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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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>teacher gives an assignment to create an electronic device
>get hyped about this
>going to make a lab power supply
>suffer while making it, but wanna get high grade
>thinking about the circuitry for 20 hours
>spend 30$ on components
>10 hours of coding later
>create really cool 3d model for case in 10 hours
>3d printer messed up my print
>5 hours until deadline
>create simple boxy case so 3d printer will print it as fast as it can
>suffer while assembling electrics
>cool electronics, cool code, shitty case because of 3d printer
>tell teacher about that
>"u have shitty case, it's a shameful work"
>didn't even look inside case
>"pathetic case for a "designer and technologist of radio-electronic equipment" (my major in uni)
>get minimum grade for this

Bro, who the fuck am I? My future work is to create an electronic devices, not a fucking cases for them
Is valuable life lesson Ivan, no one give monies for radiotekniky if case ugly.
You do know you can just buy nice looking project cases, right?
Q: Do you know what they call an engineer at graduation with a C average?

A: An engineer.
Well yeah, your teacher is right. It is pathetic. If your instructor looked inside, you may have lost more points. The internals are nothing to be proud of. You have loose components and subassemblies and no thought for wire management. You have also learned the value of early prototyping which could have let you know your initial case was either too complex for your process or give you enough time to fix your process. It's also why EE and ME are different disciplines, because why would you spend time working on a mechanical design concurrent with an electronics design in the real world? Half-assing a complex design is going to be far less robust than carefully and correctly executing a simple one. Take this lesson and improve your skills in the future. A lot of the time you can optimize speed, robustness, and cost by reducing complexity as early as possible.
just learn all you can in school
those who can, do
those who can't, teach
there's a reason your retarded professor is where he is in life
>>5 hours until deadline

This is where you fucked up.

If you really cared you would have had all the wrinkles ironed out long before the last minute.

You are shameful and do shameful work.
No offense OP, but you're at a UNIVERSITY, go out, MAKE FRIENDS, and you can probably get a case design for a case of beer or a bit of something else. If you're not interested in playing the nt image game, stop bitching about it and farm out your work. You're already jumping through hoops, stop fucking whining and learn to put your shit in a format that people will understand or be delighted by.
I sure hope that isn't your picture
You know why you fucked up? Because you used the wrong tool (3D printer) for the job (making rectangular body with even-thickness walls). There are pre made cases, if you need a bunch of non round holes or an engraving on the lid, you still buy a case but toss the lid and have a new one laser cut out of PMMA. It’s cheaper, stronger, scalable and more fault tolerant (redoing one with a decent cutter takes 60 seconds and $0.5 of material).

You will never ever see 3D printed cases or panels outside of hobby electronics for this reason.
Looks to me like you threw some stuff together from ali express and called it a day.

Anyway, you could have made the case by gluing 5 panels together similar to the face panel in about 5 minutes.
Printing cases with a 3d printer is hilarious.
It takes a long time, costs more than a purchased ready-made case, looks ugly, and melts at 60℃. PLA is one (small) step up from hot glue or wax.
You would have been better off going to a recycler or second hand store and buying some small junked electrical device and replacing the front panel, and get bonus points for eco-friendly development from your obviously trans teacher.
>thinking about the circuitry for 20 hours
You strung together a small handful of pre-built components. 20 hours of "thought," and that's what you come up with? You didn't even do any management of all those improperly sized wires.
>oh me smart me make box
>no time to create windows for components that need to be visible me cut hole and not clean edges
It is fucking shameful. You should have been an abortion.
You learned something today, so you were successful.
And the lesson is that technology is the prerequisite. People will just assume it works as intended (and be extremeley pissed off if it doesn't). So yes, technology is important. But what people pay money for is the package. Mediocre technology with a nice ad sold by a pretty girl will be more successful than excellent technology sold by a nerd with a cardboard sign for an ad.
So team up with someone sales oriented and you have got a winning team.
what's this magical genius doing now? more clocks?
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>10 hours of coding later
WUT?! no code needed for a power supply
I would have failed you right here for needing code.

I built this in about one day.
skill issue
>3d printer
>raspberry pi
>ebay dispalys

holy shit.
I can make a poweer supply based on an LM396K, a transformer, bridge rectifier and large capacitor, with pots for voltage adjustment, using an old case I found....

oh wait I did it's right here >>2807472

I mean hell you could make one using a DC voltage source fed in to an adjustable buck converter and replace the tiny little shit POT with a normal one, and a scavenged volt and amp meter.
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here's a battery charger I hacked together from an old 16mm film carrier, a scavenged transformer from an old timey battery charger, a bridge rectifier, and a fully adjustable buck converter. I also bought the last 2 battery charger timers in existence.
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here's another one I hacked together.
When we had to build one in college everyone got one of these and just drilled the holes in and did a bit of filing. OP has no one to blame but himself.
it's fine op. at least you built it and it works, right?. we all start at the beginning, at the bottom. 10 years from now you will be a damned master wizard at this stuff if you keep at it.
never give up sparky bro.
the world needs you.
Here is some famous ones
next time buy a steel case
One thing I noticed is the input connectors are too far apart. I'd put the control button in the middle and the inputs on the right (the standard spacing is about 19mm). Also, you should try putting the LCD on the outside and bolt it to the case to cover the ugly uneven cutout hole.
>hijacked the thread to post his own shit nobody cares about
wow what a narcissistic asshole. you lack attention irl?
that looks like shit bottom of the barrel effort anon, I'd say the minimum grade was deserved.
>Mohamed Mohamed, on behalf of himself and Ahmed Mohamed, filed a $15M defamation suit
>and then another one
>both were dismissed

2015 was 5 years too early, sorry boy.

>Bill Maher said on his HBO series Real Time with Bill Maher that Mohamed deserves an apology but that his clock "looks exactly like a fucking bomb"
AHAHAHA even if Bill Maher agrees then it did look like a fucking bomb
>Obvious larp
>OP never to be seen again
We do have /g/ bots as well these days, huh?
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Just use a standard watertight electronics enclosure and if you need to print anything, then print something that will let you clip your components to some DIN rail.
How do you fuck up a 3D print this bad lol, 3D printing couldn't be easier, level bed, spray adhesive, push button, that's it
And that design took you 10 hours??
>has to 3d print a square box

you deserved to fail
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this happens with everyone once in their lifetime. but u dont need to worry just feel proud for what u have done and how much time u spend to complete the project. atleast u gain some patience ,some skills and techniques . so dont care about teachers or people opinions. be urself try again get the new box next if u have a chance .

all the best,, hope you have a great future.
>Bro, who the fuck am I? My future work is to create an electronic devices, not a fucking cases for them

your job is to make technology for them to steal, university is a scam. your boss just shamed you so you will work harder so they wont have to outsource to a third party to make the chasis when they steal your project and sell it to the glowies or another corpo. You are competing with hundreds of other stupid slaves for projects for them to steal.

Learn all you can but provide them the bare minimum.
>Windows 11
>OEM spyware shortcut on taskbar
>Shitty intro website
then the
to confirm any suspicions
4chan has eaten your brain. there's nothing left in there but a bunch of redpills, rattling around like grains of rice in a salt cellar.
not your personal diary, attention whore
You should stop putting the blame on external factors and start taking accountability.
>The 3d printer fucked up
Your responsibility. Either your model was shit, or you didn't maintain the printer properly, or you made some other error.
>Have to print a shit case because you only have 5h left?
Why the fuck would you go so close to the deadline. This is entirely on you for having bad time management.
>My future work isn't to create cases
You'll learn the hard way that no matter how autistically technical your area of expertise is, presentation still matters and will influence how satisfied your clients will be.

See it positively: If what you claimed was true, you learned a lot in the process and made a good power supply circuit, the experience of which will help you later. You also learned more about the importance of soft skills, which might help you later in life.
You've only just realized academia is based solely on opinions of retards reading slideshows they bought from Pearson or whatever?
How long were you given to do this project? You spent 20 hours contemplating the circuitry for a simple power supply, yet left yourself no time for corrections if the fabrication went wrong. You need to work on managing your time wisely.
>Can't even do the heatset inserts properly
If i were your teacher i would have fucking begged the higherups to expel you for being so dysfunctional.
I wouldn't even care about the 3D printing part, despite me specializing in this, because these fucking nuts and the cricuitry floating on wires just overshadow everything else.
Your case is not bad because it's printed bad (Though that is too), but because the design is absolutely retarded. I'm certain that if you at least had the whole setup look tidy you would have a way better grade despite the print fuckup.
>But muh deadline
First of all - your fault, second of all - you could have used normal screws since those can easily cut their own thread through most plastics, which is more than enough for a prototype.
>But it's not muh job to--
It says right fucking there in your major: "Designer for radio equipment". It's your job to put at least some thought into the case being good, since even if you aren't going to model it (Which you fucking will have to, one reason or another), you will still have to greenlight the decisions of someone who will, which requires knowing how to design a case as well as the electronics for it.
Pic not really related.
your mom is a whore.
Gib source on gynoid please °_° !
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It's quite a list.
I don't really remember which hands i used for the big one but i think it's this:
The big one is 300% scale, i think.
the only attention whore in this thread is OP whining about getting a bad grade for doing bad work.

normal people do go crying to 4chan when deir feewings are huwt.
>assignment to create electronic device
>grade is based on nothing more than looks
Now that's a case
Hopefully this has taught you a valuable lesson in time management
The only point of college is networking and getting a degree. Bump elbows to win.
I feel you anon, I really do.
>judges electronics by its case
He seems to have worked for Apple LMAO

Abadon academia. Let this modern system rot. Start live outside of the system.
pay no attention to:
same person from reddit who invades all the other /diy threads where adults are talking, to drop his uncreative drivel.

> How to advertise you have issues, to everyone on /diy, without ever addressing them head-on, cause fear that mommy will say 'no' or lock you back in your closet.

There's your (YOU)

As far as for OP, every actual criticism was valid. Super-comfy feeling on those DIY builds to know such based approach is still present in today's brain-damaged population.
Thx ^_^!
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next time try to make sense.
>3d printer
its a fucking box mate
give your head a shake
if it was something extravagent then post it, but you should have bought a plain simple enclosure as a backup instead of relying on print working first time.
(i hate 3d printing)
teacher is correct about that case bro
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You fucked up by being too rigid (and not leaving enough time to finish even though this isn't really your biggest problem). You couldn't tear apart something from the thrift store or your closet and stuff your project in it? Look, I have pretty bad ADD too and left literal hundreds of projects unfinished because of it and trying to be a perfectionist. Learn to improvise a little:
>9th grade physics, assignment: build a mousetrap
Was planning on an electronic trap with servo motors. Literally waited until the last minute and made a squirrel trap from a coffee can I remember my dad and brother making when I was like 4 years old. Got an A for "creativity" and because it worked reliably.
>10th or 11th grade chemistry, build a model of an atom, literally got fucking vanadium, I swear to christ I will never forget how many particles this atom contains
Wanted to make a 2.5D model with hobby foam. Waited until the two days beforehand and spent a mad all-nighter spray painting a bunch of used golfballs, and bolting every one in place with a drill and allthread. Got an A.
>freshman college spanish, make a poster or powerpoint with members of your family and give a presentation in spanish
Waited until the day before, cut up some MDF and screwed it together with hinges so it folded out and literally memorized every sentence with no actual understanding of what I was supposed to be learning. Got an A and an actual "what the fuck" from my baddy German hipster spanish professor.
>freshman college fine arts appreciation, open-ended project
Made roses from allthread, pipe caps, and a bunch of razor blades I epoxied together into petals and jammed them in one of my stepmom's vases with some of her roses from the garden, all literal hours before class. Got an A.
I hate when we come toi 4chan and bitch and people upstage you with better builds, and knock your dick in the dirt for being a pussy whiney bitch.
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fucking hell did you make the hole with a chisel or a steak knife?
maybe one of those tools for cutting drywall sockets ?. i think i recognize that blade pattern
>my major in uni
Fuck me, I thought you were talking highschool.
Yeah negro, uni project needs to be complete.
Part of life.
Holy shit, this entire greenxt reminded me of a project I had to build. I said to my teacher I was going to make a wind up model truck. I had zero clue how and only had a week to make it. 1 day away from presenting what me made.
>Are we going to demonstrate what we made?
>Teacher: no, you will only talk about it
>uh, okay
Great for me. The teacher was so incompetent at giving instructions most didnt even have anything to show and failed. I only painted the truck a pretty red and talked about what it could('nt) do.

Based on how many hours you put into this, did it you ever ask yourself how much time everyone else is pouring into this useless project for a grade? For anyone still in school, you just need to make it LOOK, as if you worked hard. The results will almost never speak for itself. Embellish as much as possible.
Damn, all you needed to build that battery charger was a battery charger and a bunch of other shit?
>create really cool 3d model for case in 10 hours
anon, that case is a 15 minute job at worst
EE lab class in college. Had to make a project.
Power supply was one choice, so I went with that.
Because I needed one anyway. So I spent a few bucks on a nice case (long before 3D printing).
Everyone else makes their project nailed to a piece of plywood and throws it away after its graded.
TA takes one look at my PS and accuses me of having bought it.
Nope. Opened it up and showed him my work.
Still have it 40 years later.
> you just need to make it LOOK, as if you worked hard
In any decent school they will teach you something different which is a good lesson for career as well:
Nobody cares how much effort you put in, how much books you read about it or how ‘elegant’ your result is. It should just do what it needs to and be attractive. It shouldn’t necessarily do what the specification said it should do, it should do what the specification actually wanted to say.

The skill of the engineer is to read and decipher the specification, interpet it with his own knowledge, and make a result that works for the client.
yeah you can't read.
Kek this is all just insanity on top of insanity but I feel it. Like I have a phone and then it breaks so I gotta get a new screen. I put a screen cover on it and plan to find my car but it falls and right onto the side and a tiny rock cracks the screen from the side. I buy a new screen again and within a day it has a couple dead pixels that lead to a green line. So, fuck it I guess this is just my life idk. My screens break, my toilets break, and while all this is happening I’m failing to take care of other things. At least you’re in school like I’m lucky I’m not homeless and not really like I’d be better off homeless
Hey big dog. I'm sorry you had trouble with your assignment and I'm also sorry your instructor gave you low marks. You'll be ok, though. Just do your best to learn from this experience and don't let this bump in the road set the tone for the rest of your academic and professional career. Keep up the good work.
Phones belong in heavy rugged cases so I case on purchase and could barely tell you what my phones look like uncased because that is not important. Efficiency, thrift and cold pragmatism are important. Stop being you and force yourself to change when you locate personal defects.
He's right. If I saw that in a real life product I would immediately dismiss it as a piece of fire hazard chink shit and throw it away.
At least you used threaded inserts and not woodscrews.
skill issue
This anon gets it.
Also, keep in mind that looks trumps functionality 9 out of 10 times in our times. So deburring the case would have helped, even a fancy logo would have taken you to the top.

>Still have it 40 years later.
Ah yes, that was before the fall.
it's ok anon, don't worry about it you did a good job
Just take some acrylic, join with glue or slots, and mount parts with standoffs. If there's switches, displays, or whatever the fuck else, just cut that out. Why the hell are you 3D printing a specialized box?
No it's not, it's an electronics can't, not a mechanical engineering class, his just m job isn't to design cases not would it ever be part of his real world work tasks
you dont think there are people whose jobs it is to design cases for modularity and manufacturability?
Best story so far. That's so awesome.
It depends on his major and what this class is.
This sounds like an ee assignment, electronics engineers would design stuff to go into the modular housing, but designing such a modular housing is a mechanical engineering task.
So to judge him on the housing when a case shouldn't even be necessary is absurd.
>No it's not, it's an electronics can't, not a mechanical engineering class, his just m job
When you go to sell your own products, aesthetics can overshadow functionality. Don't completely abandon the form of your projects unless you're that far ahead of everyone else in the world.
>electronics can't,
Electronics class, from the sounds of it.

It's like if he was in a music class and the professor failed him because he didn't make his own paper for the sheet music to be printed on to some arbitrary standard , like music students aren't making fucking paper
Case in point. Great station. The gayest looking case.
I went through a container full of these today.
There wasn't any one worth taking so instead I got a wood cabinet and a cool glass mug with two faucets to make water flow through its walls.
No, it's like he scribbled his opus into a dried piece of shit and handed that in.
A $3 standard case would've been the "just putting it on regular printing paper" option.
Even if you are ahead of everyone else in the world aesthetics matter. Why do you think apple and samsung put so much effort into case design? No one wants a functional product in a tupperware container except the autistic weirdos that prototyped it
Fucking normies are to blame for all the shit I can't open without it breaking.
>Only an up button
Is this a 1980s alarm clock?
Throw that child trash away.
The assignment isn't design an end user product, it's make a circuit.
I'm done with this gay board
>does it maintain temperature
>can you adjust the temperature
>is it reliable
>I don't want it
Here's your (You)

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