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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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I live in a rented room at my parents property and want to lower the temps of my room for when the midday sun hits my windows. I want theleast expensive solution and was thinking of finding some cardboard and living it with silver foil and then basically tape it to the inside of my windows to shield from the sun. Would this work or do you have a better solution?

Great solution if you like the glass to shatter when hit by the sun
Must be a trailer otherwise you would be in the basement. Mid day sun usually isnt a problem if youre at work.
what >>2802054 said, don't
Works better if you put it outside the window.
Stop smoking meth OPfag
plant a tree outside your window
use blackout curtains
foil looks like dogshit
just close the blinds
cut a piece of plywood the exact window size and pressure fit it in behind the blinds, on the inside of the room
pull it back out, paint both sides WHITE, not silver — no mirrors, no foil
now your window blocks light and doesn't look like trailer trash
reflectix. it's bubblewrap coated with foil, comes in a roll and is slightly stiff so you can cut it slightly bigger than the pane or frame and have it hold. it's what RV and esp. stealth vans use.

regardless it works best against the glass and you don't want to tape you want to cut things (cardboard or reflectix) to fit and stay because they are just a little too big.

going up one more step money wise you could get one of those 2" thick sheets of hard foam and cut it to the frame size and fit it. unlike the other two it won't let anything around and you can 1 piece the whole window. with this it's okay to have a big air gap between the glass and foam. I have a piece that I use as a door on my crawlspace, just cut to size and shoved into the rectangle.

so worst to best and least expensive to most is:
1. cardboard + foil
2. reflectix
3. solid foam

Don't listen to the fags saying you'll break your windows or to put it outside, you had the right idea just upgrade your mats.
I know this isn’t a short term NEET solution but…

If you get a job, then you won’t be waking up at 1pm with the hod mid day sun. You won’t even care what the temp is in your stepdad’s house at noon since you will be at work. And eventually you can save up some money and go get your own place, where you can turn the AC down as low as you want and then pay your own electric bill!
These let 100% of the heat in.
Silver foil is OK but if you tape it to the inside the window can burst. Tape it to the outside instead. If your area is windy it is going to make some noises and it can rip apart so you need to fixate it properly.
If you had any balls you would just turn on the AC and make your loser parents pay for the bill.
>rented room at my parents property
lmao the mental gymnastics necessary to avoid just saying the truth: "i live with my parents still"
kek that aint gona happen
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Sounds trashy and awful. Just get outdoor shutters. Build them yourself if you want to be cheap. All you need are some boards, nails, paint, and hinges. You can even paint it to be your favorite anime girl, since you're obviously a NEET.
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Instead of all these hokey nigger rig bullshit ideas try a simple awning. Still see out, open window etc…
Couple screws and bingo…who’s yo daddy
Go outside weirdo.4wn2
We already have an overhang and it's not helping.
>Would this work or do you have a better solution?
Tape it to the outside of your windows.
Not if you buy thick insulating black ones. Just figure out how to install a curtain. The rod and the drapes are like 60 bucks max.
if you shower when the sun goes down and air dry the towel in your room at night, the increased thermal mass can carry night temps into the day longer and the evaporative cooling also helps, next step is plants they increase humidity during the early morning near the dew point.
increase humidity during ideal temp decrease humidity during bad temps.
dry your bed, they double in weight after 7 years that shit is a massive thermal mass
>parents property
Why are you at home mid day?
You're retarded, insulating your home beyond what the contract workers who were getting paid by the hour is essential. Sealing doors, windows, and insulating attics is the easiest way to cut down on electricity, save money, and keep your home effortlessly cool
just use cheap white paper blinds like every normal person
Doesn't happen. I worked overnights for years. I foiled my window and it was south facing. It keeps the room super dark and cool.
>your home*
Yes, I agree, Opie should go get his own home and insulate that!
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2020-2021 I had a shitty apartment. Third/top floor in a building with no eaves/awnings/etc, wall mount ac (not in a window, in a rectangle hold in the wall made for this), and it faced west. Got roasted every day.

I worked 2nd shift, and was miserable. The ac was okay for the living room & kitchen, but didn't service the bedroom. I'll mostly skip the failed stuff (pic lol), this is what worked.

I bought a sheet of foam insulation from Lowes, "R MAX" all over it. It was the highest R value one that was available with a foil face on one side. Maybe R6?

I cut the foam to fit the bedroom's double window, with the depth/thickness edges tapered. Something like a trapezoidal prism, so I could press fit it into the window opening, and have it really seal (prevent light & mixing of hot air). To cut it I used one of those Olfa snap cutters with the blade all the way out.

I put it foil side facing out, covered it with a white queen size flat sheet from a thrift store. I smoothed the outward facing side, and on the apartment side used a butter knife to press the sheet into the foam. Kind of a little divot every few inches, at least 1/2" deep.
Wasn't able to tension the sheet wrinkle-free with tacks, didn't want to fuck around with glue or tape. For no-tech solutions, this worked unreasonably well.

I pressed the sheet all the way in the cavity, right up against the windows. Looked fine from the outside. Just flat white, behind the window crossbar things. Forgot to mention, I removed all of the vinyl blind hardware/mounts.

Step two was to get a dehumidifier. The ac alone wasn't enough. Yes, the dehumidifier pumps out hot air, but the benefit of having dry air more than made up for it. Look up an article about psychrometric charts/indoor comfort, something like that.
Open the windows
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Internet friends, I got a bunch of these. What can I do? During summer it gets 35°C (95 F) up here. Or should I just embrace my suffering?
I feel like the foil wouldn't have much of a point if you're putting cardboard up anyway.
You can buy reflective solar window film pretty cheaply on Amazon. I haven't tried it but I've talked to people who have and they say it's pretty effective, and it seems to be less than 10 bucks a roll.
Find goodfood and other food delivery service boxes, they are already aluminum-lined cardboard.

Listen to these ^ retards at your own risk, window glass can absolutely shatter from thermal stress caused by trapping and redirecting solar heat gain-

>Window film can significantly increase the risk of thermal stress breakage of float glass if incorrectly specified.

>There are various factors involved in the compatibility of window films with glass, including film type, glass type, glass colour and/or coatings, glass thickness, glazing type, pane size, external shading, backup materials (such as blinds and curtains), frame type, altitude and solar energy intensity.

herp derp, that's talking about film!

If films that are designed to allow some light (energy) to pass through can create damaging thermal stress and "backup materials such as blinds and curtains" can affect film compatability which must be considered to prevent thermal stress that leads to breakage, WTF do you think can happen when that backup material directs all of the light and nearly all of the solar heat energy back into the glass it's pressed up against?

Now add in the very real potential for Low E coating designed to minimize heat from escaping through the windows.

I've seen brand new uninstalled high end windows break spontaneously just from being laid down flat on a carpeted table in the sun for less than five minutes, because of thermal stress created this way. If you don't know all the specifics of the glass it's always a risk to try to block heat gain by redirecting it back out through the glazing.
Does a cat ever watch you through that glass?
Move out of Sahara.
no but unironically a raven once when I was jerking off. I think it understood what it saw
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Once upon a midday horny, while on 4chan's threads so porny,
Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten vore—
While I posted, quickly fapping, suddenly there came a tapping,
As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
Only this and nothing more.”
use gold foil instead it reflects more IR

some people have weekends off and/or work hours other than 9-5.
not to mention WFH
not to mention come home for lunch
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roll laden

aviable made from wood, PVC, or foam filled extruded aluminium (premium).
or steel if you live in a Favela
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probably it generates more heat in reverse by reflection ?

probably it makes the room heat in reverse cus the gold foil maybe more reflective than silver foil?
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Get some blackout shades from HD. Got these exact ones when I went to 2nd shift, works very well keeping light / afternoon heat out and they are only like $6.
Thermal curtains do not.

Learn the trajectory of the sun throughout the year, so you know which window is catching sunlight, when. When the window is catching sunlight, draw the curtain. When it's not catching sun, open the curtain so heat can bleed out through the window. Do the reverse during winter.
stuff the window full of pillows then cover with a layer of cardboard, tape over
I did exactly this when I was living at my parents.

The windows there were basically like >>2803518

I ended up just taping the silver foil directly onto the window, omitting the cardboard entirely.

It's very effective, though if you do go with the cardboard option make sure you leave practically no air gap between glass and foil surface.

The even better option is getting something to block the sunlight from outside the window, as some windows are made to reflect a greater % of the IR radiation back into the room as a way to lower heating costs in cold months.
Buy foamcore from dollar tree
You need to stick the foil to the outside of the window. Inside is where glass can shatter.
And do it with a reflective type of thermal blanket
Are you suffering from the sun during the winter when the sun is low? Or do you have east/west sun reaching inside in the mornings or evenings?

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