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tell me about how your body is fucked up. i'll go first
>knee pain from falling off ladders
>random back pain on my left side
>left hand is seriously fucked, i assume from swinging a hammer a billion times. hurts pretty much every second of every day

broke ankle as a teenager, have pins in it, can't walk more than about 30 minutes before it gets stiff and swollen
Youre an idiot and a pussy
youre a faggot and a retard. i'd work circles around you
>back's fucked
>knees are fucked
>hips becoming fucked
>arthritis developing in fingers
>left foot been sore for months
>periodic chest pains
>random allergic swellings/hives (must take antihistamines every day)
>asthma getting worse
>also unvaxxed

>feet hurt
>hands tingly

Neck and lowback fucked up, currently doing some self massage and stretching. I'm thinking of getting an inversion table.
Do yoga, inversion tables help symptoms but being an inflexible person is what causes injuries. I have a herniated l4/5 and have had periods of time where I couldn't walk for days. It just gets worse or you start taking Flexeril/booze and then think your fine and it continues to get worse. Ask me how I know.

David procyshyn - deep release for hamstrings hips, lower back on yt is seated and works wonders.
my muscles hurt from sitting.
t. 15 years neet life
diminished eye sight in my left eye, from staring at the eclipse.
>98% done with work under the car
>checking if the heat shield will fit
>one 10mm bolt
>forgot to put eye protection back on despite wearing it every time under the car
>bump the muffler (which I pressure washed prior, yet has still loose debris on it) while tightening the bolt
>something from the muffler falls in my eye
>won't come out
>keep washing
>keep looking at my eye with a light
>see weird flap
>thought I lacerated my eye
>$120 later they say actually it's fine
ended up getting drunk on boston lager and finishing the job at 12am
So yeah, wear eye protection.
Don't do yoga bro. You can stretch without worshipping Indian demons.
No issues right now
I take care of myself
Stretch all day every day no matter if fat cripples call me a faggot
>knees kind of bad from 20 years of standing on concrete.
Overall just keeping ergonomics and posture in the back of my mind has kept me in pretty good shape.
I don’t want to be decrepit so I stretch before bed every night and deadhang from a pull-up bar. Feels good but doesn’t help that I’m completely out of alignment from a fall injury. Feel like someone would have to break my bones to reset them correctly. Inversion tables are a meme. Get grip strength and hang from stuff.
Bad disc in neck
Bad rotator cuff
Bad ankle

I tweaked my lower back a month ago, and its hurt since then.
Constant pain, and if my lower back goes I may just become an alcoholic
>>2821541Do you actually have a socket for that 10mm bolt? That's amazing!
>>2820584Fractured spine 4 times. Eyes are shot. Can't walk very far because of stuff. Oh yeah! Got Cancer real bad! That's a bitch!
Why don't you take care of yourselves? No one else will.
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Any osteobros here offering free medical advice? Took a 10’ fall to the right shoulder 15 years ago and collarbone sticks out. Do I need to fall same way on opposite shoulder or fall on same shoulder the opposite way to get this shit straightened out?
>dislocated right thumb at 9 years old wrestling with my sisters girlfriend.
>cut thumb on bandsaw at 10.
>broke left lower leg cross country skiing 15.
>threw back out at 16 tripping on a cow pelvis.
>Dislocated left shoulder trying to avoid hitting the company presidents GTO while driving an aircraft tug 23.
>dislocated right shoulder walking down carpet covered stairs in socks 24
>fell off a ladder while working on a 737 (no injury).
>threw back out again picking up a cat 30
>diagnosed with arthritis in my back 36.
>threw back out from sneezing.
>threw back out tying my shoe.
>broke right distal fibula hunting in the desert 39
>tore left meniscus while moving my dad 48 (repaired).
>neuropathy in feet from taking omeprazole for too long 54.
just some vanilla scars on my hands and to a lesser degree my forehead
at least i didn't blow up my left hand playing with fireworks, just cuts to varying degrees. i can thank god i was too dumb to play with fire, literally. my fire arrows always got blown out
I’ve seen massive improvements in arthritis in both knees and bulging disc I back from just doing physical therapy videos on YouTube. Stretching, resistance training, increased protein intake. It takes some time to figure out what works specifically for you. Invest in some basic equipment like slant board, stretching strap, yoga ball, etc.
lol I have the same thing from a judo tournament. The only way to fix it is to surgically screw your collar bone to a shoulder bone. That thing has popped off from the impact and can't heal back on its own. It bothers me years later if I sleep on it a bit but its not the end of the world. If you work out, your 'push' lifts like bench and dips are going to remain reduced dramatically
i was still in HS, sucked at judo, but someone else who was also in my class who had some talent and won some competitions was going for his black belt and his knee went sideways in front of a jury
that was the end of his judo, then he became fat. one of the perks of being a talentless loser is you don't try too hard and break your neck because some well known judokas here managed to do that but lived
you are alive, good for you. if it's a curse or a blessing who knows
i have a bad habit of not putting everying in one single post but what they do teach you is how to fall and that has also prevented me a couple of times from severe injuries
one time i slipped while step mom was watching and later she said "his reflexed were good". the fall goes to one of your arms instead of the spine. just don't get killed or mutilated
Judo sounds like a better way to get your shoulder cracked. I figured there wasn’t much that could be done for it. OHP is definitely lacking. side sleeping was an issue for a while, apparently hugging a pilliow is the workaround.
My butthole hurts from Jamal
2008 due to electrical shock I fell about 8 feet from a ladder onto a concrete floor. Tucked my head and landed on my back. My back was never the same. Hurts every day now. I’m 43. Bad knees. Arthritis all over and plantar fasciitis or whatever it’s called. The only two things that are real is the money and the miles boys.
I sat on a rolling stool weird once and fuck my back up for like a week, it was the weirdest thing. I just sat up straight and suddenly my back froze up. Never really hurt myself too bad otherwise so i don't know why, just a fluke.
How'd you break it?
If you got back issues try this.
Go as far as you can at first.

Thank me later.
>knees weak
>palms sweaty
>sciatica from tripping backwards over a log
>fucked up hands from boxing without gloves
my arms feel heavy
Fell out of a truck while furniture moving, missed the ramp had surgery a couple month ago but the bones haven't fused back yet :/ thankfully ill be able to get the nails and plates removed once it hopefully heals otherwise im fucked.
Also damaged my knee after an awkward landing while doing a handstand haven't been to the doctor or got it scanned yet but my left leg extension is far weaker now. Hasn't resolved itself yet so I am skeptical that it will

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