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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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Moving into a new apartment and the landlord seems reasonable. I want to plant some veggie gardens etc (raised beds) and keep some chickens. I already know I'll have to talk to him about the chickens first, but how much is normal to ask for permission for vs just doing it without permission? Like, can I put a fence up without permission? Would that cause a ruckus?
Ideally, you should want to be able to leave the apartment in pretty much the condition you moved into it. If it's something that would cause you to be unable to do that, then you should talk to your landlord before doing it.
Veggie gardens and chickens where, does the place have a yard? You should definitely ask the landlord, you're presumably doing this in shared space of all the people living there. Chicken in particular also noise pollute and smell.
Good rule of thumb I think, I'll keep this in mind.

They've got individual yards out back and the apartments themselves are more or less sectioned off. Don't know a good way to describe it. They're more like trailers than apartments in form I guess.
That one retard that keeps animals in the neighborhood...
Why are you moving into an apartment (presumably where you pay rent) to do that? What's with the childish, unrelated anime image? Or are you telling us the level of your reasoning skills?

Helpx. Find a host. Go out and work in the country. Get some basic life skills down and give up over-aged under-mature anime nonsense.
Several others keep animals already

>Why are you moving into an apartment (presumably where you pay rent) to do that?
Because it's better than my previous apartment by a lot.
>What's with the childish, unrelated anime image?
To guarantee replies.
>Helpx. Find a host. Go out and work in the country. Get some basic life skills down and give up over-aged under-mature anime nonsense.
Dumb nigger
Coordinate it all with the landlord since it belongs to him not you. That's the route to a positive relationship.

Remember roosters crow at all hours. You don't have to have one since you can order chicks instead of hassling with incubation.
I had a garden in an apartment with a backyard and just used raised beds with legs/huge planting pots. I was able to sell them on marketplace WAY faster than anything else I tried to get rid of when I moved out as well. IDK about chickens tho you might get into problems with neighboring tenants about the smell/noise more than you will with the landlord. Depends on the law where you live but you could be evicted due to tenant complaints or just by your landlord if it's too much of a hassle for him to keep texting you about the fucking chickens.
Who's the 'dumb nigger' that posts anime to a diy forum, and wants to keep chickens and garden at an apartment so they can be a rentcuck?

Projecting much. Smh. And that's why no one, no one will help you whatsoever, and you have to come begging to an anonboard.
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Oh nooo, someone wants to do something entirely within the confines of reality, expectation, and means!!! nooooo!!! better threaten him or whatever nonsense that is. Don't reply if you don't have any helpful responses :)

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