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Would it be a viable side thing to buy these cheap amazon sheds, stick them on a base, and sell them for $200/$250 more than I paid in materials to people too lazy to build one themselves?
I bought a $110 5x3, and honestly it is impressive once built considering how flimsy the component pieces were. It took a long time but I feel with repeated builds it'd be pretty quick.
Can get a 6x4 for under $170, and maybe $80 for the base. could use the base as a frame and just zip some pieces of OSB on the sides, stick it on a trailer and just drop it off locally as a complete unit.
Probably a dumb idea but if I could sell a few it'd pay for one of those HF trailers I already planned on buying.
>stick it on a trailer and just drop it off locally as a complete unit.

Please provide details on how this is done, and what is the base made of. If concrete, how thick.
It's a cheap metal shed, it's just PT 2x4's with plywood on top. Just screw some 2x4's to the corners and cover with osb to protect it while in transit.
If you could sell it as a cheap small house then it would really take off. Would need to go at least 6x4' so that the occupant could lie down on a cot. Ad insulation and you're good.
I feel like most of the people who want outbuildings probably want them in a place that doesn't lend itself to being accessible if the outbuilding is fully constructed and sat on a concrete slab.

If you can find a market of people who just want them literally on their drive you might be onto something though.
I don't know why people keep saying concrete slab, it's just on a wooden base.
>5x3 shed

So you're going to have it on a sheet of OSB or something similar ready to be sat directly onto a concrete slab or pavers?

Still leaves the issue of making the entire thing very difficult to move around on site and get to location without at least partial disassembly and reassembly at which point it feels like you may as well just offer to build on site.
reading comprehension folks. He's going to put it on a wooden base; the OSB will be wrapped around it during transit so it can fly off and cause a 10 car pileup on the freeway.
I don't know why you people are making it sound like a NASA mission to transport a wooden box secured to a trailer short distances.
There is a limited about of space behind the shop addition on the garage, it's just dead space. A 5x3 frees up some room while I get ready to build a larger wooden one elsewhere.

I get that, and to be honest given the shit people tow in the land of the free an outbuilding wrapped in OSB seem pretty vanilla.

I'm more questioning who exactly is going to want a pre-built cheap and cheerful outbuilding on a wooden board that greatly limits where it can be placed down without partial or complete deconstruction which makes the entire pre-built side of things pointless.
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It is small and light, they require a base already unless you somehow were putting it very flat piece of ground and had no possiblity of any wind shifting it around. a 6x4 would probably be 150 pounds with the base that isn't much larger than the shed itself. can easily lay some boards on the ground to use as skids and slide the base on top of it into position, then remove the boards that are underneath it.
If it's flat enough, pressure treated base boards are good enough for ground contact, most people with even regular wood sheds are just using pavers or precast concrete pads that are cheap to support the corners.
holy shit dude, you're so annoying
Bad biz model.
Anyone too lazy to put one together won't have the ability to transport a pre-built one. You'd need the trailer to offer delivery. You're better off selling assembly services. That's how I make extra cash.
no. the base is the problem.
if you live in the country there isn't enough market for you to make a viable business out of it. most people who want sheds already have one, after all.
if you live in the city then having a base like that isn't going to be up to code. the base should be the same size as the shed, not larger, or it will hold and pool water up against the bottom plate.
this. buy sheds, keep them new in box, have them ready and on hand for same day delivery and assembly. lots of people want a shed in a place where you can't exactly back your truck and trailer up to it and push one off.
also gravel/rock is the best shed base and you should learn to make frames and fill them up quick. you can provide a level well draining shed foundation in an hour or two.
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how much are you gonna sell it?
it's gotta be sub 700 usd right?
$200 over materials or maybe $500 flat total depending on what the market would support. If I could do 1 or 2 a month for side money to spend a few hours on a Saturday morning it wouldn't be bad.
Anon, you have fuckall investment to start. So just do it. Make one and see if it sells.
I'd like to do this assembling ikea furniture. for barely any profit, I just enjoy assembling ikea furniture.
The base is usually plastic
Buy them direct from Alibaba and cut out Amazon as the middle man
I'd just throw it on a leveled bed of gravel and call it a day
>be up to code
You realize they sell these metal sheds at Aldi, right? Holy shit you are so far up your own ass. It's basically sheet metal roofing and a few brackets, most people throw that shit right on the grass and leave it with a dirt floor once it dies off from lack of light.
I don't know where you live but where I live there are building codes even for sheds. If you build one of these and don't do anything else it will get blown away and destroyed in a storm, I guarantee it. They catch wind like a piece of paper, you have to anchor them down. You're either poor, retarded, or both.
Thank you for the idea
Besides the other issues mentioned, the problem with transporting it after assembly is that it's not designed to move once assembled, and will be both too flimsy to securely tie down without fear of damaging it, and also so heavy that it will try to tear itself apart as it goes over bumps and experiences inertia from starts and stops. Just putting OSB around it won't really help; you'd need something with a cradle or frame around it to have a chance of damage free delivery....large but flimsy/ weak items like that are some of the hardest to transport by flatbed trailers/ trucks.
Just assemble it on their property. Give them options of concrete base (for mush higher cost of course) or wood base.
Because of your post, I started looking around. $2000 for a shed that's not a piece of garbage, way too flimsy, etc.

I think it was 10 x 14.

All the 'amazon sheds' you mention, in the price range you said, are garbage.
Interesting. That's very cheap for a SHED. This PATH seems like a much worse deal. Have you thought how you will arrange your SHEDs and PATHs?
>10 x 14
Of course it makes sense to buy a nicer shed if you're going to live in it.
>Interesting. That's very cheap for a SHED. This PATH seems like a much worse deal. Have you thought how you will arrange your SHEDs and PATHs

This anon is asking the tough questions
I did not mean quite literally just put osb on the sides, it would effectively be a shipping crate, a 2x4 on each corner screwed to the base with sheet material attached to that, to be removed after transit.
I moved this by myself without much effort 20 feet into a corner, if I bothered to set up some skids it would be even easier. I thought it would be very fragile but you can even push on one of the walls and lean it up and it wasn't crushing it for felt like it was falling apart.
Nor would it be a long distance trip. If I limited to a 10 mile radius it's still a population of nearly 200,000.
I mainly want to do it as prebuilts since I could drink beer and listen to yacht rock at night while doing it in the comfort of my own property. Though it would make more sense to basically prep the structure into it's major components, transport it as such and just knock the wall and roof on to a base on site in like an hour.
Why would you need a path? A 6x4 would be slightly large than this, considering I expected to not even be able to lean things against the sides without it bulging out, I am impressed with the finished structure's rigidity for $110 shipped item and scrap plywood and 21 feet worth of pressure treated 2x4's.
How are you planning on getting into their backyard? Most houses have very limited rear access
Why not just tell them cash only pay up front, show them the one shed you bought then just don’t do the job.

100% profit the Mexicans do it why can’t you
No one who's buying a shitty sheet metal shed is calling city codes. They are like 6' tall even. It's not a pole barn you sperg.
Anon, they don't come with a base because it doesn't work without a concrete pour. Your shitty wood base will warp and the shed will collapse and your customers will burn your house down.
You seem to be getting money from these shed companies to tout how tough they are. Every reviewer that seems to have a concept of what sturdy is, clearly points out the failures in the component quality.

You'd be much better off aiming for a premium market, by figuring out how to build a really good shed, and going from there. Look at what some of these amish communities sell.

Shhh, adults are talking.
nobody's buying a shitty sheet metal shed from you period because you have no clue what you're doing and you're too argumentative to learn
good luck trying to resell the same cheap bullshit you bought from home depot (which already offers delivery and assembly services by the way)
you seem to think it's a grandiose business model
you don't have to call anyone, inspectors come around whenever they feel like it and when they see a building you didn't get a permit for then you're in deep shit. best case scenario you get insanely disproportionate fines and fees to pay on top of paying for a permit, worst case scenario you get all the fines and fees plus they knock your shit down with a bulldozer. but if you want to go down that road then by all means have at it. weird hill to die on if you ask me.
Many areas (do your homework) don't require a permit for structures below a specified size. Finding out is easy, just read the local codes.

Why people ask 4chan is a mystery but I'm convinced many have no idea codes exist.
Why the fuck would I buy the shed from you when costco has it for £1200?
you could make them out of real wood and sell them for triple the cost
isnt the foundation going to rot? soil is moist and will rot your wood base up

this is much better
Trailering them to the site pre-assembled seems unnecessary. I think a more feasible business venture would be to offer a service to build them on site for a couple hundred bucks over purchase price. You could even have the shed delivered to the site by amazon so you wouldn't have to transport it yourself. All you'd need to do is bring the tools and the lumber for the base.
>isnt the foundation going to rot?
Yeah, eventually. But a base made out of ground contact rated treated wood will last maybe 8 or 10 years, which is probably about as long as those shitty chinese sheetmetal sheds will last anyway.

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