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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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Hey fellas! It's been a while. I've continued to put up Cobsons over Communist posters in Harvard Square, and since the last thread was a success, I thought I'd share some pictures of my recent escapades with you guys

Previous thread, for those of you who don't remember it: >>2768131
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So since most of the other options I'd used up to this point were either lackluster or inefficient, I decided to purchase a can of gorilla glue spray, which wound up yielding some pretty decent results.
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Next, it was time to print out my cobsons. I wound up using my family's printer this time, since I was worried they might have an eye out for me if I tried the public library again.
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Cutting them out wasn't easy. Obviously kind of a pain in the ass: there were literally hundreds of the things, and I had to do them each one by one.
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But I think it was ultimately worth it in the end. So after organizing them and assembling a suitable disguise for my identity (COVID mask, Harvard sweatshirt etc.), I decided to go back out into the field.
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The most satisfying ones to deface were the ones right next to the Harvard Campus center, where you just KNEW the idiots who put these things up were gonna see 'em.
Most of these have been removed by now, but they weren't able to do it without removing the original sticker as well.
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Around the Harvard Campus Center, this is the only one they've managed to not remove.
But you can still see they've obviously tried. Just lookit those clawmarks lol
Anyhow, though there haven't been any attempts to take these down that are AS obvious and hilarious as that first one I showed you guys in the other thread was, there have still been some amusing episodes.
Here's one set of stickers that I took pictures of before defacing them. The camera isn't centered on the stickers themselves, because I mainly took this photo so that I'd know where to come back to when I'd gotten my glue & basedjaks.
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Whoops, meant to post this.
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Anyway, here's how they looked after I plastered the basedjaks on 'em.
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And finally, here's how they looked after people tried and failed to take them off.
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Anyway, I have a TON of other photos that I could post here, but I'd rather not spam the thread up too much. I'll be happy to take any questions you guys may have.
Good job Opie. Doing god’s work. Poast gofundme and some sort of proof that it’s you and I got $5 on it
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Oh goodness! I'm flattered!
Well I could give you my Twitter account, but I haven't set up any kind of GoFundMe yet. To be honest, I'm actually thinking of making a business out of this, since there obviously seems to be a demand for good-quality waterproof cobsons. But I'm still trying to figure out the specifics of where I should sell them and whatnot.
There’s a thread always up on /o/ with lots of people who make and sell stickers. Might be worth browsing it and seeing if they have anything to offer as far as materials and methods.
I'm like 90% sure I've seen something like this in Ireland, doing God's work OP lmao o7
Right. It's crazy to see how I've started a trend lol
bless your tenacity
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Is there now?
Interesting. I'll check it out, then
And thank you for your support as well.
The original basedjak has come down on its own, by the way. I still actually have the thing. But the effect it's had has been tremendous, and I plan to continue for the forseeable future.
Based. Keep up the good work OP. I hope you make thousands of these commie losers seethe.
I love it, maybe sprey the whole sticker with gorilla glue so they can't remove the commie shit
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Unfortunately, doing so makes the printer ink bleed. But I still tend to do a little of that every now and then lol.
The ugliness might make it better anyway
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Gemmy Thread
OP is a hero
The tool you want for that is a paper punch. But you can order stickers like this online by the hundred you just upload the vector image and dimensions and their machine automatically prints and punches them.
No no spray it with clear varnish, I've done a heap of good kind of shit.

It's cheaper to paste up then vanish than to just a waterproof sticker and twice as hard to remove.
Paste it up, chequer the centre with a razor blade so it can't be peeled off, spray varnish. Small scale you might just go with the sticker but as you scale up the cost of stickers becomes too great, but they're perfect for this kind of vandalization
This stupid bullshit ultimately accomplishes nothing. We will continue to organize and build stronger alliances regardless of some childish trolling.
As long as you keep getting fiat fed to you by "new york bankers" - Bella Dodd, 'School of Darkness' former Secretary for the CPUSA. Anyway, now that the redditor got a (YOU),

you are doing God's work, OP.
Good work, but really why are these hanging there in the first place? Don't you have felons doing social work over there?
based anon for going out and actually doing something productive.
Absolutely seething.

Good job OP!
>be anon
>call up sticker company
>Hi I'd like 2000 soijaks printed please
>arrive in the post
>keep a few in your pocket or bag
>see an offending poster
>take twenty seconds.out of your day to make the world a better place

It's just that easy, everyone should try it
Fuck both of you idiots. You can’t stop what’s coming.
>chequer the centre with a razor blade so it can't be peeled off,

^Wisdom. Best thread in ages.
Mocking people for exercising their right to assembly (you types are really big on muh rights aren’t you) isn’t “making the world a better place” moron.
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And you can't start it lol
You faggots have been predicting this glorious revolution for 200 years. And 200 from now, it STILL won't have happened, and you'll STILL think it's just around the corner.
The life of failure you've been given is exactly what you deserve. Try not to ruin the lives of any more working-class people on your way out.
Fake and gay. No one on /diy/ would be an unironic Commie.
Seethe and dilate.
>No one on /diy/ would be an unironic Commie.
I have a dream that one day anyone can be a proud /diy/er. Whether black, trans, communist, atheist, Bepis, you name it. No matter how far outside the mainstream you should be welcome here. Well, maybe not that cretin sieg.
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I disagree. I wanna maintain the moral high ground here. Adding razors will make us look like vindictive assholes (and rightfully so), and it'll probably only end up hurting the poor wagie these bougie commie assholes demand tear down the thing anyway.

So no. Don't use razors. Razors are fake and gay. And to be honest, I think most of the documented "razor stickers" out there were just set up by liberals who wanted to play the victim.
Housing Commies is /diy/

Homes for Commies are easy to make from shipping containers and thoughtful Afghans invented the method to care for captive Jihadists,

Many Talibs were containerized early in A-stan by Dostums locals with droll results at Dasht-i-Leili.
Illiterate detected. Scoring (checkering) by razor does not involve leaving said razor attached.

Checkering is very /diy/ as in checkering gun stocks and scoring car registration stickers to prevent their theft.
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Oh shoot, my bad.
Sorry, there have been a LOT of people who wanted me to put razor blades behind the things. I apologize for not reading carefully and thinking you were just another one.
Keep at it king. Going to have to do my Davis sq MAGA hat mog tour part 3 soon
Steady on. That's going a bit far don't you think?
Is it possible to photoshop marx's pointing hand over the cobson? It would give it ....

fuck it. doing so would hide the cobson and make its exaggerated proportions less noticeable. Carry on OP.
Yeah, I think the simplicity of it is what makes it work so well. So I'll probably just continue as I was.
Seems like a job a Cat printer would work well for. There's also a FOSS for it.
This is mocking people attempting to exercise their self declared right to enslave people in a dictatorship that is sure to make the world a worse place, and is therefore fully justified.

Did you replace the QR code too?
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I didn't, actually. I kinda want people to know WHAT I'm criticizing. And as you can see in some of these photos, the stickers/posters are often already vandalized to the point where nobody can tell what I've chosen to deface in the first place.

Come to think of it, I might post a video or something to my Twitter later to prove who I am. I go by "ClayAnon" on that site for now, but I haven't really used that account (or the corresponding YouTube channel) for much just yet.
(And I might also change my name to something else down the line, since I honestly just created that account as a throw-away. But we'll see.)
Why don't you call the police seeing as you're a fat bitch with a fat wet pussy that gets offended by posters?
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>Why don't you call the police seeing as you're a fat bitch with a fat wet pussy that gets offended by posters?
>that means I'm old.

you're not truly old because you sorta wish you were up to date on the latest crap. truly old farts don't give a shit, and if the lingo or memes make no sense just ignore it.

In an emergency urban dictionary helps, but it's depressing as shit to learn that the new cool sounding meme is pure retardation.
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I wonder if the kids will have their own moment where they see pop culture hijack their memes, or if they will feel the same giddy joy when they see their first cobson on the news
Since this is clearly motivated, he'd be more productive putting up positive propaganda promoting his party's sentiments. What he's doing is the equivalent of taking a shit in an outhouse. Covering shit with shit.
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>Since this is clearly motivated, he'd be more productive putting up positive propaganda promoting his party's sentiments
First of all, I don't have any real "party sentiment" to support. I just hate commies.
Second of all, brevity is the soul of wit. This is why "the left can't meme" has become a meme, and leftie memes are known to be rambling and longwinded. Adding a "specific message" would complicate these things too much. The beauty of what I'm doing right now is that they cut right to the point. They don't promote any specific agenda, they just make the commies look stupid, which is all they have to do.

> What he's doing is the equivalent of taking a shit in an outhouse. Covering shit with shit.
Again, that's the beauty of it. That's why it's so justifiable. I'm not adding MORE shitty stickers to further uglify this town. I'm just defacing defacements. Targeting things that look stupid. That's all you have to do.

And yeah, there have been a LOT of targets worth defacing as of late. Pic related is another set of posters I saw a while back. Most of these got ripped down before I could tag them myself, but I still think they're worth opposing.
i like in the balkans so we don't have this kind of retardation plastered on the streets
but if we ever do, i'm probably going to do something similar
replacing the QR codes with a rickroll would be pretty funny desu
nice work, no doubt a commie or two will injure themselves trying to remove these.
This is hilarious! Annoying commies is God's work.

>Anyway, I have a TON of other photos that I could post here

Post a thread on /pol/ to spread the hilarity.
^Commie detected.
funny shit. doubt anyone would care (they probably don't even know what cobson is - I don't) but still, nice one

I never see shit like this, but I have to wonder what kind of damn fool would scan a random QR code that they have no clue about? Or that these commie wannabes thought it was a good idea.
You do that, you DESERVE to get your phone hijacked.
>flesh-gpt misses or lacks the capability to notice the comparison to shitting on shit, which directly labels the communist propaganda pieces as fecal matter
So you're one of many midwits who think "brevity is the soul of wit" means making tweets and redditjaks of anything you disagree with, because you're too stupid to comprehend how it's destroying your entire side's ability to debate, think critically, be a sapient being, and generally do anything but point at something and hoot like a monkey. This is entirely why your whole group has gone from being influential in the real world to lashing out at ghosts and spouting stale buzzwords.
inb4 this post is ignored because it's over 140 characters and the goldfish attention span ran out immediately.
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I don't really use Twitter. I basically never post anything on that "ClayAnon" account I mentioned. Perhaps I actually should, come to think of it.

But anyhow, there's something to what you're saying about the internet destroying our ability to read anything longer than a facebook post. But I think you're missing the point of what I said as well. If I were to just plaster walls of text all over the place, that wouldnt' convince anybody. Nobody would read it on their way to work or whatever. It'd just look like schizobabble.

Take a look at this poster, for instance. I found it outside of a place that had been vandalized with red paint in response to the Hamas attacks. Now I'm not a fan of zionism, but do you really think this would convince anybody?

You need to learn how to (1) get the attention of and (2) actually convince people who don't already agree with you. This is one of the many, many reasons your political camp so often fails: they don't know how to do this. The left used to know how to use satire to fight on their side. They used to be the best at it. It's a damn shame you've all now become such humorless crybabies.
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Here's the office building they vandalized, back when it happened. The red paint was reapplied a few times after it got cleaned off.
An eye-catching geasture, for sure. But I don't know how anyone could possibly be convinced if they didn't already agree.

But yeah. There's been a LOT insanity that I've been photographing in this town. I'd be happy to post other examples of it here, but I doubt most of it is at all thread-relevant.
>but I doubt most of it is at all thread-relevant.

this is a /pol/ thread in /diy/ for god knows what retarded reason, and this fucking imbecile is worried that his /pol/ retardation is not "thread-relevant"/ hahahahahahaHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A

you can't make this shit up. /pol/tards are the literal bottom of the barrel.
>your entire side's ability to debate
Not OP, but you can't debate with leftists because facts are "racist." So we point and laugh.
God I hate those Marxist retards and /pol/tards so much.
Fair enough. Idk why I tried to explain myself to him in the first place. He's clearly just angry that I have a different opinion than him.

> this is a /pol/ thread in /diy/ for god knows what retarded reason, and this fucking imbecile is worried that his /pol/ retardation is not "thread-relevant"/ hahahahahahaHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A
The very definition of pic related
you should sticker over the QR codes with ones that send them to lemonparty.org
You're entirely proving my point. This shit you're into, it's degraded your ability to so much as reason into that of a simplistic chatbot.
>if poster disagrees with me in any manner, he is a black jew trans communist fed shill and I don't need to formulate a real response
>this poster said 2+2=4, beep boop post soijak

I know /diy/ is a small and slow board, but it's weird seeing a thread about posting soijaks on posters is somehow considered on topic. I'm sure if it were about putting anime girls or something on random objects, it would have been 404'd right away.
> This shit you're into, it's degraded your ability to so much as reason into that of a simplistic chatbot.
>>if poster disagrees with me in any manner, he is a black jew trans communist fed shill and I don't need to formulate a real response
I don't think you're black or Jewish. The reason I don't need to formulate a response is that you actually typed out "hahahahaha" like that meant something. Like, do you actually think that's how it works around here?
The way you express condescension on this site is with an IMAGE of someone laughing. It's an IMAGEboard, ya dingus. You're not even from this site, are you.

> I know /diy/ is a small and slow board, but it's weird seeing a thread about posting soijaks on posters is somehow considered on topic. I'm sure if it were about putting anime girls or something on random objects, it would have been 404'd right away.
And already, the communist troon is trying to get the things he doesn't like taken down.
"Um, mods, why won't you delete this??"
And I flat out don't believe there'd be a rule against putting anime girls on shit here. If there was a "/diy/ body pillows" thread, it'd probably cap out at something like 500 replies.
Reported to the commissar for using gendered language >:3
Would a machete work for scraping off these posters? Seems like you could just run the blade down a cylindrical surface a few times quickly to skim all the paper off the metal without damaging the pole.
>I know /diy/ is a small and slow board, but it's weird seeing a thread about posting soijaks on posters is somehow considered on topic.
He's doing something himself, that is the definition of DIY. And it's more on topic than 80%+ of threads on this board, or in other words: Muriatic Acid
Gem thread

OP stack 2-3 papers and cut like that, make things much faster
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you'd scratch the paint at least, probably gouge or chip it too. Steam is often the best choice for removing a sticker from a given object
How do you debate a propaganda poster? Are you retarded?
He's a commie, anon. I think your question answers itself.
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Possibly, but I think that plastering my own touch on them is much more effective than removing the things. Sends more of a message.
Though I've certainly seen people do what you described. I'm actually usually kinda disappointed when I see someone else has beaten me to it, since it makes my own approach kinda unnecessary lol.
>n-no u
>proceeds to do exactly as I said you'd do
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Pathetic indeed, friend
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Kek. I was just walking around town this evening, and it looks like people have been trying to tear down my handiwork again. Here’s one I just snapped next to the Cambridge Public Library
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Aw shoot. How'd it fuck up the orientation? Damn; guess that's what I get for trying to post from my phone.
Ah well. Here it is again with the proper orientation. Should work this time.

The fact people are trying to remove your stickers proves that it is pissing them off.
Worth it
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Agreed. Here's another one I just snapped.
I'll post a video of it to my ClayAnon account as well, as promised.
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All right. Here's the video, then:

I should probably change my account name to something else, come to think of it. I kinda just made this thing as a burner account; I never actually expected to do anything with it.
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>Second of all, brevity is the soul of wit. This is why "the left can't meme" has become a meme, and leftie memes are known to be rambling and longwinded. Adding a "specific message" would complicate these things too much.
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Another one from the other night
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Communist here. That's pretty funny desu.
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>Communist here
Thankee lol

I also discovered this around May 20th. Seems that others have been inspired by my work, though I'm not sure what the significance of this was.
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Whoops. Meant to post the picture. Here it is
nassy albeit
wuzzat mean?
Holy fuck, wait a minute. I just realized something.
I found that sticker on a sign behind the Harvard Lampoon building. Isn't that blue jester hat associated with the Harvard Lampoon?
I've certainly seen it on a lot of their stuff. It'd be amazing if they were supporting my work all of a sudden lol
Just found an off-to-the-side street with some unsullied commie stickers on them, and decided to tag the things. Will take pictures of them later, if they're still up.
demoralizing the enemy is productive. IMO its even better to recruit and build a counter organization.
Great idea
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You're doing good work OP. Someday you'll be ready to battle the final boss over in Seattle.
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Look at this faggot, doing something useful and hilarious with his time. Based and cottonpilled
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You're fucking kidding. They actually erected a statue of that bastard?
Well damn. We need to figure out something to do with it ASAP.
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> There was an old bastard named Lenin,
> Who did two or three million men in.
> That's a lot to have done in,
> But where he did one in,
> That old bastard Stalin did ten in.
Being communist in 2024 is pretty cringe desu
Marx’s paternal grandfather, Mordechai Levi, the chief rabbi of Trier, came to be referred to in official French documents as “Marcus Lewy” and then as “Marx Lewy”; his father, né Heschel Lewy, eventually took the name Heinrich Marx. Thus, Karl was born into the Marx family.
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Despite my hatred for all things Jak / frog related for further destroying this website, this is pretty funny. Good work anon, the enraged claw marks are a nice bonus.
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Awesome. I just came back today to see whether they were still up, and they were. I'll post some of the pictures I took here
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Replace the QR code link with one to lemonparty.org
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And I actually also discovered some OTHER commie stickers that I'd somehow missed the first time around. And all of these things were completly unsullied before I found them. Not sure how that happened.
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Hah. I'll think about it sometime, fren.
Here are the other two stickers I put up today. Not sure whether they dried yet, like the others.
All five of these stickers were on the exact same street: Plympton St., between Mt. Auburn & Mill St. I have no idea why there was such a heavy concentration of the things around there. Five of 'em in a single 175-yard stretch.
Ah well. At least I did my part.
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And then I also found this other one on a parking meter across from the poetry bookstore. Can't expect God to do all the work.
It seems confusing that the commies would tear off their entire poster, QR and everything, just because you defaced it with a soijack. And they aren't even touching the soijack when they do it.

Are you sure that there isn't another hero out there tearing these things down?
Good idea anon, walk around with a machete in an urban area where commies feel safe enough to post propaganda posters. I'm sure that will go well
Oh, there are DEFINITELY other people who just tear these things down. Many a time I have marked a sticker on my map, only to find that someone beat me to it when I came back with my materials.
But just LOOK at the desparate claw marks in >>2806832, >>2806834, >>2806836, >>2807218 and >>2807596. You can't tell me that's just someone else or weathering. Someone wanted these things GONE. And the butthurt replies in this thread suggest that wasn't a solitary sentiment.
I'm pretty sure you can get tracked from those stickers.
OP, have you looked or found any posts from the commies complaining about your efforts?
Bro, use a cutter and a ruler. It makes efficiency go 2000%.
why would you be afraid of communists tracking you through the sticker vendors? communists don't have jobs
OP you have huge balls and I admire what you are doing. 10/10
You deserve some kind of medal
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I have, actually. But I haven't been able to find anything online.
Still, I've bumped into people in the area who've DEFINITELY heard of my work. Though I usually have to keep my head low, of course.
Other than that, the only stuff I've been able to find online celebrates my work. But that's still incredible for me to see. There was a guy on instagram who said he wanted to shake my hand, and I'd like to shake his hand too.
> KYM article on my work: https://knowyourmeme.com/news/4chan-user-goes-viral-for-covering-communist-political-stickers-around-town-with-basedjaks
> Guy reposting the original thread on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Babygravy9/status/1768628532282904896

Lmao good point, thanks. I KNEW I wasn't doing that efficiently.
However, next time I create more of these, I'm probably gonna make them ACTUAL stickers. So idk whether I'll be able to implement your advice. Still, I appreciate it.

Eh... not having jobs is something criminals and murderers tend to have in common. I'm fully expecting to get assaulted by Antifa members for this, one of these days. I've just gotten to the point where I don't care. Screw these goddamn people. Let them all hurt.

Thank you, anon. Remember: anyone can do what I'm doing right now. Do your part to make the communists seethe
>ameritards wanting to go full commie without even knowing what the fuck that means
as a person from eastern europe that was brought up under the commie rule and 'lived the communist dream', I'm fairly sure that nuking USA at this point of history would be completely legitimized.
You have my sympathies, anon. But don't worry. We're handling them in our own way.
In the meantime, did you see these posters? >>2805948 and >>2808237? "Democracy is just another form of Dictatorship?"
I mean Christ. Those things were ALL OVER Harvard Square when I took those photos back at the beginning of January. Thank God I was able to tag a few before they all got torn down.
Just treat them like they are mentally ill.. which they are.
t. all my friends are commies and or trannies
>uglify ugly shit even more instead of removing it
Kill yourself you genetic waste.
cricut is a machine designed for cutting paterns, but seems like overkill. I did find this article on how to make your own DIY paper punch with clay and a metal cookie cutter.
>anon becomes a sticker salesman
>communism is like we have a recipe for a cake, and it says take a big shit in the pan, and we bake it in A's oven, it comes out shitty, so we burn his house down. We take the same recipe to B's oven, it comes out shitty, so we burn his house down. (repeat)
>delamination of the paper
that's some good adhesive. Stay safe anon.
I know it will just give them more "muh victimization" but I think it would be funny to just put a single sharpie line through commie and write faggit in the white space.
Either way, great work Anon. As Jesse Kelly always says, Feed the commies what they hate!
>that radioactive communist spit on the 'jak
You have a few days to live, R.I.P OP.
I remember you useless people putting posters up except you also had Che Guevara who was a human rights violator as well. I went to University in the '80s and I moved your fucking posters as well. Also the ones for that stupid one saying technology will rule everything call that technocrats or technocracy. It's a shallow Pursuit. You guys really have no understanding of what communism is. My dad was born in Russia in the 1920s knew it all too well.

Godspeed, OP
A friend of mine who made crossbows and also did Firearms repaired showed me how to do checkering with those special files that look like a little tiny set of Knuckles. He liked me doing it because I had a really good feel for how those were. His friend who was an Italian named Tizario, ham radio license plate VE7 TIZ, was trying to do it but not succeeding and I did it for him on his crossbow.
I vandalized tons of these posters at Capilano College. I brought along a little tiny spray bottle with silver nitrate solution in it. You just lightly sprayed on to the poster and because they've got acidic paper on them, the nitrate slowly oxidizes to silver oxide and turns black.

Years later, there is this guy in this nice house with stucco in a rich area of West Vancouver who owed me money. He wouldn't pay, so I filled some water balloons with a couple of liters of the solution and hit his house with them. He came outside hearing the noise but didn't see anything but was very dismayed as these solution slowly turned black on the side of his house causing tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage.

In an area where the landscape is dotted with all the shit Billboards for these crappy church people who figure it's their job to be Auntie gay and anti-trans. Except I want a more immediate message so I'll use ink and water balloons with one of those slingshots you use on sailboats to fly them a hundred meters or more.
If you have a used bookstore nearby go and get this one book I can't remember who published it. It's called conspiracy, and they did this one booklet on how to do pranks and constructive vandalism with bit of wit and humor. My most vandalism is funny for a few seconds, but it doesn't create a lasting impression that you want. Do with a bit of wit. There's this one guy that they vandalized this billboard of some liquor ad that he hated because it was popular at the time in the 70s Brass Monkey or something Google it if you care. But they created this little diorama of this sniper trying to kill Telly Savalas and there's a couple of cats having sex there it was hilarious. It's like that guy who is in the movie about Watergate all the president's men. He's talking about rat fucking where he sabotages their opponents political campaigns by doing first stuff that was just a little tasteless and vandalism and then actually gets up to as he says it well we only did nickel and dime stuff but maybe we got up to a quarter sometimes meaning he actually stayed over into doing stuff that was actually illegal. Segretti that was the name of the guy.

That way, when people see what you've done to these posters, they have a lasting impression that you're not just silencing their message, but you're making their message ridiculous. And that's your ultimate goal here. Anybody can vandalize or shit or piss all over something, it takes a bit of wit to do it in a way that we've the Lasting Impression and makes them funny and ridiculous
They were the stalwart of American humor for decades.
I don't needed some money to the Ukraine and got back this Nifty keychain made out of a bit of fuselage from a crashed Russian plane..

I struck up a friendship with the guy selling them and he's agreed to try to find me the head of a Stalin statue so that I can put it up in my garden for birds to shit on on top of a basalt stand. A fitting end for it. Unless you want to melt it down and turn it into shell casings for artillery to fire at the Russians
I read extensively about stalin, and while he had decent ideals to begin with, he very quickly got corrupted by power and particularly those who surrounded himself with. They ended up being so afraid of him that when he had his stroke that ultimately killed him, nobody wanted to check up on his health in the middle of the night for fear of waking him.

Beria, his top stooge, met a fitting end with a bullet to the back of his head out behind the KGB headquarters. The problem is that too many people are willing to do stuff for the sake of power alone not for any great desire to help the people as they say. All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.
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kek, eat shit, bugman
if that's a single gen with two panels I give it a 10, nice work keeping memetic elements in play
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no idea
Communism will prevail.
hell yeah
I wonder how many zoomers will vote for the party "with the fun cartoon faces"
holy fuck i needed this thread this is awesome
my area is littered with these things
Saul Alinsky was a POS, but Rules for radicals #5 is spot on-

>Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. There is no defense. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule.

>Also it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

This also explains why the left can't meme; to successfully make some one or something an "object of sport or laughter; a laughingstock" you have to employ actual humor and people who can't laugh at themselves can't do real humor.

Real hatred and vitriol directed at enemies on ideological grounds isn't funny, and that's pretty much the only "humor" the left does anymore.

But watching them sputter and seethe with hatred towards their enemies because they were triggered by something as simple as a crappy cartoon face plastered on their propaganda is fucking hilarious.
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I'm not sure why you're directing this at me. I'm definitely a left Winger having supported the NDP in Canada for decades, with a dubious flirtation with Preston Manning when I thought his message made sense before I just realized she was trying to beat me as a white male fearing some indefinable Boogeyman creeping in from our borders. I fully support not vandalizing these posters but certainly modifying them to make them look and their creators ridiculous.
lol NDP is a leftist party in Canada?
It's a neonazi party here.
Same difference.
I hate those idiots so much.
Based as fuck
The kind of shit I expect to see RRB reading on Fleccas show.
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There's a sucker born every minute.
OP does this meanwhile his corporate masters dictate the liquid price of the fuel he uses to drive around committing crimes to live out his autistic reverse-Shepard Fairey circlejerk fantasy
Stay mad commie. OP walks around.
Or, you could get with the program and benefit from Atlanticism like the rest of us.
America isn’t capitalist by the way

We bailout corporations and give aid to corporations and banks in the form of cash
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who asked
Dude would get bowled over with a tackle like the one other fat bitch
Should also make up some QR codes that go to a goatsy to paste over theirs.
Tripfags gonna tripfag
My teacher always used to freak out when I kept forgetting to take the chuck out, like wtf dude it can't fucking spin without the guard
LOL this thread is gold
You should use GIMP for that (i.e., the GNU Image Manipulation Program) since it will allow you to make the Basedjacks seem "naturally" part of the Posters (so long as you can find the image that they're using, of course).
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>OP does this meanwhile his corporate masters dictate the liquid price of the fuel he uses to drive around committing crimes to live out his autistic reverse-Shepard Fairey circlejerk fantasy
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holy shit, you legend. carry on the good work!
can't believe this thread hasn't been jannied.
just scratch out the "anti"

you guys might appreciate a story about commies doing this to themselves.
it all began about 10 years ago, not long after gamergate, little stickers and posters started to appear around the town, and this specific one said:
>"an injury to one is an injury to all"
written across the red and black diagonal anarcho-commie flag, in white lettering, with thier logo underneath.
But these were stuck outside, in the sunlight, and pretty quickly, the sun caused the red portion of the flag to fade leaving only part of the text visible on the black diagonal:
>"injury to all"
written above thier logo.
if you look closely, in back alleys and abandoned places, you can still find some of these stickers stuck around the town to this very day.
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>corporate masters dictate the liquid price of the fuel he uses

So crush them on the futures market.
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i was hoping i could reply with his trip and "im gay btw not sure if that matters"
guess i need to try another way
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I just did some more basedjaks, and took pictures of ‘em as well.
My only question is: is it a bad idea to put footage of me applying the glue to Twitter? I mean I could, and I don’t think it’d be against the law. But you know how psychotically vindictive these people are, and how much they control MA’s government.
God Damnit. How the fuck is that photo in portrait again? I didn’t even have to rotate it!
Ah well. Serves me right for phoneposting I guess lol
Good luck with that
OP drives and owns a motor vehicle. OP's solvent and craftmaking supplies and materials were produced by illegal immigrant labor by regulation-skirting conglomerate corporate interests. OP is committing literal crimes, and his face will hopefully be on a mugshot soon enough after he gets sneeded to austists who will dox him. OP thinks 2 wrongs make a right, and that this whole activity isn't just a desperate grasp for relevance in a constantly emerging marketplace of outrage. The fact that there's a #2 to this thread indicated that OP has not yet learned the peace and serenity of letting things you don't like exist. OP rests easy knowing that his shitty glue will make him the Hero of the Proletariat and there will be no bread lines at one of his towns 3 Walmarts tomorrow morning.
protip for using spray glue, you don't usually want to use this stuff for any longer than about 2 minutes in a well ventilated area. Thats right, you don't want to BE in a well ventilated area when you use it, you need to be in an isolated, almost claustrophobic location when you use it. Make sure you use a lot of it too, and get the details right. If you feel dizzy or lightheaded, just keep going. Eventually you'll wake up and whatever brain cells that haven't been destroyed will join forces and you will stop engaging in literal hypocrite chimpout cope and seethe nigger behavior.
Do you remember when you were a kid and you would twist the wittle gluestick and then ya put da pink butterfly on the paper? You're fucking up literal kindergarten shit here dude. You're wasting glue, it's off-center, and it doesn't look uniform. The level of effort it took to manually cut all of these tired and unfunny cancerface memes, go around town doing this shit, and then showing it off on 4chan - a 3 dollar can of black spray paint would've made your job so much easier. But no, you're a FIGHTER. You don't just lie down and take the liberal bullshitm man. You're a countercultural revolutionary, that's why you go around hoping some twitter faggot gets mad and tries to doxx you, because it would bring adrenaline and euphoria back into your life. Life just hasn't been the same since Stacy rejected you for being fat. It's been at least a decade since that rejection, but deep down it still hurts because you know that deep down you're still that insecure, antisocial, overweight loser.
See, even this simpleton understands that >>2808617 is correct about ridicule, but unlike the OP cannot mask his total investment in expressing his very real RAGE when exposed to opposing views...or even see the value in masking it for Alisky-ite tactical.purposes.

And in so doing he becomes the transparently seething, sputtering, humorless scold/buffoon that makes him the butt of his own angry "joke" and unwitttingly illustrates why OPs activities are worthwhile.
Nice low energy flail, but no.
I think OP is doing it because it's funny. 4chan used to do that, I've heard. For the roflz or such.
Basedjaks haven't been funny in a long ass time, since autists done the things to death like the f7u12 face and rageface comic faces and all of that shit. Didn't reddit pretty much invent the whole "trace people with black lines and color them in with white to make them look cartoony"? They did that shit like at least a decade ago, and then at some point 4chan started with lazy Onions face because of the 2 dudes pointing at the Plant-based chicken. This whole operation is fundamentally cringe because it's political circlejerkery and it's willful destruction of property. This isn't cabinetry or inventing something cool or niche, this is just a lazy slacktivist blogposting his temper tantrum. For the record I don't give a shit about communism and I don't agree with their ideology, but people on the right who do this type of shit are fundamentally flawed in their own argument. Vandalizing signs doesn't change 20 year old twitter user's minds, it only antagonizes them to continue posting more of the things that OP wants to cover up. He's feeding into his own misery, like Sisyphus adding rocks to his own mountain.
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>OP drives and owns a motor vehicle.
>OP's solvent and craftmaking supplies and materials were produced by illegal immigrant labor by regulation-skirting conglomerate corporate interests.
>OP is committing literal crimes, and his face will hopefully be on a mugshot soon enough after he gets sneeded to austists who will dox him.
>OP thinks 2 wrongs make a right, and that this whole activity isn't just a desperate grasp for relevance in a constantly emerging marketplace of outrage.
>The fact that there's a #2 to this thread indicated that OP has not yet learned the peace and serenity of letting things you don't like exist.
>OP rests easy knowing that his shitty glue will make him the Hero of the Proletariat and there will be no bread lines at one of his towns 3 Walmarts tomorrow morning.
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>This isn't cabinetry or inventing something cool or niche, this is just a lazy slacktivist blogposting his temper tantrum
>For the record I don't give a shit about communism and I don't agree with their ideology, but people on the right who do this type of shit are fundamentally flawed in their own argument
>it's willful destruction of property
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I'm certain there are better ways to do this. But I think my method still gets the job done.
And it's certainly gotten the job done in this thread lol

Good point. Aren't these people AGAINST private property ownership? They certianly didn't seem to give a shit during the George Floyd riots.
"Some people are so far behind in life, they think that they're really in the lead!"

-Uncle Junior
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>memeing about how someone is committing crimes while being on the side of the "party of law and order"
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These are decidedly not crimes, you fuckin retard. I'm defacing defacements.

There were other basedjaks in the area that people had also tried to remove, by the way. But they were in good enough condition that I decided to leave them untouched. Let's see how they deal with that.
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>mass replying
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I think these things gain a REAL beauty as people try to destroy them, don't you guys think?
There were a LOT of other examples here I could've tagged, but decided not to. Be grateful lol
Go spray paint on top of someone else's tag and see if the cops don't still arrest you. You're a troll, and a bad one at that. You're not fooling anyone that you're not a criminal. Oh I'm sorry dude I've just been informed, I wasn't aware that the State, City, and County of whatever shithole you live in gave you carte blanche to spray and affix shit to their fucking equipment. Your hypocrisy is literally weapons-grade. You're weaponising this misguided horseshit mentality where you think pissing in an ocean of piss actually solves anything. It doesn't, and you and the commie fags are both wasting time and resources that could be spent feeding or producing. How are your Class B Misdemeanor crimes benefitting the people in your community, or the people in Gaza? You're not that important, bro. There's nothing original or clever about what you're doing you basedjakparty frequenting loon.
Be grateful that 4chan strips exif data or else I would've already forwarded this thread to your city's local police department. You're on the same spiritual level as spics who do "go-overs" and "tag wars" in their little graffiti crew wars.
If these stickers were really a problem -- like spraypaint graffiti is -- they would've removed them a long time ago. You wouldn't see ANY of these things around here, much less overtly political ones like the commie posters.
> It doesn't, and you and the commie fags are both wasting time and resources that could be spent feeding or producing.
> How are your Class B Misdemeanor crimes benefitting the people in your community, or the people in Gaza?
Don't act like one of us. You're not.
> Be grateful that 4chan strips exif data or else I would've already forwarded this thread to your city's local police department
Aren't you supposed to be a member of the "ACAB" crowd? Lol.
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>wasting time and resources that could be spent feeding or producing.
>How are your Class B Misdemeanor crimes benefitting the people in your community, or the people in Gaza?
OP is based because he's obviously causing people to be mad and try to remove the posters and thats all that matters to me because I think schadenfreude is funny
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Glad you understand my art, fren.
>If these stickers were really a problem...

Goalpost moving whataboutism bullshit. Do you have permission to even be touching telephone poles or mailboxes in any way shape or form? I swear I've heard this exact same argument transpire in middle school, pertaining to a commonly tagged door in a bathroom.

>Don't act like one of us. You're not.
We're posting on the same shithole anime imageboard, jabroni. This aint to secret club, we aint juggalos. We just troll and shitpost memes, it's not that serious.

>Aren't you supposed to be a member of the "ACAB" crowd? Lol.

Aren't you supposed to be a member of the "Law and Order" crowd? Your conduct is unlawful and disorderly by definition.
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>Go spray paint on top of someone else's tag and see if the cops don't still arrest you. You're a troll, and a bad one at that. You're not fooling anyone that you're not a criminal. Oh I'm sorry dude I've just been informed, I wasn't aware that the State, City, and County of whatever shithole you live in gave you carte blanche to spray and affix shit to their fucking equipment. Your hypocrisy is literally weapons-grade. You're weaponising this misguided horseshit mentality where you think pissing in an ocean of piss actually solves anything. It doesn't, and you and the commie fags are both wasting time and resources that could be spent feeding or producing. How are your Class B Misdemeanor crimes benefitting the people in your community, or the people in Gaza? You're not that important, bro. There's nothing original or clever about what you're doing you basedjakparty frequenting loon.
You are doing Cob’s work OP. Keep trucking on you are an inspiration for my stickers.
>Do you have permission to even be touching telephone poles
Bought it from the Russians after the collapse.
I've got my Facebook Family looking into your pictures, Sir. There are background elements you didn't consider that could doxx you.
>Your conduct is unlawful and disorderly by definition.
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>I've got my Facebook Family looking into your pictures, Sir. There are background elements you didn't consider that could doxx you.
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>Goalpost moving whataboutism bullshit
You seem to like buzzwords, anon. I think these questions are very on-point
> Do you have permission to even be touching telephone poles or mailboxes in any way shape or form?
> I swear I've heard this exact same argument transpire in middle school
Guess that explains your posting style. 4chan is an 18+ website
>Aren't you supposed to be a member of the "Law and Order" crowd? Your conduct is unlawful and disorderly by definition.
I dunno man, I'd say I'm pretty orderly. More orderly than the summer of Floyd was, at least.
This doesn't hurt anyone. It doesn't deface anything that wasn't already defaced. It just adds a little touch to your posters. What's the big deal?
Also, to be honest, I'm not actually that conservative either. I'm against police brutality and the prison industrial complex and whatnot. I just have different views from your own. And that's something you find intolerable, isn't it?
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>Basedjaks haven't been funny in a long ass time, since autists done the things to death like the f7u12 face and rageface comic faces and all of that shit. Didn't reddit pretty much invent the whole "trace people with black lines and color them in with white to make them look cartoony"? They did that shit like at least a decade ago, and then at some point 4chan started with lazy Onions face because of the 2 dudes pointing at the Plant-based chicken. This whole operation is fundamentally cringe because it's political circlejerkery and it's willful destruction of property. This isn't cabinetry or inventing something cool or niche, this is just a lazy slacktivist blogposting his temper tantrum. For the record I don't give a shit about communism and I don't agree with their ideology, but people on the right who do this type of shit are fundamentally flawed in their own argument. Vandalizing signs doesn't change 20 year old twitter user's minds, it only antagonizes them to continue posting more of the things that OP wants to cover up. He's feeding into his own misery, like Sisyphus adding rocks to his own mountain.
go tell soijak party faggpt
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Lol okay seething faggot
Ah. I mean that makes a little more sense, but still.
That sorta thing should be in a museum. Not in the middle of a public square
>Capilano College
Vancouver, eh? You have my sympathies, leafanon. The hyper-leftie atmosphere in places like that can really get to you. At least it probably has for me lol
Goddamn, this one got me. The face continues to scream out at them after everything else is torn away.
>When we put up a poster or sticker it's right up assembly, when you do it it's wrong
Ontologically evil>>2805371
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> That way, when people see what you've done to these posters, they have a lasting impression that you're not just silencing their message, but you're making their message ridiculous. And that's your ultimate goal here. Anybody can vandalize or shit or piss all over something, it takes a bit of wit to do it in a way that we've the Lasting Impression and makes them funny and ridiculous
Well yeah. That's what I'm going for here lol.
There are people who've asked me to deface the QR codes in these threads before, and others who've suggested stuff like pic related. But as funny as those ideas might be on their surface, I wanna remain firmly in the right here.
I don't want to tear down the posters, or remove any part of them that might allow people to see how stupid they are, like the QR codes. I just wanna add a touch that comments on the poster itself. I'm pro-free-speech after all lol
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By the way, I took a walk today to see how some of these things were doing. And it doesn't look like they've given up on this one lol
hahhah the commie cope in this thread
>but people on the right who do this type of shit are fundamentally flawed in their own argument.
Are people on the left who do this type of shit not fundamentally flawed in their own argument?
LMAO youre so white
No. The let's argument is disingenuous, the only thing that matters is the revolution and queer, narcissism and killing god.
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>I dunno man, I'd say I'm pretty orderly. More orderly than the summer of Floyd was, at least.
this minus trans, then it's A-OK
I know it baffles the bong mind but in American that's not illegal. I also doubt he was suggesting anon walk around with a machete 24/7 but target posters specifically by using it for 30 seconds then leaving.
Good work op. I hope you can find some maga dipshits stuff to meme on too. Leftoid commies and maga rejects are the two sides of the same retarded coin after all.
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erm... doxing is illegal, and you're not using the proper reddiquette anon.
Do better!
>Leftoid commies and maga rejects are the two sides of the same retarded coin after all.
So many seething Cobsons in this thread lmao
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Op, keep up the good work! As someone else previously mentioned, be wary of your surroundings when videoing yourself. You've obviously attracted the attention of the dipshit commies here. The cope and seeth is real! Haha
Also, wear a mask and shades and maybe a hoodie so you blend in with the tran-tifa types.
it's much easier with fewer characters
shocking, i know
wonder how much faster new GPUs are
This is an excellent question. Let's ask the faggots blocking interstates.
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You sound mad
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>I have to wonder what kind of damn fool would scan a random QR code that they have no clue about

It would be fun to make your own communist posters with your own QR code that leads to today's equivalent of goatse or lemonparty
based thread based OP good job and good luck
> that name
Who are you replying to? Doesn't seem to be anyone in this thread.
Was that left over from another thread you were in or something?
i remember reading in the anarchists cookbook/jolly roger txt files as a kid that you could crush glass into powder and mix with glue, then brush it on over a flyer, so that when someone tried to tear it down they'd shred their hands. do with this info what you will.
Does my white skin upset you?
OP, thinking about exaggerating parts of the cobson for added effect got me to fuck about with the image in gimp.

You may wish to consider using some artistic license to really drive the point home. Art itself is not a strictly lefty domain.
>my defacement of public property is being defaced! HELP! HELP!!!
I'd like to believe that universities once upon a time allowed only the brightest minds to attend those learned halls...education is the biggest scam of our times.
I certainly use GIMP a lot, but it'd probably be better for me to do that in Inkscape, since these Cobsons are already SVGs.
Yeah, that isn't a bad idea actually. I'll mess around with it. Thanks.
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Hmm... you're right. Replacing my torn-down cobsons with mouths of increasing sizes might actually be pretty funny.
I'll experiment with it some more
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Kek. This actually ain't bad.
I'll screw around with it more some other night, but I'd be happy to upload the SVG files I'm screwing around with here as well via catbox, in case any of you guys are interested.
id kill myself if someone i knew irl caught me putting le 4chan faces on things.
Kek. This one touched a nerve with you, did it?
I think we have a winner, then. I'll try printing out a couple versions of these, and stick 'em anywhere someone manages to remove one.
I'd kill myself if someone I knew caught me defacing public property with communism flyers in 1924+100.
Based do this
its hilarious, i just dont want people to know i use 4chan or am a chud
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nigga i legit do not care
Are there any of these gay commie posters in the north eastern Colorado area?
>You have to respect our right to conspire to take your rights away.
Damn right I am nigger

LOFL, you
>legit do not care
so hard that you were compelled to announce it within 4 min 10 sec of the moment it posted
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>OP does based shit
>Commies can't take the heat as usual
>Basically "I Did That" Biden stickers on steroids
>Angry manicured primate hands trying to claw them off unsuccessfully
>Trying to spread awareness of defacement of their defacement
>News articles stalking thread etc.
>Brings their salty tears here
>Anons upping the ante
>Full on replacement of posters, QR codes to LemonParty etc.
>Commies doing mental gymnastics in this very thread right now
>You can't deface that, it's illegal
>Suddenly they care about defacing property only when it's something they don't like
>Almost like someone is defacing their..

OP hasn't just beaten you people on a physical level, he's also beaten you on a psychological, legal and philosophical level. It's not illegal to put posters up on light poles, people have been allowed to do that since forever unless publicly stated otherwise. Seconds, if a person puts a poster over your poster it's not a crime. You didn't pay for the equivalence of billboard space, you don't own it. And finally you trying to act like it's your property to say it was defaced is the final nail in the coffin that proves you're all a bunch of thin skinned latte sipping fakers. At least your bong huffing college professors believed what they preached and actually converted people such as failed abortions like yourselves but here you are failing at even converting people and having those same people laugh at your dumb asses. Compare your lives to OP and kill yourselves because this is one of the rare instances he's not a faggot but a hyper chad for causing so much butthurt against a bunch of boot licking virgins that pray for our country to be hijacked.
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A beautiful summary lol
But hold on, there are news articles? Stalking threads? Where are they? I NEED to see them
Not exactly "news" but you know these faggoty types always have some connection with that shit and if you see it show up on main streams sites like KYM it's going to show up on TV soon enough.
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Oh, you're talking about the ones about my last thread lol. I thought you'd discovered some seething commies on bunkerchan or something trying to figure out how to doxx me lol
Still, your summary is golden. I'm almost of a mind to repost it to my own twitter, though Idk how cringe it is to repost comments praising your own work.
Not saying you don't know your OpSec but posting things to a personal account be it anon or not is how you get doxed in the first place. They'll look at a username and try to attach it to something else and go on from there. You're better off making a new account on Twitter with a throwaway email and a random name or something like "Commies BTFO" or something snarky that'll get under their skin. Word of advice to to use a VPN or something and never use your real IP address. If any of them are friendly with police (and some are) they'll use that to bend the law and just find out things that way. Less traces you leave of your real self the less fuck you'll have to give.

Like other anons said watch your OpSec doing this stuff in real life too making sure to not dress how you normally dress and not leaving biometrics of any kind behind. You won't believe how many police are closet Commies. Wanting to be known will honestly knock you down a peg because pride always exposes people in the end. Just take solace in the fact that you're a ripper legend and your American indulgence and supremacy makes them seethe and have that be enough. You're really doing God's work exposing these people to the public for what they are in the first place.
Good point. It was probably unwise to reveal this shit on Twitter, but I've genuinely gotten to the point where I don't care anymore. Fuck these people.
But you're probably right that that's a self-destructive attitude. So perhaps I'll create a new account for this. Who knows.

(It's worth noting that "ClayAnon" is kind of a burner account for me. I certainly haven't posted much on it before. But still: you raise valid points.)
The reason it hasn't been janned is because fucking with lefties+commies is funnier than deleting jak threads.
Don't listen to that Anon, you need to be more bold. Actually go on campus and start slapping down Cobsons on school property.
Slap troonjak stickers on the women's bathrooms and cobsons on the male bathrooms so people know which are which. If someone stops you say that you're a gender studies student exercising your right to free speech and that you identify as a palestinian woman
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thanks for the summary i couldn't be arsed reading al the seething commies, but it's exactly what i expected.
I'm sick of people being taken advantage of from capitalism, I'm for smart decent people thinking outside the box and using capitalism to become stinkin filthy rich to better their lives and the lives of OTHERS which poor fag commies can't do. Like Jerry Garcia said "The more that you give, the more that they take"
And The Grateful Dead are one of the most lucrative DIY concert, they actually fought over money in the 80s because they were drowning in ticket T-shirt sales and pussy plus mad drugs all you can eat buffet. Merch empires in the world next to the Juggalos and Taylor Swift.
And the impoverished commies that used their welfare bucks to get front row tickets wouldn't have it any other way
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>just scratch out the "anti"
Kek. That's actually a good idea
Bloody fuck! What idea have i unleased?!
Makes the original mouth look kinda tame. I like the subtle derp of the pupils in the second one.
as humorous as this is, if the bathrooms are in a private building and not in the public realm, OP would be breaking the law. OP has stated he doesn't want to break any laws, but he does want to skirt them as close as he can.
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Hahaha glad you enjoy, fren.
I'm experimenting with it a little more today. Will let you guys know if I come up with anything else
I'm almost tempted to just print these out at the library again. Though I think they'll be looking for me there now lol
>I'll be happy to take any questions you guys may have.
how do you live with the realisation that you will never know the touch of a woman?
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By fucking women lol
I even got a girl's phone number by talking about the whole basedjak thing. Mind you, I'm pretty sure she was just feigning interest to get in my pants or something. And I haven't been in much contact with her since. But still.
I still have a hard time believing it happened myself lmao
yes, but that doesnt apply here.
cause as it happens in a public space it would be the same as if the person was preaching communism in side walk the anon passed by and start to talk why communism is bad.
Your freedom of speech doesnt make you free from challenging ideas. Even thou I would agree that in the general sense what your image says is true. Most people are not liberal aminly commies and ultra conservatives they do not csre about freedom of speech.
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Funny flex coming from a group that will never be a woman.
...But he responded a day and a half later. I know commies are slow, but I didn't think they were THAT slow.
yeah i used to be a lolbert and i no longer care
see picrel
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I've created another post on that Twitter account I mentioned, which better explains the story thus far.
Also links to the thread by that "Raw Egg Nationalist" fellow, which contains screenshots from the original thread I made here.
I've seen some guys repost the video of me walking around laughing at basedjaks. If anyone wants to spread the word and explain the story thus far, reposting this will probably be a better idea.

Perhaps I'll make a video at some point documenting what I've been up to here in the Harvard area so far. Who knows.

(Pic unrelated. Has to do with another project I'm working on.)
>I'm definitely a left Winger having supported the NDP in Canada for decades
You should off yourself for being a retarded boomer faggot.
Enjoy the shitjeets you happily helped import to jew your own children, nigger.
Just remember to be careful dude. It's harder for NPCs to track you on an imageboard they're too afraid to visit. On Twitter it gives them the ability to put together patterns of where you were and where you'll be so they can expect you. And for the love of God, if you do a video documenting it don't speak in it. If a single person recognizes your voice it's game over.
All right, all right. You've got a point. I'll try to be more careful out there.
Aha funny thread. The sticker situation sorted yet? Tempted to romp around my own shithole to do the same thing.
You been getting stomped by the corporations for over a hundred years. And you aren't winning now.
Never thought about it much but I went looking online and apparently Harvard Square has been taken over by homeless and run down shops with garbage. This was news to me.
>Try not to ruin the lives of any more working-class people on your way out.
Because the mega-corps have been SOOOO good to the working class American, right?
That is so clearly A.I.
COME ON, MAN! theres like 800 photos of her screaming. Why not use one of those 800??
They're better than you.
Which isn't a high standard, obviously. They're genuinely horrible. But despite all their evil, they're still somehow better than you.
The heck is this. You think this gaming server is relevant to the thread somehow?
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Plenty of commies in Seattle but there are enough non-commies there to ensure that his hands are regularly painted blood red.
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it's a real picture, maybe upscaled by ai, but copyrighted 5 years ago. why is there suddenly a rash of newfags on this board who can't tell what's ai?
Nah... Too tame... 2Girls1Cup at the minimum
Who the fuck is this spic and why is she suddenly relevant?
I dont have an answer to your question but it is clearly AI. Theres all those weird swirls and mixed lines from a low quality AI image.
And you dont need AI to upscale. We've been able to enlarge images with interpolation since windows 3.0. It looks like an AI image and thats what I called it.
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I don't see you doing any better to reconnect with the working class.

It seems like trad commies only like the working class when they were uneducated and exploitable. Now that have statistically better qualities of life and can form judgement on their own, they're now your enemy.
>Theres all those weird swirls and mixed lines from a low quality AI image
Would you mind pointing them out? Maybe circling them in the image?
Are you intentionally missing the point or are you just stupid?
You say something bitch?
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it's literally a picture taken by a professional photographer and sold to a media licensing conglomerate that resells it for $500 a pop, you're dumb as a box of rocks, keep posting though
t. 2018 poster
Watching people say every image must be AI has been quite amusing.
All these long text butthurt fags arguing in the thread. God OP.
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least obvious glowiecommie award
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i see.
thanks for the clarification, anon.
>iris turns eggshaped
>teeth merge together
>face gets covered in a 2mm thick layer of rubber
don't do AI, kids
I'm sorry. I don't think you can be helped.
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>that wall of text
like pottery.
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the first thread anons helped op make a ridiculous glue so they can't get them off.
Actually, I'm still using the same gorilla glue that I ever did.
The only difference is that I'm applying it in a spray form now, as opposed to the bottle
ah, well whatever I just remember that part alone. can't believe you're still doing it keep it up man. this shit actually hits the news and I'll be rolling
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Someone in the last thread discovered a hand-held printer out there that's literally called a "Sneed-Jet." If I get enough money, then by the time they finally catch up to me, I want them to find me with one of these.
knew it
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>Sneed coding solutions
Holy fucking kek! You are the chosen one.
Meme magic is real, brother.
What’s this mean? I haven’t noticed anyone else in this thread say that; not sure who it’s mocking.
I saw these communist posters all over Madison, WI recently. Most got defaced or torn down within a week but this idea is much better. Thank you for your service OP
why are you posting leftist memes
Trolling is an artform, and you my good sir are a master of it.
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it's a sticker going over another sticker, retard. he's defacing no actual property

lol fat, u are based tho. based fatty
Huh. You really think I look fat in there?
I'm not really overweight at all. I think my arms actually look kinda thin there. I need to lift more.
Still, I appreciate the "based." Thanks fren. You're based as well.
WELL, hands usually give it away, & you have plump fingers. part of that is genetics tho. looking at it again you're wrists are normal looking, I'd give u the benefit of the doubt.

my hands are actually pretty bony despite being 30bs overweight.

all the same keep fighting the good fight
why are there unironically communists? why shill for stalin, mao and kruschoff? fuck these authoritarian cunts. democratic socialism is the only way.
I think I just have big hands lol. Always have.
But still, thanks. I'll try not to reveal any more incriminating details about my appearance here lmao
Fuck off you little nigger.
So, by having to violate these communists' freedom of speech, you have proven them better than you.

If your ideas were better, you'd be certain of victory without having to deface other peoples' expression.

Have fun being assimilated in the camps!
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Sorry about your two digit IQ.
Aren't you the same people who deface and vandalize actual advertisements that people paid for which is actually defacement in the very meaning of the word? Aren't you the same guys who were pulling Trump signs out of people's yards years ago which in every legal term is stealing?

Why yes, yes I believe you people are. Truth is the argument was over before you even opened your mouth.
>...these communist's freedom of speech

Do you know how fucking dumb you sound?You stupid zoomer commie larping faggets just parrot whatever your hive mind leader says without researching actual history. Or Hell, even learn about current communist countries. There is no freedom of speech. But keep chanting you fucking npc.
Your only chance for a decent life is to realize you're a retard.

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