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No, they don't allow to think clearly either
More sport, eat healthier and less coom, if that doesn't help it may be something hormonal

unironically, antihistamines
Diet, exercise, good sleep.
that's for when you WANT the brain fog, the comfy sleepy times.
Ivermectin & Bloons TD 6 worked for me.

Be sure to take a probiotic too
Fasting always does a really good job of dusting off the old cobwebs, usually by the 3rd day I feel like a new person, depressive symptoms go away, you feel amazing.
If you're younger than 25yo, you might experience periods of hormonal changes that might cause brain fog, fatigue, sleep problems.
Could be parasites.
However, if you're 25 or over, brain fog might simply be present.
try a low carb diet or some fasting?
Try smoking more weed
Drink water.
Brain fog is an umbrella term and not a specific illness, similarly to how people use IBS to describe "something wrong with your digestive system". Without specifics no one can help you.
Try avoiding unhealthy dopaminergic activities and make sure your physical and mental health are taken care of. Also have some social interaction (online doesn't count). That should fix it for most people.
Take a good quality multivitamin daily and use a strong nicotine pouch every 2 hours
>just build a tolerance to a highly addictive substance that builds tolerance extremely quickly
stupidity of the highest level
Find and fix the problem. There's a ton of things that can cause it, and it can also be multiple things at once. The good news is nearly all the causes are fixable.

High CO2 in the room, low blood sugar, obesity, hangover, allergies, poor fitness, low vitamin C/sunlight exposure. The list goes on.

Neither of those sound great. Multivitamins start to give me headaches if I take them after a few days in a row. Nicotine fucks your sleep up and if you aren't already hooked on it, offers absolutely zero benefits.
A decade of being a neet has fucked my brain to where I am worse than I was in high school.
This, I live in scandiland and during winter I'm usually a zombie but during summer I naturally wake up 5-6 so I go out jogging be4 work and it makes me feel extremely clear headed during the day.
Better diet, fitness and sleep have already been mentioned plenty, but if you're in the "can't get up/thoughts sorted" phase, try a caffeine dose of anything. Yes, coffee is a shitty meme, but there's plenty of alternatives these days.
At least I helped me quite a lot till i got the other parts in line as well. Good luck, anon!
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Drink enough fluids.
Avoid becoming dehydrated.
Get enough electrolytes.
Stay away from comp, MSM, internet, social media and porn.
Eat healthy, stay busy with things that require/stimulate brain activity.
Get physical excersize outdoors.
Get proper sleep in proper cycles
fasting and regular exercise

nicotinamide riboside, resveratrol ( grapes, berries, peanuts), curcumin, EGCG (green tea), berberine for endothelial damage ( usually found in the roots, rhizomes, stems, and bark, Berberine is classified as a traditional Chinese medicine.[16] )

>nicotinamide riboside
>Since brain inflammation is closely related to cognitive impairment [92,93,94], cognitive function and recognition memory could be attenuated by NR treatment in only 6 weeks [91].
Stay away from the city for two weeks
Quitting video games is what cured my brain fog.

Also brain fog is normal if you've just gone through something like tech industry crunch or university exams that took weeks of cramming. It will pass after several days of rest.
ITT: pseudoscience that doesn't actually fix anything
Shrooms. It doesn't need to be magic shrooms. Lion's mane, Reishi, Cordyceps.
>brain fog
meditation helped me a lot
try the "take 10" series by headspace as an intro

later i also got into jogging and semen retention
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I'm way more messed up when I'm backed up. After jerking off it feels like I can finally think my own thoughts
Sport(read: Run 1-2km HIIT every other day)

But fasting and snake juice is easier and faster. Refilling those electrolytes and clearing out the worst in the digestion.
Stop drinking.
Which one? Ove heard good things about cyproheptadine
sounds like a spirit possession
The gundry diet
Every large bout of brain fog I have had was directly caused by some health issue, which I eventually resolved.
Go turbo-autism about health and get the rest of your body working right, the fog will hopefully go away with your bad habits.
depends on what causes it in the first place. Find the root cause and go from there
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Get checked for lyme. Or maybe it’s your thyroid. Ot the vax fucked you.
since I got COVID in 2022 brain fog comes and goes... try antihistamine sleep pills like trazodone. If it doesn't give you painful 8 hour boners you're ok.
I had to stop it because I feared my dick would go in gangrene and fall off.
Asking for tx for brain fog is like asking for tx for back pain. Ultimately you’re asking for help with a non specific ailment that could ultimately be caused by a ton of various things and your symptoms could present entirely differently from the next moron who comes in complaining about “brain fog”, “executive dysfunction”, or whatever poorly defined pop psychology bullshit they heard about on tiktok.

That said the answer is very often decreasing sedentary lifestyle, improving nutrition by decreasing carbohydrate intake, and improving sleep to a proper schedule of 8 hours a night and seeing a sleep doctor if sleep is not restful. Beyond that addressing underlying medical issues which all to often comes back to obesity (like #1 cause of unrestful sleep is apnea because your fat fucking neck literally chokes you to death so you need to milk your insurance for a ventilator that you probably won’t actually use because “it’s uncomfortable”. Which is why they’ve literally built them now to record metrics of when you use them and take them back if you don’t use them 60-70%+ of the time bc insurances were buying them constantly for fat fucks that would whine and never touch them. But this is indicative of why brain fog, depression, anxiety, insomnia, obesity, etc are notoriously difficult to treat: because you have to stop living like a lazy child. A person who doesn’t use their phone for 4 hours before bed, who doesn’t eat fast food and instant ramen every meal, who exercises literally at all, who goes outside sometimes for vitamin d, socializes, etc. very few people actually make these changes and instead piss and moan about how they can’t because of “unfair reasons” that are almost always total bullshit

Trazodone is a (weak) histamine agonist, not an antihistamine, dumb shit. It can also cause impairments to short term memory so suggesting it as a treatment for brain fog is moronic.

t. physician
drop sugar
Go to bed fully hydrated, get a decent amount of sleep, 6.5 hours minimum, and take a melatonin gummy 30 minutes before bedtime.
>What is fully hydrated
Drink 8 oz of water for each hour you intend to be asleep
A half gallon of water. To go to sleep. WTF is wrong with you? That is double what experts recommend for the max to drink at one time. I guess if he gets water intoxication then he'll at least already be in bed! You stupid shit, he'll be up five times pissing that out. You are an idiot.
>Drink 8 oz of water for each hour you intend to be asleep
you must be under 30
I drank 2 quarts of water at the end of every day in basic training, which was 6 pm. In bed by 8:30, up at 4:30. Never had to get up once. But, sure, keep relying on the experts. They definitely know everything. They are experts after all.
And I have seen water intoxication, anon. It aint pretty, but 2 quarts of water isn't going to do it to you. Try a few gallons.

These days, I drink about 40 oz of water before bed, because I sleep about 6 hours. Don't get up once (and I'm 38, >>2815335)
Whoever staged that image seems like he might not be the most likeable person.
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have you tried a good poop? works for me i will shovel down a bag of harbo gummy bears, and wait for old faithful.
There's always idiots in Basic who either try to drink a full water bowser or don't take a sip until they faceplant.

Cocks. Lots of them. I had severe brain fog until I troonsitioned and when full 304 playing slurpy-burpy in every truckstop in Cally. When I yawned it looked like a vanilla milkshake. You can be cured but keep plenty of water handy to wash down the peckersnot.
You're correct to check. Lyme and tick fever ruined my late wife's life and took years to get a doc to take post-Lyme seriously.

I don't go innwawoods any more except to clear more land and I wear BDUs soaked in Permethrin. The Army at the fort formerly known as Bragg have a serious tick program.
My parents have that same batman glass. It's like 2.5 decades old
Hidroxicine works well alongside Difenhidramine but in very fucking low doses, otherwise it will give you brain fog because it is usually prescription medication for insomnia, due to not carrying the risk of causing dependence unlike most anxiolitics which do and also lose effectiveness as time goes on.
I would seriously recommend talking to a doctor first, and I don't mean in the sanatorium, but rather have an actual long talk about that stuff, like going out for lunch or something like that.
Overall my brain fog gets better if I just lay down for a while. Many times it's just some sort of exhaustion, not entirely physical or partially. You should learn to relax, usually brain fog is an early sign of the onset of a mental disorder, usually either clinical anxiety or depression or both. So I would recommend sitting down and actually reevaluating what the fuck you are and talk with people you trust about what do they think about what you are or do.
Sometimes it's something poking at the back of your mind that you have incorporated into your daily routine but you really don't like, hate or you gaslighted yourself into thinking it's good or at least OK or not bad. Once you find it, you can suppress it, slowly, do not fucking stop it completely or you could accidentally develop a mental disorder due to losing the mechanism you were using for whatever sort of cope or rejection of X part of your life or reality.
Also, accept that you did that, or like that.
But remember, accepting something doesn't mean you have to give in to it entirely.
It's like the guys who like cutesy stuff but apart from that are practically the fantasy definition of a real ideal man, they just have a quirk or two and it's normal because the things that used to be the quirk no longer exist or have gotten left behind so any NuEra stuff is the quirk.
Many retards accept what they like but they make it their personality, commiting a serious mistake that causes severe mental illness later on.
Just unvaccinate yourself bro
in a nutshell, have a healthy lifestyle with less repetition:
> drinking lots of water and being physically active.
> eating a healthy diet with far less sugar and salt.
> eat fruit and vegetables.
> take supplements.
> stop consuming short clips on tik-tok.
> plan what you're going to do today, then go through that checklist in your brain.
> stop multi-tasking, and give each task its due attention.
> slow reading.
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Drink until you are not thirsty and your urine is pale yellow. Forcing yourself to chug arbitrary amounts of water to become magically “hydrated” is moronic. Also fwiw drinking a shitload of water before bed was a technique to rise before sunup prior to alarm clocks. Your anecdotal methodology is stupid. Melatonin supplementation also has a pretty weak evidence base desu and the evidence base shows if there is a benefit it’s likely best to take it way earlier than 30m prior to bedtime, more like 90-120m prior. “But this works for me” okay, great. You’d probably still sleep fine if I switched them out for haribos without you knowing about it.

Lyme is a potential underlying condition that can cause brain fog but a course of antibiotics will clear it up. Of course, you’ll get tons of people who eat, sleep like shit, never move at all and continue to have brain fog and malaise for weeks after and will then spend countless hours doctor shopping and searching google for “chronic lyme” (not a thing) and other similar bullshit “diseases. They could spend that time trying to an actual good diet (not just cutting out fast food but actual vegetables for once), sleeping 7 hours a night, and walking 30 minutes a day for 6-8 weeks and see if that makes a difference but “it’s too hard!” Or “I’m trying it! Honest!” Even though they come back for a follow up appointment and have somehow gained 8 pounds and their blood glucose has risen 10mg/dl

This is mostly it except for the vague “supplements” bit. That’s nonsense unless you have a specific vitamin deficiency or you feel like wasting money. Sleep better, eat better, be active. The one piece I haven’t stated that this touches in is attention span stuff and content related to that. It’s hard to say right now. Imo I think this is correct advice. The research that is coming out is in support of this but it’s not great research so far desu
Diet. More meat, more fat, less sugar
>just trust me bro
So, basically identical to every other post in the thread, with the added bonus of being extremely condescending.
I mean I could post the lack of an evidence base for melatonin, chronic lyme, supplements, etc but that post was already pushing the character limit and also let’s be real it’s not like people on here are gonna be swayed by some ncbi links
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You mean like this?
>The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recognizes melatonin as the first-line pharmacological therapy for insomnia, emphasizing its crucial role in managing sleep-related concerns. Melatonin is also used for the management of posttraumatic brain injury, jet lag, neurodegenerative disorders, and migraine prophylaxis. This activity explores the safety profile of melatonin supplementation, highlighting its relatively low risk of adverse effects. This activity further elucidates the mechanism of action, pharmacology, adverse event profile, monitoring strategies, and pertinent interactions of melatonin. The interprofessional healthcare team can use melatonin as an adjunct to offer essential insights for collaborative patient care in sleep disorders.

Wow. That was easy.
You are the worst internet doctor I've ever seen. All of your advice is awful.
Shoullda got the vaxx
There's also always idiots that go on the internet and lie like a bitch. I'm a little surprised he didn't throw the navy seal pasta out for his reply.
>He made it up
>Trust me bro
Lot of this going around.
Did you actually read this aside from the intro that confirmed your biases?

“ Research on the efficacy of melatonin supplementation for treating insomnia has shown varied results”

“A study examining 31 melatonin supplements discovered that the actual melatonin content varied widely, ranging from −83% to +478% of the labeled content.”


Here’s a much higher quality meta that shows little benefit for melatonin across many groups of sleep disorders. Is that so hard?

It’s so awful to get advice that is frustrating, I know. It’s so difficult to sleep 8 hours, to not eat like shit, to exercise at all, and to not doom scroll on your phone for 3+ hours a day and then come to my office and go “why do I always feel like shit” without bothering to change any of your fucking terrible habits. Frankly if you think I’m terrible you’re probably one of the crybabies that shoves mcdonalds down your gullet 5 times a week, never moves, stays up till 3 am every night, and is somehow confused as to why you feel like shit all the time despite defying all normal social conventions
less drugs. or more creativity focused performance enhancing drugs. hard to tell
Melatonin works for me bro.

Plants, especually m odern glyphosate laden ones are awful for you. Eat meat.

Your coffee is probably full.of mold that's killing you though
brainfog is a symptom of being a fatty
Thinking back i think ive had brainfog all throughought my 20s
If you live in a cucked countey like goymany doctors will refuse preventative treatment or screenings.
Can you take ivermectin as a general parasite killer as a preventative measure even if youre not sure you might be infected? Are there any side effects to look out for?
Digital detox and meditation
Anecdotal evidence is worthless, your melatonin is probably not consistently dosed, potentially wildly different. especially if you purchase from different vendors between bottles. You likely get a benefit from melatonin because you believe it will work. If you stopped taking it you would likely have trouble sleeping for that reason. But I reiterate that if I was an unethical jackass and gave you normal gummy bears, lied to you, and said they were melatonin gummies, you would probably continue to sleep fine. That is literally what my link showed, there is no statistical difference between control and melatonin group for insomnia. And it’s a meta, not a single study fwiw. It’s not going to hurt you though so keep wasting your money if you want.
So does it do nothing because it's ineffective or because the dosage is inconsistent? Both? What a weird fucking position to take. Does it work or no?

I've done by own blind study with my insomniac kids and the control medicine doesn't do shit and they'll be up until 2am telling me about minecraft shit. Using melatonin will put us all out.

Sorry you fell for THE SCIENCE and believed some new bullshit meta study being paid for by a guy trying to get paid by ambien.
All these holistic medicine-tier shiteaters.

For fucksakes.
is brain fog the zoomer term for fatigue?
Don't smoke weed
Drink moderately
Sleep regularly and well.

The last one is most difficult and might involve giving up late night vidya
about 700mg of benadryl should do ya
I'm gonna fuck up that elephant if it talks shit to me one more time
It's from mcdonalds. Everyone had them in the late 90's
I can tell if a given bottle of melatonin is good or not by its effects. Its very distinct - 1st pill from a new bottle is enough to know.

OP it is really hard to give you useful advice without knowing about your overall health. For me as I lean out I need to be sure to keep my blood sugar up by eating enough and smaller meals. I don't find brain fog to be a problem for whatever reason when doing manual labor (which can be cerebral), but when trying to program or doing engineering it is - I assume it is a physiological effect.
Melatonin is one of the most effective medications I can buy.. I am very upset that nothing works.

Nasal decongestants and cough suppression barely does anything. Analgesics are okay if it's not too bad of a headache.

Take a melatonin and it's zzzzzzz
>brainfog gluten
potatoes and meats are good enough food
Brain Fog is caused by toxicity...
What organ clears toxins?
Specifically which compound?
What is a precursor?
What costs 20$ for a fucking tub of 50 tablets?

Thats right dear gentemen...

NAC - precursor to glutathione
You can happily eat 1500mg daily.

And yes it works
also rice with complementary vegetables

intermittent fasting, prolonged fasting
when i don't masturbate i get bored a lot since there's not much to do where i live. if i masturbate the boredomness goes away, i don't feel so tense anymore, but if i masturbate multiple times ina day i get a lot more stressed. you niggas have the same problem or is it just me?
>Stay away from comp, MSM, internet, social media and porn
very hard to avoid those these days
stop drinking and make shure you eat and sleep well.
not joking, did you drink this weekend? yeah, you can have brainfog for days after that. weed, coke and meth is even worse. sleep? 5hours of good sleep beats 10h of bad sleep, go to bed when you are physicly tired and when you do so close all apps and leave your phone behind. you are now disconnected from the world, you are sleeping. eating? many today are slightly diabetic from our crap diet and have peaks and drops in blood sugar due to it. you can avoid it completely by being a total diet fag im not gonna teach you that, because i dont know. but having a snack or something to chew on available at all times makes it better and large low carb high protein/fat meals in general makes the day better.
t. drinks, eats like shit and barely get any sleep and i know thats why im constantly brainfogged

Next you'll say long covid isn't real. You suffer from dunning-kruger so painfully obviously.
rest and sobriety.
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Sleep Apnea (snoring in your sleep) wreaks havoc on your quality of sleep, which destroys your quality of life with symptoms like brain fog.

>breath in, obstructed airway so you snore
>dont move enough air
>deprive brain of oxygen for period of time
>brain kickstarts heartrate, kickstarts gasping for air
>you dont wake up most of the time, never even know you do it
>do it 20, 30, 50+ times an hour depending on severity

Its damaging to the heart and the brain, and a reason why some people feel like garbage in the morning. Sudden sleep apnea death exists, people have heart attacks in their sleep all the time.

If you know you snore, or if you can lazily breath in through your nose and it easily creates a snort/snore, you should get checked out.
Even if you get up in the middle of the night to pee. Your bladder may not be waking you up, sometimes gasping hard enough does wake you up (but you dont even realize it in your twilight daze)
Apnea happens to most fat fucks, also happens to a lot of skinny people (because of genetics)

I got a Cpap and it literally changed my life in about a week, thats not an exaggeration.
For the first time in my whole life, I started to understand what quality sleep actually was. A lot of daily nagging symptoms of general "feeling like shit" just straight up went away.
I feel better getting 6-7 hours of sleep now than I used to getting 10-12 sleeping in.

Pic related, the mask I have. Only lightly blows air in nose, I can sleep on back or side or turn and the big hose doesnt bother you. Becomes second nature after a few days and you feel naked without it.

The sleep study is done at home, your doctor hands you a chest strap you put on when you sleep. So its not even hard to test.

I wish I would have done this decades ago, I wouldnt have been such a shitty student, chronic truant/tardy to the point of expulsion threats.
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Wrong pic, this is actually the mask I have.
The world has come a long way since the 90s in terms of masks, cpaps, and testing. Dont listen to grandpa tell you how horrible it was to get and use one 30 years ago.
Bro what i do in my country mostly our diet is carbs !
you and your weight both need to drop at least 40lbs
Not him. I've heard this a bit. If you don't need a cpap before you start, you definitely will after and losing weight would be better treatment for most people
Exercise and keto. If those don't work go see your doctor.
funny it's the opposite for me
i get brainfog from normie drama and bs
god dammit anon understand that i want shrek 2 on netflix but they wont do it AUGH
Good advice ITT, especially rest, making ABSOLUTELY sure you don't have sleep apnea, diet, fasting, no porn etc.

If you tried everything, but you're still fucked up and/or if you actually want to nuke brain fog from orbit, this will ALWAYS work:

Cerebrolysin 5ml + GH/GH secretagogue (such as CJC1295 DAC) + cardio.

For Cerebrolysin, start with a few 10ml days, then do 5ml 5 days on and 2 days off for at least 4 weeks, during which you do medium/high intensity cardio regularly. Add GH for greatly increased efficacy.
You'll be back to 100% in a month.
Also ignore all reddit-tier prion FUD - the manufacturing process does not allow long enough peptides to pass through, even if pigs carried them, and even if the labs somehow selected infected animals. And also DON'T FUCKING SNORT IT.

One last thing to consider is if might be full of heavy metals, I can give a full rundown later, but the tl;dr is that blood testing without provocation doesn't work, and the only workable protocol is low-ish (don't go homeopathy levels low) dose ALA + DMSA over a long period of time.
Best answer. But it's the exact opposite of what Anon wants.
It could be so many different things, like sleep, diet, stress, your job, depression, childhood trauma, vaccines, substance issues, a hidden disease, SOCIETY, work hazards, social life, work, whatever

Willing to bet there's not really any miracle pill for this shit, you have to figure out what contributes to it for you. I guess meth is a miracle pill but you don't get something for nothing and that is no exception.
Two weeks of black seed oil did it for me. One capsule in the morning and two in the evening. Brain fog gone and so were all my aches and pain. When is the last time you dewormed yourself OP?
Sleep Apnea occurs in skinny, healthy people.
Its mostly genetic, the shape of your airways. They can naturally shift and obstruct themselves when you sleep.

Fat fatties can get it when their double chin shifts their neck and creates an obstruction, but you have to be ultra morbidly obese for that to happen.
Most fatties have sleep apnea and just so happen to be fat fucks too.

The Essential Craftsman has Sleep Apnea and made a video about it.
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Negative ion generator
false. meds only make things worse unless you have SEVERE MENTAL HEALTH problems, which used to be called ; mental health problems. now the term has been diluted, but i digress.
get enough sleep, do therapy, eat proper healthy food, be active, normal healthy stuff.
have a purpose and pursue it- that kind of goal and clarity really helps you think clearly.
sleep deprivation is the big brain killer for me.
exercise somewhere you can see the horizon
Sometimes this stands for men who have sex with men.
If none of that shit works then meds

Source: Am Med, big fan
Get your teeth fixed. Extract any impacted teeth, otherwise your body is in a constant state of infection which can cause clots and brain fog.
Also take B vitamins. If you're vegan or have poor nutrition you probably need more B6 and B12.
>" It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep."
Psalms 127:2

>" But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day."
Deuteronomy 8:18

>" Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all."
1 Chronicles 29:12

>" For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7

>" But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
Isaiah 40:31
>How do you cure brain fog?

" Sigh therefore, thou son of man, with the breaking of thy loins; and with bitterness sigh before their eyes. And it shall be, when they say unto thee, Wherefore sighest thou? that thou shalt answer, For the tidings; because it cometh: and every heart shall melt, and all hands shall be feeble, and every spirit shall faint, and all knees shall be weak as water: behold, it cometh, and shall be brought to pass, saith the Lord GOD." Ezekiel 21:6-7
christcuckoldry is the definition of brain fog
post your face so I can laugh at it
>assloads of descriptions of human beings with no explanation as what to do about it

God is as unforgiving when it comes to preventative medicine as pharmaceutical companies are to cures. No wonder Thomas Jefferson ripped up the bible.
>“Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.
Matthew 7:1-2
God gave OP brainfog, he should grovel on his knees and thank his bull for the ailment. Its not actually a debilitating health issue, its a gift which will present its higher meaning in time.

Christ will judge you and ask you if you will accept him. He will say it all your sons must be cast off. If you look at the life and soul you have forged here on earth and see there is nothing to it but sin, the you you think is you will be cast into outer darkness because it cannot bare to be near God. Truly the smallest part of you will pass through the eye of a needle to get to heaven.

You may say no, let me return to Earrg, I will.make better choices this time, and he will show you already had all the chances you will get to make choices, or this is already your 100 millionth life, you have been in purgatory struggling to grow. Now you are farther than ever from God, calling the body of Christ christ cucks etc.

Come on man
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>Christ will judge you
Shit nigga, I had no clue you were THE jesus asking to judge me ITT

Should OP post his face so you can perform a miracle and fix the ailment you gave him in the first place?

Yes meme

He doesn't say there is no judgement ever. He says it's definitely going to happen and you're going to be found to be awful.

Once I have removed the beam from my eye I definitely should help you with yours. I shouldn't let you roll around in sin and debauchery. I need to tell you you're doing it wrong and need to accept christ amd start living a faithful life
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> I need to tell you you're doing it wrong and need to accept christ amd start living a faithful life
You do that by making people post pictures of their face, and then attack the way they look?
You arent the most handsome of people yourself Jesus
More sunlight in the morning, less screenlight at night, longer sleep, more consistent sleep, more exercise, more socialization, less alcohol and weed, less BMI if you're obese, less refined carbohydrates, more fiber, more vitamins, more water
Lions mane, alpha GPC, noopept, enough sleep
I got the brain frog cutting weight. I think some call it keto fog. Solution is lots of fluid (half water half "gatorade" actually I drink power aid - the grape stuff), like lots. You need to stay properly hydrated and need the electrolytes. If you are older like 50, water alone will not keep you hydrated, you need a fluid (water + something) to help you body absorb the water. It will take a few hours only to know it this solves the problem for, will cost only a few bucks worth of gatorade, and you have to do it pee a few more times during the day. Grape Powerade tastes best when cut 50% with water. I drink at least 4 28 oz bottles per day (that's two actual bottles mixed with two bottles of water). I lost 50 pounds in four months, lots of exercize and got the fog due to the cutting, but once I started hydrating properly the fog was gone in a few hours and my energy was much better.
Thoughts on the MRNA covid vax Mr. Physician?
>6 billion doses given, almost 73% of the worlds population.
Two more weeks anon.
Anon, if you can't acknowledge that the covid numbers were inflated while vaccine injury responses have been suppressed you have propaganda brain
Correct, well it was questioned by the people you've been trained to disregard
>one side says "its mostly safe"
>other side says mass death is coming soon (two more weeks)

Looking back all we see is 6 billion doses and no mass deaths.
Funny how that works.

Propaganda brain (and mental retardation) is obsessing and clinging onto something thats over, done with, and wholly irrelevant now. Especially if you have to resort to *muh conspiracy* to try and make it seem relevant.
>Looking back all we see is 6 billion doses and no mass deaths
And what, 80 years Pfizer wanted to hide documents for?
Dude. You have guzzled all the cool-aid. Your mind is infected. You are the convenient fool. You are a clear example of how propaganda works. Next up you are going to explain out white is clearly black and black was white all along.
Yes anon, all the propaganda during the covid 'pandemic' was aimed at getting people to not take the vaccine like I did. You are very intelligent
Is it going to be 80 more years of dumbfucks letting it continue to live rent free in their heads?
>someone says they are a physician
>first thing comes to mind is MUH VAX MUH VAX in 2024

Truly a sad state your own brain is in, and you dont even get the vax!
The irony in this post is palapable
What irony? I can't imagine someone trying to actual push the idea that the propaganda was aimed at getting people not to take the vaccine
are you vaccinated? there were some reports that those triple doses could cause it
wtf? i will piss myself. i don't want to wake up every hour
People lived with the ptsd from the Spanish flu for their entire lives so yeah probably
> I can't imagine someone trying to actual push the idea that the propaganda
>*the propaganda*

There were multiple propaganda campaigns from many different sides at once.
Some people are too retarded to see it, hook line and sinkered hard.

Most people can look back at the shitshow and parse what actually happened, on all sides.
You on the other hand are STILL knee deep in the propaganda you shoved down your gullet and cant let it go.
My propaganda good, because the chinks on tiktok told me it wasnt MSM fake news!

How sad. Does anyone in your real life even listen to your conspiracy theory drivel anymore?
Pushed everyone away?

Many such cases.
Spanish flu wasnt real
>There were multiple propaganda campaigns from many different sides at once.
A chinese tiktoker had no say over where I was allowed to go, you retard.
Now now anon, keep on track.
We are talking about a deep state big pharma conspiracy to hide numbers of vaccine injuries and deaths. You know, the rhetoric that came from the chink-tok.

That has absolutely nothing to do with lockdowns that happened a whole year before vaccines were available.
> You know, the rhetoric that came from the chink-tok.
>That has absolutely nothing to do with lockdowns that happened a whole year before vaccines were available.
Water fast for a weekend
Your body will heal itself,
Brush your teeth and clean your tongue everyday straight after waking up
temporary fix with a lot of drawbacks including:
-overdose can lead to brain damage
-increased heart rate
-constant weight loss and gain
-kidney damage
-illegal amphetamines have a lot of contaminates including fentanyl
-recovering from addiction will leave your brain more fogged up
amphetamines are not worth getting into unless you have a medical condition that requires you to use them, and even then properly dosing it is insanely difficult. im writing this whilst on amphetamines btw
Microsoft Messenger? That takes me back.
>recovering from addiction will leave your brain more fogged up
You just gotta commit. Never quit amphetamines, never cut down on amphetamines. Whenever you grow a tolerance, just take more.
>Whenever you grow a tolerance, just take more.
>get brain damage
>need to take more amphetamines to make up for being retarted
rinse, repeat, i'm not into self destructive behavior so i don't take too much and when i stop taking this shit i make sure to have plenty of sleep, take vitamins and try to re-adjust my sleep cycles. i have a friend who does way too much of this shit, he barely sleeps (like 1 or 2 hours every two days) and has no energy to do anything active like sports or even walking places unless he really has to. that's just giving yourself a disadvantage if you ask me.
The usual dose is a pencil eraser sized amount daily, of the usual 1.87% used in horses. Not sure how long the protocol runs for, that's what i remember. No harm in finishing up the tube; it's like $6 on amazon, state-side.
This was interesting. Saved that protocol.

Very interesting replies, anons. A few trolls, can be discarded. This is powerful stuff. Overall 90%+ good advice for brainfog man.
Kafkaesque post. BRAVO ANON!
for me it's that my brain is firing too much. anything that slows it down like alcohol or benzos helps the fog go away. the fog is so extreme at times that it becomes a neurologic pain, though not like a headache, if you know what i mean
Alcohol kills brain cells by starving the blood supply, stripping off the fatty layer that allows red blood cells to single-file through fine brain capillaries. That's the 'buzz' people feel, if they drink even a small amount.

TMS and hyperbaric, specifically 2 hrs a day, 1 hr each at 1.5atm, spaced 2 hrs apart, for a month. TMS is electromagnetic stimulation of the brain. Just enough power so the fields coalesce into a peak around the area they are attempting to re-time.

The brain is supposed to have a nice, synchronous wave pattern. What happens in injury, whether you are struck on the head, or have some other type of event, like hypoxia, lack of oxygen, could be from asthma etc, or drug interaction, or stroke, or.. drinking alcohol starving brain cells, is that clusters of cells, if they do not die, can and do shut-down.

They stop participating in the wave-like pattern. Alternatively, some can get certain areas that will oscillate (fire) too fast. Neither is good, because a brain with clusters at different frequencies, cannot communicate well or at all with itself. It will be a struggle to come up with any coherent thought. Or not be emotionally-triggered by internal or external stimuli.

I've also been looking into cerebrolysin, and a cattle-based version. Both peptides for neurological recovery. Nootropic injections.

I've also tried A. Patherina and found it can be therapeutic. There are a lot of brain-positive therapies. It's important as a guy to know about them and look into them, because guys get most of the brain injuries.

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