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Blast it with piss
This stuff works really well for me. It goes a long way and can feel slippery if you use too much but if you're patient with it and apply it when you wash your hands it does help
Coal tar shampoo
and perhaps an elimination diet with a slow introduction of new foods over several months to determine any possible trigger foods you should avoid, followed by a healthy diet, exercise and sun exposure.
I suppose laundry detergent, bathing soap and currently used skincare products should be audited as well
Seconding coal tar
That's not even bad, my skin falls off my hand.
Corticoid creams usually work, those tend to be prescription. If you get random flares throughout the day, pay attention to what you ate in the past 1-2 hours, tropical fruits, spices and tomatoes are common triggers. Avoid obvious irritants, wear gloves if you have to work with strong chemicals. Try using baby soap and detergent. Use simple skincare products like >>2820501 or just plain vaseline, there's a lot of stupid shit claiming to cure eczema with a million herbs in it, which are all potential allergens. If nothing helps, you might have psoriasis.
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I have eczema's cousin, seborrhoeic dermatitis. Red patchy face, eyebrows flaking, itchy skin, it was terrible. Nothing really worked for me until I found this bad boy. Wash your hair with normal shampoo. Rinse and rub this lightly into your problem areas and let sit for a minute. My skin has been unblemished and smooth for years now. Occasional rare flare-up, but that's it.
*wash your hair/face with normal shampoo/soap. Preferably mild.
These sorts of inflamation disorders can often be linked to dietary factors.
try an exclusion diet of only beef for a while and report back
clobetasol propionate
heart attack nails
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Not a schizo thread
Probably talking about clubbed nails which is a sign of some serious heart/lung issues. Those nails are normal though.
moisturisers/emollients trigger my eczema. fun.
For me its whenever I touch PAG oil
sorry to hear that. I never had any skin issues my whole life, and then three or four years ago I sprayed some grease off my hand with brake clean and had dishydrotic flare ups for like a month. Now raw potato starch fucks me up, washing my hands too much fucks me up, lanolin fucks me up (i tried bag balm before someone suggested the eucerin).
Wear gloves out there homies
90% of autoinmune problems are diet related.
You probably are ingesting lectin rich foods, that punches holes in your intenstine lining causing your inmune system to go apeshit and start attacking things it shouldnt.
Not everybody is equally sensitive to lectins.
There is also sugar rich foods that create problems, dairy products from cows, pesticides like glyphosate or bad eating habits,
like eating a lot before bed or eating all day.
Ofc goyslop can cause bad reactions too.
Antibiotics decimate your gut biome, and they take care of your intestine lining. Ibuprofene is like swallowing a bomb for your intestine.
Take care of that and very probably it will go away.
Some more info on ibuprofen?

Still seeks like the best and most effective shit I can get over the counter but I'm curious what damage it's doing.
no they are not
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If you try cutting your nails so they don’t look like a woman’s, that would probably be a good start. Why do you all have wolverine claws?
More fat, cut sugar and alcohol
There is a section about NSAIDs (this stands for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
Common NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen.
I have the same issue OP. I went to the dermatologist and they immediately went the topical steroid route. Told them I didn't want to use it due to fear of TSW and not treating the root cause of the eczema. It was like it broke him, he didn't really know what to say or do. Then he came back with a different script from a compounding pharmacy. It was for a medication known to have a side effect of lymph node cancer.
>Hey I'm afraid of TSW
>Oh ok! Great so here's a medication that could give you LYMPH NODE CANCER
Jesus fucking christ I hate doctors so goddamn much. Anyways I started using some Gold Bond eczema cream which has helped, along with cold showers and cold plunges. Between the cream and the cold temps I have some minor eczema patches now instead of my entire arms and chest. I'm looking into functional docs/whole health docs now.

>dietary factors
Yeah I would say there's a good chance it could be that/allergic in OPs case depending on what he's tried. Didn't work for me unfortunately. I tried different diets/food eliminations for months with no improvements. But I would recommend this as well OP, try eating super basic diets for a while and eliminating problem foods, especially if you eat highly processed foods/snacks. Lots of success stories about people eliminating highly processed shit and cooking all their meals and having success.
So you want to a doctor, knowing full well how he would probably want to treat you, then told him, "No, I don't want that treatment." And you were surprised when he wondered why you even came in to see him? And that's worth hating them all "so gaddamn much?" You could've googled "folk remedies for eczema" yourself and saved lots of time, and I assume a co-pay.
try zinc oxide ointment
prayer, seriously:

>" Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." James 5:14-15
>try zinc oxide ointment
this is actually good advice, even better if it contains Panthenol and bisabolol.

also using children or baby products for washing hands and body is also a good idea,

diet suggestion: porridge or oatmeal got a lot of relevant vitamins, it can not hurt to eat some for breakfast

also, if it's mainly your hands it might be an allergic reaction to something you touch. find out what it is and avoid it
God helps those that help themselves
just get one of those pills they advertise on TV where the potential side effects are 10x worse than what they're treating
Ah yes, expecting the doctor that I am paying to address the root cause of the problem instead of prescribing me medicines with known horrific side effects that could make things worse or cause cancer is clearly absurd on my part. Thank you anon! I completely see it your way now! I am so silly!
I’ve got to assume any pic with a finger nail like that is bait. My post is for the anons and not faggot OP. Get outside and get sunshine on your body pick up rocks and put them down and Use olive oil on your skin like the Greeks, Fuck the romans. Red light seems to be good too.
What a bunch of great replies. No, not the people worshipping doctors. Or recommending coal tar soap/products. They are clueless.

It's diet. You are eating something that's causing your skin to erupt. There are different varieties of grains, for instance, that are designed for automated collection, and have more gluten, than what your ancestors ate 200 years ago. Glyphosate is used heavily in grain production, and creates an increase in gut permeability.

Cut out all grains for two months; your skin will clear up. Or don't: some people want to be identified with their 'disease' like it's their friend. Shrug, what can you do? Wait until they hit their bottom, like an alcoholic, and want to sober-up. Speaking of addiction, grains, gluten specifically, contains an opiod-like substance. Quitting them is hard; not only do you have parasites that crave them and thus tell you to consume them, but they are available everywhere in goyslop stores.
Many remedies available they don't all work the same for everyone. You gotta try a few things toli you find what works

Eucrin Lotion
Castor oil
Avocado oil
Coconut oil
Olive oil
Hemp oil

Whatever you try, you may have to use it for a few days or a few weeks to see if it helps

Also, review your diet And your rn environment onment. Try to identify any internal or external causes and address them accordingly
wtf is that nail you fucking faggot
Diet + reduce work stress
I have atopic eczema but it's asymptomatic unless I have simultaneous life going to shit syndrome
My grandfather had full on psoriasis
Why don't you add 5G to that list while you're at it?
i can´t agree more.
and idiots will call this schizo rambling.
ask a rabi for more poison
They came from Reddit.

Lotions and potions.
Well-intentioned, but esvlrkeehhe has gut issues. The vyb,skin wraps around in a toroid through the gut. It breaks out on the outside where you can see and experience it. Who tf knows what's going on inside, but it isn't pleasant.

Then, when your body is a222;ccccct war with itself, and part of it is destijjfry?ehhhhbbbthenn xnroying your gut, and part is rebuilding it, you feel weak. Drained. It can get hhhhhpdfldlfvds
Holy crap what a bunch of typos. Bad weather, as usual around here. Guess the chinkshit phone didn't lock.

The gut is at war, the skin in the gut is connected with the skin outside. That's why you experience it as a reaction. It's whatever you're sticking in your pie hole. Start with cutting grains.
What a funny thread. My kid had eczema, doc gave us steroid cream (samples actually, didn't even have to pay for them), cleared right up. Didn't change a thing in his diet, didn't kill a chicken at midnight, didn't go to a witch doctor... Come to think of it, he had some shots a few months after that, and nothing at all came of that either, except he's never had measles or polio. It's almost like there are maybe 3 people total in this thread just making shit up.

But seriously OP, get the steroid cream.
If he was having temporary eczema, the steroid creme reduces inflammation by destroying protein. It is not a long-term solution, and it worked because your son only had a temporary problem. Apparently OP is an adult, and has had this problem for awhile.

Slandering other solutions, well.. speaks for your level of comprehension.
>eats meet
>mocks diet as a factor to health by comparing it to sacrificing innocent chickens
lol guilty conscience
>that punches holes in your intenstine lining
this. leaky gut. fix that first..
Creams are just a band-aid fix. A lot of my family has had very bad eczema, skin flaking off, itching, and bleeding. What really made a night and day difference was getting blood tests, and a list of foods to eat, avoid, or remove entirely based on those tests.

>You are eating something that's causing your skin to erupt.

Bad advice, it's not from food. The something that got into you came from vaccines. It got injected inside the body and the body is pushing it out through the skin in an attempt to expel it.

>" The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed... The LORD shall smite thee in the knees, and in the legs, with a sore botch that cannot be healed, from the sole of thy foot unto the top of thy head." Deuteronomy 28:27,35
Normally I wouldn't post this, but since this is DIY...

All skin problems. The first thing you should do is identify things in your diet that you consume regularly no matter what they are if you consume it more than once a month make a note of it. then completely remove all of these items out of your diet and replace them with an alternative. for example if you eat ham sandwiches completely remove ham from your diet and replace with something that you consume very irregularly. if you eat white bread completely remove it from your diet and change to wheat or rye or something else. If you drink anything other than water, remove it from your diet. hold this new diet for about 6 weeks and see if your skin condition clears up. If it does start slowly reintroducing foods back and make a note of when your skin condition reappears.

You're going to follow this exact same pattern for all of the chemicals that you use regularly. You might feel like you don't use very many, but if you stop and think about it you'll realize you probably use a couple dozen chemicals on almost daily basis. Change your laundry detergent (very common culprit) and stop using dryer sheets, changer shampoo and soap, change your dishwashing detergent, change your toothpaste and mouthwash, etc everything you can think of.

It's not a matter of being allergic to something it's simply a matter of you reacting to something perhaps more sensitively or just differently than other people do or certain foods you consume happen to make you react in a way that cause you to become a biome for fungus or bacteria.
Topical steroid - Clobetasol Proprionate helped my worst flare ups.
Cerave moisturizing cream is my first line of defense.
Inulin - Prebiotic I take 3grams a day and I think it's helping.
Eliminating/Minimizing grains
Really going after gut health stuff like eating kiwis with the skin on. Pre/pro biotics, and lessening dairy.
Mine cleared up for good after I moved out of my mom's house. I think the house probably had mold. Also hydrocortisone helps.
Wash with no fragrance, no dye, minimal ingredient soap and avoid high temps
Yep, 1 to 3 months eating nothing but cow salt and water, intermittent fasting on top, then start reintroducing foods to see what fucks you up.
Did you try meat only for at least a month?
> white bread vs wheat vs rye

Changing between those, makes no difference in gut reactivity, thus skin problems and a load of other issues remain: Brain fog, itchy ear, itchy skin, dandruff, muscle cramps, are additional symptoms of a gut at war, with the goyslop jammed down the piehole. It can take weeks for a particularly bad case of goyslop-caused allergy to subside.

Other than those two things: weeks of waiting for symptoms to settle-down, and swapping one for another, of effectively the same thing, does not work,

I'm only picking out the glaring issue from amongst everyone's posts.
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>cow salt
I agree with all of the above options, but for my extremely bad contact dermatitis on my hands, I found that a simple and cheap remedy solved the problem 100%: Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.

I've been doing that diligently for the last two years, and my hands have never been better. The first months I was showing my friends and family my smooth hands like an absolute sperg because I couldn't believe I finally had my eczema under control after 20 years.

-I carry a tube of perfum-free skincreme with me everywhere. It's in my pocket or within reach.
-As soon as my hands have dried after water exposure, I apply the creme. I find that if I forget this only once or twice, the skin will start to become inflamed in the usual spots, although creaming helps.
-If my skin feels dry or irritated any time, I apply cream.
-Key is to cream often. I sometimes cream 6 times a day.

These other things I find help:
-I take care to clean my hands if they have been exposed to irritants; fruits, grease, oil, harsh chemicals etc
-If I wash my hands, I take care to remove all soap (I did not find it is necessary to shun perfume containing soap)
-If take care to dry my hands properly

In regards to the creme; I started with the very expensive Bepanthen derma (about 20 euros a tube), but I have been achieving the same results with an 80% cheaper cream that is marketed as 'repairing skincreme - for dry or very dry skin (perfume free)' ('Kruidvat derma', a Dutch pharmacy chain). This is 3 euro a tube and I use about 1 tube a month.

Good luck!!

pic related; left hand looking smooth as fuck
go snorkeling in the tropics
>instead of prescribing me medicines with known horrific side effects that could make things worse or cause cancer is clearly absurd on my part
Yes it is. You're part of a specific brand of retards that reads everything about every single medicine that gets near them, despite having no medical education or knowledge whatsoever, then cherry picks the worst possible pieces of information and defines the medicine by that. You know what's worse than getting TSW? Having fucking eczema. What's the frequency of lymph node cancer from that awful medicine the evil incompetent doctor gave you? At what dosage? At what length of therapy? What route of application?
Hey, guess what else is known to give you cancer... it's eczema! Wow! You're getting cancer right now, because you didn't want to use topical steroids! Amazing!
this really helped with my dry skin
Yes, anon was not lazy in his lack of commas, he actually meant cow salt. Everyone knows what cow salt is.
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Ive had the worst fucking eczema since about 4 seconds after I was born. I've had to walk around with every limb bleeding and every piece of clothing I own bloodstained to hell and back. in the 34 years I've been alive I've gone through every bullshit cream, diet, treatment, alergy test, and appeal to heaven anyone wearing a lab coat could come up with and nothing works for more than an incremental benefit.

a year ago a doc gave me picrel and in about 5 months it was gone. all the way. completely fuckig gone. i can be a real human for the first time in my whole stupid little life.

ps, any of you fucking munts with a little dry skin saying "aLl YoU gOtTa Do Is ChAnGe YoUr DiEt BrO" deserved to get sodomized to death with pakistani rebar.
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> elimination diet
For some reason, I've never really considered my eczema to be food related because it doesn't flare up after eating, but I decided to try this immediately after you posted this comment. Someone else mentioned "avoiding anything you commonly eat" so that's where I started.

My results are... interesting. After about 3 days, it calmed down a lot. 7 days, it seems to be healing now, with flareups ~12 hours after consuming "suspect" foods.
But I am left with a very weird set of foods

Safe: Meat, Apples, various light veg, Chocolate, Cheese, Milk (maybe), Eggs.
Not safe: Wheat, Rice, Chickpeas, Potatoes

????? is there something common between all these? Am I just going to eat weird shit the rest of my life?
More fat and protein in your diet, less sugar alcohol and fapping
coconut oil
Ol m8 having mini strokes
Trace amounts glyphosate in grains. Very unhealthy gut biome from some well established bacteria in the western world.

Humans are actually predators, not grain munchies. We're omnivores and can handle anything but meat and fat is best. The food pyramid is a complete scam. Grains == carbs == sugar == unhealthy

Imagine the two slices of bread you have with a sandwich is half a snickers bar.
Fundamentally fruits and meat are the only things that don't want to chemically stop you eating them.
we evolved to be able to partly tolerate some roots and leaves but they still contain some serious nasties.

look up tannins, phytates, oxalates, lectins and a whole bunch of other compounds in plants that are actually pretty toxic.
> bad advice
Who has the good advice now?
Ok mr fake australian. Explanation above. Farm, raining, gay touch screens unlocked, do weird things when wet. Just reinstalled from a reset, and since then, found the multiple settings that default to wake it up and unlock it.
This. I've got someone, many someones, who are having reactivity to diet. One has auto-immune & arthritis, which together are a dead ringer for grains & glyphosate. Another has multiple food allergies.

Grains & glyphosate open up the gut wall, allowing direct interaction of food particles with the blood. The immune system generates a response to the insult, and now they are allergic to e.g. tomatoes. But it's the grains causing the core allergy. It will take a long time for everything to heal, OP. But if you are really conscienscious about it, you'll see good results.

Plus, you'll stop being addicted to opioids. Gluten is partly an opioid analog. That's why, when discussing this with normies, they dismiss grains or food in general (they'd have to give up grains, and they know it at some level), i.e. because they are low-level opioid addicts. And who would think that something so widely available, was on the level, chemically, as an opiate?

If they quit grains, allow the gut to heal, and as you say the biome to re-grow, then having a tomato, will not trigger their food allergy.

Carry activated charcoal with you. Because you will forget, and eat the wrong thing. Or worse, discover later that you are having an allergic reaction to it (e.g. your skin). The skin for you, is a major indicator. There are minor indicators before a flare-up, you'll notice if you haven't already. Could just be a 'gut sense'. Take 2 AC immediately, 3 if it was a big dose of contamination. The AC will quickly absorb and neutralize whatever you ate.
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My aunt had eczema and contact dermatitis. I'm lucky enough to just have contact dermatitis/allergy to common metals.
Everyone's given you advice on steroid creams (grim but if it works for you go for it) and someone mentioned zinc oxide (can be very good). Lot of NA answers here about diet only, I'll say don't give a fuck what's causing it for you but I do have two solutions that can help.
Anyone who has eczema/contact dermatitis etc can benefit from this, not just OP.

Like some others have mentioned: baby shampoo, baby body wash is good, if you use deodorants there's some natural roll on anti perspirants for example that people with sensitive skin use.
Anyway, you're itching. You're itching real fucking bad, you're clawing at your hands, there's pus oozing out, you're going fucking mental.
Go for a shower, now fill the tub, sterlising tablets/fluid in the tub and soak. Apply your ointments etc, repeat over the next week or so and so long as the trigger is not there it will clear up and your itching will die down. Sounds crazy but yeah it'll do the job. I use it whenever I've done something silly like touch a door handle/tap/railing etc without gloves and I get a flareup. Benefit of being localised is I can soak my hands if required.

Is this joo joo voodoo magick? Nah but those who are looking to cure your life through dietary ideology will go nutter when they see it.
Some UK resources that talk about bleach baths for you.
I'm still not buying this. Fruits contain lots of funky shit too (pineapple literally contains a digestive enzyme)

I'll be honest. This all reads like schizo shit. Opioids, really? The reason I don't want to avoid grains is because the alternative is expensive. I'd be fine living off meat and fruit if someone else pays for it...
The unwashed fruit I ate is going to have more glyphosate contamination than any processed grains, then potatoes and chickpeas are not grians and even though rice is, it doesn't contain gluten.

Also, I've stayed with my gluten-free organic obsessed parents for a couple of months recently and it didn't improve then.
You could go for eggs and other animals besides cow. You n also don't eat as much because it's more nutrient dense and has better satiety
How often do you wash your hands?
To deal with massive flare-ups, I use fucibet cream. To deal with weeping eczema, I use ichthammol in soft yellow paraffin with zinc oxide. For regular moisturising, when I have no broken skin, I use dermol cream. To reduce the chance of flare-ups, I use deromol cream as a soap substitute. When I'm showering washing dishes, etc, I wear nitrile disposable gloves. For washing my clothes, I use non-bio detergent. I also find that showering really dries my skin out, so I make sure to use dermol cream after showering.
Not all fruits are designed to be consumed by mammals or primates.
Take chillies or bitter fruits as an example of a fruits that don't want us to eat them, species adapt to what best distributes their seeds. plus the sugar can be a problem.
Is pineapple even a fruit?
Honestly there's a lot of flexibility in food rules, people have different levels of tolerance to a variety of things.
> it's skitzo garbage

The audience is people with a high IQ. Obviously, you are excepted from that. Therefore it is of no concern to you.
Yeah dude, that's the problem, other peoples' IQ. It's not that those ramblings are psychotic and almost unreadable, it's everyone else. Please, stick with the "secret knowledge" that only a very few are somehow privy to, and keep trying to enlighten us with it a little at a time, since we're so dimwitted that if you released all that at once we'd shrivel up like leaves in the fall from all that ultra-knowledge. Thanks, and good luck!
>"secret knowledge" that only a very few are somehow privy to,
all it takes is for anyone to just read the actual research it's not exactly hidden
Bruh, he literally had to just google the shit.

Instead he does the triple-booster or scream. Damn, we all owe Dr Fauci an honor for sending the majority of the NPC's to their own death by their own selection.

Brilliant move.
I think it's stress related.
I fixed mine by doing nocarbs for a month.
It's a basic method for treating all autoimmune issues, doesn't work for everything, but it doesn't cost anything to try.

For a month, no sugar, no carbs. Basically just fish, meat, leafy greens.
Water only.

Worked for me. My body fixed itself once it wasn't fighting constant inflammatory foods.
>is there something common between all these?
Carbohydrates are inflammatory for humans. That's why once you stop eating carbs you will lose a few kilos in a week or two, it's because you lose water weight. That water was cell inflammation.

As a safe bet, keep in mind that red meat is not inflammatory in humans and you cannot have an autoimmune reaction to it, unlike most other foods.
Eat a lot of red meat and introduce other foods one by one if you want, to see what you can tolerate.
emu oil
Is it runny?

> muh skitzo shit

Because someone is too lazy to google? That's what I mean by opioid addicts: they will fight you tooth and nail. Ad hominem attacks, etc. Widely available search results, but no it's 'your fault' for pointing out they are a dope-head. A bunch of dope heads.

That's why numerous people have been switching to what you recommended. Western grains are poisoned by monsanto, and what's more they have natural poisons in them.Think about all the grandmoms that had arthritis that didn't have to have arthritis, but no, they had to make cookies, get that next generation addicted, inflamed. Out of love and ignorance.

> muh skitzo shit

I don't believe you. And you knew I wouldn't believe you. And you knew I wouldn't care about the opinion of an addict, that your opinion is as useless as a nail clipping or some loose dog hair.

My comments are for all the other youngin's that have to put up with similar nonsense, from addicts, when they may not have realised how right they are, and how lost a certain segment of the population that needs one more booster, is.

God bless fauci.






So where do organic potatoes and chickpeas fit into this?
Plants produce poisons to make it hard to eat. Your body isn't as well adapted to them as most.
I'll second this, I got put on rinvoq by my doctor & its night and day difference, im in australia so gotta go to the specialist every 6 months for a repeat but good for the last 2 years
The only people I know IRL with persistent skin conditions are Asians.
As of now there is no cure to eczema. All you can do is keep it under control with medication and lifestyle habits.
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Ivw been eating nothing but this allergy diet for weeks and my eczema has never been worse. Joints feel better
Did lose 20lbs, hard to make 2500cql/250g protien a day.

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