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How would one go about air conditioning (and ideally heat pumping) an entire house if that house has no ducting? Do they make mini splits with multiple indoor units plumbed into a single outdoor unit? Would you just need multiple mini splits? Is a single mini split capable of cooling multiple rooms on its own?
mini split on each floor
Vrf unit. Multiple evaps plumbed to one condenser
How many ac threads do we need, why can't they check the catalog before posting?
heatpump into the central heating system.
1 mini split per room
Never any combined crap. you dont want the whole system to go down at the same time wen something breaks.
I have 1 for 900sqft and it reasonably heats and cools the whole floor but i have auxillary heating and it doesnt get super hot here so my ac requirements are basically zero.. its really just kind of a luxury to cool down the sunroom without closing the shades and blocking the sunset
Yeah but you also don't want the exterior of your home to be cluttered with six inverters.
why? also you can put a ring of plants in front of them if you're that autistic. and place on the sides of your home.
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Only downside is that it just makes a pop noise every time your air turns back on to inflate it
What HOA shit is this?
Not everyone has unused grassy space on all sides of their home retard.
if you have a townhome, it isnt a home, its a condo that has a hundred square feet wasted with stair cases and which is more difficult to move furniture through, and HOA rules will keep you from installing minisplits anyways
Cool, that does exist then. Didn't know what name to google. Thanks anon
You guys are having your special day so I'll let it slide this time but lol, imagine HOAs
>Do they make mini splits with multiple indoor units plumbed into a single outdoor unit?
they are called multi head or multi zone
next useless "I should have googled it" thread please
DO NOT cheap out on a minisplit. Any third world pajeet can install a Mr Cool, and the quality of the parts and technical support reflect that. Spend a little more for a brand that can at least spell the word warranty. Chinesium ductless units are a diamond dozen, you will thank yourself down the road.
>Do they make mini splits with multiple indoor units plumbed into a single outdoor unit?
Yes, Google could have told you this instead of you making an entire new thread.
Because no one should want to pay for 6 inverters. If the system goes down it's not like you need hot and cold at the same time and the money you spend making it redundant you could get a cheap box ac and a kerosene or space heater for backup. Retard.
>You guys are having your special day so I'll let it slide this time but lol, imagine HOAs
this anon >>2820686 was talking about not having green space on the side of his home. that by definition would be a town home with a HOA
I spent three times as much on a multi-head unit from Mitsubishi, made in Japan. This is going to be its 11th year in the 120° desert and hasn't given me any any issues.
>diamond dozen

goddamn... please dont reproduce, you uneducated redneck
It is if you're American, but that's thankfully not the case in most other parts of the world.
Well I did actually Google it (or try to) but came up empty-handed as I alluded to in >>2820698
Thanks for the tip, I wasn't planning on cheaping out but good to know regardless. Also lol diamond dozen
>being this new
>redneck as insult
go back to plebbit retard
>It is if you're American
it is as if you're on an american website, and not one for some irrelevant country
Depending on the number of rooms your want too cool, either multisplit or VRF/VRV (brand specific names for the same shit).
Mini split in the hallway and fans pointing air into individual rooms.
also single mini splits can be sized more accurately to the cooling load a room needs.

if you have multi split devices and your kids move out and you only cool half the rooms the outdoor unit is now basically oversized and starts to cycle and runs more inefficient and will likely die faster.
bro your variable speed compressor? your modulating fans? i swear to god you people need to learn about more than the most bare bone of chink shit.
>you only cool half the rooms the outdoor unit is now basically oversized and starts to cycle and runs more inefficient

This is literally the purpose of VRF systems. They were invented SPECIFICALLY for the purpose of handling...you know...variable loads. Or did you not know that "VRF" stood for "variable refrigerant flow" in the first place?

I swear to god, HVAC really is toeing the line between "business" and "legalized scam", but the amount of retardation I hear on the topic explains why it stays that way.
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You can get multi-splits but the efficiency drops and if one goes down they all do. Get a separate unit for each room. Get a floor mounted "radiator mimic" style for least invasive and easy to maintain indoor unit. Everything other than Fujitsu is literally shit, panasonic, mitsubishi, mr cool, all of them are shit in comparison because once you tell any HVAC technician
>33.1 SEER
you'll see them get an erection (You sometimes have to tell them because most of these scam artists don't even realize the scale goes that high)
>Get a separate unit for each room.
Might as well just get windowshakers for all the hassle. Who the fuck is going to run condensers out of every room and run 240v lines to all of them?
Punch holes in floor, run ducts and install air handler in basement. Punch holes in second floor ceiling, run ducts, and install second air handler in attic. You'll only have to fuck up one wall for the downstairs return.
still there is a point where the Inverter of the compressor cant go lower and has to cycle which you can find somewhere in the datasheet.
Soul / Soulless
Put in insulated ducting either in the crawlspace, basement, or attic. Hook that ducting into a central unit
>Who the fuck is going to run condensers out of every room and run 240v lines to all of them?
fucking retard
why do people comment on shit they know nothing about
Go on, inform the class how you're going to have a seperate system for each room without seperate condensers and seperate power for each one. What is it about HVAC that turns people into complete mongoloids?
Just like a regular HVAC install, install quality is as important if not more so than the gear. A good HVAC company should be able to get you set up. Don't cheap out on the unit or the install. Most HVAC companies will come back out and warranty the unit for free for something like 5 or 10 years.
>heatpump into the central heating system.
>1 mini split per room
If you've got radiators run a gas boiler you fuckin faggot
>Do they make mini splits with multiple indoor units plumbed into a single outdoor unit?
Yes its called a multisplit system. More expensive than individual splits and if one shits the bed it all does.
Mine very literally is. They are on the sides however.
>Everything other than Fujitsu is literally shit, panasonic
After pic related got so fucking clogged with dust in 5 years I went for Panasonic because they can be opened and cleaned easily. I don't care, fuck this sealed garbage. It is also a lot louder than the Panasonic and I doubt blower fans have improved that much in just a decade.
>gas boiler
yes but you can retrofit them with heat pumps.
I dont want that overengineered hippie shit in my home though. Im sure faggot op wouldnt mind
>half the thread is recommending OP pay a 2500% markup with an "HVAC Pro"
Who are you faggots. Fucking kill yourselves fuck sake.
You can install mini splits super easy and just pay a guy to charge it, if you don't know anyone you can trust get your own guage set and vacuum.
I'm not sure why you would be using manifold/gauge set to charge a system, you charge it by weight, not pressure, especially a minisplit that has a variable speed compressor. if you're too retarded to be able to evacuate and charge a system, you buy a mr. cool which comes with a precharged lineset.
>After pic related got so fucking clogged with dust in 5 years
Because your retarded ass didn't clean the filters like the licensed HVAC technician who totally installed that told you to do. Even the manual tells you this if you went the ebay route.

>I went for Panasonic because they can be opened and cleaned easily.
Fujitsu's can be opened and cleaned easily. All of them have the filter screens on the top. They are literally all the same save for that alien model you're showing that you probably scalped from some 3rd world country.
Also if they were installed correctly and the installer understood the clearances of a ceiling, you would have access to them, even so they're on plastic tracks and even cracking it open to clean should be easy enough.

>It is also a lot louder than the Panasonic and I doubt blower fans have improved that much in just a decade.
Yeah it's louder now because you didn't service it properly. Also because the blower fans use a special motor which is part of those exponential energy savings that allow it to reach up to 33 seer on some models.

>I doubt blower fans have improved that much in just a decade
>He doesn't know that's one of the main technologies that make it efficient in the first place.
>Go on, inform the class how you're going to have a seperate system for each room without seperate condensers and seperate power for each one.
Reread what I actually posted you fucking moron>>2821254
Why would you not do this? Don't tell me you think it's more effective to destroy froming, floors and put up shitty dust collection ducts all around the house to effectively do the same thing but less efficiently?
Yeah do that, get the wall warts that don't heat and aren't efficient. At least they're starting to become more intelligent and have those "U" window rattlers now.

I'm telling you how it is. Fujitsu doesn't sell this shit online, shady redistributors do and they come with no warranty. You either:
>/diy/ and risk fucking it up and have no warranty or anyone who actually knows what they're doing who will want to work on your fuck up. Also because the manufacturer can tell you "fuck you" when you go begging for parts that they don't sell to consumers.
>Get a licensed distributor who will work on it and honor the warranty. Even after the warranty expires they will still work on it because they installed it and can't be given a "fuck you" by the manufacturer.


>TLDR: They do it because they have to.
how much does fujitsu pay you to shill on a tibetan basket weaving forum?
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>Thinking such forum browsers could even afford one.
I wasn't born yesterday. I came to explain why the plebs are gonna ignore me and get a POS aircon(ned) instead so that others could laugh at them with me.
All minisplits in existence are precharged from the factory. You literally cannot buy a system that doesn't already come with the refrigerant. All you need to do is vacuum out the lineset with a hobo freight vacuum for a couple hours. What the fuck are you talking about? Why does every boomer come at this with their knowledge of HVAC from 1990?

>muh loicense hvac gotta get muh loicense ummm did i mention that only LOICENSED PROS should be doing this?
>just think if you dare to install something you didn't pay an 800% markup for what will you do when you need my grorious help????
I have no doubt you're an HVACnigger they all have chips on their shoulder like you because nothing about their 'trade' is actually difficult and the internet has ruined their closed shop cartel that kept themselves fat and happy by just refusing to sell to anyone not in the club. Fuck off you absolute faggot. I also think it's hilarious in the same breath you say you shouldn't ever buy anything by fujitsu you also remind the lowly /diy/ that the manufacturer won't sell parts to you because you're not loicensed. Gee whiz, sounds like that's a fantastic reason to buy direct from China who doesn't give a shit doesn't it? Don't pay to be treated like shit.
>I have no doubt you're an HVACnigger they all have chips on their shoulder like you
Because I tell people this and they still can't help but fuck up and then have me go over to make money. I really am a nice guy, which is why I'm bothering to tell you (pretend you're the customer over the phone) exactly how a manufacture is going to rake you over the coals if something goes wrong. You want to risk it? Whatever, I can't really make money off an ebay shitter anyway so good luck. You want me to unfuck it...but what if I can't because it's a Chinese shitter that has no parts or is built shoddily? Now I'm liable because I worked on it last, customer gets to blame me for "breaking" an already broken POS.

>nothing about their 'trade' is actually difficult
No trade is actually "difficult" in a mental sense. Even a sparky just routes wires from point a to b. That shit isn't complicated, neither is measuring pieces of wood and nailing/gluing them together in a way that's acceptable to inspector cluso. Even being a physicist is easy, all you have to do is believe in Einsteins pilpul kosher light switch theory.

>think it's hilarious in the same breath you say you shouldn't ever buy anything by fujitsu you also remind the lowly /diy/ that the manufacturer won't sell parts to you because you're not loicensed.
I think it's hilarious how low your reading comprehension is because I never said any of those things. I said fujitsu isn't going to sell the part to you because you're not licensed and because their own fucking warranty says they won't, DIPSHIT.
It would be great if they did because then I wouldn't get as many calls from knuckleheads like yourself asking me how to fix their ebay shit.

>Don't pay to be treated like shit.
Yeah, the used car saleman is nice and friendly so that means you can trust him.
>All minisplits in existence are precharged from the factory. You literally cannot buy a system that doesn't already come with the refrigerant. All you need to do is vacuum out the lineset with a hobo freight vacuum for a couple hours. What the fuck are you talking about? Why does every boomer come at this with their knowledge of HVAC from 1990?
they literally dont, the amount of refrigerant is dependent on lineset length. only shit like mr. cool comes this way. for example, pic related


>Fujitsu doesn't sell this shit online
>because it is difficult to go to a supply house

>how a manufacture is going to rake you over the coals if something goes wrong
parts are easy to come by, even if they arent, buy a new unit, swap the parts out and return it saying it didnt work. if the retailer refuses to take it back, initiate a credit card charge back and get a full set of parts for free. let me guess, you're some retard who thought a section 608 cert was difficult to obtain.

>you're not licensed
nigger most states dont license HVAC retards, there is no license to be had, you're just some queer who is desperatly trying to gatekeep their profession because you know how retardedly easy it is to do

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>they literally dont
You see the small text on my picture you retard, try reading it. pic related, it comes filled full of helium

also lol at you looking at goodman units. congrats on finding a mr. cool diy competitor. let me guess, its a rebranded gree too.
>refrigerant charge means they charged it with helium bro, obviously!
the highlighted text literally says "This unit comes with a dry helium charge" you gorilla nigger. anyways stay mad you cant weigh out a charge
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also can you even buy refrigerant?
Stay out of pappis wallet faggot
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At no point did I quote an LG unit. Why are you trying to convince me to talk about an LG unit YOU brought up and no one else? You said the ONLY UNITS IN THE WORLD THAT COME WITH REFRIGERANT ARE MR. COOL DIY. I showed you that's not true. I did not comment on the quality of the units I quoted, only that every single unit that came up on the FIRST SEARCH are filled with refrigerant. I'm not talking about whatever FUCKING LG UNIT YOU ARE.

Damn bro you paid $24.95 and typed shit into Google too? Your dick so FUCKING HUGE. I'm SO FUCKING HARD COMPARING CERTS BRO. RAW DAWG BRO UHHHHH FUCKKKKKK
>All minisplits in existence are precharged from the factory
>At no point did I quote an LG unit
its as if you're retarded and dont know what the word all means. anyways stay butthurt that you think every minisplit is designed to be DIY'ed. pic relates is for Carrier, again, doesnt come pre-charged for DIY purposes

Thank you for the concession. I appreciate you taking the time to admit I was right. Why you keep referring to poor value, inconvenient units that are few in number compared to the competition is beyond me but I hope it works out for you.
>muh only reason to buy precharged is muh diy
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stay butthurt anon you dont have a refrigerant scale, and instead of even a 608 card, which i previously said (>>2821667)
was retardedly easy to obtain, you have a screenshot which has been shooped in two seperate programs
Anyway OP, consider finding a reputable dealer in your area and think about some Mitsubishi units. I recommend the floor mounts for ease of service and care, and if you live in the north, a hyper heat inverter can do you some good. Mitsi CLAIMS they'll heat to -17, but 0 is good enough. See if you get a diamond dealer too, you'll get another 2 years on your factory warranty.
Mitsubishi? I thought everything except Fujitsu was garbage?
I like Mitsubishi. Its what I service and install. There aren't a lot of Fujitsus in my area so I can't really attest if they're shit or not. But most of the 'higher end' ductless brands are close enough that I'd go with whatever company had a better rep and deal.
Of course, you should always, always research before agreeing to anything.
>muh rep, muh cuntstumer cervix
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>Fujitsu doesn't sell this shit online
>because it is difficult to go to a supply house
Why did you make this post?
>parts are easy to come by, even if they arent,
>buy a new unit, swap the parts out and return it saying it didnt work.
Oh so that's why the supply house only sells to you if you have a loiscence. Thanks for making the /diy/ers life harder, Jose.
>ififif this and that then be a nigger about it
Yeah you could struggle through life like a tramp, but nah fuck that.
>nigger most states dont license HVAC retards, there is no license to be had,
That MUST mean those manufactures will sell them to you. And with a warranty amirite?
>you're just some queer who is desperatly trying to gatekeep their profession because you know how retardedly easy it is to do
Yes I'm the gatekeeper keeping the parts and warranties away from you, it's all a right to fix conspiracy.

Yes. I'm sure that anon might disagree though because he's a different anon.
I DID clean the filters.
I CAN access them just fucking fine.
It was not that, the whole fucking evaporator and blower was so filled with dust that it blew NOTHING, no air was coming out of it at all.
The guy who installed the whole multisplit system came, tore it apart, put this fucking bag on it with a hose and pressure washed the thing.
He confirmed to me a Fujitsu cannot have the blower removed at all without totally destroying it and recommended a Panasonic, which one can easily take apart and remove the whole blower to clean it extensively WHICH CLEARLY IS NEEDED if it is used heavily as this one was, almost year round because of weak heating in the winter. So we had him put 6 individual Panasonic units in our house.
>that alien model you're showing that you probably scalped from some 3rd world country.
It's 10 years old now and I am not an amerimutt, I guess this is what they had in yurop back then. It has been otherwise very reliable I will admit but it is absolutely nothing special.
>the blower fans use a special motor which is part of those exponential energy savings that allow it to reach up to 33 seer on some models.
Yeah I don't know about any of that shit. I just know the Panasonic makes a lot less noise. This shit did make a nice racket back in 2014 too, perhaps as the bearings wear down it gets worse. I'd have to see if the other units are any better as they got a lot less use.
here you go retard

now stay butthurt you job involves you spending all day on a roof or in an attic in the heat
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>It's 10 years old now
And it will still last longer than those 6 panasonic shitters you got pawned.
>I just know the Panasonic makes a lot less noise
Of course they do, they're new you fucking retard. They're as quiet as the fuji was on day 1. Your neighbors are going to confuse your house for an aviary in less than 5 years.


>HVACDirect.com is not liable for and does not warrant the fitness of any equipment for any particular application. HVACDirect.com is not responsible or liable for any suggestions that it may provide concerning system sizing and/or selection.
>Any issues or decisions regarding system sizing and/or selection must be resolved and/or reached solely by the consumer and should not be based on any information or suggestions from HVACDirect.com.
>All work must be done according to applicable building, installation, and/or maintenance codes.
>Products sold by HVACDirect.com must be installed by a licensed professional.
>HVACDirect.com covers parts only under warranty.
>Installer is responsible for any applicable labor warranty. HVACDirect.com does not endorse or recommend any contractor or service.
>HVACDirect.com cannot be held liable for any issues/problems you may experience with your chosen contractor.
>It is up to you (the customer) to exercise due diligence when selecting a contractor.
>HVACDirect.com is not liable for contractor selection or issues arising from interactions or agreements with contractors not employed by or contracted with HVACDirect.com.
>HVACDirect.com assumes no responsibility for ensuring that contractors are properly licensed, qualified, bonded or insured.
And my favorite
>All products must be installed according to manufacturer's installation instructions and safety guidelines.

So yes, thank you for confirming what I've basically been telling you the whole time.

>job involves you spending all day on a roof or in an attic in the heat
That's why we install minisplits you fucking retard.
>that wall of text
congrats on posting a bunch of irrelevant text anon, because none of that has anything to do with a manufacturers warranty. but i'm not really surprised as you're retarded enough to work in hvac.
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>because none of that has anything to do with a manufacturers warranty.
At least you can make one post of use. I thank you for the free "TL;DR".
>i was only pretending to be retarded
stay butthurt anon
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You're just agreeing with me and simplifying my posts. Why would I be butthurt?
you're butthurt because you thought every minisplit came pre-charged. you're butthurt because you're upset that websites will sell fujitsu mini splits to diy'ers. you're upset that diy'ers can buy parts of minisplits. you're upset that you realized that you're little more than some poor who drives around a truck all day for $25 an hour, hoping some day to get in to residential. all you have to man yourself feel better are reaction images. and given their resolution, you're also some poor who only has a phone and not a real computer. pic related, and stay mad
>hoping some day to get in to residential
hoping some day to get in to commercial
>you're butthurt because you thought every minisplit came pre-charged.
confusing me with another anon (again).
>you're butthurt because you're upset that websites will sell fujitsu mini splits to diy'ers. you're upset that diy'ers can buy parts of minisplits.
No. I'm telling you they don't warranty them, nor will the manufacturer.
>you're upset that you realized that you're little more than some poor who drives around a truck all day for $25 an hour,
Do you think I'm an hvac technician or something?

No you had it right the first time, god forbid I have to work around someone like you.
>nor will the manufacturer
again, if you check the manufacturer's requirements there is none of these retarded requirements you speak of

>Do you think I'm an hvac technician or something?
you're a butthurt tradie, not a technician
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>again, if you check the manufacturer's requirements there is none of these retarded requirements you speak of
Here's 3 of the major ones, >>2821591. All of which basically say "lol no we're not going to warranty random internet sales". Now you might be right and there might be a few who do. If so I think OP would benefit knowing that rather than "dude trust me" accompanies by sources that complete negate your point.

>you're a butthurt tradie, not a technician
I paint. Not the "wall painting tradie" kind of painter but the "fanmade horrors beyond comprehension" kind. The latter paid more than the former and both pay more than probably any trade save for sparky/plumber.
I have an irrational fear of these things
There should be a HOA thread, there are so many retarded stories.
Like the guy that was forced to build a fence to hide his boat so he printed a life size picture of the boat on the fence out of spite.
>lol no we're not going to warranty random internet sales
then you go to a supply house. again, none of these have requirements other than maybe 608 for purchasing bulk refrigerant, and even then they never ask for a card. none of these manufacturers care if some retarded tradie marks it up 500% or if the consumer purchases it direct.

> Not the "wall painting tradie" kind of painter but the "fanmade horrors beyond comprehension" kind
oh wow, you are a carnie with a meth habbit who works in a haunted house, how very impressive.

and then everyone clapped
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aircon anons, i have a question.
It's winter and my old AC struggles to warm my third world uninsulated room, i didn't let it defrost and made it go on heating.
It spewed air at 55C but it iced up on the outside so now i let it run how it wants and it takes it's brakes.
Since i stopped abusing it and let it do it's thing it never really spews air hotter than 49C.
And the colder the weather gets the worse it'll perform, the more i need it the less it does.
not him but no manufacturer or supplier will warranty hvac equipment unless it is installed by a licensed contractor. the only exceptions are the DIY versions of Mr Cool.
don't try to use AC when it's under 60F outside, it will ruin it.
also, why not just open a window?
Why would i open a fucking window if i'm trying to heat the room?
if your ac isn't cooperating get a separate space heater
You don't fucking say! I would never have thought of adding heating!
I just had a curiosity question about AC mechanics for the AC guys, autismo
he is talking about a heat pump

plenty of states dont license HVAC contractors you retard. stop pretending like warranties dont exist unless you pay a mouth breathing retard like yourself. also you clearly dont understand what an implied warranty is. there is a reason why you ended up in HVAC and its because you're dumb as shit and are desperately trying to gatekeep your shitty trade because you know how retardedly simple it is to do DIY

you really need to do a load calculation and see if it is sized appropriated. if your home isnt insulated you'll need an oversized system.
It's one room, but i'm just curious why the air is not coming out as hot, that is all.
it's not coming out hot cause you touch yourself at night
49C/120F is hot. and it is going to vary depending on the temperature outdoors. again, you have to do a load calculation to see if your minisplit is sized appropriately. and also check the datasheet to see what its rated operating temperature range is, because HVAC retards sell people the wrong thing all the time. go tell us the model number and the size of the room you're trying to heat and the outdoor temperature.
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the room is 10m2, the outside temperature goes as low as 5C but right now it's been around 15C and the unit is a mistery since it was bought maybe 10 years ago on a whim.
>plenty of states dont license HVAC contractors you retard. stop pretending like warranties dont exist unless you pay a mouth breathing retard like yourself. also you clearly dont understand what an implied warranty is. there is a reason why you ended up in HVAC and its because you're dumb as shit and are desperately trying to gatekeep your shitty trade because you know how retardedly simple it is to do DIY
lmao I'm not even an hvac tech or tradie you coping retard. but I can read the warranty limitations and they all say their warranty is void if you DIY instead of having a licensed contractor do it. you're just plain retarded if you think otherwise. go ahead and try to register your product warranty while leaving the "dealer" section blank.
>room is 10m2
we need volume, how high are your ceilings. and also window area.

>Rated Heating Input 0.82kW
So 2800 BTU/hr

>it was bought maybe 10 years ago on a whim.
I have no idea what shithole you live in, but R22 was phased out in the US a long time ago and I can only assume the EU did too back in 2010.

There are a bunch of heater size BTU calculators out there, and they all seem to say your unit is undersized. So you can either get a bigger system or insulate your room by cutting holes all over your walls and blowing in insulation.
>instead of having a licensed contractor
again there are no licenses in tons of states for example:

>go ahead and try to register your product warranty
thats not the way warranties work you retard. try reading the magnuson-moss act sometime
>leaving the "dealer" section blank
also the dealer would be the supply house you bought it from retard.
Every state has licensed contractors. You seem to want to read that as licensed HVAC because you are retarded.
"dealer" refers to who did the installation you retard.
just ignore that clown, zir is being a pedantic little bitch
dont bother replying fujitsu-san, ive blocked your posts
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>then you go to a supply house.
Okay? They aren't gonna warranty it either, but I won't let that stop you from gambling. Why would someone who doesn't make the part in the first place guarantee it without some other kind of guarantee that they'll be re-compensated for the part? It's like saying a Kawasaki dealer is gonna carry Harley Davidson parts and will warranty them if they go bad without Harley Davidson re compensating them for it. They would have gone out of business decades ago.

>none of these have requirements other than maybe 608 for purchasing bulk refrigerant,
I would retort, but I don't want you to waste hot air back at me that would be better blown at Al Gore instead.

>and even then they never ask for a card.
I've seen people like you use propane out of desperation, you'll manage I'm sure since technically everything is a refrigerant.

>oh wow, you are a carnie with a meth habbit who works in a haunted house, how very impressive.
..uh yeah a "haunted house" that's open all year round for art commissions. Some of them do believe they're werewolves I guess, but I don't think you got the joke behind my polyester coated Tesla pun.
wall are 25 or 30 cm brick at least
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you dont seem to understand how state laws work, you dont need a license to do hvac work in illinois or plenty of other states, you are also so retarded you dont understand what a dealer is.

you seem to be massively butthurt over people being able to diy their own hvacs. so how does it feel to be a carnie?

thats great, but brick isnt insulation and has a shitty R value, pic realted. you would need a brick wall 2.8 meters thick to be the same as 6" of actual insulation. enjoy paying for tuckpointing every few years and the silicosis of breathing in the dust generated by it
you daft motherfucker, it doesn't have to be a specific hvac license. any contractor needs a contractor's license. you are the only person here that insists we are all talking about a hvac specific contractor license.
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No, exposed brick is fancy.
I can't find the values for this kind of brick
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Any more projecting you would like to do or are we good?
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>you dont understand what a dealer is.
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>Inb4 "I'm the dealer, I'll give them my name and number!"
And we haven't even gotten to the subsidy incentive requirements one could get, which is something OP should also know about cause these things are expensive as it is.
Its as if you're retarded and completely incapable of reading your own sources. Let me hold your hand like the retard you are and quote the very first sentance:
>Though not required to get the protection of the standard warranty
>though not required
>not required
there is a reason why you work in the trades, and it is because you're a mouth breathing retard. now stay even more butthurt after embarrassing yourself so badly
Better than common brick ,but still shitty. 0.20 versus 0.54 per inch. so i guess you really only need a 1.5 meter thick wall of those clay tiles to equal 6" of actual insulation
What do you combine these things with to heat your space? It costs so much to use these things with heat, it makes me think these things are a scam to force you to use more electricity rather than burn gas (which is cheaper)
Rinnai natural gas/propane is a good low space pairing with these guys. Easy install too.

>It costs so much to use these things with heat
This is why you want a good brand that actually invents/pioneers the technology in them and not a knockoff chinese one. Get a -15/-20 degree model that will deliver the rated output in those temps. Even so, they do still tend to struggle. Consider that you aren't spending money on gas and it's the most efficient electric heating you can get basically. However, the negative is that you still want to have a backup heat source in case the power goes out.

>it makes me think these things are a scam to force you to use more electricity rather than burn gas
The "scam" is simply a tradeoff without being at the mercy of the exponentially more inefficient induction heating. Also: It is one unit with the capability of both heating and cooling, meaning you only have to service one.

>(which is cheaper)
Give them time.
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the part that's not required is registering it within 60 days. it's hilarious how ignorant you are.
anon, your posts are nothing but 100% cope. have fun working in a trades where having basic reading comprehension skills clearly isnt required.
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How do you deal with condensation water from the outdoor unit? I have thought about putting some thirsty plants underneath.
>exponentially more inefficient induction heating
>induction heating
>climate control
Gas furnace ducts are not designed for heat pumps.
They need a more powerful fan to deliver air faster.
It won't work op.
>outdoor unit?
do these have to be higher or lower than the indoor unit or is this irrelevant? i usually see them placed high, but this OP image is low. So it can be placed lower than the indoor part?
however the condensate hose has to have a consistent downward slope and if it cannot then you must install a pump
>Gas furnace ducts are not designed for heat pumps.
this is completely false because btus is all that matters. if you have a 30k btu gas furnace you can replace it with a 30k btu heat pump and use the exact same ducts.

I think he's talking about leaving air temperature. A furnace produces higher temperatures, meaning you need less air volume for the same capacity. Heat pumps don't like high temperature differentials, as it makes them less efficient, and one way to compensate for this is to circulate more air at a lower temperature. Since ductwork is sized by airflow, not temperature, a smaller duct installed to match a furnace may not be adequate for a heat pump that wants double or triple what was originally planned on.

Whether this ends up being a problem is dependent on what kind of equipment is involved, but it's something that needs to be considered.
>acktually it's "electric heating"
They also call battery cars "electric cars". I don't see what the problem is given the rockapes who peddle this shit don't even know how the cursed lodestones that run them work.
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this is 3 world brick and cant even handle much load.

this is what euros uses filled with perlite or rockwool it has a /R/ value good enought you dont need extra external or internal insulation.
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this is how the heat has to travel thought it.
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and thirdies brick
It helps a lot that temperatures are not so extreme here.
I live in the coldest state of monkeyland and it's national news when it snows a few centimeters once a year.
You can have as many indoor coils as you want connected to an outdoor unit. Efficiency is an issue yadda yadda but..

Just keep in mind you need airflow to make heating/cooling function. Hence ducts. So either put a coil in every room, add ducting, or keep every door open always and be uncomfortable in a few rooms.
i would do multiple splits.
the advantage against a multisplit is that when 1 breaks you can still heat/cool your house with the remaining
>also can you even buy refrigerant?
propane is a refrigerant
do you live in sweden?

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