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Can running AC all week long at like 68 degrees with the doors open cause a coolant or capacitor issue?

I had people redoing stuff in my house and now my AC barely works. It runs all day and cant even get it to 78. it was fine before they were there all week.
Are your coils iced up like crazy?

Would happen to me when I left the door open for the dogs. High humidity made that shit freeze up like crazy. Turn the AC off for a few hours and let it defrost if that’s your issue.
Maybe. What do you mean it barely works? Is all the outside shit running? Is there ice?
I left it off overnight, same deal unfortunately. It's only 6 years old.
Two weeks ago, I had it running regularly at 73 and 74.

Now after the guys were here all week, I turn it to 78 and it fluctuates between 78 and 79 and then when it got to 78 it just runs. It doesn't shut off when it hits 78. Then sometimes itll go back to 79.
Is the outside fan running? Is the compressor running? Are the copper lines hot and cold? Were they working anywhere near the copper lines?
ITT clueless morons that think ac is magic
>High humidity made that shit freeze up like crazy
lack of airflow causes the evaporator to ice up, not high humidity you retarded tripfag. let me guess, you put in a high MERV filter because you thought it would be better. go get a dual port manometer and compare it to the specs for your air handler.

what is superheat and subcooling
>Can running AC all week long at like 68 degrees with the doors open cause a coolant or capacitor issue?
it probably caused really high head pressure, which can create leaks and damage the compressor. yer gonna have to get an hvac tekkie out there to diagnose it.
how's the weather this week compared to last? if its super hot outside, 78 might be the best you can get.
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>yer gonna have to get an hvac tekkie out there to diagnose it.
its not hard to do yourself. you're going to pay some guy $300 to show up, offer to put in more refrigerant at a 1000% markup, randomly say you need to replace the TXV or say your unit cant be repaired (it can) and you have to buy a new one for $15-20k
OP isn't going to calculate sh and sc. Feeling the lines is the easiest way to tell if the compressor is at least trying and you have some charge.
I already called that guy. He charged me 99 and told me they needed to pull the coils or some shit and clean it and it was gonna cost 1400. I said no. He was some autistic like 20 yar old who measured some shit and said something was a little low or something. He barely spoke properly.

I called a more reputable place that's coming out Saturday.
Just a dumb nigger parroting whatever he heard then huh? Humidity has nothing to do with the condensation and freezing of water in the cold side of the pump huh?
the other cause would be low refrigerant or the drain is clogged, but given this is a tripfag on a diy board, he likely thought he was upgrading his system by putting in a filter with a higher merv value.

I'm >>2820353 an actually have a full set of hvac tools you tard

>Humidity has nothing to do with the condensation and freezing of water in the cold side
no, not at all. the evaporator shouldnt be getting cold enough to freeze anything you retard
just change the cap and fix your ac so both these niggers stop posting
What cap
the 35/5uf dual run capacitor in your condensing unit
Okay. I'm not sure how to do that safely or easily but I'll bring it up on Saturday to the guy coming out.
Is the fan in the box outside running? If so then dont worry about the cap, it is only used to start the motor. Why are you even posting here if you dont want to buy tools and /diy/. You might as well be paying another man to fuck your wife for you.
Genius goyim right here. Diagnosed it perfectly from a 4chan post. Definitely was the MERV 11k+ I stuck in there to catch the covid and that’s the only reason she iced up when I let the Florida night swamp humidity collect.
the cap is for the compressor too, bro...
dual caps are for both
what were the guys doing anon? we need to know

the big copper pipe that is insulated should feel like a cold beer when you pull back the insulation

check the filter and see it it's clogged
stop blaming people for random shit that just happens.
Get out of my swamp rabbi
>charged 99$ and still needed to find a better tech
God damn hvacc con artists are wild
>people redoing stuff, doors open to outdoors
Filters possibly if not likely gonna be full of crap and restrict airflow. Check it if not checked already and clean/replace. Don’t go above like a MERV 8 if it’s 1” thick.
How the fuck should we know just guessing?
Go measure the pressures and temps
holy shit you live in florida? explains everything about your meth fueled posts
Assuming your air handler is sized correctly for the square footage of your home, there isn't any problem leaving your door open with the AC running other then being a wasteful faggot. If you walk through downtown Miami, they leave their doors open to blast you with cool air conditioned air as an enticement to come inside. If doing this was a concern they would have problems all of the time.
What >>2820335
Is 100% correct. If your evap coils are icing up, then the airflow over the coils is inadequate. This can be caused by restricted airflow from a clogged filter (highly likely), a squished duct somewhere, or an improperly sized pump for the size of the house.
> T not an HVAC fag just someone who finds it cool.
Its saturday op what did they say
lose weight
Bump because I'm dealing with what seems to be the same issue.

Any word, OP?
Since this is an AC thread I'll ask here.

I don't want bugs and other crap dirtying up my new window AC inside, can I tape fiberglass mesh, 16x18 squares per inch, on the vents on the outside and keep them out without hurting it? I'm just looking for opinions here or maybe someone can link me to a definitive answer on yt or something as when I was looking at my screen door which is the same stuff and thinking about it, I hit my vape and blew it out and it passed right through with ease, so it's not a problem right?
capacitor dependent on number of start up
coolant dependent on how long your run the A/C
You're better off hosing it out once a year than restricting airflow. A screen fine enough to keep out the bugs will starve it of air. Your lungs aren't nearly as powerful as the fan blower.
ac's shouldnt be running all day, they should be cycling
no more than 1 hour for the initial cycle and no more than 20 minutes for subsequent cycles
why did you leave the ac on if the doors were open? what was outside temp while you had thermostat set to 68?
american real men back in the pioneer days would leave their ac set to 78F during the summer. modern american men are little bitches
High humidity doesn't cause icing.

>it probably caused really high head pressure, which can create leaks and damage the compressor
Tell me you know absolutely nothing about AC systems without telling me you know absolutely nothing about AC systems.

>Humidity has nothing to do with the condensation and freezing of water in the cold side of the pump huh?
No, it doesn't actually. Low airflow or low charge causes freezing.

>the other cause would be low refrigerant or the drain is clogged
FFS a clogged drain cannot cause coil icing you drooling mong.

If he sets the stat to 78 and it gets to 78 then the compresor and fan are running. Otherwise it'd be the same temp as outside in the house.

Completely fucking wrong. ACs are supposed to run longer cycles. Short cycles cause high humidity and high electric bills.
I always liked you way more than Iaconelli
I just looked into this a little the other day. It was enough to not look into it further.

Brave "AI":

Fire departments estimate that window screens can block airflow by 50% to 80% when considering room ventilation. (Source: Firehouse Forums)
HVAC engineers recognize and calculate the reductions in airflow due to window screens, often increasing window size to accommodate for it. (Source: Aerodynamics forum)
A study by the National Institute of Health found that screens can decrease airflow anywhere from 16% to 77%, depending on the mesh weave. (Source: Window Screen Buying Guide)
Research suggests that screens with porosities from 25% to 53% reduced airflow from 77% to 16%. (Source: r/explainlikeimfive on Reddit)
I just had a heat pump installed for $9800, you're talking out you ass. The quote for just an AC was $5600
you paid 4200$ extra for a feature that increases the cost of the unit a few hundred dollars lmao
most the make and model and lets see how much they marked it up and charged you for a few hours of labor and refrigerant
>most the make and model
post the make and model
>Completely fucking wrong. ACs are supposed to run longer cycles. Short cycles cause high humidity and high electric bills.
>hurr durr they consume more energy when they're off
fucking retard
>he doesn't know about in-rush current
>he thinks in-rush current lasts for more than a few seconds
given 5 seconds of in-rush current at 6x, its the equivalent of running the ac at normal load for an extra 30 seconds
you're just insanely stupid if you think your ac never cycling off less is cheaper
inrush current doesnt contribute meaningfully to electrical bills. all it does is wear out parts quicker.

assuming opex per capita is the same, never cycling off is cheaper due to parts wearing out less
I would trust the scummiest, rattest scam technician doing side work out of his unmarked rusted-out 98 Tacoma than a single post on /diy/. None of you people know anything. You're just comparing dicks over shitty opinions and zero facts.
Fuck off. I'm dumb, AND racist AND a scam artist. And I work on refrigeration systems with compressors the size of a Ford ranger.
You can get good info all over
This probably isn't it, but could some worker have possibly tripped and slammed something into the compressor, working around the house and cracked a line? That DID happen to someone I know.
Clean your filters
Running an AC hard all week AT ALL can reveal issues. It’s pretty common to have a problem starting to form, but you don’t notice bc it’s during the colder months… then there’s a heat wave and the AC is run really hard, and the problem that has been forming for a long time finally knocks it out of service. It’s like having an old beater car you take for groceries twice a month, then deciding to drive it on a road trip across country. It’s just statistically likely the breakdown happens during periods of high use. People often misdiagnose what caused an issue for this very reason, so really we’re at square one “my AC isn’t working” and that’s impossible to diagnose with any kind of accuracy without much more info.

That being said, it’s also common when working around a unit for awhile someone can accidentally kick the lineset and you lose you charge, or the dust from working causes a clogged filter that breaks something. Could be anything really
>I'll bring it up on Saturday to the guy coming out.
Yeah, do that. The techs love being guided on how to fix your system.

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