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Americans live in folding homes.
How embarrassing.
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lmao. they have this shit called osb which they reckon shores the whole structure up. in saying that building 7 fell down out of nowhere too and that wasnt 'osb'. maybe its the mcdonaldization of their building sector. good enough for the first owner.
>osb which they reckon shores the whole structure up
It would just end up ripping loose and fly away in one piece.
>partially framed structure
>herp derp, Americans were living in it!

rent free
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never forget that these threads are nothing more than butthurt yuropoors coping with their substantially lower standards of living
this is what wood construction looks like in Switzerland
For all you know it alls…this is called racking in framing. Not enough wind braces on the ends with all the openings. Walls should have been sheeted when erected…Mexicans
So was this a worksite that played heavy metal or mariachi music?
Do you really think that there will be structural insulation and stucco?
that is in canada
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right, this is switzerland
sincere question: who the fuck pays for this? The construction company's insurance?
>Do you really think that there will be structural insulation and stucco?
No, but there will be structural sheathing that reinforces the structure and prevents precisely the shear failure that occurred in OP webm related.
Allowing normies to own single family homes was a mistake. Normie's should only be allowed to live in picrel.
Thats a loaded question, too many variables.
Everyone will be finger pointing. Framer should have known better and might have. My guess is the builder. Home builders are the proverbial used car salesman. Full of shit, dont know dick.
That not residental …have another pint you skirt wearin doosh pickle
it's just sticks, pick them up, put them back together.
white glue is water soluble, it'll just happen again
It should be illegal to timber frame unless its for your personal residence. Wood is nice because it is feasible for someone to build their own house, but once you have jews involved everything goes to shit since it's a race to the bottom and we end up with that shit and OSB.
Now post an impoverished part of an american town.
plywood and cardboard are considered structural sheathing in the USA.
>swiss also make skyscrapers out fucking wood like Americans.
Don't you need to put sheathing on a story at a time to avoid this?

Criminal.management that could have happened with people working on it.
>Structural sheathing
aka a cope for Americans that build a weak ass structure out of Mcdonalds fries and particle boards, and then cope by saying that it doesn't matter that it's weak because a few layers of mdf and cardboard that forms the outside and inside walls is going to magically make everything stiffer and remove the need for diagonal bracing
yep, i'm thinking this guy is no cap retarted. so cringe ong
No fucking difference in basic construction.
America's a little too concerned with policing the world and wasting money trying to elect conmen than construct cool shit.
>3 story tall stick house
>this won't be allowed even where i live (Bulgaria)
>"up to code" in the US
>jose did it in in the wrong order
yawn. wake me up when one of the finished buildings in the background blows over.
>he doesn't know
5 story wood framed construction is allowable in the US and Canada.
Yes..you sheath the wall before you stand it
Sheathing a 3 story after its up is stupid af
>Yes..you sheath the wall before you stand it
I've never seen it done that way.
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Not my fault youre an idiot
>Not my fault youre an idiot

Who's the idiot? I've seen plenty of walls stood up without sheathing, as has anyone who has been around much construction. I never said it is always done either way. You're the idiot who thinks that.

Wear your idiot badge with pride.
> Slav sub human has entered the chat
You all live in commie blocks on Bulgaria.
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Oh look your strong yuro cuck buildings were destroyed by a tornado .
Awww little snowflake is sensative got her feels hurted…poor baby
It’s flat-pack for easy transport. I thought Euros would appreciate that.
The picture is from Sweden.
Regardless, tell me why normie NPCs should be allowed nice things when they can't wait to get their normie hands on them and mcdonaldize them?
Is your home built like that?
not really, no
big cities usually have a lot of them, but smaller places and villages are all brick houses
i personally live in a apartment building built in 2020
>apartment building built in 2020
So commie block but the facade is white/gray instead of biege.
if commieblock is energy efficient, modern and up to date, sure call it that way if it's so important for you
the fact is, a stick house higher than a story and a half here will not be allowed, because even we have some standards for building quality
We make stick commie blocks here.
Enough with the brother wars frens.

Both construction methods have their advantages.
Brick and concrete is stronger. Timber literally grows on trees and makes even simple remodels like adding a new electric circuit very easy.
Don't you see the solution?
Brick and concrete exterior walls, timber frame interior.
Strength where it matters. Cost savings where it does not.
I build custom homes and almost no one opts for plywood and go with OSB. I don't understand it. These are million+ homes and they refuse the extra $6k for plywood
I'm seriously considering it.
You lie because osb is stronger and more resistant to moisture than plywood.
You would know that if in fact you were a builder
Whatever you say Reisinger, enjoy your formaldehyde.
Said the fucking asbestos pussy, spell checker thats afraid of her own shadow. You liberal, snowflake faggots are a plague on mankind
How dumb do you feel right now?
That's stick framing, not timber framing.
Is stick frame really that much cheaper? I'm doing owner builder and post frame is way less labor, and materials seem a bit cheaper too. Every 12' you put a triply ply laminate 2x6 to create a bay. You can pour a 4' concrete pier and bolt it to the post or just drop the post in the hole fill with concrete. Roof trusses every 12' atop the posts. 2x6 girts/purlins pull everything into square. 29ga corrugated metal all over then gives it the needed strength for shear. Doors and windows can be placed willy-nilly because they're not in the way. Labor would have to be like $2/hr to be competitive with this. I don't even have to do a concrete slab. Just going to make a sealed crawlspace and then do stick frame for interior walls. Mcmansion aesthetics are important but at least a barndo won't collapse and kill someone. From the inside you wouldn't even be able to tell it's built using vastly superior methods.
>posts a picture of a building located on the north side of Memhardstrasse, Berlin, built in the early 80s East Germany, a soviet, slav-controlled puppet state
>Labor would have to be like $2/hr to be competitive with this
Further information: Memhardstrasse 8 (the building in your picture, know to locals as "MEMI"), was designed by architect Lothar Kwasnitza, a literal staunch communist who designed buildings for the GDR government.
>post commieblock
>pretend it's a product of western european culture
>thirdies once again chiming in about stick frame houses as if they know anything about civil engineering
>while posting from their crumbling favela
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>OSB is more water resis-ACK
>while posting from their crumbling fave-ACK
That bint looks like skinny James May.
Balkaners are fun creatures. Pretty much every village has between 30-75% of homes that don't have a facade.
Should just build a layer of decorative brick on the outside and call it a day.
>Lothar Kwasnitza
So a german, not a slav. Stop being a retarded faggot, slavic is not a political ideology.
>house is still in one piece
wow really showed us lol
M8. House literaly fell down a creek and is intact. Like, all the glasses are still there.
You are allowed to say the house look like ass because it lacks plastering, but go fuck yourself if this is not solid as a rock.

Where do you prefer to be?
in the house that fall down because a strong wind hit, or in the house that literaly survive diluve?
How did you interpret me responding to a retard saying saying poor countries houses fall apart with a image of a some balkoid house that literally got lifted by a flood and moved and is in one piece as me saying stick framing is good.
If you weren't retarded, you would recognize that >>2801562 was a reference to Soviet culture, not ethnic makeup.
>i like commieblock
>you must be a slav
>because the soviets, who were slavs, loved the commieblock
wouldnt want to be the guy that was responsible for putting the sheathing on lol
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>not ethnic makeup
>literally uses the word slav
You have the reading comprehension of a toddler. I even spelled it out for you and you still don't understand. You're the type of person to hear "Shrimp-fried rice" and think the rice was prepared by a shrimp.
American construction is weird to say the least, the wall siding are supposed to help the structure hold, instead of the structure holding the sidings. No wonder a little bit of wind knocks houses down (except for the fireplace chimney LMAO!).
Euro houses can endure cat 4, burger ones cat 3. Either way, you're fucked.
Find those bump outs for gas inserts so ugly. Just put it in a corner if you're too cheap for a proper fireplace. Also, everyone knows that spray foam is what holds the average home together these days.
Jealousy of America is palpable to say the least.
the homes don't fold if you complete them properly lol
cherrypicking little faggot you are
Ok, i remember to post something from Europe or Japan the next time.
>Yeah they forgot to add the structural particleboard
>watch hurricane aftermath footage
>its all flat land with a ton a matchsticks laying around
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How did we get psyop'd into not only accepting houses made with subpar materials built by brownoids, but acting as if they are superior to brick?
I also love mold and dying from earthquakes that my timber frame house has survived.
this, but unironically.
It's like building a house by stacking up common bricks without mortar and then being surprised if it falls down.

Sticks + plywood is an assembly. They work together. The sheathing adds an enormous amount of structural strength in shear.
timber framed houses are absurdly strong
>usually built on a beefy monolithic slab instead of a flat slab
>1/4" or 1/2" steel hardware connections between concrete and wood instead of a few ramset nails or simpson brackets
>SIP's and elbow + knee bracing instead of relying on 7/16" osb for shear
>every piece of wood is safety factored 3x because engineers don't deal with timber frames commonly

don't confuse timber framing with stick framing or balloon framing, it could save your life
stop being a retard and pick a book, boss
commieblocks are invented by the germans in the post ww2 period
you sound obsessed by us and i'm starting to suspect a slav fucked your girlfriend
I swear they should give the Spanish civil war treatment to rednecks afterwards if there's a civil war because of their stupid asses. Executions.
>owning the euros by posting a literally intact house that rolled on its side
oh wow, you absolutely obliterate us, king!
Based peace bringing poster
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>commieblocks are invented by the germans in the post ww2 period
commieblocks (kruschevka and later brezhnevka) were invented by Vitaly Lagutenko (a Russian slav) in 1947, working under Nikita Khrushchev.
Commieblocks are purely a slavic, soviet invention, which explains why they're so depressing and ugly.
OSB is more resistant than plywood, provided you didn't go turbo-cheap and make it out of fucking aspen or poplar. Those two OSB variants are genuinely horrendous.
You work for morons.
If this were the case, American homes would be collapsing literally constantly. I have gone my entire life and lived in several States, never once seen a home collapse or even come close.
Do Euros just not have carpenters or something? Why are you guys afraid of wood?
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Leave plywood and osb outside long term in the weather and OSB just degrades and fall apart after long enough. Cheap bastards use plywood to sheath outbuildings and don't even paint or cover them and they still last a long time.
>Brick and concrete exterior walls, timber frame interior
This man knows what he's talking about. It's basically the one thing that's ever been done right in Florida. Except that after the housing price explosion a couple years ago, I've been seeing 2X4 and OSB apartment buildings like >>2801614 pop up all over.
why'd you get hit by a hurricane
that was stupid of you
>a few layers of mdf and cardboard that forms the outside and inside walls is going to magically make everything stiffer and remove the need for diagonal bracing
Euro's who have never heard of T&G and racking, or a shear wall.
Let the euros think NA wood framing is shit. We have 400 year old balloon framed homes here that have survived 400 years of hurricanes.
>Euros complain about energy dependency on Russia
>Build structures of concrete block and stucco
>Not a scrap of thermal insulation
"bu....but the thermal mass is enough, right?"
It's veneer brick. There are seldom any more precast concrete panel wood framed structures any more.
>No balconies
>window operators swing inward making for a shit weather seal
>staining on the concrete panels
I don't care if Germans or Slavs, commies or westerns, made this building. This thing is objectively shit.
The left side of the house is fucking gone and foundation doesn't even have any fucking footings. No wonder it got loose in a flood.
My house is not veneer brick, it's made of concrete block with actual stucco, not that EIFS shit. My guess is it's specified due to the ability to withstand hurricanes and the insanity of termites here. Looking at newer house construction, I can tell you they still use block. It's the shitty apartments that have turned to wood with fake brick veneers. For the rest of the country you're correct, though. Having lived in the mid-Atlantic there was no brickwork but veneers made in the last century in single family homes.
they unironically require the osb siding to be on for full strength
>compare Geneva to an impoverished part of an american town.

Can't relate, we got reinforced concrete here. (Netherlands)
American construction is fucking archaic. This is what modern construction is liked in civilized countries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nm_4qHDgEIc
Prefabricated reinforced concrete sections, assembled on site.
wtf shrimp fried rice is not prepared by shrimps?
home built from steel reinforced concrete with thick insulation over the top outside
>t. can't afford wood
if I discover that I need to add a power outlet in a random place, I can do that myself in an afternoon. you need to hire professionals to come out and carve away your cave-like concrete walls first.
>We have 400 year old balloon framed homes
americans build houses out of balloons too? now that's news to me
This happened before they could install the load-bearing drywall.
>Do Euros just not have carpenters or something? Why are you guys afraid of wood?
we evolved to the masonry age few centuries ago
don't worry, one day you will also get there
nice wikipedia skills, bozo
however, consider the following: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large_panel_system_building
i was also wrong, because the dutch started that building method post WWI, based on US idea
in the pic related of the post you quote, see that gray thing on the wall and lying on the car's roof? it's 10cm of thermal insulation. It's as thick as the entire wall in your stick house.
pretending to be stupid or it comes naturally?
the left side of the house is buried in the ground, because that was a landslide with a lot of water and the foundation is half of the concrete you see on the bottom (about 50cm) which is adequate for that size of a building
in the meantime, the buildings in NY built in the beginning of the century are literally bricks stacked from the ground level with absolutely no foundations under them
>>No balconies
>>window operators swing inward making for a shit weather seal
can't fathom the concept of window sealing i see
>>staining on the concrete panels
yes, staining due to weather and dirt was by design, retard
sounds like a bad planing to me
These things are often overprovisioned with extra conduits and boxes for you to populate.You can also uss surface mount outlets.
>never forget that these threads are nothing more than butthurt yuropoors coping
>watch any youtube vid of yuros in USA
"OMG, I had no idea <everything they thought they knew wrong> in the USA."
slat contractions is the worst.
but in their defense, structural drywalls have not been installed in either examples.
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It would probably all have stood if the OSB sheathing was installed previously, let's be honest. OSB is not that weak actually.
>a stick house higher than a story and a half here will not be allowed, because even we have some standards for building quality
I think it's less so structural integrity and moreso "holy fuck I can hear even tiptoing upstairs this is fucking horrible" stick frame is cool for single level objects and nothing else.
Now that's facts. Balkanoid's got the best houses in yurop structurally speaking. That is a shallow foundation and it's no wonder it just went down a hill. Very likely an illegal build without any consideration for the terrain it was being built on, yet even with no oversight the house itself held up near perfectly. If it wasn't involved in a huge flood it could well have stood today.
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>Should just build a layer of decorative brick on the outside and call it a day.
It's not worth when these days you're gonna insulate it first. Styrofoam is cheap as shit but as you should know these houses are left like this either because of financial mismanagement or because no one is living there because everyone is in the city to wageslave. Sad situation really.
Once insulation is placed you can build said brick wall or be cheap and plaster it over with the glue and mesh which lasts 10 years instead of 100.
>I also love mold
What is cavity wall insulation? What is external wall insulation? Nigger.
>and dying from earthquakes
What is Reinforced Concrete? Faggot.
>that my timber frame house has survived.
I seriously doubt you live in a real timber framed object. Timber framing is fucking awesome, not stick framing which is poorfag cope for spics who cannot timber frame, it works but it's utterly soulless.
>What is cavity wall insulation?
>if I hide the mold it isn't real
>surface mount
What are we living in garages now?
Let me tell you about this building method because it’s absolutely genius. It’s used not only in the balkans but everywhere these days, you see it in Mozambique, in Brazil, in Romania, Cambodia and a ton of other countries. You see how small the concrete sections are? This makes it easy for one guy with one ladder to build the entire house but it’s ALSO possible for 5 guys to do it 5 times as fast with little extra instructions or planning. It only uses easy to obtain materials and each ‘section’ can be delivered by a single truck (mortar, bricks, rebar and corrugate). The concrete is mixed on site and a pump isn’t needed because they can wheelbarrow it up. In countries with good climates they dont bother putting windows, in other climates they put cheap pre fabricated PVC windowsills because these houses don’t ‘settle’. You can teach an 18 year old the entire process in about a year.

> but muh hurricanes
These survive a hurricane just fine. They resist the earthquakes and mud slides that South America and Asia see because as long as the rebar holds, a crack isn’t too bad and the concrete shell doesn’t break.

In the worst case (eg UN bombings or shelling during the Kosovo war) the red blocks just fall out of the concrete and you literally just put them back when the war is over.
>pic of substandard yuro wall with no vapour barrier or rain screening
>relying on exterior batt insulation for entire thermal performance
>has the cheek to call others niggers
Your assembly wouldn't survive -20c winters, tranny.
>reinforced concrete will save you from earthquakes
umm, you do realize that concrete is heavy, has very high inertia and isnt actually extremely strong relative to its weight? or do you think an earthquake that literally vibrates the crust of earth doesnt have enough power to shake that concrete fuck to submission?
Nightmare fuel
>You've just been Balked
"holy fuck I can hear even tiptoing upstairs this is fucking horrible"
This doesn't happen if you give a single fuck about how you floor the 2nd floor.
retard, industrial buildings are all built like that
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that's just water damage, no wind damage, dumbfuck.
even without wind, every time things get a bit wet in europe, there is always catastrophic damage. this is germany. you have no fucking idea what a tornado is apparently.
These houses are easily over 100 years old and likely used to be part of a small farm you dumb lardgolem.
>relying on exterior batt insulation for entire thermal performance
It works. You have nothing for exterior insulation.
>no vapour barrier
Not needed, maybe even detrimental.
>rain screening
On "ventilated facades" (the same shit as a cavity wall but prefab panels assembled onto metal profiles) they do put a foil that doesn't let the insulation get wet but does specifically let vapors through.
>reinforced concrete will save you from earthquakes
... Yes! Literally yes.
>or do you think an earthquake that literally vibrates the crust of earth doesnt have enough power to shake that concrete fuck to submission?
At the point to where it does that then your sticks may bend but Juan's nailgun work is gonna give and you and you will be impaled, we'll both be dead.
Yeah I know, wood sucks bro, that's like, what I've been saying.
>It’s used not only in the balkans
>in Romania
Romania fits squarely into the Balkan peninsula.
>They resist the earthquakes and mud slides that South America and Asia see
Balkans see them too, that's why we put the columns, if not then we wouldn't, they don't in Germany. I mean I would put them anywhere, adds a massive amount of strength to the house.
>UN bombings or shelling during the Kosovo war
... UN bombings? Really, the fucking UN?
the parts that fell apart in your pic were wood...
the pic does not support your arguments
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>It works. You have nothing for exterior insulation.
the sheeting is what keeps everything square
how they got all the way up to the attic without putting any on is a mystery
>Not needed, maybe even detrimental.
Yeah, keeping your insulation dry and free of mold is bad and also racist or something.
Exterior insulation is closed cell, so it doesn't get wet and moldy.
Stucco also partially protects from water, and it's outside so any mold would be less of an issue than inside.
But it's mold free so that's besides the point
You'd know if you ever saw buildings with exterior insulation getting demolished it rebuilt. see >>2801565 the dark grey exterior insulation is pristine, no mold
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>loadbearing wood on the inside
>decorative bricks on the outside
pants on head retarded
Is that why you all keep complaining about mushrooms growing in your houses? Because your magic unsealed walls magically don't trap moisture?
the balkan one will look like that for decades to come, even after the tenants move in
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if there only was a way to make these livable

austria has pic rel which is one of the most sought place to live in
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>Do Euros just not have carpenters or something? Why are you guys afraid of wood?

we have and there prob the trade that cares the most about traditions and builing quality. they laugt at us constructiun all the time,and would say hält von 12 bis Mittag
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they also look poorly build probably a 100yo /DIY/ projekt re using old timbers from some demolished barn

a 300 or 400 yo house build from oak would have survived it
mold incoming i dont even want to input this in a building calculator, the water vapour needs to get to the outside, the osb has to be the inside wall
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lower floors get fuck huge planters
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>lower floors get fuck huge
pool is free to use for residents and gets upkeept with the combined common costs of the house.
has saunas as well.

in the basement there are rooms for clubs where for example the modell train autists meet and build on their trains and model planes
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the different blocks are combined by a park containing a church a shopping centre cafes, and a gymhall
You can count the number of houses in NA with this on 1 hand I bet.
>the balkan one will look like that for decades to come
Sadly it is possible. I bet that one in particular was finished though.
>even after the tenants move in
Tenants? Holy rentbrain moron. They are left unfinished either due to poor financial choices by the owner or because everyone in the family who makes money lives in the cities.
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>>Not a scrap of thermal insulation
You can literally see the fire rated styrofoam insulation in the picture LMAO fucking blind muttoid
>keeping your insulation dry
It does if there's a waterproof membrane. Breathability is an advantage. There is literally no need for a vapor barrier on external insulation because no condensation forms on it.
On external wall insulation like picrel the plaster layer typically goes to shit in 10-20 years, I've seen them last over 30 at times, the insulation and wall behind it remains perfectly fine. A cavity wall of solid brick on the outside could last as long as the house, at least 100 years.
Wha? You don't see me complaining. My house from the 70s only had very limited issues in the basement, presumably more caused by moisture due to capillary action, the crude waterproofing from the 70s has probably worn out entirely. Even before external wall insulation the upper floors never had such issues.
These days you have all sorts of polymer based shit and bitumen sheets that are melted which you can see used around the foundations in >>2802612 and that will probably last as long as the structure itself.
that .webm
>you vill live in ze pod
>unfinished building gets rekt by a tornado
>low quality shitposting intensifies
I'd live in a comfy commie block if it was rent free and my neighbours weren't all druggies, criminals and low lifes. Something simple and efficient about them otherwise.
the only mold issues I've seen in concrete buildings were from plumbing, roof leaks, window flashing leaks or condensation on cold walls in humid rooms with inadequate exterior insulation
same problems like in stick buildings, but exchange exterior insulation to insulation between joists in above statement

rent free third worlder
>they laugt at us constructiun all the time

ignorance is bliss
Post the home you OWN and how many acres beneath it or fuck off.
Normies are lower than dogs
Retard. Weight =/= strength, paco.
exteriour insulation is goat because it shifts the point of condensation to the outside plaster layer.

this is why the paint and plaster grows algae and moss after maybe just 5 years. but the walls of the house are always warm and dry.

interior insulation and the walls stay cold and the water vapur coming from the insde breathing/showering condenses in the walls.
Tbf I'm European and my mid 70s timber frame house isn't even built to an American standard. The wall studs are even smaller than American 2x4's and they used vertical wooden planks instead of OSB on the walls. If I hit a wall with my fist, you can hear windows that are 4 meters away rattle.
>no diagonal supports
I have never seen this in residential
>Built up three stories with zero shear panels
>Same shit, nearly 100% framed with zero shear panels
>ZOOOOOMG it fell over
Yeah no shit, retards. They were missing the stuff that keeps the match stick framing from falling over. Also
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Going to build my dream home here in tornado alley
Where in the world is that considered a "house"?
You're supposed to sheathe corners before you leave after framing
Everyone who has had any formal training about framing at all know this
This is one of the first wood skyscrapers every built and I'm pretty sure it's the one in the US with the parking garage underneath
looks like it
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soon everywhere
That particular one is in Switzerland. The largest in the world is the Ascent MKE building in Wisconsin, and it's built absurdly strong.
Wow these Davids sure are stupid
Working years in New York just to save up money to live in a broom closet in China
Really living the dream there
Every European city is the same
>NAFRIs wandering around trying to rob you.
>Money changing stands trying to rip you off
>"Ristorante Italiano" run by some Romanians or the mob.
>Starbucks and McDonalds everywhere
If I wanted to go to an international tourist trap, I could just go to EPCOT.
> Shit where you eat
All that wasted space due to the incline, just so you can park a car half-assedly underneath?
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The floor slabs are also often assembled out of prefab elements and concreted over. Of course this is not as strong as pure reinforced concrete but much cheaper and doesn't let nearly as much sound through.
What's the point of these?

>Using Sketchup to design your fucking seacan 'haus' without any insulating walls.
git dang yuropoors don't even suck bbc
Brits and the french do.
Prove it
First build a steel building, then build a wooden one inside of it.
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No, it's the rice that fry the shrimp.
>will look like that for decades to come
depends on if it's being build by contractor, or the owner himself. Those who build alone focus on getting the house up and moving in, external looks are pretty much at number 99 on the list of shit to be done.
It took me about 5 years after i moved in before i decided to clad the house - a week for the first floor and then i had to wait a month until a friend of mine could hook me up with a scaffold. A proffesional firm would've costed me about 18k in USD, when doing it myself is 10k.
I can almost assure you David's wife is having an affair too since there's absolutely no way they're going to accomplish anything in this bed.
kek this is fucking hilarious
Used scaffold is often easy to find on Fecesbook Marketplace where I got mine and is well worth owning. One of my Baker style scaffolds sits in my garage as stout rolling shelving. If you work in motorcycles or anything that fits beneath you can hang it from the scaffold.
That is not what is happening.
enraged, confused
Eurotrash houses dont build themselves, pathetic
I doubt David can afford those massive steel frames lmao
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actally when euros build houses made from wood they will get build in factories and just put together with a crane on site.
>Eurotrash houses dont build themselves, pathetic

They're 3D printing houses in Europe

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the bricks are not load bearing
you can outline an skeleton made of concrete pillars and beams, that is the load bearing part. The inside if the load bearing structures there is steel frames with concrete enveloping it

we also build with load bearing bricks, but it is not the case of this image
if you cut a load bearing brick wall to place tubes or try to demolish an internal wall to do some changes in the living space, you can bring down the hole builting on your head
I know many stories about that
Bitch, if I could fold up my house and put it in my trunk, I would go somewhere other than shitsylvania
>... UN bombings? Really, the fucking UN?
he meant the jews
More specifically, "panelized".
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Eh, i can't really justify owing one - too much hasle to store and move around.
There are companies here who offer scaffolds for rent and would even come and assemble it for you and then come take it back once you're done. But as i said, my friend had one, so i just needed to wait for his uncle to finish fixing the roof of his barn.

How is that plaster attached to the home exactly? I don't know what the different layers are. We don't see homes built like that in Canada barring some pet projects.

If I were to use clay blocks like that in Canada, which I would if they were available, then there would ideally be a semi permeable vapor/bulk water barrier over the clay blocks, before the rockwool insulation. To do the plaster, this is the important part, there would need to be a gap formed between the insulation and plaster to allow air movement from weep holes in the bottom to vents at the top of the wall. This facilitates drying and temperature control of the exterior cladding. We call it a "rain screen" system here.

I was talking to some of my parents friends who moved to Poland for retirement about how they build "Canadian" style homes there. Sounds about the same. Saw some pictures the other day and I just had to laugh at the quality. No one out there actually knows how and why we build here, not that our standards are any good.

The best system IMO is block exterior load bearing walls with interior timber/stick framing. Too bad I can't source those clay blocks here. I would also consider mortarless blocks but those companies got forced out of business.
Honestly, this is ideal in large cities. Excellent idea... on paper. In practice, it doesn't work. Requires for everyone in the management and development, as well as all residents to not be a dick. Not gonna work.
>How is that plaster attached to the home exactly?
... Chemically?
>I don't know what the different layers are
1. wall - brick, concrete, whatever even OSB if its attic expansion or prefab stickframe house
2. insulation glue - similar to tile glue but cheaper
3. insulation - styrofoam if you're being cheap, pic depicts mineral wool
4. insulation glue
5. glass fiber mesh to reinforce glue
6. insulation glue
7. final layer of decorative plaster that also resists water decently enough to survive 10-20 years and is guaranteed to look like shit in less than 10
The circular things are anchors because the glue isn't perfect. It is not a perfect solution it is just the cheapest way to insulate a brick house well.
>then there would ideally be a semi permeable vapor/bulk water barrier over the clay blocks, before the rockwool insulation
Utterly pointless and have only seen this kind of thing placed around the windows to seal everything up better.
>To do the plaster, this is the important part, there would need to be a gap formed between the insulation and plaster to allow air movement from weep holes in the bottom to vents at the top of the wall
What you are describing is a cavity wall like >>2802614 and that lasts A LOT longer but costs a damn side more too, worth it to do on a house though.
>the bricks are not load bearing
>you can outline an skeleton made of concrete pillars and beams, that is the load bearing part. The inside if the load bearing structures there is steel frames with concrete enveloping it
Yes, that's what makes it so good.
>we also build with load bearing bricks
>I know many stories about that
Do tell.
i will remind them
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>structural stucco
>load-bearing drywall
>structural drywalls

hawk and trowel while listening to miracles

We Americans got a theory
about white magic rock, and miracle of gypsum
gypsum is magic, pure and clean
You can feel it and hear it but it can't be seen
Stucco is all magic
You can't even hold it
It's just there in the air
Pure motherfuckin' magic. Right?
This shit'll blow your motherfuckin' mind
gypsum is a lot like love, it's all a feeling
And it fills the room from the floor to the ceiling
I see gypsum miracles all around me
Stop and look around, it's all astounding
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
Crown molding everywhere in this bitch
It's all around you, you don't even know it
Shit's crazy


"miracle mineral"
Exactly this happens in the movie Open Range (2003). Thought you guys should know.
>be hungry termite
>destroy amerilard house

>pour one bottle of rubbing alcohol on porch
>drop a lit match
>destroy american house

>be violent nigger
>punch wall
>destroy american house

>rain for 5 seconds
>rot american house

>be 100km/h wind gust
>destroy american house

i've heard the cope about muh wood being so commonplace in the US or whatever, but so is dirt and do you see us making mud huts you fucking retards? worst part is that you end up paying close to half a million dollars for the privilege of living in niggermerica.
learn to build a proper home for the love of fuck

and no, i am not european. they have their own rapefugee problems and they don't know what driers or central air are, but jesus fuck, at least their houses are not literal piles of cope sticks
Are you autistic? Can't you tell they're meant to be satirical humor at how fucked up the housing situation is?
>commie block if it was rent free
It is? You pay utility and building maintenance if it is ever needed. It's all condos. You are free to do as you wish with your condo as long as you don't cut off all the heating above you or fuck up the structural integrity of the building.
>and my neighbours weren't all druggies, criminals and low lifes.
Typically aren't in commieblock countries.
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I fucking love drywall. Added an outlet in 20 minutes.
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>Are you autistic? Can't you tell they're meant to be satirical humor at how fucked up the housing situation is?
No, I'm realistic. Housing can't be solved by shipping containers. It's solved by public infrastructure.
Oxytocin has been tested on autistic people and it's worked relatively well. I wish you the best of luck in your long journey ahead.
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>I don't know what the different layers are
1: Brick wall
2.Fibran or Styrfoam attached to the wall with teracol or polyurethane foam and plastic ancoring tabs (you drill a hole in the brick and hammer a two-piece palstic tab in)
3: fiber mesh
4: marmodom
5:decorative plaster - either sylicone-based one by Knauf/Ceresit, or a lime/cement mix if you wanna go oldschool
I was involved with designing some of the first CLT buildings in the USA. It's still a relatively new form of construction. Honestly it's an absolutely incredible system, but I have my doubts that it will ever be more than a niche style of construction, because it will probably never be cheaper than steel for large building or cheaper than stick framing for homes. It's like trying to reinvent the wheel, but it's a fun reinvention.

The floors brace the columns laterally and the absolutely gigantic concrete walls brace the floors laterally. This building will survive earthquakes and hurricanes when your brick hovel in Europe flattens you in a couple milliseconds. Please explain why this building needs diagonal supports, or do you just not understand load paths?
>when your brick hovel in Europe flattens you in a couple milliseconds
"brick hovels" in balkans can resist 8.5 earthquakes, muttshart
lmao yuropooreans houses are just one huge indestructible lego brick. if someone dropped that out of an air plane it would probably just bounce around.
8.5 earthquake isn't enough info to be meaningful. Nobody designs buildings based on resisting a number of the Richter scale, because that would be insane.. You must be a "big number good low number bad" type of couch scientist.
is this how you cope about your small penis
This house may have been built in america but it wasnt built by americans
>3 stories and no Sheathing
>2nd and 3rd stories have exterior doorways and a massive bay window framed
Was this a demonstration for a construction school or something?
Even Squatamalans aren't this stupid
>yuropoors in concrete 64 sqft bunkers eternally mad that we can adapt our large homes to our lifestyle and remodel as we see fit
>out of nowhere
By which I think you mean "most of it's basement was destroyed".
The Swiss put more effort into solid scaffolding then Americans put into building a solid house. But that's an unfair comparison.
>What's the point of these?
They are viral clickbait ticktocks made from content farms in china.
Don't deflect from the fact that you acted like you understand how buildings work but actually you have no idea.

And no, that's not how I cope with a small penis. I just live with it and nobody gives a fuck because I'm a virgin.
Living in a house made of shitty wood and cardboard is not a high standard of living silly goy
>Even Squatamalans aren't this stupid
What's the mold going to eat, glass wool? Brick?
Houses like this have small tinnels in the mortar to let moist out, but I don't know if they used to get that right.
>t. German house dweller, Dutch modern flat dweller
Nobody believes that, Rabbi.
>toilet elevator
literally, a shiter that drives you up the wall
/diy/ discovers what a slide thread is. And like magic, it attracts leftist commie filth and yuros like flies to a corpse.
brick weep holes are standard practice for exterior brick walls here in leaf-land.
It's yet another euro that hasn't lifted a hammer in his life because they'll get him with fines, so he hops on and takes his frustrations out with his lack of framing knowledge.
>burgertoid defending his mexican construction robots
I frame my own shit you fucking moron lol. Man you guys are retarded.
If this was constructed in a timely manner or better it probably wouldn't have collapsed. Maybe it would have collapsed in a few years and kill an entire family but hey.
Better season.
i welded my entire house frame out of steel tubing and the walls are going to be 10mm marine plywood unlike your muttoid burger basement with soggy mcFries as "framing"
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fucking burgers
shut the fuck up

always get your shear walls up before the hurricanes come bro
>muttoid seethes at the fact he pays 500k walmart schekels for a matchbox.
No you shut the fuck up.
even more funny is that a 2x4 is the "nominal" size an its actually just 1-1/2 x 3-1/2

americans somehow think its more logical to measure the wood before drying milling and planing so the actually board is thinner. same with plywood a 3/4" plywood is actually thinnger.

i gues thats only logical for americans because here in europe a 40x60mm board is 40x60mm and a 12mm plywood measures 12mm
Cool, but why don't you just call it 4x6cm? Why the mm?
I prefer 4 ten millionth of the distance between Paris and the northpole as measured in 1806
Its standardized like that, because most construction lumber is cut to millimeter accuracy. Or at least technical drawings are drawn to millimeter accuracy.
mm is the "base unit" for most technical things.
A Brick will be sold as 240 x 175 x 113 mm
a roofing slat will be sold as 40x60x4000 or 5000mm long or 6000mm long.
or old roffing slats were 24x48mm.
This is why you shouldn't buy DR Horton houses
The subs have absolutely no idea what they're doing

12 sheets of OSB would saved the 3 story (one on each side of each story) and less on the others
These dudes are so mad we average like 300sqft of living space per person more than they do in their area lmaoooooo

Properly done for the climate and soil, every major building type is fine

I live in the heart of the US but I'd love to build a house out of those large, insulated, glue together blocks (like the favela but they do it in England
that is definitely texas
Tells you what tolerances you can expect. Sub mm.
You would think that a proper frame construction would withstand that on itself. Maybe they shouldn't built houses like cars.
Hey boss, that plywood delivery got bumped another week. Should wait to frame any more until it arrives?

Get it done or you're fired
This isn't proper construction Eben for American sawdust homes.

This is like your car was only punched out by the very first stage of the punch and you wonder why you cant drive down the road with it
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>There are no druggies, criminals and low lifes in Eastern Europe
>Nobody believes that
You can believe the land ownership statistics where anything in Eastern Europe is extremely high, likely higher than the US, usually over 85%.
It's not the 90s anymore and even then that is basically a Russia exclusive thing and these days limited to bumfuck nowhere towns. Any large country has bad areas and massive wealth disparities, you american trannies expect Russia to be like some fucking euro tax haven microstate and ignore that all the US cities have issues with homeless druggies way worse than anyone else in the world.
I mean I can't say anything for sure as I ain't Russian but this should just be obvious to anyone with 2 brain cells.
>criminals and low lifes
That is the government and I hate to break it to you but western governments are full of it too, only far more secretive as they trade in child sex slaves instead of narcotics. The same goes for kleptocracy too. Like when Trudeau stole 250 million of government funds through his friends company in a fucking basement lmao.
Petty crime is astoundingly rare compared to the west.
It's called space efficiency, chud.
Youve so fallen for that sweet sweet anti-west propaganda. I've been to and around Russia for dozens of times, since its the closest foreign country and up until the all-out "special operations" in Ukraine was easily visitable by visa. It's a shithole with petty crime, druggies, alcoholism and stupid as fuck people. I mean stupid in a bad way, none of those nice hippies who will treat you well, but gopniks that hate everyone who doesnt directly benefit them and will happily scam you if they get the chance. I even speak some of the language, enough to understand what most Russians are talking about in CS2. Enough to somehow get my points across with my Russian neighbor. Only reason to visit Russia is to see the land they stole degrade and fall in to ruin and visit the Karelian babushkas who are probably the nicest people in the world, with great contrast to the rest of the country. Oh and also cheap alcohol, groceries and mayonnaise. Then again Russian rich people dont buy vodka from Russia because it can be bootleg vodka with methanol in it. Believe me their highest end liquor stores can kill customers with bootleg shit. But thats just the life in Russia. Nothing ever works but surely everything will be OK.
Like I said, I ain't Russian. Sad if true though I can't trust one retard. I only heard good things from people I know in real life.
Your entire country willingly bent themselves over for a 40 year period accepting the most dogshit practices possible because it put it made you hypothetically at odds with a bunch of drunk Russians. You HAD to have hectares of cookie cutter matchstick homes to facilitate infinite personalized expansion because commies had commieblocks and only when every man can have his own identically shitty lead lined hovel could you beat them.
looking around small american shithole towns on street view, it looks equally as depressing as all the shithole northern english towns.

I'd rather live in a brick house than a wooden shed or metal caravan like americans do.
this must be a lie because there aren't any people left in the balkans.
They're all in Britain committing crimes.
There are some people... There are still plenty of seismic activities in the balkans at least.
>They're all in Britain committing crimes.
That's exclusively Albanians. Some name their children shit like Tonyblair Thaci.
Do it right.

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Here we have a pic of supposedly superior yuro construction getting cucked by a tornado.
> In b4 still standing
All of those remains are structurally unsound and will be demo'd before rebuilding.
It's because the studs were measured in Imperial. Metric studs in EU would never fall down without sheathing.
Wrong, they are just missing roofs for the most part.
fucking retard
>> In b4 still standing
Literally half of them have just had the oldass roof tiles blown off.
Where is this? I'd like to see it go at houses like >>2801789 >>2802612
It's solved by ending welfare and kicking out immigrants.
Housing should be getting cheaper in countries with population decline not more expensive, that's fucking retarded.
Based fellow Croat telling anons how it is. Balkan houses are truly an architectural gift.
Wow, can't believe I haven't heard of this. That's a huge tornado for non-tornado alley standards.
And all it took to prevent it was investing like 200 bucks in diagonals
This was in Australia and I uploaded this. It was built by a bunch of chinks and knocked down because it didn't meet council specs. Springwood, QLD, around 2019 (I'd have to dig up the original)
Not that yank building standards are poor (they are). Moreso that council specs are in place for a reason, and building a triple story to fit your family and friends into can work, just don't be a chink while doing so.
>fellow Croat
>Balkan houses are truly an architectural gift.
Fact though. President Chud sends you earthquakes every year and it never destroys a recent house.
So much for americans going "muh stick for muh earthquake" as if Jose and Juan's sloppy nailgun work will hold up in an earthquake.
Even our montažne kuće are still superior than the shit in the US.
>This was in Australia
>where the steering wheels in cars are on the left side
fuck off cunt
boomers didnt want to lay bricks so they didnt pass the skillset onto the next generation, it died with the previous. This turned basic bitch bricklaying into a niche specialty which made it cost more.

throw in the fact that sand for cement isnow harvested from the ocean and directly sent to countries other than our own to help them 'industrialize' and raise their standards of living at the direct cost of our own, shits too expensive now.
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USA used to do this. In fact I'm living in one right now, a 1950s Sears kit home. They came pre-fabbed on railcars and workers just screwed them together at the corners, added flashing and shingle, and they were done.
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>muh structural cardboard
yeah you're right, i'd rather have my wooden house shredded to splinters and washed away in the flood along with all my furniture. my bad.
This guy probably runs a 16oz eastwing
>cement isnow harvested from the ocean

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>how can that be i thought only bricks colapse and burry their tenants

whole balkans get quakes and they buid fine with brick. look at pic rel would a stick frame survive being picked up by a flood like that.
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>jebo te
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after the flood is gone you hose everything out and dry for a few weeks then give it a paintjob.

drywall and osb would be porrige after such a flood and rot in peace
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i would feel save in pic rel during a quake.
here in germany where we have no quakes you could leave the RCcolumns away and it would never colapse either.
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>thinking the stronk brick house "survived"
Those houses are done. The roof is fucked. Everything inside the home (electrics, plumbing, hvac) is fucked. The flooring is fucked. Everything is fucked. That house needs to be written off and rebuilt.

Maybe the house is salvagable for a balkanigger like yourself who doesn't have or care for any of the modern house ammenities listed above. But for western europeans and mutts, it does matter. Brick, concrete, or wood; a major flood, storm, or quake will make the house need to be rebuilt.
>foundation lifted from the soil, plumbing and electrical all severed
>but the bricks are still good!
>just need a big crane to put it back where it was!
why are you speaking simlish
That's properly fucked cause there ain't no steel in that structure, it's not meant to take anything like that. Their problem.
Send that tornado over to Serbia and I bet only roof tiles will get lifted. Maybe not even that, mine are cemented in place. Much stronger structures in the Balkans are absolutely necessary due to seismic activity in the region.
>Maybe the house is salvagable for a balkanigger like yourself who doesn't have or care for any of the modern house ammenities listed above
No they literally would be untouched you stupid nigger. I bet you I'd still have running water perhaps even electricity but those are always overhead cables for these places, mostly buildings get underground supplies.
>>but the bricks are still good!
The bricks can be blown out by a bomb, the house stands. They are not load bearing.
Posts like this are reminders of why yugoslavia broke up
I hate murrican siding so fucking much.
> a plank edged over a plank edged over a plank
This is how they "protect" woodchip walls that rot even without direct water contact.
Even here in the third world finished constructions are covered with cement mixes and painted.
It's decades of shrinkflation and stubbornness with names.
Good riddance. Fucking westoid.
Is there even a place you would be able to do this? I feel like code enforcement or some equivalent wouldn't allow you to make changes like this to your apartment
Sheathing is a huge part of stick frame construction. It's absolutely retarded to put up 3 floors of studs without sheathing and then leave it overnight with a storm coming.
Menards does this now, but unfortunately it comes with Menards lumber.
the tilted house was just for demonstaration because
>muh have fun being crushed under the colapsing bricks.

and pic >>2825829 rel will get pumped out and renovated but those are definitly not being written off.
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siding is not even bad if done correctly but this aberican siding is just cheaply slappet to the wall without a single brain cell used to make it last.

siding needs to be ventilated and have a air gap between the siding and the membrane, and top and bottom vents so moisture can ventilate away.
then you need to put a mebrane on the inside behind the drywall to stop water from showering or kooking to condense in the wall .
also note here is 7 the OSB sheet on the inside. because osb is a great vapor barrier.

in all cold climates moisture damage comes from warm moist indoor air (cooking, Showering) condenses in the cold wall material.
Americans put drywall inside and osb outside so the insulation will become moist and moldy.
in pic rel all moisture can travel to the outside and will be vented away behind the siding.
What about things living in that space?
America has been to the moon and you haven't
wdym? mice and wasps ?

of course any good build will have stainless steel mesh at the top and botton.
>Do Euros just not have carpenters or something?
Only for rafters (which are considered rather expensive).
>Why are you guys afraid of wood?
Few reasons:
A) It sucks
B) No timber industry
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>This building will survive earthquakes and hurricanes when your brick hovel in Europe flattens you in a couple milliseconds
Speaking of which a 4.4 on the Richter scale just hit Crete in Greece not even 8 hours ago. Not one object collapse.
Balkans consistently gets hit by quakes under 5 and absolutely nothing happens.
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The US has extensive seismic codes and they are enforced.
I know. It kills me too. Personally, I wish they would bring back diagonal T&G sheathing.
OSB doesn't stand the test of time. It is also much less resilient than plywood and much more susceptible to water damage, fungus and insects. Both fungus and insects love OSB because of the glue and the crappy soft wood they use. It is like ice cream to them. I have seen it so many times. Insects will completely ignore everything except the OSB.
Yeah, there is. I think there's a city in China that doesn't enforce codes. It's a free for all.

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