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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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My wife and I recently lost our little girl. It was a stillbirth but we had some really compassionate nurses that made a hand and foot mold for us before we had to say goodbye. I’m worried that the (I’m assuming) plaster they used is really delicate/fragile. The detail on them is great but I’m eager to find a way to scan or duplicate them to ensure they survive long term. Could anyone give me some advice?
You could get a 3d scanner and 3d print it out. Alternatively, you could use the 3d scan to make a negative for casting with plaster or something else.
Have you ever used a 3D scanner before, I’m seeing huge price ranges
Some 3D printing services also offer 3D scanning.
Look for maker spaces, libraries even.
For now, as a security measure, take a fuckton of photos from many angles
You can get this stuff at a craft store. It would probably work to make a negative that you could then use to cast resin or something else sturdy.
I’m sorry for your loss anon.
Scanners those capable of scanning baby foot wrinkles..
That would fucking cost a house
No joke
Semi-translucent flesh would not help with scanning either
I think you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about or joking, i can't tell
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you can make another mold from the plaster positive, then make as many duplicates as you want in plaster or whatever; that'll definitely capture the fine detail. I think you could use alginate like in your picture but AFAIK that works best for skin molds, but it degrades quickly after that, and it's better to use silicone or something else for copying objects. there's probably a specific material to use for copying plaster, if you search around.

If you want a digital copy, you can get good enough detail with lots of pictures from a phone camera and free software to extract a 3d model. It won't as fine as the mold or a 3d scan, but you'll still have surface detail in the texture (from the photos), same as any other 3d model.
Thanks anon, definitely a devastating turn we didn’t expect.
Thanks that makes sense, is that a silicone mold being made in your image? I didn’t think about doing two halves like that.
I think so. smooth-on actually has a bunch of decent info on making molds of various sorts, could look through it for plaster https://www.smooth-on.com/howto/basics-mold-making/?tags=video-tutorial .

also if you do the photogrammetry thing, meshroom on https://alicevision.org/ is what you want, you can find more detailed tutorials too if you need it. I have used it and while you need a lot of pictures, it is free to try.
Sorry for your loss.
I don't have anything useful to add to this thread, but I hope you and your wife are doing as ok as you can be. I'm sorry to hear about your loss Anon.
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Stay strong wishing you guys all the best
Make a silicon mold like other anons say, that then gives you options like taking it to a sculpture foundry to cast in bronze. They probably would want a wax version which can be melted out of the sand form to replace with metal.
I really appreciate that anons thank you
Then I think that’s the direction I’ll go. I would absolutely love a bronze version. I’ll be sure to circle back and post if I’m able to duplicate them. Thanks again guys.
I have a child and the thought of losing her is unimaginably painful. I'm sorry for your loss
OP never had a child, OP had a pregnancy.

I was going to say just don't fuck with it, but bronze sounds aces. Also keep trying bro, it took us 10 years and thousands of dollars to finally have kids. Worth everything.
Just dip them in vinyl ester resin (fiberglass resin)

Sry for your loss senpai. Couldn't imagine going through that
Life begins at implantation retard

Kys before you bring down future human IQ
Like other anons said, that's hard. You will ultimately grow and be stronger.

In the meantime, bolster your fertility. Iodine. Yeah you knew I was going to say it! 50mg a day. Work your way up. Then conceive. { I've also found the book Perfect Matrimony by Weor to be helpful. }

Jim at Buyiodine and the info at Whyiodine and the recent Berry MD interview of Brownstein MD is a good resource.

I've done it myself and walked other couples through it. What is killing IQ, and affecting fertility -besides all the other better known things- is all the thyroid hormone needed by the baby in the first trimester, is provided by the mother. Who herself, is usually woefully deficient. She makes it in her thyroid and ovaries, all females have that capability. Iodine is the number 1 missing ingredient, even made to be a pariah by the mainstream synthetic patent pharma cartel. Wonder why? It's deficiency drops fertility, intelligence and health of a people.

Then there's also the use of bromide in everything (potassium bromate fire retardant, bromated flour (U.S.))... it gets absorbed in place of iodine. I could go on but everyone is bored of my schtick.
1. Cast plaster into agar gel.
2. Use agar mould to cast some kind of resin or epoxy mixture.
Nothing useful to add regarding the mold making, but wanted to also say I'm sorry man, that has to be rough. Keep your head up and be there for your wife as I know thats gotta be really rough for her right now...
Rough, you'll be fine but I hope she is able to power through for both of your sakes. Anything I was going to add has already been stated in this thread. Best of luck to you.
Since it's small, you can 3D scan it on a rotating table (best results), then print it in resin, then you can paint it so it looks more like a human hand.
Sorry you lost your daughter, I don't like kids, but I know how much it suck ass to lose someone you love.
Even this shithole is flooded with normies
Facebook faggots all high fiving each other oh sorry about your misfortune im crying wahhhhhhh fucking pussies
Automotive clear coat.
Make sure the plaster object is very dry, apply multiple thin coats.
Throw that shit in the trash and adopt a kid currently doomed to a life of foster care and prison. Problem solved.
Scan or have it scanned so you have that file (remember the rule of 3s for backups) then print a pattern to cast in metal of your choice.
Bait, or off the charts levels of newfaggotry. There are plenty of boards where you can go be edgelords. Fuck off to them or hang yourselves, whichever is easier.
My deepest condolences for what you and your wife went through as well as what happened to your child. Stay strong and have hope.

>OP never had a child, OP had a pregnancy.
>Implying he never had a kid that died.
What the hell, man? Fuck off.
The people advising 3D printing/scanning mean well, but it’s not the most reasonable way IMO. Use liquid silicone or silicone putty to form a mold around the casts, let them set, and then you can pour epoxy resin into the molds and make resin replicas. Silicone will capture all the little details, and there’s a lot of art you can do with resin. And even if you don’t want to use the resin replicas, they’re much much sturdier than plaster, and you can save them to make more molds later as backups.
Imagine thinking this post is real Kek. Bait fags going to a new low
at least this one wont wake you at night for the next 10 years
enjoy fucking when you want while you can

also, mold it
yes, /diy/, the most popular board on 4chan, KNOWN for its elaborate sob stories and trolling. it definitely makes sense for someone to go to one of the slowest boards on this site to get sympathy yous, instead of trolling on /tv/ or /bant/ or even /fit/. what would even be the point?
>hahaha, those 6 anons took 30s to give condolences to someone who they thought had lost a child!
I know it’s a hard adjustment for you to make, but this isn’t reddit you know? nobody is tracking yous like they do your precious updoots.
you are absurdly naive. taking 4chan OPs cries for sympathy seriously is a sign you have sub-100 IQ. It's an anonymous image board. Think of what kind of person would actually have a wife who miscarried, then want to make a plaster mold of the hands of the miscarried babby, then tell that story on 4chins and ask for advice on how to make a more robust version of these hands. A person like that does not exist.
What does exist are larper retards - lots and lots of them - as well as naive retards like yourself.
For what purpose? What would be the point? 6 sympathy yous? Is he going to repost it on twitter for likes? Let’s pretend he dropped all context, and just asked how to make a silicone mold of a hand- everyone would just assume he wanted to make some kind of jerking off machine and he’d get 0 helpful advice. It would be such a pointless and unfunny thing to lie about. There are plenty of other boards with actual feels threads he could farm in if he wanted. You know people with families post here right (myself included)? Especially on /diy/, given the average user age is higher than a lot of boards. We could even take a variation Pascal’s wager- if he is baiting, I wasted all of 4 minutes offering uninteresting advice. If he isn’t, then I spent 4 minutes helping someone in one of life’s most difficult situations. You don’t have to just assume everything sincere is some troll or trap or bait, especially on an anonymous slow board where there would be 0 tangible benefit to running with this elaborate story. And if it were a bait, and we all wasted our time being kind, then what benefit was it to you wasting your time being a dick?
>For what purpose? What would be the point?
newfag did you just find this site this month? It's full of weirdos who like getting (you)'s under the most ridiculous pretenses, just to probe for reactions. If OP actually does want to make plaster baby hands it's probably for something completely degenerate so he made up some dead baby story to put people off their guard.
I don't buy it for one second.
>realizes his argument is cynical and retarded
I guarantee I'm older than you, I've been here long enough know when people are hunting for yous, and to recognize that this would be such a weak and roundabout way to do it, and he would be way better off on a board that wasn't as practical and slow as /diy/. again, /pol/, /r9k/, /fit/, /b/, /gif/, and /tv/ would all be much easier places to farm. and if he was degenerate enough to make some kind of fisting machine, why would he articulate that it needs to maintain fine detail and that the source material was made of plaster? why would he settle on the bronze cast idea? he would just buy one of those dildo making kits and use that. you're either just baiting me at this point, for which I congratulate you for getting me to respond this for long. Or, you're a pathetically lonely faggot seething because you know nobody in your life cares enough about you to ever try and preserve your memory. I'm done shitting up the thread to argue with either option.
if you come back OP, sorry for the drama. I do a lot of mold casting, and I'll check back again in a couple days if you still need advice.
nah you're just naive. I've been here for many years any seen people larp on the most moronic shit.
Pretending to be injured, pretending to have found an dead body, pretending to have someone dying in the room with them... I mean it just goes on and on. And I'm not just assuming they were pretending - these are scenarios when the OP owned up to his bullshitting after being repeatedly called out. Or course this was a while back when the site wasn't inundated with redditfags and ptg boomers.
>t. schizo documentary watching Christian
Throw away the charm
Yes it can be a charm
A demon attached item
Can't believe the pharmacist witch house offered such a service.
Let the dead worry for themselves and you do the work of the living.
Possibly the demon smote the child, pray to Jesus and get another one. Cast a lot asking Jesus if you should get another one right now, if the lot says get another, then no demon shall touch it, because God has put His hand over it.
/diy/ is one of the better boards, fewer trolls here
it's only a click away from the dingleberry-encrusted anus that /b/
Everyone suggested scanning, but you can try photogrammetry, it's much easier and cheaper to do since you can use your phone or a camera, there's apps for this like Polycam or RealityCam (I had good results with it) or you can do it the old way and take a bunch of photos and use a software like Realitycapture, Zephyr or Meshroom(couldn't make this one work), you will have a virtual representation that you can keep, print or mill
burn the molds and move on
One of my best yet
My advice: let it crumble or just throw it out. You’re really better off moving on. My dad remarried and tried to have more kids. His wife had a couple of still births before being able to have two children to raise. The kids were always creeped out because she kept keepsakes and pictures from the still birth at the hospital. If you don’t move past it then it will fuck your wife up for life.
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Jannies are faggots max kekdum
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