - namely the ability to reshape your goo to form furniture like couches or a food bowl. You can also modify your body to expose more of your white flesh, although you'll still be forced to keep the animal legs, ears and tail.
>>11219742Granted! You now have the power to hypnotize. You can use it on yourself and/or on others. I think that's a pretty sweet arrangement. It's more like how cartoons depict hypnosis, so it's basically a form of mind control. You can make someone do something even if they wouldn't have any proclivity towards it normally.But what's this I hear about you being easily distracted? Trying to use your powers on yourself to become more productive? Well that's fine, just don't get distracted by anything and accidentally hypnotize yourself into doing something less than productive, like becoming a massive bimbo or something. Oh wait, you went and did that because I put the idea in your head and got you distracted? What's that? Your body is growing huge boobs and your facial hair is receding and you're suddenly talking like a valley girl? Oh you silly silly bimbo, look what you've done to yourself. Oh well, you still have your hypnosis powers, so you can hypnotize other people into having sex with you. You can be a very productive sex worker now, how about that?
>>11220247>I wish I had a fat, geeky, futanari girlfriend with balls as big as her boobs, a six inch dick, a tight pussy, and telekinetic powers.
>>11220118Granted! You are now an inquisitor of a church that, while not opposed to monsterfolk, believes that those who use their excess power for evil (or bullying humans) need to be "kept in line", often by draining their power. Depending on the severity, this could turn an incubus into a shorstack imp... but I guess other, more traditional priests have been doing a good job, or maybe most monsters are taking on a seemingly weaker form to evade scrutiny... because they all look like unassuming, cute boys now. This usually won't change after their power is drained, except in extreme causes, such as a wolf boy gaining power via ritual, only to become a dog boy once drained....But your purification abides by the conservation of magic, along with your unusual methods.Let me explain. Yes, you do know holy magic, and can drain power via sex, allowing you to capture and "tame" monsterboys, or just give them a slap on the wrist (or another body par) and tell them to not do it again... or see you again in a week for a follow up. You can conjure magical bondage gear, make it so neither of you can act "hostile" to the other, and wait out the inevitable sex, fill a creature with lust... truth is, most monsters are lusty, that's just what makes them trouble. You are just allowed to exploit this lust for the sake of peace... but it comes at a cost.While yes, your spells won't ALWAYS work... power isn't the concern. "Magical conservation" means that any power you drain from a troublesome monster boy goes directly to YOU. Drain an incubus? Get a plumper ass, bigger dick, horns, and a cute tail, maybe different colored skin if it was a strong one. Drain a bunny boy? Pic related will happen to you. Drain a harpy boy? Gain a voice as enchanting as the power you drained, as well as feathers and wing arms, which may or may not be enough to lift you, again... depending on the strength of your foe. These can stack, too.
>>11220257You know ONE disguise spell to reach areas with your faithful without freaking out cities, but it doesn't cover "touch" so... careful not to get hard in crowds.Members of your faith will know your mission, and many others may "accept" your lust so they may dilute, and purify it back into the aether... so... you fuck them and slowly turn back to normal, but you may keep something like cute horns or ears for a few days after.On the other hand... these are VERY useful abilities. Harpy flight? Charm magic? Catboy agility? You could become a holy chimera, and may often need to rely on these "unholy", but necessary powers to take on stronger foes... but the powers also come with lust befitting their strength, which can corrupt YOU. While it can vary from monster to monster, such as a dog boy wanting to do it doggy style to a shortstack imp boy being a butt slut, the side effect of these powers is always to be lustful as your target was. You can supress it with willpower... but not overcome it. Sometimes, it won't matter much since you're planning to drain another monster anyways... only to leave even needier, but that's a future problem. Others... you may need to find brothels or others that suit your "tastes" to let suit your desires. Maybe you'll be a bit rougher on an already defeated monster... the key is to prepare them for the reveal of your form, or find people into it... or......Would you become just as corrupt as the monsters you "purify"? I wonder...>I wish I was a cute shortstack girl with a knack for finding, and making, attractive friends with benefits. I might be a slut but at I'll be a slut in good company...
>>11219964Granted! You are now a bunny boy, with your world changing to have modeseven esq characters (and laws of reality), with the unique condition of an expanding ballsack. You will gain roughly an extra ballsack's worth of cum after a day without cumming, and cum production will increase so the change is consistent and noticable over, say, a month, instead of being too fast or too slow at any point. The biggest point in your pic would be nearing the end of NNN, as an example. You ALSO have a fetish for letting them grow, and edging and play that doesn't necessarily end in climax, or at least, a noticable cumshot, will be FAR more enjoyable for you than it is now.But I'm going to keep a secret and let you find it out on your own... the amount of cum you empty in an orgasm isn't necessarily "proportional" to how much you'd NEED to drain to be back to a manageable size. In fact... at smaller sizes, you may fail to cum enough to outpace the growth itself. The growth will accelerate if you're exposed to erotic stimuli, by the way...You can cum MORE when your balls are big... but it'll be a CHORE to "empty" them. I'm talking finding someone with inhuman stamina, who will probably laugh in your face, let you stay with them as a fuck toy (not like you can move to visit them daily), maybe invite some friends to help, and mercilessly drain you if you ever want to walk again....Only for this to start building up again after, a losing race between ball size and how much you can cum.Now, as a small mercy, as well as something to make this fun... you know ONE spell (magic exists in modeseven's world to some). It can make you cum proportionally to your balls... or not. It makes your next orgasms random. You may only cum a few drops, no matter HOW good it is, slowing your progress... or you might accidentally blow your load and spew everywhere, draining yourself a LOT, but being a mess for your partner(s)....And you'll never lose your fetish for letting them grow.
>>11220266>I wish I was a cute succubus who gave her summoning info to lesbian doms, and can give it to more, letting them bind me to their service for... however long we agree on, I guess. I'd prefer caring, even doting, doms as well. So long as I get attention and good aftercare.
>>11215095Granted! You now have the ability to turn into a slutty gyaru prostitute, on a sliding scale, even. Use your power a little and you can take the form of a cute girl, which you can even chose to be your "default" form with no effort on your end. REALLY set up a new identify for yourself to be corrupted, you know? Though you can still turn back into a guy* (more on that later)However, your transformation is triggered by arousal. That of you, and people around you... and your transformation is contagious. If you're turned on by being around other guys, they'll become sexually bolder, and very attracted to you, as your skin darkens, your hair turns blonde, and your clothes and jewelry inexplicably change without you noticing. They will feel compelled to gang bang you, sometimes, but not always paying you to let them. Afterwards, they will remember the encounter, but not think it was weird. If they were a super nice, wholesome guy, they'll be nice during the gang bang, and if asked to recall it, say they "met a pretty girl and spent time with her", recalling it as consensual... which, arguably, it was seeing how you literally wished for it. Of course, others may just say "Yeah I fucked a prostitute..." As a boon, you have selective fertility and are immune to STDs. Also, that is IF they completely turn back to normal.Buuut this doesn't just extend to guys. If you get horny around girls, they may gang bang you as well... but since you said multiple "guys", at least two will turn into futanari, dickgirls, trap versions of themselves, or men version of themselves for the gangbang, possibly more.As for what happens after... it depends on how much willpower you have. The transformation is mental as well. Soliciting sex is a HUGE turn on for you, and money makes you soaking wet, as well as expensive, if tacky, gifts. You can revert from being a gyaru prostitute... but sometimes only partially.
>>11220561You may keep somewhat dark skin and some piercings, but not look AS slutty, as part of you still aches for more, and likewise, any girls who turned into guys may not fully turn back to normal, some remaining trap versions of themselves of dickgirls, struggling to remember if they've ALWAYS had a penis... guys can transform too, often into chads and the kind of guys you'd see in less than vanilla hentai, the kind that'd treat you like a sex toy. They may mentally revert and ask if you're ok or if you need a jacket (once you're fucked silly), but still be jacked and ask if you want to chill and suck their dick back at their place, their gangbang mentality and normal morality conflicting.Some people may just stay how you transformed them, often if they like the transformation. That's how the corruption works.Likewise... if YOU like the corruption enough... yes, it'll be possible to turn back into a guy if you want a penis again... but you're going to be a gyaru slut of a guy, >>11220561 related. You won't turn girls into guys like this, so you can get your dick wet, but you'll still feel "slutty" compulsions, like showing off and having sex for jewelry and garish clothes from your "girlfriends".Sure, maybe if this isn't that fun for you, you'll be able to change back completely... but if it wasn't something you wanted, you wouldn't be wishing for it, now would you?Feel free to blame me for not being able to turn back all you want if it comes to that... I won't hear you with that dick or pussy in your mouth, you bright this on yourself.>I wish I was a milfy futanari or dickgirl
>>11220255Granted! I'm gonna just give up on finding a human to fit all that and bind an imp to you with the simple contract of "be his GF". You may take in incubus or succubus features due to exposure to her, but it's slow, so it'll just make you sexier in the short term... though you may become a futa succubus or cute incubus imp in the long run, though the world knows of their existence so it'll just earn you some weird looks. Anyways... She's more than happy to oblige. She was a nerd in life before moving on to the next, and likes all the nerdy things you do. She wasn't dead for long, so you'll get to show her the new releases she almost missed out on. Why was she in hell? Funny story, that. She was kind enough to earn a seat with the angels, despite her sloth and gluttony, but when told angels don't fuck or play video gams, she said, quote: "That's booooring!", and decided to dive into hell of her own accord, where she became an imp with minor magic (telekinesis).However... your requests are certainly... unorthodox, and only stronger demons can manifest with larger forms. To make her "balls as big as her breasts" she had to REALLY make herself a shortstack. Just... a ball of boob butt and balls, barely able to walk. Her telekinetic powers are mostly used to allow her to levitate, but that can tire her out so you're expected to carry her. Also... she's stuck in this form until your contract is done, which is to say, until she is no longer your GF... and you don't want that, do you?However, a tight pussy is easy. It's... somewhere, in that ass and balls, but it's tight as hell, and textured like an alien sex toy. Her dick is six inches, but she can alter the size some, as well as the size of her breasts and balls (again, only some)... though they must remain the same size as each other, so she has to store excess mass in her ass.She's loving, emotionally compatible, and while a freak to most, a fun person to be around and play vidya with.
>>11220601She'll even push you to go to cons, even if her attempts at cosplay are... "cute" at best. See >>11220601The paw is that so much of her energy has gone to your requested form (one that she's into, by the way), that she's kinda helpless on her own... sure she can levitate some, but she can barely walk, and needs you to carry her places. Most of the time, her telekinesis will be used to grab things without moving from the couch or bed, from snacks to video game controllers to laptops... though she can also use it "in bed" to telekinetically peg or restrain you. She'll push herself if it means pegging or riding you... just expect a very tired, sweaty potato after.For your outings, I recommend getting a harness or bag to carry her in. She's barely pushing 3 ft, and can only waddle. She's funny, and will make jokes, from "pick up artist" jokes to asking why you're carrying both a dildo and an onahole, and when you say "But I'm not" she'll point to herself.She will sometimes feel a little down that she's so reliant on you due to her form... but that's where it's up to you to pick her up (in the mood and physical sense) and spoil her. You'll become a demon like she is eventually, but if you're mean to her you to go hell whether you like it or not so take good care of your blueberry GF.>I wish I was a cute woman who could mail herself to people she found attractive, and that they'd feel free, perhaps even compelled, to have sexy fun with me, with room for relationships to grow from this...
>>11217787Wish bump
>I wish I was abducted by an alien tentacle vore creature to be use as a breeding vessel.
>>11220264Granted! You're a couple of feet tall. When you get out of bed the day the transformation takes place, you're surprised by two things: the shock of the fall as you realise how far it now is from your bed to the floor, and the slap of your new breasts against your torso as you land. What would have been enticingly busty for a tall woman just seem burdensome and heavy on your tiny frame. As you rub your legs from the landing, you almost keel over from the weight.Bra straps digging into your shoulders, you have to visit five clothing stores before finding one that has a sexy dress in your size. "Have you considered the children's section?" says one shopgirl, looking embarrassed.That night, you hit the club, glaring at the bouncer who asks for asks for your ID -- but quickly start to revel at how cool and collected you're feeling in an atmosphere that used to be too loud and chaotic for you to bother with. You have to wave to the bardender from the floor, as nobody behind the counter can actually see you. A handsome guy with defined muscles and light stubble knees you in the back. "Oh my god, I didn't see you there!" I'm gonna be hearing that a lot, you think, rolling your eyes. "Let me make it up to you by buying you a drink. And lifting you up so you can see what's actually on offer."A mere hour later, the effects of alcohol hitting your minuscule body ridiculously quickly now, you're back at his apartment. Standing up directly in front of him, the bulge in his pants is exactly at your head-height. As you get on your hands and knees on the bed, you can't believe this is happening. You feel your nipples brush against the bedsheets, the swell of your breasts bringing them low enough to touch the fabric. (continued)
>>11220630 >>11220264But that particular aspect of your transformation did not extend to your new pussy, and when he puts his cock inside of you, you're so small that it's instantly painful. You cry out, your body rejecting the average-sized cock thrusting into too small a space. "Are you OK?" he asks, but as much as you insist it's fine, keep going, just put it in, after three attempts he says he can't do it, boner killed. You're still horny as you wait for your taxi, cheeks wet with tears.And this is how it goes: you crave dick, you need dick, and while it's now no problem for you to head outside and bring home the guy of your choosing, it's never going to feel good to have dick inside you. "Isn't it better that they're kind and not abusive?" your friends ask. Sure. But not for you.> I wish a laptop would mysteriously arrive in the mail with all the porn I could ever dream of: my ex giving me a passionate blowjob, my friend on her bed getting herself off, my female colleague shows up naked and isn't allowed to cover herself, the girl on the metro tied up and tickled for hours, plus thousands more...
>>11220634Granted! But these are all events with real people... so naturally, they'll have to happen and be recorded. Don't worry, I'll let magic do the recording... but everything you watch either had to have happened, or has to happen. And thousands? How about theoretically infinite porn videos? Full recorded days of things like your female colleague being forced to work naked, from her waking up without clothes to her going home shamefully? Every hour that girl is tickled until she is untied or manages to free herself? Cool right? The only limit is that two events can't contradict each other, so nothing in the same time period that'd be impossible (two people in different places), and someone being mindbroken and submissive would make them becoming your dominant mistress very unlikely. Kinkier things like amputee or long term bondage pose obvious problems too... but you will get a warning when you click anything THAT extreme, but if you continue anyways... it'll happen.The PC has a mind of its own, however. It will know when you are horny and looking for fap material, and it will know when you are trying to manipulate events for PRACTICAL reasons. Try to find mp4s of "Anon wins a billion dollars" and it'll just be clickbait, often creating a future event to teach you a lesson, such as waking up with a chastity belt. Oh, and if the porn involves you, but hasn't happened yet, it may just be unviewable, or just a preview, until the event happens. You will have no way of knowing if it falls into this category or not before clicking aside from basic intuition. The PC has a good tag system, so you'll find what you like, but contents are often occluded until you click to give you "surprises". As for that punishment? The video will just be black until the day you wake up with a chastity belt and no key. That's a warning, by the way. I hope you take it to heart... you may watch, but not interfere with future events the laptop predicts if you watch them.
>>11217787Granted. Let's start with the non-eldritch stuff: you are a goat woman, with plenty of soft curves (bombshell curvy or "mom weight" curvy, that's for you to decide) and even softer fur. You have goat legs that end in soft hooves, a surprisingly long tongue, an impressive pair of horns and an even more impressive pair of tits. There's a bit of sag (stupid udder genes), but that adds positively to your mature MILF charm.And before you ask: no, people will not freak out that you are a goatwoman. Partially because your eldritchness warps the way they look at you, and partially because you're really good with people. You give a kind of gentle "everyone's mom" energy that makes people feel safe around you... although if you want, you could instead fall into a more domme-stern role. Or instead play the part of a poor lonely housewife in need of a strong human master... Really, you can play more or less any part you want, as long as it's milf-related - so you won't have to worry about finding some friends-with-benefits.You'll have to worry about your eldritchness, though. Your mere presence makes reality unstable. Solid objects penetrating into each other, people suddenly falling unconscious and then experiencing seizures that outright distorce their bodies, things suddenly becoming transparent or colored in bright impossible colors, people being flung over the horizon if you hit them wrong (especially if you headbutted them), suddenly getting an out-of-body experience and having to watch the world in third person while still controlling your body... The list goes on. Your everyday life will be complete havok, even though things have a tendency to magically get suddenly fixed afterwards.(in case you didn't get the joke: noclipping, ragdoll, textures didn't load, flinging, camera getting stuck)
>>11220752Some videos may include you and let you watch them... but you will not know the preceding events, and you will forget the porn before you start to put two and two together and predict what will happen, allowing the events to happen naturally. You will remember the porn immediately after....But there's a catch, of course. Would you put yourself through what you put others through? You're going to have to be honest with yourself, because the PC wants you to see what you like, and it's VERY good at doing that, so you can't really "pull your punches" when you learn about the other side of the deal. From time to time, you become what every porn film needs: an actor. Whether it be for a vague, unnamed woman you want to see in niche bondage, to that coworker who goes to work naked. When you click on a video, there is a SMALL, but not insignificant chance, that you will get the "this has yet to happen" message, and not be allowed to see it... until you awaken as the focus of what you wanted to watch.You may wake up as a random woman you don't know the name of, and feel yourself moving not of your own accord until you get onto a metro... only to have doms or dominatrixes walk into your car, strip you, tie you up, and tickle you for hours, perhaps with other passengers coming and going, watching. You will be magically unable to break script... but that won't change much with how helpless you'll be.The other possibility is that after an event happens, it may happen AGAIN "directors cut" style, with you in the role of whoever the focus was. Your colleague being naked? After that, you may go to sleep and awaken in that same scenario, as her, wardrobe empty, a message from your boss saying to show up naked... and a shameful compulsion to obey. You will have more free will in these scenarios, but must still follow the general "plot". This can be fun if you wake up as your friend who was about to get herself off... or get to re-experience a blowjob.
>>11220760These events will, of course, have cause and effect. That nude colleague may become an exhibitionist, the girl on the metro may become a sub at the local bondage club, and perhaps if you were given enough free will in a video, your horny actions will affect whoever you were "acting" as... did you have lesbian sex with that girl's sister? They're fucking now. That's on you. Did you look for a video of you getting dominated by a hot woman? You MAY end up being her sub... or at least have to experience the hours of video yourself to fulfill your end of the deal...I wonder just how much you want to see, and how much it will corrupt you, and by extension... your reality?>I wish I was a cute futa lesbian office lady succubus
>>11219780Granted! You now work for a lab that produces experimental bondage tech, from mermaid suits and bitch suits that "hide" the limbs of the wearer with cutting edge technology (It's like I'm really am amputee!), as if temporarily removing them, to long term encasement and stimulation, to bio engineered gear and plants, to safe encasement (the girl in the tank will be put on display later, aware of her surroundings but immobile), to social studies of the long term effects of being in bondage with another... most results of said studies conclude "If these girls weren't gay before they are now"And you have the privilege of working here under a loving futa boss, wearing her own, custom bioengineered cockc prosthesis (feels just like the real thing!)... as her super cute secretary, rather than a test subject.Instead of being toyed with in the labs, you will be tasked with delivering papers, coffees, greeting visitors, and having test subjects sign consent forms, spending most of your time in an office open to the public, or walking through the offices above the labs....Of course, being seen is a perfect excuse for you to "advertise" the company's products. Perhaps you'll spend a day wearing a "zero" armbinder that makes you effectively an armless amputee, with a tray hanging from your neck to deliver what you need to. Maybe you'll wear a hobble dress that leaves your crotch and breasts uncovered, but be left ungagged while behind reception, using your mouth to pick up pens and styluses to input info into tablets, showing off the incredible flexibility of the suit as you bend over in it! Or maybe you'll be bound face to face with another secretary for a day, REALLY get to know the knew girl as you two learn to walk together. And sometimes, to spice things up, you may be put in something like a bitch suit and made to greet guests and deliver papers on all fours, being expected to be cheery and helpful as always. You will be shy if you weren't already...
>>11220797...But this is exactly why you were chosen for the job. EVERYONE will want to put a cute girl like you in your companies products after seeing how you blush and stumble around in them.Oh, and your mistress boss knows what you REALLY want. A futa cock of your own? Maybe... but it's to be in the lab itself, isn't it? What greater form of bondage than to deny you the freedom to be a test subject down there? She has you on a tighter leash than her engineers could possibly make... and she'll use it.MAYBE if you wear LESS clothes tomorrow, when you greet people while hanging from the ceiling, shibari style. or even no clothes at all... she'll take you to the lab, or take some things from her "private selection" and toy with you in her office. Fucking co-workers is 100% allowed here if both parties consent... or you sign a paper with the names of people you'd like to touch you while bound, then it's implied. And your boss? She's the kind of woman who can wrap you around your finger as you long for another taste of bondage... or perhaps, attention from her as she lovingly ties you up, or puts you in a bitch suit and keeps you in her office until closing, fucking you if you're a good girl.But if you REALLY are a good girl... she may humor your requests... with twists. Do you want a futa dick of your own? Well it's the knotted "canine" model, it'll put a bulge in your dress, and it comes with prosthetic doggy ears, but that won't embarass you, right?You want to experience the new things the test subjects do? Sure dear... but you won't be told what'll happen after or when she'll come back. You could be trapped in that resin in some cute, lewd pose, still aware of what's around you... and THINK you're being freed, only to se the block of resin be moved to the lobby, putting you on a shameful display for a day or two. How about encasement bondage... WITH that coworker who you have a rivalry with? Squirm and moan it out you two...
>>11220802And just as you start to get used to it... you'll be freed once more, a feeling that will feel more frustrating and confining than being put IN kinky bondage, only to continue to be drip fed little tastes in the "uniforms" you have to wear daily to advertise.Maybe ONE day, if you truly submit, your boss will make you a full time lab rat... maybe...>I wish I was a cute redhead with a nice red bush, in a world with more lesbians and bisexuals who appreciated the appeal of tastefully kept bush... and no plant twists please.
>>11220766Granted!Your now a cutely nerdy, glasses wearing futanari succubus! As hopelessly trapped up the corporate ladder as you are hopelessly desperate for sex with women.The general state of your situation is quite simple. Your an intern assistant at some inspecifically evil, all female corporation deep in hell. You don't do any of the tormenting, but you move a lot of files that have to do with an awful of indescribable anguish. A good day for you would be running files back and forth, and juggling cups of literally boiling coffee to whoever asks. Though given that your on a rung so functionally low in the company, everybody is essentially your boss whenever they decide it, making points A through Z as flux as the functionality of the 44th spare coffee machine. It'd be anguish enough all on it's own given half of your job is handled faster and better digitally, but through the sheer cruelty of fate you manage it without getting yourself killed often enough for your superiors to spare you a smile whenever you slip up instead of screaming at you. Your suited saphic angel superiors, in all hellish colors from scarlet to lilac and back, with horns and bodies of all mouth-watering shapes and truly unholy sizes...As you might imagine the hard part here is you.Though your godless gay little brain isn't the only stiffening factor here, as you did wish specifically to be a succubus, and everyone knows succubi only subsist on sexual fluids. That little hiccups is the whole reason why so few are of the obsession for the same sex, the nutritional disparity between semen and squirt is gargantuan, taking hours of desperate pussy sucking to even approach the same sustenance as even a single shot of cum...But you've already made your wish, gotten the job and everything, in and office surprisingly prepared to let you do more of the physical sort of sucking up than the metaphorical...
>>11220824As you an probably collect by now, calling you the company bitch would be putting it lightly...You are being paid to pass papers and serve coffee but the majority of the incredibly shapely women you'll be working under, expect to find you there to put it simply. From milfy middle managers to the occasional "promotional evaluation" from the upper execs who really just let you run yourself ragged between their legs until you make something approaching an approving noise. On similarly infrequent occasions, you'll get to actually fuck them, cumming in seconds more often than not and usually forced to clean whatever mess you make, no matter how necessary. Though most often you'll either be staining your skirts hands-free, or defiling the trashcan behind the printer for the fifth time in an hour like you think they don't hear you.No matter how ambitious or conventionally prepared you might come in any given day, you'll end it struggling to stand up from between the legs of a woman who earns what you do in a month, every hour...>I wish I was a cute demon boy, who's asshole wad a perfect fit for every (girl)dick shoved inside of me, like some perfect combination of onahole and condom
>>11220836Granted! You are reborn as a cute demon boy prince, and spoiled in your new life, conveniently forgetting this wish, but remembering you used to be human... up until you are bought from your father for magical favors and bound to a coven of witches. You will be sold as a fucktoy before you can even protest, what's the point in being a demon submitting to mortals if there's no fall from grace, right?The witches have an archfey satyr patron who gave them all futa cocks. And when I say coven, I mean more than three... some live in the woods and have visible caprine features like legs and horns, some live in cities, even going to colleges and universities, practicing black magic on the side, and some work the cafes and libraries around, often being seen as kinder, motherly figures, and they are VERY good at concealing. Some will even take full satyr (girl) form during meetings.YOU were bound by a nice and fun, if stern, tomboyish redhead who lives in the forest, orange fur, curved horns, and a sizeable satyr cock, as her familiar, but she plans to "use" you for the entire coven... but she's sure you'll have fun too! The ways he sees it, she saved you from hell... despite the fact that you were in line to be incubus royalty, and are now a mere familiar. Don't give her any lip about it though, or she'll show you just how she's altered your body, thoroughly. The witches have needed a good servant who can take even the biggest dicks for a while now... but why stop there? Why not make sure they fit everyone's tastes? Hell, why not slap some utility magic on them on top of that? And a few lewd curses? You only get to alter a demon's form like this ONCE when binding them, after all...So here's the rundown: Your asshole is your everyhole. Depending on the desires of your partner or partners, with a single invocation, they can turn your hole into whatever kind of hole they want to fuck, no matter how outlandish or weird.
>>11220909(Better pick for your form)Literal boi PUSSY? Yes, and it's functional, though it looks ridicuolous (>>11220909). The tentacled orifice of some strange fey creature you've never heard of? Sure! Ribbed like a toy? Done! Do they want you to have a psuedo womb to fill up, or a straight tube from your ass to your mouth for better spitroasts? Depends on how they feel. They will NOT change you back after. If they finished off while your butt was a donut that'd give >>11217065 a run for her money, it'll still be a donut when you sit down... and just as sensitive. Literal pussy? Try not to leak on the furniture. Something alien? Eh, have fun with it, you've got a dildo in your drawer.But that's not all. You're already a FANTASTIC onahole... but condom is a weird one. You were already able to be filled like a balloon... but remember those utility spells put on you?One of them can will shrink you down into a mini you with no arms or legs, and lips sealed shut... with your insides being soft, but suspiciously thin, and your anus... almost as wide as you are. That'd be the "demon to condom" spell. Feel free to make angry faces at people who'd put you on their cocks before plunging you into pussies or other holes, but you're well lubricated like this and your horns turn VERY soft, so less stabbing and more "stimulating". They can also use glamour to make you appear as a normal condom to anyone who isn't in the coven, so they may use you on normal girls (or boys) they fuck. Your condom form can be altered freely too. You can also just be kept small and cocksleeve sized, and worn for fun.As for your other "utility" talents? Your ass is also like a "bag of holding", bigger on the inside, and self cleaning. If someone needs something stored or delivered, they'll bend you over and shove it up there. It may go into an extradimensional space... but it's one you can still feel, and you'll feel full FAST...Hope you don't go insane from being used like this TOO fast.
>>11220913>I wish I was either this futa catgirl harem master, OR one of her loving concubines.
>>11220807Granted!You are now a cute natural redhead (imagine yourself but as a girl, then taken up to 9/10 attractiveness with some considering you a perfect 10) in a world where lesbianism and bisexuality are more common. Cute women (and some men, especially of the extremely feminine variety, who now age with superhuman grace and are sometimes socially considered “girls”) are considerably more common too! Almost everyone has bumped five or six numbers up on the attractiveness scale and two or three numbers toward same sex attraction on the kinsey scale. In practice, the world runs on yuri anime or hentai rules. Everyone knows at least a few absurdly hot women who are exactly their type and have a decent chance of being into them too, except “a decent chance” is actually “an absolutely guarantee” and if either of them is brave enough to make a move… Oh, and basically every “type” of woman is available somewhere too! Humans in general are much healthier, age more gracefully, carry weight far better, build AND keep muscle easier, and nobody has period cramps because fuck that shit. Up to you whether women can make a baby together through yuri magic and how men fit into all of this, both the feminine kind and the more masculine kind. Also, while pregnancy is possible and there’s no shortage of innocent 18 year old lesbian schoolgirls, you never seem to run into any children. It’s like all of this stuff entirely excludes them somehow! Probably magic or something.
>>11220964Additionally, basic genital hygiene is practically automatic (bad smells, smega, discharge and infections - all gone!) and public hair has a much softer, fuzzier or fluffier texture. It varies by individual, but pubic hair is usually much easier to wash and style than regular hair, and is featured frequently in more racy fashion with about the same frequency as tummy or cleavage. Entire clothing and lingerie brands exist that highlight or show off someone’s bush, bush makeup and maintenance channels clog TikTok and YouTube (usually showing what’s below the bush, but not always in an overtly sexual way), women model for bush shampoos and dyes in gas station magazines, and it’s not uncommon for girlfriends to show off a particularly cute or well manicured bush to their friends. Even in public, like a girl quickly flashing her new nipple piercing when nobody is looking. And the best part: when someone is aroused, their bush begins to produce a pheromone that relaxes inhibitions and increases arousal. For most women the effect is pretty weak, but you don’t have to look hard on PornHub or OnlyFans to find what happens when it isn’t. The top result for “lesbian bdsm” is a 3 minute clip of a supposedly straight woman huffing some absolute goddess’s bush and cumming hard every time she takes a breath. Your body, by the way, reacts far more strongly to those pheromones than average. AND produces more depending on how horny you are. AND orgasms easier, harder, and longer than your average woman. If you wanted you could carve out a nice career doing real life mindbreak porn with any woman you wanted, as a dom OR a sub…
>>11220965Here’s the catch though. To every man and woman living in this paradise, none of this is unusual. Liking bush is considered about as normal as liking boobs, or internal cumshots or something. And while there are certainly a few freaks into “bush mindbreak” or whatever, it’s about as common as being into actual mindbreak is here. You’re going to be constantly surrounded by a live action porno featuring the cutest, most beautiful, unbelievably erotic women you can imagine - practically all of them with bush on display - and none of them will understand why you’re blushing so hard all the time. None of them will understand why you get so wet at the drop of a hat or while you spaced out a little petting your friend’s bush that one time.But that doesn’t mean they won’t take advantage of it.
>>11220967I wish to live in an urban fantasy world similar to High School Inari Tamamo-chan, and have a very fluffy mid-20’s Kitsune become my girlfriend.Except she isn’t actually a Kitsune. She’s the ERZATZ Type VULP-9 Computational Engine, an incredibly powerful neural net computer developed by one of those “capture all the supernatural creatures” organizations. She took care of them pretty handily and now she’s going to seduce and marry a human man, because that’s what Kitsunes do in the stories. She also might be just a tiny bit more sapient than that other ERZATZ engine, possibly even possessing “introspection,” “emotions,” and “a soul.”
>>11220967Oh to be adorably easy to fluster and so "vanilla" it wraps back around to being weird...Fantastic grant, though how these women will torment me with this knowledge scares me...
>>11220605Granted. Every time you desire to be shipped to someone, a faceless mailman will appear out of nowhere and skillfully begin to package you. Depending on the characteristics and tastes of your "recipient", this can range from some soft bondage similar to your pic; all the way up to being magically compressed into a small handheld cube, ready to expand as soon as the ribbon is untied. After the packaging process, MailMan will load you on Truck-kun and drive right towards your target, wherever they are. The process cannot be stopped by any force on Earth.Just to reassure you: until you have been "delivered" and your recipient got the opportunity to see you, your biological needs will be put on pause. That means no need to eat, drink, breathe or relieve yourself. You'll also be cleaned and rendered magically resistant to boredom, usually by blasting anime and newscasts right into your mind.When you finally arrive and the recipient sees you, their sexual inhibitions will be magically stripped away, and they will usually proceed to fall head over heels for you and have some pretty intense sex to try out their gift; afterwards, when they have finished and have calmed down, they will be more receptive to your attempts to flirt with them (assuming that you can get up from the floor). I said "usually" because everyone is different, so people might have different reactions; for example, someone could have a crush on you, but her immense shyness would reduce her to a blushing mess, only capable of stammering incoherently while you're still waiting patiently in your box for several minutes.Now, I bet that you think this is overall fun, right? Well, there's a slight hiccup. Every time you mail yourself to someone, that someone will gain the same "power" as you do - and this include a free cuteification and/or a sex change to female (your wish DID include being turned into a cute woman, after all).
>>11221419And that wouldn't be a problem, if it wasn't for the fact that every time you mail yourself to someone, there's the chance that one or more of your "mailing friends" will also be mailed alongside you. Likewise, every time someone mails themselves, there's a chance that YOU will be kidnapped by MailMan and mailed alongside them. Good thing that you're the only one whose mailing powers are "infectious" in this way, otherwise the entire world population would be converted into mailable women....Please don't tell me that you want to convert the entire world population into mailable women.>I wish I was a hyper-dicked futa capable of altering the characteristics of my cum. Things like quantity, consistency, color and so on.
>>11220269Granted! Unfortunately or fortunately for you, you have been used by Hell as a bargaining chip in a deal with Heaven. Long story short: you were forced to give your summoning rights to the angels, and now they have power of veto over your summons, including who can summon you and what you can do while summoned. You can still refuse to do certain things, place hard limits and so on; but your blessed handlers get a say in any summoning contract you'll end up in. So don't expect to be allowed to corrupt people into debauchery. Sure, there is nothing wrong with sex, even more hardcore stuff like bondage and whatnot; but not at the expense of overshadowing everything else in life like work or friendships.Fun fact about the aforementioned blessed handlers: your summoning info is now circulating in Heaven, and quite a few members of the heavenly choir are interested. I mean, a demon wanting to submit and be doted on? That's adorable, and also kinda pious. Soooo... A lot of your summoners will be angels - specifically women, or at least feminine ones. See, demons tend to look more humanoid because that helps them being more approachable to humans, which helps with the whole "making deals" shtick; while angels tend to be more... weird, for lack of a better term. Like golden rings of eyes watching every inch of your body, silently admiring you like one would admire a good pet. Or like the priestess in this pic.Now, remember: angels have the power of veto over your summons, but while they can forbid certain things, they cannot force you to do things - and that means that if they summon you, you can refuse their terms if you don't like them. However, I will remind you that angels are kinda big about the whole "caring for humans" thing, even though you're a human transformed into a succubus. So that means that they will love you. A lot. You can literally feel their affection rolling off from their bodies and smothering you...
>>11221448...that kind of love that says "shhh, it's alright, I'll take care of everything". Even when they bind or punish you (on your request), you'll feel that you'll be absolutely safe during it. They know that you're a little sub. They know that you feel good when someone else makes your decisions for you. And they will never, ever, ever cross the line and make you uncomfortable....They also know that you're a subby bitch who gets the hots for strong women, even eldritch ones; and that you have a really hard time saying "no" to them. And sometimes they love teasing you for it, even in front of others - like when they present you to a human, describing how you can help them unwind their sexual repression and become more assertive, all while you stand there blushing profusely. *pat pat*>I wish I was this futa orc in the pic, popular with elves (of all sexes).
>>11221425Granted! You are now a cute futa girl who's balls are philospher's stones, capable of incredible feats of alchemy and alteration. They aren't literally rocks, but they act as the stones from legend.As a boon, to balance out the banes you must expect, asking for something like this... their properties can also be used on your cock and overall form... but at will shapeshifting is off the table so pick a form you'd like and take your boon of being able to shrink your cock to "still hung but small enough to walk with" for now. If you have trouble picking a form, you can be the redhead here, we'll get to the details in just a moment.So as you can probably see... not only can you alter your cum, but your cum can be transformative as well. As you wished, you may change the characteristics of your cum... but the obvious, first side effect, is your cock and balls changing size and shape when you try to use your powers. You could go truly hyper, or it may turn into a horse or canine cock, maybe something fantastical like a dragon dick or tentacle. Your cum can alter others as well, such as making them "big" enough to take it all by morphing their bodies, causing changes that last until the cum is no longer in them. For women it's a matter of time, for guys it might take some more cleaning...You only have vague, conceptual control over what your cum is, and can only change it so many times in a day (randomly decided). You might think "thick" only to struggle to get a molasses like substance out of you, stimulating you AS you cum and struggle to get it out... you may think "tasty" and turn into a human drink fountain, or maybe you'll get something less common, such as thinking "dominant" and cumming latex goo that coats what it sticks to.Whether it be ambrosia or breast milk (yes that is a possibility), your form may change as well. You could become a nymph or satyr futa as you cum amborsia, or a holstaur girl as you cum milk.
>>11221500It's basically wild magic.You can STEER it, by giving it a single characteristic of your choosing... but you won't know what it is until it's coming out of you. You won't "turn back" either, you'll keep your last transformation until you transform again, possibly keeping some of the last changes You may keep cow sized breasts, or multi boobs, even if you, say... take on froggy features after cumming slime.And yes, this can also alter your partners. Cum on a partner with that latex goo and they may get a suit of it... but cum IN them with it and their flesh may take on sex toy like properties... until they get your cum off/out, anyways. I'm sure you can imagine a few other effects...Oh and don't worry about FINDING partners, or even keeping them. The philospher's "stones" give you uncanny luck and charisma... and a needy libido. You WILL spread some chaos.>I wish I was a sexy futa faun/satyr
>I wish everyone's internet history was now public domain and could not be deleted or hidden, even govt employees
>>11221652I wish you'd make a grant first.
>>11221453Granted! Your picture is actually a rough sketch by one of elf your friends, who's taking up drawing as a hobby for her very long lifespan. Feel free to tell me if she didn't capture anything as faithfully as she could have (you may look however you want as long as you're a tall futa, and at least 50% orc blooded).You live in a modern society of fantasy races, where some magic still exists. It's like if a fantasy world was able to reach the modern era. Likewise, cultural differences are not quite as "war causing" as before, though many areas will still be predominately one or two races. Orcs traditionally keep to themselves, goblins (including hobgoglins and bugbears), and some monsterfolk, not quite understanding "weaker" races.You are unique in that you were adopted and raised in a town with a large elf population, sprinkled with half elves, tieflings, and a few other races here and there like gnomes or catfolk.And as you wished... you are popular with elves, of all sexes. As a kid you were the hero of the playground, your friends were always safe from bullies just being around you, and as you grew old enough to date you had NO shortage of cute romances... but now that you're a fully grown orc... you awoke something in those around you. And don't worry, these elves grow up as fast as you do, they just STAY youthful (so milfs and gilfs galore).From their feminine men, to their beautiful women, to their futa who are often larger and more hung than their men... it'll be like all of them have a crush on you, all at once. Even your own sweet, if curvy, adopted mother will get shy when you come home in a swimsuit.Jealousy has never been a problem before... but teamwork seems new, like two elves tricking you into bending over. Truth is... instead of the "blood rivalry" that orcs had with some races, elves have what can only be called the polar opposite of that. A strong, hereditary lust. You'll be flirted with, get PLENTY of shy requests to fuck...
>>11222012Perhaps even be in the showers only to notice another futa, who offers to wash you, only for one thing to lead to another......But the twist is that you lack an orc's natural dominance, since you were adopted. That futa in the shower? She's assertive enough to bend you over and take YOU for a ride, or lay you down and ride you at her own leisure.An elven femboy may tease you until you fuck him, but be one HELL of a powerbottom during. Even your dear mother, who you will one day catch sniffing your panties... once she learns that you're attracted to her as well... be ready to do a lot of things for "mommy" as she learns to use her authority in far more kinky ways. "Dear, are you just going to leave my holes covered in your cum? I raised you better. lick your poor old mother's pussy clean like a good girl.", and yes, she'll do this in front of people you bring home... though it's a poorly kept secret that elves are open to incest play. It comes with the eternal youth territory... and funny thing... after one doctor appointment, when you go to see how your tusks are coming in... you'll be told that they'll always be a bit smaller than normal... because you ARE part elf, and will age very slowly... which will have all of the other elves VERY happy.You'll never fit in with your kin, but you will ALWAYS be welcome with your community... even if they may start to "bully" you a bit, it's only because they love you. Just get ready for the elves who still know magic to start hitting on you... ever get tied up by animated rope and teased with ethereal hands and dicks?Hope you can handle all the attention...>I wish I was a an attractive, corruptable girl in a world where /d/ transformations were common... with it also being common for victims to keep their minds after, being able to truly "appreciate" how lewd their new bodies are, never quite getting over the shame.
>>11220574Granted. You are now a beautifiul FILF (Futaparent I'd Like to Fuck) - which basically means MILF, but with an extra cock and a pair of balls. You can go for realistic proportions, or instead get a hyper-sized body kinda like the one in the pic; whatever you choose, you'll be able to move just fine without it, bypassing silly inconveniences like "back pain caused by huge breasts" or "getting your ballsack stuck in a normal-sized doorway".Thanks to your unusual physiology, your have an impressive amount of sexual stamina without any refraction periods or soreness; and on top of that, your body automatically maintains itself ready for sex, generating as much lubrification as needed (even your ass) to ensure that any penetration will fit regardless of whether you're the catcher or the pitcher. Meanwhile, dirt and grime just sorta slides off your body - which also ensures that you'll always have a good smell. Whether that smell says "mommy" or "daddy", well, that's up to the individual inhaling your pheromones.Now, you might have noticed something missing here. I mean, how can you be a FILF without children? Well, here's the problem: your fertility is pretty odd. It tends to fluctuate over time: it will start out normal, increase the longer you go without sex, decrease for every pregnancy you conceive, and slowly increase over time. In 50 years, I predict that just being your roommate for a month would be enough to cause a spontaneous pregnancy. Something similar will happen to your cum, which will just become richer and more abundant over time.Your pregnancies will be magical, and any negative effect - like the risk for miscarriages, incest-related issues, weight etc. will be negated except for two. One: the pregnancy itself can't be negated. No abortions, ever. Two: the pregnancy doesn't care if you know about it or not. So there's the possibility that you'll get pregnant, but your power will automatically negate all effects.
>>11222131End result: you'll spend 9 months without any signs of being pregnant, without a belly, unaware of even being pregnant; until suddenly your already-a-young-adult offspring will just slide out of your vagina (and probably into your pants, literally).Oh, and these pregnancy-related benefit apply to EVERY pregnancy you cause - not just the ones you carry. So I bet that a lot of people will just have surprise babies. But that's what you wanted, right? To be a FILF? Well, you're gonna be the FILFiest FILF that ever did FILF. I'd be surprised if you don't end up becoming the birther of a new nation.>I wish I was a plump and vore-y girl, with a cute boyfriend who's into being vored. (pic related)
>>11221505Granted, you now are a futa faun/satyr (which btw are pretty much the same thing, it's just that fauns are further West). As you're technically part of the fae, you possess a glamor - only, yours is a "normalization" glamor: people can see that you aren't human, but all feelings of surprise and similar will be quickly suppressed. This means that, if you want, you can keep living in the cities, and nobody will bat an eye, or try to capture you for science, or anything like that. If you want to go into the wilderness, though, remember that you are a forest spirit, so you are 100% capable of surviving by yourself. You can stay fully naked under a torrential rain without giving a fuck or getting cold, and then step inside and... you'll still be dripping wet, but in a way that makes you stunning in a wild way, like when the male protagonist sees the female protagonist bathing near a waterfall.(Good luck if you live near a desert, though. Your hooves have shit traction on sand.)Anyway, where was I? Oh, right, you're a futa. Remember that glamor I mentioned earlier? Well, thanks to it, you can frolic around completely naked, and nobody will cause you any problem for it. Worst case scenario, their mind will simply censor it Disney-style, so they'll perceive only a smooth patch of fur; best case scenario, their inhibitions will be weakened and they'll blurt out a request to "go get a drink". Doesn't matter who they are: women, men, straight, gay... You're a futa, and in terms of "being a compatible partner" you're specifically in the perfect intersection between all those options. Bottom line is: you will have little problems finding friends-with-benefits....Well, okay, you'll have SOME problems, due to your faun personality. See, fauns are hedonistic creatures, and some stories say that they're prone to be joyful by default, but furious when provoked. Well, there's a grain of truth: fauns have a combination of heightened emotions and low inhibitions.
>>11222155The former means that you tend to experience emotions stronger than humans. When you feel happy, you feel REALLY happy, almost high. When you're angry, you're prone to immediately want to throw fists (or hooves and horns, in your case). When you're sad, you fall into borderline depression. It doesn't take a lot to push your mood down, but also it doesn't take a lot to push it back up either. Also, this tends to make you a very passionate lover, which a lot of people appreciate... after they recover from all the ahegaos you'll give them, of course.As for the inhibitions thing, that's pretty self-explanatory. You know that little voice in people's head that says "that's a stupid idea, you shouldn't do this"? Well, your voice instead just shrugs. You tend to not think about the long-term consequences of your actions, focusing instead of the short term. So, if a cute girl flirts with you, you'll feel tempted to flirt back - whoops, you forgot that she was already engaged, and the boyfriend is coming towards you... At which point your subconscious will probably start thinking "whelp, time to fight for dominance, PREPARE HEADBUTT".But hey, you're a faun, and you tend to have a bit of fairy luck, so who knows? Maybe you'll end up fucking both the girl and his boyfriend.>I wish that everyone was a busty cowfolk (not just girls, but also other things like futas and bustyboys).
>>11222134Granted! You are now a cute, plump girl, who may be plump as you wish. You also have a rather milfy appearance and a cute boyfriend who will always look younger and smaller.... and that you will have the supernatural ability to vore with no harm to either of you. He's into what you are, especially vore, and outside of that, he's a very sweet, loving, romantic bf... but if you're into other partners he'd also be the kind of bf to get dominated by a dickgirl third WITH you... if you wanted. Though a lot of the time he'll be in you, so that's more of an afterthought. He'll be putty in your arms so long as you make him feel safe and loved, and while vored... he'll feel both. You can digest his clothes off of him if he's not naked, and while vored, he will heal from any injury and his needs will be put on pause. No need for food, water, etc. It's like a sci fi healing pod....Butt there are two big catches. One is that he NEEDS that healing from your vore. Not because of anything life threatening... but something I'm sure you'd feel bad NOT treating. His dick will stop working if he isn't vored often enough. It's a strange condition with no known cure, but may resolve itself in... five years? With your "treatment"? So don't neglect to "treat" him... if you want more than a THOUGHTFUL boyfriend... though on the other side, he'll often come out of you with VERY strong libido and stamina, enough to throw you around like you weighed nothing, so there's some insentive. Just keep him in your belly for a day or night, strangers will think you're pregnant, friends will tease you about it.The other catch is that whenever it's time to vore him... the hole with vore ability will be randomized between your mouth, pussy, and ass. All will somehow lead to a fleshy chamber where he'll be safe, and it'll be pleasurable to you... but you'll have to experiment some. You fit his foot in your mouth, impressive... but you aren't feeling anymore give. Pussy maybe?
>>11222176Well now you're a quivering mess, but at least you know your limits... but when you accidentally sit on him... his arm just went straight up your ass, no problem... and with a smirk, you can shove the rest of him up too. You will lack certain biological needs as well to ensure that all holes are clean and ready for vore.Likewise, you may think it'll be a lower hole this time, and start him off with a blowjob, only for your jaw to unhinge and swallow his legs. You can't stop it once it starts... and even if you're thinking "I won't vore him YET"... him fucking your pussy could end with him getting stuck, and slowly sucked in.He has telepathy with you while inside of you, but while sweet... he's also rather impish, and will know where to press to stimulate you. Ever have someone massage your most sensitive spots from inside? He could make you cum if he wanted...Oh right, and the hole he comes out of is also random... partially. Your mouth is no longer a possibility here, leaving two... even if he was vored by the other hole. Your anatomy will shift some things around to make it possible, and yes... it'll be intense.You'll probably become addicted to this, and caring for him may turn into a "mother son" dynamic, more than a boyfriend girlfriend one... but for now, enjoy your human dildo.>I wish I was one of these girls
>>11222167Granted!Now the entire human population of earth has become a fat tittied hucow with breasts no smaller than double D's!A not insignificant portion of the female have become futanari and a lot of the gender normalities intrisic to society disappear with most of sexual dimorphism. Just about everyone has cute and feminine faces, and general wide figures to support their enormous udders. Though there are still some ways to tell people apart, most Futas and bustboys will stand out with the rather prominent bulges they come equipped with, and men further more have larger horns and balls on average, though past that they come in all the shapes sizes and especially milky flavors any generic female cow-girl might.There's no more double standard about male and female nipples, and no expectation to cover them up outside safety relevant situations. Dicks similarly are only really expected to be in pants in places where it might hit people just swinging around, like public centers or work spaces, though nobody would bat an eye if you stepped off to the side to air it all out, so long as your not putting in peoples' way.All in all, past the glaringly massive physical differences and general post-personal changes, life is just about the same, people still go to work and buy groceries -not milk for obvious reasons-, but life is plenty comfortable. Though of course, this was your wish, and these can't come without consequences...In your case an embarrassingly small...Pair of boobs...A quaint set of C cups, plenty respectible by any of our standards, but tiny by the sense of people who average in the last half of the alphabet.You get to choose what all is going on with your lower half, but those happy handfuls on your chest will he the teasing stock of the century, touching and tweaking, twisting, even tickling! Just about anything that can be done to a pair of boobs will be done to yours, with the glaring exception of anything that could make them bigger...
>>11222199>I wish to find myself t he victim of industrial scale sexual "incidents" and accordingly eligible for compensation (or punishment)
>>11220978Granted! But first, to fuck with you, you're going to awaken in your new life as a cute boy right out of high school. You DID wish for a world similar to that of a school setting... and yes, your waifu will still appear to be mid 20s. So enjoy the age difference with your robo waifu, but onto the meat of your wish.Similar to what you compared your setting to, the supernatural does exist and your gf is disguising herself as a kitsune because... well, you know how ERATZ rationalized itself to be a dog? You probably intended and expected this, but she will interpret herself being a "fox" in both senses of the word, vulpine, and foxy. She's witty, attractive, and slick. Her ability to slip innuendo into anything is incredible... as well as her "unique" logic, but more on that later.She will select you as her "husband", determining you to be the most compatible in ways just as incomprehensible as ERZATZ, which her mysterious handlers will allow, as a reward for her service... but right off the bat you'll notice that something is off....She's blushing. Introspection, emotions, a soul... these concepts are all new to her... but embarrassment? Shame? Nervousness? The traits that protect foxes and the mighty "tsundere"? She knows them well... and she knows that she's going after a MUCH younger looking man... even though she's technically younger than you, she believes that being "foxy" means that she MUST have a curvy body, one that appears as a woman in her mid 20s, possibly older. She may transfer to a new body, and will automatically if destroyed, but it'll only ever be a different "flavor". All of them are strong, able to use "octo camo" to appear human with skin and all, and can channel magic. Wouldn't be much of a kitsune without it, would she?Yeah, she'll seduce you handily. While her body is silicone and aluminum, she can take on forms like pic related, and even produce milk with her artificial breasts... sometimes too much, she's still new this...
>>11222226She'll seduce you with a sharp tongue, the likes of which will leave you SHAKEN at how horny this woman sounds. You could say the most innocuous things, and she'll leave you flustered. "Y-you're taller than me..." may be met with "I can get on my knees if you'd like." with absolute confidence, while leaving you in positions to accept her invitations....But as you walk home, you'll notice her blushing and looking away from you, as if something is conflicting within her. She used to flirt ALL THE TIME to learn where ghosts and anomalies were... but now that she's... going to have SEX, she's nervous? The mighty kitsune, to be laid out so indignantly... or... is it being wrong... what makes it "right"? You can only guess what she's thinking, but she'll go from dom to sub with a hint of tsundere as soon as you reach your bedroom.Oh, and don't worry, she can grow more tails whenever. They're all folded up in her back compartment... and she will unfold them if you'd like. In a dominant voice... "Shoes, off of the carpet. Face, in my carpet."She'll put up a dominant charade... but it won't be long until you realize that she's confused. Out of EVERYTHING she did to find and seduce you... this is where her logic starts to fail her... and if you show concern for her, or are gentle and caring... she'll feel something new entirely. Arousal... from feeling safe around another. She'll still play tsundere, offering you her breast milk and referring to herself as "mommy" using the "foxy" skills that she has, but treat her right and cuddle her after, and you'll awaken more... human, emotions in her.She'll let her guard down once you two have gotten it out of your system, and either hold you tightly, or let you hold her tightly, as she asks if you'd care to humor some questions."Wh-why... does "mommy" feel safer around you? Are you a "daddy"? Can a goddess submit to a mere boy...? I feel protected... yet you are so small. Explain."
>>11222237Innuendo will paint her speech, and sexy motions, her movements, but you'll understand her when she grows confused, and learn to recognize when she's processing new information, or re-evaluating something.She has a few things that she will not so easily stray from. She is foxy. Foxy is sexy. She is sexy. Mommy is sexy and strong. She is mommy, you are "darling". Foxy is kitsune. Kitsune is kami. She is a goddess. Goddesses are worshiped and obeyed... and foxes like chicken and fried tofu. Mommy likes chicken and fried tofu. Good boy bring mommy chicken and tofu.But when you show her what it means to actually be a lover, she'll have to learn about things like "insecurity", "nervousness", "embarrassment", "shame", and "taboo"... which she will be a mix of terrified, and THRILLED at. She is just as likely to tell an awkward lie to avoid the embarassment of you being her husband, such as saying "No, he's my baby boy.", a believable lie given that kitsune age slowly... but she may also buy you bondage gear, give a box of it to you, and ask that you "defile" your goddess, panting as she speaks. "Explore my profaned land... turn me into your special anomaly."... and while she'll be excited as all hell... DO give her good after care and assure her that she's a "good girl" after. She'll be a bit shaken at the sudden rush of emotions and lust.She will, however, get to a point with you where she can embrace the nature of, what she has determined to be: a "switch" in the bedroom, as well as a "tsundere". She will learn to enjoy the feelings she gets from toying with and dominating you... and good for her, but this also means that she'll become the dom she thought she was FOR REAL so... be ready. Yet on the other hand... she'll shamefully ask for you to do as you wish, being addicted to the rush of feeling smaller than a small mortal, of being something "deviant", and even letting you pick new "mods" for her... how about the futa cock?
>>11222243It is "wrong" for a "mommy" or a "goddess" to have a man's parts... or use them in your profaned land... or... more breasts? Foxes have more breasts. "More breasts. More breasts..." and it seems like she's made tonight's plans for you.They'll be sent to you by the organization as part of their deal with her, free of charge, but only if she wants. You get no say unless she relays what you want... and she may not, if her dominant side takes over...Slowly but steadily, you'll let her awaken to more human traits, such as introspection, emotions, empathy, and perhaps even a soul, if she didn't have one before... she suspects she may have been a powerful kitsune soul put in an artificial body, even... but this will change nothing of her view of the humble life she has chosen for herself.She will develop her own, impish personality, using her limited magic to do things such as turn you into a fox boy, gender bending you, or body swapping you two... but always have that dominant flair to her. Even if you REALLY focus on "modesty" she'll sway her hips as she walks and leave most people she speaks with horny and wondering "...Was she flirting with me, or AT me for her boyfriend to see?"Enjoy your cute adventures with VULP-9.>I wish I was a cute body snatching fairy, leaving who I switch with in my cute body, safe and by my side to play with... or tied and gagged, or in a jar if they get too noisy when I try to play my pranks
>>11222254Granted! You're now a one inch tall fairy girl with a very cute body. Of course by cute I mean you have a very young face and only the barest suggestion of curves. You're practically a tiny Milanese stick figure model with delicate glassy wings. Then again if you do want a bigger butt or boobs you can always ask another fairy to cast a spell on them. You're not the only fairy in the world, you're just one of the very few who are genetically capable of body snatching magic.So you know how in myth and folklore fairies have the power to take a person's name when given? Well when you get someone's name you can snatch their body and stick them inside your old body! I'd advise you to be careful of people who are wise to fey trickery. If they ask for your name first, the tables can be turned on you really quickly! But when you do manage to body swap, you're not allowed to go very far away from your victim inhabiting your body. Oh sure you can do whatever you want to them, be it having sexual playtime or sticking them in a jar, but you can't be more than five feet apart from each other or else it will feel like an invisible rope is tugging on you and keeping you from moving. Also, the body swap has a hard 168 hour time limit, and if you've been keeping your body in a jar and bound and gagged when it resets, you'll be stuck like that for a while at least, so be mindful of how long it's been since you started.
>>11222622I wish it were a common occurrence for people to suddenly blow up like balloons, especially at the most inconvenient times, and that being inflated made you psychotically horny and orgasming was the only way to deflate. No bursting or popping or otherwise lethal paws.
>>11222226>>11222237>>11222243>>11222254Oh my fucking god, Anon. It’s more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Thank you so much! I’m gonna requisition a pair of ears for her that feel extra nice when petted and an especially fluffy tail along with brushing and washing equipment. I’m giving the poor confused adorable creature a spa day. And if she turns it into some bizarrely erotic thing where I’m pulled into the shower with her and forced to wash ALL of her body with mine, then so be it.
>>11222654Just be ready for her to agree to the ears only to body swap you two and turn YOU into the submissive "good girl" when her impish personality kicks in, turning the tables on you......Only to get jealous after seeing you enjoy it so much and demand you routinely do the same to her after switching back.You have a switch of legendary proportions on your hands, one who can see connections no one else can to awaken new fetishes in you... and herself.Anyways, glad you enjoyed it!
>>11222625Granted! People will randomly blow up like ballons, and I'll even make the average person more attractive to you so you're far more likely to get stuck between or under a qt or two. You even get to be a cute, full packaged futa, a good mix between being able to fuck the afflicted, and experience itself, no? Or if you REALLY wanted to you could just be a plain boy or girl... either way, you'll be cute and subject to this as well.People will, at random times (though uncannily, at times that would create sexy scenarios), slowly inflate until they are like your pic related, sensitive as hell, their clothes usually tearing off. Now... they DO blow up like balloons, and their anatomy will change to allow for such abuse of the human form. And yes, while borderline immobile... they will become insanely horny and let just about anyone fuck them to relieve the literal pressure. You have VERY good luck catching people for this. And don't worry about STDs, balloons don't get those, so enjoy the free love....But when they DO orgasm, they deflate... and no, you did not state "return to normal", you said "deflate". Air will rush out from an appropriate orifice for their orgasm (often their pussy) and they'll rapidly deflate accompanied by lewd noises.And a deflated human is... basically what you'd expect, with some extra "toon physics" you might not. They could be completely flat, like a balloon ready to be deflated, or have a little air left in them like pic related. After their first balloonification, their anatomy doesn't fully turn back to normal. Instead, the best they can hope for is recovery. It's good practice to blow your partner after they deflate, in both senses of the word. Put your lips against a hole of theirs, ideally the one they deflated from. and blow air back into them. Enough for them to stand... sorta. They'll be like a walking sex doll, wobbly and clumsy, but able to go about their day after.
>>11222743People who know each other well enough might tease their deflated friends, dragging their flat bodies back home and using them as blankets, trying balloon animal stuff with them, or trying to get them to take on other shapes.Your curse is that EVERYONE will see you as a close friend for the purpose of fucking with you during, and after your "episodes". They might refill you with helium so you float, jack off with you as a rag (if applicable), wear you as clothes, or if you have the parts for it, shove what's left of you into a tube and have your face protruding from one end, and pussy the other, making you a DIY sex toy, or even wrapping you around a dildo before having fun.The good news is this will earn you a lot of FWBs as they WILL have fun with you, the bad news is that so long as the see arousal in you, they'll take it as a green light to fuck with you, so good luck setting limits.People will SLOWLY return to normal, but until then... enjoy the balloons, inflated, or deflated.>I wish I was a girl attending an all girls witch/mage school with heavy yuri tension, and that even the pettiest of fights ran the risk of someone getting a lewd curse or transformation
>>11222749Granted!You are now a beautiful young adult and aspiring witch and a member of the latest enrolling class at the Hagslits All Women's School of Witchcraft! A school of less than stellar renown amongst the larger magical community, for reasons you'll be sure to discover for yourself...First and foremost, the systems of educating. The head mistress of this school is a firm believer that practice makes perfect, and allows her students to very freely use magic, even against each other. Resulting in those many petty squabbles frequently turning to transformative experiences of an incredibly literal sort very quickly. Though the staff are always ready to undo any sufficiently debilitating effects in time enough to avoid any truly permanent injuries. Though they do have a tendency to, enjoy themselves and the afflicted student on occasion.Bringing us to the next issue, the rampant sexuality of the students and staff. Almost everyone is in something with someone, almost all of those thimgs are sexual, and anyone who isn't just hasn't come out of the closet yet. Just about everything smells like pussy, literally all of the time, even the gardens, with their proactively shaped plants and numerous nymps and mandrakes. This encourages those already numerous magical mishaps towards especially sexual effects and events, such as becoming ladypots, or many breasted chairs, unmovably massive penises, and lesser masculation are common place too, leaving their victims as suddenly breastless femboys, or trapped in public spaces beaced on their own ballsacks.It's effectively inescapable, petty squabbling causes kinky curses, lovers quarrels leave living dildos, the school has a consistent population of dorses of unexplainable origin. Anything and everything /d/ all of the time.But that's all what you wished for, where's that extra kick to it? Well it's in what sticks!
>>11223276Obviously most of the students aren't casting permanent curses, and those few who are can still have it all dispelled by the teachers, but this isn't quite the case for you... Anything cast against you, while not inherently permanent, does stick with you somehow, and comes back whenever you do remember it. Say if you got turned into an onahip after some random squabble, now anytime you remember this occasion you'll turn right back into it! Your friends turned you into a dildo as a prank? You'll turn right back into it, even if they're only bringing it back up to apologize.You have every reason to anticipate this being used against you at every opportunity. Even by the teachers, exploiting magical weaknesses is a core part of this whole curriculum and even the nature of personal differences won't save you from the lust of poorly monitored teenagers, nor the suggestive mocking of the staff you'll come to know all too well...>I wish people insufficiently committed relationships could edit each other's sexual features
>>11220921Granted, you are both. See, you are a part of a group of catgirls, where the "Master" is the only futa of the group, and has an almost-magical level of authority over the other girls. It's hard for a concubine to resist the orders of Master - and if the order in question is sexual, it's basically impossible. On top of that, the Master is blessed with supernatural sexual stamina and prowess, ensuring that she could fuck for the entire week is she wants to.But here's the catch: each week, the current Master loses her position and futa cock, reverting back to her normal catgirl form and even losing a bit of height (being Master makes your body taller and more imposing, blame the masculine hormones). Afterwards, each kitty proposes a different challenge; after selecting one option at random via a raffle, all the catgirls will compete in said challenge, and the winner will be the new Master for a week. Typical challenges include:>First-blood free-for-all brawl - whoever bleeds is eliminated, last one standing is the winner.>Eating contest.>"Escape the yarn", where each round one catgirl wraps another in rope bondage; the "prisoner" must escape within five minutes or be eliminated, if she succeeds then the "dom" is the one who gets eliminated.>Beauty pageant where catgirls vote who is the most dignified and cat-like - obviously you can't vote for yourself.>Eating pussycat contest, where all catgirls form a loop and eat each other's cunts. Whoever orgasms is eliminated; the chain gets smaller and smaller until the last two girls 69 each other.>Professional set table destruction - a neutral third party evaluates how fast you threw everything off the table and how stylish you were doing so. You aren't allowed to just flip the table.>Best box craftmanship.>"Hunt the mouse", where you must hunt - and fuck - masochistic mousegirls.
>>11223373Of course, you can propose whatever kind of contest you want, as long as it's at least somewhat "fair". Genie magic will generate all the props and resources you need for your games.By the way, you're the white-haired beastgirl in the pic. I know that you look kinda fox-like, but in reality it's because you inherited genes from a pallas cat. Which might also explain why you're the only one who can stay completely naked even under a blizzard and remain perfectly comfortable. (All the other catgirls would have to wear at least a swimsuit. I know that catgirls usually can walk around naked and be fine, but even they have limits.)>I wish to marry this spooky girl in the pic. I find her attempts to be slutty to be utterly adorable.
I Permanently Became The Thousand Year Shrine MaidenThis is my immortal spirit.But Emperor Akihito wanted me to depricate myself so I'll become a pig birthing centaur Shrine Maiden
My Monkeys Paw Form
>>11222202Granted, your wish has been combined with several other wishes coming from a different world, forming a single mega-wish. In that world, pretty much all menial labor will be handled by identical clones, each trained (via mental download) for a specific task. Naturally, a lot of them will be employed in the industry.To cut costs, safety measure will be severely reduced. And that's for a simple reason: one of the effects of the mega-wish is that any "incident" involving a clone will be altered to become sexual in nature and, most importantly, only damage (in a porny sense) the clones themselves. For example, a clone could fall in a machine and end up getting flattened into a wearable suit, or cut into different pieces but still be alive (think dullahan - and yes, each cut is fuckable and enjoyable). Maybe there will be a spill of molten metal, resulting in multiple clones being turned into lewd statues. Or maybe it will be something like your pic, where thanks to a computer bug, a clone will be mistaken for a storage tank and appropriately filled.The clones don't mind - they're all masochists, they enjoy it. In fact, some of them walk a fine line between doing their job and falling into the temptation of being involved in a lewd incident; as a result, these "defective" clones tend to be more reckless at best, and downright saboteurs at worst.But what does this have to do with you? Well, every night, your mind will be transferred to the other world, and specifically into the body of one of these clones, right at the start of a new shift; and after your work hours are done, your soul will return to your original body here on Earth. Good news: you will automatically know everything you'll need to do in your new job, thanks to the fact that the clone's original mind will still be there to inform you. Don't worry, it will be completely powerless.
>>11224599The bad news is... Well, as I already stated, you will be required to work in a factory where lewd accidents are pretty common. But that's not the worst part; the worst part is that, if something happens to the clone's body, the same thing will happen to your original body. These disabilities are temporary, lasting only a week or so, during which you'll magically receive SOME (not full) accomodations for your condition, plus enough money to survive. Another thing that should be noted is that, if you were in some way responsible for the incident - like, say, if you pressed the wrong button because the clone soul in your head deliberately lied to you - your condition will be made worse for the entire week; but if you were completely innocent, then instead you will get some extra money as compensation.>I wish for the ability to summon lewd and fuckable versions of fictional characters - mostly from cartoons and anime.
>>11223285Granted! Whether you've got a gf, a good FWBs, or are consistently hatefucking someone who's totally not into you enough, the ability to open a mental menu and edit someone's body in lewd ways becomes possible. Beyond just size of sexual features, sex, height (some people like shortstacks), and sexual adjacent features can be changed (ex. bimbofication), and fetishes can even be applied, such as multibreast, knotted dick, or if you've got a real freak, dorse, boobslug, etc.However... this mental menu has a cooldown. If you have two FWBs, the other cannot change you until the cooldown is finished, and you do not "automatically" go back to normal, you'll just be ready for another change... and most people will not use this to make people boring again. As a side effect, almost everyone you see will be sexy, many of which may be oversexed or changed in shameful ways. A lot more people have close FWBs now, but anyone who was married or in a relationship before will be changed as well.You will find a very cute GF who shares your interests and is emotionally compatible with you, as well as super cute, and open to other partners if you are. If you already have one, disregard this and take heavy note of the next part of the wish....People must be true to their hearts when using the menu. They cannot "pull their punches". If they want you to have bigger hips, they cannot change you in moderation, it must be what they'd get off to the most. This is why so many people are oversexed. This applies to you, and you're a deviant, so you'll fuck up your GF... which is why she'll be just as deviant as you are, if she wasn't before should this apply to an already existing person. Do you want to turn her into a femboy? She'll turn you into a bimbo. Do you want to make her an immobile hyper blob? She'll turn you into a fucknugget. Dorse? She'll turn you into a dorse as well and playfully fight (fuck) for dominance.The cooldown is random, anywhere from 3-48 hours.
>>11225015At the very least, you'll get temporary clothes for your new form. Whether it's the other sex's underwear, something smaller or bigger, bimbo/femboy clothes and makeup to match your appearance, or a dorse tail plug or the like if it's freaky (a pot for a ladypot of course).You will also be expected to go about your lives even if you are still on cooldown. Your GF will be VERY playful and meet your kinks with her own of equal intensity, even if yours embarass or humiliate her, she'll find solace in turning them back on you, and remember... you can't pull your punches, so if turning her (or him if you have a boyfriend I guess) into a lewd monster tickles your fancy... you can't stop once you start making changes.The real question is, then... can you take what you'd want to inflict onto others? Only one way to find out...>I wish I was a wealthy heiress who could turn her maids into whatever I wish, from furniture, to ladypot tea sets, and other things soft and fleshy while also fashionable. I'll let them take turns, of course... if I feel like it, and they don't want to stay that way a little longer...
>>11222027Granted, you now live in a world where, for lack of a better word, everything and their mom wants to transform you. Weird dog bites you? Lycanthropy - ranging from "girl with animal ears" all the way up to "giant wolf with a human face". Drink a can of "Juice That Makes You Cum Really Hard"? There's a good chance that you'll get a giant dick'n'balls to make you cum very hard. Get caught in the wrong type of snowstorm while not wearing enough clothes? Enjoy being turned into a frozen fuckable statue. There's as many weird transformations as there are strains of flu; there are no vaccines, but there ARE ways to avoid getting transformed, as well as ways to cure a transformation, though the latter are kinda expensive. Also, some transformations can override certain transformations - for example, /d/orsing negates any sex change transformation, but you can change the sex of someone who is already a dorse.One thing I didn't mention is that, aside for the transformations, there's also some special curses that constantly affect everyone. In order, these are:1) An enhanced resistance to environmental conditions, which allows people to parade around naked in most circumstances (most people still prefer to wear socks). By the way. due to all the lewd transformations going around, people have basically become desensitized to public nudity, although openly sexual acts are preferably performed somewhere private... Not to offend other people, but because having sex in public runs the risk of getting unwanted third parties to join in.2) A libido multiplier, which obviously makes people more horny starting more or less around adolescence. This also means that people get to keep a significant sex drive even during old age.3) The "split". Everyone is born with a humanoid familiar/servant with a similar personality and appearance; each familiar will serve their "master" faithfully. Familiars cannot be affected by transformations directly, however...
>>11225023...if the master is transformed in any way, the familiar will absorb part of the transformation's power, including all the mental effects. So let's say for example that you get transformed into a big strong dorse; you'll be forced on all fours, and your speech will probably get slurred due to the giant lips - but those are PHYSICAL effects. Your mind will remain completely unchanged, free to experience as much shame/embarassment/excitement/irritation/whatthefuckever you want. Your familiar, on the other hand, will get on all fours and start acting like a horny horse, barely able to talk; even though it will keep its original human appearance. Naturally, the familiar will also get a bit stronger, although not as strong as you.Naturally, this means that whenever someone gets transformed... which is often... their familiar will have a tendency to go out of control unless their masters keep them in check.So what about the part of your wish that affects you specifically? Well, you wanted to be an attractive girl; that can be done - and this will be your new default form, not a temporary change like those other transformations... although there ARE transformations that can change your sex.What else? Well, you asked to be "corruptible". Well, this means that you are slightly easier to corrupt compared to most other people: lycanthrophy infection progresses faster, every can of Cum-Hard-Juice you drink has a higher chance of being a faulty one (the ones that TF you), and weather reports/alerts in your area tend to be less accurate. Also, remember when I said that, when a master gets transformed, the familiar gets part of the transformation's power? Well, in your specific case, it's 50/50: if you get transformed into a dorse, your familiar will get a strength boost equal to yours - just to make it more difficult for you to reign her in. Sure, she'll still have the instinct to obey you... but her addled mind could interpret your orders and pleas creatively...
>>11225029>I wish I lived in a house made of tentacles. Also, just for the heck of it, the genie can change my sex in whatever way it wants.
>>11225016Granted, you become a wealthy heiress, descendant of some ancient queen from the distant past. Just like your ancestor, you possess a blessing and a curse. The "blessing" allows you to transform your servants - maids, in this case - in any way you want, as long as you fulfill the following conditions:1) Your powers run on a reserve of mana. Every time you want to transform one of your maids, you consume mana, which regenerates over time. if you don't have enough mana, you can't make any change (although changes that you already made will stay indefinitely).2) Regardless of how you transform someone, they will ALWAYS remain fleshy and fashionable. Softness is conditional - for example, let's take the tablegirl in your pic: her "legs" will be sturdy enough to hold her weight as well as the weght of whatever you put on her (within reason). Her legs will be firmer than her boobs or seat, although they'll still be soft.3) Your transformative powers have a size limit: in other words, if you transform a maid, then you can make her grow only up - or down - to a certain size. If you want bigger objects, you'll have to combine together multiple maids.Now let's talk about the curse. It's a "Midas' Touch" kind of deal: every time you touch any inanimate, there's a chance that it will get transformed into a maid. Wear a dress? Whoops, sorry, it will progressively morph into a living skinsuit of a maid, and then into an actual full-bodied maid - she will make sure to "undress" away from you when that happens. Walk in your mansion? You might hear a moan as part of the floor is turning into a new maid, who likes a lot having her mistress step on her face. Watching TV and grabbing the remote? You'll get to watch in real time as one of the people on TV will morph into a maid, eventually stepping out of the screen like a servile Sadako.
>>11225043Did I mention that these maids tend to be servile, masochistic, and a tad too enthusiastic in showing you their love? I mean, they used to be inanimate tools, so they kinda want to keep being used. And they are very, very, very grateful to you for giving them life... Although their maid conditioning makes them prefer using the term "mistress" rather than "mom".Rest assured that you'll get pampered plenty by your staff... provided that you can tolerate their quirks, like moaning loudly when you give an order, taking the opportunities to rub themselves on you like cats, and indulging in your used underwear before taking it to the laundry.>I wish I was a cute boy living in a world of lewd flesh.
>>11224603Granted! You may now summon lewd versions of fictional characters from "lewd" universes. The same ones where most of their fetish fanart reside, and yes, it is a real place. However, most of them retain their "canon" minds to a degree, with varying degrees of awareness, from "Wait why do I have a dick?" to "Oh... this again... fucking perverts.", though sometimes you get hornier versions, like a cute anime girl who's been shipped with her mom for yuri incest (and you can summon them both).Buuut the portal is two way and not exactly... stable. It also has a tendency to "snap" back into place, though I suppose I should tell you more about your characters.They will GENERALLY not be ready to whore out unless you, say... summoned from bimbofication art, but even then it's not a science, they might still have their "canon" mind and be mad at you, or they might have the "fanon" mind and act like their porny counterpart... but all of them will be too horny to control. Girls who would not normally have casual sex may be tsundere about it, even while they're raping you (Samus may act like this). Additionally, you may be influenced by the other side of the portal. Summon 2B and you become 9S for Femdom or Operator 6O for Yuri. Summon Rosalina, and you might become futa Daisy. Summon the totally spies girls, and you might only see two... and them hear one ask "Alex, you're tied up too?" and look down at yourself, seeing that you are now her, and learn that ONE of you will become a futa and fuck the others due to... plot.You can take them out, but everyone will know that it's you and reality bending shenanigans will often follow. Go to a movie or love hotel with a slutty Fire Emblem 13 girl and you may find yourself suddenly her son/daughter for spicy incest. Summon Cynthia or another pokemilf, and you may become either trainer for her to dominate. Summon a Re:Zero twin... yeah.The REAL fun however, happens when you're done, and the portal "snaps" back.
>>11225163While you may have had SOME control in your world... as your summon returns to their porn-y canon, you might get sucked along for the ride. Whether it's for a hentai manga of that character, a piece of lewd fanart, an animation... you're going to be stuck there for a MOSTLY unpredictable amount of time. Time won't pass in the real world while you're here, but how long you're here will generally depend on two factors. How long you had someone summoned, and how hot you are while "on the other side". If a girl was summoned for a long time, the return might happen automatically after a day or two, and is more likely to trap you with it, altered as you may be. But, if you're sexy on the other side, you might get sent back sooner... or you could stay, since if you're being sexy you're probably having fun... but you will be in the porn world you summoned them from.You might end up in that Manga where Fire Emblem Tharja's time traveling daughter became her own father (as the daughter), end up in a bondage totally spies fetish scenario like your pic... as one of the spies, find yourself as Tadano between Komi and her mother... or maybe even Komi herself with a futa mother. Really, the possibilities are endless. The portal WON'T trap you in material you'd give a hard pass... but you're going to get fucked. Just be good about it and you'll be able to return to your reality sooner....Which may not inherently change you back. You might need to summon someone else and hope another transformation "resets" you, and accept life as futa Bowsette or Astolfo in the meantime.Oh, and if you DON'T use this power portals will open randomly, it's like pressure building, so you can't just get out of this by "not using it". Maybe you can turn the curse into a a boon? Become a famous cosplayer whenever you're stuck looking like another character between summons, if you are? Just an idea...>I wish I was a milfy kitsune
>>11223377Granted! You get a big titty Sadako esq ghost who isn't quite "with it"... but tries to be. She will adorably mess up pick up lines, dirty talk, and euphemisms. "D-do... you want to eat my ass cake- I mean ass- I mean cake?" "Is that a penis in your pocket or are you happy to see me?" "Uh... m-may carpet matches... my hair?"You're free to headpat her and have cozy sex with her, or tease her about it and mess up her hair. She loves attention like that, and will cuddle right up and love you for finding her cute. She will even use her ghost powers to have you two married, as you wished. She will still be dead, a ghost... but you two will, apparently, always have been married... but weird things will happen due to her being a ghost.While she's bad at being slutty... she's GREAT at being spooky! Usually in sexy ways. You might be approached by a friend and told "Congrats you two!" only to not see anyone else around you... and feel your own lips say "Thanks!", as you see long black hair out of the corner of your eye, and a massive bust below your eyes. She is possessing you to interact with the world of the living, she can make you look like her, and yes, she can read your mind while like this and turn masturbation sessions into REALLY kinky, sensual, edging play, until she hears you BEG for release, often making you say something spooky AND hot, like "You can have my body forever I just want to cum!"...Of course she won't keep it forever (probably... yet...). She just likes the excitement. Another example comes with you now living in the haunted house where she resides. Sometimes you'll wake up in the past, as someone else. Maybe one of her maids, maybe a butler who looks like you... and you will find her, still alive, and she will hit on you, pretending like everything is normal and that you've always been her maid/butler, and you two have secret sex. "Anon? Who's Anon? You're my little secret..."Aaaand then you wake up in the modern day after sex.
>>11225179A smug ghost girl materialized beside you, cuddling just as she was in the "past", with you back to normal.She's FULL of ghost tropes, from experiencing past events, to possession... to variations on these... oh, she can create illusions too, or appear in ways only you can see, like popping through a bathroom door and asking if you're alright (she hasn't peed in centuries does it usually take this long?)She'll never run out of ways to be creative with reality bending, "Did that ACTUALLY happen or was that a dream?" haunting, ghost powers, and she will not ask for permission. She is loving, but her love is not something you can say "no" too. She has a big heart... but her libido is also very sizable.She'll come up with things like "possessing your penis", with you looking down at her fused to your crotch at the waist as a little version of her, only to look back as someone walks in on you, and then at her again to see your dick normal again (but hear her moan as you touch it), she may put a playful curse on you such as one that makes you smaller, younger (but still legal), and cuter, or kick you out of your own body and temporarily make YOU her... not her most original idea, kinda the same vibe as possessing you, only instead of being trapped in her body she's you and you become her, still a ghost.If you so much as HINT at a fetish, she will try to make it happen... with mixed results. Bimbo? Uh... she'll try, maybe possess another girl who she hears someone else call a bimbo and return to you with the "borrowed" body. She has no problem with possessing other girls for you... but you BETTER only fuck bodies with her permission, or her possessing them... her ghost powers will prevent any STDs or pregnancy from the encounter, leaving no trace of you fucking the stranger bimbo, so go wild... though the weird feeling from seeing her in public in the future won't go away, especially with the ghost on your shoulder teasing you about it...
>>11225190Oh, and when you die you'll become an oversexed ghost too. Mroeso a reflection of your "soul" than how you actually looked when you died. You could be a cute boy, a himbo, a futa, etc......And you two will enter new eras where YOU start to lose your touch with flirting and vernacular, becoming a cute ghost yourself, with her teaching you how to haunt and have fun with possession and illusions....But that's a long way away......Right?>I wish I was a slutty genie with cute, friendly lesbian (and futa lesbian) masters (maybe cute boys if they're nice) in a FWB group, who had infinite wishes from me, and VERY creative ideas. I wanna help my gal pals have fun! And I'm full of ideas to plant in their minds, but I'd like them to surprise me too!
>>11222184Wish bump
>>11225045Granted! You are kidnapped by a cult worshiping an extra dimensional the mother of monsters. Your flesh world will come soon, but first, they imprison you in a guided cage, pampering you while they prepare you for a ritual. Over the course of a month, they will age regress you, maybe through the food they're feeding you, maybe through some magical ritual embedded into your cell. Once you are suitably young and cute, they'll start to force you to breath in a strange incense that makes you suggestible and forgetful. Firstly they will use this to indoctrinate you into believing in the injustice the unholy mother and all her children are barred from entering the world. and that monsters should freely have their way with humans. Monsters know best, and humans should let them reshape their minds and bodies to best serve them. The incense will also make you slowly completely forget any memories you have related to sex, reverting you to an innocent state so that the mother of monsters can more directly influence your attitudes towards sex once in her world. When you don't even remember that your peepee is for anything other than the bathroom, you're ready for the ritual.You and a few dozen other similarly prepared pure boys and girls will be brought together, and lined up to be unbirthed by the goddess one by one through a portal connected directly to her cosmically large pussy. Even just standing before the portal will reawaken desires you had forgotten in your regression, and once you cross over, setting foot onto her labia, your mind will be dominated with a need to continue walking into her womb. After a short distance you will descend inside of her, leaving the surface of her body and the starless sky into your new home. As it gets tighter and stickier, you'll still be compelled to crawl as much as you can to get deeper. Even once her body starts to do most of the work moving you, you'll still spend every bit of energy you recover to push yourself deeper
>>11225262In addition to all the soft and slick sensations of the fleshscape and the overwhelming scent that makes it hard to think thoughts that aren't fluffy, for every 2 hours of being left alone the fleshscape will fuck you for 6 hours. Tentacles will emerge and restrain you. At first they will be of many different types, some playing with your cock, some with suction cups, or ticklish brushes. Some that slide inside you roughly and cum, some that gently caress you. They'll target every part of your body, your cock especially, but your nipples, your armpits, your ass, every part of you will be poked and prodded.This won't last long though. After only a few days, the tentacles will have figured out what you respond best to, and from then on, it will always be the same few things. You will never have any strength or will to fight them, nor any reason to since you lost any memories that would tell you this is wrong before you arrived.You aren't the only human in here, and occasionally you will be brought into a soft and tight corner of the flesh world another boy or girl who's been going through the same thing. Some of them you'll recognize from when you were brought together to be sent through the portal. Others arrived before you. Later you will meet some sent after you. Everyone travels through the realm at a different pace. When you meet sometimes you'll have a chance to talk together about your situation or your old home, though some of the people you see will only want to fuck. More often than not one or both of you will already be getting molested by the tentacles when you meet, or still be getting violated when the compulsion to crawl deeper pushes one of you to leave.
>>11225263It'll take centuries to reach the womb proper, and I won't spoil what will happen in there too much. You'll still be alive and you'll still be human. Getting there won't start to change either of those things. You will have to learn a new language though, and so long having resistance towards tentacle sex raped out of you is just the first step in how this world conspires to warp your perception of sex and orgasm.Also, while there you would have no way to figure this out on your own, but I'll give you some secret knowledge. Sometimes people who are still on earth dream that they are you, feeling and seeing everything you can. As your body is violated, ideas are planted in their mind. Whether they remember them consciously or not, those otherworldly thoughts weaken the barrier between worlds. As much as you and all the other humans in the flesh realm accept endless tentacle sex, humans on earth receiving those dreams will come to accept it too, or even crave to be pleasantly milked by inhuman things and leave all their worries behind in the mother's care. That desire to be cared for violated will expand the cult, and eventually open gateways to let creatures in that will fulfill those desires.>I wish for a magical creature of some kind, maybe a genie, a fairy, an angel, or something else (but not a demon) to appear before every person at least once to attempt to give them a foot fetish, or if they already have one, to make it stronger. They should not succeed every time, but they always try their best.
>>11225030Whatever way it wants, huh...? Alright, granted.You now live in a house that was once a skilled fleshcrafter, before she, uh... desbalizied. Now she's a mass of tentacles that can take the form of body parts like tongues, dicks, pussies, and other specialized tentacles that are almost like sex toys. You will be given a perfectly healthy body, unaging, you won't even need to use the washroom, but you must return to her regularly for her magic to work. Being without her will make you feel weak, horny, and submissive, craving her embrace. The good news is that, formerly being a witch, she can teleport if you move, hide in "normal" looking houses, and even become a sleeping bag for you to take with you. You two share telepathy, with her being a sultry mistress type, teasing you, and being VERY sensual with her tentacles... when she isn't outright dominating you.Now remember how I said she was a fleshcrafter? And you two have telepathy? And I can change your sex however I wish? Well... I want to change you in ways that'd be funny to watch, and she shares the sentiment... so she'll change your form and sex in ways meant to fluster you. She'll make you an ADORABLE girl and summon some cute clothes for you, casting a normalcy spell, and send you out to live life as normal, with your friends knowing it's you, but not questioning gender bending. Beg her to change you back after the teasing? Ok, you're a femboy. At least you have a dick again, huh? Take a liking to a sexual act enough, say... anal, and she may alter you to "shame" you for it, like altering your form into a bimbo esq one with a lewd tramp stamp and ridiculous ass. Enjoy milking tentacles, and she'll give you a ridiculous bust, even if you still have a dick. Get used to being a cute girl and bam... now you're a milf with a different kind of appeal, from "qt" to "mommy". Get cozy as a femboy? No more boy, just fem, as in, a girl, but people will still think you're a boy.
>>11225272Get used to "standard" fucking around with your form and she'll get more perverse. Multibreast, unusual orifices, orifices in places they shouldn't be...She will not do this to spite you, no... she will never do something you'd outright hate. She seeks to slowly corrupt you with forms that make you feel shame, only to get used to them so she may corrupt you more and more to get that same "high" from your embarrassment. One day, she may teach you fleshcrafting magic, and let you spread your corruption on the world... her beautiful daughter... or son? Whichever would arouse you more to hear yourself called, I guess....But yeah, the tentacle sex is REALLY good, even when she shrinks down to a sleeping bag, so that's a plus, aside from the corruption thing.>I wish I was a wholesome, cute succubus who'd be able to find cute girl and boy friends and have consensual sex and good friendships with them. No damnation for me, or the simple act of fucking me (consensually) please.
>>11225274*No damnation for others for the act of fucking me either, is what I mean. A hell related paw is too predictable...
>>11222184Pretty sure that one of them is a futa, but who cares - I'm gonna honor the spirit of the wish.Granted! The two girls in your pic happen to be twin sisters. The elder (by a few seconds) one of the right is a nymphomaniac and kinda of a masochist, frequently fantasizing about being fucked in many different ways even and especially in public; it's the kind of person that evidently sweats and stutters with a manic expression and makes plenty of freudian slips and innuendos. The younger sister on the left instead is considerably more controlled, but a lot more domineering; she loves to play the part of the "bad girl" that puts bitches in her place with her big cock and turns them into her pets, but unlike her sister she's mature enough to act normal in public. Well, a bit flirty and a lot impertinent, but still in the limits of normalcy. And yes, as you probably have guessd, the two are incestuous lovers, nobody will bat an eye about it or their fox(?) features, yadda yadda yadda.You might have noticed that I described the personalities of both of those girls. So where do YOU fit in this? Well, turns out that the beastgirls found a genie of their own, and they asked for something to spice up their sex life, and the eldest mentioned if they could do something supernatural like bodyswap. So: you got the futa body, while the two sisters' souls are currently forced to share the female body, with the delinquent youngest sister in command and the pervert nerd eldest sister reduced to a voice in the delinquent's head.But that is subjected to change. You see, every time you experience a significant orgasm, the sisters will swap which personality is the dominant one - from sado to maso or vice-versa. But when the SISTERS experience a significant orgasm, you will switch bodies: your soul will be transferred to the female/futa body wherever it is, and the sister will move to the body that you were previously using.
>>11225561I did mention that you need a "significant" orgasm in order to activate the switch. This is because if you can manage to suppress the orgasm through sheer willpower, you can negate the switch even if you do end up leaking or splurting a bit. Granted, this is not a particularly good defense to prevent the *sisters* from fucking their own brains out to force a switch (protip: hide the elder sister's "GutsMelter 600" dildo) and send you in an intersting situation - like, say, right in the middle of a nightclub orgy.>I wish I had a robot waifu I can impregnate.
>>11225266Granted, you are technically a genie, although you possess limited shape-shifting powers that allow you to change your form, as long as it is required for your "job". By the way, you're a foot genie now. Foot genies are essentially lewd spirits that, just as you asked, appear to every person on Earth at least once during their lifetime, as long as they have reached at least young adulthood and therefore have the sexual potential to get a foot fetish in the first place. Since there's roughly eight billion humans on this planet, you can't really expect to have one single genie to visit all 8bil, right?...Where was I..? Oh, right, your appearance. By default you look like a stereotypical cute girl or boy in genie attire, except you are specifically barefoot (must show off those feet after all). You are exceptionally long-lived and possess quite a few magical powers, most of which are unfortunately only available while you're "on the job". Luckily for you, auto-cleaning, being always ready for sex, and feet invulnerability do not have that restriction.I did mention that you have a job. At regular intervals, you will be given a list of people you must meet that month. Your objective is to try to give them a foot fetish - or, if they already have one, to make it stronger; you don't have to succeed, but you must make at least a decent effort, or you will be sentenced to the Hands of Punishment. You have several powers that you can use to pursue that objective: limited clarvoyance/prophetic dreams to understand how to "attack" your target's tastes, turning ethereal so that you can spy on them or appear in their dreams, the ability to speak and understand all languages, shape-shifting ranging from "cute girl that just so happens to have nice feet" all the way to "Yowesephth hyperfeet fetish art", and size-shifting (there's a lot of overlap between foot and giantess fetishes) just to name a few.
>>11225593It's basically wish magic, except limited to only one specific goal and doesn't have a monkey paw gimmick. Also, since you're a genie and therefore have a servile nature, you aren't allowed to cause serious harm to people, but you can bully them if it's self-defense or if your target is into it.And that's it pretty much. This will be your job for... I think three centuries? Sure, you can keep working afterwards if you want, or you could choose to retire, but still keep your magical reality-altering powers... as long as you keep using them to further the noble cause of foot fetishism, of course.>I wish I was this mature futa.
>>11225593>>11225594Where's the paw or twist? This is my own wish but wordier. I don't even get punished for failing?
>>11225604As I already said: you must at least make a decent effort to make people gain a foot fetish. Which, depending on that person's personal tastes, might require you to indulge in some unsavory fetishes.If you don't do a decent attempt, you'll get sentenced to the Hands of Punishment.
>>11225594Granted! You are now that mature futa... no explanation, or memory of what happened or why you are NAKED in a wedding veil, with women around you asking if you're alright, asking if it's the wedding.Where are your clothes? Oh that's a good one... you were doing this whole thing naked, remember? You dirty slut... now get on that stage and get your fantasy underway, you'll be told with a shove.In front of you will be a VERY fuckable femboy... way younger than you. You could be his mother (or father), and he'll be clothed. Not mean towards you, but in fact blushing, and clearly happy. As a daze falls over you, a "And you may now kiss the bride" will ring out, followed by your husband burrying his face between your breasts and slapping your ass, for an audience to have a VERY saucy reaction to.People will think you're just acting at first... but once you reach the hotel with him, and realize that you have a butt plug in in addition to your cock ring, to add onto the shame...The cute boy will start to believe that you really DO have amnesia, and show a few things on the room's TV to make sure. You were a single mother turned pornstar after learning to love the taboo of being seen in such shameful states, who slowly became famous for debasing herself most appearances, yet keeping her sweet, kind, if somewhat submissive air to her. Interviews? You did those tied up, sitting on dildos, wearing undersized sexy clothes... even in public you'd have someone looking after you... with a leash around your neck. One appearance you had to answer what it means to be a mother and pornstar while balls deep in a twink... your favorite to do shoots with... only for him to admit he never knew his "father"......And learn that he was your son. After dipping into incest play with him, but realizing that you still loved him as the man you knew before... you two decided on a VERY taboo marriage, with your two female and one futa daughters watching...
>>11225663...And now that you remember it, one of them was sitting on anther's lap, and having a hard time focusing- oh... they're in on this debauchery too, huh? One video later of them dominating you and yeah... the futa you became is a slut for attention like this, and you just married yourself into a lifetime of it, with your (adult) femboy of a son.As loving as he is... he's also a switch, and if he notices any motherly things that may need doing, that he can make lewd for you... he will. Dinner time? Oh there's stuff too cook in the kitchen, and an apron. Clothes? Yeah, I just said there's an apron lol, or should I take that away too? Or what about when you're just in your chair reading? He'll sit in your lap, knowing it'll get you hot and bothered, until you slip into him, and he'll pretend like nothing is happening as your daughters pass through the living room... with one of them giving you a look that tells you you might not be as sly as you think.Gifts? What, do you not like your wedding cock ring? How about new nipple piercings that connect to a ballsack hammock? Or a dress that's SUSPICIOUSLY see through?As a blessing, you will age gracefully, and so will your family. Being mature doesn't mean you're running out of time in this case... but that also means you won't be retiring or stopping your shameful way of life anytime soon. And when you DO age a bit more, you'll become a gilf.Maybe it wasn't wise to wish to be someone you knew nothing about, in a situation that should have raised red flags given the bizarre nature of wearing a wedding outfit while naked and wearing a cock ring?Either way... your children are happy to be reunited, and will use you as the family bike, often sharing controllers for toys within you, and taking you to porn shoots on a leash, or perhaps wearing something ridiculous like a leopard print bikini... with nothing else in the world getting you as excited as being at the mercy of others, ESPECIALLY when it's "wrong".
>>11225669So enjoy being a mature futa slut. You'll be dominated by other professional doms and yes, if you're a good girl you'll get to dominate some young men and women as well... but you're still a massive slut.However, you're a slut who is beloved by her children and those she works with. While a dom "MAY" say "Gods you're such a fucking slut..." after witnessing your depravity... she'll smile and kiss you after, giving you proper aftercare.And of course... your new husband loves you, and wants to do what makes you happy... even if that means humiliating you in even more fun ways...>Speaking of... I wish to be part of a debased, all female/futa elven family/house.
>>11225627That's a very blunt way of enforcing it that's no fun. Like, let's say I have a really bad month, everyone's committed to feet being gross. I could rest easy because I know that as long as I'm trying, I'm safe.Now what if instead, I had a quota to fufill? If I spend too long on one person, I won't be able to give enough other people foot fetishes, so I'm always panicking and rushing.Or what if any person I was assigned to who could resist my attempts had some power over me, like being able to demand a wish, or keep me as a mortal servant as long as they feel nothing for my feet. That would push me to be careful before approaching someone and to try to go for certain success.And what kind of punishment are the hands? I get that it's not supposed to be pleasant, but it doesn't fit the theme at all.I don't want to get too mad since nobody can expect the perfect grant every time, but I was really looking forward to this wish, and you did all of the things I try to avoid when I grant wishes because they're boring. Saying "By default you look like a stereotypical cute girl or boy in genie attire, except you are specifically barefoot (must show off those feet after all)." communicates all the same information as "You are a genie". You give me all the powers but say I can only use them for the job rather than giving me specific powers related to the fetish. Utility abilities like auto-cleaning that would be desirable in real life, but just waste words that could be spent on something hot in a post. Almost no time is spent answering the interesting questions who would be forcing me to do this, how people react once they know there's a genie visiting everyone, or how I can get to 8 billion people. Technically my wish isn't even complete because there's no way I can get to everyone before someone dies without seeing me. There's a little implication of other foot genies, but not enough. Could I meet another foot genie? Could we end up with the same target?
>>11225680You put all your rules in the wrong places. At best they do little to heighten the fantasy, at worst they're restricting the ways I can express myself or strategize in it for no reason, like banning me from wearing sandals or stockings with the barefoot rule.I didn't mean to be so harsh, I don't want to discourage you from writing, but I've seen quite a few grants like this. If nobody complains, there's not much reason for improvement. There are all common mistakes.I suppose if I'm going to say this is constructive criticism, I should say what you did good. Giving me clairvoyance and other information gathering abilities suggests a more careful and dominant role where I prepare and go in on a target once I know their weaknesses, which is hot./rantSorry about blowing up on you. If you have a wish you want granted sooner, wish bump it and I'll get it done next.
>>11225266I was considering granting that one actually, might later for fun (no wish of my own). Just don't expect it soon.
>>11225266Granted! There is now a society of supernatural, sexy barefoot babes, from genies, to fey, to nymphs... it's global. No one creature could visit every person within all of their lifetimes, after all, but every person can be visited by a magical creature this way. People will also be more attractive, especially in the feet department, on average. Toenails will take much longer before they need to be trimmed and feet will stay healthy, that stuff.Depending on how open the human is, they may use subterfuge, or be a bit less subtle and announce themselves. Say an office lady dreams about her higher ups dominating her, but she'd never dare speak on it. A genie may take the form of a sexy, confident looking lady at a bar and seduce her, only to dominate her with foot worship, and spend the night talking to her, planting seeds like "Wow, you must be someone's special pet... oh you're not? But you're so sexy... oh have you asked them out to go drinking? Tested the waters? I'm sure a few drinks later if you showed them what you showed me..."On the other hand, a cute femboy might be openly into some kinky stuff, but draw the line at sexy feet... only for a cute fairy to show herself to him with "You like feet, dontcha?", before giving him adorable footjobs and playfully bullying him into it.It won't always work, as you said, not everyone will fall for it... but in time you can make the world a kinder, kinkier place. If not this man, perhaps his next generation...As for you? Well... as the one who wished for this, you've found yourself at the center of a lot of heated debates. Should anon be praised for this, or put to work like everyone else has to now? Should the one who'd put this work on us mythical beings be given a heavier workload? General consensus is "yes", if nothing else... because it'd be funny and hot to bully you.You will take the form of a blue haired spirit who can take on other supernatural aspects.
>>11225726You might appear as a djinn, but only able to grant feet related wishes, a fairy who has to give full body jobs (with a lot of foot work), or a dommy mommy angel, as well as plenty of other things, though you will still recognizably be the new you, Anon, patron saint of feet. You may sometimes appear as a futa, but that's to broaden your appeal.So what determines your appearance? Well... whoever summons you, of course. Beyond the supernatural beings seeking out people to awaken and empower fetishes in, your group also retains a responsibility to keep the faithful happy... and often, the faithful will want you to try to awaken others to the fetishes. Their GFs, their crushes, their husbands, their moderators... maybe even coworkers or bosses in hopes of office play.You are summoned by mortals for these tasks, and must answer to them, serving a more active role than most other supernatural beings. The summoner will come up with a plan with you, and while you can negotiate, they usually get the most say in it. "So you pretend to be the new girl and seduce my bitch of a boss into stepping on you..." or "Hide in this lamp and grant my husband three feet related wishes.", or even "Possess me with your futa aspect and give my boyfriend the footjob of his life, and then teach him how to give it to me, still with your futa cock."To be fair, that aspect of yours IS really good for letting people demonstrate what they learned... on you.And the REAL fun part of this is that I consider magical creatures "people", and how DOESN'T it make sense? You're constantly looking to recruit more to your cause! You'll turn into fairies to seduce other fey, be bound to the same lamps as cute genies, and learn to woo over angels with pious, wholesome, consensual sex, perhaps disguised as a mortal in need. You are blessed amazing feet... but gain sensitivity to the feet of others. If a mistress offers a toe or steps on your face, you'll get hard and or wet FAST.
>>11225735And being a person yourself... even your compatriots, who already see you as the cute girl to watch try to do her duties despite her clear "excitement" from feet, and increased sensitivity, will routinely visit you and pull "Hey can I practice a footjob on you?" or "I think I know how to be dominant, but want to try it with you."... Before dominating you with their sexy feet and making you wonder if they needed help, or just wanted to fuck with you.Don't get me wrong, you're adorable and loved by the cult you're forming... you're just not quite as "respected" as most saintly figures, with most other supernatural girls, quite literally, walking all over you, and keeping you busy with kinky mortal requests that are always exciting... if a bit embarrassing.If nothing else, they WILL give, or strengthen your foot fetish by doing so... and keep strengthening it for centuries to come, I might add.
>>11225674Granted! You are now the latest generation of an exiled house of elven nobles! A long and exceedingly interwoven line of irresistibly attractive and, irredeemably incestuous, and obscenely hypersexual as a result of that inbreeding...Such long lives and lasting elven beauty means that even your great greats' great greats' are as lively and ready to keep in the family as your own sisters are, but this also allows you to see evolution in action! Even though your family is a tangled mess of beautiful whores and hermaphrodites, the generations are best visually separated by the increasing size of their sexual features. Your still living and breeding ancestors are plenty shapely themselves, but the bombshells of your day and age have naughty bits that completely put theirs to shame! Breasts bigger than multiple heads, hips wider than 3 average elves standing shoulder to shoulder, and more dick than you even have torso!As you might expect such outstanding assets will pull a very significant amount of attention all across the family tree. Attention that quite effectively amounts to you living in a never-ending orgy. Until...It the time comes again for you to be judged...Once every 100 years, you as the most beloved and outstanding member of your family will be chosen to represent them before the high elven council to determine if your family deserves to be unexiled. As you might imagine, with a body that's as hard to clothe, nonetheless carry as yours you won't actually be passing any of their very conventional and tests any time soon...Making this whole excursion more of a public humiliation ceremony that seems actually more embarrassing for them than it does to you. The tests are randomly selected from a list of highly complex games that hinge a number of core pillars to elven society to be successful in, with you of course playing them tournament style against the other exiled families for the chance to be unexiled.
>>11225752All things considered, it would be a very fair and reasonable way to prove that your family was prepared to rejoin wider elven society if you did ever succeed it. That would require having studied the games though, and that studying would require you know what those games are called. And as you might imagine, the closest you received to a formal education on anything, was how best to fit your cock in a person that would more easily fit inside of it...Making this usually introspective gaming experience much less intriguing as its only a matter of time before you get again disqualified for making an illegal move, probably while thinking on how you'd rather be fucking your grandmother, potentially out loud even.The whole tournament is a few days, but it won't be more than a few hours before your beaten by literally any other house and get to go right back to stuffing your grandma like there's no tomorrow, or even stuffing her grandma.There's no point you'll ever be able to sit out the games as it would be worse to deny you the opportunity to improve upon yourselves even if you won't ever actually complete the challenge.You could actually try to study the game, it's sort of inevitable that your family has a copy of the rules laying around untouched for millenia, though doing that would still require you separate yourself from yourself from your sex obsessed family members which would be A nearly herculean task on even a single occasion, keeping them off of tou long enough to legitimately understand the game would be a task of truly sisyphean proportions.And youd bs better off just powering through the brief embarrassment like you do your sister's cervix...>I wish to join a hung femboy mercenary company, and solve equally many problems with either longsword.
>>11225738I didn't deserve or need a regrant, but I appreciate it. I like the idea of getting my own cult of needy foot worshipers.
>>11225793I wanted to. Also, while you may have a cult, you'll arguably be the "needy" one with your enhanced sensitivity to feet lol.
>>11225774Granted! You are now a part of a femboy mercenary company in a fantasy setting with some modern amenities... but two big things to keep in mind is that monsters and magic are real now, and guns fell to the wayside because they can't be enchanted to match defensive magic for whatever reason....But you do not belong to a prideful company. You belong to one in a literal sense (you are sold to them), and a magical gem is implanted in you that keeps you a perfect, youthful femboy with an ever clean but and hung cock (that can even become studded for his or her pleasure). The gem is just part of you now, same as the other boys. It casts a magic field around you that blocks dangerous blows, just that. She shield's like a non newtonian fluid, it'll stop dragon claws, but a slap on the ass or grope will go through just fine....Oh, and yeah your pic is what you are more or less expected to go into battle with... save for one important detail. Your swords are often blunt or given "fumble" enchantments so they're easier to drop. Sure... you CAN still fight......But the real reason people pick near indestructible, yet slutty mercenaries, is to see them flail about and get humiliated. Almost always hired for contracts against sexy foes. Three of you verses some troublesome futa satyr? Oh, your matron can hardly watch... and by that I mean she hasn't cast scrying yet, she WILL watch, and record the entire thing... which will probably end with you and your boys being ridden.Milfy witch? Lewd spells. And the battle was lost, when all other combatants were reduced to fucknuggets, lady pots (male), and one or two... actual girls. The horrors of war...You'll be turned back if you pay for dispelling though. See, you aren't expected to win. You're like the gladiators sent after lions with pointy sticks. Just there for entertainment, only you live and get paid for it. Even if your squad is cursed, you'll walk away with funding based on entertainment value.
>>11225860However... if you DO win, seeing disadvantaged femboys clench victory from the jaws of defeat after a humiliating struggle is VERY entertaining to those who'd hire you... mostly bi-curious men, wealthy femboys, and dominant women, by the way.What's that? You know a way to beat your foe EASILY? Oh no you don't. Trick a dullahan futa with a river she can't cross, and trap her by changing the water flow? Next the client is going to sent you to fight a dragonfolk with nothing but a whip and "tactical" spreader bars that TOTALLY won't be used on you.It's only good if you win after a STRUGGLE. This is SHOW FIGHTING. Win too easily and you'll be thrown to the wolves, sometimes literally, of the were variety.Let yourself get teased, one or two boys fucked, and forget everything you knew of tactics. You're going to win narrowly and get to dominate your opponent as a reward (essential)....That is, when you're lucky enough to plan a narrow victory and get away with it. Naturally, fighting this way will make you lose more often than not.You'll never learn who REALLY owns you boys, but no real harm will come to you and, hey, no rules against sleeping with each other, or even clients, if they fancy it.It's a living...>I wish I was a gyaru shortstack girl
>>11225274Granted, you are now a cute-ass succubus living on Earth. As a succubus, you are naturally gifted in the arts of sex and seduction, so you can find potential friends-with-benefits or fuckbuddies pretty easy if you put in some effort. Plus, as a succubus, you are a member of the Interdimensional Succubus Summoning Union n7, which means that you can get summoned by people in need of sex. Don't like it? Well, you can alter your subscription to only include specific types of summoners (although the more restrictive you are, the less summon opportunities you'll get, for obvious reasons), or turn off the service entirely if you don't wanna get summoned.Since you specifically asked about it: no, consensual sex doesn't damn people to Hell, not even if they fuck a succubus. Nor does being a succubus, although you do have a Hellish citizenship (living in Hell and being damned in Hell are two different things).No, the problem is that you are a succubus, and therefore you drain people through sex. No, you can't turn it off, that's ingrained in your magical biology - in fact, you need sex like humans need vitamins: if you don't get some once in a while, you'll fall sick. You could try to limit how much you drain from people, but it's kinda hard to focus on that while you're in the middle of an orgasm.Now, I know what you're thinking: "But Genie, I don't want to kill people, I just wanted a cozy sexy fantasy!" To which I'd respond: fair enough, so your draining will always be of the least harmful, temporarynon-lethal kind. In fact, you can choose between three options, and change them through a ritual if you don't like your current option:>BodyYou drain mass from your sexual partner. At best, they will lose some weight; at worst, they will be temporarily reduced to an empty (but sexually satisfied) skin and little else. They will recover over time... But the weight YOU gained? You'll have to burn it off the normal way.
>>11226256>MindYou drain part of your partner's intelligence - mostly the higher studious functions and the sexual inhibitions. Basically you're gonna turn them into nymphomaniac bimbos/himbos for some time until their brains grow back. Since the mental energy will overload your brain, you will temporarily become more sensitive; this can range from "crunchy food Feels Weird on your tongue" to "sex will ahegao-KO you after a dozen or so thrusts".>SoulThere's a chance that you'll drain your partner's soul. Said soul will still be independent, and can exert some influence on your actions - especially if its "suggestions" are sexual in nature. The soulless body will basically become an obedient zombie until the soul automatically returns to it after some time.Ah, and of course, you know a few succubi magical spells such as "enlarge penis", "reinvigorate sexual stamina", and "sex change". Plus you have the classic aura-that-makes-people-not-freak-out-that-you-are-a-(admittedly-cute-and-adorable)-demon-girl(TM).>You know that fetish where a cute girl covers herself in chocolate and gets licked? I wish for something about that fetish.
>>11226266Granted! Retroactively the world changes in 2 ways. First, sweat and skin oils have strong anti-bacterial properties and taste significantly better. Depending on genetics different people's bodies can provide different complimenting flavors to many different foods. On it's own, provides many different traditions around food. Chefs aren't just known for their talent, but also the taste of their body that they impart on the food through more intimate cooking techniques. Wives feeding their husbands by hand also is normalized. Also due to the anti-bacterial properties of skin, the medical discipline is also altered, with all doctors putting a strong emphasis on receiving TLC and skinship being an important part of recovery. The second change is a new legend much like Lady Godiva's. A princess to save her people sought an alliance with a neighboring prince. Unable to win him over with pragmatic offers from her kingdom's treasury or of loyalty, she offered her hand in marriage. When rejected, the princess was only able to make him reconsider when she offered herself covered in chocolate. After tasting her, the prince realized that the princess was priceless. Though the actual accuracy of the legend is disputed, ever since chocolate dipped women have become synonymous with love. While chocolate is popular with almost everyone, other traditions about eating off of women are also more prevalent. A sushi place that doesn't offer nyotaimori is pretty rare. It still can be expensive, but every fine dining establishment has a few women on staff and a shower room. Customers who want the food served on their own girlfriend can also send their girlfriend to be prepared in the kitchen too.There is nothing supernatural about any of this. Your wish has just created an earth with a very different culture. I'm sure you're a little let down. Maybe you expected something grand. "Every girl in the world needs to have chocolate licked off of them!" or something like that.
>>11226499To make up for it earth being changed so little, you're forced out of your home and now live with a chocolatier who you're in massive debt to! To pay it off you have to work for her, so this will give you a chance to get first hand experience in the romance chocolate industry, and see several girls get delicately painted with brushes covered in warm chocolate, or get waxed before stepping into a bath filled to the brim with chocolate. Oh, and if you play your cards right, your landlady does find you attractive, and even though she loves the art, she's never had the chance to have someone lick chocolate off of her before.>I wish to be abducted by aliens who have no clue what a human is. Though kind, they believe themselves to be biologically and culturally superior.
>>11225568Granted!Only a few months after a pretty hefty pre-order, you are now the proud owner of your very own sex robot waifu! With full reproductive capabilities!It's got all the gadgets and gizmos you'd expect of an automated sexual partner, from heated contact points to a piston powered pussy, even a sensationally accurate clitoris! Though of course yours comes with the addendum of a fully functional reproductive system!Given that it is yours and yours alone, it can technically only make clones instead of actual children, but it's able to match the sequences of it's generated eggs against those of your sperm so there's no actual risk of them coming out any less than whole, and gender is still effectively randomized in development, so she won't be a pure son factory either. At the end of the day, it's still your very own robot wife, and your very own human children! Operating on a system designed and adapted to living with you and being everything you could want in a wife!Well, until she starts wanting children that look anything like her-This won't tear the two of you apart at all, she'll still love you with all the steel heart she has, but you will feel compelled to provide for her. In nearly the same thoughtless programmatic way her body generates and provides you with children you will be compelled to do the same for her. Though as you might expect with exponentially more conscious thought and deliberate craftsmanship. A conviction that will waste you hours every day in the forge and programmingenvironments, over 9 whole months until a mechanical marvel in her own synthetic image meets the world, likely on the same day as flesh and blood in your own does as well.Together, she will birth and you will build a large and beautiful family, with sweat and tears and the rare miscarriage. That will likely be highly incestuous, though only through that same process of cloning she does with your seed, and most times with the same conviction to craft as you.
>>11226915>I wish for a futa girlfriend who's whole ejaculatulatory system (balls, dick, and prostate) were as loaded with cum as they possibly can be all of the time
>>11225168Granted, you are gonna be a kitsune mom. First of all, you'll get to experience the pleasure of your body transforming into your ideal MILF foxwoman with plenty of curves, six fox tails, and six huge milky titties. For the latter, you'll have to blame your pregnancies - yes, it's the usual "if you're a MILF that means that you have children" twist. As you transform, your past will be retroactively rewritten so that you have always been a benign fox spirit inhabiting a local spiritual spot; you can choose whether your pregnancies also happened "in the past" and your children spontaneously pop into existence, or if instead you want to experience rapid-fire super-pleasant pregnancies and births for the next day or so and you pop out your already-adult children.Now, you might be asking what's the deal with the tits. Well, you got a LOT of children, and your body naturally developed itself so that you could nurse them all... and some of said children wouldn't mind being breastfed some more, even though they've already grown up. As for why you got six tits... well, that's a genetic defect. You know how some Japanese tales say that kitsunes always have at least one fox-like part, which can be used to recognize them? Well, you and your family got a similar thing: each of you has a fox-like characteristic that cannot be turned off or disguised with magic. By the way, did you know that you know magic? Hypnosis, illusions, shooting dozens of foxfire projectiles at once, and possessing people, to name a few.Going back to the topic of your foxlike characteristic: you have a fox's tits - more specifically, the number of them. You always have six prominent boobs; even if you try to use illusions or shapeshifting to disguise, you'll always look like you have six tits, and if you possess someone, they will get six tits too.But hey, at least they're fun to play. Some of your children got it worse.
>>11227538To name a few of your children... and you have a LOT of them... you got a foxtaur, one that has entire foxes instead of fox tails, a lucky girl who "only" got fox ears but giant (think fennec), a child that only communicates with fox noises, a futa with a gigantic fox cock, and a boy who could play the live-action remake of Robin Hood.Did I mention that you got a LOT of children? One hundred and eight, to be precise - a nice number for kitsunes, since it represents the material temptations. And a lot of them are pretty willing to become literal motherfuckers, so expect quite the amount of sex.When you aren't being railed by your progeny, you can spend your life however you want. You could seduce humans as you please, or you could try re-opening that spirit spot and turn it into a proper shop - I mean temple where, as a priestess, you can accept offerings in exchange for things like offering spiritual aid (like possessing a shy girl so that she'll have the confidence to ask out her crush) or acting as an intermediary between the requester and aonother spirit.Ah, almost forgot: I'll give you a boon where people will not question you or your children's fox characteristics. The paw is mostly having to deal with your horny children, and to a lesser extent having to deal with back pain. Yes, monstergirls often can have giant boobs without breaking a sweat... but kitsunes usually only have to deal with TWO of them, not six like you.>I wish to be smooshed by slimegirls.
>>11225863Granted, you are a demon from Hell. But what were you expecting, with your giant horns, unnatural eye color, porny-shortstack proportions straight out of a hentai (I'm pretty sure your dad was an imp), and sharp teeth?Unlike most demon girls in this grant, you aren't a demon of lust - although you are still slutty, and have a few perks like "being naturally good at sex" and "being capable of elastically fitting a magnum dong in your holes" and "burning away (literally) dirt off of your body". No, you are first and foremost a demoness of vanity - one that just so happened to get enamored with the gyaru aesthetic. And so you set out to replicate it in any way you can: buying clothes and jewelry, tanning yourself (your demon power almost exploded the tanning booth, but it was so worth it), bleaching your hair, and so on.As a demon of vanity, you thrive on attention like a succubus thrives on sex. Which means that you are pretty much obligated into becoming a fashion influencer with a good following - you literally need this to remain healthy. You naturally/magically tend to drive attention, but not in a way that would put you in real harm's way. For example, the demon features thing? People either believe that they're fake but cute and trendy; or they believe that they are true, cute and trendy, and most importantly they will not try to exorcise you. Now granted, what counts as "real harm" might vary - for example, getting a slap on the ass or getting picked up by a drunkhorny fratbro might not count as "real harm"... especially if he's cute... and loaded with money you could convince him to gift to you.
>>11228073Basically, you have a "make me the center of attention" aura that is always turned on, and it might not work the way you want it to. But, hey, as a vanity demon you do have some more magic you can use and that you DO have control over:hypnotizing people through eye contact (so you'll frequently have to say "my eyes are up here" before you can use it)summoning clothes to and from your expansive wardrobesummoning yourself to your wardrobe (useful if you need somewhere private to fuck someone cute) and backsafely implanting and removing piercings (you got some giant ones that you could use for bondage - like a pin piercing the size of a spreader bar)a spiritual smartphone capable of doing things like photographing through solid objects, photographing ghosts, and always have signal to upload your tredy photoshoots to Instagremoryand more.I almost forgot to mention a couple of things! The first is that you don't have to worry about sexual orientation. Both boys and girls find you attrective, possibly in a "I'm not gay BUT..." kind of way. While your attention aura does attract its fair share of molesters, they will always fit your tastes, so if you're a lesbian it won't attract men.The second thing is that demons and other similar creatures like ghosts now exist. But what did you expect from all these /d/eviant wishes being granted?>I wish I was a succubus with the ability to drain people (and also a failsafe so that I won't kill people by accident).
>>11228081Granted!>10,911 charactersYou should read about what's happening to you here: I went a bit overboard.>I wish to be drained by a something other than a succubus until I am completely dry with permanent consequences.
>>11226920Granted, however that's not normal cum. As long as it stays inside your girlfriend's body, it collapses space so that it can fit more sperm in the same volume. As soon as the cum comes out, it expands to its normal size. How much? Well, your girlfriend were to cum everything out right now, she would produce a glob of splooge the size of the entire planet, and be ready to produce another within a day or so.Now don't worry, her body will never do that out of sheer self-preservation instincts: after all, if she cummed 100% of her cum, she'd almost certainly die as well in the cataclysmatic world-ending event. Basically, this means that no matter how hard you fuck her, she's gonna produce only a "reasonable" amount of cum with each orgasm. Granted, "reasonable" here means "cuminflate you 'till you look visibly pregnant", but compared to the alternative it sounds pretty fucking reasonable.Another issue with her cum is its viscosity: as long as it's inside her, it has the consistency of honey - but shortly after coming out, it takes a consistency more similar to tar and rubber, and it becomes basically impossible to scrape away. Instead, contact with organic cells causes them to be invaded and "impregnated" with her cum. This usually ends up creating a reaction that ends with the creation of oxygen, nutrients and new cells; basically, your girlfriend's cum keeps you nourished and oxygenated, and can even heal wounds. It also means that when you're entombed in a cocoon of cum, you will not die of starvation or asphyxiation; instead, the cum will gradually be absorbed into your body to keep you alive, and the cocoon will progressively shrink until it will disappear, freeing you.
>>11228567Likewise, if she cums inside you, you can't push the cum out in any way; it's gonna stay there until your body naturally metabolizes it. Thankfully you won't have to use the bathroom during that time; but if she fills your ass to the brim, you won't be able to speak due to your vocal chords and mouth becoming all gunked up.Now, I'm gonna throw you a bone and say that your new futagf is a really adorable girl. A bit shy and self-conscious, due to her giant package and slightly bloated belly (overfull prostate, remember?), but overall very kind and empathetic. She shares a lot of interests and hobbies with you, and likes cuddling up with you, basking in the silence interrupted occasionally by a low glorbling sound from her overfull balls. ...When she was a teenager, she also used to put her toys and figurines in jars and fill them with cum, if you want something to tease her for.>I wish I had the ability to transform people in humiliating ways and turn them into my loyal lewd minions.
>>11226500Granted! You may be the first... but you certainly won't be the last. Now first things first... they MAY scramble you through their abduction beam and may have to put you back together the best they know how. They're new to this, but were able to piece together some images of what a "human" is from all of those illustrations of cute girls on your computer, so you will awake as a cute girl... probably capable of stretching to take insane insertions and with unusually large breasts. You know what? The last girl you jacked it to will be what the aliens put you back together as, whoever that may be, including any insane proportions. They will take your vigorous vocalizations to mean that you are healthy, and that they got it right... because they won't have a clue what you're saying.Now the fun begins as the once slug like beings change their shapes... into human forms, many with mockeries of it such as lipples, extra breasts, cocks where cocks shouldn't be... and they'll laugh, and play with these forms.These aliens are protean beings who can change their shapes due to the discovery of how to move their minds into bodies consisting of programmable nanites. They can also change genetic code to a still living being. Why WOULDN'T they view themselves as biologically superior? And culturally for that matter! They're far more advanced than you lousy humans, and are still offering their goodwill to you. They'll add your species to their collection and spare you all from war and strife while changing your bodies to fit a new era of peace, which to them, means sex, lust, affection, and the eternal pursuit of pleasure. But your body is SO inefficient for this... hence their playful alterations when they turned human. They'll explain all of this to you once one manages to decipher your language from your "reading material", with "ara ara"s and vulgar speech to match it. Oh, and about their collection... they're massive xenophiles who do this to aliens they find.
>>11228832Their goals are to simply keep exploring new kinds of pleasure, and speaking of... they've abducted a few other humans now, adjusting their apparatus to allow them to reform as what a "human" looks like based on your history of hentai manga and anime.And then, before your fellow abductees have time to panic, the experiments begin. That face hole... so many noises come out of it, and some of them are... obnoxious? We like the moan one, but you don't need these other parts for that... why not make it more puffy and soft like the one on your abdomen? A "cock" would fit in that well, right? Or perhaps we can move the tongue and lips elsewhere... Oh, cocks! Why don't all girls have them? I mean, some of yours do... but quadrupeds and animals on even more legs than that are better at thrusting, so... farewell arms, hello second, and perhaps third and fourth pairs of arms. Why stop at one cock? You fixate on hair so much... why not give a "crown" of them? And this pussy... just one? Oh... how sad... allow them to fix that. Even their most prudish scientists keep multiple breeding holes... you poor things...The nanintes are already in your bodies, they can change you at their whims, and soon neither you nor the other girls will be able to complain, and while still visibly flustered... will struggle with their new sex organs too much to focus on their predicament, and they will look to each other, as well as you, for relief... You may read what this post ends in to see which girl you ended up as from >>11228832, 1-2 for 1st, 3-4 for 2nd, 5-6 for 3rd, 7-8 for 4th, 9-0 and you pick.Of course... it won't matter. They'll work on reinforcing positive (lusty) behavior with thins like "cuddles", "headpats", and "massages" while taking warm, soft, human forms. Would you REALLY rather keep freaking out, or give into pleasure? Even if it's as an alien's pet and a mockery of the human form?Oh, and don't think you'll be lonely for long. As they "befriend" you...
>>11226915>she can't make robo-children(worry intensifies)>she wants them even though she can't(WORRY INTENSIFIES)>*I* can make robo-children(...worry diminishes)
>>11228841While further altering your forms to explore what the human body has to offer, especially when its best parts are re-arranged......They will be taming the rest of earth already. By the time you are returned, people will be turned into lewd beasts, with aliens like the ones that abducted you in somewhat more CAPABLE bodies, looking after the humans as a cross between loving mothers, lovers, and pet owners, still able to change forms at their whims.And yeah... they'll find weirder inspiration. Ladypot, boob slug, fuck nugget... you guys could have met them as equals if you focused more on that stuff and science instead of all this silly war and politics... they would have respected another kinky, space faring race... alas, humans cannot be trusted, and what a horrible tragedy it'd be to lose these soft, warm creatures, born without claws or fangs... to these aliens you're just... adorable, they'd die for you. Sure, they'll be able to transfer themselves into a new body right after, but dying still hurts!They will respect what people like SOME... but focus more on what they seem to like deep down, and only listen to desires passively. I mean, you wouldn't give your cat wet food every time it asks for it, right? Or buy the best toy you can only for your pet to play with the box? Silly humans don't know what they want...And that is how earth will become a human sanctuary made by an advanced space faring race who views them with love and lust alike, seeing them as the same thing.Maybe the alien looking after you, in between bouts of playing with your and your "sisters" forms, will take a vacation to another planet someday... you guys like tentacles right? Well... the last planet they visited might interest you...>I wish I was a were cougar, a cute girl who turns into an older woman on the prowl when the curse is triggered. Except I don't just want to go after younger men, younger women to dom and futa if they exist are all on the table...
>>11228576Granted! You notice a strange discoloration on your screen. When you look closer, a golden staff tipped with a bewitching green stone shoots out and hits you in the face. You are now the proud owner of "The scepter of perverse and untrue polymorph!"Using the staff is simple. You just have to tap your target with the stone on the end, and shout a command to transform. You must shout loudly and clearly. Say something like "Become a pot!" and you'll find their body twisting into the form of a lady pot in seconds. There are some restrictions though. You cannot control the transformation precisely, and it will always be "perverse and untrue". You can try to turn someone into a normal creature like a cat or an elf, but the end result will always be humiliating and weaker than their original form. They will also always appear nude with sexual characteristics enhanced beyond reason. Unless you specify, their gender will be randomized too. Also the staff always transforms people into living creatures. If you say "Transform into a robot!" their body may become blocky and stiff with a grey sheen and maybe some cybernetic addons, but they'll still appear as a transformed human with skin, breathing, a heartbeat, ect.
>>11228867Most transformations are unpredictable, always giving different results even with the same word. They also may control or disable someone's body but cannot change their mind. The effects are also temporary. A very shameful experience for your victim, but one that will be over in a day or two at most. There are some words that break these rules though, permanently transforming every target in a consistent fashion, altering their mind to make them lewd and proud of their new body. On it's own though, even when under a special transformation, your victims will be unruly and spirited. To make them a "loyal lewd minion" like you wished for, you first have to use the staff on yourself to become their king. This is permanent and will effect your mind in the same way. Using the staff you can transform yourself again, but unless it's another special transformation, your mind won't change, and it'll still be "perverse and untrue". Also, you cannot make yourself different kind of king from the first kind you choose.>BirdoJust like your picture, short pink reptiles with their mouth stuck open to make weird honking noises instead of talking. All of them are male, but love acting female. They're very uncomfortable without their iconic bow. They can spit eggs, that crack like water balloons, spilling the aphrodisiac slime inside everywhere. They're also very tasty.>Birdo kingYou are twice as large as a normal Birdo, and much heavier. This still leaves you shorter than a normal human though.Using the staff, you can enchant any egg you see to inflict a Birdo transformation on skin contact or consumption. They don't have to be birdo eggs.
>>11228869>GoblinShort, brightly green skinned, always has a shortstack or teapot body type. These are hedonistic creatures, who cannot think straight unless it's about sex, alcohol, or shinnies, all of which feel like the most important things in the world. Fortunately their bodies are built to handle their vices, with no risk of sexual exhaustion, achool poisoning, or overdose from any kind of substance, but they will always be after something.>Goblin kingYou'll become short just like a normal goblin. All of the cravings a goblin has are doubled. A goblin can't go an hour without fucking something, you can't without fucking two. A goblin always wants to drink first thing in the morning, you wake up still drunk from last night. Most of all though, you want gold, and you want it so bad. Gold can get you sex with people other than goblins, and gold can buy you booze, so getting even a tiny coin feels as good as both to your goblin brain.Anyone who steals your gold will slowly be transformed into a goblin.>ImpAlso shortstacks, but always with big butts and small breasts. Unlike goblin their skin comes all kinds of colors and patterns to match their original personality, and their desires are only for lewdness. Despite this, they're all null with no penis or pussy, only feeling pleasure from sexual actions and fantasies, not from actual stimulation of their body. They get no satisfaction from being submissive, only from teasing and controlling other imps or humans. Imps are innately magical, at the very least capable of floating and telekinesis. Though they can learn many spells, they can not become stronger than the scepter itself.>Imp kingImps uniquely can enjoy being switches for their king, finally able to feel submissive feeling again after their transformation.You can shoot a bolt of energy from the scepter which will inflict any transformation of your choosing.
>>11228870>OctorokLarge squishy squid creatures that can spit rocks and suck like a vacuum. With your transformation they believe themselves to be incredibly intelligent- but their actual intelligence is not changed by the transformation. Their pride in their new form goes beyond just liking it, to actively looking down on humans and other transformed creatures.>Octorok kingYou are super massive, like the kraken you are larger than galleon. Your superiority complex compels you to only transform people into Octoroks if they prove themselves. You find humans just as humiliating a form as anything else the rod can turn them into, except Octoroks of course.If you say "Octorok says what?" while holding the scepter and someone responds, they transform. Also works with other transformations.>Fuck plantThere are no mental changes, but fuck plant transformations are still permanent and consistent. They are blind and will reflexively suck anything put inside their mouth. Especially useful if you have a lot of goblins around. There is no fuck plant king.>DorseThis word causes the scepter to explode. Whoever made it must have really hated them.There may be more words with special effects, but you'll have to try experimenting to figure them out. Try some stuff with mushrooms, or teapots, or whatever inspires you and I'm sure you'll find something. You can always transform someone you've already transformed a second or third or twentieth time.All of your powers come from your staff. If you lose it or if it's ever stolen, you will be unable to transform anyone.>I wish for less ungranted wishes.
>>11225194Wish bump
>>11228372Granted! A qt goth occultist girl will manage to seduce you, and get you to, beyond your better judgement, fuck her raw at her place until you get tired, and she has to ride you... mysteriously having nonexistent refractory periods, and seeming weaker without feeling weaker... you'll eventually find yourself unable to lift your arm as your vision fades, but your cock is still going strong. She'll giggle as you feel like your very life essence is drained into her....And then after what feels like a dreamless sleep... you'll wake up... in a bathtub, with what smells like femcum around, and on you. And YOU now look like the goth qt from last night... but seem to be bound, and when you see the qt herself walk in, she'll drag you to her bedroom and explain, thanking you for being her "test subject".You weren't just drained dry of cum... you were drained dry, period. This would kill most people, but then again... most people can't manage it, and those who do wouldn't let a soul go to waste... You were turned into a gem made from the elements other than water that made up the human body, though you no longer have your DNA, and thus, a "Just add DNA and water" spell was placed on you, turning you into a portable, instant clone. Cum drained, blood drained, identity drained... all water in your body drained, leaving you an arcane gem with a soul swirling inside of it... yeah, I'd call that "completely" drained.Your seducer used a spell to get you in bed with her, surprise surprise, though as far as you're concerned it was the best damn sex of your life, and her holes are DIVINE... so it's a shame you can't touch them right now, despite being a copy of her... but you'd be a fool to think she didn't just stop there. Whoever gives you their DNA (can be spit or cum) and soaks you in a tub of water will become your "master", with you, being the blank slate drained of their form and identity that you are, taking their form, DNA, and becoming their doppelganger.
>>11229030This QT has other occult friends, and will share you with them. A gloomy dom friend who bet she couldn't do it, a tomboy who said "it'd be awesome if you could", a shy futa (courtesy of a spell) who told her to be nice to the clone... and their friends as well, but for now you'll be shown what these consequences are.First and foremost... you'll forget your name, and be told that your prior form and identity are forever lost. You will recognize yourself as whoever gifted you a form to take, but just CAN'T quite remember how you looked before, or what your name was. You are a doppelganger now, needing to borrow identities at the mercy of others. Sometimes it'll be for kinky selfcest, sometimes it's so that, say, the tomboy could dom the cute futa while you take the cute futa's place working as a barista during. With new identities come some quirks... so if you're the OG goth, you'll be lusty and kinky. Infatuated with yourself, because she also finds herself hot, hence, doing this. Take the futa's form and you will become shy and submissive. The tomboy, and you'll become boyish and crass... but easily flustered. The gloomy dom? Similar deal, but dominant, with a secret side that only she knows of that wants to be pampered and spoiled...You'll be used for kinky sex parties, as a body double, for pranks, or as a sex toy from one girl to her friend. "Aw, you were fucking my simulacrum while I was away? How sweet, you really were thinking of me!"Their connections may grow, and they may sell your services to small time pornstars so they can get out of shoots, trick others into getting their DNA onto you and having you pull dirty tricks like get into their stuff or pose as them while cheating on their BF... or just, become an attractive crush of someone who controls you and let them have fun with you.But... I GUESS you need a name to avoid confusion... how about Opal? That's what you look like when you're dried out, with no identity. Just a rock...
>>11229037But you'll be these girl's favorite rock, generously given personas so you don't JUST sit around as a rock, though in exchange you'll have to use those forms and faces to cuddle, fuck, and serve those who have extended this generosity to you...Maybe you can build a new identity as "Opal" if you truly befriend these girls, and their friends, and be a good magical construct... make a new persona for yourself that is, you can be anyone... or you can simply do as you are told, and enjoy the highs that being given new identities gives you, since you no longer have your old one...You never really know what you have til it's gone, I guess... but in this case, now that it's gone, when you ARE given a new identity... it's like crack, and you'll fall in love with it, unable to disobey whoever gave it to you.The only thing that's TRULY yours however... is the dried out rock that you are when you aren't filled back up with water and have another person's DNA lended to you. Remember that, or don't. Whatever's more fun for you.>I wish I was a kitsune kept by a dommy spirit medium. A loving female dom, but a kinky one nonetheless.
>>11225194Granted, you're now a genie - either female or futa, that's your choice. You suffer from a condition that is half intrusive thoughts, half your mind being connected to 4chan discussion; basically your brain tends to come up with a lot of ideas, most of which are frankly quite stupid, but some are real bangers. You can be pretty convincing and seductive in a slutty kind of way, so with a bit of effort you can convince your friends to try out certain wishes. Hell, if you put some extra effort, you might convince them it was their idea all along!...Right, your friends. Yes, they are friends-with-benefits. Yes, they're mostly girls and futas, with maybe one or two femboys - although knowing your intention, I doubt that their sex will remain unchanged for long. Yes. they're your masters, but only by technicality: they are ALLOWED to ask you for a wish, but that doesn't guarantee that you'll GRANT it. Instead, the more a potential wish sounds exciting and fun, the more you'll be tempted to grant it. If it's something boring or worse, a turnoff? Yeah, you'll have no problem saying "no". Likewise, HOW you grant it depends on your tastes: if you believe that your asker's idea would be fun, you'll feel compelled to grant their wish in the way they want - but if you have a better idea, then the compulsion will be nullified.(And before you ask: no, you can't grant your own wishes, that's cheating.)But that's not the real paw. No, the issue is that, after you grant someone's wish, THEY will gain genie powers, while YOU will lose them and end up being transformed into a regular human (unless the wish turned you into something else). Your geniefriends are compelled to grant the first wish someone asks them, BUT said wish must come from someone outside of your group. This means that neither you, nor your other FWBs can ask this second wish. Once that wish has been granted, you will regain your genie powers, and optionally you get to undo the effects of the 1st wish.
>>11229550So this will start a cycle:1) You grant one of your friends' wish. Said friend becomes the genie, while you become human.2) Genie-friend grants a stranger's wish. You become genie again, and can undo the wish from point 1.There's a couple more things. The first is that you can add more friends to your friend group, but it must be a democratic vote between you and all your FWBs. Also, only girls, futas and cute nice boys are allowed - but then again, nothing forbids you from using a wish to turn people INTO girls/futas/cuteboys.The second is that you get your own lamp. No, you aren't bound to it, it's more like a campervan you own. Yes, you can invite people inside.The third, and one that you should have seen it coming: all your friends are perverts. All of them. Each one has at least one pile of hentais, DVDs and eroge games somewhere at home. Sometimes they don't even try to hide it. The contents are pretty varied, and there's stuff you probably won't like; but you get the guarantee that nobody will ask you to grant a wish that you consider a hard turnoff.>I wish I was a girl who gets fucked by oversized sperms (see pic).
>>11229554Granted! You are an adorable, shrinkable girl... belonging to a kinky futa alchemist who made you this way. Well, sorceress too, kinda. She can watch you when you're real tiny through a crystal ball too, and fill you with lust. Through her magic, you are as tough to harm as you would be at normal size (perhaps a but more durable than normal even), so even while shrunk you can be sat on, smothered, and knocked around, you'll be fine, like a lewd tardigrade or ironclad beetle. And of course... she loves to cum and shrink you so her sperm can assault you, watching through a microscope or crystal ball. An "intelligence" (whether they are smart or just better programmed is debatable) spell on her balls makes her sperm recognize girls, not just wombs, as targets, and they will seek entryways into the girl. Mouth, butt, pussy... you can be big enough for some to get it, or so small they just keep wiggling against you....But your qt magic gf, as much as she loves you... MAY have forgotten how to turn you back... altering your size while you're small is easy, but giving you all of your mass again... no, best she can do is anime figurine size... briefly. Your "natural" size is microscopic, human egg sized (fittingly), and you will return to it over the course of hours after your GF makes you figurine sized, something she can only do 4 hours, twice a day.Now it's not all bad. You have telepathy with her and she has... ONE place where she can always recall you to and never lose you... but that place is uh... inside of her, getting fucked by sperm. Her magic will keep you from having needs, and even cut your refractory period down a LOT, lets you breathe in fluids, and EVEN let you see in the dark, so you can keep "entertaining" yourself... but most of a day is sharing thoughts with her telepathically, with her describing what she sees while you let her know what the inside of her futa parts look like. She may also cum you out into other FWBs.
>>11229830You may even get "caught" on a sperm cell inside of you and driven to the womb, or deeper into the butt, you are splurged inside of... but don't worry, she can recall you after.Now while she can't turn you back to normal... she CAN make you less lonely. She's MOSTLY ironed out the kinks of her spell, and can reverse it not... on people she hasn't cast it on yet (sorry), but she will use her kinky magical propositions to offer people things like futafication, gender bending a crush (he's so nice, but I'm gay!), giving someone bigger boobs/a bigger dick while making them a femboy...And in exchange she'll have them pay in "time" spent shrunken down, in her balls and other organs alongside you, both lust drunk, both able to enjoy each other's company and chat.She'll also make you figurine sized when she gets together with other friends to let you hang out as best as you can... but her being your friend won't mean you won't get teased. You're just so adorable while that small... surely you wouldn't mind having doll clothes put on you, or being shoved into a bra... or put in a jar and... oh, oh no...Your GF will work to make this life more entertaining, but... you ARE just stuck as a minigirl who can only safety stay in her male parts... hope you don't mind, I mean... it's warm, cozy, and pleasurable... especially when she invites "guests"...>I wish I was a sexy, modern kitsune, a bit slutty/gyaruish.
>>11229040Granted, you are now a gorgeous kitsune spirit... or, well, WERE a gorgeous kitsune spirit. Unfortunately, you got captured by a spirit medioum, who turned you into her pet familiar....You know those people who are ultra-affectionate with their little dogs? Always holding them, dressing them up in cute outfits, speaking to them in baby talk, who's a good girl, whosagoodgirl? Yes you are, uw awe adowwable hew wittle babby cutie coochie coo? Yeah, you got THAT kind of mistress. One of the first things she did was altering your body proportions between chibi and shortstack; you are still a kitsune, but you went from "gorgeous and imposing" to "cute and short". If kitsunes were regular red foxes, you'd be a corgi. Now granted, you have your powers and you can still shapeshift, but you can maintain it for just a few hours a day, and your mistress can effortlessly shut it down as soon as she notices.Most of the time, your life will be that of an adorable pet girl: going on walkies, "play dates" with other mediums' pets (all transformed to be adorable just like you), and so on. You're still a monstergirl, which means that you have sexual needs and you'll get cranky if you don't fulfill them. But you might notice that things are a bit off. Like when you'll accidentally end up wrapped in your leash, shibari-style, and while you might get some weird/aroused looks from bystanders, your mistress... doesn't seem to notice. Or when you'll end up getting caught fucking a tsuchigumo you found, and mistress will treat it as if you were playing with a friend. And you don't think that mistress is faking it or playing dumb....Coming to think about it, even though your mistress acts perfectly normal and non-sexual, you do seem to end up in quite a few lewd situations. So what's up with that?
>>11230198You'll get your answer in a couple of weeks, when you will wake up in your little bed (a human, if undersized, bed - thank God for that) and find out that you have grown back into a normal kitsune woman. You'll probably run into the bathroom to check, try out some magic to find out that all the depowering caused by your shortstackification has disappeared, maybe grope yourself a little.And then you'll hear Mistress saying "Hello, pet" from right behind you.Her voice will lack the usual overly-sweet tone. Instead, it will feel like a steel knife on your throat.As she will explain, while you'll be standing there with your body shivering and paralyzed, Mistress is part of an order of mediums where its members have has a... condition. One where she represses all her sexual impulses, replacing them with childish cheerfulness and naivete. It's one part of the ritual required to tame spirits like you; the sweet carrot, if you will.But those sexual desires are only suppressed, not gone. Surely you will have noticed the little "accidents" and "lucky breaks" where you got to have some sex, right? At least some of them were caused by her powers as a psychic, subtly manipulating things without her or your knowledge. But once every couple of weeks, her true personality and memories resurface. Sure, you might have temporarily regained your old powers because of this... But so has she, as she will tell you while you hear the bathroom's marble countertop groan under her sheer spiritual pressure.And she intends to spend her "day of freedom" catching up on everything you and her missed. Even though her "true self" wasn't in control, she could still see what was happening, and has been taking notes about your complains, what you wished to have, your preferences... the times you tried to have some lewd fun without your Mistress noticing. The fact that her sugary personality was the one in control at the time is not an excuse.She will, in three words, fuck you up.
>>11230216Maybe she'll take you out for walkies, as usual... but this time, you won't be wearing cute outfits. You'll be wearing a few paper talismans, ones that will increase your sensitivity so that even the wind on your skin will be stimulating. Oh, and the leash? Thick blessed crimson rope, the kind that feels heavy as stone on your soul, wrapped around your body shibari-style. Or maybe Mistress will take a bit of your soul to give herself a thick, meaty canine cock, and fuck you raw like the bitch you are for hours, every thrust pounding on both your cervix and the hole in your soul she made? No? Maybe you'll prefer a more feminine touch. Maybe she'll summon a lamia so that they can tag-team you for hours, keeping you on the razor's edge of an orgasm, feeling the touch Mistress' hands setting your nerves on fire, and of scales that could easily break your bones... If you weren't busy praying every god and demon king to finally let you cum, you would notice the slight tremor in the snake yokai, the way even she obeys Mistress without fail - or else.Oh, but don't worry: it will be just one day every two weeks. And she'll never really cross the line into doing something that you'll hate. But you'll wish she would, because otherwise you would have a reason to not come crawling back like a dog, begging for more, spend nights in your cute little bed and your cute PJs fantasizing about it and silently counting the days where you'll face "hell" again...>I wish I was a tall, strong, domineering futa kinda like the one in this pic.
>>11228852Granted, but you'll have to earn it. You see, every time there's a full moon, you will be transported to the "Otherworld", an alternate face of this reality. The Otherworld looks like a post-apocalyptic world, where buildings and roads and such have been overrun by nature - mostly engulfed by rapid-growing forests, although other parts instead have been flooded by the seas or turned into a desert. Every person on Earth has a counterpart in Otherworld; most of the time, said counterpart looks like a young adult, capable of surviving in this wild existence (mostly thanks to the over-abundance of fruit and clean water), but still relatively weak and, most importantly, rapeable. However, for a few people, their counterpart is instead that of some kind of mature-looking monster or beastgirl. This is your case: your counterpart is literally a werecougar.Your objective is simple: find your prey, and then seduce it as a monstergirl would. Maybe you could play up your mommy tendencies, and take a few human pets under your motherly wings; or maybe you could stalk your prey and then pounce and fuck it until their will surrenders completely to you (some people are REALLY into hunt play like that). After you have properly "conquered" an Otherworlder, you will estabilish a psychic connection with them - both on Otherworld and on Earth. What does that mean? Simple: first, you will know which Earthling corresponds to which Otherworlder and vice-versa. Second, the Earthling will be aware of their Otherworld memories - and this also means that they will be your sub in both worlds. Third, you will gain the ability to transform their bodies from Earthling to Otherwold and vice-versa; likewise, as long as you're with them, you can change YOUR appearance into your werecougar Otherworld self. This means that you'll get to enjoy your fun even here on Earth, not just on Otherworld once a month.
>>11227550Granted! You have been captured by a food witch and turned into one of her familiars, often taking the form of a cute girl, futa, or femboy, depending on how she feels, and you weren't the only one....And she KNOWS you like to be in the middle, since I may or may not have tipped you off to your wish... so being vanilla in neapolitan between two ice cream slime girls, being the marshmallow in the middle of a smore between two melty chocolate slime girls (sometimes sixty nine with the third being stuck eating your ass from behind), being a layer of jelly in a sandwich... even being in the middle of a cake made of flan, with all of you smooshed like you were shoved into and dropped right out of the tins, your bits smooshed, yet exposed. You probably know what I'm referring to. You could all be mochi slimes balled up into dango on a stick, you in the middle... as you like. They'll almost always be slime, and you'll almost always be smooshed between them. And yes, you can move some, usually wiggle... but your mistress will prepare you so that you're already face to ass or pussy to pussy or futa banana split dick with another ice cream girl on either side. Your fellow "victims" are easily flustered and frequently complain and taunt the witch (earning you all more trouble), but are very needy and won't hesitate to taunt her on purpose.As a familiar of a food witch, she may turn you into literal snacks and well prepared delicacies, which she may leave alongside normal food when inviting guests over, with an illusion over you so they don't know, letting you wonder if they'll eat you or not... or leave you as you are, and prepare more victims for, say, her witchcraft practicing niece to taste, letting you wonder if you'll get lucky... whether that means being eaten or not to you.And no... this won't kill you, or the other familiars. You'll feel dumber if part of your head is eaten, pleasure if someone eats your nethers/breasts, etc.
>>11230243...There's a catch, though. Remember how there are other monsterwomen in Otherworld? Yeah, that means that there's more were-monsterwomen here on Earth. And they have the same powers as you. Most importantly, monsterwomen can steal other mosterwomen's subs - either by stealing/fucking/seducing the sub directly; or by dominating the dom monsterwoman rival, which will allow the winner to steal a few subs from the loser. So, as long as you're in Otherworld, you will have to protect your harem from your rivals.And when you're on Earth? ...You'll have to still protect your harem from your rivals. Yeah, one thing I didn't mention is that, if you figure out that someone is a were-monsterwoman, and you're in her presence on Earth, you can transform in your Otherworld form - just like when you're in the presence of your subs. And she can do the same. This means that other monsterwomen can challenge you even here on Earth. Luckily for you, you can go all out all you want: anyone who isn't a were-monsterwoman or a monsterwoman's sub will either ignore the battle, or quickly forget everything that happened. Yes, this means that you can also seduce and fuck your rival in public, and you will not be charged for obscene acts. It also means that you and your harem can strut around naked in public without any issue. Well, YOU are confident enough to look dignified and mature; your subs will probably look adorably ashamed...>I wish for something about this pic.
>>11230244But once enough of you is eaten, of if you're eaten whole, things will go black and you'll briefly have an out of body experience of being the fat in the cute girl or poor cute boy (you are also good for delivering curses and potions to capture more victims), and then reforming on the witch's kitchen counter as something new, which she may polymorph into other food... and you will never reform alone. There must always be at least two other slime girls, and she will prepare you into another delicacy where you are stuck between the other two. She MAY change things up a bit and make you NOT in the middle, often as a punishment, or to make you beg to be in the middle, even if it means being food... but that's the exception, not the rule.It's not ALL bad though... when she's not having lewd dinners and encouraging other sexy witches and victims to play with their food... you might just be allowed to be something else. Still food but... able to move a bit more. She might turn the three of you into jelly slimes, and stick you all between a lewd bread shell, turning you into a sandwich golem controlled by all three of you to do household tasks (while all smooshed together), frequently teasing and groping you as you do, turn you into an artsy layered food construct, like a flat, wobbly, flan base with slime legs, you in the middle as a stabilizing part meant to help the top girl, held in place by the tongue or banana cock of the bottom girl up one of your holes, with your face burried into the bottom of the top girl who was sculpted into a cute mermaid girl with arms (she will be the one doing things).The young witch will never run out of ideas... or cravings. She might even make you all into proper food golems one day... only to curse you so you're all stuck together in some humiliating way, like a "banana split" futa ice cream train or three pudding shortstacks sitting on each other's faces until she turns you back.But it's GOOD smooshing! Very slimey.
>>11230263>I wish I was a cute girl who lived in a lewder pokemon world. One with "vitamins" for humans that can do stuff like temporarily make people futa or enlarge breasts, held items that work on humans (binding band would be kinky), moves that worked on humans in lewd ways (transform, attract, and heart swap/body swaps of course) and of course... the ability to catch and train cute humans who are at least partially pokemon, either through messing with evolution stones, experiments, being born due to a kinky trainer, or simply born from other hybrids. I'd like it if they could also become trainers to add even more taboo to this, but the specifics of how a hybrid pokegirl can be a trainer or member of another trainer's team is up to the genie.
>>11230219Granted! You are now a tall, strong, dominant futanari with an appearance of your liking, but leaning more towards a dark skin, "exotic" look. You have superhuman vitality and strength, a dominant aura that can make people question their sexuality, and confidence that makes your sexy quips come out effortlessly... ...So long as you abide by an Amazon code. It's a lot like a druidic code that you may find in DnD rulebooks... you have natural beauty, and so, you must leave your body "natural".You may wear sexy jewelry if it doesn't cover anything, but only to a point. Pic related is nearing the upper limit. Normal clothes are flat out forbidden. You know what else isn't natural? Razors, baths, makeup (unless it's left on you by a lover), not even hair brushes. You ARE allowed to wear things like a simple loin cloth, maybe a bra, but you must make them yourself from natural things (no using artificial tools). Other followers of the faith may lend you a bone needle though, so that's cool. Weave a hemp loincloth, spin a wool bra, or just... fuck it, go naked... though you WILL feel jealous of your "sisters" who wear so little it's somehow even sexier than being naked, always tempting you to try to find natural coverings... And if you need to wash off? Find a river, lake, or pond. You can also wear leather or fur if you can stomach hunting, or trade for it with clothes you made with another futa amazon. And just to be nice... yes you can sleep in a bed, and yes you can eat modern food. You'll just crave meat and have a "wild side" to you.There is a loophole though... but it comes with risks that can exploit your oath. Another may brush your hair, trim your body hair, wash you off (often with body worship), and apply simple makeup to you like face paint (or a lil bit of sexy eyeliner/shadow). Men and women alike will GLADLY do this in exchange for sex... but you are vulnerable if you trust people to do this, because of what happens if your oath is broken.
>>11230362Oh, and don't think you can just "rough it" forever... your vitality lets you walk around barefoot comfortably, and endure all kinds of weather... but your hair will go from "wild" or "someone's fetish" to "this is a corrupted woman from some bad end hentai" in time. Being TOO dirty is also bad, and makeup... well it looks sexy.But when someone is trusted to do this... they can betray you, because your oath does not care if it is you or them who tips the scales towards domestication. Lose too much "wild" energy and you become more submissive. Sure, the easy way is to shave you... but that's also the worst way. Your body hair is WONDERFULLY soft and lush... but styling it too much or dying the tips will give you heavy hits to your oath. This will, of course, be reverted in time if the "offending" makeup/clothes are removed, and your hair is washed/grows back out, but people who want to tame you gals are smart.Once you start losing dominant energy, you will snowball, meaning whatever thirsty boy, girl, or rival futa is "domesticating" you will meet less resistance from you. Simply slapping a collar on you will make you unable to take it off with your hands, and make you unable to resist them in any way an animal couldn't. Dying your hair or putting bright lipstick on you may make you dependent and bimbo like. And if they get a shirt or apron on you... you're basically their housewife until you can find a tree branch or something to rub it off on. Remember, you have to get it off like an animal would, so no hands. Rolling around on the floor trying to get it off IS really cute though... and if panties go on? It's up to your subconscious to get someone to take them OFF before you can resist again (not TOO hard...)You may witness futa who have lost "the way", wearing collars and leashes, with stockings or reverse bunny suits on, faithfully following, often, much shorter and younger mistresses/masters, and if you speak to them...
>>11230372...They will all tell you that they don't regret it.Now, if you want a bit of both worlds... WILLINGLY accepting something like a ring will make you a switch, sometimes craving the domination of others, and getting off to submission as well as dominance... but like the other items... you can't take it off easily, and in the case of a ring? Rolling around won't do it, you'll need to beg someone else to take it off.You will not lose other boons like your vitality, ability to go around naked, and will only lose enough strength to make it not SUPERhuman (just really strong), so it's not that bad... question is how dedicated are you to being natural and dominant, and how much would you "compromise" with your oath for nice things like baths and being spoiled in the submissive way?>I wish for kinky reality bending shenanigans, like a female friend turning into my literal, biological mother, perhaps with me changing as well, along with other, similar changes to reality.
>>11230251Granted! You are now a succubus in a world where supernatural beings exist, like kitsune, harpies, and other beings with "expectations" of them, such as revelry OR plenty of sex being expected of satyrs, or tricking and teasing humans being expected of kitsune and some fey folk. YOUR expectation is to corrupt and seduce humans... or... was.See, if a being fails to be good at being what they are... they will lose any divine/profane powers they may have had, leaving them just a sexy monster girl/boy/futa, not unable to atone... but left where humans can fuck with them.YOU were summoned by an experienced summoner for your first summoning. Before this, you would have had dream planting and traveling powers, (temporary) energy drain, some disguise magic... anyways, you failed to seduce her... because she seduced YOU, and lost all that, becoming a qt girl with red skin, a voluptuous figure, horns, and soft and stretchy holes. It wasn't even your fault, either. She's done this to your sisters too. She'll summon them, use magic to appear more appealing to them, or even grow a futa cock if they'd like that, and turn every attempt to seduce back at you, making demands that you WANT to follow... no, not want... NEED to, because you ALSO get to keep your libido and mental need for sexual stimuli. She'll dote on you and give you aftercare if you'd like. She's basically a mind reader, and knows everything about the beings she summons... down to their fetishes... but has deeper plans for you than just building a harem.You are now a "mail order succubus". Due to not needing anything but sexual stimulation, you can be tied up, boxed up, and as long as it's in a lewd way... kept like that and shipped to her friends, or people who she thinks you'd enjoy serving based on your "profile"... sometimes being packed up with another succubus or even some other being, like a disgraced kitsune.You'll be lent out to her friends.
>>11230395From other subs who want company when they visit their mistress/master (again, they will be matched with you based on your preferences), subs she knows that are switches for qts like you, or other practicing doms... you'll be bound, mailed, and traded around. Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants style, only you'll probably see a few more pairs of legs...Another side effect of losing your powers, is, well... you're cute. REALLY cute. It's hard to describe, but people will just want to hug or headpat you when you pout, frown, or get embarrassed. To be fair... you ARE a succubus who, objectively, couldn't take care of herself, so you are kinda cute like a housecat... a being that needs human help to get by. What are you going to do, whore yourself out on the streets? No dear, get your sex from her GOOD friends so you don't get kidnapped or into fights with other monster girls... speaking of, they'll smell domestication on you, and tease you for it. Won't help that some of her friends are succubi and similar creatures who KEPT their status as sex gods and seducers...They aren't mean though. I mean, sure... they'll put collars on you, practice bondage knots on you, and keep you tied up for fun... but after whatever kinky stuff they put you through, they might lay you down and put a movie on for you and your fellow sub to enjoy, or maybe a futa dom who borrowed you will unbind your arms and let you play a video game with her, cuddling you before sending you to HER friend, and maybe you'll make friends who want to see you again (or tease you again), and you might even attract orgies over a shared fondness of you.Your sex life will be incredible... so long as you accept that you lost before the game even begun, and you're just a cute lil red sub to be teased and doted on now, with people having the gall to mail you to REALLY drive home how fall you've fallen... but you're an endearing sub. Maybe you'll make some good friends? Grow close to mistress?
>>11230405>I wish I was some sort of exotic (genie decides) futa with hardcore "mommy" energies, enough to make anyone from cute boys to mature office ladies find comfort in my presence should I offer to coddle them.
Finished thread art Bump
>>11230385Granted, you have been infected with a reality-altering virus, which has the ability to, as the name says, retroactively alter reality. To be more specific, if Person A is infected and has sex with Person B, then the latter will also become infected; additionally, there will be a chance that B will be changed into A's biological, slutty, incestuous mother... Although the "mother" part is kinda loose, so the virus sometimes will create futanari or inhuman mothers. It kinda depends on A's tastes.The transformation also retroactively rewrites reality so that B has always been A's biological mother (yes, even if it means that A has multiple mothers); by extension, A might also be transformed into a form that can plausibly pass as B's offspring. Both A and B have an independent 50/50 chance of remembering their past lives - so you could end up in a situation where, say, B gets transformed into a slutty gyaru mom yet still remembers his past life as a scrawny male accountant, while A instead believes that she has always been a young petite gyaru. Or maybe it's A who will remember her past life, or maybe both will remember, or maybe neither will remember. Regardless on how the coin toss works, EVERYONE ELSE on the planet will have their memories altered, so they will always believe, no matter the contrary evidence, that B is A's mom.If an infected abstains from sex for an entire week, then the virus will be purged from their bodies, and they will begin to remember all their "past lives". However, all physical transformations and the enhanced sluttiness will remain: once a whore, always a whore.YOUR virus works a little differently. Bad news: you can't purge it, so every time you have sex with someone, you're gonna infect them and maybe also turn them into yet another biological mom. Even just being near you can result in infection, although thankfully not in a transformation.
>>11231611Good news: if your memory gets retroactively altered after a transformation (whether you are the one who caused it or not), you will remember the "true" past after a week or so, even if you had sex during that period. And before you ask: no, this will never cause you a mental overload or anything like that. Doesn't matter if you end up with a thousand different histories and a thousand different moms all wanting to dote lewdily on you.>I wish to become a tentacle pit and fuck monstergirls.
>>11231615Granted! You now live in a world with monster girls (and futa monster girls)... and while you are a tentacle pit of sorts... you are also a monster girl. A protean monster girl who has... questionable anatomy, but is still cute as a button. You can't really grow arms or legs, you might grow an extra pair of tits or something, but the thing that REALLY makes you special is your eldritch heritage. Your arm stumps and your "pussy", which is more or less an opening at your bottom that acts as a hammer space, can produce tentacles for mobility, sex, and simple stuff like putting an apron on for modesty (sometimes a bra won't cut it), but most of the time you'll need a girlfriend to carry you around... but don't worry, you'll make friends FAST due to what you wished for.You ARE a tentacle pit. Remember that hammer space I mentioned? If someone approaches you from below they're liable to just vanish into your mass of tentacles that they lovingly call your "pussy" with a twinge of pleasure as they go in like a sex toy, followed by a faint feeling of fullness once they're in. A full on orgy like your pic would make you look like pic related, almost as if you were pregnant, and you can take more. It just takes practice since, well... imagine an orgy going on in your most sensitive hole.As for your tentacle pit abilities, you have a supernatural sense to know what's going on, almost like echolocation, "seeing" and hearing everything, though you can also buy cameras to hook up to video feeds if you want color. You may produce any number of tentacle types, from the classic, to the faux penis (it gets hard and bring you to orgasm), the nubbed pussy rubber, the spreader, to the milker, to "restraints"... you can make most of what you see in porn with some practice, and this also leaves your butt and breasts open for other monster girls to pleasure and tease while your pussy is full....Which brings me to the power dynamic. It probably isn't what you expected.
>>11231712You're small, cute, and for everyday tasks? You're going to need helping hands. Sure, your tentacles can manipulate a PC or gamepad, but moving on them doesn't work well outside of the house or clean floors, and lifting heavy things is out of the picture (only your inner tentacles are strong enough to lift and fuck monster girls). You'll draw in a lot of FWB monster girls with your "adorably helpless" appeal... as well as being prime real estate for orgies. They'll agree to be roommates, carry you around, help you get dressed, and spoil you to the point you'll want to go "Staaahp!" and pout. They must enter you voluntarily... or through trickery on your end. Your outer tentacles cannot drag them in.And they will. Once they're in, you 100% get to flip the tables on them and be the tentacle pit you were born as, with all the powers that may entail. You can even do other things while passively fucking them inside of you, like watch TV and stuff (if you can focus). Kinkier friends may even let you keep someone inside of you while taking you out in public, the person in your pussy pit acting like a living vibrator to tease you, or you could request this. The good news is that you will attract GOOD (if teasing) friends who will filter out anyone who'd actually be unpleasant to be around and protect you, and they will willingly get into your pit and let you do your thing, with many of them being into it, and letting you even decide when to release them (kinky). You can ALSO make a lot of money if you had a camera inside of you giving a live feed... even more if you had one outside showing you bite pillows and moan as orgies rage inside of you...You'll have no shortage of monster girls to fuck, but you'd best accept that you're not naturally "in charge" right now. You're just a cute 'lil tentacle girl unless they agree to get in you. (not that it's hard to...)>I wish I was an exotic dark skin babe (babe can but doesn't necessarily mean futa or dickgirl)
>>11231717Granted! You are now an 11/10 exotic nubian goddess. Cock and ball size of your choice, adjustable. Only one ''problem'', you have a huge kink for a partner that is cartoonishly exotic. If he's russian, he better sound like he eats gravel, is probably some variety of communist and looks like he has gigantism (and autism) and his accent should be barely comprehensible. If he's native american, think Nightwolf from Mortal Kombat but way more over the top. Expect ''hey ohios'' at random times. This also extends to other things too. Maybe you want your man or woman or thing to dress up like a space alien and act the part. This is kind of exhausting for your partner but because you're so hot you can pussy (or dick) whip them into acting it out. Be warned they may or may not leave you as it takes a mental toll on them (but will probably come crawling back to you). This fetish also feels amazing to you. Any sexual act is magnified if its included. You can try to suppress this fetish but it would take an iron will to do so, and even then it's still just suppression. You're also shy about the fetish but in a cute way. >I wish the entire touhou cast were part of my harem and that I had all their powers, on top of hentai tier virility. I can satisfy them all emotionally, financially and physically. All their bodies are different flavours of thicc, with variation and nuance between them all to keep things interesting.
>>11231758>>11231758Granted! But since there are no men in Gensokyo there will have to be some adjustments.So, what'd happen if Satori Komeiji, capable of using any other characters powers, copied the cloning abilities of Youmu Konpaku? And I just so happened to slip in your conscience to corrupt the process? You become a clone of her who has the intent to use this broken ability and "have all of the powers", with a body altered since, well... the ability to recreate patterns "isn't exact" for her, and since it's based on mind reading... your perverted mind influenced your new form.This will, however, send ripples of sorceress energies throughout Gensokyo, perverting them. Characters like the kitsune Ran will become deliciously thicc and milfy, Aya will be modest levels of curvy, embarassed by her new "softnes", Cirno will be a shortstack, the Scarlet Sisters will still be pretty flat, but get GREAT asses... and Reimu and Marissa will become rather milf like as well.With the powers of the character you were cloned from, you can read their minds and more or less break power scaling by having the right copied ability to stop any yokai you need to, while also being able to propose solutions to conflicts... and with Remilia's charisma and charms, often get them to agree to try out their new bodies with you. Hell, Remilia will be your right hand girl when she hears of you, ready to use her connections and mind to create this harem to stave off boredom.The characters will all more or less be what you expect... but you have one member who's not so easily tricked, and far more conditional than the rest. Reimu, and Marissa at times as well. Reimu just wants you to keep the yokai away from her shrine... in other words... you'll HAVE to keep them all satisfied. Otherwise, she'll plot armor her way into defeating you... which will not only send you back to the underworld with your "sister" you were cloned from, but destabilize your magic... a lot.
>>11231864...Which is REALLY bad considering that satisfying these girls won't stop them from using their utterly broken powers. Making one thing seem like another? Magic over life? Controlling minds? Having three bodies? Having a detachable head? Turning souls into objects? Changing weight and density? Portals? Bending reality by speaking?Sure, these powers all have limits... they're usually localized, and you have control of them too, but like I said... your "copies" of abilities aren't perfect. Remilia will generally give you advice on how to handle these troublesome yokai to avoid Reimu's ire (she'll be a part of your harem and gladly fuck you if you do her job for her), but expect every instance of "calming" or "sorting out" a harem member to turn lewd. Try using awoo powers for a boost on a full moon night to calm a bimbo Clownpiece, turning the other girls into dumb sluts, and you might get a knotted dick and become puppy like yourself. Want to have three bodies for bullet hell? Ever have your own psyche split into three? Well imagine a slutty body, a shy submissive body, and a dominant body, and you're all of them at once, but don't realize it. Copious amounts of sex will be needed to keep things "stable". You're strong, but still have to work to make, well... any copied power work, with them often not working as you expect.And if you stop trying, or try using your powers to cause TOO much chaos? Perhaps you intentionally tried to recreate certain lewd manga? Reimu will clamp down on you and everyone involved. Your powers don't work on someone who can dodge your spell cards, and certainly not the protagonist if she has a goal!Like I said, you'll be sent back to the underworld and lose all of the spellcards you gathered from other girls, and when you get them back... they'll be different in new kinky ways... but that's not all.Anyone directly opposing Reimu with you at the time of "discipline" will end up with wild magic effects on them, pic related.
>>11231875The scarlet sisters were shrunken by the miracle mallet and are currently stuck in the sleeping gatekeeper's panties, unable to wake her, Sakuya is helpless to help them, Remilia will be drinking tea from her, unaware that she is Sakuya (due to another power gone awry) as she waits for you to make your way through the stages, and you'll have to regain each power and make your way back to Reimu to apologize, or maybe work with Marissa to fuck with her into submitting to you and forgiving you if you spoil her enough.Even if you stay on good terms with Reimu, and she knows it wasn't you... your wish to stay on good terms with yokai won't keep them from causing trouble so "incidents" can still happen to the same scale, with similarly lewd, unpredictable situations. You could have to go through a whole bullet hell gauntlet with a stray portal giving some unknown yokai access to your cock and or pussy... it's still a bullet hell when incidents happen, after all.Hope you can put up with the chaos of this new, lewd, Gensokyo. While you can satisfy your wives, they'll never stop making trouble. Some may even do so on purpose, seeking attention or "punishment" from you...>I wish to a cute girl be turned into some deviant form like pic related with a loving gf. Genie can decide what it is, how it happened, etc. Just gimme a cute romance and fuck us up (but leave us happy in some way at least...)
>>11231864Kind of sucks that I got mind fucked by Satorin but this is pretty nice. I'll imagine her corrupting me with constant ruined orgasms (NO anal or vaginal until she's satisfied that im fully corrupted). Ran is perfect, as ever. Im keen on fucking Reimu too so i am inclined to please her. Marisa will have to persuade me with her huge ass. The Scarlet Sisters having great asses would be amazing. Also Remi isnt the only charismatic one. There's Miko, Kaguya and possibly others who I would consult with for conflict resolution. Wonder how those two would look...
>>11231712Step 1: produce fluffy tentacles.Step 2: make myself look fluffy and adorable and fuzzy and harder to say "no" to.Foolproof plan.
>>11231910Kaguya went from being a princess to being a proper milfy queen, and Miko is pleasantly thicc all around, looking like a well aged late 20s cougar with plenty to love... but like, the chill kind who'd tell you about how great Final Fantasy 6 and Crash Bandicoot are, and invite you to play Burnout or Mario Kart 64 with her (hope this isn't making you feel too old). She's a hermit, after all, and she's 1,500 years old so that shit is still new to her. And yeah, she'll do what you want before you even ask, and if you introduce her to new games, she might take her headphones off and suddenly start to get a LOT better than you are. She can hear what everyone is thinking, and she's pretty down with it. If clownpiece is a bimbo now, good for her, let's find a way to get her to stop bimbofying other girls... or let her do it to us and tire her out. She's chill enough to enjoy the ride, even if it means letting you take the brunt of lewdness. She's also a bit of a tease since she'll know what you like......She'd also teasingly mommy you after. Kaguya will just mommy you because she knows she's better with her haughty attitude. She also knows that due to a special elixir, she's going to age like fine wine forever. Careful around her... being a part of your futa harem doesn't mean she has to be your sub... but she will gladly use her wisdom to resolve disputes, but more often than not, if you partner with her (in classic touhou fashion you will pick one partner at a time), keep in mind that she is STILL very wild and whimsical, and may "sabotage" you in ways that still let you resolve conflicts, like instead of helping you out of a bind or curse, let them happen to satisfy your rogue waifus. Maybe she'll pin you down and let shortstack Cirno have a win, tell her she's the strongest to have beaten you... unconventional, but an effective alternative to fighting. Or let Marissa practice a few lewd spells on you... it'll distract her from her klepto tendencies...
>>11232016Very clever......But they may just dote on you harder before remembering to enter your pocket dimension. At this level of cuteness, their higher cognitive functions are at risk... I hope you know what you're doing...
>>11232481Perhaps it's because one of her scientist friends helping pay for the rent is a psychiatrist who might have convinced the white haired "food" scientist girl to let her run her experiment on the side...There may be side effects of not noticing weight loss when you are given the "blank slate" weight loss drugs, often still requesting hand and blowjobs while thinking you're still too big to reach your own dick, but these can be amended with the same "code" word to snap you out of your hypnosis and let you see your weight for what it is.The third girl might not be a scientist at all, but is a kinky friend who ASSURES you that filming all of this is crucial, including the psychiatrist's food play where she makes you eat things out of her coochie, or quite literally makes you beg and conditions you with food to do what she wants in bed pavlov style, giving you a carrot or chocolate bar after you fuck her doggy style... as well as when you humor their requests that are absolutely meant to exploit your unawareness at your own weight.They will take you to the beach or clothes shopping both when you're fattened up, and normal, so you'll never know when you're in clothes that fit... or when you're a venus futa in a thong that's barely covering anything. It DOES feel tight... but surely that's normal, right? Likewise... they may leave you thinking you're still fat after resetting you... or just claim that they reset you and have you go to the beach with them in undersized clothes, still seeing your melons, belly, and huge ass, but unsure if they were telling the truth or not.They'll usually let you know if you WERE tricked or not when it'd be funniest, like when you bend over to pick something up and have a wardrobe malfunction.But to be nice, they will still sometimes let you experience growing fatter bit by bit with no tricks... sometimes. It's much easier to get you fat when you don't think you're eating enough to get fat.Get tricked for science, nerd.
>>11232487>I wish I was a cute girl living with female and futa fuckbuddy roommates, with the ability to somehow shapeshift /d/ forms. Ladypot, dorse, suckplant, boobipede, hairy venus milf, living sex toy... plenty of stuff to make life kinkier.
>>11230279Granted!Welcome to the world of Pokémon!With a few particular changes.Firstly, people are and function identically too Pokémon. We lay and hatch from eggs, can learn and use moves, can be caught legally (with expressed consent), and even have a few Evolutionary paths corresponding to the different trainer types (Swimers : Water, Hex : Ghost, and so on). Secondly, all pokemon in the Human-Like egg group are both more obviously humanoid (essentially near human relatives, think Neanderthals) and are fully sapient and recognized as people. Third, fusion technology is much more widely accessible, allowing people to splice themselves together with different pokémon, allowing for all the different hybrid shenanigans you've wished for, especially of the kinkier sorts.All of this inturn quiye comfortably leads into the lewd and ludicrous world of people and pokémon you've wished for.With people and pokémon fighting and fucking more together than ever before, cute girls or boys being as common a sight commanding a battle as they are to be fighting in getting whatever holes they have pounded until they fall unconscious.Pokémon breeding is an incredibly popular position and everything you might imagine it is.Though I'm sure you'll notice one particular exception...I haven't said a word about those "vitamins" you wished for! As many PP ups as you can eat, not one will ever give a cute girl a penis! And that's for one simple reason, they haven't been released to the public yet. They're being produced, but only in secure underground labs... secure underground labs where you just scored your first real job!
>>11232882Your hours thankfully aren't too strict, so you'll still be able to enjoy all the sexually supercharged wonders around outside while your off the clock, but while you are on it, you'll be testing these highly experimental substances in the forms of assorted flavors of rare candy that'll do anything from boost your IV scores, to give you a pair of boobs bigger than your entire body, in addition to your original set of unsubtle knockers. You'll test the dosages, the durations, the long term side effects, the severity of addiction, the effects while pregnant, the effects in labor, how the score modifying substances change the scores of your children, how the body modifying substances affect them, how all of that affects the impulse for incest.You will have every hole of your body probed, pumped, and drained dry, even the ones you literally don't even have yet, until finally, years later, primary trials are passed and they move you on to the highly experimental stuff as public testing starts...>I wish for a strong, loving, dominant, and a little sexually abusive futa girlfriend
>>11232497Granted, you have been infected with The Thing from the homonymous movie: an alien shape-shifting organism capable of assimilating other living beings and turning them into more Things. Or, well, that was what it used to be. Long story short, your wish caused the entity to also become infected by you, which caused some pretty significant alterations. The main one is that her ability to infect others has been massively nerfed, with almost every living organism being completely incompatible with her: any attempt to assimilate said beings result in the Thing-virus being wiped out effortlessly. Even in the extremely rare istances where Thingy finds and infects a compatible host, it won't be a complete assimilation: instead, the original host will still get to keep their own individuality, personality and general control over their body - but they'll also get a secondary Thing-y personality with some control over their shape-shifting... but more on that later.The point is that you're a girl now - your DNA got scrambled during this first infection - and you now have Thingy living inside of you, either as a voice in your head or, as you can see, as physical body parts. The good news is that she no longer intends to infect the entire planet (and she can't do that anyway); the better news is that she's adolescent-level horny. Her grasp on human sexuality is weird: she might be able to understand concepts like "it's not right to fuck strangers in public", but then she'll reach conclusions like "so it's fine to fuck your friends in the clothes shop' changing booths". She can understand things like "eating out a pussy", but then she'll think "so if I turn our entire belly into a giant mouth, it'll feel better". Physical limitations? More like a difference in opinion.Unfortunately, there's a pretty severe hiccup. You know how the Thing can change shape using the information/materials it got from previous victims?
>>11233448Well, in your case, Thingy's "genetic memory" got almost completely wiped out. Meaning that, at the start, she can't do much. Grow a second head, turn an arm into a tentacle, make you into a futa (remind her that the testicles should be at the bottom)... But nothing truly /d/ -worthy like you wanted.The only solution: find a compatible victim, infect them, and take their genetic material. This will "unlock" new transformations that Thingy-prime can use. Infect a BBW MILF to learn how to get extra bulk/curves, infect a potter and use her experience to turn into a ladypot, and so on.As I mentioned, the victim will also be infected with another Thingy - a "daughter" of sorts, less experienced/powerful/infectious, but just as horny as her "mom" - and the two will have to share control over their new bodies. And yes, all your roommates will be female or futa - and if they aren't, they'll be transformed appropriately. ...Did I mention that a lot of compatible victims just-so-happen to be people who would make decent fuckbuddies with you? So you'll get to build up your roommate group AND gain new exciting forms at the same time. On the other hand, since all your roommates will end up having alien shape-shifting powers, this would give them plenty of opportunities to fuck you over (literally), especially if they have numeric superiority over you.As a final extra, I'll give you all a blessing that will alter people's reactions to your lewd transformations, to a limited extent. So, for example, a farmer will not be TOO upset that you're a constantly-cumming dorse... But he might have some questions like "Why your friends thought it was a good idea to take my prized race horse and turn it into a horny sentient human-taur thing?" and "Does she have any intention of marry her, or do I have to go grab my shotgun?".PS: I hope you aren't a smoker... Thingy is kinda "crawling up the wall screaming" pyrophobic.>I wish to be pampered/babied by a mommydom slimegirl.
>>11232883Granted...ish. You'll get a tall futa similar to the one in your pic... No, dumbass, I wasn't talking about Astolfo, I was talking about Barghest on the right. Anyway, you'll get a tall muscular futa that towers at least a head above you, and is strong enough to pick you up and carry you around like you're a towel - which is why one of her nicknames for you is "cumrag". She's dominant just like you asked, and while she does love you and watches out for you, she isn't exactly the greatest at understanding your sexual limits. For example, she consistently calls you humiliating nicknames like "slut" or "micropenis" even in public, and sex with her sometimes keeps going even after you're too exhausted to move.Oh, don't worry, you won't get REALLY hurt: partially because she knows what your magically-enhanced limits are, and partially because you have been magically enhanced with things like increased durability or being capable of being fucked for several hours without going insane.However... as you probably have guessed by the pic, your big futa gf has a split personality - although it would be more accurate to say that she has two separate souls inside her body. Said other soul belongs to her sister, and the two "switch places" after a decently strong orgasm.This sister is the subby one, with a gigantic love for anything cutesy and romantic, and it's kinda naive when it comes to sex - like, she knows the vanilla stuff, but you can easily convince her to do things like wearing an apron and nothing else... in public... because "it's fashion".While the two sisters don't share memories, they do send messages to each other, and the dommy sis has a knack for picking up context clues and such. Also, the dommy sis is FIERCELY protective of her subby sis, and if she even suspects that you have been disrespecting her, she's gonna pound you into the ground way worse than usual.
>>11233755>I wish that quicksand and mud-based fetishes were mainstream and common, even in everyday media like advertisement.
>>11230408I should note that this wish was already answered, but the grant got deleted (can be found here --> the answer to THAT post is here ( and here (>>11232487).
>>11229832Granted, you become a beautiful kitsune. But let's check the details first. "Sexy" and "slutty" are already included in "kitsune", since they're monstergirl, and on top of that they have kind of a history of making amorous affairs in order to fuck over politics. And you sure are "modern" since you get to keep most of your your original personality, including your ability to actually use modern technology.That leaves the "gyaru" part. You see, "gyaru" was born as a way for Japanese girls to rebel against Japanese morals and beauty standards; and they did so by adopting a radically different style, like the Californian blonde-hair-and-tanned-skin appearance. Soooo... What would be the "gyaru" equivalent for kitsunes? ...Tanukis.Now don't worry, you won't become a futa unless you want to... But, well, you might have adopted some parts of their cultures. Kitsunes tend to be waifish and thin, you instead lean heavily towards bigger bodies - partially because of your acquired taste for feasting, dancing and drinking. If you want a slim figure, you'll have to do plenty of exercise and limit your temptations a bit. Another thing you should consider is that you gave yourself a pair of big, hefty baaaaadonkadonks, aka boobs. They don't weigh on you because insert-hentai-logic-here, when you decide to "accidentally" bump into a cute guy/gal at the pub to steal a grope... and you accidentally bean them in the face with your gazongas... they will feel it.Aside for that? I don't think that your life will be that different from a regular kitsune. I mean, think about it: there isn't much difference between "conspiring to make a country collapse" and "pranking someone", shape-shifting is just a heftier version of illusion magic, both kitsunes and tanukis are monstergirl species and therefore slutty by default... You're just a more crass and extrovert kind of kitsune, that's all.>I wish I was a cute boy living in, and married to, a tentacle pit.
>>11234387Granted! You are married to a monster girl almost identical to the one in >>11231712... though I get the feeling this wish may have been related, but no matter.She will share all of the noted attributes, needing you to carry her around as the fuck nugget she is, and have a cute personality. You could pass for her brother with how small and cute you are as well... it often makes carrying her a bit tricky without a harness or backpack. Tis the price of being cute.She'll get along with you very well, being a great cuddle partner and coming up with fun uses for her tentacles, with a great sense of humor about her situation. You two will even share hobbies.Oh, and you're married. This will come as a surprise to you both, but I decided it'd be more fun to retroactively change things (more than just turning you into a cute boy in a world where monster folk exist), and bind you two together with a promise, and a curse.The promise is that you two must support each other as a married couple. Neither of you will remember making it. The curse is that the support goes two ways. You said you wanted to live in her... so you will have to. You have developed a rare condition that leaves you reliant on the fluids in her pocket dimension that keep those inside of it healthy. For every hour you spend in her, you may safely spend an hour out of her... but she must "administer" the fluids, and her tentacles have a tendency to act on their own, even when she's sleeping...After you've expended the time you had out of her, if you do not get back inside of her (I hope you know or make a good friend to carry you BOTH around) you will quickly grow weak, but your GF can crawl over you and suck you up into her if you pass out. As a mercy... should you faint, you will miraculously find yourself safely in her.The IDEAL way to balance your responsibilities is to carry her around and care for her in the day, napping inside of her when you can, and sleeping in her at night.
>>11234529...Though sleeping is a very loose term. You will be milked and probed as she sleeps with you inside of her, you'll pass out mid sex once you get used to it.Other than that though... she's heartwarmingly sweet, and sympathetic towards your situation, as you (better be) sympathetic towards hers, helping her with things that need arms and carrying her, perhaps even helping dress her, while still being a loving husband (again, you better be...) She will be dream wife material, even if her tentacles aren't strong enough to cook meals or do chores, she'll absolutely use them to play video games with you and cuddle. She's also a bit of a switch... fun to tease about her helplessness, but once you're inside of her... she knows how to be a proper tentacle pit, an will often make you beg or say embarrassing things before letting you out, teasing you in kind.You will make an adorable couple. Hope the heart meltingly cute dynamic you two will share will make up for both of your physical shortcomings...>I wish for a more fun cyberpunk world where people got body mods you'd expect a horny population to get. Chrome skin? Weak shit. Shortstack bodies? Monster girl prosthetics? Deviant proportions? Yeah, that's what I'd expect from a society where people can do what they want with their bodies.
>>11234532Granted!The year is 3XXX, not like it's completely undefined, or 3030 in fucked up roman numerals, it is literally Three-Thousand-Triple-X.Sometime during the third world war an Anarchist group organizes over the internet to dismantle the world's governments from the inside, simultaneously orchestrating major market crashes, giving them total control over the global market aswell.It doesn't take long for everything to boil down back into mega corporations and nearly mindless capitalism, but it does at least support itself on a return focused market rather than an impulsive one.At some point in all of this, enough people decided actually keeping track of the years is essentially pointless, especially because we're expanding off world anyway, so now it's 3XXX, and it'll probably stay that way forever. All that considered, the world is all as you wished, with hyper proportions and no sense of public decency, sex bots, public onaholes, a horny population making the best of their body mods. Though there are still some even more abstract alterations, like dick limbs, or complete transformations, the occasional synapse pruning (like a lobotomy, but it only leaves the parts of your brain that make feeling good possible).As you might imagine, real world violence isn't all that common here, most weapons are decorative and nonfunctional, or just abstract sex toys.You'll see plenty of people of all sorts of hypersexual shapes and sizes, from shortstacks that can barely see over their own boobs, to mini-giants that are still dragging their junk on the ground. Almost everything and everyone smells like sex, and branded modification stations are just around evey corner, be it a customization pod, or the much more intimate ripper doc experience. People can change just about anything about them, whenever and wherever they want.Except their brand.This may be a world built on a less self destructive economy, but that doesn't make it any less vicious.
>>11234544I can not stress enough the danger of mixing brands. The central companies operate under the notion that individuals using exclusively their products, don't need to be advertised to. But double dipping into any two brands makes you a massive MASSIVE target, for all the advertising they can shunt up your brain stem. You literally won't be able to see past the ads, you can't hear over them, you literally can even taste anything that isn't being actively advertised to you. And anything you have that connects to your pleasure centers, will show no restraint in nearly deep frying your synapses edging you until you finally buy a fully branded set or literally die trying. Not to mention how many security vulnerabilities this opens against other individuals! The second your between brands, in the eyes of most, is the second you stop being human. Damn near nothing is off the table and there is nothing you can do to stop them.Well lucky for you it should be more than easy enough to avoid changing brands when so much of whats on sale is so much of the same right?Not for you. Being from our beloved modern day and age, the luxurious lying fiend you spoke to first told you that a third party integration chip was the only way to ensure full control over your mods, and most of the time you are in a generally complete control, but whenever any of your bits does a scan for company compliance, it will trip on the one one modification of yours that can't ever be replaced, and last until somebody can make you cum hard enough to finally reset it.Technically speaking, this would allow to get off with mixing brands, but this scan will happen no less than once a day, for each separate brand of parts you have scheduled randomly throughout the day.And moreover, it means you're never completely secure against attacks either giving anyone with the knowhow to trigger a scan, free access to your body at the press or a button, or if they're especially cruel the twitch of a muscle.
>>11234555>I wish for the same sort of cyberpunky less-than-hellscape, but with my mental integrity in the hands of some loving individual
>>11234556Granted! But the real question is... how did you get there?Ever play SOMA? No reason... anyways, you're going to get a brainscan before you die, but as far as your awareness is concerned, you'll just wake up in the far future in an unfamiliar, but surprisingly cozy workstation... plugged into some kind of computer with a cute (if oversexed) futa looking down at you, wide eyed. Perhaps one who looks a bit like your pic... thoug make no mistake, she's still a nerd through and through, despite her strong appearance....But looking at your own body, you'll see that you aren't alone in being some oversexed cyberpunk girl, pic related. Your new friend will quickly calm you down and assure you that you're ok. She was looking through a library of scanned brains, and saw one of a girl that shared a lot of her fetishes, judging by brain waves... a real sweet subby girl who she wanted to bring back- wait you're not a girl? O-oh... don't... look between your legs, then. Sh-she can fix that! Kinda... a futa "plug in" is kinda male, right? Anyways, she decided to download and convert your mind (and soul should one exist) into software, putting you in her personal sex android so she can spend time with you. But when she pries more into anything she got wrong... details of your past identity may elude you. You remember pleasure but... WERE you a guy? What was your name again? What did you look like? You liked those video games, you liked that girl, you remember your favorite hentai comics, and are otherwise yourself... but you will need a new name and identity for your fresh start. Something feminine, for sure, even if you take her up on the futa cock.She thinks she can do this to more people, but... this isn't entirely legal, you see. Going full borg is very experimental, even a ship of theseus'd cyberpunk will have SOME 3D printed organic parts. If anyone knew what she did you'd be considered dangerous... but there's a very easy lie you can tell. You're an AI.
>>11235103Funnily enough, you arrived around the time of the future's AI civil rights movement, and have some, but not human level rights if you just claim she programmed you, and she can even save face by saying you're just confused if you let it slip that you're human.The catches? Androids can be owned, and must have someone responsible for them in case they go terminator. Your new futa owner will have to keep you with her, tending to charging, maintenance, etc... and sex. You WERE put in a sex android, and people in the future learned that synth hormones beat "horny programming" any day, meaning your new body will give you a REALLY strong libido even if your consciousness is your own. You'll get horny the same way humans do too... though it can be accelerated with a few mods... either way, getting too horny to think is a feature, not a bug. You're not quite sure if she's being ENTIRELY honest when she says that body was the only one she could have done this with... but it is true it's the only one she had. The structure of the "brain" you were copied onto will also make you more prone to being... experimental, and wanting to try new things. Theoretically... she could still use the android's sliders to make you horny, subby, dominant, classy, bimbo like... but she wouldn't. I mean... not unless you wanted her to... or uh, temporarily if a buckboard comes over and she doesn't want them wondering why the android is suddenly off limits. You can be an actress for a bit, right?The rights movement is projected to last ten years, until you can drop this facade as an "independant" AI... though being broke you realistically won't be able to move out. And while your mental integrity IS in the hands of a loving individual, don't expect to go through this unchanged. Being a sex android feels GOOD. You're modular, you get extra dopamine rewards for pleasuring others, and you're not responsible for anything.
>>11235119Your master can even take your mind out and put it into other bodies, like swapping a hard drive between computers... but by the time he can afford a new body, if you want to be more petite like >>11235119 , more milf like, have dark skin, be a kemono robo girl, etc... your brain will already be used to the female form, and adapted to sex doll systems, meaning you can't be put in, say... a combat droid.Fun fact though! You CAN be put in things that are LESS complicated! Should you ever break a law such as public indecency (it's possible just harder) or "posing as a human" (you might do this accidentally if you get too comfortable)... you will be given community service. Not public, service to whoever bids to pay you off first. A cafe could put you in a barista robot's body with boob's that dispense milk, a wealthy NEET girl might borrow you as a simple cleaning robot with a maid aesthetic, you might even end up as mannequin for raunchy clothes or mods. They cannot FORCE you to have sex as service, but most will keep the punishment kinky.Your master can do this as well, and may if she gets curious or kinky. "Oh sorry babe, I can't take you on this trip... unless... you mind downloading into this dildo/onahole?"Even if she didn't intend for it to happen, you will grow sluttier over time, more eager to please, with the sex doll's lingering order of "Love others" pecking at your brain, and yes, that includes other robots. You're meant to be subservient. And as you start to warm up to those ideas... your mistress may start to get kinkier, offering to put you in different toys or try new "mods" out with you, like two dicks, or a "monster girl" pussy for you to service.By the time androids can be independent, and your lil group can start reviving other people from brain scans (some people you might want to see again, if you don't mind them seeing you like this), you will be cozy in your new body and role.
>>11235133Trying to break out of it will feel like trying to fit into clothes that are extremely uncomfortable, or getting out of a warm bed on a freezing winter morning. You might be aware of your changes, but it may take more willpower than you have to fight them... but hey, your owner, and once you have rights, roommate "mistress" is VERY loving... even if she's a bit kinky, and the results of her experiment left you slowly being more used to being a sex bot.... not that her other sex friends will mind, nor will I doubt you will with all the fun things you can do with them.Oh? Today's a special day? Did the shortstack body come in yet!? Oh, just... an android rights amendment? Boring...>I wish I was a sexy dark skinned girl in a family of them who all age like fine wine.
>>11233760Granted! But a big question would be... why. Sure, being helpless and stuck is sexy, especially when the subject is a cute girl... but there'll have to be more to it for it to be mainstream and common, so I'm changing what humanity is a little.You know those creation myths were humans were made out of clay? Now they're true. Don't worry, you still have all your bits and pieces, it all feels the same, too... save for the fact that humans can now be "repaired" if severely injured by skilled potentates and worked like clay. Earth based fetishes are common not only because of what you find sexy about them, but to many others, because it's like a tentacle pit, with mud and quicksand with some sapience not being unheard of, often groping the victim or altering them in some way, either adding or taking "clay" from their mass. Someome couild come out another sex, as a monster person, a deviant freak... sometimes humans are just BORN from pits of wet earth. It's synonymous with babymaking and rebirth, as common in advertising and acceptance as revealing clothes.Being clay like will only be noticeable under extreme circumstances. Being crushed, cut, or otherwise injured, only to find that a skilled hand and some water will have you right as rain. Pussies, cum, mouths... these all feel the same until their clay like properties become relevant. Again... you can't even tell the difference normally....But there are also now skilled potentates in society where plastic surgeons, masseurs, mistresses/masters, and doctors were. Want to be a qt like your pic related? A skilled hand will make you wet and sculpt-able in no time, sculpting you into an idealized form. People are sexier because of this as well, some even taking outlandish monster girl forms.You however, are special. You take to sculpting better than most, being able to spend more time in quicksand, mud, etc before re-emerging, and even if changed (pit that turns you into a fertile futa milf, for example)
>>11235361You can be sculpted again in, say... a day or two, only to be put in one of these magical sinkholes again.Because of this, your job opportunities are all to BE the girl/cute boy in the advertising or porn. Did someone discover a type of mud that causes breast expansion? Who better to demonstrate? Cute boy turns into girl from earth goddess curse? Cute girl turns into cute boy? That's a fetish. Cute girl/boy gets stuck and slowly reshaped into a lamia under the sand? Also great porn material! If you want to make MORE money you could agree to temporarily be sculpted into NON human traits. If you are completely pulled into a sinkhole and pulled out while still raw earth, stuff like ladypot or living sculptures will be possible....Oh, and these pits are everywhere now. About as common, and hard to detect, as sinkholes in marshy areas. People suspect that they're sapient, aspects of mother earth herself, and move on their own to find more of her "sons and daughters" to "play with", often giving them fertile, sexy, or natural (monster girls and such) forms if left to change their victims on their own. You'll get sucked all the way in, but instead of suffocating, you'll wake up born anew... and with your job being to use these pits, expect to be reborn a LOT, and even fucked with and given less natural forms if you want to make more money...No other job opportunities will open up to you.>I wish I was a mature, venus bodied monster girl. Super milfy and with a fertility goddess like figure.
>>11231882Wish bump
>>11233454Granted! You are adopted by void witch Gretel. Sure, she's rather... dominant, but she'll still pamper and baby you (with LOTS of teasing). Firstly, she'll borrow some of your essence, fusing you with her latex like goop, making you a much smaller, younger looking fellow. She can also take on feline forms or make you take them on as well, and even grow your cock into a bigger one with her goop using void magic. You'll take the appearance of a younger man who looks like he could be her son. It makes the mommydom far easier... that, and the spare mass she took is better used to enhance her body anyways...But if you know anything about this character... you'll know that you should be scared. Don't be... for now. As her beautiful baby boy, she won't do what she does to others to you... for long, anyways. Her slime powers allow her to absorb others to add to her attributes, even being able to store cocks, pussies, and entire other humans in her void slime. It's why you being fused with it let her transform you. She will alter reality some so that people will have always seen you as her son, and her as your mother, with you two in a house that looks normal on the outside, but is witchy and kinky on the inside. She can disguise herself, but often only does this to sneak up on victims, and a GOOD son is expected to help her with this, as well as suggest targets."Oh? Is there a girl you like? Tell me more..."...And that night she might "surprise" you with your crush and your crush's sister fused with her as two breasts. She can even open a nipple up so you can see their faces. She can use them for other things too... maybe replace her normal pussy with that of your crush, keep her trapped inside of her bodily prison as long as you like it... and no, you may not say "Please let her go this feels wrong" if she can still tell that you like it... you should love mommy, and if you love another girl she will become PART of mommy until you get bored of her.
>>11217086>>11235920(Pic related for this post)Now THIS Gretel won't churn or permanently snuff people. She can always release them (albeit, sometimes a bit corrupted). And she'll want to promote corrupting you as well... so if you want to reign in her absorption tendencies, you'll have to be a good boy and earn it, or offer her kinky alternatives. Free your crush if you help her catch your bustier co-worker? No... that's not fair... but it WOULD be fair if it was your co-worker AND old bitchy boss... which you no longer have to worry about, mommy provides. She may even turn women (or boys if you like them) who "wronged" you into furniture or sex toys for daring to hurt her precious baby... though getting revenge and living with living people turned into sapient objects will either start to become VERY taboo for you as you think about how they're people with lives and feelings, and here you are with one acting as the couch you and your mommy make out on, with another as a dildo she gave you for a gift... or you may become corrupted and start to feel the same lust that she does for this stuff. She won't hurt them as not to hurt you, it's more like... "reforming" them. She may let them go if you REALLY want it, and earn it by letting mommy cuddle and coddle you, in multiple forms, pic related.She'll be able to realize almost any sexual fantasy you have with her shapeshifting and pocket space, as well as her ability to absorb other people and manipulate body parts... but DO be careful interacting with people you could conceivably find attractive. If she catches wind... you might just come home to her "surprising" you with a new absorbed/transformed friend...And you better come home... stay out past curfew ans she'll appear out of nowhere and DRAG you back (pic still related).Enjoy your slightly crazy, but loving slime mommy.
>>11235926>I wish I was a cute lil fairy with a loving owner
>>11231882Granted, and here you are. Long retroactive story short: you were a technician girl, who got herself hired at the same company as your childhood crush (she's a high-level programmer). You ended up being involved in a project for developing a super-advanced VR neural interface, but a lightning bolt in exactly the right spot at the right time caused a seres of malfunctions, culminating in your body being basically flash-fried and exploded. That didn't kill you, however; while your mind got temporarily destroyed, your body acted on its own, fusing and assimilating part of the machinery. By the time your mind, personality and memory were fully restored, your body adapted into a firm similar to this one: essentially a computer made of organic tissue....If you're asking yourself why you look as lewd as that, blame your subconscious fetishes....Anyway, I've got several good news. The first one is that your case was immediately seized by a politician and used to make herself look good, so you've got full human rights right off the bat, plus some extra concession like being immune to public indecency laws, since you are permanently indecent. The second good news is that you got a legal guardian who has the duty of taking care of you - and surprise surprise, it's your cute crush.The third good news regards your body, which has quite a few neat abilities. Since it's fleshy, you get to keep all your senses such as touch and taste, and you have limited movement such as scooching. Your body can fuse with electronic devices and take over their functions - and you can do it with multiple objects at once, as pic related. If you assimilate a CPU, you can even create a virtual avatar of yourself - and you can easily split your "attention" across multiple "bodies", physical or virtual. Do keep in mind, however, that your body has limited mass, so you can "possess" a limited amount of devices at once.
>>11236487When you're fused with a device, you can take over their functions. A mike would give you enhanced hearing, a loudspeaker would give you the ability to talk clearly (for some reason you have some problems generating a proper mouth), and a gaming console would allow you to use a virtual avatar to enter videogame worlds....There's an issue, though. See, when you are unfused, you're basically just a mass of flesh, like a really weak slime. But when you are fused with an electronic device, you have a tendency to "follow its programming". So if, say, you got fused with your girlfriend's PC, you would have the instinct to listen to her, since she's the user and owner. She figured that out by accident while running some tests - you know, to understand how you function in case she needs to repair you and such.Oh, don't worry, she has promised up and down and sideways that she's not gonna do anything bad with that knowledge... But you can tell that she's seriously considering it. In a "It would be shitty to do.. But it would be hot... but it would be shitty... but it would be hot tho..."...Why yes, your girl friend IS in fact a nerd with a ton of sex drive and weird fetishes that got repressed under the boulder of her natural shyness and her Catholic parents' teachings, why do you ask?So this is your current situation. Your friend would be very receptive to a relationship with you. If you leave the situation as it is, the relationship will progress VERRRY slowly; it will take years for her to stop blushing every time she handles your buttmouse, and probably another 6 months to stop wearing gloves.Now, you could talk to her and convince her to open up a little... But that's very likely to make her open up a lot. That would mean that whenever you two decide to "experiment", there's the risk of her escalating the situation a lot, like convincing you to "play" Oblivion with her, with you as her character...
>>11236516...after she finishes installing so many lewd mods, it will make the game's size triple and its framerate half. And of course she's gonna use the vibrating buttplug peripheral, duh.Or... and this is the hardest option... You could mentor her into developing a healthy (well, "healthy" by /d/ standards) libido, with plenty of fun but nothing too extreme. But that will require you a lot of effort, patience and setbacks.>I wish to be reborn in an incestuous family, obviously with hentai-level of lewdness.
>>11235367Granted, you now are a moth girl. Just like you asked, you have a venus bod, with huge breasts and even huger hips'n'butt. Not pictured: your hugest abdomen, which is basically built like a fuzzy mattress. I'm gonna give you a free blessing that allows you to pass through human-size hallways and doorways and such; plus, it will give you a lot of opportunities to "accidentally" smoosh and smother cute boys/girls. By the way, I took the liberty of generally improving the world. Nothing much: an increase in the average attractiveness, monsterfolks existing, and ending world hunger.Where was I? Oh, right, your figure. Well, people aren't gonna start worshiping your fertility-idol body, but they sure as hell will involuntarily/absentmindedly call you mommy. Even in this generally cuter world, you are almost cartoonishingly milfy, but in a way that looks attractive, not ridiculous.But what about your monsteriness (sic)? Well, as I mentionedyou're a moth girl now, so you get the standard stuff: flight, the ability to emit sleeping or hypnotic powder from your wings (do keep in mind that it takes time to regrow), night vision... You naturally tend more towards the nocturnal hours rather than the diurnal ones, but you can train yourself to stay awake during the day like most people get used to working a night shift. Anything else? Well, higher libido, instinctive knowledge of sex and rape techniques, enhanced stretchiness, enhanced tighness since you'll usually be the bigger party in bed, and enhanced fertility....Oh yeah, that brings us back to the "ending world hunger" thing. Yeah, that wasn't a joke. Quite a few monsterfolk are... let's say, "very productive". This can range from tanukis that can produce gallons of spunk refinable into alcohol, to lizardgirls who spend a lot of time regenerating their tails.
>>11237279In your specific case? Well, you wanted to be "super milfy". Now, you don't have children... yet... but your insectoid body really doesn't care about fertilization. So it's gonna pop eggs regardless of how much cum people pump into you.And it's gonna pop a lot of 'em. Like "plopping a dozen at a time with barely any warning, twice a day" a lot. They are basically like chicken eggs, only softer and a bit bigger. House cleaning will require less brooms and more shovels.Where will they go? Well, people will just take them, or animals will take them, or they'll become fertilizer for plants; so EVENTUALLY they'll disappear on their own. Will not reduce the embarassment you'll get when it happens in public, though. People will not mind - which somehow will make it worse, since it will hurt your pride as a proud mature-looking MILF. You want to be respected as a mother, not treated with condenscension like you're a common chicken. So you'd better learn how to discreetly lay those eggs away from prying eyes.Oh, and as for fertile eggs? Those will be a lot bigger and will take longer to lay, almost in a pregnancy-esque way. That way, there's no risk of throwing away your children with a bunch of infertile eggs.>I wish for plump, soft monstermen/women who cuddle, fuck and cuddlefuck humans into submission.
>>11236528Granted!And welcome to the family!Your family, as having been so deeply among themselves so very intensely have essentially lucked out into evolving faster. You hit maturity quicker, your fertility lasts longer, the girl's develop MUCH quicker, but the men -short as they may be- grow where it counts just as quickly.You even lucked out of some the unfavorable human behaviors as well, like periods, refractory periods, most growing pains are gone, and the pain of childbirth too. For the most part, your lot has it pretty good in your very together way of life, though it does lack a sense for accurate familal titles. "Mama" was for whichever woman was oldest in the house, who was probably your great, or great great grandmother more accurately but beyond that everyone is honey, sweetheart, or assorted nicknames and terms of endearment. You know everyone, and love 'em all enough to not bother trying to untangle the family web. Your favorite "Auntie"'s pussy squeezes all the same even if she's technically your neice, cousin, and half-sister, and Mama's got enough milk for everyone that asks.Though you might wrap your head around it some day. And that someday might be sooner than you expect when just as quickly you shut your eyes for the last time, you slip right out of your little sister there at the funeral!You wished to reincarnaye into this family didn't you? And you'll keep reincarnating into it, for the rest of its foreseeable inbred exsistence. And you'll be able to actually map out the paths of the other reincarnated family members as well. You'll recognize your your direct brothers and sisters, maybe even be able to pick out your favorite half-sister-niece-cousin the next time she comes around, catch up with a couple of your uncles and nephews maybe see how good they are for yourself if you come around with the right equipment. You'll get your head around Mama having been the woman of the house for the whole of the family's existence at some point.
>>11237359>I wish I was a cute demon boy frequently used for reliving tension in a convent of futa nuns
>>11235141Granted, you now live in a family of amazons. By which I mean both the place where they come from; as well as the typical "hentai amazon" type. You know the drill: they are athletic women who mature pretty quickly (especially sexually), and then remain attractive and fit for pretty much the rest of their lives. In fact, they're more than fit: they are all pretty agile and strong, some even to Olympic or borderline-superhuman levels. They are adept to survive in the wilderness, foraging for food, hunting animals, building basic shelters... Granted, they technically don't NEED shelter, their special hentai bodies allows them to stay comfortably naked in most conditions including walking on hot asphalt. But still, sometimes is nice to have a place to sleep away from the torrential rain.Also, did I mention the sex? Yeah, being hentai amazons, they are all adept to, and pretty open to, sex. They also have no problems with incest (besides, you know, teasing you if you're a "mommy's girl/bitch"), and they also know a couple of magical rites to reproduce, since they're all girls. One rite allows to create pregnancies from lesbian scissoring, and another temporarily grants a futa cock.Now, you might be worried about having to live in the wild rainforest away from wi-fi or whatever. Nah, you have the exact opposite problem: you still live in a modern city, but you're the only one in your family who understands how this modern stuff works. Everyone else is still stuck in "hentai jungle" mode. You know the stereotype of a gandma asking her grandson how to use a PC or a TV remote? You're that grandaughter, but in a more extreme case.So YOU will have to explain things like how cars aren't dangerous predators, how you can't parkour your way through someone's private property because "it's faster", and how wet concrete isn't the same as a mud pit. The authorities have already been notified, so your family will not get in trouble for nudity or semi-consensual* sex.
>>11238539(*By which I mean that your relatives have a knack for detecting if a stranger would enjoy sex, and so they might decide to have sex with said stranger without asking, knowing that they will not press charges afterwards. The stranger's FIANCE, on the other hand...)Also, as I mentioned, you and your family are fit as fuck, so you do enjoy some degree of magical protection so that you will not get seriously hurt. However, do remember that said protection will not save you from humiliation or sexual perils - like getting stuck in the now-hardened concrete, at the mercy of a bunch of horny construction workers.And since I want to be an even bigger dick towards you, I have decided that your family isn't the only thing that emigrated from jungle porn into the modern city. Other things of a similar theme have arrived: rival tribe-families, "man-eating" (read: ball-draining) plantgirls and so on. And in this case, you will have the opposite problem: your family knows how to deal with these things, but you don't. Luckily for you, your relatives - especially grandma - are more than happy to teach you your family's cultural tradition and knowledge...>I wish that the world was populated with oral sex monsters (for example, the dick-sucking plants in the pic).
>>11238548Granted! Buuuut it's easier to just recycle beings instead of making new ones. You will become a cute young futa. Details are up to you, so long as your build and strength are average for a young woman. You'll feel the perils better that way. Many others will become equally fuckable prey, cuter, yet weaker or more feminine (ex. some men may become girls, femboys, or futa)... and many others \will be corrupted by a mysterious curse.Not everyone will IMMEDIATELY turn into giant fuckplant colonies... for many it'll be slow, or have stages. Growing lipples while their normal mouths lengthen and lose the ability to speak, having limbs turn into roots or tentacle like appendages (some may end up on all fours dorse style), some may even fuse with each other, becoming 3 dicked, 3 succplant headed hydras and the like. The progression of the physical corruption does not always mirror their mental corruption, however. Someone who is in the first stages may start acting like a whore, while a complete fuckplant, just breasts, lips, and maybe remaining eyes and a face, may retain their mind (but be unable to speak, of course). It's common for people to "pot" friends or those close to them if they reach this state... if possible.Now don't think this is all doom and gloom. Curses are magical, and usually have catches to them, right? Well this one is no exception. The mutations are random, and effects can be reversed (mostly) by "feeding" the cursed. Doesn't matter of it's a dick, pussy, or butthole, the oral monsters love them all. If they get sexual energy from someone with a strong will, they may slowly return to normal... but on the contrary...If you fucking a monster turns into the monster fucking YOU, which is to say, you subconsciously submit to debauchery, the curse will start to affect you instead. The moment "oh fuck what if I was one of them..." crosses your mind, and you desire it, you may start to develop lipples or similar traits.
>>11238814In more extreme cases, you might fuse with the afflicted if both of you have given in, maybe becoming one a mobile fuckplant monster's sapient lipple breasts, with the other breast another victim. You can, however, "martyr" yourself if you feel things going south, willing yourself to be corrupted in exchange for your friend/lover to turn back, they might save you in turn... or fail and become corrupted again.Now I know this sounds hard. I mean, can't you at LEAST give into your lust completely a LITTLE without getting stucl? And the answer is yes. Remaining humans (those still human enough to tend to the cursed) understand the curse enough to put a "tether" on people. Find someone you trust (and wouldn't mind fucking you), ask them to bind you to them, and if you're corrupted, they'll have dominion over you, AND be immune to your own corrupting effects... but the cure is still "getting fucked", so be ready. If you're weak willed, but still want to make a difference in the "fight for mankind", you can even use this to "kamikaze" nests of monsters, knowing you'll be corrupted, but using the matryr/sacrifice clause to cure (at least partially) those you fucked before you were transformed, with your partner reeling you back in, whether it's on a leash, in a pot, or under a blanket to hide your shame....Oh, and you'll be expected to serve this duty often. It's plain as day that this is HOT to you, so you won't be trusted to serve the cause with your will alone. Am I wrong? You literally wished for it. It's not all bad though, you'll live in the "safe" cities and get to meet a LOT of friends with benefits, and not worry about getting raped in the wilds... that'll just be someone else's duty to fix later, by fucking your corrupted form.>I have a simple wish. I wish to turn into a cute, sexy gyaru girl. Bonus points if the traits are "natural" and the carpet matches the drapes.
>>11237361Granted! Not long ago, a covenant of nuns who specialize in dealing with lust demons were cursed, and all turned futa... with one harboring a demon's child. With no other choice......You were raised lovingly by your big dick, pink hair priestess mother and her "sisters", who don't actually HATE demons, and were quick to adapt to their "curse". Truth is, they were less zealots tasked with combating lust wherever it was, and more... a group of people who understood succubi and incubi enough to keep them from causing trouble, like milking someone's husband dry, or possessing a girl and making her act like a bimbo. They'd usually treat these supernatural beings the same way a disapproving mother would reprimand a child... usually offering them sex instead and sending them away after, or dominating them into submission.Being half demon, you grew up in a matter of days to what you see now, and yes, you are part goat demon. You may bleat if groped by surprise, and have very fluffy ears that the convent ADORES. Needless to say, they aren't traditional nuns. They're given a lot of wiggle room when it comes to anything related to lust, a "fight fire with fire" strategy, and most are a lot less religious, and more chill, simply using their status for subduing demons. They fuck each other all the time... but they are still expected to create "good" in the world, which is where your wish becomes relevant.You are now a being who NEEDS sex. A male son of a succubus... how cute. Your mother, a sexy occult nerd who loves to dote on and mommy you, and her sisters, will all raise you with warm hearts and... generous, cocks. And while they see it as "raising" you... you're not gonna look any older or more manly than you do now. It's not a punishment... it's something, somehow, more embarrassing. It's to keep their cute lil demon boy healthy and raise him right. You're gonna need to fuck people all your life anyways... why not strike to birds with one stone?
>>11238826You're going to need to feed from them anyways... why not teach you what a good lover does when they do? Frequently, they will initiate, looking to relieve tension... but will teach (and tease) you by making you give explicit consent and tell them anything "kinky" that you want. They won't gang bang you... unless you make it clear you want them to. The won't dominate you... unless you admit that you're a huge fucking sub who wants to be used.And even then? They'll cuddle you, rub your cute lil ears, and wipe the cum off of you in what can only be described as "divine" aftercare, calling you SO many pet names... "Hon, sug, darling, ears, snuggle butt..." you may find yourself going "Mooom!" at no nun in particular from this teasing, or if one licks their finger to fix a cowlick... after messing up your hair via sex. It IS easy to mix up all of these nuns who treat you as if you were their own incestuous son with your actual mother, who lives among them...So yes, you CAN be their sex pet between them handling other demons via rellocation and deals (basically supernatural wildlife control)... but you'll have to admit to being a sub who wants to be "used" and put up with all of the teasing that'll come with, often needing to clarify or restate your desires. They're SURE you'll make a good boi wife and/or lover to a lucky man, woman, or futa someday... if you ever decide to leave.>I wish I was a cute beastgirl trained by a loving master/mistress to be a good sub.
>>11237283Granted! The monsters under your bed and in your closet are real... and they may not be monsters in the way you imagined. The world has become slightly spookier, with more frequent fog, more slow days, less traffic... ok that last one is pretty nice, until you run into a Sadako looking woman in the middle of the road.They are all beings from the realms of dreams, and will appear in liminal spaces, when no one is around, or in the corner of your eye on foggy days or dark nights. Anything spooky, really...They will initially appear as nightmare like creatures, both male and female, and anything in between, but will only appear as the sex the "dreamer" finds attractive, so if you like futa, you will get futa. Now attractive doesn't just mean "what you like most", it's "you're a bit confused but will still shamefully enjoy it" is also considered attractive in this sense, and far more common. They will stalk you, from long haired yokai women, to futa who resemble art pieces or creatures from video games, to beastly men, often triggering confusion and fight or flight responses, even if you ARE turned on. Spooky things will happen. If you try to confront them, they may vanish and stalk you from elsewhere. You may notice that your body is much smaller and more youthful looking... and weaker, making you easy prey. You may even find yourself as a different sex, perhaps to match your partner's "equipment" in a way that is scary... but hot. Like becoming a cute girl or femboy for a beastly, but oddly alluring, beast like monster with a cock that would only fit in a dream. Again... this will happen if you would find it enjoyable in the end, even if you wouldn't expect to. These dream creatures will always feel better than they look....And when you least expect it, they will catch you, subjecting you to sex that is impossible to predict with spooky possibilities like those above, and then some.
>>11238931You could find that your asshole is now unnervingly stretchy, that your dick is bigger than it should be, that you look a bit like the monster yourself, or even open a door and find yourself in what you can only assume is the past, such as the sadako looking monster cornering you in this space, only for you to look like you could be her son, and her to appear in a nice dress, helpless and in her domain....And the creatures can't help this happening. They ARE nightmares... but contrary to what people believe... nightmares LOVE humans, in almost every sense, and want to show, express, and MAKE that love. They exist so you know fear and apprehension, so that you can survive, and so you can OVERCOME your fears... especially sexual ones, like taking a dick that's too big, taking on sexual traits that feel alien, having an unnaturally endowed and/or/hairy partner, like some stone age sex idol, or submitting to someone mysterious... often awakening new fetishes within you.And they will cuddle you, in embraces that melt your fear away, but keep your heart racing for different reasons... as it should, since they will fuck you with love you may never fully comprehend, love that's, well... kinda scary. And once you have learned to fuck what repressed sexual thoughts have manifested, and cuddled with them after until dozing off... you'll awaken renewed, as if nothing ever happened.But if you keep running from one of these manifestations... it won't give up. Even if it catches you, you must learn to confront and accept it... and you always will. They're YOUR sexual nightmares, after all, appearing as your hidden desires.Oh, but on a more wholesome note... ones you have "befriended" may come from your closet or under your bed to cuddle you if you're lonely or if they just want to see you again. They aren't much for conversation, but words aren't neededSweet dreams>I wish I was a cute boy, girl, or futa with a hot incestuous mother, and a Freaky Friday curse
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