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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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What can you do with it? You don't just pour liquid gold down the drain, right?

You can save the drippings for making soap, candles, skincare products, leather conditioner, a general lubricant and of course for cooking (Checkers fries are made in beef tallow).

>How do I collect beef tallow?
You can use the drippings from cheaper fatty ground beef poured into a small pan
filled with cold water and let it sit overnight to congeal. Some are able to get chunks from their local butcher. Other methods welcome

Any other anons here tallowpilled?
If it's yellow let it mellow.
Wtf why would you throw it away? This shit is almost impossible to find in stores.
Use it to make french fries and other fried things. Add a scoop to whatever you are cooking. Make spaghetti taste like 0w0
Can I use tallow as a leather conditioner? I thought that was lamb fat.
It's impossible to find this in stores nowadays. They have replaced it with some modern faggy thing, they call "balsam"
>Can I use tallow as a leather conditioner?
Yes, but it'll stink unless you clear it first, and as it starts softening at temperatures below body heat, it'll leave stains everywhere if you use it on clothing.
>unless you clear it first
How do I clear it?
>What can you do with it?
You can stink up the house real nice
Based OP. The only tallow you can find online is from grass feed beef and it has that ghee smell that makes my wife gag. I don't mind it but she much prefers corn fed cows which don't have that stink.
When we make out briskets, we trim off the fat, grind it up, render it, and remove the tasty beef bits. We add in a little Lawry's salt, sugar, and a bit of pepper. Makes a delicious garnish.
I know this is DIY but beef tallow is so tasty I don't think I could use it for anything but cooking.
I regularly use beef tallow as my base cooking oil. Otherwise I use olive oil or sesame oil depending on the style of cooking.
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Afternoon tallow bros. Been experimenting with tallow dipped roasts lately.
>be british east india army
>use tallow coated gunpowder packages

>switch to lard due to minor issue with locals
Fucking gross
>ground beef
Just buy a brisket with the point on and harvest the fat when you separate the pieces of meat. I usually get ~1/2 gallon per brisket
> lawrys
post hands.

Just tell the local grocery store butcher in advance. Otherwise they throw it in a bucket and sell it to companies that turn it into cremes etc.

It's steak fat trimmings.
Im going to smoke a packer brisket this week. Ive always kept the fat trimmings in the fridge till they went bad.
Whats the best way to actually render it?
not him but I cut it into slices or dice or mince it then put it on a baking tray and put it in the oven and then pour the fat into a pan
fuck off to /ck/ you fat piece of retarded shit
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You said yes, but then proceeded to explain why the answer is actually "no".

That is such a retarded cope/troll, that for the benefit of all the others reading this response, besides that NPC, here are some basic realities:

Carbs through insulin make body fat.
There is no mechanism for natural dietary fats (tallow, lard etc. - non-hydrogenated), to turn into body fat.

'Vegetable' oils, the yellowish-tinted stuff in a plastic bottle, was originally industrial fuel and lubricant oil; and cannot be utilized by the body properly. There is a synthetically-created 'round mouth feel' of eating fat, but the body starves. As a result, carb craving increases. It's a bit weird to get your head wrapped around, but that's why you do have dysgenic sub-humans eating tons of processed 'food', made with canola, rape, cottonseed, etc mystery fat -and carbs- and getting obese.

Plus, there's the huge incidence of exposure and ingestion of bromide in almost* all the flour processed on the states. Fluoridation of the water with toxic hydrofluorosilicic acid - a combination of fluoride and heavy metals. Both interfere with insulin regulation and production, thyroid, fertility, and overall endocrine system function.

*King Arthur flour company specifically states on their site, that they do not bromate. I assure you all the Hostess etc goyfood products, are.

It's not just 'sugar' making amerilards obese. It's targeted genetic destruction of a people, as, apart from being completely unappealing slobs, and physically distorted, with thighs that look like shoeboxes shoved in garbage bags, their endocrine systems cannot support pregnancy, and so medical infertility is very common. Miscarriages leave an emotional scar on a couple, which makes it harder to conceive, but should also be a red flag that their endocrine system is too weak for pregnancy.
>Plus, there's the huge incidence of exposure and ingestion of bromide in almost* all the flour processed on the states. Fluoridation of the water with toxic hydrofluorosilicic acid - a combination of fluoride and heavy metals. Both interfere with insulin regulation and production, thyroid, fertility, and overall endocrine system function.
This part I wasn't aware of.
I've always collected bacon grease and used it as a butter replacement in some foods (like eggs or baked potatoes) but I don't know anything about beef fat, and I've wondered a few times. Figured it might just be useless since I never heard of anyone collecting it.

thanks for the info OP, I'll look more into this for myself
You arent aware of it, because its misleading and means nothing in real life.
The bromine in wheat, or any of the treatment chemicals at the water treatment plant are heavily controlled.

Its akin to hearing someone scream about the side effects of cyanide, and then try to convince you apples are dangerous.
Oh friend... You are correct, but you're saying it in SO the wrong place. They should be asking for your vax status shortly.
Involves boiling the fat in water, cooling it down,removing gross water and repeating to desired clarity.

I see tallow everywhere it’s by the other meme oils. Would like to get some for free tho. Do need it for a soap recipe I want to try.
anon go take an iodine supplement for a week and measure how much bromine you excrete
Water with a bit of salt in it. The salt binds a bunch of crap and pulls it out by force. It goes pearly white and lasts forever.
Why have the fluoride level guidelines dropped over time?
You are an idiot and a fool.
I get fat from my local butcher to render for cooking because fuck sneed oils and the flavour is incredible.
Nitrate it with drain cleaner and salt Peter.
It's pretty nice in fleshlights.

Reddit needs you. Stay asleep. Take 3 more boosters.

No, we will be recommending 3 more boosters, as we already know.

Dead-on. IIR, when intake of iodine goes 3x the Japanese average, the excretion of fluoride and bromide increases markedly. It's not supposed to be in the body; both are dangerous halides. Keep that up for a year to completely purge the body and refill iodine levels.

Someone else, a student of Brownstein's work, knocked me on the head, that for ATP, cellular energy, it's necessary to take additional B2 & B3 with the iodine. I've noticed increased energy since then. His suggested level, for both initial and maintenance, is 50mg/day. That is huge: 4x the japanese average. Apparently, exposure to bromide is much higher.

peace to brothers.
enemies must die.
Hydrolysed the trigryserides with lye, separate glycerine and nitrate it with sulfuric acid and salt peter

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