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Thread for damsels and distress, bondage and perils, bad ends and game overs.

Previous thread >>11180054
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I like the overkill gags.
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Just imagine what is going to happen when thewe horny boys find her after their gym workout. Good thing she is blindfolded so won't even recognise :)

Anyone kind enough to translate text pinned to her boobs?
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Google Lens and Yandex couldn't recognize the text but the Google Translate website could. From English it translates to 肉便器 in Japanese.
why do japs have such a huge fetish for toilets anyway
Yeah, it basically means flesh/meat toilet. Sounds quite odd when translated literally. I usually go for something more like cum-dump or fuck-hole, since those are similarly degrading terms with the same use-case.
Pixiv translates the term as cum dump.
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>Thread for damsels and distress, bondage and perils, bad ends and game overs.
Just put a lid on and she's off to a bad end in some forgotten dungeons crypt.
But then you won't get a playable bad end, and that's always the hottest part for me.
Yes, but I like bad end scenarios where girls are encased for good. It's basically like a kinky spin on Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher"
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Sure you will, just a dark, cramped one.
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D'aaaw, look at her try. It's a little late for that, girl.
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You mean stuff where they're inexplicably kept alive, right? Sealed up tight, can't move an inch, rendered deaf and mute, enjoy a lifetime of boredom?
Both cases, depending on scenario. So kept alive forever like you say as well as put to wither in their grave like in some of Poe's works.
The shortcut for that is to have a vampire encased in cement or thrown to the bottom of the ocean.
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Boredom? Naah, just needs proper toys and self-charging batteries.
Like pic related?
oh wow. always love when you can clearly see the movement, from how they're fighting it
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>Shhh be quiet, I'm free now, wait a moment I will untie you..
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>Well, well, well, what do we have here?
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>There you go. That tape should take care of your tiny naughty fingers now... and later I will take care of both of you..
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Good man.

Why not both? Maximize those "They'll never find your body" vibes. In this case her still-living body, but whatever.
Just be sure she understands the entire procedure before she's sealed in her cement tomb, ideally actually showing her the sea she'll be dumped in to. Maybe bury her in cement on the actual boat, or at least delay finishing her up until then? It'd be a little awkward, but it's worth it.

I dunno, I could go either way. Pleasure torture's one thing, but it's also so common. Compounding, unrelenting, unbearable boredom is a cruelty of it's own spice.
Near-miss rescues and escapes are sooo good, especially when the captor punishes them for it with worse bindings. That moment of "Ah...n-no..." when they get caught is peak.
>when the captor punishes them for it with worse bindings
Ye. That's why I like this set. Previously they were just sitting tied up in a way they could move or change poses. Now they are completely helpless all hogtied like this and I just love taped fingers. When you take a closer look, you can see that they wear collars anchored to the floor. And best of all, the one who tried to escape first is now tied in reverse prayer pose for extra strain.
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All princess-confining towers should be torture towers
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>Black Rock Shooter
Alright, yeah, I can work with her.
Visions anon here. Just doing a quick memo for long range duvet upkeep

>nodal graph through morphic invariance

Still trying to wrangle Nature, my reason for using this thread is: 'roll high' ["take the risk"] since my visions (and dreams) have come in strongly enough for me to need a new level of disruption if we want to advance our future(s).

Over the past many months (and especially tonight) I have processed so many different ways of interacting with fate, you can basically throw a dart straight into the vortex and hit something I've had at least one impression for
Things are way more flexible than anyone could predict. The metaphysics will pretty much not tend to matter, and even if they could, someone would end up needing to explain how I derived this verse. We have to assume an elemental sponsor in a lot of cases, so for this theme, consider if Disaster will do it in any moment Corruption is too spooked.
Will have to run a proper Q&A eventually but, (in terms of metaphysics) our future looks BRIGHT

One point of contact though, my first discovering of this fetish involved heroes and villains, so you could end up needing a little more familiarity in the activation factors to keep it from /d/evolving into mundane bondage stuff.

Altogether, remember how terrifying everything can be and always permit one healthy desire to enter your canvas

>([posted with 24 hour delay])<
Often the princess trapped is kept in a fairly nice cell, maybe getting menaced by King Badguy on occasion, wistfully looking out the window for her knight in shining armor.
She should count herself as lucky. It could be a lot worse.
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Princesses are privy to all sorts of royal secrets. Really, it'd be standard procedure for an evil king to spend hours terrorizing and torturing his captive princess, until he can't resist anymore and abandons the interrogation to just rape her.

Imagine that poor girl, sheltered and pampered all her life, now with the king's huge cock impaling her nethers, big rough hands pinching and twisting and stretching her nipples till she arches her back to try and take the strain off them, screaming till her lungs are empty. The evil king slowly rocking his hips into her, the little princess yelping and wincing every time his cock batters against her cervix.

And all the while, he's telling her - it doesn't have to hurt like this. I could take you to heaven. You just need to tell me what I want to know...
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You can't talk about princesses while posting Takina, I'll just think about secret police schoolgirls vanishing into the dark underbelly of society instead.
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Or something like the man in the iron mask where nobody knows her identity. She's just a faceless fuckhole.
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there not truly damsels unless they are in fluffy silky elegant dresses.
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I am more into a 'less is more' philosophy.
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Ahh, I love hoods like that. The total dehumanization of the subject to just a fucktoy, and the psychological terror of the subject due to sensory deprivation.
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Don't forge the vibes, that's the most important part. Before they were just tied up and scared, now they're tied up, scared, AND cumming over and over again.
And you definitely can't tell who that is either. Nope, not a clue, haven't the faintest idea.
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That's one funky looking bomb. Is it even a bomb?
When I saw it I assumed it's based on something from the game where they came from.
The more she cums, the lower the platform gets!?
Terror & ecstasy death game!!

There's not much time left, but she's nearly at her limit!!

She's somehow managing to keep herself from being strangled by standing on her tiptoes.

Remaining time: 0:13
Orgasm count: 47 times

Hang in there!! If you cum, you're a goner!!

You can do it, Chiu-chan!!

Oh man, you'd better not cum!

(In the one line, the word for "cum" and "die" is the same word, just spelled differently. They're both variants of iku, to go. In another line, the word ikeru normally means "to live" or "to go well," though the spelling with the katakana イ makes me wonder if it's also a play on iku?)
It's a gaming pc about to launch dawn of war 3 (girls are about to die from pussy dryness)
Lol fail
13 seconds, huh. Think she'll make it?
Chisame peril hits real good for how few times I've seen it. I like it when the physically weak hacker character gets attacked and imperiled directly, and she's got this good "Ugh, I can't believe these idiots..." attitude. Especially when it's some kind of endurance peril, and doubly so when she turns out to actually do pretty good.
Is this an actual game or just drawn like one?
I feel like it's inspired by a indie bondage game but I forgot the name.
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Already asked in the bondage thread. Seems like it's relevant here too. Does anyone know of any doujins that has girls tied up upside down and whipped?
If I had to guess, based on the orgasm count, the timer is probably hours:minutes, meaning she has 13 minutes left. But I'm not certain, which is why I didn't label the time as such.

The secret is that it's whichever one is hotter to you.
Inoue Yoshihisa does a lot of upside down bondage but I don't remember if he did one with whippings.
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Kunoichi Inbaku Taisen has a water torture in which one of the girls is threatened with a sword.
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Yousei Sentai Act Liver does have a whipping scene.
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Tits deep
>shoes on

I like this so have more
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There's a follow-up image set to this. Link to the full set: https://www dot pixiv dot net/en/artworks/126303328
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I love the dehumanization of the subject; literally reduced to an object, a mere jizz receptacle, like a trash can. But there's also the matching torment of the victim; unable to see what's going on, who, or what, is going to happen to her next, her own screams stifled by a gag, every sound muffled by the enclosure, unable to budge. Alone in the dark, with touch her only sensation; rape and orgasm in an endless cycle.
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Poor thing!
Awww, that's so mean. lol jk, there was never any hope for you. I love it.
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>Don’t worry cunt. We are going to have a wonderful time. I hope you’re hungry because I'm going to have a lot of fun "feeding" you.
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Man, Fire Emblem is just THE best for bad ends. All these incredibly hot/cute/beautiful laddies, all actual characters, all fighting in a world filled with any sort of baddie you can think of, it's a well that never runs dry.
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Not the best for actual peril, though. The medieval setting disqualifies a lot of the old stand-bys.
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The shock collar goes off based on throat vibrations. If she screams or moans or makes really any sort of noise, bzzzzt. And she's been left like this all day.
That's brilliant.
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Gotta love that artist.
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What materia do they have?
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I've got mixed feelings on these two-person perils, where one girl's in peril and the other's just left tied up nearby. It makes for a more dynamic scene, but also puts the onus on the girl relatively unrestrained girl to solve the peril. It's about her struggling to save her friend, not the girl actually in peril, and the latter is what I'm actually here for.
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He's got a really good sense of sexual sadism without going too over the top with it. No actual peril, which is a shame, but sense of distress is fantastic.
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Spoke too soon, there's one.

Nice, good taste, my man. I gotta provide this one too.
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That's excellent. Nothing quite so good as sustained, sadistic torture.
peak aesthetic is a heroine's blood-curdling screams echoing down the cold stone hallways of some foreboding dungeon, praying for rescue that never comes
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Hell yea, more drowning.
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I question forcing her to walk the plank when she clearly can't walk. I guess she can hop? The image of her hopping off the end and into the sea is kinda fun.
Drowning without something to weigh her down still feels off, though.
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Quicksand is my fav fetish period.

Adding tentacles to it only enhances the girl's experience. Imagine sinking in quicksand and getting fucked at the same time.
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I like when girls head is completely sealed but there's a photo attached so captors can know who she is.
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They key is that she's just left there to suffer. There's nobody even there to enjoy her misery, this is pointless. But the vibrators keep buzzing, she keeps cumming, and she still has to struggle not to scream.
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Weirdly appropriate pic.
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Year of the snake.
Most snakes are harmless she is gonna be fine.
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I'm not sure you understand.
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I really like simple bondage like chains or restraints especially on characters who are usually always barefoot some bondage gets a little too over board for me I just llike to see girls squirming in ankle shackles to please me
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There's some plastic bag breathplay before this, but this is better.
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>sealed face to face, so they can see watch eachother drown
>two barrels, so one can watch the other get dunked in
This guy is the gift that keeps on giving.
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Damn this thread been kinda slow lately, I better contribute some
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Damn this is so good. Also i need help, pleaee. In one of earlier threads someone posted sets with 2 or 3 girls all taped up, with their feet in cement and ready to go but the first or second image already shows one girl on her way to the bottom while other girls are forced to watch with tears and despair in their eyes. Some of them struggle and try to move away or just helplessly watch how others sink. Does anyone remember it? Can you post that, please? They were tied up similar to pic related. Similar art style too.
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Got you covered, senpai.
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The first girl's word bubble getting physically covered by the splash is brilliant.
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Bonus plastic bag versions.
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Got something for you too.
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What's a perfect, miserable end for such a fierce woman.
Yess. Thanks so much. I love the way they go from wide eyes of disbelief into two different ways of showing total panic. Such a wonderful example of absolute terror.
Similar energy.

I like how Purple Hair goes from somewhat angry and defiant to completely terrified. Especially with the boot already on her bucket. Have a nice swim, girl.
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Can you loosen a tightened noose around your neck with said neck alone? Like, Youmu's definitely going to cut the rope in time, she's almost through and Sakuya's still lively, but is this actually going to save her?
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Are you asking if the noose itself is REALLY tight on the neck? If that's the case, I think they'd just use a garrote. Nooses mainly rely on gravity and the strength of their knot.
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Sorta. Like, does a noose go tight around the neck just due to gravity, and without one's body weight they can flex and breathe it loose again? Or is it an actual knot that tightens when pulled, and you'd need to actually work at it to get it loose?
I guess you answered my question already.
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Google it, my dude. It's by MobHunter.
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Reminds me of:

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This guy is the best.
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Just ankle shackles, or handcuffs too?

I like light vanilla bondage like that, but it's surprisingly hard to find a lot of it.
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Where'd you get this with dialogue?
That looks fucking disgusting.
This guy on Twitter.
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can someone translate? looks nasty bad end
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This is from the Infinite Lives-chan vs Death Trap Dungeon series, which are all indeed nasty bad ends.

I'll give this a shot, though I might mess it up. I'm not even sure first person is correct to use here, but I think I got the gist of things.

Having tread all my paths with extreme caution up until this point, now that I was stuck in this narrow sarcophagus, I realized that I wouldn't suddenly step on a trap switch, or be attacked by something hiding inside a sarcophagus at any moment. Because of those thoughts, I subconsciously let myself relax.

I can't get out!

But it's not so tight as to kill me...

It's making me feel strangely secure...

It's like being wrapped up in a heavy blanket...

I'm getting kinda sleepy...

I could hear the footsteps of insects echoing as they scraped against the inside of the sarcophagus.

The insects swarmed to my single exposed eye. Biting and tearing through my eyeball, they penetrated through to my nasal cavity and my brain. As they devoured my organs, they sucked out every last drop of moisture.

As countless insects swarmed around, the sounds of my own flesh and bone being consumed, carried through my bones themselves, intensified.
So wait, she's immortal and cannot die, and THIS >>11233586 happens to her? Holy shit...
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She can die, she's just got infinite lives.
I'm not really a fan of that series. Creative, but too gorey.
Phew, things worked out in the end for the Joan Rambo-project. I was able to finish and complete the couple of remaining panels after all. Just a little patience now, I swear this is the last update. I need a fucking break from all this prompting and Photoshopping...
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I like that they've already got her on her toes. Unnecessary, but fun.
Neck hogties are great, it only gets worse the more she struggles.
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I always liked the contrast between calm smiling faces painted on egyptian coffins and the horror girls experience inside... whether it's being buried alive or devoured from the inside.
And it's even a little more complex than that. Multiple copies of her exist simultaneously. She travels in groups of herself sometimes. Her bodies do not disappear when she 'respawns' or whatever.
Please post more hot chicks in captivity and less strange executions.
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I am fine with either.
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This seems to be continuation.
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On the contrary, she's got to struggle with all her might. If she relaxes her legs she'll choke herself to death.
Does anyone know the artist behind this?
Reminds me of Lzc but the colors look different.
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Also I hate to be that guy, but that character is Nezha, so that's a femboy. I personally don't mind it but it might break the DID rule.
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Now that we have AI, has there been any effort to animate these pics with AI tools?
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Quicksand with the villain sticking around to watch and 'help' is so hot. The taunting potential is immense.

Because the only slop I want to see is what she's being sunk in.
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This reminds me of "Megan is Missing" movie.
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I love bomb perils where the fuse, timer, whatever is right in their face. Not just visible, but filling their vision, all they can look at is the timer ticking down.
I've never seen one where she's blindfolded with a video headset that's displaying her countdown, but that'd be the shit.
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Peculiar spell.
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You know what? That works. Blown to pits or brainwashed into oblivion, it's not all that different. She's gone either way.
Putting the brainwashing incense right in front of her face is very hot. Would be better if she was told what it would do to her beforehand, though.

Spell to deliver a slave.
You're supposed to cast it with a target and a destination in mind, but the book was kind of shoddy and didn't mention that. So instead the target defaulted to the caster, binding her up and sealing her magic, and the destination defaulted to the nearest slave market.
It's not a very good spell.
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>posts only the pre-distress image
>in the DiD thread
Here, have this, too.
Well it's tied to two different mangas.
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>Rare instance of someone commissioning works of a damsel who is obviously enjoying their situation
>It's a trap.
Fuck everything.
this is fun
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I love how she's looking away from the mirror.
There's no escape from reality, Frieren-sama. Don't worry, it's only for the rest of his life.
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I love mage girls that get completely disabled by simple anti-magic tech.
Yes, she's a 10,000 year old elven super-wizard that with an entire encyclopedia of kill-spells in her head, but this guy's got the funny rock so lol whatever, enjoying being a fucktoy.
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There's a TL on gelbooru.

>"Huh? No way, is this one from the hero's party?"
>Yeah, we just captured her yesterday.
>We're still breaking her in, but she's definitely quality goods.
>You want to try it out?

>Come on, I told you not to thrash around...
>This is a monster we use for breaking them in.
>In order to absorb magic power efficiently it has the property of soaking it's prey in pleasure.
>After a week with this thing attached any woman becomes a submissive penis crazed bitch.

>All right, I took it out for you. Go ahead and use it. It's only the third day, but she's coming along nicely.
>Oh, but be careful not to touch the magic sealing restraints would you?
>If not for those things we'd all be turned to ash in a second. Haha.

I'd take it with a grain of salt, though. "Magic-sealing restraints?" He's talking about that ore hanging above her.
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Not a big fan of quicksands but absolutely love their ring gags there. Now they will have to taste that mud before their noses are deep enough.Wonderfully evil.
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Ring gags are a great addition to any sort of submersion peril. Water, mud, cement, whatever. Good luck holding your breath when it's flowing down your throat.
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Shout "Totsugekiii!" when you push her in. Give her a running charge and shove.
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I love that "...dammit...dammit...!!" face. So miserable, so frustrated.
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im saving her
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She looks like she can save herself. Just squirm off the tracks, idiot.
But i want to tie her up in my basement..
Looks like everyone else but the damsel is in danger...
Her mind's being corrupted and she's about to get hypno-raped. That sounds pretty dangerous to me.
The restraints clearly suggest that she is ready to rape anyone she sees.
>knees strapped together
>ankles cuffed
>arms strapped to sides
>arms bound behind back
>on a leash
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If fairy tail was a dark shonen manga they would have shown us a good rape scene of Erza in this chapter. a scenario like this, raped for days until she breaks and in the end her friends rescue her in vain because his mind was lost in the agony of pleasure.
I looooove arms up, legs apart bondage like that. Simple and clean, gives her captor easy access to all her fun bits, has enough give for her to twist her body and pull at her bindings without being able to actually protect herself in any way, it's perfect.

I know it doesn't happen, but I really wish a bunch of tentacles came squirming out of that channel between her legs. Refuses to talk, captor smiles and turns to leave, tentacles suddenly appear, she starts struggling uselessly as they coil up her legs, her "H-hey, wait, WAIT-" being cut off by her cell door slamming shut. That's the good shit.

Even in dark shonen, I don't think that'd happen. It'd mean Erza is just no longer a character, that'd be no fun.
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It's fun for me because I love seeing strong characters like her get destroyed and have a bad ending. I know very well that even if it was a dark shonen, characters like her wouldn't have a bad ending, but I'm pretty sure that if it was an ecchi dark shonen, they would have raped her but she ended up taking revenge.
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But anon, if she breaks, she wouldn't make faces like that anymore!
Yeah, I could see her getting raped to pieces but then pulling herself back together and winning. That's also the good shit; lets you have your rape cake and eat your strong character too.
File deleted.
For the love of all corrupted things, tell me that this belongs to a full story.
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It is. I'll post it.

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It's not very long, though.
I appreciate Vahn doing a set where the girl's still sane and resisting. Too often it's them already totally hypnotized, and that's no fun. Great scenario too.
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New >>11242317

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