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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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A) I can get the storage shelves I want for $300, plus tax.
B) Or buy lumber boards, and build one for $150.

I got the tools, but I'm on a budget. I'm worried I will fail : ) What would you do?
so you can't fucking make such a simple decision that you have to start a thread on an image board to choose? how pathetic
OP wants to have a valid discussion. Go climb a fucking tree.
You cant even answer a question, but you can go on an autistic rant. Oh, but I'm the pathetic one. Sure.
watch the buy of the day. that shelf comes on sale about twice a month
>hurr durr should I buy this or build that???


yeah real deep discussion
Gladly meet up teach you cunts some respect
You understand what board you're on right? This isn't "buy it yourself"
This depends on what you're storing. If it's a bunch of holiday decorations in totes and a few tools then go with the wooden diy build, if it's lots of heavy tools like saws and whatnot then go with the metal shelf because the wood will bow and possibly buckle over time under extreme constant weight and with humidity in the air it will warp over time. where is the shelf going? in a shed? in a garage? in a cooled insulated workshop? in a laundry or utility room? these things matter a lot
>$150 in lumber
you know pallets are free right?
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You should check your local estate sales for shelves. I see this shit go out the door for around $50-$90 on avg. You gotta tear it down of course but thats ez
>What would you do?
not ask or post here about it.
It's going into a garage. It'll hold like hoses, bags of shit, garage stuff : )
Good idea
Just buy off a deal.
I prefer to build. Mostly to fit the space and requirement perfectly. However when wood was silly and I desperately needed to organize my stuff after moving. I set up a lot of those cheap plastic shelves and ran boards between em. Extremely fast, moderately cost effective (at the time).
Price has gone up a lot. Aint going to beat two off these and some scrap board for speed.
lurk auctions and offer up craigslist. people give shelves like that for free just go and pick em up.
I made one from an old bed frame layin in my yard it took me 2 hours
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this meme's so old it's getting hair in funny places
what the are you gonna put on them? tp and bathroom shit weighs nothing and thats why you can get away with pressed sawdust
That’s like $275 too expensive, my friend.

Look for government surplus auctions in your area. Maybe check a yard sale?
Smart play is buy used carts (U-boat dollies especially) as a rugged rolling base then weld up a frame or insertable shelves for them as you prefer. Remove the center axle bolt so you can push them sideways. Fixed shelving just accumulates shit and is hard to move and immobile loaded. I've lots of heavy auto and motorcycle parts/engines so my shelves either hang leaving the floor clear for easy cleanup or roll for easy reconfig and cleanup. Goal is nothing on a floor I cannot easily move.

I buy surplus industrial carts for less than the steel would cost and prefer those fabbed from standard stock so I can cut and rearrange as I prefer. For example I've my Harley Panhead project on its own dolly for easy access from all sides.

Shelves that roll are wonderful things. I use upward-facing angle to prevent shit rolling off and to hold the plywood I mostly use (steel sheet is fine too) for shelf boards. I place flat bar crossmembers (unwelded for future reconfig) as needed for specific load support.
$150? More like $100, and you'd have a 3/4 sheet of OSB left over and a bunch of fasteners.
Or use pallets and spend like $10 on fasteners.
Keep an eye out for any closing restaurants in your area. I was able to snag 4 Uline epoxy wire shelves for 200 bucks and i just had to clean the grease off of them

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