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Cool free shit on Craigslist

Do want
Have been eyeing for more temporary housing/storage. Something until more permanent structures are built. Lincoln is nebraska though, quite far away.

I've seen a few pop up that are tow hitch, not fifth wheel. Very doable. Just have to keep your saved search alert on facebook marketplace. I don't see a whole lot of activity on craigslist; it's antiquated.
It comes with air conditioning!
hot tip: put the ass end of the unit through the bathroom wall, with the face in the bedroom. Stick a bucket on the towelrack to catch the water.

Very small 5,000btu units will fit in a custom wall opening snugly, and won't get knocked around while moving the trailer. They draw around 500 watts of power when cooling. Someone's probably made a more modern inverter-style window unit that draws less power than that.

Bathrooms have their own window and vent fan, which keeps the hot moist air from the rest of the cabin, while avoiding the ugly scenario where someone has deliberately removed an exterior window, to install an air conditioner.
imagine the mold, disease and filth encapsulated in that sad little meth dungeon
If you're lucky you might find some meth behind the couch.
>also mold spores, pollen
friend buys cheap used camper trailer, vacuums out, washes panels
takes camping, family wakes up middle of night
trouble breathing eyes watering, itchy
has to strip entire inside, all cushions, paneling, carpet
People don't take mold seriously. It's gradually getting there, in the minds of people, how toxic it is.

He smelled it but didn't properly deal with it. Which may mean stripping everything out but the metal shell. RMR make a mold killer.
86 is the stain remover, 141 is the mold spore killer.

Meth would leave toxic residue. I would think the place would have an odor. Same with mold.

@BiggieClean has a meth cleanup Short on Youtube.
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How much worse case would it to rebuild a single axle trailer from a pop up? I want a trailer for the car but I don't know if it'd bite me in the ass stripping a pop up and needing to replace axle parts vs getting a HF folding one.
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I built this one out of a stripped down pop up camper that someone abandoned on the side of the road... I haul it behind a 4 wheeler.
Or a musty stack 40yr old Hustler magazines.
nice trailer, anon!
a rebuild is an unknown entity, may be awesome.

HF folders are puny, the teeny tires really limit your safe speed, etc....

If you just need something to haul the lawnmower with your car, it is ok.

decent upgrade: (but not cheap or DIY)

Bump up to a 5x8 landscape trailer and lay scrap plywood on the wire mesh.
> Someone's probably made a more modern inverter-style window unit that draws less power than that.
I've been waiting years for a 5000-6000 BTU inverter model that will fit in my very narrow bedroom window
ClimateRite USED to make a 2,500 and up, similar small Air Conditioning systems.

Daikin, Fujitsu and Samsung make 7,500BTU mini-splits.
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What's this about
Someone is paying $10 to have a junk recliner and a pile of pallets hauled away.
That's a pretty cool serial number. It would probably be of some value just for that
Did they change Hamilton's portrait at some point?
He used to be black but they white washed him in 2007 when they wanted to push "the first black president" angle for Obama
meth production smells like horrible industrial burnt plastic, its nasty as fuck

t. live near crackheads
Probably. They have been changing Lincolns face over time to make him less ugly.
It's garbage. You want what it looks like not the reality. For storage get a shipping container or a dry van trailer.
Moght not actually be garbage, I got a boat for 2k on craigslist that was solid. Dude just wanted it gone
I got memed on buying an rv to live in. Don't fucking do it. There's ALWAYS something majorly wrong with them.
>water always manages to get in somewhere, somehow
>Soft floors from said water
>rotting plywood floors on slideouts from said water
>ants everywhere, even if you've never brought food inside
>simple weather can fuck you up

It's just a temporary situation but holy fuck.
Jewish hands wrote this post
u wot? jewish hands build RVs. they are trash build quality full of chinese appliances. they are a dumb shiny but low quality consumerist product marketed towards boomer, that is going to melt into the ground in 10 years time
Not a Jew, just frustrated is all. I guess it's because I'm trying to live with my gf (we are trying for kids). She's normally great but dealing with the rv has brought out her most annoying traits: her neuroticism and anxiousness. Every second, she points out something with the RV.
>look, there's water damage there
>what's that?
>that doesn't look good...
It's not that I'm not aware of those things but it's so fucking annoying hearing her point shit out when I'm in the middle of fixing some other thing and busting my back. She's been a great sport, helping out, but sometimes I just tell her that she needs to go home because I'm gonna snap on her and feel bad later.

If I was alone, I'd be just fine with an RV. Probably would've gotten a small, simpler, cheaper one that's less prone to problems too. And fixing issues wouldn't be a big deal.
I'm trying to make your fucking woman live in a dilapidated meth RV and you're confused and frustrated she wants better? LMAO
This has been my perspective as well. An RV is fine before water gets in, but it seems like as soon as they do, it's over and it's not worth a shit. Like you say, water always gets in, even if it's just a little it starts the ball rolling. If you caught it on literally day one you might be ok.
Bring a moisture meter and thermal imager and go shopping the day after it rains. Otherwise you will SUFFER
There is some merit to what you're saying
But that's why you want a roof that's covered with one piece of roofing plastic/rubber that comes down the sides a bit and also awnings that come out over the slideouts

This is true about the cheap ones
I can't believe the banks finance the cheap RVs
lol he also wants to breed with her in the meth rv
Hamilton never was president tho...
Yeah, but you still had to pay 2 large for it.
Why are you trying to make babby when you're too poor to own a home and land? Why are you wanting kids with an insane cunt? Neuroses and other mental health issues never get better and no one fixes anyone else.

The problem is you. Not trolling even slightly.
Women are all like that. With the exceptions being so rare, it's not worth discussing.

Those are their tendencies: neuroticism

> I am afraid of slapping her.

Get a note book or a large sheet of cardboard. Tell your GF to write everything she spots in the book or on the cardboard. When you have some downtime, you can go back and assess what she found.

2 other important things - you need to teach her to evaluate problems herself. Explain why this water stain isn't really important but that other water stain needs to be dealt with. And make sure she understands that you shouldn't be disturbed while you are busy.

You are going to die alone, unmourned, incel.
Newer portrait is better good call. Looks semi intoxicated in the first one.
Marry or don't
Shocking up is awful. You are both saying 'you're okay but if I find something better cya'

If you're fedora Tipping atheists go.jump.over a broom together or something and call yourselves partners at least
I don't know how much you would have to pay me to take that but it would be a lot.
I'd take it just to strip it for the frame
Make meth in it.
You shouldn't encourage faceberg use.
>modern inverter-style window unit that draws less power than that.
Bro it's not a fucking microwave oven, it's a compressor with an electric motor to drive it, compressor as in air compressor but for different gas. It works with air too btw.
That’s what you think. They nonpresidentwashed him because they thought the whitewashing wouldn’t work.
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Dying alone is the least of my problems, ser.

Why don't you get busy making children instead of being childless and lecturing others? Real knows real.

> post hospital record
Get fucked. If you're so dense you can't see the truth, work on you. No man requires 'proof' or any such other answer to the blind.
You have no idea what you are talking about.

Google 'inverter mini splits' then get a grasp of how they work. There are two high-efficiency 'window units' I know of on the market offering high-seer and an inverter style compressor.
I'd imagine they come used.
> used and sticky
He kept them 'for the articles'

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