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Do wasps attack at night?
I just found 6 nests in my roof, including 1 with these big black fuckers. I need to climb up there and spray each one. Problem is my egress is not going to be quick.
Am I going to get my shit kicked in by a bunch of wasps or will they stay and protect the nest? Northeast USA, dunno what kind they area.
Get the spray can with the 30' range instead of climbing.
supersoaker + pure dish soap/insecticidal soap + water and make the soap sudsy is at least as effective as the wasp spray. more fun too, less range though
Any spray that is actually effective will totally fuck the wasps to the point where they cannot fly anymore within 1 second of spraying.
Use spray which contains Permethrin. That shit works. I sprayed nests like 5 times with that kind of spray and none of the wasps even thought about stinging me because they were all writhing in agony
A dying wasp emits alarm pheromones. A one-off event isn't enough to get the rest on edge but when a bunch die it makes the others become super aggressive. The spray stuff however has such an overpowering smell that the wasps don't get to smell the pheromones before it's too late.
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this stuff instafucks wasps, gotta get the red can with chlorine though. the green can with non-chlorinated fluid doesn't work.
The raid spray is the shit, wait till they are all back at night and asleep and they die pretty much instantly
They can't fly if temperatures are low.

They'll all be dead in a few months and they don't re-use nests, so consider if it's worth the trouble.

If the nests are in a concealed space, don't destroy them since the empty nests deter other wasps from building nests nearby.

Kill the queens with funnel traps in spring if they are really a problem in your area.
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Search for "trap stik wasp trap" on the Bezos site. These things work, bro.
>the green can with non-chlorinated fluid doesn't work.
the non-chlorinated fluid can work, you just have to light it on fire and use it as a flamethrower.
>Does covid-19 attack at night? Do we need a curfew? Will a night light protect from monsters under my bed, or will I wake up in a puddle of pee again?
>my egress is not going to be quick
lose some weight loser.
This. It actually works faster than wasp killer. If you come across something that brake cleaner doesn't fuck up, I'd leave it alone. Also, you better believe they'll come at you. Wasps are vengeful bastards and they're always on red-alert.
Yeah you're fucked. Your only hope is to join the wasp colony. Gain their trust. Work your way to the queen. Then kill her! The drones will be in awe and bow in subservience. Who needs a matriarchal wasp colony. Fuck, you've got your own bee army now, man! Fucking eh. Now bee (kek) a man and get in there.
wait, are you supposed to clean your brakes?
I used that on a cockroach (idr green or red) and it fucked him up
WD40 also works.
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I like gasoline in a compressed air reusable sprayer
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Bees and wasps use light to orient when flying. At night, generally, they do not fly when there is no light source. They cannot see red, so we put red filters over light and use that at night to inspect beehives and do other bee stuff. They may crawl towards you angrily but they shouldn't fly, though again if there is a light source nearby they'll be more inclined to take off (often flying at the light source, don't let your red filter fall off lol)
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don't forget to clean up the mess afterwards
I just took care of an underground nest. I waited till dark and then poured a half pint of gasoline into the hole. I didn't even set it off. The fumes took care of them. All gone.
Gas was always my go to just a little squirt is enough for chemical death, fire is not required. problem now is they’ve gotten into the siding around the window. Shot it up with chems and their numbers have dwindled (gasoline would probably melt the siding) set a sugar vinegar trap to take care of the rest but that’s not working gonna try a protein next or just smack em with the harbor freight special.
Fire doesn't help so not igniting was the wiser choice. Strong laundry detergent works too and isn't flammable.
Ammonia (Windex) will also work.
In my experience wasp activity peaks during the hottest, sunniest times and subsides as the sun goes down. Once they are going down you really have to bother them a lot to get them to leave the nest. Early in the morning and dusk are the best times to handle wasps. Plan your attack, execute it and get the heck out of there. Put some real distance and boundaries between you and them. If you missed a few (you probably will) they'll find you. I ain't never ran faster than bein' chased by wasps. Funnest shit I ever did.
I should say. If you ever get bit or stung then do this. Find some good dirt that's seen the light of day, spit in it and make a wad of mud. Put that on the bite/sting. Let it sit for 20 minutes or so, clean the area and then put some Neosporin on it. It'll be like it never happened. I'm serious. The pain and swelling will disappear. The adrenaline will not, but that's the best part. Spit mud is a true remedy.
you crazy nigga
>Spit mud
Will you cure blindness with it again or did walking off the old side and extremity pokes make that no longer necessary?
Thats a sweat bee not a wasp you dimbulb
Afraid of a little wasp…man you people are fucking pussies
This is retarded.

Take a cigarette, get the tobacco out of it, soak it in water and put on the sting. Now you have a real topical anasthetic and it will kick in after about 30 seconds instead of 20 minutes of homeopathic stupidity.
Just leave them alone, they eat the faggot insects trying to lay eggs in your pores and suck your blood.
>roof nests
I only have experience with ground dwellers, but if they are in any way the same the spray you can buy sucks ass. I have used an entire can of that stuff and they have survived. Dextramethodone works great, but I don’t know how effective powder will be on the roof. You have nothing to fear at night though. You can go out in shorts and a t-shirt. They will be fast asleep.
I dont understand these things at all. Which reich do they originate from. What are they protecting
I shot up a bunch of wasp nests during the night
This. I just use regular dish soap a normal spray bottle. You can get a good 10-15 ft of range with one. The most important thing to not get stung is your attitude. Just be super casual. You're just hanging out in your attic spraying wasp nests with soap. Totally normal human behavior that's not at all threatening to wasps. Spray the guards first and then soak the nest. Go from one nest to the nest spraying them. The guards at the other nests will watch but they shouldn't do anything until you attack their nest. And remember, it's not an attack. This is just a normal human thing to do like taking a piss or opening and closing the fridge over and over again. If they start to get agitated and fly around looking for their attacker then just calmly get up and leave normally. You didn't have anything to do with that and now you have other human things to do elsewhere. Repeat until you've killed all the guards and then remove the nests.
elite earthling skills here
If you live in a detached house. Fill it with a poisonous gas like ozone and leave for the weekend.

Hope this helps.
If you don't want to go the easy route by buying the bottles that spray 15-20 ft, use sevin dust [insert band joke here]
Get that and a dust sprayer. Bees/wasps/anything that flutters their wings build an electrostatic charge that sticks to them
Being social insects that groom one another, shit spreads, and they die.
Go out at night with an LED bulb
>said in caps to reiterate. Led burns cooler and doesn't attract attention
Spray the entrance, and you're back to doing whatever it is you do
Brakediscs have storage grease on them, you are supposed to clean it off before replacing your discs.
You forgot the part where it's getting sprayed all over the house.
they sleep between 10pm- 7am, move them gently between these hours and you won't get stung.
it's for wettening and washing away brake dust before doing brake work, that's not stuff you want to inhale
I hope for your sake, big black fuckers doesn't mean bald faced hornet
Try and stop me kike
The best part about bald faced hornets is that they can squirt venom from their stringers so they purposely go for your eyes.
Attach to a long stick, light it and push it next to the best. Boom. Done.

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