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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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WHat musical instruments can I build especially on the cheap?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mbira Also known as a Kalimba.
bucket drums?
*The rest
horns. You just have to buy (or turn) the mouthpiece, cut a piece of garden hose to the right length and (if you want them to be loud) stick a funnel in front. These are pretty popular with alphorn players because you can roll them up for easy transport.
First english description I could find:
ocean haro
pan drum
toungue drum
Seen videos of middle/high schoolers building electric guitars for pretty cheap as a STEM project. likely a simple kit available.
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There are a lot of easy to make percussion instrumnts.
a few simple stringged instruments
what about brass and woodwind?
it doesn't matter, you won't do it.
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Several ideas.
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You can build a xylophone out of just about anything. Copper pipes. PVC pipes. Wrenches. Wood blocks. Silverware. Twigs.
What ratios should the lengths of the metal be to each other?
Each bar is an idiophone tuned to a pitch of a musical scale, whether pentatonic or heptatonic in the case of many African and Asian instruments, diatonic in many western children's instruments, or chromatic for orchestral use
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Bamboo flutes. Get Bamboo, get a drill, put a finish on and sell it online to weebs.
Cigar box banjo/ukulele
Or any stringed instrument that isn’t bowed.
Or if you have a bow, the Saw.
E bay guitar kits 100 dollars u assemble
3d print unlimited ocarinas
you can build a guitar out of anything as long as you buy the pickups, plug, tuning keys, bridge, and strings. body doesn't matter.
triangle...maybe tambourine if youre ambitious and have a lot of extra change
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Jug is even cheaper.
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LOL, fails to mention the most difficult part of a guitar to diy (really an assembly of about two dozen separate parts), that can make or break its playability if any of a number of critical measurements are even slightly off.

Even experienced luthiers have to know their shit and pay attention not to fuck up when fabricating one, and even a perfect one can be rendered useless if not carefully installed.
Are you so fucking retarded you can't measure things or make templates before you cut?
Not the point; that dumbfuck (you?) didn't even mention the most critical part of a guitar when telling someone how to build one and what parts are involved.
Someone was making the point that the body of an electrical guitar, unlike an acoustic guitar, doesn't matter as long as it can support the components. He wasn't giving detailed instructions on how to build a guitar.

In other words, there's a dumbfuck in this thread, for damn sure, but it's not that guy. Guess who it is.
>making the point that the body of an electrical guitar, unlike an acoustic guitar, doesn't matter as long as it can support the components.

That "point" was not made at all, no mention whatsoever of acoustic vs electric guitars or support of components, you just pulled all of that out of your ass.
And again, no mention of the one component mounted to a guitar body where that "support" is critical to the whole thing working.

>In other words, there's a dumbfuck in this thread, for damn sure, but it's not that guy. Guess who it is.

You, for being the seething retard defending a moronic post that saw fit to mention needing a "plug" but never mentioned THE single most important and complicated part of building a functional guitar, whether it's electric or acoustic.

You still don't even know what part I'm talking about, do you? LMAO
Everyone knows you're talking about the frets.
I agree with everything you've said but you're still an insatiable fucking faggot.
Well to be precise I guess you're hinting at the neck as a whole; frets and truss rod and all.
Okinawan banjo
Ring modulator
Theremin I believe
Pipe organ.

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