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A hole in the ground filled with water? Yeah you obviously need an engineering degree and crew of mexicans to accomplish such a feat.
Im having one put in now. The Mexicans have been working on coping and tile for 2 days in 100 degree weather. That’d take me probably a month. That’s just one small part of the process. Gunite would have to 100% be subbed out. The rest you could probably do on your own
Sure, first and actual question if you can afford it.
Anything is realistically DIYable, depending on the person. The only limits are your abilities, your knowledge, and your finances. More often than not, if a person has to ask if DIYing something is possible, the answer for them is no because they're lacking in one of those factors.
It is, it takes only hard work to do it.
The real question is why the hell would you want one? Do you want a money pit and maintenance nightmare?
Not all of us are poor neets hiding from the sunlight all day. Modern pools require little maintenance costs and many things are automated. The Polaris robot has been around for 2 decades
They do add a shitload to your property taxes and insurance though.
It’s funny how the Jews tell you a pool doesn’t increase the value of the home and only makes it harder to sell. Except when it comes to appraising it higher to collect more property taxes
it does seem like wasted space that could be used on a garden or backyard shed
You will need pumps and filters running a lot of hours, that is electricity costs.
Then you will need an automated chlorination and ph correction dosing system.
You will need to clean the skimmers, put the robot in every night and have a pole with a brush and a net.
The most annoying thing is to ensure that the flow of water reacher well the corners, because if not
those areas will not be properly disinfected and green and black algae will start to form.
Green is not that bad, black is a problem.
Also pumps are noisy so be aware.
Pool warehouse sells inground kits for like 8-12k last I looked.

> dig rough hole
> place walls from kit
> grade and form bottom, put in plumbing
> Backfill
> Install liner, and fill.
> Install decking
There's an Albanian that DIYs one on YouTube
With real equipment and coating, it'd be pretty decent
If you own heavy equipment, maybe.
Ya people always talk about their great childhood memories, birthday parties, and holidays spent playing in the Rubbermaid shed outback
other people do it for money, why couldn't you do it to save money? just do the same thing they do, rent the equipment instead of buying it
NTA but when I was searching for a home to buy I ruled out any houses with a backyard pool. It was a deal breaker for me
It probably is if you want to try just dig hole pour concrete add room for filters pipes but if you screw it up it’s gonna fuck your house up, please don’t try it solo. Imho
Increased liability, insurance costs, and maintenance costs. And honestly I was not likely to use the pool very often. I've lived in a house with a pool before and it never interested me much.
>Do you want a money pit and maintenance nightmare?
I've had a pool for 20+ years and it doesn't cost much money to maintain if everything has been installed correctly. And as far as time goes, I spend maybe an hour a week maintaining it. I spend more time mowing the grass than I do dealing with the pool. IMO life is better with it than without it.
Good for you. My life is better without a pool than with one. I get to spend those few days a year and chemical/filter/electricity costs in other ways that benefit me.
Ive been thinking about the same thing. Got a bunch of stumps to dig up and I figure once they are gone id only have to go another 2 feet to get a good depth for a pool. Cinderblock walls and a poured slab is simple enough and I priced it at around $1200 for a 12x24 pool. The question I have is how to seal it. Id want to do it all diy so gunnite isnt an option. Flex seal could work but there are questions as to whether or not it would be toxic especially under sun exposure. Two options that I see are 1- fiberglass (would be pretty expensive and putting that shit on while wearing a respirator in the middle of summer is not what I want to be doing) 2- theres a product for ponds called pond armor that is recognized as a non-toxic epoxy. Would also be expensive but no respirator needed because no voc.
hiring a company after you dig, cinder + plumb all the pumps and jets is probably way cheaper than their standard quotes. you've done most the heavy lifting, they just have to stucco/paint
which usually takes multiple days for a 4+ man crew
>Rent excavator and dig hole
>Put plumbing and pumps somewhere in the ground with service entry
>Weld high grade stainless, plastic or special concrete
It's alot of work and a Bit expensive but why the fuck not
Backyard pools are like boats
Just keep throwing money into it, the moment you stop it's probably going to kill anyone having anything to do with it
then shut the fuck up and leave the thread you absolute cretin. You're the one whos complaining about the topic of discussion, so you can't walk it back and say "well its personally not for me!", you sub-normal trog.
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could always get an above ground or semi-above ground pool, like an actual wooden or concrete one, it saves you the digging, and will take less heating. Only problem is, they can be limited in size
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>then shut the fuck up and leave the thread you absolute cretin. You're the one whos complaining about the topic of discussion, so you can't walk it back and say "well its personally not for me!", you sub-normal trog.

You mad bro?
Exactly. Massive waste of money and a disaster waiting to happen. Better to let someone else take that risk
imagine being a nigger and not enjoying a beer in your well maintained pool on a warm day
hosting 4th of july, memorial, and random parties where all the children are constantly entertained and the adults can relax
Yes, but they add to the value of the property.
Yeah the kid in encino man built his own pool and even found a new caveman friend
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I did this one about fifteen years ago.
how did it hold up during + after 15 years
I do have fond memories of sniping my friends during airsoft fights from the roof of the rubbermaid shed
We also had a pool too though, which was probably cooler
Pools increase value now
It looks better now than it did then.
I'll snap a new pic in a day or two and post it here. It's my son's pool.
The liner as been replaced once (at about the ten year mark)
The pump motor has been replaced four times. The motor bearings fail.
One of those four times we replaced the pump and motor as a unit.
The sand in the filter has been replaced once.
The generator element (salt water pool) was replaced once.
A $5 soft-start device in the generator electronics failed once. I replaced it myself.
It costs a bit to keep it up and it's a bit of trouble to maintain but since it's my son's, I don't mind. It's his problem. I just do the electrical and mechanical repair for him.
My son asked me if I thought we could do an 18'x36' in-ground pool. I was 65 and he was 40 so I said sure. I watched some YouTube videos to see what to watch our for and we just got to it.
We hired a guy with a back-hoe to get us started. I was disappointed in how little he was able to do but it was better than nothing. We borrowed a compact tractor with a front loader and progressed a lot with that.
The remaining 25% was done with picks, shovels, and wheel barrows by just the two of us.
very cool
i'm more curious about the actual building of frame/lining/plumbing that digging a hole lol
With salt water it's not too bad to maintain besides electricity cost of pumps. If sticking with regular chlorine yeah that shit adds up fast
Because he's a fat slob embarrassed to take his shirt off. Seriously though some banks won't give you good rates if the house has a pool, depends on the type of loan you are doing and the area howms'tever
So you are like 80?
Same. Wife really wants a pool but I grew up taking care of one at my grandparent's and it is a massive pain in the ass and money sinkhole. Something always wrong with the fucking thing, would take a small team of people to open/close it twice a year, constant cleaning... And I know I would be the doing it because women are fucking lazy.
81 now.
I've been looking for pics I have saved of the progress while we were doing the install.
I can't find them but I haven't given up. I've got numerous external drives and haven't looked through them yet.
I look forward to when i'm 80 and still on 4chan.
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Have had this pool for maybe around 20 years and I love it. If I ever move, if the new place doesn't have a pool I'm definitely putting one in. I guess the maintenance can get a bit tedious over time though, so a couple years ago I started paying a guy $50 to come by once a week to do it. Cleaning, chemicals, rinsing out the filters, etc. Most I ever have to do now is toss the hose in it if the water's looking like it might evaporate below the skimmer inlets before the pool guy comes.

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