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Previous thread couldn't cope >>2803398
>RTTY Edition

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

>The wiki is down but is archived: https://archive.is/PjR5s
>Idiot's Guide to Coax Cable
>Looking for frequencies to monitor near you?
>Basic Rx loop fundamentals
>DIY SWL Mag. Loop
>Small Tx Loop
>In Depth Loop articles
>Homebrew RF Circuits
>NEW Library

>Online Practice Tests:
> Real-Time Propagation Data
>Space Weather
>WSJT-X 2.1 User Guide
>Homosexual (ft8) guide
>Weather Fax resources
>point to point predictions, its free and will give you an idea of how much power/ what frequencies to use to reliably talk to your friend
>how do I into Morse code in a good way?
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setting the mood with a little trivia quiz
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talk about an early OP
the old thread will take days to fall off the board
just stay on board the old one as it sinks then, Satan
What should I do if I'm disappointed with my Yaesu FT-70d? I guess the most frustrating thing is how tedious it is to navigate/program.
return it to where you've stolen it
no u
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>make sure to stand six feet away from the microphone, else covid will be transmitted from the original station to all station that hear it
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>the Chad repeaters
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I hope none of you are getting ripped off this Field Day.
It's going to be a shit show. I'm already hearing people call CQ FD at 17:00 UTC and there's an overlapping Euro SSB contest we're about to shit all over
Build specs?
Field day is so gay
CW finally clicked for me and I'm cleaning up. I may end the weekend with a triple pl... oh. Never mind.
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this hobby will never die. right. CQ anyone? hello?
Just got back from field day with the local club.

Why is it, that if you ask one (1) question about encryption, the boomerhams all look at you like you grew 3 extra heads that look like Putin, Hitler and Satan?
encryption is illegal mmkay
Encryption is illegal unless you us the encrypted WinLink®
What are you, trying to learn?!
>cringefag back to (re)posting again
>there's a cock on one side and another cock other the other side blowing and receiving loads and I want to talk about how to connect them
God's Own Digimode
You're doing good.
>this hobby will never die, right?
QSL on that. It's just too much fun. 73's pse qsl via buro.
I'll come short of saying it was life changing, but WOW!
I thought I was a semi-seasoned contester with about 5 years of SSB contests under my belt. I knew the patterns and could get a gleam of the personalities. Some folks (mainly Caribbean) had killer stations and were the most well oiled machines. Then you had smaller stations, others with exhaustion, you'd pick up on attitudes and grudges in voices, and others too that were lagging behind or even women. Sitting in a pile up and phonetically saying my callsign a dozen times and making a 40 second exchange seemed like simply paying your dues.
CW is just that. God's digital mode. Hear them, send your call, send the exchange, log it 10 seconds later.
Mind blown.
N00b here, wtf is the logbook of the world?
Just made a DX contact from Western PA to Ireland on 20m. It was hard and it took some time, but it fucking worked.
nice work anon, is the contest still ongoing ? band might be crowded
It's starting to pick up. I heard some earlier on 20m. I think most contest activity was on 40m.
>It's starting to pick up.
Even more when I put the tuner on "Direct 2" (20m dipole) instead of "External dummy load"
It's the super bowl of QSO parties. Fitting it's in pride month.
It's dead - did all the hams have to call it a day and get the lunch special at Golden Corral?!
Kek! I've done that before. :^)
>+10,000 bonus points on Field Day if a contact was made using a Chad Repeater
>retarded unlicensed troll here
Repeater use is not allowed for contesting.
>sad ham alert
>no fun allowed
>reddit alert
go back
What's the best way to connect a short loop atenna to a SMA coax?
>angry boomer alert
Go back to 80m.
How many here use Morse code, and how fast can you receive?
My peak performance was around 21 wpm, but I am planning to return to Morse code, been polishing my listening skills.
My recall is atrocious and my handicap, but I tried to WAS in Field Day. I immersed myself for about 20 hours and my familiarity grew by leaps and bounds.
Now I'm questioning if I'll ever go back to digital or phone. My FD CW contacts were just as quick and easy as digital and excluded the QRM and didn't include the retard factor of phone
>What exchange?! Oh, no I don't do contests. You're about a 3-9 into Tennessee. My antenna ...
it's returning!!
>kek. They got the DDOS from the hungry hams
Tell me more about this setup because I have a need to set up a repeater for some future events:
>is it a crossband repeater for vhf-uhf? I figure vhf on the low side for longer range to receive.
>I'm guessing you're using a duplexer to share an antenna between them? Which one?
>is there an amp or what else is in the build
>is this really more cost effective than just using a TYT TH-9800 for cross band repeating at 50watts?
>TYT TH-9800
You might as well do that. It's a crap rig, but it does work.
>TYT TH-9800
if you want only VHF/UHF you don't need that shit, get a V/U transceiver, the TYT is a quad band
According to field-day.arrl dot org, there have been 2,527 entries for 2024 Field Day.
Based on the entries based in pic related, that is the lowest number since 2008.
The 2020-2023 explosion should be obviously attributed to covid, loosening category restrictions, and the divergence of club logs to individual logs.
Was there an explosion of club activity or was Field Day largely rejected by the masses?
Anyone else noticing a harmonic on all of the bands?
Oh God. It's my antenna or coax, isn't it?
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It can mean that the frontend is overloaded, perhaps by a single very powerful signal that brings the ADC into saturation. If so, a well placed notch filter will fix that.
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DURRRRR i'm an irrelevant boomer whos too stupid to pass a tech license so i reee about "sad hams" and project my insecurities by being "sarcastic" and shitting on anyone that likes anything outside GMRS and offroading. BTW subscribe to my channel and buy my sponsored chinkshit radios in my affiliate links. also my subscribers are absolute morons, and i secretly hate them more than hams I'M ALSO A CONSERVATIVE, FUCK JOE BIDEN BUT DON'T YOU DARE SAY NIGGER ON MY REPEATER
it can be ethernet, VGA, a LED bulb, a power supply, etc. turn off everything one after the other, maybe you'll find it
The only change I know of is the new next door neighbor who just built a house and has been moving in for the past week. Great
link me one video where he shat on non gmrs users for liking things other than gmrs
>I'm this much of a sad ham because someone does not want to get his ham license when a GMRS license suffices for his use case
>getting licensed
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reminder that holding a girthy object against your mouth is not the way you want to be remembered
Randy looks like an AIDS patient.
This is miserable. It's every 60Hz from 40m and up. Occasionally it's every 30Hz.
Guess I get to learn about understanding and solving RF interference problems
Disconnect the antenna and see if the pattern is still there, if so, the noise comes via th emains or data cables.

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