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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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Is it possible to turn 110sqf into a livable space?
No that's 1/10 of the minimum
depends, can you live in 110ft2?
Too big.
Depends on how it's laid out-

10.48' x 10.48' square? Sure.
8' x 13.75' rectangle? Plenty of camp trailers and house-/ motor- boat cabins that size

4' x 27.5'? Extreme shotgun house but technically might work.

24" x 55'? Not so much.
>24" x 55'? Not so much.
>he’s not worm maxing
You will have no privacy.
36" x 36' is totally doable, I've seen japanese apartments with less.

pic related is my minimum.
You only need a bathroom, a bed, a kitchen and a desk to live well, your house needs solar panels and a good drainage system.
Would live in.
Under rated.
Gotta remember, if he wants any rooms at all, at the very least, it's taking up floor space, unless he does Imperial Japan paper walls. If it's actual walls, then it's eating up cubic footage, too.
i think you can make it work with some imagination, ie hanging the poop bucket over your bed when not needed
anon my bathroom is bigger than that. you're going to end up one of those weirdos in the abominations thread with the shitter right next to the stove.
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if he can do it so can you
>needs to sit on toilet
>let me move the burner
>open top of toilet cover
>hits the shelf above and won’t open all the way
>why the fuck did I install a shelf there
A pneumatic gas spring would hold it up at an angle and you could easily use the turlet without issue. Its even more space efficient
Jesus man, the only room in my home smaller than 110 sq. ft. is the servant's toilet. And this place still feels cramped sometimes.

do you happen to have

A classic

It's possible to turn it into a bed&bathroom, more like a lair than a livable space. If the weather outside is good you can use it as a place to sleep. If it's in a city and you're stuck in there you'll off yourself.
>mini stove just above the shitter
No thanks.
your servants should have nice bathrooms too so they don't have any incentive to use the other bathrooms
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go back to France, weirdo
kek came here to post exactly this

What I think is funny is how he took out the window and added a few extra feet to the room. No building allows that shit. Also burner above shitter . What if you have to shit while cooking ? Asians really truly are insects.
I like how he has no S pipe on that drain
>No building allows that shit
What do you mean? The building has no will; it won't come down and tell you that's not allowed.
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>Be a good goy and just keep propping up the housing market bubble
No, jew, I don't think I will. I'll renovate an old dwelling and live there without doing anything up to (((code))) or filling for (((permits))).
All of those shelves and furniture waste a bunch of space, piling your stuff in the corner would save you 65% of it. The clothes on hangers are particularly egregious.
Not to mention that It can't possibly be legal to rent out a broom closet as an apartment.
do you mean go back to any other country than US?

No, you need a little bit more.
You need a porch for it to be livable
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This has a porch and might make your ridiculous and arbitrary size limitation.
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nice pic
I pray NY gets nuked
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a red 8x12 is very traditional
what a person reasonably needs:
table + chair
Yes, behold the Hong Kong cage home.

Door needs to be de-rusted or replaced.

Could use an outer wall or plaster, painted.

Window seems busted or in need of replacement.

A sliding wood framed glass window would be nice.

Lastly, could use a roof, wooden roof with shingles would work.

The roof can catch rain and redirect it to gutters and rainwater barrels.
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>Yes, behold the Hong Kong cage home.
i would have put the kitchen right to the entry.
fuck, i was not wearing my glasses.>>2816091
is that guy on the right an orc?
you would need some galvanized square steel, eco-friendly wood veneers and expansion screws borrowed from your aunt
Privacy from whom?
guests, roommates, spouse, children
It's possible
This is kinda cool but they'd run out of construction surplus pretty quick if they were building a lot of them, and at that point it'd make sense to start casting shells in a shape that makes more sense than a round tube. You could get way more space in the same footprint with a simple box.
161 sqft
$120 per square foot to live in a drain pipe.
Does it come with a Logitech controller?
Where's the shitter?
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Watch the video. The bathroom is bigger than it needs to be. They should have sacrificed some of it for a bigger kitchen
Honestly I've seen so much stuff rot or fall apart or need constant maintenance in my life that I'm considering doing this on a piece of land if I can figure out how to make it legal and up to code.
The window and door will rot and die but the whole rest of the concrete structure will outlast you. It will outlast your child. It will outlast your grandkids. If it's cinder block and mortar or brick and mortar it will last forever. I have seen "modern" and "quality" homes fall apart from itself in 20 years and accidentally found brick homes in the woods that have not seen a human 100 years and still solid and standing proud. I kneel to the brick. I kneel to the cinder block.
Of course, it's much less than individual tent space on deployment, and the block walls and steel roof are rugged and easy to work with. Use wall storage properly organized (no fire hazards) all the way to the ceiling.

If you built a loft you can do whatever with that, using it for sleep or storage.

See if you like hammock sleeping as they've been rightly popular for thousands of years. A shower area with the toilet in the shower would be compact and very easy to clean.

I suggest having at least one indoor hose spigot for cleanup, mine is under my sink and uses a ball valve and a brass garden hose male fitting. Sink valves have water flow limits which is why my auxilary hose fitting setups are industrial style.
Yes but you will need alot of galvanized square steel.
Also better call up your auntie to borrow some screws.
I soent a night in a hotel that had the shitter and the shower right there in the room, kinda weird ngl.
I know showers inside the rooms used to be common but the shitter??
We stan a solid structure on a well done foundation.
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>No building allows that shit
>Not to mention that It can't possibly be legal to rent out a broom closet as an apartment.
Mr. Zhuan would like a word with you in regards to your social credit

There's a window.
Just jump.
>chronic masturbation implied
>privacy desirable
>chair doesn't fit on porch
aces senpai

wall mounted toilet just dumps shit right out the side
that's john wayne you philistine
>john wayne
Inspector Callahan on the left and Kojak on the right.
that looks like a gas chamber
>gas chamber
has a metal door
gas chambers have wooden doors
That's technically legal if you're on BLM land.
oh you're right
Who loves ya, Baby?
It's not legal to dump human waste on Federal land.
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purchased land in 2018
current news:
> In late July, the Freedom Georgia Initiative posted a blog entry on its website that indicates the group was seeking $88,000 to help bring amenities for 97.6 acres of newly acquired land for a Big Black campout over Labor Day weekend and other Big Black events. The group’s vision, according to its website, is to establish an innovative community for environmentally sustainable living that promotes health and wellness.

six years and it's still a campground with no amenities
Absolutely. I spend most of my time in such a space, if not smaller. Really all I would need to add is a toilet and oven/stove. My twin size bed takes up probably a quarter of the room maybe even 2/7ths.
I mean, so's Africa, and it's been a heck of a lot longer than that.
I bet that'd be awesome to sleep in during a good thunderstorm though
The one change I would make is having the door swing out into the great room.
>I mean, so's Africa, and it's been a heck of a lot longer than that.

but there's alot less hostile wildlife and less raiders and terrorists and military oppression, so its like ez-mode.
The spacious dungeon is a good enough deterrent, desu.
>when the house is so small they can't even fully write "kitchen" and "shower" on the plans
>Demolished in 1993
>so its like ez-mode.
and yet, nothing has been made
The picture is of a house that has a chimney, but the plan has a wood stove.
It's called an affidavit of affixture and it allows you to turn any vehicle into a permanent property if it passes fire inspection and if you want it to pass, then just make sure it doesn't have electricity or fuel and you'll be fine
My Uncle Ted used to live in a 120 sqft Cabin 10X12. He was a good friend.
who makes those?

I believe you are correct, it does look like 10x12.

It has an upstairs bedroom, so some would claim that puts it over 120 sq '.
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You uncultured swine. He's not an orc, he's [spoiler] greek [/spoiler]
The point --------->
<-------- your head
I own a cabin and its nice with hardwood and flooring. Its very tiny. But i shit and eat outdide so its perfect
how does he open the door now that he blocked it? is it legal in the 3rd world for exterior apartment doors to open outwards? that's we call a hazard here in the 1st, but maybe in browntown it's ok
is that just the one plank?
Doesn't seem that bad. If anythign this bitch owns too much stuff so it's needlessly cluttered
lel mr gook nose wont notice.
And when the next guy comes along he can increase the rent because its a bigger space.
those toilets dont make sense. Where does the water tank go. into the room next door?
in the wall between rooms but basically yes
It's a joke video you dumb racist
Absolutely. I live on a boat with a cabin that's about half that size.
For the most part I agree but hanging storage can easily double/triple the space you have because otherwise you have a bunch of unused volume in the air.
As long as you have a seperate bed and armchair like space and enough room to walk between them and exit then you can use the extra space for hanging storage.
Surplus septic tanks already make more sense. They obviously like the tube shape.
Any examples of septic tank conversions?
fairly sure 3/4s of this would be illegal in a Bong caravan, nevermind a house. Its the stove ontop the shitter. Thats a wheeze Too Far.
It's literal chinese demoralization agitprop
Chinamen have no concept of building codes so they don't even comprehend this would be impossible in the west.
Kek I also thought about galvanized square steels when I saw this thread
David can put his family and his wife's family in there
ah yes, what would schizoanon do without a sitting room, lounge, games room, and at least 3 spare bedrooms
It is vinyl so that's not impossible.
>Is it possible to turn 110sqf into a livable space?
That depends on what you're REALLY asking here. Are you physically able to live day to day solely in a 110sf room? Sure. If you really, really hate yourself and get off on being miserable. Can a 110sf building be done in a way that your local authorities would be willing to approve it as a residence, issue it a mailing address, etc? Almost certainly not.
shut up you faggot
Shut up nigtard.
>how does he open the door now that he blocked it?
Why would he leave?
8 of you idiots not realizing these videos are anti-CCP satire.

Teens in China to practice their 3D animation skills. It's also their way of getting a dig at the CCP. It's the opposite of those propaganda videos of "one guy" digging and furnishing a cave house in a loess cliff, or the lady making traditional scarves, from sheep rearing to carrying it to the market.
at this size it'd be better as a camping cabin, in which case you can get rid of the kitchen and bathroom (since you can just piss outside), put a table next to the wood stove with some shelves for canned food, and a few bunk beds for other people
my friend has that sort of setup but we cook in a campfire outside instead, and we go there to get drunk in the woods at night and hiking out to his shooting range hungover in the morning
sometimes they poach a bit aswell, mostly turtles and armadillos for some reason
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real as shit would live in a crack box of a place and be fine with it

>china rediscovers earthship and mobile home principles

its amazing how china is speed running american consumerism history.

>wow look how cheap these things are, heres a way to make money off th-AND ITS GONE.
you are kinda right, if is going only be a temporal place or when there is good wheater, doing shit outside and using it as a room is viable
i physically cant stop repeating galvanized square steel to myself. little john spent 10 years working very hard to create the perfect mind virus meme.
>24" x 55'
this is my mini-home, it was made for me
this guy borrows expansion screws from his 7th aunt
It would be awesome to only need a single row of 5v as a shed roof, you could have a pretty high ceiling at one end.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned just order a shed from home depot and doing the utilities yourself. They even make some of them multi-storied and suspiciously home-shaped
that looks like a horrible vehicle to keep running. both in terms of fuel consumption and repairs
Yes, if I were to design sometfrom scratch for the purpose I'd probably go for something 80" Wide by 16'6" Long to allow for a twin-xl sized bed to be put in sideways at one end, probably as a loft with usable space underneath

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