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Supposing, hypothetically, there was this safe that had long ago lost its key, what method would you use to open it?

Violence is acceptable, but no explosives.
Give it back, Tyrone.
thats just a fire safe so it would be easy to open with an angle grinder or sawzall
Dang, awesome.

I have an angle grinder and a recip, so I'm covered as far as that goes.
just hit it hard with a sledge hammer and it'll open up
you could dissolve the latch and hinges with some sort of acid
Give it back Jamal.
Diablo Auto Dismantling recip blades are love. Try some as it's a good excuse. I can take the nose off a Silverado with one blade including frame cuts (I harvest drivetrains).
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bet that lock is easy to pick.
Fill with water and freeze
I wonder what kind of acid
You should do more fenny and then try to buy some shit with counterfeit bills
Cmon guys you can do better than that. At least go as far as Barkevius. Throw in an apostrophe or two while you're at it.
Not a bad idea, but it has Pokémon carts in it
this this save is just kuchenblech sold by the kuchenblechmaffia
This was my plan at first. I just got worried I would warp the safe without actually opening it, and then other methods (like picking the lock) would become impossible.
give it back jamal
Flathead in keyway and vice grip to rotate the screwdriver and shear all the tumblers. May even be able to buy a new lock cylinder and reuse the safe. Messing around with angle grinders and sawzall is just creating unnecessary mess and asking to damage the contents.
i have a sentrysafe, not that model though. the grey plastic piece right about the keyhole is what's keeping it closed. i'm pretty sure it would pop right off with a crowbar.
Acid is childishly stupid and the suggestion was obviously a troll.
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if this is the actual "safe" buy some lockpicks and just pick it.
I just picked a similar lock in 5 sec with two bristle hairs from a street cleaning vehicle.
Does it need to be a rather thin flathead head? I tried it and it didn't do anything.

FWIW I know for a fact that the top 2/3rds of the safe's interior is filler material like bubble wrap, so a power tool probably wouldn't damage anything important.

Is it that easy? I can buy lockpicks for sure but I'm surprised any safe could be picked that quickly.

Guess I want a gun safe if I actually wanted to protect anything legitimately valuable.
>Is it that easy?
Depends on the lock. Shitty locks like Anon posted can be picked with a hair pin. Barrel locks like in OP need special tools.
a tension bar and a rattle pick should pop this one in minutes with very little skill.
>a tension bar and a rattle pick
aka special tools
>Does it need to be a rather thin flathead head? I tried it and it didn't do anything.
You hammer in a decently strong screwdriver, it will destroy the keyway. Then, you grab with vise grips and turn it open, hard. This breaks all the tumblers.
basic stuff that can be bought online for under $10
So we are in agreement.
here is a guy doing it with a screwdriver and a paper clip
this one is kinda funny
>Barrel lock
depending on the building of the safe it may be as easy as using a magnet or needing special tools
check the lockpicking lawyer on yt, pretty sure the dude picked one like yours a year or so ago
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Have at it OP
We were talking about the barrel lock in OP.
Most gun safes, while better, are still pretty vulnerable to attack from someone in the know. They have better designed locking systems but at the end of the day, they still don't have very thick metal.
....please hang that from a tree, or throw it into a car, then turn it on from like 200'
These safes are 90% foam. I'd just use a 4 inch hole saw.
Are you blind or just retarded? That's just a basic bitch wafer lock.
I broke it open. All it took was this flathead and this mallet.
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Thanks for removing the head of the mallet, fucking image resizer.

<Photo of the top of the box's contents, as yet undisturbed.
It seems that I was blind, yes.
Are those opoids?
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Just filler so the contents of the box won't rattle.

Contains Pokémon related stuff.
Chain drill with cobalt bits.
with a shitty sub 200 dollar safe:
1st step, angle grinder off the sheet metal on the exterior side wall
2nd step, chisel off filler material or just break it into pieces with a hammer
3rd step, dremel off the final sheet metal layer, alternatively it can be chiseled through like a tin can or sawed through if you are worried about stuff inside catching on fire
with an very expensive safe vault filled with lead or thick steel i would start with oxyacetylene torch then try using either a chisel on fireproof material or an diamond angle grinder wheel. with the final layer of steel i would drill in with a tungsten drill bit then use a tungsten fox tail saw (HSS will do fine unless the vault is made out of hard tool steel)
this is all in case where the safe doesn't have obvious security flaws like a shitty lock, parts that can be moved with a magnet or just be moved with a dead blow hammer. honestly just hit it with a hammer in a bunch of places while jiggling the key or move the magnet around it and you might get lucky
Get your lockpick out and rake it open Jamal.

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