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This is not a female hate thread. Women are soft and smell good.

However, how the heck does anyone do diy with them?
Are there any tips as every decision seems to be a clusterbomb of disaster.

Is it their female nature or has tiktok renovating IKEA furniture into a bead covered bookcase rotted their brains?

How the hell do these YouTuber couples not kill each other?
The issue is treating women like equals instead of partners with their own separate strengths and weaknesses.
The best relationships I've seen are the ones where each spouse has an agreed-upon role they fill and they don't cross into each other's lanes.
Typically, but not always that means women dream up the initial ideas and design while the husband stays out of the way and then she keeps her mouth shut and trusts her husband's decisions when it comes to translating that design into reality.

It's when these couples start second-guessing each other's decisions or making decisions on behalf of the other or trying to make every decision as a team that problems happen. The true teamwork is each individual filling their role and the other trusting their spouse's decisions within that role.
Make her agree to everything before you start work otherwise she'll start bitching about nonsense while you're working.

Give her something that's to her strength like gardening
This is a Do It Yourself board

Do it with a partner is over there ->

This video disgusted me. How fucking helpless can a tech tubing chick be? Hate watch with me frens
Joel has a weird vibe around women.
99% of the video thumbnails for that channel are coombait.
Yes, it works best when partners are like interlocked puzzle pieces instead of two index cards overlapping each other.
There are a few talents women have that men don't want to do themselves unless no woman is around.
Yarp, that’s the truth right there.

My wife likes to design stuff. She’s pretty good at it too, uses AutoCAD and whatnot to design cabinets, tables, etc. I’m the one who reviews the designs to make sure there’s no real issues, then cuts and assembles the pieces.

I don’t really like playing with design software, but it’s fantastic to have. She’s mapped the whole house in AutoCAD so she can design stuff that always fits, so there’s never an argument about “is this too wide/tall/etc?” Sometimes I insist on changes to make sure the thing she’s designed is sturdy, but she’s good at listening when I say stuff like “can we add a brace to make this stronger?”

To all the Dudes on /diy/, your partner has strengths too. She may know how to do things you don’t, or be inclined to do jobs you don’t like.
I would rather clean and cook myself than listen to another woman nag all day long again
I watched some Women YouTube channel where she designed a wooden kitchen from logs or something.
In reality the dude did it all but because she tidied up and helped out she genuinely thought she did it.

Wish I could find the video tho the kitchen looked good. A window seat or something.

P.s Women are biologically irrational. They literally can't help it. You just have to not say anything, wait til they get bored then finish the job the way you wanted.
Nothing shuts a woman up like when she actually has to try and do the work.
She will complain her hands are sore and give up.
Be quiet until then to avoid arguments
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Women are fed this garbage non stop. They get nesting feelings and jealousy/herding feelings when they see other women doing something
Good luck having breakfast with so much shit on the table.

It's like a bed that has eight pillows on it. You have to move stuff out of the way before you can use it for the basic function.
You just lower your expectations.

I've tried to do diy with my wife but she is so inept at anything involving spatial awareness that any diy activity we get into turns into me just sort of observing with amusement. No matter how many times I explain the difference between a drill and a driver, no matter how many times I explain why I need so many saws, nothing ever really gets through. She even claims to want to do projects, and she's even started some of her own, but every time just ends with me fixing her mistakes and/or completely taking over her project. I think part of it is just the fact that female brains tend to view 3d space differently, but another big difference is that whereas she sometimes has to use tools, I enjoy using tools.
Anyway, I love her for othe reasons so it's all good. She did give me a son after all.
the german lesbian has a nice DIY channel
she recently had a mental breakdown tho
>>Make her agree
lmao even
Agreed with some different specifics to her.
But how do you deal with the fall out when you actually fix her shit and she gets pissed at you for this as "you know better" but in a bad way implied, despite you knowing better
NTA, but you can't really make a woman happy unless she wants to be. Absolutely do not argue or fight with her when things get heated. If she is contentious, then avoid her. Do not take it personally when she gets pissy and takes it out on you. Understand that she has a completely different role in life and with that comes a different set of struggles. She experiences life much differently than you and her pains in general are much greater because she was not made to conquer the world like we were. She was made to be our helper and provide us with children. The first story of the Bible handles this exact issue and spells it out for us. I think these issues are typical between man and wife, yet time and experience will naturally temper them. It is always eye-opening for a woman to see how good she actually has it with you when she can see how badly her friends, or others, have it with their man. That kind of thing just takes time, imo, and that's why it's important not to stir the pot even when she is getting out of line. She never remembers what you did, only how you made her feel. I am certainly no expert, but I have had my own experiences. It does not help that our over-arching culture is currently anti-family and pitting us against each other. Just got to keep trucking along, take care of yourself, don't be a pussy and remember that you aren't alone.

P.S. I don't do any kind of important DIY with my wife. I do it by myself or I get a friend to help while she takes care of the kids. Non-vital projects are fine and can be fun if I take it easy and lower my expectations. She does like to do things that I will hate to do, which I appreciate.
Sounds like the college chick with a 5 star tiny cabin in Alaska plus all her aesthetic B roll.

>don't argue
>pander to them emotionally as if they were a child
many such cases
She is moving to California at the same time, coincidence?
Sorry we broke your lezzie germanons.
Honestly, this is how my wife and I do it.
>One of us wants to change something (Normlly me)
>Bounce ideas off each other until we both agree (like picking colors)
>I do everything with only a little help as needed from my wife
>The project is finished and it looks great because I'm a perfectionist
>We have hot sex
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> She never remembers what you did, only how you made her feel.
Potentially the truest post in the websites history
Mommy issues
this is such a shit thing to deal with, but youre making excuses for shit women. you do not have to settle for these types of women. yes, there are a lot of them, but heres a whitepill: there are plenty of good ones, who never argue, who never get moody, who never act passive aggressive, and who love you unconditionally and who make an effort to make you feel like youre important to them. i truly feel sorry for people who get stuck in relationships with bad tempered women, especially those who have to try and make excuses like this to convince themselves they made the right choice by staying and/or having kids with them. but if youre in a relationship with a girl and you havent had kids yet, and she has one of these flaws, dump her fast. there IS someone better out there for you.
>It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house.
>Proverbs 21:9
They all get emotional over retarded shit, but your woman has to respect you enough to not take it out on you.

similar thing. "WE welded and fitted this and WE added this and that" and it only shows him doing any work
>They all get emotional over retarded shit
nope, not all. you gotta stop thinking all women are like this. theyre not. there are plenty of women out there who dont act like that at all. its just a matter of maturity.
Tried to teach my wife how to weld

Got too hot, sunburnt her chest never did it again

Tried to teach my wife basic turning on the lathe, didn’t want to think through order of operations and didn’t understand what all the cutters where for never touched it

Taught my wife how to slice an stl off Thingiverse

She did a few things, but when she failed to print something upright that required a rotation she couldn’t figure it out or did want to figure it out

She works an office job, when I alt tabbed something, ctrl x’d it the. Ctrl shift v’d something and alt tabbed back into her thing she thought I was a wizard

Women genuinely have life in easy mode
>She works an office job, when I alt tabbed something, ctrl x’d it the. Ctrl shift v’d something and alt tabbed back into her thing she thought I was a wizard

right in the feels, bro
your wife (if she even exists, i doubt it) sounds like a moron
also since youre a namefag youve been added to my filter, thankfully i wont see your reply
DIY is probably only a step or two above /b /pol /r9k when it comes to advice about women
that's the spirit, let someone else do your woman then
Here's the trick
Shut up. Yes. Shut up
Then let her do it
Either she will
A. Fuck it up and will want you to fix it
B. Realize how hard all the stuff you do is and she thinks is easy from Youtube and she will want to give up and go fuck about

In either case you finish the job and she learns respect for how superior you are.
But you cannot prove this to her beforehand
>tfw we get threads about how to /diy/ artifcial wombs and asexual reproduction
In all honesty, I can see it possibly happening with the way society is headed.
Are we making life too easy for women? Is that why they look at what we do as easy and we’re stupid if we run into issues we need to solve?
This. There's also the trick of complying with the request. My wife didn't learn good jobs take time until after I delivered a quick-n-dirty result when she thought it should be done. She's let me be ever since.
Agreed just wait and then you will see her getting tired
Her hands will hurt from never having to use them.
She won't have the stamina or mental strength to do repetitive stuff. It's a novelty. Save yourself the argument and just wait
Tomboy chicks are the best.
I feel sorry for your children, they're going to end up being cucked incels after seeing their dad getting walked over every day with zero fight in him.
no only china would allow stuff like that. the west is very sensitive towards things like this which is why cloning technology is not more public despite being pulled off decades ago
Now, now, anon, that isn't the /diy/ spirit.
Just find a tranny instead. That way you can do /diy/ things together and also never have to worry about getting her pregnant. It's win/win.
women ruin everything
You only complain about publicized women because the good ones generally stay off the internet and are too busy /diy/ing IRL. My maternal grandmother is a homesteader who was an equal partner in starting a farm, building a log cabin, and raising four children out of a tent in the forest of Northern Ontario. My mother got scolded for accidentally dropping crayons through the floor joists in the single room second (mostly incomplete) floor onto the wood stove. That same wood stove cooked 100 acres worth of maple sap into a steady supply of free, real, maple syrup that I got to grow up with on my pancakes.

Practically skilled and resilient women exist in an excellence that will be rewarded in the Kingdom of God long before /diy/ ever sees it.
and on the off chance you married a woman that wasn't a fucking retard there's
C. she'll actually do it better than you could
Your woman should enjoy crochet or knitting as well as whatever art or things. The thing about diy hobbies is there's a lot of cross-skill and thinking. The more hobbies somebody learns the more hobbies they can get gud at.

She should do a hobby she enjoys.
>To all the Dudes on /diy/, your partner has strengths too. She may know how to do things you don’t, or be inclined to do jobs you don’t like.
Lucky, my wife is a miserable bitch who never learns her strengths and tries too hard on what's she weak at. Fails everytime and then has me come into save the day.
She used to not be like but has progressively gotten worse. Ironically, I've gotten /fit/ and it has made her more insecure because she sees all of the chicks eye fucking me.
I hope that her chest x-ray this Friday reveals her cancer came back so I can finally be rid of her without a divorce.
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I have learned to respect a woman and her ability to /diy/ to the best of her ability. I come from a poor family composed primarily of women, some of whom got together with shit men/husbands who died early so not a lot of men in the picture to help them with such things. As a result they learned to "fix" things that work for them. My grandma, godless her was the best at just rigging shit and trying to install things you would never think about letting a 60 year old woman do. Stuff like flooring/gazebos/patios, drywall too. Absolutely riddled with mistakes that would make the family chuckle but pride themselves in because "they've been there". It has to do with the fact that men don't really teach women men stuff like how to use tools. They don't design tools with women in mind either so sometimes they don't even have the strength to use them in the first place.
It only happens when they get older and stop caring about their beauty so much. My cousins for instance are absolutely useless, they can't lift a screwdriver or do basic shit like jump a car. They're young and out of college, yet they have no wisdom and no real motive to do stuff like that themselves.
>men design thr tools wrong
Fuck you fuck your useless family. Yes a hundred year ago you could get a real farm woman that could carry a two hogs to market under her arms, and she could weave fabric while you plowed a furrow

Now they pretend it's a man's fault for inventing the impact driver like it's an impediment somehow
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Not what I said, learn to read.

>Now they pretend it's a man's fault for inventing the impact driver like it's an impediment somehow
They don't even know what that is, you're projecting two subversion steps ahead. Don't do this, don't give them ideas.
Since about 2012. Been married over 8 years. Some days are better than others.
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>However, how the heck does anyone do diy with them?
they cute
i hope it has a penis that'd be hotter
you obviously never renovated a house or built anything together with a woman.
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Some women are good at it
Some women aren't
Kek brutal
It's not just women. Most kids teens to early 20s have a poor mechanical aptitude and are emotionally flaccid. I can hear drill bits jumping just thinking about them trying to work. They always choke up 2/3 of the way on their fucking hammers.
man, we are talking about women here
the idea that you're even considering functionality means youre already outside the bounds

ha, i was just about to bring up the pillow thing up myself. that trend sure as shit wasnt invented by a man
Did mofern kids not learn the word "woman" what's the deal with using "female" instead?
woman has sort of become a slur (because of the things women do)
I've noticed that.just this year. Sad

Maybe I should start calling them daughters of eve
When I see someone write "female" in place of the word woman I assume they are a rapist
You are an moron.
Dude, I'd just about kill for a wife that actually uses her brain and does cool shit. Instead, all I see are women who wanna talk about what they saw on TV and about the conversations they had an hour ago.
I'd rather be alone over inviting cultivated mental illness into my life.
That's when it stops being diy with a female.
Only in the eyes of tranny enablers.
Women assumes they have worked their way up, perfected their skills. Whereas female, anyone born a female can be a female. A child, an adult. It requires zero skill. And since many exercise zero desire to be a woman, and are merely females, it is more correct to call them females.
You are an abject moron
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>teeheehee im just a wholesome farm gal
>dresses like a whore with her tits almost out
these simpshit style videos feel dirtier than watching hardcore anal prolapse porn to me
Jesus dude, just get a divorce..

Your partner should make you stronger, if they make you weaker it's fuckin WAY worse than a fuckin divorce
Lol pathetic
>Fat chick half max half jew
ffs brother, have some respect for yourself
I keep matching with Mexican girls and their vaginas gross me out man

They’re not pink and pale like normal white girls

The labia minora is like this weird brown color, that matches the labia majors, the clit holds are also a brown tone

But rather than being pink it’s a dark red

So it looks like a wound

And you know how white pussy smells and tastes kinda like nothing

Well Mexican girls have an odor, that I can only describe as “sex odor” and a strong milky penny/copper taste

Like Mexican girls vagina tastes like you’re sucking on Pennies

And their hair is nasty and curly at heir temples and their forehead area

Rather than soft and full like a gorgeous blonde girl

Mexican girls also sound trashy when you have sex with them it’s so gross

“Ah shit, ah fuck, oh fuck, papi, oh shit”

Rather than white girls that have that soft moan and nice soft feminine exhales
There for a while facespace was pushing these ai generated pages of "single farm gals looking for a good man" they all had gigantic milkers and the tractors in the background were missing the front wheels and other weird shit like that. Of course there were thousands of comments from thirsty indians telling them they were beautiful and other ridiculous things. I got a good hearty kek out of it...
I'm just as racist as the next guy, but you sound like a complete piece of shit person to be around, in every single regard.
It's a step toward reality. Most people have detestable personalities or lifestyles. It's checking a lot of boxes if there's anything genuine there.
The tripfags are full on attention searching tripfags. You're effective in purging the tolerant buyfags that frequent these boards, so I'm willing to overlook your many flaws.
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>It's a step toward reality
i see it as the opposite. from the little ive watched of these smut tapes, its obvious the girls were genuinely farm raised, but have succumbed to the temptations of the satanic judostate. they werent whores that learned to shift a fuller 13 speed for coombait. i have to believe they stared out as reasonably innocent people. the corruption power of the kike system presented them with the illusion that imaginary internet likes and points are actual accomplishments. vanity will always be a sin and those that push it are maliciously attacking everything that's good in life
denounce the talmud
hate the antichrist
I will heed your warning of the star of six points and its message.

I once remodeled a home and the family moved after they saw a opossum walk through their front yard.
opossums are based creatures
>eat tons of bugs
>dont spead any diseases
>autistic as fuck acting
Marry the one with only sisters who's dad treated her like the son.
Make sure shes higher IQ than this guys wife.
All women are on a spectrum. They are all driven to irrationality. The good ones were trained to handle it differently, but negative female tendencies will still pop up, especially when they are stressed and/or in the middle of peak reproductive phases (puberty, ovulation, period, menopausal, etc.). They will all challenge you regardless of whether or not you think they're "good". The key is how you handle the shit tests in conjunction with the value that you bring to your relationship with her.

You probably don't have any kids and if you do, they're probably exactly what you are accusing me of. Only a cuck if I act like one. You think I'm going to be a cuck because I do not resort to arguments and fights? You think I'm a cuck because I create distance when she is emotionally compromised? No. This is just wise practice. There is a big difference between exercising authority and taking the bait.
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I'm building an offroad RV so I've gotten very autistically interested in vanlife videos recently and it's almost exclusively couples where the women does all the filming and social media stuff, takes credit for "us" doing all this work, then just shows her man making every part of it while she occasionally paints a door or something. very annoying. anyway this is my RV so far
It’s more about learning how to communicate then the mechanical elements of putting something together.
That’s pretty cool
My man wants to keep the house, wouldn't be surprised if he puts uranium in her pillow
LOL nigger you crazy!
Based boomer
Ah yes, RV dude. Hows the project going? 7.3 powerstroke and a zf 6 speed transmission right?
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oh sweet, you guys remember my RV? it's coming along, I'm still in school so I just finished up another week long trip working on it, but my wife and my one friend came along so I got way less work done than anticipated. I'd ordered a bunch of transmission rebuild parts and tools and got the whole thing torn down last week alongside getting the steering column rebuilt and hooked up in the van, so it's now a rolling, steering shell again. found a few problems inside the transmission, most notably this low gear with a few chips on it, so it didn't get put back together last week since I've got some more parts to order. I'm excited for my next trip since I'll be putting the transmission back together and mounting the whole drivetrain in the van which is a huge step. once it's mounted I can have driveshafts built and I can work on getting all the different systems running so it can be mobile.
does anyone happen to know if you can reuse a clutch that's got grooves in it? I'm gonna have my flywheel and pressure plate resurfaced, but my clutch has ~1.6mm of material left and the lower spec is 0.3mm. I believe new they have 2mm, so it's in decent shape. don't want to drop $700 on a clutch kit if I can avoid it.
>reuse a clutch
happens every day
check to see if you have the updated clutch fork and get one if it doesnt. the early version was weak and bent so the clutch will barely disengage. its only about a $50 part from the stealership
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I'm happy to reuse one in good condition, especially since this one is an LuK clutch which seems to have been replaced not too long ago. I'm just concerned about the scoring present on the surface. I think it's heavy enough to warrant resurfacing the flywheel, so I'm wondering if it would negatively impact engagement of the clutch itself. Pic related is the surface finish - It's handy filming everything lol. my RV build folder is apparently 1.48 TB with 1,037 files
that disc looks fine even with the scratch. hot/cooked/glazed/busted springs are the only things i care about if reusing a disc
imagine not getting an autistic wife that's even more rigorous at engineering than you
Grooves are just extra surface area
She cornshits every day, nothing sexy about it.
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imagine the smell
DOne many german trannys-- that's got 15k on it, just replace, please.
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did some research into stock clutch thicknesses. still can't find anyone that's actually measured one, but here's a sample photo of a brand new clutch from the same manufacturer. to be honest, mine looks almost new to me. this is maybe reaffirmed by the fact that my input shaft was basically untouched, and there was what seemed like fresh grease on the needle bearing (which apparently always wear out and are broken on most trucks). I think between all that I'll just put it back together and see how long it takes to fail

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