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noticed the sewing thread was gone and i wish to discuss it
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can someone help me identify these?
from my research on the left is the tapestry needles and darning needles
embroidery on the right
and next to those are my sharps?
i also have betweens and chenilles in here but i cant tell those apart yet
Anyone join a quilting club or guild? I work from home and never leave my house or socialize but enjoy quilting. I'm not sure if I would enjoy doing it socially and have no idea what the vibe would be like.
Try it? It's not like you can't quit if it's not your thing!
i didnt even know that that was a thing?
i also encourage you to try it and report back your results!
anyone else feel like the quality of polyester thread is very "all over the place"
i got one spool of polyester that snaps and unravels on a whim, but another for 50 cents that was tough to snap and held clothing together
the sad part is that it is common though cheap
so i mainly use it to practice with,
what threads do you guys use for your projects?
my mom was in the quilter's guild when i was little, the vibe was married ladies in 40-65 age bracket gossiping while quilting.
if you are a 30 year old single man DO NOT
Anyone have a ~$300 machine they like? My 70's Kenmore only has outer feed dogs on the bottom which makes feeding stretch material harder than it should be, even with a walking foot attachment.
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Can I damage my sewing machine by sewing paper? I like small diy sketchbooks for drawing and making them with a machine (especially with a jeans needle) is very quick and easy.
if its one or two sheets of paper your machine should be fine, i saw that there is a paper that you can sew over and then wash out but i never used it or know its actual name
growing up we had a drawer of every cut off piece of material since 1970, it was very kino. as a kid I would use old tee shirts and try to salvage necks or sleeve hems. today I don't have a scrap of anything, nor even old clothes to cut up.
lol reminds me of when i found a video of some woman using cardboard to practice sewing
i just heard someone say that threads sitting on a spool can get old
if they can get old on the spool, then how come they dont get old after you sew with them
the only issue with old thread that I've had (I got a bunch from gamgam) is that old cotton thread will fray over time on the spool which makes sewing with it harder (thread tension, skipping stitches, etc). So if it's already in the clothes then it's not an issue because you aren't having to actively work with it.
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I wanna make a big zabuton with 5 cm thick foam inside. It would have a zipper on one side for removing the foam if I wanted to wash the cover.

What's the best way to draft this? If I want it to be rectangular and blocky then should I have 5 cm tall strips for the sides instead of just adding that to the top and bottom pieces regular pillow style?

How should I handle the zipper in that case? Do I just put it in the seam of either the top or bottom of one of the seams for these 5cm tall strips?

Bear in mind it will be my first zipper, so it's a bit hard for me to visualize. For some reason every commercial pillow and rectangular item I can conjure in my head had the zipper in the middle of the side, which would require two 2.5 cm (+ seam allowances) strips I guess?

I don’t want to buy a pattern and I don’t have a printer. Would this just be a big square or rectangle?
Yes, basically--a rectangle, with a diagonal slice for the zipper, that gets inserted, folded, and sewn down the sides. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNvzDElF_T8
He will get gang raped?
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Is this fixable ?
It's a Milwaukee backpack if it's relevant.
So no one wants to make the thread proper? OK... guess we got about 3 months before this one dies.
yeah mentally
polyester is usually stronger than natural
my buttonhole looks like an axe would now what
can you elaborate?
i will keep in mind for when i make the next thread
i heard that the quality is all over the place with polyester
i also have an aversion to wearing synthetic fibers because my skin condition calls for natural fibers
Inherited a brother CS600i havnt done anything fancy with it but damn is it easy to use. The needle threader assist is doope. Formerly used a Kenmore 148 which might need a tuning.
I would sew a new 1in nylon strap over/ on to the old one.
Or half ass super glue a patch on the torn area.
>aversion to wearing synthetic fibers
it's just thread though
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somewhere out there... there are blueprints for a human size/shaped doll stuffed with sponge and wood for a skeleton, and the closest I got is this atrocity. do such blueprints exist? I even remember some anon here on /diy/ promising to make his OC thing, but I think that didn't go anywhere.
what's really fucked up is that's a male skeleton.
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look up darning dammit
I really like Amann Serabond. It's polyester thread, resin bonded. You can get it down to Tex70 at least. I think that works in home sewing machines? But the larger sizes have more colors. It's like $20 for 6000 yards, and it sews really well.
I also still have some Gutermann Tera (polyester) 40/60/80. Not bonded, but it's very smooth.
I mostly sew stuff for camping, biking, hiking, etc. I stopped using nylon because 'extra stretchy' isn't a requirement, and UV exposure kills it.

I would sew it in the side vs the seam. I assume you're going to use coil zipper tape, not the chunky molded tooth/'athletic', or a metal type. If you put it in the corner, the zipper will want to bend where the teeth join.

It's pretty easy to put zipper in a broad, flat panel like that. Just cut the panel like you would the other side panels (same size, same seam allowance), then cut it in half on the long axis. Sew the zipper in (I like to sew it in on the wrong side, then flip the panel & topstitch). Then because the zip adds to the narrow dimension of the panel, you will be oversize, so re-trim it. When you put the slide in, you just have to make sure the two pieces are aligned within one or two teeth of eachother, that's good enough.
Yes this wastes a small amount of material, but you 100% avoid the problem of making something undersize.

For the blocky type, I'm sure you can find tutorials for sewing a 'box cushion', it's a very similar construction.

Not a very good post.
Did you use a buttonhole attachment? Or just diy it with a satin stitch down both sides?
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But why?

You can try identifying them visually

Mostly I learned how to sew with a machine because I can't stand hand sewing.
These days, those needles live in a lead holder, and I only dump them out for... sewing on a button?
>satin stitch
i thought it was blanket stitch
don't know how dense it's supposed to be because fabric is still fraying through
I've never done one by hand--I'm the same poster w/ the lead holder pic. I use a buttonhole attachment & the stitching it creates is essentially a zig zag w/ a very short stitch length.

Are you saying you did yours by hand? Is it set in at least two layers of fabric?
I want to make a tough drawstring backpack for travel purposes, something that would resist being slashed open by a blade. What fabric should I use? Do you think it's practical to use sheathed chain as the drawstring?
What machine should I get for between $1-1,500? The used market here sucks dick so I'm probably going to have to buy new. All I care about is strength and durability, my janome machine's plastic gears I think are finally toast because it keeps slipping and fucking up its timing so ideally I'd like a machine with metal gears if one exists in that price range

Don't need any stitch pattern other than straight and zig zag, don't care about how fast it goes. I sew a lot of denim and occasionally cordura so again strength and durability are what I'm after
Personally, I use a Bernina and it was 700, I do a lot of faux fur, get the 110/18 needles while you're at it.
ngl, i saw a couple of big younger guys in the thrift store looking for knitting/crocheting needles. To make something, I didn't hear exactly. But I hope it's something functional. I didn't get the doilies vibe.
This site is pretty based. I checked one article and the instructions were clear with both step by step images and a video slow enough to follow. Seems like a good reference to me.
If it's a digital machine then no, it'll stop before it breaks itself if you ask for too much force
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Does anyone know of any patterns similar to the pic? Specifically, I've been trying to find a pattern that has the same overlay detailing around the bust as I'm having trouble understanding how to execute that.
how come the construction on designer clothing is simpler
If you don't have a "everything's fixable" mindset, you might be wrong on /diy/.
how do you know it's not done in the simplest way possible
I plan on making neck warmers for some family members from a deceased relatives dress shirts. I’ve only made 2 before with Sherpa, should I stick with that or go with minky? Any suggestions?
Has anyone tried making their own tool bag before? I've looked around, but everything seems to be the same types of bag rebranded or too small to be useful.
Oh, shit, I'm not a sewfag but this is interesting... How hard would that be for a complete novice who only put buttons back on my shirt when they fell off.
Extremely easily. Your could do it with a needle, some thread, and blind guessing on how to do it.
Sewing itself with the needle was simple enough when I was repairing that button, so I guess I could do that with some youtube tutorials.
How do you get fabric for the bag and know how to measure everything and what not? Is there any specific kind of fabric you buy? Are they sold by what? Square metre? Rolls?
how do i keep thread from twisting and bunching up like this?
i think it has to do with the string coming off the roll all twisted and curvey
when sewing double stranded? options are deal with it or beeswax (and then deal with /that/). sew single stranded.
should i get any ol sewing machine for a fursuit
if you're cheap then get any old all metal straight and zig zag machine. Some singer from the 50's or 60's. I got mine for $20 off craigslist and it was fine enough till I upgraded for convenience features
Waxing your thread will help but won't eliminate tangling entirely. When you hand sew, every time you pull the needle through, you twist the needle slightly, which twists the thread and causes tangling, esp if you use a long thread. Use a shorter thread length--18-20 inches (or 36 inches then double over), wax your thread (there's videos on how to do that), and stop after 6 or 8 stitches and let the needle dangle to untwist the thread.
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Thanks for the tip on searching for "box cushion". I cut my pieces and got to work.

I've just sewn my very first zipper, and I did it "concealed" like it was in this tutorial: https://youtu.be/Gw_40jnjZBE (that music is stuck inside my head from referencing it so much).

I didn't realize though that this way I'd end up with a smaller piece of fabric, unlike what you were talking about...

So what's the best way to salvage this? Sew on a strip for both the top and bottom to make it the same height? Cut a whole new strip and sew this whole thing on it and rip another hole? Lmao.

Also, the video doesn't mention finishing edges at all, so I haven't done that but partway through making this zipper I got concerned about this possible omission. Should I go zigzag everything?
is there any pattern torrent trackers or something like that
i feel like everything is paywalled, how to learn bros
her dress next to that spinning wheel is making me nervous.
google it my guy, there's always a freebe pattern out there.
can you make clothes out of upholstery fabric
Sure. But some caveats--some upholstery fabrics aren't made to be washed, so how do you launder it/pre-shrink it? Will the dyes run? If the back is "rough" can you line it? If it's very ravelly, how do you finish the seams adequately? Has it been treated with a heavy sizing and/or water proofing treatment? Just because it's marketed as upholstery or home decor fabric, doesn't mean it can't be used for garments also. You just need to do a little homework first to see if it's appropriate for the garment you want to make.
how do you get the pro look without serger
Hey /sg/.
I just finished turning some old work pants into shorts and sewing some back pockets onto others and now im up to the stage of patching knee holes. I was using a sewing machine as these jobs are fairly accessible.

When it comes to doing knee patches on rigid work pants, is it best to just put the time in and do it by hand or is there a better way to do it on a machine??

I seem to struggle to get good lines with a machine and sometimes have to start over cause im sewing the pants together. I tried folding the legs up for more access but it's really hard when i make turns to not get caught up.
I open the outside leg seam, from mid-thigh down to about 6 inches above the hem, set the patch, then re-sew the side seam.
Thanks, ill consider this but it may be beyond my skill. The seam on these pants is fairly hefty and im more of a patch em together kind of sewer rather than a skilled one.
Try feeding it manually, and if you feel like your machine is bending and cracking just by turning the wheel manually, it's probably not solid enough for it. Use your sharpest needle if it's not obvious. Paper is tougher than leather.
No. Buy more.
My fiancee recently received a sewing machine as a gift from my mother and i recently realized "holy shit i can fix clothes and replace parts like a fucking machine, I LOVE REPAIR"
Are there any basic resources for starting out with this?
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Have i reached the limit of my sewing machine? I'm trying to sew some of that rubberized waterproof fabric stuff, like oil cloth, it's not even thick, but it won't pick up the stitches, tried it on some normal fabric: fine.
tried it on 4 layers of normal fabric: NOT OK.
but it even fails on two layers of the waterproof stuff.
really didn't need this now, i was going to sew something for a camping trip next weekend but i had to leave it to the last moment because other people wanted me to do things for them on the weekend. i am not doing anything for anyone else ever again.
pic unrelated but relatable
yes but with pop rivets and washers.
Gutermann stuff is good but you have to check what country a spool is made in since it can vary by color, so the consistency varies; like, the off-white thread is great but the “blue white” is meh. I mainly use SuperiorThreads So Fine, bought it in a few shades of gray in 3000 yd spools. Very consistent, strong, and slightly finer than most “all purpose” threads so the bobbin holds a lot more. For cotton thread, the cheap Coats quilting thread on the cardboard spool (made in Egypt) is surprisingly good for the price.
Try a heavy duty new needle, longer stitch and looser tension and use a teflon foot.
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tried longer statch and looser tension but to no avail, slower speed helped but then i ran out of thread on my bobbin. and forgot how to thread this bobbin. nevermind then, a job for tomorrow =_=;
Rubbery fabric is kind of like sewing leather: it grabs the needle and thread as it passes through and throws the timing off, causing skipped stitches. I’d try either a sharp/microtex needle in the largest size you can get (think a 90/14 is the biggest I’ve seen readily available) or a heavy duty or leather needle that’s about size 16-18. Maybe a very narrow zigzag instead of straight stitch. Could also try silicone oil (or spray PAM in a cup) and dab it on the seam line and needle with a q-tip. Even with my old Singer that will sew heavy materials easily, I have to just turn the wheel to sew it manually to get it not to skip on some materials.
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it's too much to do in time, but thankyou
If i want to make my own sewing patterns, which software would you guys recommend?
I tried playing around in Blender with the Seams to Sewing Pattern plugin, and it seems decent but a bit wonky.
all the ones i found with a quick Google seem to be 2D, and for my specific use case (trying to make plushies) a 3D view seems real important.
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I hand draft on paper. That's how I was taught, so can't help you with software recs. But I have a large list of plush-making resources I can post later if you want.
>op pic
PLEASE tell me that's a male
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I like this thread. Had some limited experienced with sewing with my Speedy Stitcher. That thing is super useful and still my most favorite tool. Now I need to make XXXL cushions for my sailboat. Just made my first "30 minute box cushion" thanks to Sailrite on youtube. I also got this old Vendomatic H778 sewing machine now. Having this skill is so awesome. I am already planning for several cushions for around the house.
>being into tranny men
why anon? Why don't you just get a female?

We try to stay comfy.
Is $150 a good price for the machine in OPs pic? I found a similar one locally for sale and don't know if I'm going to be getting fucked or fucking over the lady selling it.
Got my hands on an old singer featherweight for 75 euros. I never tried one before and I couldn't resist it especially since my dad has 7 Elna grasshoppers he collected over the years.
Took some time to get it working, I noticed after an hour of fiddling that the needle was in the wrong way around (which made me laugh because there were some handwritten notes from a repairman stating explicitly how to put in the needle after he repaired damaged from a wrongly attached needle previously)
It sews so lovely, everything with these old creatures seems to work so well and is easily serviced.
Anyway it also has the buttonholer with it and I thought instead of just fixing old sewing machines I should try making something like a simple button shirt, anyone have an pattern for this that can be done on a straight stitch machine?
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was this project ever finished?
Bros anyone ever build a hot knife out of a single soldering iron? Can a diy hot knife cut through all fabrics?
Hot knives work pretty good on most synthetic fabrics like acrylic polyester and nylon but not vinyl, which is too thick and melts lumpy. Natural fabrics like wool, cotton, linen, silk, bamboo, or cellulose fabrics like rayon burn instead of melting, so use regular scissors for those.
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Hey that's very close to what mine looks like! I love the design of these. This was the first one I got off of Craigslist, and after cleaning and oiling it works great still. These old Japanese machines were rebadged and branded with countless now-defunct names. I wish I could find more presser feet for it but haven't looked too closely either. Does yours have more presser feet or just the one? Almost all aspects of the new Brother machine I have are improved--sews better and has less issues with thread tension, but the presser foot lifter is much more comfortable to use on the old machine. I still use both depending on what I am doing.
I did not even know there were different sized needles for different purposes.
very much so. I work with a lot of faux fur so I use the strongest needle I can get my hands on which is a 110/18. If it goes any higher, that'd be nice. I understand why my MeMaw popped me when I broke one of her needles.
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that's a drawing.
(of a female)
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May I please know what kind of fabric this is? I've tried searching and "melange" comes up but I can't seem to reverse search the exact type on picrel. Thank you!
Tried to adjust a hand me down pair of jeans to make them fit me, it was too wide.
Made a lot of little mistakes and it doesn't line up so well, my machine had trouble with the really thick folds in the fabric and I was improvising a bit, also had to do some hand sewing.
Honestly, despite the struggles I was actually kinda surprised how well it fits now and I actually had fun doing it, figuring out what to take apart and how to put it back together again.

I'm going to try some simple things with thinner fabrics though, denim is not something I wear often at all and my little old straight stitch machine can barely handle more than two layers of it.
it's a touch high. still, not bad if it's in good nick and ready to roll. i'd ask her if she'd come down to $100 if it's been sitting unused awhile. less if it's beat to shit looking and hasn't been touched in decades.
Can't you get those things practically for free?
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I had a cabinet come in the mail on Tuesday, and I set about organizing a lot of my small sewing stuff. Huge improvement vs a box full of ziplocs.
You seem kind of serious about sewing, what kind of things do you make?
Is there a red pill for softening shit quality wool? I don't expect luxury softness, just something to take the edge off this wool tunic I bought for larping in my basement
I've never tried it personally, but the usual recommendation is to wash it in something like woolite, rinse, then soak it in cool water with (human) hair conditioner, then rinse and dry flat.
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AI predicts it would look like this
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Cool to see a similar machine, are they all japanese in origin? Must be quality then. Thanks to your pic I can see what the other buttons do. Going to experiment with them now but so far the only thing I really had to get right was the thread tension on the dial on the left. My machine came with one presser foot see picrel. I searched some second hand stores but none of the thingies fit on my machine.
Where should I go to get feedback on what I'm doing wrong in knitting? I'm not quite at that stage. I think my problems are obvious. But I don't want to get stumped.
Local knitting guild?
>>2777118 here
Found the series most of these are from - https://www.etsy.com/listing/590005465/grunge-basics-in-creme-1-yard-by
yeah brand new clone
>fabric bunched between flat felled seams at the armholes
>buttons not 100% aligned with button holes causing front to bunch up
It happens. Try pressing the seam allowances before felling, using some steam to shrink the allowance a hair, if you're doing a sleeve insertion in the round. I find that flat joining the sleeves for felling or french seams is easier and neater. As for the buttons, it happens sometimes, no matter how carefully you mark.
vertical buttonholes are probably more tolerant of this but you can't put those on a jacket right
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Sup sewers I'm trying to blind hem these pants which don't look tapered at all but when I roll the hem up I still get excess fabric which I know will pinch if I sew. How can I even out this fabric?
invest in better needles for starters.
2ndly, iron them before hemming.
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I figured it out, all I had to do was let out the seam a bit at the edge. Thee seam turned out barely noticeable.

Needles as in needles for my machine? What kind should I buy?
Is it worth it bros?
Bros regarding my machine, the motor is weak. I very frequently have to jump start it from frozen with the flywheel. Replacement motor costs 40 euro. Should I go for it or buy a Singer 4423? I got a BIG project coming up
Also wondering how much I need a walking foot.
Reupholstered my office chair. More stapling then sewing though. I got the fabric's pattern centered on the back rest but then I noticed the chair's hardware isn't aligned properly on the seat. Lesson for me is don't use vertical stripe patterns on stuff you didn't make.
Nice, reminds me of https://youtu.be/UR0Sx1DhZJA that I just watched. Got a pic? Im scared of patterned materials for now. Maybe someday
Is there a good place to find basic clothing templates/patterns for retards thinking about starting ?
What are some good stitching patterns for dolls? I'm making one from a pattern I found online, and I don't like how much the stitches stand out. I'm using a backstitch currently. This might also be because this is the literal first time I do something like this, but idk.
Also, how do you hide the...knots? I'm not sure if that's what they're called, but the first knot you do for when double stitching. I'm a filthy ESL so I don't know the terminology in english.
Google and Etsy. I bought a good shirt pattern for five pounds and made it. Then found out I am allergic to the material I made it out of.
I've only heard that singer is shit nowadays, maybe just get a replacement motor
Recs for a half decent serger? Not doing an industrial load so I don't need a $1k+ machine but I'm fucking sick and tired of doing overlock on my shit so it's about time for a serger
what happens if you get the size slightly wrong
nice going anon, well done
organ needles best needles
Clean the brushes in the motor, lube the bearings/bushings. (DON'T USE WD40)
make smaller stitches.
knots will end up on the inside. alternatively, can anchor the thread by making 3 stitches right on top of each other in the same spot.
Yeah models with these castings for the frame were all japan-produced during their big sewing machine boom when they started to overtake Singer. These models were rebadged and branded, with companies like Kenmore and Sears using them in their branded versions, among other companies. I bet we can find presser feet that fit these machines online if we do enough digging, but the basic ones we have will serve ~90% of our needs. The fucking thread tension dial is nowhere near as nice as newer ones. Often for no reason I can observe, I'll have the one on mine just completely bind the thread leading to thread breakages after I stop sewing and begin again.
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Ok, now what do I do? (I am retarded but somehow had enough money to buy this).
Read the manual as you set it up. Learn how to thread top and bobbin thread. Get some throw away fabric and practice stitching in straight and curved lines. Learn how to wind a bobbin and how to change out the needle. New needle every 8 hrs of sewing or every new job. Congrats! Now practice!
If your machine is not commercial or made before the 80's you are a faggot.
Honestly sounds like hell. I don't know why I would want to do my hobbies around people that will tell me I'm doing it wrong because I didn't buy namebrand whatever.
You should post it anon, I sew fucked up shit all the time (unintentionally)
Where do you guys take your patterns from?

I want to make myself a backpack, but I'm too inexperienced to make my own pattern
Here you go. I used to post this on the /toy/ plush general until all the plushie fuckers took over.
Stitched Safari, Tomomi Maeda
Sewn Animal Heads, Vanessa Mooncie
Anatomy of a Doll, Susanna Oroyan
How To Make Stuffed Animals, Sian Keegan
Soft Sculpture, Carolyn Vosburg Hall
Pretty Birds, Virginia Lindsay
Sewing Tiny Toys, Carolyn Vosburg Hall
Constructing Teddy and His Friends, Jennifer Laing
Big Little Felt Universe, Jeanette Lim
Soft Animals A to Z, Carolyn Vosburg Hall
The A to Z of Soft Animals, Carolyn Vosburg Hall
The Artful Bird, Abigail Patner Glassenberg
The Complete Book of Teddy-Bear Making Techniques, Alicia Merrett and Ann Stephens
>Stuffed Animals From Concept to Construction, Abigail Patner Glassenberg
Creative Soft Toy Making, Pamela Peake
Making Soft Toys for Children, Pamela Peake
Aardvark to Zebra, Lois Boncer
Beyond Bears, Jennifer Carson
Good Design in Soft Toys, Rudi de Sarigny
Modern Soft Toy Making, Margaret Hutchings
>Design Your Own Stuffed Toys, Anne Dyer
The Techniques of Soft Toymaking, Enid Anderson
The Creative Book of Soft Toys, Sue Caitlyn Quinn.
Some online resources:
Abby Glassenberg’s site:https://whileshenaps.com
Diffeomorphism’s various tutorials on Deviant Art, including “How to create a pattern from a reference,” Geometric Patterning, parts 1 and 2”, “Scaling and Printing plushie patterns,” etc.
Sarah Blakey (NazFX) has a significant number of video tutorials on plush making for sale on her Gumroad:https://nazegoreng.gumroad.com
A lot of the books are out of print but come used on various book sites. Tons of tutorials on Youtube, too, for various aspects of plush making. Greentext books are highly recommended
saved/10, thx
I wanted to put buttonholes on my back welted pockets, but the buttonhole lies right next to the back dart. My buttonhole foot refuses to work unless it has a perfectly flat surface, so I'm having to do then manually.

Honestly, buttonhole feet are kinda useless in most circumstances, I'm just gonna get gud at doing then manually with a tight zigzag stitch. Any tips? I also have some dungarees where I've got side buttons, and I'm trying to do those holes by hand, cos getting the foot inside the pocket is really difficult. Yes, I should have done the buttonhole first, but I self drafted them and didn't think that far ahead
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You're very welcome. Happy to try to answer any questions or help troubleshoot if you need.
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>if you are a 30 year old single man DO NOT
but it’s actually interesting to make things. maybe one of them has a daughter
damn two weeks and not one response
I guess nobody in the sewing thread knows anything about sewing
>two weeks and not one iota of effort before or after asking "hold my hand AND read my mind" tier shitter of a question
>guess it was more productive to make zero progress for a fortnight
>welp time to the ante on the weird hostility by whining insults at people so they'll do what i want
black or zoomer?
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i sewed this on a singer 66 treadle, that machine is a beast and i only have $50 into it
Any advice for creating custom fabric? I've heard that spoonflower's print quality is shit so I don't know where else to go. I want to create a rat themed linen toile de jouy fabric. I have no idea why. I just want to. I already know how to create the concept image using photos like these and adjusting the color/scale. But I don't know where to print it. I read that sublimination isn't a good option for cotton fabrics and besides I don't have a sublimation printer. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
I've gotten several fabric lengths from Spoonflower--two cotton, 3 Minky--and had no issues with the cotton prints. Print was clear, didn't fade or run when washed. Granted that was a few years ago. A rat themed toile would be hilarious. Don't know of any other custom print companies.
diy block printing
do this but take your digital file to a lasercutter and get it engraved on a block of wood and use that
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What are some good books for a newfag? I've sewn a few things (biggest thing being pic related), but my stitches aren't that neat, and the end knots are a disaster, so I wanna see what I'm doing wrong. Like, the bowtie, I have no clue how to finish it after getting it on, so if I pull on it, it kinda just gets pulled away, instead of staying on it tightly.
Would a sewing club be a good place to meet tradwives?
>Paper is tougher than leather.
There are a lot of different types of paper. That onion skin stuff that they print sewing patterns on, for example. So thin the machine won't know its there.
I have an old Necchi Nova and have had some trouble with drive bands/belts for the motor.

The multi-pack that singer sells has one that kind of works but is a bit too small and the others are too large.

I assume the next step would be to heat the smaller belt in some way to get it on the pullys and go from there.

Has anyone DIY'd their own belts in a pinch or like how you make belts for foot treadle machines?
Like with anything hobby or club related, generally no, but building up a skill that is useful and having it in your pocket for the right occasion is the benefit.

If it is something you enjoy and want to get better at then you have the benefit of that. And when you meet a tradwife lady who is into sewing or cosplay or recreating 17th cent dresses at a living history museum, then you have the skill and knowledge to intimately talk to them without being a retard.
Oddly enough try and find an anime/cosplay club.

While the members might be cringe, the ones that can actually do things like sew and make their own cosplay will likely be more competent and normal than other members.

Start your own or search at the local library, if your town/county has a rec center, or at a fabric store like Michaels or Joanne fabrics that has classrooms for use..
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I’m trying to sew a large Velcro sheet into this cordura but every time I try to line it up perfectly somehow it shifts about a quarter inch during sewing.
How can I sew this on perfectly centered?
Right now I’m just starting in one corner and sewing the perimeter.
If you have not already, use sewing pins to hold it into place and then you can stitch without it moving out of place.

If for some reason this does not work you can kind of 'tack weld' where you hand stitch corners, centers, and major parts with an off color thread that you will remove after you finish your main sewing.

But obviously pins work much better.
It's shifting as you rotate the cordura when you hit the corners. This is pretty typical for lg velcro sheets since the back is slick and not flexible. Instead of sewing the perimeter in one pass, which causes circular twisting as you go around, do two parallel passes along the long sides first to anchor the piece. Then either do the short sides, or do the petimeter.
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Sorry forgot picture
I got a "new" Singer IIRC 4041 "heavy duty" been sitting in box for over 10yrs. LOL.
I'm currently planning on making a wool cloak to use as warm overcoat in rainy weather. Any recommendations on the specific fabric weights and woolen vs worsted? My current thoughts are to copy the fabric used for kilts, so worsted wool, and somewhere around 9.6 oz/yd2.
PS-IMO it would be possible to make a gizmo that would draw at least one of the two threads through a glue-bath, so that it would be fully locked in place once sewn in. Probably require clearing Glue Boogers on regular basis, but could still be worth it for extra quality for sewing that would never come undone even if started to come undo.
Thanks, anons. I was able to get it centered properly via pins and sewing the sides first.
Personally I'd use a double cloth boiled wool. Warmer, thicker than woved kilt fabric, more water resistant, and you can encase the seams between layers to make it reversible. My 2 cents.
One thing that seems to be hard to start sewing is beginning a project you want.

It seems patching, hemming, and repairing cloths is easy to start but now what to do as a project that isnt just a simple decorative piece.

I think I am going to start with this tunic design for just a basic work shirt and whatnot.

Anyone have any beginners projects or youtubers that you like?
I want to make a bread bag with French seams but my brain is struggling to figure out what dimensions to cut my fabric. Bread size is 5.5” wide by 6.5” long, any ideas of what I should do?
If you google "bread bag sewing pattern" there's a dozen that come up for loaf or round
Thank you but that’s not what I asked
You figure out how much ease you want to give the bread and your seam allowance and cut accordingly.

Just grab some cheap fabric and do it how it seems good to you based on this info, worst that can happen is you have to cut a new one but you'll figure out what went wrong real fast
I'm a leathercrafter who has mastered the saddle stitch. I'm on a level you all can barely comprehend, much less replicate.
I am in the market for a sewing machine with a walking foot for leather goods. I would buy one from one of you faggots
men working with fabric are faggots.
i kneel

which part of which country are you in?
this is so simple in design but they look adorable~
Tips in making a scarf?
depends on how you wanna do it, are you knitting or sewing fabric?

if knitting - no idea
if fabric - whatever you want to use, make it at least 4-6ft long, double width, fold it in world on the edges by 1" , use an iron, pin and then go all the way down,

Inside out works too but that's not going to look as neat.
Thanks :D
Newbie here, is there some cheap Chinese store I can get bulk sheets to practice with? I already checked thrift stores for bedsheets, to no avail. Cotton is like $6 a yard here, not practicing on that.
Joanns > get Muslin, it's almost always onsale.
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I have recently made this hat for my waifu.

Very happy with it.
What do you fellas think?
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The same hat, but from another angle.

>What kind of hat is this?
A Scythian Hat, to be more precise.
I like it because it makes her look like a cute gnomie.

Question is: should I sell sewing patterns from this hat along with instructions on Etsy?

I think others would like to make their own Scythian Hats but don't know how to.

Plus I think it looks really cute!
Are older machines actually better? I know a lot of them were made with all metal which sounds nice but will i actually notice a difference as a hobbyist? Like i could buy a brand new singer 4432 for $200. How would that compare to any of the machines on craigslist from the 60s or older? How about the more expensive modern machines, do they just offer more stitch patterns?
Sewing machines seem to fall into that category of stuff without a good review system. Trying to read up about them makes me want to pull my teeth out.
I think you really need to consider what kind of sewing you will be doing first. If you are mainly working with heavy home decor fabrics (curtains, upholstery etc) a new heavy duty singer with straight stitch/zigzag is good enough. If you work with a lot of different weight fashion fabrics, you need more needle position and tension adjustment and stitch options. Also different feet styles. So a modern electronic machine would be better. It's a bit like buying a car--how you drive, your budget, maintenance costs, etc need to be considered along with what kind of driving you do--commuter, off roading, hauling a trailer etc. So hard to make a single machine recommendation without knowing what kind of sewing you anticipate doing. I have a 1970s singer portable I use for denim and topstitching, and a Pfaff Passport 2 for fashion fabrics, buttonholing, and decorative stitches. It has feet for beading and twin stitching, variable needle positioning, can drop the feed dogs for darning, etc. Old basic machines and newer ones each have their place. Can you find someone to do maintenance on an older machine? Find parts? Also a consideration
Added to the older parts headache:
I have a Necchi Nova from the 40s and while needles, bobbins, and whatnot are standard, drive belts for the motors can be hard to find exact sizes.

With older machines imo you always want to at least get one with a zig-zag function if you are doing anything that is stretchy or can expand.
I passed on a 1950s Juki that I wanted because parts are hard to come by and there's no one nearby to service it. I already have to drive 6 hrs to get my current machines serviced twice a year but that guy doesn't do Jukis.
I guess im looking for like the ford ranger of sewing machines, you know not amazing at any one thing but versatile enough to do whatever entry level stuff you need.
My immediate case is ive got some clothes i want to patch up and i hate hand sewing, but im sure i would come up with more projects if i had the tools to do them. Like i need new curtains and if i could make them instead of buying that might be fun. Maybe do some tailoring on old suits and shirts that dont fit right anymore, make a plush for my niece, that kind of stuff. I know im asking a lot of 1 machine but id like to be able to dip my toe into as many different types as possible before committing.
A friend gave me a newer singer heavy duty after we talked about sewing yesterday and my mom offered to let me take her singer 301 so i should be good to get started. Il do a few on each and see what i like and dislike.
I will look into servicing. I am a blacksmith and do some work on my own vehicles, so with tye Necchi I just dust off and oil joints of the machine and oil at certian points.

Is there some other tuning/servicing I am missing?

Awesome! I would like to get those heavy duty singers as well to save the headache of older stuff.

While the Singer HD lacks aestetic, it makes it all up in function.
Doing some more reading it seems like a lot of people dislike the singer HD. Im not sure how much of it is usual internet elitism vs actual issues but if it sucks at least it was free.
I think it looks ok. Sadly seems like most things arent designed with aesthetics in mind anymore. I dont think its ugly but its uninspiring.

Just looked these guys up. Wow thats a pretty machine! Hope you like it. Maybe il waste my tax return on something like it if i enjoy sewing.

Very cute! I like a fabric choice and the sun is a nice touch. I dont know about selling stuff on etsy but it couldnt hurt to offer a pdf for a couple bucks and see if anyone buys it. Youve already done the hard part designing it.
I sew a lot of flannel, denim, and Minky, so LOTS of fluff builds up. For servicing I get a thorough cleaning through out the interior, belts replaced as needed, timing checked, and the throat plate smoothed if there are burs. Your milage will vary depending on the fabric you sew most often. And of course oiling, etc. I just don't have the time, tools, and patience to do it myself, so I take it to a professional
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Thanks! I will do it, yes.

I actually used CLO3D to design it with an avatar with a slighter bigger head than my wife's.

>Pic. related

So here's my tip, anons: do use CLO3D with your own measurements!

It worked out for me, no problem!
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>should I sell
Yeah, or you could just... Make it available for others?

I've done so much with a 4432 (? one set of blue stitches, not two), it's paid for itself ten times over. I originally bought it because I was in my 20s, and couldn't afford all the camping gear I wanted.
Fuck internet haters.

I thought I had in-process pics of how I repurposed a $5 drafting table, but can't find them. That's what took it from 6 to 8. Having the machine flush-mounted with a smooth melamine surface.

I've made a bunch of bags using heavy duty fabrics, maybe the heaviest seam is: 3x Xpac X50 + 2x grosgain + 1x seatbelt. And despite having plastic gears, that machine took it. I did that KevinSews mod to the pedal to slow it down. That took it from 8 to 9.

Here's one pic I might have posted years ago, gets some of the details. The silver circles are elevator/grain bucket bolts that mount to two mild steel straps that run under the machine. I bent them with a vise & hammer, nothing is straight/equal, but the parts that need to be parallel are.

The guiding principle was, "If you can't make it perfect, at least make it adjustable."
So the strap has tapped holes, with bolts that match the machine's frame (M5 & M6?), with thin nuts to level the machine vs the table.

Stuffed a strip of foam in the front, because when I cut the hole in the top I had measured the machine casing from the bottom--and of course it has draft, because it's plastic.

Good adjustable lighting/anglepoise lamp is a must (like the Ikea/Amazon version), even if the machine has its own light.
What's in the pic is X33 wrong side up (330d nylon + pet plastic layer + 50d polyester).

A few years later, it's still my 2nd-most used machine. "Actually heavy" stuff I use a Juki 563, for some clothes I use an ancient White Family Rotary. Everything else is a Singer much like your pic. It's what I used to make all of my camping stuff, bike bags, travel bags, etc.
Just get one.
Pics of campung stuff you have sewn?
any tips on how to cut minky accurately? I've been trying with this really fluffy stuff and it moves so much
Always cut in a single layer and draw/trace out the cutting line. Serrated sewing scissors can help too. Some people swear by rotary cutters but I don't like them personally. I use oaktag for pattern pieces. I lay them out with pattern weights (stacked big metal washers), trace the edges with a ballpoint pen, draw in the seam allowance freehand then cut with regular sewing scissors.
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Had to go dig out a picture. It's really important with any napped fabric that you cut in a single layer, back side up, especially with high pile stuff, like faux fur, for best accuracy. Typical Minky is 3mm, so you don't need to use an Xacto to cut it, since it lays flat, but if you work with faux fur, that's the best bet. Picrel is traced out pieces with the pen I use, and then I cut with regular sewing shears.
Is Adobe Acrobat PDF the only way to get properly scaled oversized patterns onto A4 pages with its poster print option?
I've never used it, but the first thing I thought of was Matthias Wandel's "BigPrint".

If you're not familiar, he's an autistic Canadian woodworker, used to be an engineer at RIM (Blackberry phones).

He uses it to print scale templates that can be glued to a piece of plywood, then cut out on a bandsaw/with a router.
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free version of PDF-XChange Viewer is another option
It boils down to whether or not the PDF file is correctly assembled.

The printer/PDF reader doesn't matters.

>Pro Tip: You should assemble the PDF file in either A4 or US Legal Letter size in something like Adobe Illustrator
>Source: I did it myself, I've made the Scythian Hat above.
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Was wondering what work surfaces do you lot like to work on when drawing/marking out pieces? Does your table have a special surface? Is it made out of a certain material? Is it useful to have one resistant to the heat of an iron?

Any information on your setups would be appreciated.

could you just change the pulleys and use modern belts? i am planing to do that to my moms one
I have your common 4 foot table that I use. It doesn't really matters
I haven't heard much good about new-production Singers. I think Brother is the usual recommendation in that price range, I haven't used one myself but I know people who have them and like them, and my ex had their entry-level serger and one of their MUCH higher end sewing/embroidery machines and loved both. Personally I have a little Husqvarna but that's a significantly more expensive machine and I just lucked out on a great deal. (Somebody else bought it and then returned it 2 days later for a bigger machine and the dealer sold it to me for like half price, I don't think the previous owner even tried using it since there was no thread on the bobbins, most of the accessories were still sealed, etc..)
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Sup im new to sewing
I saw an ancient sewing machine at a thrift store and was wondering if they're a meme or really good. I really want to make the dresses I have longer
>inb4 ywnbaw
Im a femboy tyvm
I used to draw patterns and cut gabric on the wooden floor of my hallway-livingroom, back when I lived in a tiny old apartment. Now I have a dedicated sewing space with a 4 foot x 8 foot wooden table to work on. I can press on it too. I made a pressing pad out of a couple of layers of thin wool felt sandwiched in muslin that I can lay out on the wooden table. Steam doesn't hurt the wood as it's about 1 1/2 inches thick. I also have a standard ironing board for pressing.
Is getting an old mechanical Bernina like picrel a good sewing machine for a complete starter or will I be missing stuff newer machines can do?
It's close-by to my place and a pretty good price I think.

Anything else a beginner would need toolwise?
oh yeah dude but you gotta know how to use it.
ask the old ladies around where you live, seriously
most modern functions are a meme
Does it work any different from newer models? Or is it just heavier and therefore a bit more impractical? I'm mostly interested in it for the aesthetic and because its cheap af
Perfectly fine. You can do everything with a straight and a zigzag if you start out, and way beyond that.
And the older Berninas are very nice machines, but I would want to see it working in person to be honest.
It will work the same as an current year mechanical machine, but with a bit less stitches, and maybe it lacks a buttonhole, I don't know.
If it it is good condition it will last another 50 years if you take care of it.
Janome gives 5 years warranty, even on their entry mechanical machines, but the bernina will likely last longer and be easier to service.
That's pretty neat. Usually you only see knee-lift on industrial machines. That's what the hole to the right of the ruler is for.

If it comes with the various feet (looks like it does in pic 5), I'd buy it.
Here's pic 5 with all the accessories.
That's pretty cool, anon.
I picked the machine up yesterday. Tried it out at the seller's place and everything seemed to work fine the thing is built like a tank. Came with 9 feet in total.
I've also made sure to check the two nylon gears which tend to wear and eventually break (looked fine too).

Now I need to figure out some babby's first project to get up to speed with using it.
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Could anyone identify which machine this is based of off? The model is Sistra SM270, but it's some relabeled inhouse brand, and I lack the user manual to set it up properly. I must be doing something wrong with the bobbin threader as the spool's not tight and unevenly spread. When trying to sew the best results have very loopy bottom stitches, worst results are that the bottom thread gets messed up under the bottom plate and sometimes the needle hits the bottom plate.
You know, thats not a bad idea!
I think some people do that to modernize older singers as well as in reverse to put treadles on modern stuff.
looks like some sort of Brother. close-ish match in their current lineup:

if threading path doesn't solve it i'd next try raising the upper thread tension and/or giving the tension discs a quick swipe in case they need cleaned
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Thanks, I tried looping the thread around the roller and it seems the bobbin wound up evenly.

I still have some trouble with tension however, I might have still something incorrectly setup but I got pic related on my second attempt, after successfully sewing the bottom line. I also bent my needle and it kept hitting the top plate after going over a twist in the webbing. Replaced the needle on my third attempt, but the top thread sometimes snaps after a while so the tension is probably too high.

I'm guessing the machine I got struggles with heavy fabrics and the feet aren't completely in sync, I'll go over the twist with hand cranking and if it seems like the needle's about to hit the plate, I'll push the needle a bit with my thumb. I don't know if that's recommended though.
just get some v belts and pulleys that are aprox the same size, we do that with old machinery all the time
those old circular belts are awful
I've heard to use ballpoint needles or whatever they're called with knits cause otherwise they might tear the threads. Why does this not happen with regular needles on woven fabrics? Can you use the rounded tips on wovens?
Any resource I can use to see what adjustments I need to make to a pattern if I want some desired changes? I have some clothes that I want to adjust and for example I want to know if pant legs need to be taken in on both sides and if I want to take them in is it both from the front and back, etc.
No resource from me, but it would depend on how they sit on you, what's wrong with them?
>bobbin wound up evenly
sweet. normal rule of thumb applies now. if messy stitches on bottom/bobbin side of fabric, top/needle thread is usually to blame & vice versa
>got picrelated
rethread the machine, and:
>top thread sometimes snaps
yes lower top tension. check the bobbin case is still threaded correctly. check there's not a bit of thread wedged in somewhere. check the plate for burrs left by the needle strikes.
>machine struggles with heavy fabrics
most every modern domestic does and webbing can be a pain at the best of times so...eh, par for the course really. swap your needle out for a larger size if you've got one handy. speaking of bending needles, hitting needle plates, and breaking threads, some manner of eye pro wouldn't go amiss. exciting as it is to reach a pants-shitting moment of realization 0.2 seconds after suddenly wondering "wtf just pinged off my eyebrow" you may as well don the specs ahead of time.
>feet aren't completely in sync
webbing is slippery af, it's likely just that. how does the machine perform on easier material? grab an old button-down shirt and sew the sleeves together or something. see how things stay aligned then.
>don't know if recommended:
>go over the twist with hand cranking
>needle's about to hit the plate, I'll push the needle a bit with my thumb
generally? no. officially? lolno. you specifically, being seemingly competent and comfortable enough that shit like "coerce it don't force it" and "wear some glasses just in case" would either be obvious or instinctual or both? yes. unless i'm reading you totally wrong, yes. fully recommended – albeit only for the sake of better getting to know your machine. speaking more generally what you want is a stouter needle and a means of keeping the foot level. find a matchbook or similar to brace the foot with, jam it under the heel when the toe angles up on approach, & get/make a hump jumper when the constant repositioning grows tiresome
anyone know where i could find pdfs of some japanese stuffed animal sewing pattern books? wondering if there's an archive i should be looking in or anything
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Thanks, I adjusted the top tension somewhat and i seem to be getting better results, with a heavier needle it doesn't seem to be hitting the bottom plate anymore. I should get proper eyewear, for now I just lift my head above the machine so the broken needle won't be ricocheting into my eyes, or when I need to see the pattern clearly I just go slow with the handcrank. I've once sent sand into my eyes with an air nozzle and ever since then I've been a bit more conscious about having stuff too close to my face.

I've finished the webbing, sometimes the bottom thread didn't catch but I feel like it's an issue with the materials or needle size more than tension settings. I had thin closed cell foam sandwitched between a nylon fabric, and had good results with a high tension. When I added the webbing on both sides the results were good when lowering tension, but had issues on parts where the webbing is only on the top side of the piece. I just kind of ended up going multiple times, it won't look very pretty but I think it's sturdy enough.
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Also, I'm curious if anyone knows what these types of buckles are called? They're used in European PALS pouches and also rucksack quick release systems.
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Haha, several years ago I asked around, spent quite some time trying to source a similar thing. Not the pronged type, but where the uppermost strap has just a tongue.
People recognize them from the military association, but I'm in the US and no one could point me to a supplier.

Anyway, the thing that looks like yours is called Snap 60, from ITW. They only list it on their European site.
how long does it take you guys to finish a project?
Depends entirely on the project. T-shirt--an hour, jeans--4-6 hrs depending on details and topstitching, long sleeved button up--6-8 hrs, etc. I put 200 hrs into a Chanel style lined jacket but it was almost entirely handsewn except for the quilting.
Show the jacket. Did you draft the pattern yourself and did you baste it together first to check the fit?

I'm really interested in that kind of more couture sewing, but there's a voice in the back of my head saying I should sew a few more regular projects before I go down that avenue (I've only made small things like pouches, pillow cases and pyjama pants). Do you have any advice on how I should approach the topic?
It was for a client so no pictures. I started with Vogue V7975, did a fitted muslin of view E, added working sleeve vents with buttons, and 2 upper pockets per client's request. Couture work involves a lot of fitting and hand sewing. Once you understand how to accurately adjust an existing pattern for individual fit using a mislin, and master some basic hand stitches (whipstitch, catch stitch, basting stitch, fellstitch, ladder stitch, tailor tacks, etc.), then you could feel confident enough to take on more complex projects. Practice is your best bet.
Seems like they're unobtainium. After some further searching some people also call them Spanish tab fasteners. I could do an order, they probably will only ship to government contracts as they don't seem to be priced for anything. I used them while in the military and really liked how they felt, they were on almost every pouch excluding grenade pouches. I was really impressed by how durable they were. The pouches were probably gone through 5-10 guys already guessing on how much wear they had, and I only had one of them break by one of the forks snapping off. It was still perfectly usable even after that.

They're probably made out of polyacetal so it's not something I could easily replicate with a homemade mold, I guess I could make the forks and plate out of metal pretty easily, but the base plate would be pretty difficult.
>Spanish tab fasteners
i have never seen one in spain kek
I need a quick rundown on patching the knee on my jeans. Can I use these fabric glues to make denim patches out of old jeans or are iron on patches better?
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This is what my Walmart had for repairing pants.
Love the old free-arm machines. I can't remember if it's an all-metal guts one too. If it is, a little bit of oiling now and again will make sure that it outlives you (not hyperbole).
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>I can't remember if it's an all-metal guts one too.
Apart from two nylon gears that were probably designed to be sacrificial parts it is.
true thing of beauty, that

have a go at the webbing using a zigzag stitch instead of straight. good chance that'll remedy the skipped stitches you're getting.
Considering an embroidery machine for personal use, gathered that the brother SE600 is a good starter but 4x4 might be limiting. Any other suggestions for a decent starter size and price wise?
sewing is to gay males and straight females as onlyfans is to females and straight men

i will not elaborate
I got it.

So you don't believe in tailoring? You don't believe men can make good clothing? Look up "male tailors" and see their clothing line. A LOT of them are straight.

Even if they are, lets say they are gay, why would that matter? Are you insecure? Are you scared that it would make you "Gay"? Why does it matter what someone does? Sorry your life skills include shit no one cares about. I bet you also thinking cooking is for women too.
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hey /sg/, I have a question about jeans pockets. I have a pair of nice, heavy, expensive jeans, but the corner of my phone is causing wear in one point over the front left pocket, to the point the weft is already visible. As the pocket fabric itself has already worn through in multiple places (two years of use) I was thinking of replacing it with canvas or even sailcloth for wear resistance. I expect a thicker, stiffer fabric to spread out the wear a little bit, but wonder if there is anything else I could do to reinforce this area in a way that won't be very visible. Anybody have any thoughts/experience?
Pic semi-related, I got some solid copper rivets to use in the pocket replacement (the smaller ones), and used some to remake the carry hook on my bag that had broken off. Definitely an upgrade over the tube rivets that were in before.
I'm looking for a sewing machine to make plushies and 1/12 toy clothes. I watched a few videos on machines but nothing really came off it. Which one should I buy for this purpose? Can anybody recommend me one?
Does anybody sew leather without one of those really expensive industrial machine?
Personally Id like to get a cheaper machine that could sew some leather (like max 1.5-2mm thick).

Is that possible with a home gamer type model (less than 500 euro or as cheap as possible?)?
I use an old (70ies) Pfaff 1222e I inherited from my grandma. It comes with a top feed by default, has almost no plastic components, and has thus far sewn everything I've thrown at it. Including restitching a seam on my leather bag (>>2813924) and running a machine needle right through my fingertip once. Don't have much comparison to other machines and am extremely biased for sentimental reasons, but I can recommend this machine.
I did a quick check and found it around 300€ used here (Germany).
There is 1 available in my country for 160 euro which sounds like a great deal, so might consider picking it up
Like this one?
Fuck I meant for:
Yup, that's the one. The bobbin compartment is underneath the table plate, that may take some getting used to. It automatically moves the needle all the way up if you bump the foot lever, IDK if that's uncommon but it's extremely handy.
Also the panel in the top middle hinges up and allows access to some utility and decorative seam patterns, it's mostly just neat because it's all mechanically cam-controlled
this machine looks solid
I've hand sewn heavy leather before, but now I might do a project with soft deer skin. I don't have a leather-specific or otherwise a "strong enough" machine with a walking foot, plus this is small enough that I could spend a few hours hand sewing it.

I'm assuming that soft leather is "sticky" feeling and will be a bitch to pass the needle through- is that the case? Is it easier if I pre-oil or wet the leather? Or would that make it worse?
110/18 needles do the trick. You just need a good machine like how I Bernina. I would look into leather crafting just to be safe.
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How difficult would it be for a complete novice(only sewn a patch on a hat) to embroider a little design like a flower and word onto a shirt? Any kit recommendations?
its not so much as it's hard as much as it's time consuming and paying close attention to detail.
In the end, the seller was retarded so I didn't end up getting it, but will keep a look out for other ones that come up.
If someone else has any recommendations I'd appreciate that too.
Think I can just jump into my idea and learn foundational knowledge of certain stitches?
no reason you can't. Most of us here likely learned from youtube.
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you can try looking for broken ones that dont claim the likes of "mechanical failure", i fixed two of these for family by just replacing the (((rifa))) class X capacitor in the pedal. Old moms plug it in, capacitor goes with a bang and smoke, throws the breaker and scares them from ever touching it again...
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Got one of these for free. A bit grimy and basic but it was free so..
Anyone heard of this brand? It's just some basic old singer clone right?
Don't kick your sewing machine if it's not working rite mate.
Shes a naughty girl tho. she needs a spanking
I'm sewing through 2 layers of cordura, 2 layers of scuba webbing, and ~.1mm of tegris.
I'm going slow as hell and I'm still getting skipped stitches.
How can I fix this?
Try a new needle, and use a leather needle or heavy duty microtex needle.
How would I go about upholstering a cushion with vertical like the back one show in this picture? I'm not sure if this is something I could DIY or if I should just find a local person to do for me.

If you only want to use cotton thread you have to accept it's going to be weaker than synthetic. With that said you're likely buying really cheap cotton thread so it's extra weak. Look up a brand called Aurifil. That's the industry standard if a high end brand is using cotton thread (usually done on knitwear that's dyed after it's been sewn, because synthetic thread doesn't take dye very well). Pricey, but that's basically the best cotton thread you can get.


If you learn how to pattern draft you can make anything you want and don't need patterns. Winifred Aldrich is the author you're looking for, basically all her books are on Libgen:


Pick whichever one seems the most appropriate for what you want to draft and start reading.


Look up "Flat Felled Seam" I'm almost positive that's what's used on your work pants. Search YouTube for how to sew one. It's quite simple to follow. The other Anon's advice really is best. If you use a seam ripper to carefully open up the side seams of the pants it'll be 100x easier to sew the knee patches on. You're right that it's pretty much impossible to do your way because any sewist would open up the sides to properly get at the knee.


Look into a program called Clo3D that's almost certainly exactly what you want. It has 2 windows one 3D and one 2D, when you make adjustments to the 2D pattern it automatically updates the 3D render and vice versa.


Cork. Kind of expensive but you can buy big rolls of it to put on top of a table. It allows you to pin stuff directly onto the table and also when you use a tracing wheel for patterns it doesn't fuck up the table and rolls really smoothly.

If you look at knitted fabrics with a magnifying glass you'll see they're actually made up of a bunch of interconnected loops. When you use a regular sewing needle it pieces through and cuts these loops. That leads to holes in the knit that can get bigger with time and cause the fabric to eventually tear. A ballpoint needle has a rounded edge instead of a sharp pointed one. As a result it slides in-between the loops of the knitted fabric and won't create holes that can later lead to tears. The same doesn't happen with regular needles and woven fabrics because woven fabrics aren't made of loops they're made of warp and weft threads that have been closely interlocked. When you pierce woven fabric with a needle the tiny tear you create won't spread. With knits because it's chains of interconnected loops tearing them will cause holes to spread. And yeah you can use ballpoints on woven fabrics they just don't work as well as regular needles.
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cannot decide which sewing machine from singer to get:


I just want to sew light fabrics and if possible leather too, but mostly for spring/summer garments. Anyone an advice?
They're not what they used to be. Brother are still ok but not great.
The Baby Lock Joy is one of the best entry level hobbyist machines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CdVDKB1uAk
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Partly related to sewing but can anyone recommend some beginner leatherwork + stiching tools? For cutting, punching, rivetting, belt-making, and stitching.
Any help on this?

Had down time while I was shitposting, so I looked into it. The specific pattern style is called channel tufting, while the variation you're looking at is vertical channel tufting.

Here's a video of a straightforward channel tufting tutorial:


It looks like it will be a permanent cushion creation, so you won't be able to create it like this with a replaceable cover.

If a regular box cushion design seems more feasible, you can check out some basic styles here and jump off from there:

Exactly what i needed. Thanks a lot!
>tfw working on an unrelated project you incidentally stumble across the exact probably-nonexistent software you've sought for years
>too busy for foreseeable future with said project to play with either one yet
final solution to the VQ
final solution to the CQ

found something else too. waxing method for waterproofing fabric. impressive results and informative vid, guy really goes into detail. more hours in the day when?

outside of limited lateral shifting, woven strands don't move relative to each other so you want sharps to pierce exactly where it hits (to keep the stitches straight; ballpoint is good if it hits between strands but can get deflected if it hits a strand center of mass) and spread the fibers apart immediately so the rest of the needle can pass through immediately (ballpoint on a tight enough weave can punch through because tip isn't sharp enough = can pass between strands but not the fibers). knit strands can move plenty (inherent stretch comes from structure) so sharps are fine if they pass between strands but can snag and either break or distort (and then tack that distortion in place via the stitch being made) on a center of mass hit. ballpoint on a knit will deflect the strand, which is what lets it pass cleanly through.

scroll all the way down to the bottom

do you speak russian by chance? at least i think it's russian..
The tradition is good. Will probably only do thin leather like suede though if at all. I’ve been able to sew tweed on it but you’ve got to minimise the amount of layers going through the machine at once. I’d recommend serge rather than tweed if you’re doing wool on it.
is a very good hat
Where do you guys buy your material from?
Commonly at Joanns
online mostly
I want to surprise my gf with one of those
But i cant seem to get this one in my country in europe
Any similars you recommend?
are aliedxpress supplies for basic stuff any good? any recommendations for a newbie?
my mom buy many things to the local changs, and are some hit and miss
Janome. They're the manufacturer for Baby Lock. I don't know what current models are good though. Someone else can chime in.
How long/how many attempts did it take for sewing to click with you?
sewing clicked immediately but fitting took ages. is there something in particular giving you trouble?
Cordura nylon. Have you thought about chain mail?
Elnas worked for us.
No janome
Guess il just look for similar singers or something
Ok, found janome
So my choices are Janome JUNO E1030 for 317 euros or Janome JUNO-J15R for 222 euros
Anyone ever used one of those?
I'm planning to get
>pinking shears
>pin cushion
>tailor's chalk/marker
>long quality thread
Any suggestions or buyer beware stuff I should know?
>>pin cushion
A book made of felt sheets is enough.
or a magnet
This is probably not going to work but I found a pair trousers that fit me me perfectly with exception for the calves were it's too tight, is there a way to fix this this mess (without making the result looking retarded) or should I just give up?
why is there a freshly-picked cotton boll on the floor?
is it meant to imply a well-pigmented gentleman may be lurking about?
You have to go back.
but why is there a cotton boll on the floor?
symbolic reminder of what's important, in sewing and in life
>polyester a shit
>waste not want not
>never relax
So my fellow hookers, what progress have you gotten done today with sewing?
I have spent the last 3 days looking at this picture and imagining her stomping and grinding my testicles instead of the sewing machine pedal. Is this normal?
Cleaning out and re-timing a Singer 411G I grabbed last weekend. Apart from the odd skipped stitch and carbon brushes at 1/3" long it's in great shape. Hoping I can iron out to make it stitch smoothly and start working on a gym bag as a next project
is there a specific website you people use to find templates of clothes you wanna make
Also unrelated I've never sewn in my life but would really like to get into it so if you could give some beginner advice it'd be appreciated
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i have never sewn before.
i learned my sewing machine in like 1-2 hours with some googling on the side. it's simpler than learning how to bake bread.
is it really this simple to make clothes? if you have your own measurements ready and a plan then is that it? is that really all there is to this? like a regular shirt or something. measure, cut, sew?
I find searching online can be hit or miss. I found a great t-shirt pattern that fits me well and had a decent walk-through video for it as well (including introducing me to using knit fabrics and grabbing a walking foot), meanwhile I had to pony up six bucks for access to a PDF download for boxers that I've made a couple nice pairs from since.

There's a wealth of beginner tutorials through YouTube of people sewing different projects of various difficulty levels. I feel like sewing a grocery tote is a decent first project level in terms of complexity, as it introduces you to basic sewing concepts and leaves you with something useful at the end.

I've made more headway in learning techniques and skills doing projects that I find interesting; if that's making clothing, go for it. If you want to delve into creating your own bags or outdoor gear, for example, go for that.

Damn near every problem is searchable online with a corresponding solution. Have fun, make shit, ruin shit, make more shit, and use some of that shit.
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>>2813924 here with an update. I managed to replace the the left pocket as planned, using sailcloth. It took way longer than anticipated, but this is my first time working on anything this extensive in jeans. Also I finally figured out the bobbin tension on my machine, and got the autothreader running again. The new pocket fits nicely, although I still want to get something to iron onto the inside of the pants at the pocket corners to slow further wear. My hope is that it won't be visible and easy to replace, as I would prefer not to patch something so visible if I can avoid it.
I got 2m of the sailcloth, so I guess I'll have to figure out some way to use it all. Already made a lewis bag, holding up great so far. The ones I've tried to make before would tear pretty much immediately.

I got my rivets and nearly a hundred cheap needles (flying tiger brand) of various sizes. The Size 18 i've tried is working fine, at least! I figured having a lot of cheap needles and switching more often is better than dragging my feet to replace pricier ones. The rivets are good too. A bit chunky for this application, but that was what I was going for as well.

Sewing itself isn't difficult. 89 iq third worlders do it all day long. Patternmaking and fitting is where you need applied mathematics and the ability to visualize 3D forms and effectively problem solve.

You can make a shirt very easily. But I guarantee the first time you try it on you'll immediately notice it doesn't fit right in certain spots. Now you need to figure out what needs to change to solve that problem. For something like a t-shirt it's not too difficult. But the more complex the garment the harder it becomes. With something more complex you'll soon realize adjusting one part can throw everything else out of alignment. Sometimes you need to go through several iterations before you get everything right. If you build up a library of well fitting patterns and blocks it helps but any time you change fabrics stuff hangs differently and you'll almost certainly have to adjust the pattern and fit to compensate.

Also because you're effectively drafting and sewing in 2D but the end result is a 3D form you're going to notice there's all sorts of stuff that looks "wrong" in 2D but when you actually put it together and it transfers to 3D it now looks and fits properly. This is probably the hardest learning curve to get over.

So yeah, sewing itself, relatively easy. Drafting and fitting much steeper learning curve.
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I want to make a 2-fabric laptop sleeve like https://youtu.be/g2aLSfyT51Q
Having some trouble picking a 2nd fabric. I have the eggplant one but apart from white, I'm having a hard time imagining colors that go well with that shade of purple. Are my choices good or are they tacky?
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Ended up ordering the apple. I'll get a few more when I can afford it. The eggplant fabric was AUD 22 for 1m. Realized this was a hard color to match even though it's a quilt backing that's generally versatile.
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I was hemming my old pants to get em a bit shorter. Any idea why it bunches up like this? Tried gently ripping off some seams but the issue seems to go further back. Everything else looks great.
Bottom part - straight line, no bunching
Upper part - line turned towards the end, started to bunch
Pant hems typically have a slight taper to them, so if you turn up the hem, esp after shortening it, the bottom is slightly narrower than the remaining leg. 2 things to try--press the leg with steam to shrink it slightly, then turn ip the hem and dry press it to set the fold before stitching the new hem, or stretch the hem manually as you stitch the hem, to make the length equal.
How many different kinds of sewing machine even are there?
Haven't sewn in over a decade, but I'm just thinking if theres different classes of sewing machine for different jobs and if I should just fuck around on the mid 90s one I have sitting around and explore from there
Hello /sg/. I have not sewn anything since high school. I need some sort of stretchy material that is soft like underwear but still stretches to accomodate a bad measuring job on my part. What material would this be?
A knit, with some spandex or lycra content.
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any nipfriends here want to tell me why my kimono silk has 4 thin layers? its a fresh tanmono roll.
What size needle should I use for embroidering a hat? It's a 5 panel, unstructured, canvas-y type. I don't have any experience in this hobby (yet) and I want to save myself some money by not buying those crappy assorted packs that come with less than stellar needles. I'm not really going for any sort of complex intricate design or anything so I imagine I'd want a thicker needle.

Also are thimbles a meme or will they really save my precious fingers?

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