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Not really. Stagehanding always attracts a certain type.
Won't put down his fucking phone. Granted he does work when needed but if we have to walk 20 ft, he will pull out his phone and start typing away.
>You must pretend to be busy at all times even if there is nothing to do
Boomers and trades are insufferable
>Won't put down his fucking phone

This. Had a string of them that would scurry off to vape and fuck around on their phone instead of their job.
They'd get fired after a couple of months of this shit when the management realizes it does not normally take eight hours for one oil change, and these guys were making a career of all day oil changes.
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straya reporting in
its still the same tatted white dudes with mad bants and who drink too much.
usually in good spirits and always cracking jokes cuz they know in 5 years they'll be on 6 figures
>getting a beverage at circle k after crooozing for a few hours tonight
>some spic is in there ahead of me
>literally has to be like 5' or less
These are the people taking over our country?
by numbers, not quality
>These are the people taking over our country?
what has height got to do with it? they mow lawns, clean toilets, paint houses, frame houses, hang drywall, etc. AND THEY DON'T PAY TAXES OR INSURANCE OR WORKER'S COMP AND THEY WORK 80 HRS A WEEK AND DRIVE TO THE JOB SITE THE OTHER 80 HRS OF THE WEEK AND THEY LIVE IN HOVELS 10 TO THE ROOM

and yet npr says they are only doing work that americans refuse to do.
NPR doesn’t consider you human unless you work an upper middle class office job.

So think of a job a white liberal woman doesn’t want to do, plumbing, gun smithing etc

Those are jobs “Americans” don’t want to do

Send emails back and forth to other upper middle class peopl in offices and play office politics? Job is safe from South Americans migrating through mexico
spics are so vile.
I'm eager for the Great Mexican War of 2025.
a surprising number of them smoke weed since it was legalized. they say its only "on their own time", but all potheads eventually end up stoned on the job and get canned.
also they like trying to dictate the conditions they will work in ("I don't go in crawlspaces or on roof" from would be plumbers apprentices).
All tradies are faggot, son.
They went from hard working latinx to entitled white boys
Millwright here, we used to get guys who grew up tinkering on cars, bikes or farm machinery. Now we get guys "and grils" who grew up playing xbox. It shows.
There's a war between mexicans and blacks in America that the media refuses to cover.
who isnt a faggot?
I've caught excavator operators dicking around not paying attention because they're on their phones with a bucket of gravel over our heads.

threw a rock threw an open window at some fat fuck newfie and told him if he's caught using his phone in a machine again he can grab a shovel or find a new job.

generation doesn't matter, boomer to zoomer they're all guilty.
*through. damn it
I want to say same-same but with the shift in demographics thanks to (((them))) I've noticed that the young "white" apprentices are either motivated by the promise of money or placed on crews by daddy, as long as they are interested in learning the trade I'll work with them.

The ethnics are measurably more reliable and seek a career to provide for their families. They aren't without their faults though, over-eagerness can lead to some safety issues, especially when you are working 200+ feet in the air and they forget to secure tools with lanyards or even not wearing a damn harness and being tied-off.

>t. industrial sparky
>there is nothing to do

Tell me you have zero initiative or common sense without saying "I have no intiative or common sense.

Also add " self respect", what kind of faggot gets hired where there's literally nothing to do and just shrugs his shoulders and figures its an opportunity to fuck off on his phone and still collect a wage, rather than calling bullshit and finding productive work to do with his life?

Dumb children have always been dumb, but zoomers don't even comprehend the basic life skill of being embarrassed for their own good and ASPIRE to be able to claim victimhood...in this case, for being expected to work when on the clock.
>Tell me you have zero initiative or common sense without saying "I have no intiative or common sense.

Yo es Mexicano
sausage and egg mcmuffin > bacon and egg mcmuffin
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Shut the fuck up tranny.
The way you bitch, the way you write, your cadence and spacing are exactly like the reddit loving liberal women you are crying about victimizing you.
Kek. Figures.
Yeah, when I started all the apprentices were like 18 -22. Now its 30-35.
> fucking phone
It’s the same everywhere.
In software development they put their phone between their wrists in front of their keyboard and leave their hands on the keyboard pretending to type shit while watching entire seasons of tv shows, fill-length feature films, and 4 hour streamed destiny raids
>doing work that americans refuse to do
Yes, that is what you described.
This. I got stuck working with a shitty boomer for a while who wouldn't stop complaining about "these kids have their faces in their phones all the fucking time," but whenever he had a chance he was fucking off and calling people, sometimes hour+ length calls.
>we used to get guys who grew up tinkering on cars, bikes or farm machinery. Now we get guys "and grils" who grew up playing xbox
this is one of the worst parts of the electronic entertainment age- the years when kids and teens are able to learn the most and train themselves how to move and think are spend completely wasted mastering useless video game moves
>inb4 muh hand-eye coordination
no, that is a complete lie as nothing about tapping buttons on a game controller will translate to any useful skill.
if ur not paid to have "initiative" then whats the point

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