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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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I've wanted to make a slide-out game controller for phones for a while. I have a software background, so I'm comfortable learning new technologies, but I'm not sure where to begin. My initial idea is to buy an 8bitdo micro and simply shove the guts into different shell that I print to prove the concept. What's the legitimate approach?
How do you intend on connecting it to the phone? If it's bluetooth, you should think about case design- how will it attach to the average phone? Built into a case? double side stick tape? etc,

I plan to take advantage of Apple's magsafe design. I like the way it works for wallets. For Android devices, there is a magnetic sticker you can add to the phone or case to allow them to use it the same way. Communication will be via bluetooth.
what exactly is your question? You seem to know what you need, and it seems legitimate, whatever that means.
I guess I'm trying to ask how to go from "print a shell and transfer guts into it" to "make a legitimate design that I might actually be able to produce for sale".

Like how would I go about putting together a board from scratch with one of those touch sensitive joysticks? Or even just a normal dpad for that matter?
>Like how would I go about putting together a board from scratch with one of those touch sensitive joysticks? Or even just a normal dpad for that matter?

post actual device part name/number or a source. when I google touch sensitive joystick I only see devices that are complete enough to use with a phone already. In other words, find an actual input device and if it's not clear how to interface with a microcontroller then ask us about specific issues. or wait for someone who can help you with your somewhat vague request.
before you start worrying about any of the bullshit you just wrote, have you designed a logo for the controller yet?
Well i was interested for a second. Way to blow a good idea.

Thank you! Very helpful.
Just a prototype, anon. I would like to wire it in too, but I assume it will add complications that I'm not ready to tackle yet. Once I know what I'm doing I'll definitely go for it.
it doesn't matter, you won't do it.
I see what ya did there. The Xperia is sitting on my desk right now, 8bitdo Micro arrives tomorrow.
six figs anon... is that you?
I'm just a rando.
you sound just as retarded as him. the exact same extremely open ended questions on every single board.
Sounds like a cool guy. Now he has a friend. <3
ok nvm you're not him, sorry. he's very insecure and gets angry when people make fun of him. sorry for bothering you.
You find a board manufacturer, buy a P&P and reflow oven, and piece it together with parts you find off digikey, or go on JLC and overpay for them to assemble it for you, then you contract with local materials science or plastics company (every town I've lived in there's always one within a 30 minute drive) and have them make the cases, or if you're dirt cheap bite the bullet and order them from China and accept the company is gonna reuse the molds themselves or sell them off to someone who will, then again If it's a small run they'll make em out of aluminum so it won't last long anyway, then you piece the whole thing together with threadforming screws. If your line actually takes off, same story, but you're gonna wanna drop a ton of cash on water-cooled steel molds and etch the PCBs yourself, the price per unit will drop on components on their own.
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Here we go, already found a Bluetooth transceiver for ya, look for the PDIP equivalent if there even is one, grab whatever microcontroller you'll be building it off of, some joysticks and buttons, whatever other components you'll need and a chinese eBay power supply and get to prototyping on a breadboard (or copper perfboard like a manly man).
It's ok, I know a lot of people talk shit with ideas they can't deliver on. Hopefully I at least get a prototype working.

Thank you fren.

Exactly the kind of direction I needed. TYVM
>My initial idea is to buy an 8bitdo micro and simply shove the guts into different shell that I print to prove the concept.
not a terrible idea so long as you think you'll be able to get from there to where you want the project to end without having to backtrack. remember - changing the guts will likely require you to make a new case anyway, so it's ebetter to start with something that will let you develop from the start or something you'll be fine not being able to develop much further.

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