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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2807772

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.
Why do plumbing codes (USA) require shutoff valves for sinks and toilets but not tubs and showers? I've got to pull a valve stem out of the shower and run down to the hardware store to find a match. Whole house water will be off for an hour or so.
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so i just bought one of these for super cheap what can i use it for realistically in life, i didint use it since high school physics class doing like small circut exercises.
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I have a painting with a wire on the back, and got a screw specifically for hanging paintings. Is there supposed to be a noticeable gap between the painting and the wall? I've never had an actual painting to hang on a wall before.
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General purpose troubleshooting on automotive, misc electronics and home wiring (careful here).

Babby's first DVM.
any retard tier manuals i usually just youtube any home thing but i have this fear of electricity so i never really tried anything except Jerry rig soundsystems in my car and electic guitar fixes.
>Is there supposed to be a noticeable gap
What's that rectangular object between picture back and wall? Take pic of back of picture and post.
>fear of electricity
Don't be afraid around electricity. It can sense fear.
fear is a wrong word its a caveman "no touch you dumb" sorta.it never occurs to me that these small things could be fixed by hand.
sinks and toilets have accessible stub-outs. where is the stub out for a tub or shower?
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Not a rectangular object, just paper. I should probably tape it down though if it's that noticeable.
Why does the speakers need a boxing?
doesn't sound the same?
I have seen all sort of paraphernalia about, stuffed, laminated, wood, metal, polypropylene.
Isn't a standard size for doing it?
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Yes it's supposed to lean forward. See https://chcollins.com/100Billion/2015/02/why-frames-tilt-forward/

Replying to post from old thread. I have a light duty vise but the washer on the part that clamps to a table got bent. How can I fix it? Someone mentioned in a review for the item that theirs also got bent there but they replaced that part themselves. I have no idea how I can remove the washer without just cutting it off or something. Picrel.
I'm glad to know the angling down is intentional and I didn't just use the wrong thing to hang it up with.
So I have a stupid little project I'm trying to finish. It's a wood keychain with part of the center cut out and some fine details. My goal is to fill that part with a yellow/orange clear as possible resin/epoxy/glue whatever.

Ideally it would be as strong /hard as the surrounding wood at least.

Can someone please tell me what I need to get exactly? I'm fucking retarded and I don't understand the differences between all the crap and what's actually useable for what I want.
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What the hell are these things?

It must have come with something I bought recently, but I’m not sure what.
Nvm it’s picture frame hangers.
Nothing is stopping you from going into
...into your basement, if you have one, and adding one.

Epoxy comes in different viscosities. The thinnest stuff runs like crazy glue all over everything. Don't get that.
It will be real useful with automtive, easy to check for blown fuses and switches with continuity. When a battery dies, you can make sure it’s not the alternator going out instead. Tons of other sensors are either just resistance or voltage and you can diagnose a misfires by checking the resistance of ignition coils. Also useful for checking regular alkaline batteries to see if a bunch from last xmas are still any good. You can check outlets too because lots of retards will wire them incorrectly. Hell, I saved a big fan by diagnosing a bad thermal fuse in the motor.

Multimeters do a ton of different things, it’s a little overwhelming trying to learn all of electricity with one Youtube video. There’s an ElectricianU channel I have seen some decent videos as far as household electrical. Once you get a grasp of what voltage, resistance, and current are, the readings make a lot more sense. IME, videos and stuff using the hydraulic analogy made the most sense when learning the basics.

Be careful measuring current with the thing until you understand what you’re doing, it might cost you a fuse or two as you learn how it works. It’s pretty easy to forget the probe is in the current spot when you decide you’re going to measure the voltage of something, and that’s an insta-short.
Go full autismo and install a manifold! Every shutoff for every water line in one place…assuming they’re labeled correctly.
How hard is it to fix a washing machine clock?
yay warm up the cold water and cool down the hot water
>I should probably tape it down
Picture might lie flatter if there was more slack in the wire.
>Why does the speakers need a boxing?
Speakers need an enclosure to keep the wave from the back of the speaker from cancelling the one from the front. Either a closed box with some damping material. But not too small so the pressure doesn't build up too much. Or a box with a labyrinth (long passage) so the back wave takes extra time to get out and around to the front. So front and back waves are in phase and add.

Speaker enclosure design is witchcraft.
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Does anyone know where to get pic related from at a reasonable price? They're like £12 each which seems way too high. How the fuck do they sell lamps for £2 when this shit alone is 6x that cost?
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How do I remove those fuckers? Forcing obviously doesn’t work. I tried an electric iron but only got it up to 50°C. What kind of ueber-glue is this?. Any ideas?
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Tester says reverse polarity along several adjacent boxes on the same circuit. Two appear normal but this one is all fucked and some goofball installed it this way. Two romex wires feed into the box and I assumed like a retard that I could just correct the wiring on a new receptacle. Now my circuit breaker automatically drips which tells me I have a dead short. Does anyone know what the rationale would be to wire a receptacle this way? Few steps from phoning a professional but want to understand wtf is happening.
down one side should be black black. the other side should be white white. each side is fully connected so it really doesn't fucking matter which is in the top vs bottom hole vs screw (but ffs screw the unused screws down)

now show your new wiring.
1. to see if resistance is 0 or infinity
2. check voltage of DC batteries
never anything else
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this is how it be like with real art.
>When a battery dies, you can make sure it’s not the alternator going out instead.
I'm curious, how do you intend to accomplish this with a lowly volt meter?
unless it's your great great grandfathers it was meant to be replaced. spend the $20
The exact one for my washing machine is $120 online.
Jumpstart the car, test the voltage with the car running. It should be around 14.0V with a healthy alternator even if the battery is so weak that it needed a jump. If the car is running and you get like 12.5V and it’s slowly dropping with the car running, your alternator is probably on its way out.

There are goofy exceptions though, like I have seen a battery totally shit itself where I jump the car, and the voltage is all over from 7V up to 14V and then the car dies, but that is sort of a rare occasion.

Also if you simply want to check the health of the 12V battery, you can do a load test. Charge up the battery and measure the voltage at the battery as somebody cranks the starter. IIRC, if you’re getting mid-10s up to low 11s as the starter is cranking, the battery still has some balls. If you’re dipping into the 9s or even 8s with the starter cranking, you’re probably going to be stuck the next cold morning when the car won’t crank.
I’ve got both blacks pigtailed into one one wire screwed into a brass terminal and whites pigtailed into one wire in the silver. I’ve also tried putting each black under each brass and each white under each silver with the same result. I’m wondering how the hell the receptacle would have worked for 20 years in this house with that wiring. I need to detach everything and test with a multimeter to see if somehow both white and black on the silver side of the original wiring are hot, but that’s something I’m going to get to tomorrow. For reference there’s just two romex cables feeding into the box. Both the black and white on the hot side in the pic came from one of them.
Why is everything DIY related so expensive these days? How do you save money by DIY if DIY is fucking expensive?
I have concrete porch steps that have paint I need to remove. I put a few coats of stripper at this point, and tried using an angle grinder with a wire brush, a masonry grinder disk, and a paint stripper disk. The stripper disk did the best but the concrete just chews it up so fast buying multiple is not cost effective. The surface is vertical and not even at all there there are many pits. Is there anything I haven't tried yet?
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As per the image.
Building a hexagonal/octagonal wooden frame around an inflatable hot tube for protection and insulation (it will be lined with foam).

I want an overhand to protect the top sides of the tub, but it will be 9 inches unsupported, and I'm not familiar enough with wood thickness and overhang to determine:

1) how thick wood should be to not snap off in that scenario
2) if there is a way to support the wood that doesn't interfere with the hot tub (right angle metal reinforcement)
3) the width of my wood frame to help support the overhang piece.
Pressure washer would probably work best
Why all big batteries for homes, cars and bicycles are basically a packs of tiny 18650 cylindrical batteries where majority of space is taken by voids between them and majority of weight is taken by the metal casing of each individual cell?

Isn't it better to have battery packs like on drones that look like a flat pancakes in a plastic bag, like all those RC cars and drones have?
I have a small patch of grass. I keep it pretty long because I live in a forest (so it’s not a ‘lawn’) but needs occasional cutting to keep it walkable. Would something like this do? It doesn’t have to be neat and I read most small normal mowers don’t handle long grass well. The grass area is about 15’ x 15’ and I want to cut it from about 10” to about 5”

1” should do with most hardwoods. Put flat metal plates/braces on the bottom between the pieces, the octagon should be pretty stiff on its own. Metal (stainless) brackets are fine, but I’d advise to cross brace as much as you can as well
Is there a pottery general anywhere on 4chan?
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why wouldn't this work?
Cant find any useful info online. I just chopped down a bunch of trees and Im going to dig up the stumps cuz I want to use them for woodworking. When Im done doing that Im going to have a hole about 20x20 and probably 3 foot deep.

Im thinking at that point why not dig it a little deeper and put a pool in. Would regular old high strength cement and then coating it with drylok or some shit work? I think it would but I can only find stuff about using gunnite online.
I live out in the sticks. Got 7 acres and its mostly wooded but some of it is pasture. Dont got the money for a grown up mower so Ive been using push mowers. Every spring the grass goes from manageable to 3' tall in a week. It will bog down my push mower if Im trying to rush but if I go half the width of the mower at a time its smooth. Ive used that mower to clear the woods too and got most of it just grass now. Push mower was the way to go 100%. Got a 22" toro that I just plow through thorn bushes and tall grass like its nothing.

Also tried a decent weed whacker. Tried it the normal way and with every possible head attachment you can think of, it sucked. Its easier to deal with innawoods grass with a machete than it is to fuck around with a weedwhacker.
I'm using a squirrel cage no engine type mower in my forest, and a grass whip for along uneven trails. I don't recommend it for the timid.
My former housemate swore by her battery line trimmer. I use one at my current job, but it's one of the big box hardware store ones that uses the five pound batteries from hell, so not really a fan.
The flat packs tend to bulge. Also heat kills lithium cells, so having some space between the cells can be a good thing. Also I’m sure it’s a cost thing, people already got really good at making 18650s for a reasonable price, and designing a new pouch pack for your specific application would cost way more.

There’s probably more upsides if a company like Tesla is using cylindrical cells when they could easily go pouch.

It’s because the Chinese made buying new artificially cheap.

That 100Ah battery is 1200Wh of energy assuming zero losses for any reason. Do your math again. The fridge runs intermittently but I don’t think you’re going to get close to 16 hours when that system is capable of running the fridge for an hour of total time.

Also the trickle charger is going to take a week or two to recharge the battery.
A typical refrigerator draws 3A to 6A, neglecting the startup current. That's 17 hours at 6A and ~34 hours at 3A.
Wait, what I calculated is how much energy the batter can provide. But the refrigerator draws 3A at 120V not at 12V. This doesn't sound right.
It is better to calculate in terms of power. If a typical refrigerator draws about 600W, then it is just two hours of battery time.
I have a screed floor, and I plan to put laminate over it. If I understand correctly, wood fiber board goes first, then hydroisolation foil, then laminate on top?
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I want to make some adjustable boxes to see if they will fit another larger box. They are mostly a few inches so I wanted to get a three way connector, like used in plumbing, but for low caliber wires instead.
Found plenty of connectors for electrical wires, but they are all in the same plane, while I need something like pic related really, one way for each X, Y and Z plane.

Ideas? Some of the larger "boxes" are irregular in the corners so I didn't want to use computer software so try it.
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I have a neighbor above me who's tap "screams" every time he uses it. it wasn't as bad in the past, but jesus christ now it's just so loud that I can hear it in every part of my apartment. is it due to building being old, therefore old plumbing, or he changed something? also the tap is right above mine in my kitchen except mine doesn't scream. as such I was thinking of just removing tiles being my tap to see if pipes are right behind the tiles and then proceed to stuff them as far up as possible with sound proofing foam and shit. pic is for grabbing attention.
> chinese made everything artificially cheap
Yeah, it’s sometimes cheaper to buy chinese ready-made products and take them apart for their raw materials to diy something.
It’s definitely true for clothing.
It could be as simple as a loose washer in his flow control.
Call maintenance and have them check it out.
3A @ 120V # 360W

12V batter, 100Ah = 1200Wh

Best case scenario, you have like 3.5 hours of runtime. 6A @ 120V = 720W, like 1.5hrs? That’s neglecting losses from the inverter and stuff, but it’s also assuming the fridge is constantly running.

See >>2816345

You missed part of the equation.
I hate that thats true. I like to diy ever part of a project but theres no point to when you can buy chink shit instead of spending more money and way more time.
There is one upside depending what you’re doing… if you’re building something like solid wood furniture, the materials might cost about as much as the Chinesium version, but yours will last way longer than the flat pack Chinesium bullshit. I had that with the shoe rack, my retarded ass was able to make one that looks nicer than the $50 flat pack shoe rack, and mine weighs about 5x as much and I don’t have to worry about throwing it out when the chopstick-quality slats start to break like the Chinese one. And if it gets old and scratched, I can sand that bitch and refinish it for <$20 in supplies.
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Anyone know how I can go about creating one of these?
>Medieval battle flags, what were they like and how were they used?
I have so many questions
>what type of wood to use?
>what sort of paint is good and UV resistant?
>what material is the banner made from?
And I had this question that I couldnt find anywhere on the internet
>how can I connect the banner to the flag pole without grommets. I dont want to use grommets so how can I attach it to the pole?
I would appreciate it if the answers were as historically accurate as possible. The only thing I am not concerned with complete accuracy is the flag pole since I want it to be portable within a car, I figure I would cut the pole in two or so pieces I would then connect on-site.
I would appreciate any knowledge or sent in a direction to someone who knows thanks!
Sew the end of the banner into a loop and close the top. Then slide it onto the pole.
what in the actual FUCK is a newton??? The jews on etsy want a bajillion dollars for an electromagnet that runs off one of those usb cellphone batteries and holds something like 90lbs, and i know for a fact that shit does not cost as much in raw components from amazon, i just don't know fuck all about electricity.

Unironically fucking magnets, how do they work???

I'm almost certain you're still trying to figure out how to drop grenades on Russians
I figured that out from photos of banners but wouldnt it just slide down from the pole? Its nit hanging vertically its hanging horizontally
A newton is a measurement of force I believe, so its tied to the the 90lbs you refer to
"and close the top".

Sew the top to make a fleshlight for the pole.
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I wanna put pic related on the inside corners of my (pine) bed to strengthen it, how stupid would that be?
Oh, completely misread that, thanks brother it makes sense now lol
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why ATVs have locked rear differential instead of lockable open diff or LSD? even the most expensive ATVs doesn't have it. only the front diff have locking or open diff.

my country allow quads in the streets. it's so annoying driving around with a solid rear axle with no differential.
Those things are almost mandatory to add for any ikea tier trash.
would sewing machine oil work if i want to lube my fan?
Probably because you’re like the 2% special use case and the other 98% of users benefit much more from a locked diff since they’re not driving it like a city car.

I clean my vacuum cleaner semi regularly. I clear out the roller, pull off any trapped string/hair, empty the chamber, not long ago I washed the filters. I feel like it's still nowhere near as good as new. Will it ever be? Is there an area I should particularly focus on cleaning? Am I just misremembering how good it was when new?

Yea its definitely a task, its doable but its a serious workout to mow large properties with a push mower.
The only electric yard tools id recommend are a leaf blower (pretty nice to just grab a piece of crap that starts with a button push to clean up quick messes) or a electric chain saw for small trees.
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I'm a noob trying to learn motors what would be the best way to remove this damaged screw?
use motor oil.
sewing machine oil and 3 in 1 oil are all garbage bottom of the barrel shit.
Extractors are good to have on hand.

The 10pc sets with left handed drill bits and spiral extractors are ok, they run from like $10 for cheap shit, maybe more like $40-$50 for better stuff. Center punch the screw, drill into it (left handed bits are best for this but normal bits work), then tap the extractor into the screw and try to wrench it out.

The other thing like a big silver sharpie is a manual impact driver that comes with a couple extractors. You can try the proper bit in there if you have any tread left on the fastener, or drill a hole and use one of the extractors. I think that one was a Neiko brand off Amazon for like $15, but no drill bits included.
can i get a recommendation on a good multimeter?
its for a bday, $150 budget
maybe some related accessories. automotive mostly.
That looks like exactly what I need thanks for the help! I'll be sure to add this to my small but growing toolbox. I'll need to get something to drill too then but it's another good tool to have really. I registered for a class on factory machines install and maintenance so I am trying to learn all I can before it starts
i bought a fluke 115
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I didn't screw a guide bar retaining nut back on my saw enough and it spun off somewhere in the yard. Can I just use a regular off the shelf nut to replace it? It's a shitty electric Remington limb and trim so I don't really want to inevitably pay out the ass for an actual replacement.
I think the Fluke 115/117 is sort of the standard for a more compact meter that is great for all around diagnosis. You can get a decent Klein or Uni-T with maybe a few more features around $100, but if you drop $200 on the Fluke, you won’t have to worry about guy being like “Aww man can I return this and get something better?” because even the dudes with the bigger more expensive Fluke meters like the 87V normally have a smaller guy like the 117 as a mainstay for quick diagnosis.
live action or anime?
best modern & easily sourced nails for crucifixion? all the replicas on etsy look like they'll shatter or bend when used.
I don't see why that would be stupid. What's wrong with the bed?
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ok, thanks. i was looking for something that someone couldn't slide their arms over the head of the nail, but it's probably best to just use the little plastic coverings that go over the head of the nail, like in picrel. i don't see any nails with extremely wide heads, which is why i even asked here in the first place.
how do you have a locked rear differential? if it is locked 100% of the time, it isn't a differential

vampliers or knipex slip joint pliers

just heat up your crucifcation nails with a torch till they are glowing hot, then when you hammer them in, the heads will mushroom, keeping your subject from slipping its hands/wrists off. also it will cauterize their wounds at the same time, allowing them to survive longer up there.
Wtf where do i watch this
>just heat up your crucifcation nails with a torch till they are glowing hot, then when you hammer them in, the heads will mushroom, keeping your subject from slipping its hands/wrists off. also it will cauterize their wounds at the same time, allowing them to survive longer up there.
it appears i'm not the only one to have thought about this.
thanks. something told me this was the thread to ask.
Is there some kind of "design pattern" for shoe racks? I need to make one for my entry way. It will hold boots, sneakers, sandals, no high heels. I'm thinking a board on a steepish slope, with a lip at the toe so the shoes don't slide off. I'm wondering if there's a received wisdom on what slope the board should be, how wide the board should be and how high the lip should be.
>nails for crucifixion?
Iron was expensive and rare 2000 years ago. Crucifixion was done by tying people to the crossbeam.
I did mine flat. Did it long enough with lips on either side that fit in there. It’s 1x4’s and 1x2’s for the slats IIRC. Would be easy enough to make it slanted but a lot of extra angles to figure out and I’m too lazy for that.
how do I keep a shelf design from wobbling? I want to make a shelf, 18x20x49" LWH, with six "legs" and four shelves, as per picrel. Each shelf will be made of two boards, cut 9x20" and 1" thick. First time making a shelf. Worried that the narrow design predisposes it to wobble.
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Oops, here's picrel
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I thought of adding support bars to hold up the shelves and join the legs together. It's adding a lot of wood, though. Will I make this thing stupid-heavy?
Britfag, bought a projector and I'm going to ceiling mount it. Instead of running a cable all the way up my wall and across the ceiling (I don't even have one long enough so I'd have to buy another) I was considering wiring it into the lighting circuit. I'd like to try and do it close to by the books and safely. Just putting a 13A mains socket up in my loft isn't such a good idea from what I've read as the circuit is only rated to 6A, and although I know better some other dipshit could in theory go and plug something else in. So instead I was thinking of just hardwiring the projector's power cable (figure 8 connector, rated at 6A but the projector is only 80W).

Sound like a good idea? Any considerations I'm missing?
>how do I keep a [anything] from wobbling?
Triangles. A wide board will count as 2 triangles.
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This is the water line going to my fridge. The copper is coming from the service line, and plastic (white) is going to the unit. What manner of connector is this? I need to disconnect it so I can reuse it on a different appliance, which has it's own connection kit. What sort of connection am I looking at here?
>3rd from the right
She's going to go crazy and kill all the rest, and then we are going to run away together.
A Newton is the amount of force required to move 1 kg a distance of 1 m.
>What sort of connection am I looking at here?
1/4" tubing compression coupling
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Are those compression fittings reusable?
20% whole milk 40% orange juice 30% vinegar and 10% salt will remove that in no time.
isnt that a joule?
Joule is Wat/sec, I believe
1N is the force required to accelerate 1kg to 1m/s^2
1J is the energy required to move 1kg by 1m
Yes, same thing
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>Are those compression fittings reusable?
Yes but it's best to replace the ferrule inside.
If you go to a hardware/plumbing store, you can probably find a pack of two or five for a couple of dollars.
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I got this Troy built Tuffy tiller for free from a rich neighbor's garage sale.
I got an air compressor free too that I fixed with just a bit of solder, but this is giving me an issue.
It has great compression and a clean carb. However, when I rest the plug on the cooling finns and pull the cord, it doesn't spark.
I threw a spark plug at it, and the could tested fine, but still no.
So I threw an Amazon special coil at it and it still won't spark!
I tried disconnecting the kill switch wire, spraying starter fluid on it to see if it was just a faint spark to no avail. Checked the flywheel magnet to make sure a screw stuck to it, which it did.

I'm stumped. That's the whole electrical system lol.
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Ignore this.
I'm retarded and it was just a bit of rust between the coil and engine.

I then snapped off the flywheel bolt turning it over with my drill....
f. hope that's a bolt and not a thread cut on the end of the crank
It's the second.
The bolt took the end of the shaft off.

I think I'm going to JB weld it, and just accept my free tiller is glued together.

I have a nice big tiller already. This is just for weeding in-between rows or small plots anyway.
what can I do with 50 dump trucks worth of clay soil? I'm thinking of getting rid of it by putting it on river bank to be washed away. it's not gonna ruin a river right?
It's a bit squeaky and I suspect it might be because it isn't all that well connected on the corners. It's a cheap pine bed, I'm hoping this + waxing (or maybe putting a thin strip of fabric) on the area where mattress slats meet the frame helps.
>All the mud, snow and dirt is going to drip on the boots below.
That's not going to work in Québec.
How much percentage wise do green logs shrink in the z axis?
You can stop your heart and die within minutes by measuring the voltage of your blood (don't do it, retard).
You mean along the length of the log? I'm guessing zero.
I mean it would fall through the slats if it were flat. It’s going to get caught up along the lip on yours if you do a similar thing but sloped down. Doing fat dowels or something for the slats might be a good way to drain the crap off.
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i found this tool while i was out metal detecting. google image search seems to be inconclusive, so can anyone here identify what it is? apologies about the thick rust, but i tried my best to remove it with what i had on hand
>caught up along the lip
I made a mock up using dowel to hold the lip 1/2 inch above the board.
Muriatic acid.
Do all centrifugal clutch pulleys work the same no matter the design when used in heavy duty setting like compacting?
You can get grommets from Harbor Freight. They're pretty cheap if you have a coupon!
I did it with more heat. But that is a good mix to remove the rest of the glue. Thanks
Buying a house next month, wanting to add long lighting strips to the sides of the driveway and front door pathway. something like this:
My main question is whats the best way to mount these for running along the driveway and walkway? There doesn't seem to be any good ground stakes/mounting hardware or I'm not using the correct keywords. All I'm finding is mounting hardware for light strips that go beneath cabinets and none of the options look like they would securely hold this to the yard or driveway if they had to be mounted on concrete. Looking for any sort of suggestions since it can get windy here and I don't want them to be displaced by that or yard work.
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I have absolutely no idea where I should go for information on this, so I'll try here. Somehow – I have no idea how – but somehow the little cap for these clock hands that screws on seems to have fallen off. I have no idea what this thing would be called, but is it possible to get a replacement for it?
As someone who has never smelted before, how difficult will it be for me to smelt brass?
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what's the term for this little thing
Cross dowel barrel nut
In the yard pics, it almost looks like it’s glued to some of that like 4”-6” tall black plastic garden divider stuff.
thank you
Holy shit, that first one looks exactly like what used to be on the clock. That's awesome, now I can fix this thing. Thanks.
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I am building a 10x14 shed. I went to Home Depot today to buy the 16' 4x4 skids and the guy and a worked laughed and said "you don't want ours". He said they had been laying outside for 3 years and were so warped and twisted no one wants them. He told me to go to another lumber yard that keeps them indoors so i did. And when i got there i asked and even this guy kinda rolled his eyes at me. He said even his were bowed and i probably wouldn't want them. He said 16' 4x4's have a shelf life of about 3 months before they start to warp after the metal bands are cut off.

He told me i would be better off using sandwiched 16' 2x4's and screwing them together. And he seemed to know what he was talking about so i just bought 10 2x4's to make 5 skids with. I told my father this and hes mad about it and wanting actual 4x4's. He said you can just pry them into place and sandwiched 2x4's wont do the job.

Looking for input so i can figure out which direction to go. Thanks.
Yes, length of the log
Longer pressure treated lumber is kinda notorious for warpage. If they're gonna be under the shed with all its weight on it they'll probably be fine. That said, sistered up 2x4s will also do the job and probably be a good bit cheaper.
question, I am wanting to do some art on the bottom of the brim of a hat like pic related.

However, I am wanting to use black light / uv / neon react ink/pain/whatever to do it.

When a blacklight isn't shining on it I want to have it read "F*** OFF" and when a black light is used to shows "FUCK OFF" hiding the asterisks " * " and revealing "UCK".

could something like this be possible? First idea I had was to do it in layers, first layer probably have "*** " second layer probvably be put uv ink/liquid on on the whole brim hoping that when I shine a black light the whole brim is bright and covers "***" third layer maybe some clear liner so the uv liquid and the ink/whatever dont interfere with each other (this is might not be needed or be optional) then the top layer (last) would have "F OFF" <- visible ink/marker then add "UCK" in some uyv invisible ink of a different color than from the second layer.

another idea possible much simpler and probably not as flashy is to have "F *censor bar with uv ink of UCK on top* OFF"

I am completely open to recommendation on writing utensil that react well to black light.
What would be the best job I could get in order to build my skills towards being a self employed handyman? I've done apartment maintenance for a little over a year already, 5 months of which I was the lead, but for anything like tiling, finishing drywall, framing, carpet I'm an amateur. I'm already self employed doing what I know already but I turn a lot of people away and only really make enough money in the warm half of the year. I was thinking working under a general contractor would be good, maybe renovation. Really just want as broad of a workload as I can possibly get in one job.
are Wago style connectors less electrically efficient than crimped or soldered connections at conducting electricity?
put 1/2" plywood between the 2x4s
this will make them stronger and bring the dimensions back to 4x4 size
put an 8' piece in the center and a 4' piece on each end.
it will be stronger than just two 8's divided in the center
i gotta attach a new gas dryer (the old one is crapping out) if i attach the hose to the gas do i really need some type of thread lock?
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Does anyone know how the fuck to get aluminum chlorohydrate out of black clothes? I've tried everything and this shit just won't go away, it's just a crusted white aluminum strip on a perfectly fine shirt
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How can I turn these flaps of paper into stickers? Any good tutorials?
>flaps of paper into stickers?
It's a bit too messy, and If I'm going to use these for shilling my site publicly I don't wan to mess with glue in the middle of the street
>do i really need some type of thread lock
It depends on the type of fitting you are connecting.
NPT thread - yes
Compression threads - no
Flare threads - no
Reprint them on self-adhesive label paper.
How? I use the printer at the city library, I don't own one myself.
would teflon tape work?
buy the label paper
carry it to the library
place your paper into the printer
print soijacks
kill yourself

everyone profits
It would work for me but with the number and quality of questions you ask, the outlook doesn't look good for success for you.
Nobody is going to care
I've plastered band posters all over downtown Montréal. No one gave a shit. We used paste glue and a brush. It takes 1 minute for a 8.5x11 poster. Your little scraps of paper are going to take seconds.
Ok, thanks for the advise 4cucks
Don't forget the last step.
you are a retard
just print stickers on sticker paper and stop this autism
haha fuck off, ill show you
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where is the guy doing basedjak stickers over woke political posters on his campus? it was a /diy/ thread a while back. His best results were gorilla glue.


sorry for potato image
Should I wait for the housing market to crash after term 2 of bidenomics or should I go ahead and pull the trigger on a dogshit 8% mortgage?
You can always refinance later. It depends where you live and what rents are compared to mortgage prices. I’m in an area where rents got super jacked at the same time, so I bought in at 5.5% rates because I wasn’t trying to piss away $3500/mo on renting a basic 1600sq.ft. house.

If you can rent for $2000/mo and these interest rates mean a $3000/mo+ mortgage, might be worth trying to stack more for a big down payment and get your credit perfect over the next couple years.

It’s always a bit of a gamble though because there’s no telling how much more money DC can print and inflate everything even more and make it worse.
Go back to sleep, sheep.
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Are Makita's makpac's cases somewhat compatible with De Walt's TSTAKS?
Yes, in the sense that you can put any random box on top of another random box.
I'm guessing I can't snap them together?
That would be surprising
From what I know you can snap them with Festool cases.
How can I temporarily blog a toilet so no water can get through? There is a thunder storm tomorrow and they say up to 60l/h of rain which is fucking nuts I can safely bet my toilet in the basement will overflow how do I prevent this?
I am surprised
Get a 4" inflatable rubber ball (kids toy)
Remove water from bowl
Deflate ball
Crimp ball and insert into trap in bowl
(be sure inflation valve is accessible)
Use pump to reinflate ball to seal trap
We have chickens in the backyard, with a door we close at night to keep them safe in their coup. It's annoying having to let them out at exactly 8am every morning or they start squawking like crazy. I want to rig spring-loaded hinges and a sort of lock on a timer that will allow the door to swing open at 8am every day. Any ideas? I'm looking at maglocks but they're 200-800$. Surely I can make a simple bar latch set on a timer for less than $20. All it has to do is keep the door closed at night and release in the morning to allow the spring hinges to swing the door open. Any ideas?
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MSpaint for reference
get a christmas tree light timer, plug in a 12v DC power supply to it, and hook that up to a solenoid.
Can I use some good(ish…proxxon) torque wrench with some random crappy extension?
I’ve some really good gedore blue nut to offset the crappyness. Or will that fuck up my torque settings?
This is my shed, can I safely raise these beams by about 2.5 inches? My plan is to just remove them, cut them shorter, and screw them back on (they are nailed right now). I removed the ceiling panel on one side, the horizontal beams are not supporting or resting on anything. Only connected to the rafters

Seems simple but I don’t know what it would mean structurally or if I’m overlooking something.
/p/ are faggots huffing farts and /g/ is retarded now so I'll try here.
I want to find a simple lowish cost digital camera with sound and video recording that I can carry around in a pocket.
It would be a little tricky to fix. If you have another vise, you could use soft jaws/padding to hold the screw of the clamp, and use a Dremel or die grinder with a rotary file to remove some of the peened section of the screw to allow the foot out. Then you can grab that (gently) in there vise and use pliers to bend back. Then hope there's enough hollow area of the screw left to re-spread by clamping on a ball bearing or something to re-secure the foot. If it works as is I wouldn't bother though. It seems like it would work as is.
does anyone know what these pieces are called? i am fixing up a stool and it has these little clips that snap a cushion onto the frame. the closest i’ve found are “automotive push in rivets” but that’s not exactly right, especially because those are usually nylon instead of metal
Just get any small point and shoot digital camera. I have a Nikon Coolpix AW130, can take uSD. Zero complaints.

But what most people do these days is use a smartphone.
Those are rivets, but what exact type I don't know.
Lengthwise expansion/contraction is essentially 0. It happens between the rings.
i am going to try these trim fasteners hopefully they works
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looks like an old Armstrong ratchet? Good tool if that's the case. Clean it up and post results.
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They are called "removable rivets" and the use is largely automotive and all I can find are plastic. There are some metal screw down ones that are the closest in function I could find. They are called "Petal Rivets"

Would love to know if someone can find the removable rivets in metal.

any of the rectangular format digital cameras are going to be what you need. it looks like the ones we used to use are now generic chinkshit from amazon. you're going to care more about the image resolution at your price point but everything made after 2005 is going to have video as far as I can tell. Cyber-shot or Powershot are the current models of the name brands, I'd go with a generic off amazon that has decent reviews.
should be fine. just move one at a time. pretty sure the important structural load of the cross piece came during build before the roof but I'd still put them back as you indicated.
clamp a flat piece of metal and reshape the washer against it with punches and a hammer.
the push-in rivets i tried were similar to these but in plastic. my issue with them was that the rivets are going underneath the upholstery, and they flared out too much to snap into place when the screw was tightened to being flush. if i were to continue trying those then i’d maybe have to use a shorter screw that would only flare out the rivet somewhat when being tightened all the way for the perfect amount of snappage
Those cross pieces are what is preventing the roof from flattening and the walls from bowing outwards.
you don't want gorilla glue, all their shit turns yellow.

ideally you want some UV cured resin and a light. it's a craft thing but maybe more than you want to get into.

next you're just looking for clear in the bottle epoxy. the trick is to test it before doing your piece. you can pretty much guess how it's going to dry. all of them are the same, you mix equal amounts and have a few minutes for it to set. I generally like locktite products, and you can also (probably) do this with superglue.

the real trick is to test it. make a similar size drop on something vaguely like your project and leave it for 12h+. I know it says dries in 5min but that's for a thin application. What you want to look for is clarity and shrinkage. The only reason I'm not saying use superglue over epoxy is I think superglue shrinks more than you'd want. You can test applying it too, like if a toothpick works to get a drop the size you need.

Once it's drying don't fuck with it and don't have it anywhere around water - water vapor is what cures it but it will cloud if you do it too fast.
closest I've seen is a thread on /diy/ that thought dirt and clay are the same thing. >>>/i/ is the closest thing to actually having physical art but it's totally the wrong board for making your stepdad ashtrays.

you should make a pottery general and see if other anons remember ghost. it can't be worse than /sew/
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the trickle charger is the problem, you need an actual charge controller. a 200Ah battery and a 4cf mini fridge on 12v will last for 3 days under actual use directly powering the fridge with 12v. it is a lot less efficient to power a 2000w inverter in the middle because neither your batter nor the fridge actually use 120v.

so simply hook your battery backup directly into the 12v fridge components and you're good for a few days "off grid". more if you don't open it.
you can build a pool out of concrete blocks, there are a dozen yt videos on it. generally these days I think they use liners, and older cement pools were periodical painted/coated (or so I gather). the important thing is it's sealed to protect it from the chlorine, not just to hold water.

the hard part is the filtration system to make it a pool and not a pond, the actual pool is basically just a hole in the ground.
you got the sleeve answer already, acrylic paint is probably going to be your paint of choice although they make actual fabric paint. an airbrush and the concept of masking tape will get you results like your picture. as far as the wood a closet rod or stair handrail are always my favorite hard-wood go to for such things. the old school sub 2" diameter hand rails are harder to find these day, as are actual wood closet rods. You can always check with your local HEMA fags who should know where to get quarterstaff material.
because it's cheaper. nothing can't be modified however, it's just whether it's worth it to you.

a welded differential is still a differential. so is a broken one. I'm pretty sure most ATVs don't have diffs in any case, it just to just be a solid axle modern ones seem to be a variant of that. regardless it's semantics and my puerto rican friend was pretty clear for being a 3rd worlder and all so give him a break, eh?
that's based on the real anime. if they have a live action with those girls and it's not just a LARP I'm going to squeal.
I mean it's not like the *only* thing.
remove them and find out
How to track your own post on 4chan? do I need manually copy the link thread and store it somewhere?
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Where should i end the tiles?
Follow the top cabinets or the bench?
The refrigerator will be placed right next to the bench plate.

Yeah I know I could use a phone but I want something dedicated so that I can properly compartmentalise and not risk losing or destroying a phone with stray grinder sparks or falling tools.

If it's possible to have a pure dictaphone audio function that would be helpful.
Thanks for the suggestions on the chinkshit digicams, I wasn't sure what terminology to use

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