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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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I want to make my own electronic cig that dosent look fucking gay. I also want to smoke custom nicotine that synthesize myself. how would i go about building an e-cig that looks good and isnt full of random chemicals (tar and shit). I also dont want the nicotine amount to be absurdly high compared to an average cigarette
Just buy your own vape like its called a box or something and then you can fill it with whatever you want. you can even make your own juice with pg and vg, just look them up, and add your own nicotine. or just buy someone elses. its cheaper to make your own though. or look up pod mods
Anything you make that uses a battery to heat a substance to a vapor is going to be gayer since you’re still sucking on a phallic device. Start by taking one apart and put it back together in a crackhead maguyver fashion if your still not dissuaded.
I’m more interested in the nicotine carrier personally, but just not enough to use a search engine. Everything on the market is propylene glycol or glycerin and I’d rather not inhale either. Water seemed obvious until I thought about it. Nicotine would dissolve but then probably get distilled out if you tried to inhale nicotine steam.
An e cig is basically the simplest electronic device you can build. Battery, button, coil of some kind of resistance wire like nichrome or kanthal at a minimum. If you want it to be safer than then mech mods of 2014 that occasionally blew up peoples pockets and faces add in a microcontroller and some code to check for shorts which is a bit more complex. Extracting nicotine from tobacco is a process. Alkalize tobacco with slaked lime and distill in water, extract with dcm, purify zinc chloride complex of nicotine through anhydrous ether. The yield isn’t great and you should probably just buy the salt form which is readily available and prepared by people who know what the fuck they’re doing. Put the salt into a carrier like propylene or vegetable glycol at an appropriate % and vape away. Frankly you should probably be able to look this shit up, it’s well documented and you shouldn’t need it spoonfed to you. If you do it generally means you’ll never actually do it because you can’t even bother to research the thing you supposedly give a shit about

There are vapes that use a percentage of water as a carrier but still ultimately rely on pg/vg blend. Aquios is the name. They burn at a lower temp and have a mix of (apparently) 30% water and some amount of pg/vg. You need oil as the carrier, pg emulsifies and vg thickens which brings the nicotine and flavorings together into a “cloud” for you to inhale. If you used 100% water it would just evaporate and you wouldn’t really get anything
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If you want to go dead simple you could go with a simple box mod.

Remember with this mod you don't have a BMS or charge circuit. It's easy af to add a usb charging circuit.

You don't have a lot of safeties built in. It's easy to cook off your batteries. You also don't have a cutoff so it's easy to drain the batteries down too far and shorten their lifespan.

18650 battery sled
2x 18650 batteries. look for high amp batteries
510 connector
IRLB3034 mosfet.
battery charge module (if wanted) TP4056

When it comes to nicotine amount. That's determined by your mix. VG/PG with nicotine is the norm.
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forgot, you'll need a 15k resistor

attached is a picture of the BS I used to make.
>I want to synthesize my own nicotine juice and smoke it through my homemade rig
That is the most cyberpunk way to die before 30 I have ever heard to date.
> If you used 100% water it would just evaporate
that's what i figured. whats the downside of just dripping nic water on my skin for absorption? besides staining skin and potential overdose symptoms.
>whats the downside of just dripping nic water on my skin for absorption
Man isn't it just easier to buy a vape for 2 dollars?
Frying your dopamine receptors with strange nootropics and overdosing on heroin is a close second
>electronic smoking
>worried about looking "fucking gay"
>this whole post

I don't know how to tell you this, anon, but if you want an "e cig" you are in fact fucking gay. Extraordinarily gay. Like r/mtf is less gay than you.

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