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An autismo person made a convincing case for me being autismo too.
Now, the coping is too much work. I'm I would have to pay about as much as a driver's license costs for a diagnosis, and then get onto a 3+ year waiting list for therapy. That's not worth it just to get a different kind of wellfare, some weird social clout and cope, and that much work and cash should be enough for an actual cure.
So what's the cure, or what cures have people been trying with a modest to large amount of success?
>inb4 420cureit
I'm getting CBD weed and growing my own so I have that possibility covered.
Man, new seasons of survivor just don’t hit like those old ones
Found this:
Glutathione might reduce effects causes by glyphosate which is in all your food and reduces your liver function
I'm already at 90+% organic certified diet and live in the NL, but point taken. Looked up the list of vegetables rich in precursors to it and I'm averse to all of them, time to source organic variants of them (none of them are stocked with organic cert in my local supermarket, sus) and get over that.
>I'm I would have to pay about as much as a driver's license costs
How is this a unit of measurement? Exactly how much does a driver's license cost?
ah sorry. it costs between €2500 and €4500 here bc you can't practice on any public road without a hired instructor, and you get failed randomly if you're male or a modestly dressed female, and for other random shit.
Maybe I overestimated it, it maybe be "as little as" 1-2k unless you're very unlucky.
Don't have that much money to blow on some government bullsbit gamble either. I made this comparison bc with autism you can also get shafted and pay but get no diagnosis, and it's also govt. related BS business.
>made a convincing case
have you considered you might just be stupid?
Hey, why not both?
Autism is the brain not activating the empathy part of the brain. People are treated the same as objects when processing the world in an extremely literal way. How does one cure this? Well, I would basically point out every social code and rule to my friend when he fucked up and eventually he had a checklist in his brain of how to act around other people. Basically you run the python script of your brain to be a robot acting out processes that you think are dumb and go against every grain of how your brain works. This is how you cope with autism. The only thing beyond that is if you used your autism focus powers on the liberal arts and read about communication theory from academics who do studies and write theses. Other than that, there's the whole 'acceptance' movement where you get to be a little sperg who stems all day and gets pats on the back from people hiding the real world from you. Or there's a bunch of conspiratorial stuff out there about vaccines and gut bacteria.
You cope with your mental illness by harassing others with bullshit theories, off-topic garbage and denigration.
Good example of what I'm not interested doing, chapeau.
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that's not curing that's masking
definitely checking the stupid boxes
Just trying to help anon out from my lived experience dealing with spergs.
You mean they found a cure? Why would they keep it secret? Do they secretly want anon from the /diy/ board to not integrate back into society for monetary gain?
>Do they secretly want anon from the /diy/ board to not integrate back into society for monetary gain?
Unironically this, but dw I won't try to convince you before I have proof I can relay and you, understand.
My autism power is empathy though.

Normies are fuckin monsters
Autistic people can have tons of empathy not sure what the other anon is on about, the real issue is social brain bits not activating automatically and sensory stuff.
This is approximately right but wrong, like you read an article once and summarized it poorly. Autism is ultimately poorly understood but the object recognition thing is not about the empathy part of the brain (which in and of itself is poorly understood) but, shocker, the object recognition part of the brain. I actually did research on this as part of my postdoc. People with autism have underperforming areas in what’s called the fusiform gyrus, specifically the fusiform facial area. It’s part of the visual cortex that processes visual data of human faces. In people with autism it does not react as strongly as “neurotypical” people, which is a word I hate because it’s poorly defined but I’ll use it here to mean non autistic. But interestingly there’s an area in the fusiform gyrus for object recognition that reacts more strongly in people with autism. The hypothesis, as a result, is that this is a big factor in why many people with autism struggle so much with social pragmatic language, nonverbal communication, etc. why socialization becomes less important to them, and why socialization can become more fixated around object orientation. To that last point in early intervention we would see kids with autism form faster social bonds with people who gave them key items they enjoyed. this wasn’t the only way to form social bonds of course. In adolescence and young adults we would see more comfort in social situations when they could bond around a key object, often videogames, anime/manga/comics, warhammer, action figures, shit like that. Discussing these items was one thing but it would be much more effective to have physical items to look over, eg a stack of videogames or comic books to leaf through was far more effective than “what are your favorite games” even though both lead to the same discussion
As to “curing” autism. This is a very debatable question. Already people are talking about masking in this thread with negative connotation. I will say the harsh version of what I say to every autistic client I work with: get the fuck over it. Everyone in the world masks. Do you think the therapist working with you acts this way at home? Do you think the mechanic acts the way he does in front of customers when they leave? Etc. everyone has multiple masks for multiple contexts in life. That’s life. If you exhibit a behavior that behavior will have consequences and you should be prepared for said consequences. If you can’t, you should mask in that context until you can be in a context that you can be open and free with yourself. Does it suck? Sure. I hate going to work 10 hours a day and acting like a “professional” when all I want to do is shitpost online and read manga really. But the world is unfair, I have bills to pay, and I wasn’t lucky enough to be born to super rich parents. You’re probably in a similar boat. You can advocate and this is sometimes necessary but there’s an important self reflection to be done here. Is the behavior truly beyond your control? As an example I’ve had people who rock when overwhelmed as a stereotypy, who wear headphones when exposed to too much environmental noise, etc. these behaviors don’t bother anyone around them but sometimes you’ll get a dickhead boss that’s like “you’re not allowed to do that”. That’s when it’s potentially a good time to advocate for yourself and not just mask through it. But I’ve also had people who are irritable and short with customers at work and want a free pass to be a dick “because I have autism”. Those people need to mask and they’re often the ones that are like “masking at all is oppression” and just willfully misunderstand that Im not a dr 24/7 and don’t go home and take off my pants and shitpost on a mongolian basket weaving forum everyday
One of the theories for this is that people with autism have empathy deficits early on but learn empathy later in life. So the empathy deficits are observed in like 2-4yo kids then there’s intervention and they end up over empathizing because they’ve gotten a ton of specialized instruction in empathy. Another theory is that they fall behind, recognize it, then figure out what they’re missing and go too hard, basically.
Autism can't be cured. You just kinda learn to work around it. There's a few autism support boards online that are somewhat helpful, but boards geared towards pickup or psychopathy selfhelp are much more helpful, since they tend to cut out all the crying and bitching and focus only on how to act normal.

But let's be honest, chances are that neither you nor that other guy are actual autists. Autism nowaday is what depression used to be a few years back, with everybody claiming to have it. And it doesn't help that shrinks are so afraid of labeling kids "psychopathic", "sociopathic" or "antisocial" and go with "asbergers" (aka. "autistic psychopathy") or "autistic spectrum" instead.

If you bring a kid to a shrink, if they're quiet, it's autism, if not, adhd, and the pharma industry gains another customer either way.
Also, /sig/ threads.
I remember waiting in highschool to go into the gym and a bird flew into the hallway so one of the kids was like huh huh huh. I'll throw this basketball at it.

I grabbed the ball and gave him an earful for being a fucking psychopath
You're missing some key parts for someone who is role-playing as a doctor.
There is a lot about not understanding social interaction.
>how to act at a grocery store
>what to say to a person who expresses emotion toward you
>eye contact
>how to react to bad news
>how to react to good news
>dealing with someone hugging you
>dealing with someone standing near or behind you
>feeling unsafe in public
>feeling uncomfortable meeting new people

Etc etc. Far too much thought and reaction goes into surviving a day. It's draining. It effects vagus nerve functions.
Disrupts bowel movement. Causes neuropathy. Brain fog. It causes anxiety and fear where normal people would have none.

I could go on and on. Especially about autism linked to trauma and autoimmune disorders.

Get fucking fucked with your dumbass opinions and half ass "research"
>Autistic children were placed, for their own protection, away from their “cold” parents, in institutions like Bellevue Hospital, where they received electroconvulsive therapy, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, and punishment-based “aversive therapy,” involving electric shocks and the withholding of food and water.
Animals are treated better.
>Most kids never left.
They didn't leave - alive?
Mk ultra shit. Don't worry, your handler will tell you when necessary
Autism is brain damage. All vaccines contain micronized aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde, to poison your system and burn up the brain.

Idk what to do about mercury already in the brain, but I was advised to do (up to) 1mg/kg bodyweight of ALA and DMSA (not DMSO) every 3 hrs for 3 days. It's important to keep the ALA dosage up, so the mobilized mercury doesn't end up in the brain. The DMSA is to help with the side-effects and also helps remove lead.

That's all from memory. Living Supplements is the site that sells the ALA (although you can get that anywhere) and DMSA. There's other stuff, but that's the TLDR.

DO NOT do it if you still have amalgams. Have those removed first, then wait 3 months.

He referred me to andy-cutler-chelation.com for more info on the protocol. Andrew Cutler was one of many natural doctors killed in a short window of time, under unusual circumstances. It's important to poison your domestic cattle so they cannot think properly for themselves.
What does the gal in the OP's picture have to do with autism?
Just stop being autsitic, dummy
You’re ultimately conflating autism and social anxiety. A lot of people do, understandably so because the definitions overlap. But a key question here:
Someone who is not autistic but has mild to moderate social anxiety, or generalized anxiety for that matter, will experience vagus nerve involvement when panicked. They will experience sympathetic nervous system involvement in general. This excitement of the nervous system causes somatization, or physical manifest of anxiety. They will then experience any of a litany of symptoms including things like gi discomfort (which you have called bowel disruption but can also include upset stomach, diarrhea, vomiting), tachycardia and palpitations, headache, muscle cramps and numbness (which you’ve called neuropathy), disruption of memory, urinary incontinence, etc. how is this distinct from autism anxiety? Do you see what I’m getting at?

As for your list:
The first 5 items save eye contact are social pragmatic language. This is directly discussed in my post with a possible explanation as to why it’s not learned. That said it’s possible to learn these behaviors if the learner is motivated to do so. It very much can be done. Eye contact is a bit different and sometimes can be learned but sometimes cannot
The last 4 on your list are social anxiety, pretty classic ones at that. These again can be treated with desensitization and utilization of coping mechanisms.
The issues that I see all too often in practice is that autistic people are misled by people who speak like you. They are encouraged to view their anxiety in a narcissistic manner, that it is special, different, and somehow untreatable than the “garden variety” social anxiety that presents in the same exact way, with the same exact etiology, treated with the same exact therapies and medications. they read on tumblr that their autism makes them special and it’s not like everyone else and you just can’t possibly understand unless you have it
Kanker autist leider
Imo it can be read as "they were never re-homed with their parents", because that's what "leaving" would have meant for those kids. So some may have left around the time they reached age of majority.
Obviously some did die there. ECT, hardcore drugs and structural corporal punishment on kids and zero casualities? Don't make me laugh, you shouldn't overestimate the finesse of the average torturer or fantisize about that kind of thing.

Yes, 'your disease doesn't make you special.' Remember that phrase: It makes you either retarded, or sick. Or both retarded and sick.

I often forget how many emotional retards there are, who try to con themselves into believing they are special because they are retarded or sick, or both. No one believes you are special for those one or two things. Not even you. That's why, like with a cult, you try to convince others, or compel or manipulate them to agree.

Which, is pretty-much what Boomers try to do, with their compromised, hypermaterialistic, reality-denying death-style. The conversation at the Protestant church (protesting means being the opposite of industrious..) after service was how many pills the doctor had them on. 7, 8, 9, 10... all because antibiotics work in a very limited number of circumstances, makes the belief that 'pills cure things'. What a dumb, 'muh jesus' oversimplified, imbalanced view-cult. It continues, that they support genocide of Philistines/Palestinians, and all sorts of other horrible positions, out of line with peace and tranquility.

And why huge numbers of the population resent them. Just like the resentment against emotional retards that want to believe they are special. I don't dwell on it, because I don't want my mind poisoned. But we run into it, often. Everyone of us.
My bad, fixed.
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>pay about as much as a driver's license
kek I remmeber paying 2k EUR for a krautlicense, took idk 50h of shitty drievrs ed too
burgers gave me a license in 1h after showing up and charged $30

To answer your question, only thing you can do is go on what I called safaris. Observe normies and think of behaviors you can use to not scare them. Same way you'd approach a herd of wild animals. This is basically what will happen too if you find a good therapist, he will guide you thru normie behaviour, but most are not good.
For example around 15-16 I had to force myself to develop a habit of keeping eye contact when interacting with normies, it does prolong all frivolous interactions but I had more success in life after. Literally just going to stores and running a mantra about "keep eye contact" in my mind so I don't revert back to old habits.
>did allright in the end, dated a few normies, which was a disaster
>married an autismo
>get a tism career working with machines only
>had 4 kids, 2 turned out normies, 2 high functioning autismos
I think they will do great, I'll take them on safaris too.
No drugs will help develop the parts of your brain that just didn't connect when you were a fetus/infant. You can only compensate for it elswhere.
add a shot of black (semen) to the genes of your wife's children
>No drugs will help develop the parts of your brain that just didn't connect when you were a fetus/infant.
Funny you how you put that. I'm convinced that all food and drink is "trippy" to some extent, so at first I read that as a statement in favoring of fasting:
><Not consuming anything remotely trippy a.k.a. dry fasting> will help develop the parts of your brain that just didn't connect when you were a fetus/infant.
Maybe this is true.
Will respond to the rest later, bat. low.
Could get a job at a good community bar, helped me.
>all food and drink is "trippy" to some extent
Sure, many common things are profoundly psychoactive.
Ever tried taking a huge dose of chamomile, like steeping half a cup of flowers for 30min or so until you get this thick bitter tea.
Try it, you'll be off to relaxland.
I just don't think any if it fixes tism.
Maybe if you also have anxiety, it can help you with that, IDK.
I've been calling it anthropological expeditions. But I'm doing the same.
Don't know what hat symbolizes. Didn't help make the picture any more relevant.
Well let me throw out an anachronistic message your way.
Lurk more faggot.
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>An autismo person made a convincing case for me being autismo too.
They consider EVERYTHING to be part of autism and ADHD, this person you talked to probably wasn't even properly diagnosed with it, just self-diagnosed. I highly doubt they made any convincing case.
Proud of you, anon. Cherish those moments of moral choice, they make the world a better place.

>the Protestant church (protesting means being the opposite of industrious..)
You're dumb, lol

Take acting classes. Go join your local theater company, they're always desperate for members. If you aren't a queer, you will be neck deep in pussy like a breech birth.
> I don't know what to say, so I'll just say "You're dumb".
That's not a rebuttal.

> Just go into acting.
Acting is gay.

Maybe don't be a reddit faggot, giving poor advice.
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Autism Is Not A Crime
>dude weed lmao
>90% organic certified diet
>researches random retarded dudebro theories about well-known-to-be-incurable illnesses
I don't think you're autistic at all, you're just a dumbass stoner.
>that's not curing that's masking
There is no known cure for autism. The goal is to make the sufferer as high functioning as possible.
Carnivore diet
Fuck women
Get off of Reddit
>excites the nervous system
So if 1 were to take something to calm it down, anxiety could go away. Am I understanding that correctly? Are there and supplements to take to calm down the nervous system?
>if you aren't a queer, you will be neck deep in pussy like a breech birth.
>hey so you don't know how to socialize which is why you're taking acting classes but don't worry you'll be drowning in pussy
Something doesn't add up here.
If it's caused by malnutrition, yeah. Could also be physical weakness (lack of exercise and sunlight), ambient stressors (work, noisy environment) or lack of practice in dealing with stress (Yongye Mingyur Rinpoche specializesd in that).
Autism is a lot like tranny-ism
Almost nobody actually has either but retards keep spreading the lie

If you were really autistic, you'd know
Simply being a retarded anti-social, mildly OCD individual doesn't mean you're autistic
Thanks for the brilliant interesting take on how to improve health.
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>Simply being a retarded anti-social, mildly OCD individual doesn't mean you're autistic
You basically just defined what having mild autism means
You are a near complete moron. It's a miracle you know how to operate a computer. Does your tard wrangler know you're shitposting on 4chan?
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I also suffer from vague feelings of unease btw
i have autism too i wouldn't encourage playing with CBD i still learning so i wouldn't be able to give answer yet but i will update you with anything i discover
i mean he's sort of got the right idea, he's just not all there on the specific psychological/technical details. you build up a checklist and deliberately teach/repeat specific behaviors and interactions in order to emulate normality. you'll never "cure" it, since it's a fundamental difference in how the brain and mind are set up, but you can definitely make it work.
t. autist who figured out how to blend in with normoids
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I went to a therapist a long time ago where I was told I wasn't treatable due to my extreme 'introversion'.
So after years of misery I finally did some acid with the goal of curing my hyper inflated ego.
It works as a kind of shock therapy, by drastically altering your perception of the world.
For some it will be an endless dive in a deep lake, for others it will be a life altering experience, for better or the worse. I can't talk about the more spiritual doses beyond the 100ug range, but from what I already saw, I think it is safe to say it already changed the way I think about myself and the world.

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