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>cigar tobacco is air-cured and alkaline - it can't be inhaled
>cigarette tobacco is oven-cured and acidic - it can be inhaled
... is this true?
Bonus Q: what causes cancer (allegedly) and how to minimize it?
I've inhaled cigar smoke, it sucks roughly 3x as bad as cigarettes, too much to train my throat to handle the way it does cigarettes. I've never measured the pH of either one, can't help you there. Cancer is caused by random errors during the repair of damaged dna, specifically in areas that control a cell's growth. Any damage to any tissue can cause cancer of that tissue, it's basically a dice roll every time you get a sunburn or digest delicious barbecue blackened meat or inhale welding fumes, etc. Allegedly.
It's not hard at all. Tobacco seed is extremely small, and requires light, heat (70F-80) and moisture to germinate. Set up a flat, either a 10x10 or 10x20 with about 1/2" of fine soil mix in the bottom. Moisten the mix before seeding. Scatter seed over the surface and mist it periodically so it doesn't dry out. Soon you'll have a flat full of seedlings. While you're waiting, prepare your transplant pots, like 6-packs or 4-packs - no larger than 1-1/2" square. Identify, isolate and move the best seedlings from the flat to individual pots. Plan to set up a 24"x24" grid outside when you set out the transplants. Tobacco is a heavy feeder and needs fertile soil relatively high in phosphorus. Watch out for 'tomato worm' - these caterpillars will eat your crop down to seeds and stems if you let them. I wouldn't sweat the air vs oven-curing. Pick a variety for the purpose: there are cigar vs pipe vs cigarette varieties. A good seed seller will provide descriptions. I think I used Pinetree as a source last time, but I think Victory has some varieties too IIRC. Plan now to start next year. Till up an area and plant buckwheat now. Buckwheat will recover unavailable phosphorus from the soil and make it available when you plow the buckwheat under in fall. Good luck and fuck the tobacco tax, don't sell any and you'll be cool.
You asked about cancer - I'd heard that was due to growers using phosphate rock for tobacco's P requirements, said phosphate rock also contains uranium as a trace hitchhiker. Use MAP - monoammonium phophate or that buckwheat trick for the first season. Rotate your crops to new locations so you don't ruin the soil, or increase pests and disease. Be a farmer, not a miner.
great tips, thanks anon
There is no allegedly anymore, it's already been proven many times over. Thats why they tell you to not smoke, you dying of lung cancer at 40 also kills the 25 or so work years still left in you.

Its smoke what causes cancer, incomplete combustion of organic material contains a plethora of chemicals that will happily react with the wet mucosa in your lungs and destroy cells and seep in to destroy DNA. Youre asking a dumb question.
To minimise it don’t burn the tobacco but heat it up like a vape so that there won’t be tar in the smoke.

Most cigarette tobacco is steam expanded to make it lighter to smoke, and kept at constant temperature and humidity to prevent it from drying out until it’s packed. If you skip either of those steps the smoke will be strong and heavy (like American spirit) and burn hot and fast (like the cheap cigarettes you buy in Guatemala).
>heat it up like a vape
that's IQOS
a vape has no tobacco at all, its just heating glycerin with nicotine salts and flavoring
There are dry herb vapes that heat up the plant material to release the stuff you want. Not sure how effective they are for tobacco but in sure it's a niche market and had devices.
>cancer maymay
Yes and 5g causes autism and covid
How do you smoke?
t. coughlet
>Not sure how effective they are for tobacco
Philip Morris has been selling such a thing for like a decade now.
good luck finding seeds , the jews dont want us growing our own , they cant get rich off us if we grow our own
Sorry yea I meant iqos. I think OP would have more luck making those, it’s easier to control. They contain crushed, very dry tobacco with glycerin to make up for the dryness

They are free to market in Europe and don’t have an import/export ban anywhere im aware of so you should have no problem getting them anywhere in the world
idk about growing but the processing is easy enough once you learn to prevent mold
My baccy failed this year, too much rain in poor draining soil. But I have been able to grow it past years.
I don't smoke much so I will do container growing next time, I just need a few plants.
Inhaling any smoke increases cancer risk.
Not by much, but if you are in a habit of inhaling thick smoke, several times a day for decades, you get the picture.
Skill issue. My dad has inhaled cigars for the last 30 years, no filter and flavor dipped so who knows what kind of chemicals he is inhaling. Three kinds of cancer was his prize.
>good luck finding seeds
You can just buy them online? It's not hard to find them at all.
I don't even smoke but i've thought about growing some tobacco next summer. Might try to making some cigars. And probably just give most of it to friends
I've come to the conclusion that just because you can inhale it don't mean you should.
Definitely causes much less shortness of breath to smoke cigars (correctly, with no inhaling) or pipes, even inside the house.
I make my own rolling tobacco that's on the alkaline side, meaning it has significant nose bite. I don't inhale it much anymore, even roll it into "big cigarettes" (cigarillo sized) and put a carbon filter in them.
the fucc would you smoke this boommer shit when weed exist
True - but inhaling smoke that also contains known radioactive alpha emitters from phosphate rock fertilizers ups the odds considerably. Plants can uptake heavy metals - "phytoremediation" - for good or bad.
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a 'vape' is just a device that uses heat to vaporize volatile substances without burning the material. they work for cannabis and tobacco, so any weed vape will work. and they don't all use electric power, there're products like dynavap that heat with a flame.
Smoking causing cancer has been proven since the 50s. There is no """allegedly""".
i switched to vaping and the improvement with breathing and lung function was incredible. no more congestion, inflamed sinuses or scratchy throat. general performance improved, sleep quality improved.

now to taper off and quit the vape.

maybe i'll take up infrequent cigar smoking, or go full cringelord and take up pipe smoking, so i can still enjoy tobacco occasionally without damaging my health.

people who try to rationalize their bad habits are truly a lost and doomed bunch.
Everyone I know who has ever tried to replace cigs with IQOS just failed. Such a retarded product because it's still completely different.
My great grandfather grew tobacco in their yard during WW2. Died in his early 50s.
I'm growing tobacco in my garden as we speak. The trick to growing them in a temperate climate is to start very early in a greenhouse or even indoors.
For the next year I'm considering starting them around January indoors, moving them into the greenhouse sometime in March and then outdoors end of May (after last frost).
Im 100% sure that anyone trying to replace cigarettes with first time diy home made will fail as well. Even if you get it to burn somewhat consistently (which is a science of its own) it’ll still be completely different and hard not to cough violently at every drag

posted from my iqos iluma
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The growing part is easy and straightforward; just make a seedling bed in March in-house and plant it in the regular garden in May/June. The tricky part is nailing the correct curing process and rolling the cigars you want. There are loads of YouTube videos on how to do all these things, but there are several different methods, and so far, I have just ruined some perfectly nice leaves.
Worked in a lot of tobacco as a kid, spent plenty of time in the top of a barn hanging it, then in the stripping room in the winter stripping and bailing it. Literally never saw it oven cured, and it was definitely all for cigarettes. You've been lied to, like a lot of other useless information ITT.

It's not hard to grow, the information is easy to find with Google. It's going to taste like shit and burn like crap if you don't grow at least a couple of varieties to blend: cigarette tobacco is blended for those specific qualities.

You want to minimize cancer risk? Don't smoke. There are no positives, regardless of the bullshit society and their constant "release of great news!" If you smoke, your risk of cancer increases. Period. That said, if you want to, then just do it. It's legal, you don't need anyone's permission.
>what causes cancer (allegedly) and how to minimize it?
damage to cellular DNA by chemical, radiation, mutation.

how to minimize it? don't eat chemicals, be exposed to radiation, and don't allow your DNA to mutate. simple as.
well this is all bullshit. tobacco smoke is literally burned plant matter, it's just as bad as being inside a forest fire. nothing good comes from inhaling smoke of any kind.
Tobacco plants and the additives often used with them pull a ton of radioactive isotopes into the leaves. You aren’t just getting cancer from the smoke damage, you’re also bombarding your lungs with a ton of radiation.
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Imagine training your throat so it can handle pole extract lmao
Keep saying that like it makes a difference and eventually someone might believe it matters, right? Good luck!
>Its smoke what causes cancer, incomplete combustion of organic material contains a plethora of chemicals that will happily react with the wet mucosa in your lungs and destroy cells and seep in to destroy DNA. Youre asking a dumb question.

If that's so then then smoking weed would be just as bad and yet:
>There is no allegedly anymore, it's already been proven many times over. Thats why they tell you to not smoke, you dying of lung cancer at 40 also kills the 25 or so work years still left in you.
This would mean they wouldn't be trying to increase weed use ... which they are.
>I'd heard that was due to growers using phosphate rock for tobacco's P requirements, said phosphate rock also contains uranium as a trace hitchhiker.

>contains known radioactive alpha emitters from phosphate rock fertilizers ups the odds considerably.

So ... lets say somebody followed "professional" instructions and fertilized all his fruit trees with triple super phosphate ...
>If that's so then then smoking weed would be just as bad and yet:
No one smokes multiple packs of joints a day.

You are a gullible fool
grow aztec tobacco if you wanna make good ass pipe tobacco or cigars
they're as much as 9x as strong as domestic tobacco
what that means is that you only have to smoke 1/9 as much as normal to feel the affects, meaning 1/9 the amount of cancer
i dont know to what degree nicotine itself if a carcinogen, but burning plant matter is most of the problem
also, inhaling is worse than letting smoke sit in your mouth (since your lungs are vital to your survival)
but you can still get gum cancer
and to that i say make sure you clean your mouth as much as possible after smoking
shut up retard
calling people feds or trying to get people to not talk about things that are perfectly legal to do is exactly what the real feds want you to do, you're literally acting like their puppet
cigarettes are filtered, wrapped with paper, and usually have some other chemicals to make it easier to smoke while cigars are unfiltered and wrapped with tobacco
thats all there is to it
an oven really shouldn't make a difference like that, its just a cheap solution to mass curing tobacco
Triple Super is processed phosphate rock. Process acids are phosphoric and or sulfuric. The end product is a calcium hydrogen phosphate that is very water-soluble. Depending on the supplier and the PR source, there may be greater or lesser amounts of unwanted trace elements. Usually lesser, and way lower than the raw PR the cheapskates/organic buffs use. I wouldn't worry about your fruit.
>No one smokes multiple packs of joints a day.
I only smoke 2 pipe bowls of tobacco a month and my doctor tells me not to, so they should tell weed smokers not to. Many of them smoke every day.
I smoked a quarter pound of weed a month until my lung collapsed
Weed isn't chemically addictive like nicotine is but at the same time everyone i know who smokes weed does so much it's incredible. I'm talking like 6 or 8 dabs a day
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You're not going to like the tobacco you grow yourself.
In 1994 there where 599 additives added to cigarette, the last document I saw from 2018 it was 2000 additives.
Nicotine is the least addicting chemical of the addictive chemicals added.
Also hundreds of chemicals that modify the nicotine absorption and metabolism in such a way it doesn't really feel nicotine but something else.
The funniest additive is fucking cyanide to prevent mold grow (very low dose tho).
Sorry for bad english, I'm dutch.
>Cancer is caused by random errors during the repair of damaged dna
More, please.
What else did you find?
Only cigarettes went unscathed from the FDA food labelling rules. Coca cola, wrigley's gum, all tried to get exceptions. Only cigarette makers got one. No packet of cigarettes has the ingredients on it. Should be: Ingredients: Tobacco.

Maybe early American Spirits, or some foreign brands do.
I know that some native American tribes are starting to grow their own tobacco. They claim it’s hard work but a small amount is still totally achievable for one person. They also claim that traditional tobacco is less harmful than commercial tobacco. They say part of it is because commercial tobacco has a lot of dangerous additives, but also people rarely smoke traditional tobacco. They usually burn it ceremonially without the intention of inhaling it, as in sage smudging. Traditional tobacco also has a higher nicotine content and few ingredients to reduce harshness, which is supposed to make it less addictive. I learned this from a non-profit, https://keepitsacred.itcmi.org/
Thank you for this resource.

I have made knick-knick, which may or may not have tobacco in it. Can be made either way. It had juniper berries, corn silk, red raspberry leaf, lobelia (a relative of tobacco), and like 15 other ingredients. Damiana (mexican). Wormwood iirc. It's been a long time.. That shit was dope. Smelled like pot, to a nose only used to cigarettes and pot.

Just smoked it in a pipe. And yes it is nice..
No source needed. DNA tells a cell how to live, and when it gets fucked up, the cell either dies, or starts living in a way that fucks up the larger host organism (i.e. becomes cancer). This is high school biology, my child.

Stuff that mutates DNA is all stuff you're supposed to avoid, like UV rays from the sun, X-rays, toxic fumes, and the stupidity of 4chan.
tobacco grows like a weed. but it's really hard to cure properly in my experience
Don't remember it was in 2018 and I'm unable to find the document.
Here is a wikipedia list with 607 additives but idk how trustworthy it is since cyanide is replaced with ''bitter almond oil'' well that's a less scary name to call it.
oops ment to reply to you, I blame the thc.

I had cigs from every country in Europe and Russia and none of them had ingredients labeling.
> Only cigarettes went unscathed from the FDA food labelling rules.
Any product that is smoked is exempt, because you’re not inhaling the ingredients anyway.

In Europe only ingredients are allowed that are considered safe for oral consumption in the same dose per serving. So a cigarette can’t have more cyanide than a portion of bitter almonds can. That doesn’t mean anything because burning it isn’t the same as eating but at least they’re doing something.

But also tobacco without additives is very hard to smoke and not enjoyable. American spirit is bad already, but try some fake ‘Malimbo’ or ‘Dromedar’ from Egypt and you’ll know
>radiation doesn’t cause cancer
I will pay you to take a picture with the Elephants Foot
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I was interested in growing myself and rolling some cigars. Might be too late in the season IDK.
>tobacco without additives is very hard to smoke and not enjoyable
I wouldn't say so, the thing is you need to be frugal with what you take out of the tobacco.
Though I did get tentatively, vaguely "better" results adding a little bit of "rice water" from toasting the tobacco in a pan I'd just cooked rice in, there's a lot of sugar in some kinds of tobacco leaf already.
Your graph does not prove what the first paragraph claims it does.
Isn't the complicated thing about tobacco the fermentation of the leaves? Cigar tobacco is raw but cigarette tobacco is fermented to break down some of the tar
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wrong, both are fermented in dry piles but cigarette tobacco is toasted.
picrel I fermented in water bc I don't have an air humidity control setup, with a pinch of yeast in hope of reducing the sugar content. it has a sweet-smelling alcoholic byproduct (which has poisonous nicotine levels, ~50ml is already a trip).
apparently no one does this but I'm happy with the quality of rolling tobacco I get out of it.
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a "trip" that causes bloodflow problems btw., not for the faint of heart or ppl who don't know how to work with dangerous substances. just preparing or finishing up a batch WITH adequate gloves causes symptoms of nicotine overexposure.
All smoke has Benzo(a)pyrenes in it, which interact with your cell's DNA and cause it to mutate, which can cause cancer.
>but I think Victory has some varieties too IIRC
the last time I checked they didn't sell tobacco anymore and had removed both tobacco and poppy seeds from their "SHTF Victory Garden hermetically sealed seed can"
IIRC they can only grow Nicotiana rustica
(wild tobacco) for ceremonial purposes which has incredibly high nicotine content and tastes like shit. It's the same variety that you have to consume to vomit & diharrea purge your body before doing ayahuasca. All commercial tobacco varieties are descended from rustica but have been selectively bred for lesser nicotine content and smoother, less vomit inducing taste.
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While thatd true, Italien rolling the dice each time you smoke vs once in a while
>what causes cancer
Then why fucking ask faggot
>and how to minimize it?
Not smoking
>but i want to suck warm fluids out of a firm cylinder held in my lips
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210 Polonium

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