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What would I need to do to make this house able to be lived in? It doesn't have to be perfect

Do a search on youtube for cabin renovation and you will have a rough idea
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count on water damage, replacing floors, replacing appliances. the realtor wasn't even going in all 3 pics are outside. roof for sure and it looks like foundation issues. I mean consider nobody is even squatting there.

it's on a railroad, the houses on either side are far bigger. as an investment your best bet is to raze it and try to sell the empty lot to one of the neighbors.

I'd offer them $6000 cash and walk away for anything more. also if you aren't already locked into Gary for some reason remember it's Indiana, you might as well go somewhere nice if you are budget squatting - there is plenty of dirt lots still in southern Colorado and weed is legal there. Better yet it's *not* the armpit of Indiana.
How much should I expect to pay for foundation repair? Plumbing? Electricity?
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>gary in
huck a lit road flare in the front window
Start by moving the entire structure to the kind of place where you can't just buy a house for $12K.
Nothing a revolver can't solve. Replies about nogs will be ignored
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This retard thinks hes gonna larp as paul kersey or dirty harry callahan, living in one of the worst ghettos in the country filled to the brim with hardened criminals.
You might as well just squat in a house and own nothing. The second you put furniture and belongings in that house, you will be broken into and burgled.

Your revolver will be no match for Tyrones switched glock or lightning linked AR pistol.
Bernie Goetz would have been riddled with holes if he tried to pull his stunt in 2024
>looks like foundation issues
Built in 1900; doubtful that it has anything like a foundation...I've seen far larger houses a decade newer than that that used big river stones for piers. Ironically the lack of any kind of stemwall or footings is probably why it's still mostly straight in spite of a massive tree growing out from under neath it at the rear wall for probably 30 years...that's probably just skirting along the bottom, if it was a foundation that wall would be heaved up but the siding is as dead straight as can be for a 124 year old house. That tree and the others have been grinding off the roof though.

Bottom line: it's a total scraper and even the land is essentially worthless...sold in 2019 for $500, 2023 taxes were $569 on a $23,700 assessed value thats gone up every year for the last 3 years. Can't imagine why people are leaving.

But hey, "this house and land may or may not be haunted. You should check it out and see."

>it's on a railroad
It's Gary, Indiana lol

>Nothing a revolver can't solve.

Sure, as long as you're willing to eventually suck on it.

>The brutal reality of life in America's 'most MISERABLE' city: Residents of Gary, Indiana - former 'murder capital of US' - lay bare horrifying tales of poverty and crime, admitting they're scared to walk in the street over fears of being robbed or SHOT

Can i live in it tho. Like is it legal for me to just camp out in this house without doing repairs if i buy it
Sure, you are better off buying a trailer in a trailer park, or an RV and parking it in an RV park.
cool. will i get attacked by glocktavious in my sleep tho
You can't be OP. This has to be a troll.

Everything everyone already said. OP is trolling us, too. No one throws away 12k on a shack right next to some other houses that butt-up against it, on a railroad line for christ's sake, on the gary area. Any one of those individually, completely disqualify the purchase.

Next, someone trolling as a sub-saharan bantu, will ask us if a shack is worth $50, butted-up against a sea of them, in a slum rivalling the worst of india's. It's made out of scrap material, has no running water or sewer, but hey, it's $50: what-a-deal!

For a non-troll solution, get a decent chunk of land on tax sale. Somewhere with no Codes, no public transportation, no high-rises, no assholes-to-elbows housing, and stick a decent trailer on it. Start with that. Unless, you are a bantu, then NGMI. My advice is only for 110+ IQ.
It pretty square desu
I would replace all the windows with glass block so they can't be broken and then everything else is simple due to the house's size
You can frame in a wall heat/a/c unit and just plug it in, make sure there's no mold, a counter with open shelves beneath and a couple appliances

I'd replace the roof first tho along with the gutters

You could probably make this liveable for like $15k
high melamine content
how the fuck should we know, we can't see inside the house you fucking retard
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Whew lad!
That's small enough I'd just knock it over and build something myself.
just demoing and dumping what youd need to replace and youre already out 12k most likely
this. better off to start with an empty lot anywhere else.
six shots aren't gonna be enough
Leave Indiana. Why are you in such a doomed shithole? I'd even join the Army to avoid that. It will never get better. Not joking.
>Gary, IN
24/7 on-site armed security.
>Gary, IN
>What would I need to do to make this house able to be lived in?
TND would be a requirement
Why the fuck would you want to live here? The population has crashed, infrastructure is falling apart, they are closing schools left and right, crime is through the roof, tax revenue is in the toilet, and 85% of the people remaining are undesirables. Fuck, the median income is so close to the federal poverty level they would be kissing cousins.
It's not like most of us interact with our neighbors anyway.
Ye gods - Gary Indiana? You'll have to shoot all the niggers in the vicinity to make the neighborhood fit for purpose.
Your neighbors will interact with you, by force.
Even in small, safe cities with low homicide rates will have high levels of theft. Too bad Gary has huge homicide rates too
op you'd unironically be better off...

The absolute STATE of housing in 2024
I don't think you can afford a house. Don't waste your time and money polishing a turd.
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>Wanting to own a house in Gary IN.
>Wanting to live in Gary, IN.
I do not have a reaction image strong enough to convey how bad of an idea this is, so let's just pretend this picture of Jesus holding a velociraptor is very strongly telling you to walk away and don't look back.
The true DIYers here should buy a few blocks and start our own community. I'm sure most of us can scrape up $100
Total Nword death
With such a close-minded attitude, I can't imagine you'll get much help :)
I strongly suggest some form of nigger repellent. Consider wallpapering the outside of the house with job applications and/or child support notifications.
New roof new foundation, new plumbing and wiring (It's certainly been ripped out for copper) it'd be faster to build a new house than fix the old one with so many problems. I bet the floor is fucked inside too. It'd be cheaper to fix than to rebuild if you're doing DIY, but my house was in no-where near this bad a condition (Roof and siding and windows were fine, that was about it. Ripped to studs inside and redid the whole thing including water issues in basement and insulation) My house is 675 square feet, so about the same as yours, and it cost me about $25,000 over 4 years for everything to be fixed doing most of it by hand, this includes EVERYTHING. Appliances, paint, lumber, fasteners, inspections, electrician and plumbing (city won't let you do it yourself, sold as is so I can't not get permits) Driveway, water mitigation by correcting grade, asbestos removal (myself), insulation, etc etc. Your house also needs heavy yard work, which mine didn't, the lawn was at least mowed when I bought it.
You would need to gas everyone in a 100 mile radius, demolish and rebuild the structure, and convince the IRS it's not worth the risk of collecting $100k+ in back taxes
>The IRS collects property taxes
Huh. I never knew.
>Gary, IN
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Tiny libraries good.
>Educated, well read, extra income

Tiny pantries bad.
Trailer parks have been Targeted by venture capitalist companies and they are no longer a cheap alternative in 75% of places.
Nowhere is affordable in america anymore. It doesn't exist.

Land is 15k/acre now and houses are 100k minimum for an actual house with good community, store nearby and actually in good condition with no gotchas or backtaxes. Sad but it's true. Not even rural living is affordable anymore.

In america you are either in 3 categories

The rich people are living in homes or land such as boomers on social security or retirees
The smart people are living out of their cars or a van stealth camping waiting for all this to blow over into hype
The poors are living in apartments paying $1200+/month or they are homeless

With global tensions brewing and the elections uncertain I give america a prediction of 10 more years before it sees major instability, Maybe even sooner.
The news will claim instability regardless of who wins
$100k for a house is affordable
I don't know why this is insurmountable to you
If you have a job, the FHA will let you buy a house with less than $1000 down
>10 more years
Better then 2 weeks
>family friend gets divorced, all assets sold straight cash settlement
>spends 50k on doublewide, in a nice park outside of a nice small white town
>paid $400 lot rent originally
>over the last 15 years has went to 700
>park just bought out last year, come january lot rent will be $900

The park has gotten progressively worse. The trailer is starting to show real wear. And at $900 a month, its highway robbery.

It was a big misstep, she should have fought to keep her house or bought a real house with that 50k as down payment, she would have paid it off by now.

I dont care how hard or how thin you have to stretch yourself. Dont handcuff yourself to these fucking dumps.
There are like 30 trailers for sale right now because of the price hikes, normally you see like 1.
To be honest, the expensive part of a house isn't the bones.

It's everything else. Waiting plumbing appliances shingles roofing insulation concrete etc. looks like this house has some (possibly rotting) bones but none of the actual cost causing parts of a house.
It's such a shame because those old early 20th century houses have such good bones.
>have such good bones
ITYM "had" Most of them have been run down and either gutted and completely rebuilt or torn down and replaced.

t. owns a house built in 1904 with rough 2x4 that measure 2" by 4"
Jesus tapdancing Christ you'd have to be certifiably insane to want to move TO Gary Indiana.

You'd sink $30,000 into fixing that shithole up, but you'd still be in Gary Indiana.
It's not worth it.
You'd never recover your investment.
Presuming you'd even be able to get work done without the meth-fiends breaking into the house and tearing it apart every time you aren't there to monitor it... with a shotgun.

Cheap houses are cheap for a reason, they're money pits in bad locations.
Basic tools, A few power tools, some pex plumbing supplies, brush cutter, Mossberg 500, 00 buck shells, Lots of cleaning supplies, plywood, 2x4 stud, 2 packs of shingles and roofing nails. Then just bring in appliances and beds.
All in all can be done pretty cheap, as long as they didn't rip out all the electrical wire and take the whole breaker box.
Gary, IN

$20,000 to $50,000 depending on what livable means to you.
>100k minimum for an actual house with good community, store nearby and actually in good condition with no gotchas or backtaxes
i fucking wish i could get that for 100k
They are all over the midwest anon. Rural to semi rural areas. You just have to look hard.
A lot of small towns are meth city, but just as many others are "gods country" where they are filled to the brim with rich white religious folk.
Whether you are a christcuck or a fedoratipper, those are the people you actually want to live near.
>Moving to real life Carcer City from the Manhunt series

Op belongs in the loony bin or something.
Cash did nothing wrong
>rich white religious folk.
Who are going to sell their house for 100k ?
You have to understand how these towns work
>towns founded early 1900s, farmers work the land outside of town
>1950s come along, a single factory shows up, towns build outwards making new neighborhoods
>2000s come along, kids sell the farm, buy new cookie cutter houses right outside of town
There is still a factory or a processing plant or a food manufacturing plant in these towns.
There are still farmers who work the land.
This creates a backbone, and a need for an ecosystem of smaller companies exist.
You still have to have cops, doctors, plumbers, supply stores, insurance agents, everything you need. And it all resides in these towns of 15k people.
You can find work, you can find low cost of living. You can even create a small business and have a fighting chance.

There are 120 year old houses in the "old neighborhoods" which go for 100-150 all day long.
There are 1950s houses that go for 2-250 all day long.
There are cookie cutter new gated subdivisions right outside of town selling 500k houses (the size and build which would cost well over a million if it were in Chicago or St Louis or Indianapolis)

Living in the old "poor" part of these towns is exponentially safer than living anywhere urban for the same money.
Remember its a white small town, there is a large amount of upper middle class whites. The schools, the community center, the stores, the police, the doctors, the everything caters to that.

Dont get me wrong, tons of small towns died in the 70s or 80s when the plants shut down.
But all the hardworking folk just up and moved a couple towns over. Thats how you have ultra poor meth dick town, drive 40 minutes north and its quintessential small town white living.

You just have to search and find the hub towns 3-4 hours outside of big cities. Youll find 10 dead towns to every 1 decent one.
Also I should say these are todays prices.
I bought my first house in this town for ~75k in 2015. Just looked, its current estimated price on Zillow is 110k.
Yeah, it fucking sucks a small starter house has doubled in price and is over 100k, but it SURE beats renting or living amongst minorities and crime.

NEET and think you cant do it?
This is what I did to escape neetdom. I just happened to live an hour away, itll work just as well if you are in a different state.

Get a remote job (they will say which states you can and cant work from). Its 2024, there are tons of remote jobs out there paying $15-20 an hour to do customer service or sell shit.
I worked for Verizon remote for a few years making 18 bucks an hour, dealing with customers that the pajeets were too retarded to help. You just follow prompts on their software to fix shit.
Find a town or area you want to move to and join the local credit union. Get their credit card, call and talk to their loan officer asking them what THEY specifically require to get a home loan.
Work your ass off, save up down payment money, build some credit, find a house.
Pull the trigger and move. You have nothing really holding you back since you can just keep working your remote job wherever.

Youll be out of whatever god forsaken place you live in before you know it. And lord knows its a fucking dump if you are considering moving to gary fucking indiana.

I believe in you anons.
I empathize with OP, when I was long term NEET I convinced myself that a *tinyhouse* or living in an RV for the rest of my life was a good idea. You fall so far down a rabbit hole these stupid ideas seem feasible.
interested, have you paid your house off since?
I sold the house early, took the equity and used it as down payment on a nicer one.
I couldnt deal with the unheated detached garage any longer.
>2 bed 1 bath 1200sq ft ranch house on slab, detached garage
With a 20% initial downpayment and 5 years of mortgage payments, I walked away with almost $40k after fees and inspections and realtor shit.

That money was used as down payment on my current house. 3 bed 2 bath 1500sq ft split level with a climate controlled two stall attached garage.
I dont see myself moving anytime soon.
It's probably not worth a single dollar in in renovation. It'll have to be torn down very soon and all renovations will be wasted.
3x MG42's
80ft Razor wire
honestly if you dont mind living there
buy it
live in a rv or van
or cuckshed
the city will leave you alone
until you fix house
could take 5 years
just get aplumber and fix the bathroom right away
i-i-i-i'll just have my standard-issue /k/ firearm with me, anon. t-t-t-they can't hurt me if there's a bullet in them!
There arent enough bullets in the world to solve N
Give this non profit a call
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I do not think this is a good idea.
>Tiny libraries good.
>>Educated, well read, extra income
As nigger repellent?
one of them will casually throw all the books out onto the lawn just to laugh like chimps and then on the return trip riding a bike it stole will wonder who did dat because it already forgot
mexican here
on the subject of nigger repelents

anything with fucking jesus will fucking drive them away
i mean they wont fuck with you if you have afuckton of jesus shit and croses and shit
a fucking black pasture comes over lol

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