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Why the fuck are these fuckers so expensive?
>water filter
>Is plastic for more pfas
>difficult to replace
>lowers pressure
>needs 7 different kinds to work right
$9000.99 plus tip
>car oil filter
>made of metal
>easy to replace
>never leaks
>never explodes
Like seriously. I know they have different filtering media. But why the fuck is there such a disparity.
>keep that polluting car running goyim
>enjoy your fluoride and chlorine
Fuck this gay planet. Just give me a stainless cartridge to load a recyclable filter into do I don't have to taste trash water with fecal matter in it! Make it seal like an oil filter so it doesn't leak.

Is it that fucking hard!?
if even the chink can't make it cheaper than it's just the way it's
just buy a water distiller and remineralize the water
I've thought of this. Time consuming and energy consuming.
can't put a price on clean water mate
You for real conflating a water filter thats remove microscopic particles with a piece of perforated paper in a metal can? It’s expensive so you don’t buy it, if you’re not poor buy one and be quiet about it. If you’re not dumb, figure out how to DIY with a bucket of sand otherwise fuck off.
Nice reading comprehension bro
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Comprehension is there friend, maybe you can follow. OP wants a specific product from the market. The product described exists and is available within OP’s fantastic price range. OP clearly has access to the internet yet chooses to create a thread on /diy rather than do anything useful.
>OP is a fag.
You can get metal housing ones:
that’s just a random one I pulled from google, no clue if it’s good, but they do exist. I got mine ages ago and don’t remember where I got it from. You can’t escape some plastic though as the filters themselves often have plastic endcaps, the systems generally use plastic tubing, etc, but you can minimize it. They’re not all that much money for drinking water, like $200-300 initially if you do the install yourself then like $50-100 a year in filters depending on how many stages you get. The water pressure thing is real, takes forever to fill a bottle from one of these. Never had any leaks or explosions from mine though and had it for 7 years now, maybe don’t install it like a retard? I did change the 1 gallon tank that came with it to a 5 gallon tank and pumped a bit of air into it, that helped with pressure a bit but it’s still nothing compared to a proper water supply. Definitely my main gripe. but this gives me water with 0 tds whereas my tap water has about 460ppm, which is close to the epa limit, so it’s doing it’s job
A) You're being gay, and so is OP

B) There is stabilized plastic, like PEX, and then there is unstabilized cheap consumer plastic. RO systems used stabilized plastic and nylon. Where the bonds are cross-linked, so you do not get that 'leaky plastic' issue.

C) Standard 10" filter housings will get you the cheapest cost from a variety of sources. 1 micron sediment pre-filter for very fine clay, to 5 micron for more typical use. To graduated ones that have an increasing density towards the center.

Carbon block filters. Again, in a quantity, will last years, and give you regular new ones for a very economical few dollars per month. Carbon for taste, and to neutralize organics.

D) You don't show a membrane. Membrane for reverse osmosis. A high volume high rejection membrane, will produce very high quality water with low reject ratios.

E) Don't be gay - no tank. And use a pressurization pump. Increases your membrane output and purity. Lack of back-pressure on the membrane, means less contaminants. Tanks also grow shit in them.

F) Finally, polish with a DI cartridge if you really want to remove every last little thing.
automotive oil filters only have to deal with 3-6 quarts of oil for their entire working life

water filters constantly filter new water

they really aren't comparable
do you drink oil ?
Desktop stills are cheap and use less power than your toaster. If you need clean water just get one of those.
Common oil flow from an oil pump is about 10 gpm
That's 2200 lt of oil every hour of operation.
Assuming that you do all your trips at 100km/h, therefore you change your oil in 100 hours which means 10000 km.
In 100 hours of operation, your filter has filtered 22000 lt of hot oil.
A 2500€ atlas filter says it has 1 year usage or 4000 litres, whichever comes first.
I just change it once every two years (when I get it inspected ie one year after the inspection expires) and that seems to do fine. My car is nearly 20 years old now and still runs great.
Jews. Literally.
Ever think there might be a particulate count difference between the same 4-6 quarts of oil being filtered over and over in a closed system, vs filtering constantly new city/well water with varying degrees of hardness?
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>Fuck this gay planet. Just give me a stainless cartridge to load a recyclable filter into do I don't have to taste trash water with fecal matter

No Reverse flow filters in the US? Regular filters need to be changed every 6 months and are not allowed to be cleaned, so you use pic rel and every 2 monts you open the bottom valve and it reverses the flow and flushes the filter media and the debree into the drain.

these filters are only to stop sand or rust particles from damaging valves or rust particles causing pinhole leaks in copper pipes.
they cant filter flouride or chemicals (we do not have them anyways)

pic rel is from american honeywell company produced in germany, costs 300€ full brass version 400€
The founding fathers did it was red coat scalps.
>Make it seal like an oil filter
hmm oil filter the standards on those are decent handles high pressure.
read the thread.
Is there anything Honeywell does not produce?
Oil filters only go down to like 25 micron, all that would do for tap water is catch shit flaking off the mains pipes. That's not even enough to stop bacteria, let alone viruses or other shit you actually want filtered. You can also get a full, industrial grade, reverse osmosis setup for like $2-3k, the shit in your pic is like $500 max.
I use a still, you're right in the criticism of it but I'm happy with how I'm using it. I chucked it onto my felt flat roof garage and send it down about 4m of 15mm copper pipe to a collection vessel. The vessel is in a cool place and so the pressure difference when under overcast light is enough to send the water across, albeit slowly. It more than keeps up with demand for drinking water though and doesn't need gas to heat it, silent too obviously. I used to have an RO machine but filters need replacing and then yeah, you're just filtering out all the plastic shit and pfas just to put it straight back in, it's ultimately pointless.

I'm sure you could take my idea and just put it in the attic eaves and run an auto float to it and it would work just the same.
They *do* make it cheaper, but the white man fired everyone in the north america, shipped all the equipment over to china, relies on government subsidies to ship everything back, sells it to you at the same or higher price than when it was made in USA and pockets the difference.
Oh, they have to put “made in usa with global materials” or “designed in usa” to make it seem like there is any benefit to usa citizens.
They're cheap AF wtf
Not trying to be snarky, but you really need to find your nearest college and enroll for one class of Economics.
Yeah this has nothing to do with cost of production. Its standard corporate greed. They used the excuse "we can't stay in business unless we move factories to China" then they jacked up the price anyway. We are getting screwed by corporations and since congress basically works for them now, it will not get better.
>just buy a water distiller
Distilling water doesn't do jack shit. Try mixing water with gasoline and distilling it. The gasoline will still be in the final product and you won't drink it.
That graph is rarely true in capitalism, humans are too smart for that.
Man youre stupid.
You think I'm wrong? Go ahead post a youtube video then. You better drink that gasoline water afterwards
>adsorbent filter with um pore size is more expensive than mechanical filter with mm pores
You're comparing apples with oranges. If you've ever done an oil change, think about how dark the old oil is compared to the new. That's because the filter only removes particles large enough to harm the engine. Filters for drinking water are meant to remove much smaller solids, and the "filters" you're talking about are also meant to remove chemicals.

You might want to learn how distlling works. Separating gasoline and water is extremely easy. Even if you're to retarded to see that it separates into different phases or were stupid enough to add enough soap to get it to actualy mix, if you cut the heads at <100°C and the tails at >100°C, you end up with clean water.
>if you cut the heads at <100°C and the tails at >100°C, you end up with clean water.
In theory yes. Reality is not so simple. Gasoline includes a huge mixture of compounds, some boil less than 100C, some boil at more than 100C, and some boil at exactly 100C. Plus, when distilling, stuff doesn't just boil according to boiling point. When you boil a liquid other liquids will get vaporized even if it has a different boiling point. Look up steam distillation for how essential oils get distilled together with water (intentionally).
When you purify alcohol, you can't perfectly separate alcohol from water. You can separate most of it, but you can't get 100% alcohol from distillation. You also can't get 100% water from distillation.
Even a super tiny amount of gasoline will make the water taste like shit and also give you cancer.
Distillation is useless for removing anything except for dissolved solids. For organic matter, smells, etc. it doesn't remove 100%. It kills bacteria and gets rid of inorganic Lead, Mercury etc. in the water. It can also remove salt from sea water. But not useful for anything else.
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since so far no one replied to my post
Are back flush filters really unknown in residental houses in the us?
i cant believe that since even honeywell makes some.
heres the translated fuction of pic rel

The pressure of the filtered clean water is used for backwashing. Turning the
backwash handwheel to the right as far as it will go does several things:

● Scraper brushes remove foreign particles from the filter element on the raw water side.
filter element.

● A suction nozzle opens the channel outlet on the underside of the filter in the direction of the
towards the rinsing water connection.

● The pressure of the clean water is greater than atmospheric pressure.

● This differential pressure causes some of the clean water to flow through the filter
filter elements in the area of the hollow scraper brushes into the suction nozzle.

● This part of the clean water is used as rinsing water.

● The rinsing water rinses the dissolved foreign particles through the suction nozzle.

● The rinsing water leaves the filter with the foreign particles via the suction nozzle
through the duct outlet in the direction of the rinsing water connection.

Turning the backwash handwheel to the left as far as it will go closes the duct outlet
and ends the backwash

finest filter aviable is 50 µm stainless steel mesh you never have to replace in 30 years if you flush it every 2 months.
Filters aren't common for residential users. Commercial users often have a filter buult.intk their regulator but it just comes from the factory like that and no one ever changes them

Whole house sediment filters exist but they're disposable filter cartridges in usually plastic housing. These aren't very common unless younhave well water
>Separating gasoline and water is extremely easy
ur tarded. Azeotropes make this a much more complicated problem. Additionally, there are a mixture of compounds in most gasoline that distill over right around the same temperature as water, which means that running it through a simple pot still won't remove them.

It's the same reason why putting cheap mouthwash in a pot still doesn't give you moonshine.
ah makes sense, here a sediment filter at the house entry is required by code.

if you have copper lines a few iron/rust particles from the main line can cause pinhole leaks,
and the new fancy mixing faucets dont like patricles either.

so you can choose between a cheap disposable filter you either never replace or if richfag have a mainaince contract with a plumbing company, or a back wash filter.
now i go in the basement and back flush it since i havent in a few months.
Actually I take it back. Residential regulators do sometimes have a filter. Indont think all states require them.but CA does.

The right cap on the bottom of the pic has a mesh strainer in it

They have all sorts of filters like that at the hardware store, and they don't cost anywhere close to that.

Opps. Didn't mean to quote that waterfilterstore link, but it's another example of how these filters don't cost what OP says.
dildos propably
>remove microscopic particles
More like adds them. Have you not seen these things? They're MADE of plastic, so it's going to do its reverse osmosis filter... into a plastic tube and plastic pipe adding plastic to your water all over again.
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I noticed these brown flakes in my upper chamber since today, been using this filter for 2 months. what is this? mineral buildup or something else. looks like brown flakes?

i put new water in it once every day.
A majority of the microplastics in your body come from car tires. If you’re so concerned immediately drain the filtered water into a glass tank.
ufw live next to a busy road
The fuck?

Is this an inline system? Mine costs $30 every four months to maintain

I can build this using parts at menards for $300
Where the fuck are you buying them from that it costs so much? I just bought 2 generic ones of amazon for £20 each plus about another £30 for a finer filter and some brass hardware. Less than £80 all in.
are you telling me you didn't design and build your own R.O. plant?
I eventually want to make something like this, but maybe less automated just for filling up a tank of potable water. Something I can take with me after I sardine my apartment.
based retard
>he fell for the berkey maymay
sorry you spent $400 on charcoal filters, hey maybe do the red food coloring test to make yourself feel like it's doing more than it actually is!

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