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I'm not talking about used cars. I mean for metal, machinery, etc.

I see so many Euro videos where they're like:
>Just head down to the scrap yard to find one

Nigga, I don't have that. None of the metal recycling places will sell me material. I just want to get some cheap metal parts and old machinery, but they won't sell it to me.
> The Dodge brothers weren't Jewish, as the symbol represents two Greek deltas combined to create the impression of a star.
>destruction of stolen items before anybody has time to come looking
That actually sounds plausible. A lot of that stolen copper tubing and wiring would probably be worth more to somebody buying it for a project than what the middleman scrapper pays before he ships it back to China
reminds me of the sayings back in college about the sorority sloots
>if it's half past 8 and you can't get a date, tri-delt
>try delta. everybody else has
We've got scrap yards. But they don't resell to the public.
>destruction of stolen items before anybody has time to come looking
This is exactly what our scrap yards are good at doing.

They don't resell to the public because industrial/commercial suppliers collude to keep used equipment off the market. If you have a mechanical/electrical "pick and pull" business, the junkers will come by, offer to write you one big check for your entire inventory and truck everything to the metal grinder.
try native reserves, in my experience the red man wastes nothing and they get to play by different rules
>None of the metal recycling places will sell me material.

Too high a chance for you to injure yourself while sorting through the junk.

At one time I was acquainted with the owner of a junk/recycle yard.
He trusted me enough to let me look for shit I was interested in.
He would sell or sometimes give me items I thought I could reuse.
Someone bought the property and he closed the yard so I'm out of luck now.
>I see so many Euro videos where they're like:
>>Just head down to the scrap yard to find one

They are lying. You can't take or buy things from euro scrap yards either. You could do that a few decades ago but not nowadays.
>Took a small load of scrap to the scrapyard a few weeks back after picking up a check for some calves I sold at the sale barn next door.
>Asked about some huge beams they had sitting there.
>Guy says I'll go ask the old man.
>Old guy that runs the place gives me the grand tour.
>Says they'll sell me anything steel I want for $0.25 a lb
>feels good man...
Depends very much on location but there are still plenty away from urban areas. Some advertise on Fecesbook. One way to route around that is how self and bro do by going to industrial liquidation auctions to buy surplus steel and all sorts of machinery before it gets to scrap yards.

For many projects of lighter metals I just buy it from my local steel supplier (not via chain stores which are ripoffs) rather than deal with reclaiming it but I'll scrap heavy steel in a heartbeat and bring my cutting torch, recip saw etc to auctions so we can load our trailer more easily.

One reason yards dislike dealing with the general public is most of them are utter idiots. That really is a major factor. I've been scrapping or working around it for decades.
>One reason yards dislike dealing with the general public is most of them are utter idiots. That really is a major factor. I've been scrapping or working around it for decades.

This x1000. I'm the one above that got the grand tour. Don't show up there in your shitbox econo car and tweaking on drugs, or in your shiny new crossover or unused pickup with fresh starched clothes and shiny boots. Those guys won't give you the time of day if you do.

I pull up in an obviously well used work pickup with a flatbed on it, mud caked in the fenderwells, loose hay and a dog on the back, and act like a respectable, intelligent person and sometimes people practically give stuff away to me. Like they're so relieved to see some competent white guy show up... Its crazy. This isn't just at the scrapyard either, craigslist and marketplace deals are the same...
This, for fuck sake we can't even buy used electronics in charity shops because of bullshit liability laws and ewaste recycling bollocks
Scoring beams etc in advance is wise. I do the same and win bigly.
>Like they're so relieved to see some competent white guy show up... Its crazy.

This x1000. Your whole post is gold and what self and auctionbro do to the letter (except for doggo who stays home).

Bonus if you show up wearing a classic Red Kap etc uniform jacket (cheap, comfy), work boots and a ball cap with a contractor name on it. That uniform is a social passport. It also works at industrial, welding and other suppliers.

Everyone else should read and heed. One way to do well at scrap yards is to bring a vehicle etc to junk then after weigh in but before payment ask about stuff you may want since people would rather trade metal they bought cheap than hand out cash.

>have a subaru OB
Is it over? I just wanted a good snow car. You can fit 10' sticks in it...
you can fit 10' sticks in a Ford Focus too. lay down the back seats and have the end coming out of the passenger side window.
It's so obvious that the "DB" in the centre looks just like wringing hands. Dodge Bros were kikes through-and-through.
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>have a subaru OB
>Is it over?

It's pretty much over bro... There may still be time for you to change your ways, but you'll have to really work at it.
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If you're not a regular at the local Seed N Feed, then you'll never properly fit in...
>Euro videos
you mean romanian video
there's no such thing as a scrap yard in France or Germany.
I guess it'd cause too many insurance isseues etc...
But if you do know such place please proove me wrong.
We have automotive scrap yards for car parts.
But I think that's the only type of scrap yard profitable enough to stick around anymore.
I don't know what you're on about. I bought plenty of steel tubing and plate from scrap yards where I used to live and here I've bought aluminum. I feel like all this negative nancy bullshit is a skill issue not an American problem.
when i was a child in the 70s and 80s, our local county/city landfill/garbage dump had a huge area (maybe 10 acres worth +/-) that was exactly this. a scrap yard that was organized and ran like a cross between a yard sale and a junk yard.
anythign that got recieved at the dump was channeled to certain areas depending on the item. thing like furiture, bicycles, toys, appliances, tools, equipment, building materials, etc, was categorized and directed to assiagend designated areas.

and people were free to shop and rummage through these areas and take what they wanted for free. it was a sort of recycling ioperatoing becasue many things were able to get re-used ar re-purposed by those who had a need or an interest in someone elses discarded items.
it was well known localy that certian imaginative, enterprising and resourceful handyman type actually were able to make a sort of a living or a supplemental income off of this source or recyclable goods and materials.
I did that like 3 years ago. There’s a Ludolfs-style car scrapyard run by travellers within 50km of every city. You can buy whatever part you find if you can remove it yourself with no power tools. Got me a replacement door handle and spark plug mounting bracket for €8

These guys don’t do liability
Post-Apocalyptic Inventor is in Germany.
This is 100% accurate. I show up on time, dont haggle on the price that I agreed on, and swear to God people are so relieved that I'm not some asshole or a moron that they'll literally give me extra stuff they're trying to sell or just get rid of for free. Never had any issues.
Drug addicts stealing copper and selling it to the yards
OP's probably talking about The Post-Apocalyptic Inventor, out of Germany and he gets a shit-ton of good stuff from scrap yards. You don't usually see that in the US.
>Why are there no scrap yards in the US?
there are but it depends where you live. all of the ones in my city disappeared when the owners died off and recycling became a major business.

I really miss junk yards.
>the red man wastes nothing
I mean yeah if you count 20 broken rusty cars on their land. sure.
>You can't take or buy things from euro scrap yards either.
post apocalyptic inventor goes to one all the time.
Why can I not go on Google maps and search for scrap yard or junk yard? It's all just recycling centers for people to sell their metal scraps
Back in the early 2000's I would drive home from school and stop by the local county landfill probably 2x a week to pick through the metal pile and scored some sweet stuff.

Unfortunately they made a new dump, and ruined all that fun.
>Why are there no scrap yards in the US?
Scrap yards typically show up in states that have a lot of manufacturing. Here in california, the rural poorer regions you get general scrap yards where you can pick up old restaurant equipment, sheet metal/plate to make weldments or repairs, random appliances etc. The main CAR scrap yard near me in nor cal stopped allowing the public to come in and buy doors/panels etc. 20 years ago due to methheads coming in from other states and getting injured dropping cars on themselves trying to take out parts in unsafe ways.

In really rich areas with large engineering firms like southern california, you can buy ultra high expense items from scrap yards for pennies on the dollar. I used to buy $20,000+ vibratory sorting bowls for a couple hundred bucks, the bowl is useless (unless you're a counterfeiter) but the vibratory unit is good. Aluminum extrusions like T-slots are basically free. Most of the time you dont even know what you're looking at in these rich scrap yards, just that it's made of passivated stainless, or hard anodized aluminum.

So just go to where the manufacturing is in your state, if there is any, and ask around.
The vast majority of used equipment is sold at auction and used more or bought by scrappers and destroyed for the metal they contain.
What? I'm in NYC and there's a dozen within a mile of me. That's not true of the whole city, but the concentration near me isn't the only concentration of them.

Is this just another way NYC is different and, yes, better than most of the rest of the US?
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I suspect it's because you are stupid.
I'm lucky enough to be near these guys. They break down and sell/recycle industrial machinery and raw materials. It's gotten to the point where they actually know what they have and don't sell valuable electronic equipment by the pound, but fuck it - this place is DIY heaven. https://mbglick.com/
watching the post apoc inventor tool up his entire shop with scrap was inspiring but there really isn't a way to pull that off in the states.
the best we have is ebay, yard sales, and charity shops and those all cost more than the price of scrap by weight even if you buy nonfunctioning tools with the intent on fixing them.
Any city generates enormous amounts of scrap. Most people never notice because they don't bother to learn how to find things. Consider all the spoonfeed questions in this board from people to lazy to learn effective information searching despite tens of thousands of hours on the net.
>but there really isn't a way to pull that off in the states.

It's done constantly (as I and other anons do) but if you don't know what's out there it will seem barren. Every developed country generates vast amounts of scrap and surplus. Methodical searching is how the same set of Serious People get stuff. Industrial auctions and estate sales by shop owners are often online.

Be willing and prepared to travel. For example my county is so advantageous to live in because it's poor and I've a middle class income, but the tradeoff is low frequency of good auctions and sales so self and bro drive in a three hour radius for what we want. Business buyers range MUCH further and travel interstate to equip their factories and shops.

Study auction sites and get notified by email of upcoming sales. Own at least a half-ton pickup with suspension mods (my F150 rocks Timbren urethane springs, Hellwig add-on leaves, and coilover rear shock because they were handy). I did that to fit a Tommy Gate (cheap used, simple, easy to install with the factory adapter plates or fab your own) which makes trucks vastly more useful. Own basic rigging gear, manual and electric winches, tiedowns etc and a dual axle car trailer though it's worth knowing hydraulic drop deck trailers are rentable.

Self and bro search Fecesbook daily and nighly because getting there first gets bargains. I never turn off my PC so I just leave useful tabs open on one workspace (xfce FTW). Craiglist sux but is worth searching because like trade papers at convenience stores it does get some traffic.

It takes money in hand to get bargains. I carry enough for at least an "earnest money" deposit (get a receipt) so if something pops up I don't need to find a bank and can buy opportunistically. No one can see inside your wallet unless you show it off so I carry about a grand in cash. It may sit there six months but it pays off nailing unanticipated deals at yard sales etc. Sellers hate turning down cash.
Those are lawn decorations. No waste there.
Based. I search facespace, craigslist and all the regular nationwide and local auction listings any chance I get. Not usually looking for anything in particular, but rather anything that catches my eye near my area usually (125 miles or so).

I usually only carry a couple hundred at most with me at any given time, but I'm also never more than 30 minutes from home or a phone call away from the wife at home so i can grab any cash from there I would ever need quickly and easily.

>Craiglist sux
I still have pretty good luck on there. Just last week I scored a 60hp deutz diesel out of an air compressor. Guy was selling it for $800.

Was crazy busy on the farm drilling in seed ahead of water and didnt want to make the 2 hour round trip to go pick it up. Luckily I had some hay customers coming down from there and passing right by the guys place so I had them pick it up for me and I knocked $100 off the price of their hay. The old man selling it said there were some controls and stuff that went with it if I wanted so I said sure send em down. He sent an entire tow behind compressor along with the engine!
You would be wrong. Other people gave pretty good answers
It's a shame that there isn't a place like this in every state
>they don't bother to learn how to find things.
Shouldn't the scrap yards want to get new customers?
Is NYC getting as bad as they say on twitter and youtube or it is all lies and political posturing? have you been robbed lately?
>the noble savage wastes nothing

imagine believing some 70s era propaganda. but they do infact play by different rules. reservations are micro-nations with their own legislative/governing bodies and do not have to follow most regulations.
We have scrap yards, however they serve a different purpose as the shit people bring them typically gets recycled rather than just kept sitting around in hopes that someone might want it.
Yea, that's probably why it was mentioned in OP
It’s more like we can’t let people get their hands on things like cast iron tool bases because they won’t re-buy them if they re-use them.
It’s melted down to make toilet paper roll holders for pier one and sheet metal decorations for halloween at dollar general.
Besides, if they still had the equipment, they’d be able to re-hire the workers and make something instead of shipping he jobs and equipment back to china.
Older US CEOs are the worst, they’re just trying to steal as much money before they die without regard for their own families (whom probably disowned them already anyway).
I'm not disagreeing with you, but its not like heavy cast iron machine bases are highly desired by most folks anymore. All the normies want is disposable crap, so that is what is pumped out by the billions. If people weren't such worthless pieces of shit and actually valued quality items we wouldn't be in this shitty predicament...

Everything is fucked, everybody sucks
Because most of them don't use the internet extensively enough to need to advertise online? It's not needed for the business either.
The places where people sell their metal scrap is exactly the type of place we are discussing here...
No, it's not. A metal recycling yard that doesn't sell scrap to the public is not what I'm looking for.
The types of places that buy scrap metal from people are the places that will sell the good stuff for a profit to you if you're not a complete fucking noob.
Too many thieves walking out with their pockets stuffed with bolts and fuses is why the self-serve scrap yards all closed.
>If you have a mechanical/electrical "pick and pull" business, the junkers will come by, offer to write you one big check for your entire inventory and truck everything to the metal grinder
And why is this bad? I imagine this is still profit for the yard?
Yes, it is profit for the yard. But it means all that the metals and parts aren't being reused.
Not where I live. They just flat out will not do it, for reasons outlined in this thread.
>They don't resell to the public because industrial/commercial suppliers collude to keep used equipment off the market.

Not in the US where that statement would be laughable because it would reduce profits while buyers would simply go elsewhere. I and thousands of other private parties attend the auctions where recyclers and machinery buyers (who make bank from reselling used equipment to its markets) purchase their inventory. Industrial surplus is key support for nearly all industries. It's easy to outbid the scrappers unless the auction company are so lazy they only offer very large lots but those are mostly outright scrap. Machinery sells most profitably individually or in small lots of related equipment. Everyone from small mom'n'pop shops to Fortune 100 firms selling whole factories participate.

https://www.auctionzip.com/ is a good place to study and find auctions in range. Be willing to drive for what you want and KNOW how to move it safely and easily before bidding.

Attend a few auctions with no intent to buy to get a feel for the process. Study the details of online and mixed auctions. Industrial auctions often use returnable deposits to filter idiots.

For example the last industrial auction I bought from required a thousand buck deposit advanced by credit card etc. (I always use a method permitting chargeback just in case but the big firms have no incentive to rip anyone off for such tiny money.) I bid on items within my range, won several then showed up with my receipt to load. The company returned my deposit. Not hard.

Small auctions done onsite are most accessible. I seek those where what I want is not the main subject and scrappers who prefer bulk don't bother with.
No. Companies will go into debt just to rip off customers. This is because the executive management sets up the company to go into debt to pay them own selves off, so they really don’t care.
Places like goodwill don’t put things that don’t sell on sale (that would devalue their product) — they pay to have it destroyed.
The point of companies has been largely lost because the entire executive management and subordinate staff sit around all day and scheme about how to rip off customers.
The only time they do the right thing is when they are regulated and sued or when it gets media coverage.
Heavy shit is in low demand except for artfags who want specific decor items (like Lineberry carts which also make terrific shop carts, but cosmetically homely Lineberry still go cheap in many areas).

>Besides, if they still had the equipment,

If WHO still had it, businesses which don't need it and would have to store and maintain it on speculation? The people who want it buy it and can outbid scrappers easily. Much equipment unstudied noobs imagine worth saving is not. The stuff worth saving gets bought then sold by outfits like HGR in the US. Their resale prices are often very reasonable because their purchasing power lets them buy bulk (not necessarily at auction), their logistics lets them move it long distance, and their crews are experienced. (Many big outfits fly key players to site for appraisal, inventory and auction or transport to resale management.)

Even with some areas having limited offerings serious people can track what we want down. Casuals get filtered too easily. Equipment and surplus material are a global pool in constant churn.

The firm handshake/social skills method gets self and others gobs of good info because we're pleasant and simply ask. This stuff takes a little time and study to get good but it's totally worth doing.
Are you saying my post is a lie including supporting info? Why is the vast ecosystem of industrial, government and private local sales so easily accessed by general public knowers but not you?

Goodwill like pawn shops is not the place to go and irrelevant for any metal or machinery except bed rails and sewing machines. Small lots from non-techy owners get sold via Fecesbook Marketplace, Craigslist etc then what they cannot sell goes to Goodwill etc. Thrift stores only get items like theCO2 cylinders, Lincoln MIG etc I scored by accident.

Wise Anons learn the ways of success while others blame everything but themselves. Wise material buyers like self hunt auctions where the big boys buy machinery (like the T-shirt factory auction I just attended) but the small fry hunt steel carts, racking, sheet metal, ramps (ramps are love) and bins. I hunt industrial carts fabbed from stock shapes to modify, combine, and cut up for good heavy steel. That yielded nine carts with casters it would cost thousands to duplicate (not speculating, my bros shop like many fabs does a shitload of custom carts and workstations) but I preferred sixty bucks apiece. The U-haul ramp for 150 was Very Nice since now I have two to load wider track items. I know where everything I buy will fit my use case.

Self and bro check sites like https://www.bidspotter.com/en-us frequently.

I spread truth so others may take advantage. There are oceans of good stuff out there and no reason Anons shouldn't get yourselves what you want on the cheap. Asset liquidation dwarfs asset retention.
I miss Junkyard Wars ;_;
I live in the german countryside and we have several scrape yards around here, bought most of my mofa parts there in my youth lol
Never been robbed, ever. It's definitely political posturing. Even here, the mayor is a doofus ex-cop, so all he knows how to do is bloviate about getting crime under control while also saying it is under control.

There's less crime in NYC than in most major cities, and I feel safe walking the street at all hours. The only thing "to it" that isn't just posturing is suburbanite transplants who are seeing homeless people for the first time in their life and getting scared.

Yeah that wouldn't surprise me. Someone who never left Manhattan and never built/took shit apart with their hands would never see them either. Well maybe if they looked down from the highway on the way to the airport they'd *see* them, but yeah idk if it'd register.
That was a fun show.
Just get it off random people, people really underestimate what 50 lbs of aluminum bar stock is worth and what can be done with it

“Hey man, you don’t mind if I grab a couple of these 4x6x6 aluminum bars do ya? I need them to hold down some tarps”
more often the cl midwits think random beat up barstock is on par with gold for the price per pound
>And why is this bad?
Businesses that sell things need a stock to sell to customers. No stock, no customers. No customers, no new stock. Dead business.
Sue-happy culture and insurance ruin everything once again.
>he has never been to the scrap yard

Like 4 in my town. They tend to be grumpy because they meet homeless people all the time
That's me.
>Sue-happy culture and insurance ruin everything once again.

It's easy to blame plaintiffs and lawyers (insurance companies suck though) but this is really actually backwards. People often have no choice but to sue.

The problem is our whole notion of "liability" and the way we've set our culture up where, everything is always *someone's* fault, *someone* has to pay, etc.

If someone gets injured, it can be a major problem for them. They have at minimum medical bills, their life might be significantly changed for the worse depending on what it is – they might not be able to work for a long time, they might have permanent impairments they have to pay for equipment or help to compensate for. Instead of just setting up our society where people know their needs are going to get taken care of even if something goes wrong, having an actual social safety net, we decided that nah, we're not going to look out for each other, you need food, shelter, medicine, someone to wash your ass because your spine doesn't work anymore? You've got to go and take it from someone "fair and square."

So everyone is necessarily positioned as adversaries, that's how the so-called justice system is explicitly conceived, at each other's throats. Someone gets hurt? You need to cover your ass or you've lost your whole business and life's work and now you can't feed *your* kids. Nevermind if it means fucking over someone who got hurt and can't work and needs money to feed *their* kids.

It's a mess, there's no way out of it that doesn't mean either going back to the days of "you just die," or abandoning the kind of alienated, adversarial individualism we've been sold as a "free" society.

For the record, never been a plaintiff or a defendant in a lawsuit, I just see what's up and how this traps people into making choices that are worse for everyone involved than if we could just be chill and look out for each other.
>Why are there no scrap yards in the US?
We have scrap yards in Arizona that are bigger than europoor countries, what nonsense are you on about?
>Why can we have nice things
We keep inviting 3rd worlders from all over the planet and the first thing they do is go through our garbage then move on to our scrap yards
After a generation or so, the scrap yards no longer exist.
You can go to >>>/o/ and ask why we don't have an abundance of classic cars and you'll find the 3rd worlders bought took those as well.

>Inb4 cash for clunkers
Before that, lad.
How the fuck am I supposed to know who has bars of metal laying around?
>you indian gay
>use whole man
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1. there are scrap yards all over the souther ca desert
the cars dont rust as much
so you have them in a lot of shitholes
there is a one near campo
that has a ton of old 50s chassies just sitting in the prooperty

as for you guys wanting to find a legit junkyard
how it used to be
i found one
go to tj
my cousin fixes cars
go to a random shop and ask them to point you
its a giant destroyed car lot and you just buy parts
>go to tj
Trader Joe's?
I miss that Scrapyard Wars show or whatever it was called.
Junkyard wars? I watched an episode on youtube a few nights ago. They built sled puller tractors. The commercials were wild. My wife looked up when it aired and it was 2003.

21 years ago. Man things sure have changed!
I've tried to just look for old metal road signs for the SCA in making armor, and I learned that they won't sell to me. Which sucks. I was tipped off to go there because in another area of the US they were letting people do that.
>Post-Apocalyptic Inventor
channel looks kino af, subscribed
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>They are lying. You can't take or buy things from euro scrap yards either. You could do that a few decades ago but not nowadays.
meanwhile, in reality...
You can buy sheet steel or aluminum and have it sheared to size.

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