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Abominations Thread XLVIII

Previous thread 'gon die soon enough >>2817530

"Things that will eventually kill the clumsy and/or retarded edition"

Also, maybe mods/jannies or whoever is in charge should get the bump limit on /diy/ raised to 500 posts like other boards. 300 post bump limit seems a bit young.
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Posting the /diy/ mascot
>300 post bump limit seems a bit young.
its an old board and the soul must remain.
you wouldnt understand
This isn't so bad, I think it's more important to not upset the window symmetry especially if this is on the front of the house.
Falling down the stairs and smashing through the window would be kino too
like one of those Donald Duck cartoons where he fights the chipmunks and loses.
Or sliding down the bannister, looney tunes ball crusher moment
does an after picture exist?
While that would be an awesome bed for a kid, getting it into the house would be a nightmare.
The captain's bed that will save you from a flood!
I don't into AC, does the condenser not work work when upside down? Seems like a way to free up limited floor space, so long as you don't mind a noisy sword of damocles over you (or your car, can't tell if that's a balcony or parking garage).
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They flipped the compressor inside the case so it would work. This is actually pretty clever. It's still easy to clean, and probably stays cleaner since it's not hoovering the ground and getting choked by weeds. It's more efficient in the shade, and harder to carry off.
hanging-from-the-ceiling/wall was a common installation practice in Japanese high-rise apartment buildings to save floor space on the balcony and keep the outside unit cooler, however it appears to be banned or at least strongly discouraged on new installations due to the danger of the unit falling during a strong earthquake.
would be 1000% better as a waterbed
this would be really good for a horror movie because when the monster is chasing you, you can run away via this staircase and the monster will try to follow and his claws and spikes will get caught in the railing as he falls and he’ll dismember himself
Silent Hill looking ass
not abomination at all, actually really good

heat check
This causes me physical pain
yikes lmao
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Imagine being the guy trying to pattern match the fucking plaid carpet your stupid fucking customer ordered for their goddamn fucked up stairs.
critical structure rated dog house

How Snoopy saved Brazil
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mmmnice crazy stairs
there should be an autism trigger warning
I guarantee there used to be a hall or door behind that wall.
At this point, why? Why the crumbling concrete with paper-thin joints between the steps, rather than say a wooden one, which even made out of nigger-rigged planks nailed together could at least be made structurally sound with relative ease and also easily repairable in case of failure?

Do they have prefab concrete stairs there or something? It seems like a huge castle to pour/mold these compared to nailing some timber, especially when the shape is so awful.
they steal the timber
>they steal the timber
But not the doghouse (and dog)?
Previous owner apparently ran out of m3 screws when installing outlets
Later on, he also ran out of flat head screws
>But not the doghouse (and dog)?

both are made of concrete
I can kind of see where they're going with this, have a 2x6 cross brace that doubles up the step thickness at the front of each step.
Holy shit, just found this on Zillow.
Same house.
The Simspilled
Reminds me of early AI hands
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If I had to go have a career in hardware and building supplies its got to be so rewarding selling shit to Cletus and Jamal
>Yeah, just get this brad nailer and it'll basically stick anything together
>Recip-saw, yeah, cut through anything from a load bearing beam to a frozen dead hooker
>Probably good enough for what you want, buy 2 just in case

The best part is that you don't have to know much about jack shit, just sound like you do and be confident

A drop ceiling? Other madness aside, I've not ever seen a residence with that and it makes you wonder what horrors are stored up there
Ha Ha Ha.
Nice emergency exit
>'ve not ever seen a residence with that and it makes you wonder what horrors are stored up there
Boomers do it to their old houses in Québec because lower ceilings cost less to heat.
How many ankles has this claimed
Hello, my white friend
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This isn't uncommon in places like Japan where space is at a premium, they only hang stuff up to dry as well.
Picrel reminds me of the Lovecraft novel where a ship stumbles onto a temple in the middle of the ocean and one of the sailors disappears into a corner and dies because the structure had "non-euclidian" angles.
This is just poverty desu
Makes sense, it still looks fucking hideous like coming home from being a wagey in an office to somewhere that looks just like were you left work

It also crops up through Europe and England where they're living in some kind of medieval hovel that's been modernised and just can't be fucked running plumbing through the mess.
I think as long as its not 'Kitchen Toilet' I could probably live with Kitchen Laundry without too much issue

Didn't want to repost the Russian sneaky kitchen toilet again, its is beautiful in its degeneracy but apparently it can be done in the US as well where they don't have a two door rule

Great fun for kids, that you might not be bothered by never seeing them again
oh I thought this was a coffin. Would been rad for sea burial.
>it still looks fucking hideous
Yes. Very.
Honestly, that tile design is more atrocious than the one rotated tile.
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If they're doing what I think they're doing, this is fine. Should make for sturdier tread noses when using flimsy composite decking.
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nigga installed the door upside down.
I'm looking and I cannot see anything wrong here.
It's just a basement garage, common as hell here.
surely they're going to snap a line, cut it and install a 3rd pictureframe board... surely
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car holes are to be isolated form the rest of the building and vent systems in casae of gas or fire. someone knocked down the wall and turned the car hole into jsut part of the basement
That's probably either a utility access or a mail drop.
This is unironically genius
If that door was flat, this would be borderline impressive desu
I think it's a bath anon
hell yeah
I don't know why but these plaid carpeted stairs hit some really comfy nostalgia vibes for me, not sure why since I can't recall ever actually encountering any like that.
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What do you have against hobitses?
>The feds will need to bring howitzers and mortars to take out my last-stand suburban redoubt
Why should you use flat head over philips for this?
Is it the protusion (we have flat philips heads where I'm from)?
My kitchen has the washing machine too.
I'll post a pic tomorrow. It was built quickly (detached structure), so is fitting for abominations thread.
this house is awesome!
All that soil gives it extreme thermal-mass so it's comfortable all year long with probably very low heating/cooling costs.
Also the roof and gutters are peak-easy to maintain, never need to climb a ladder again.
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At least cleaning out the gutters doesn't turn into a chance of falling off the roof and maiming yourself, unlike >>2825774 fuck my life stairs
About the only really bad thing is the membrane between wall and dirt needs to be impermeable and sometimes some extra ducting to stop it turning into a mold spore breeding ground
How can you tell?
I think he meant screws that are flush instead of rounded.
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What is this? Stairs for giant ants?
>"Please use our complementary stairs"
No, it's ok. I brought my own from home.
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Not sure if this is an abomination or kind of impressive. The right side is a mobile home. They grafted onto it a stick built addition with a basement. This is in Michigan so the mobile home part of the building isn't taxed annually while the stick built addition would be taxed. Given the weather in the state, the mobile home half probably is terrible to heat.
this must be the work of the Ferengi
Mobile homes are small so shouldn't be that hard to heat. I know there are mobile homes in Québec.
>Worked with what they had
>Improved their situation in a clever way
>Doesn't really even look that bad aside the trim not matching
>Not paying taxes
It's pretty based, actually. I might feel differently without your explanation or if it looked like they used meth labor, but as it stands? Yeah.
Aside from the basement part, shittier versions of this are normal in all of the mexican-filled trailer parks in my area. They start off with a single wide trailer, and then add a massive covered porch. Then at some point they add walls to the back and side of the porch. Several months later they'll add a wall to the front with a screen door. Then the screen door gets replaced with a regular door. Then they renovate it into a new entryway and a bedroom.
Yeah, that shit's amazing.
Or a bathroom guaranteed to never be filled with the stench of a fat person.
I don't see any evidence of that.
The problem with this house is that it's ugly. It's got a cheap 90s suburb look, probably because it was built in a 90s suburb, cheaply.
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Here's our detached kitchen with the washing machine. I was away when this was built.
I actually don't think having the washing machine in the kitchen is that bad... the worst part of this is probably the cabinets and shelving (I'll post another pic)...
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This is the problem. Take a look at the top shelf.
This is a disaster waiting to happen (but every time I call it out and say we should either move the bottles or fix it, a fight ensues).
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Pic showing oven.
This is still a WIP. We used to have a center platform on wheels, but the oven broke and the new one didn't fit nicely onto it.
I plan on just building a new structure for kitchen/living area eventually.
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Here's the front. Actually kind of cosy.
what's the point of the wire railing?
Keeps the plants from growing crooked into the structure (you just pull them back outside the wire if they start).
It's a lot higher at the back-left too, so we have to have something there per regulations (this structure was, surprisingly, approved).
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They already have 5 stringers that are probably within max span for composite. I'd probably just add a backer board to the riser if there was some concern along these lines. Then only the tread dimensions would change on the stringers.
>Don't talk to me or my son ever again
Do you live in a prefab shed?
That's not a prefab. That was DIY - timber-frame.
We do have a 14x8m shed that was built for us though.
We div'd that into three rooms (left = bedroom, center = workroom, right = bedroom).
I'm currently in a 20ft shipping container that's been (poorly) internally framed and insulated.
First time you've seen stairs like this I take it?
Isn't it that if people rage over these stairs, then they're a witch?
I thought you could smoke near diesel fuel?
It can't ignite from just a cig, but it's still bad practice to be smoking near flammable hazmat.
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Problem is that apart from having your sense of smell wrecked from petro-fumes all day, is that cig butts tend to set other things on fire and once that's on fire it can set all sorts of things on fire that might not have been as high a risk as they might have been.
>Like boomers minus safety gear
>Just don't have anything to do with them
This is clever
When I was around seven or eight, we lived in an A-Frame with stairs like that. As kids we thought they were fun because they were unique. Then my sister got a Slinky and discovered it didn't work well on those stairs and suddenly they became the worst stairs ever.
This is worse than normal witch stairs
no bump limit should be 100 so trash threads like this or fester threads die faster.
Washing machine in the kitchen is fine if you don't care about having good home design. You'd ideally want your soaps and detergents in a different room than your food and ingredients. As long as you're comfortable with redneck engineering though it works
>Washing machine in the kitchen is fine.
Period. It only triggers Shartlanders because of culture shock.
Make no mistake I understand it but I do not condone it, it is an atrocity to me
>You'd ideally want your soaps and detergents in a different room than your food and ingredients.
You already have dish soaps and detergents in the kitchen, and probably hand soap too. Plus cleaning supplies for the kitchen itself, like oven-cleaning spray, and perhaps even more stuff if you also use the kitchen sink as the focal point and water supply for general housecleaning.
What's the big deal with having just one more type of detergent nearby?
It's not just having more detergent and dryer sheets in the kitchen. The washer has a completely different function from the kitchen. In a tasteful house, you put it in the bathroom or its own room out of the way. This is clearly here because there was a water hookup and space for it. Anon doesn't need to care for conventional design because he's already cooking out of a shed.
>it's bad because you're putting soap and detergent in the kitchen
>actually it's not about having more detergent in the kitchen

I mean I get your point about it having a different function, but I was responding specifically to your point about soap.
Why would you be ok with adding more soaps, detergents and bleach to your kitchen? I think it's weird to argue for this lol
Oh god. You're a moron.
Why wouldn't you be?
I used to have a kitchen in my bedroom. Was actually pretty cool. Wake up, take three steps, I'm cooking bacon and eggs. You want tasteful? Breakfast was delicious!
This is truly an abominations thread
They’re probably fine.
Nta but there’s already bleach and detergents in the kitchen.
>no u
This is as solid as your “no bleach and detergents in kitchen; well ok I actually meant no more bleach and detergents in the kitchen” argument.
Who the fuck keeps bleach in the kitchen. Retarded
>No Fatties
Because when you've already got at least three different ones in there, adding a fourth one isn't gonna affect the quality of your food in any way.
You have cabinets and stuff to store stuff in, I hope?
Do euros not have a spin cycle? My washer has a spin cycle that would remove the water from a rock. It has decent shock absorption, but if something got really out of balance, it would rattle the cabinets too much.
Probably fell for the open cabinets meme.
Unless Michigan has some bizarre tax code the mobile home will still be taxed as personal property. It'll just be at a far lower value than if it were to be considered permanently attached as "real property." If a lender ever becomes involved the first thing they'll do is file with the local register of deeds and remove it from DMV records to make it real property.
American here, but from my stint in Euro-land the Euro washing machines are so well balanced that in the spin cycle you can hardly feel any vibration.
Downside to Euro washers is they are tiny, a few shirts and pants and the machine is full.
Those would be fun to use while on shrooms.
They have them even up in Sept-Îles in the North Shore. Most of them are electrically heated. But power is cheap as fuck in Québec.
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Bruv, not embarassing and agreeably cozy. But those bottles shouldn't be up there, and don't fight about it. They should be put up in the space in this pic. They look like they are tipping up there. A bottles gonna fall down and chip a fucking tooth or something.
I did a few hours of over time a few months ago to fill out convoluted paperwork to get some prodigies of public schooling to spell the word 'tube' correctly. Probably cost the American taxpayer $1000 for that one. Inspired, thriving, living my best life.
the problem with those bottles is it looks like cheap booze. stoli and malibu and god knows what else. also plywood walls, and where the fuck is the dryer. its like they had a dish washer, and removed it and put a washing machine in its place
>step on tile
>secret door opens up
Yeah, I keep my dishwasher detergent in the garage. I keep my food prep area sanitizers in the bedroom. I like to keep the area under the sink free for my cereal and bread. Milk stays cool in toilet tank, just add ice.
Éireanon here, I think we might have slower spin cycles in front loaders. This >>2826184 is an issue with heavy or off centre loads. Lost a couple of mugs off the counter this way.
Really it's an apartment thing, most homes would have a separate room or even shed for the washing machine. Simply for the noise.
Michigan has no annual tax on mobile homes. There is a one time 6% sales/use tax, which applies each time it is sold, not just on the initial sale. Local governments are prohibited from adding their own tax. Of course the land it sits on is taxed like with any other land, improved or not.
It's probably intended to be progressive tax policy since people who live in mobile homes tend to be lower income. Also due to the low value of mobile homes, especially as they age, after deducting Michigan's equivalent of a homestead exemption, there probably wouldn't be much tax value anyway. Given the demographic, tax collection costs likely would be high for very little return. As it is, Michigan already has tons of vacant properties in its cities that aren't paying taxes, just accumulating tax liens that later are forgiven in exchange for redevelopment.
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How'd they spell it? And we need more context. Was it for signage or something?
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Studio apartment? Did you stink up place and set off smoke alarms everytime you cooked a steak?
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Every man's home is his castle, anon. My questions are how cold does it get in the winter, is that on acreage innawoods and be honest, was it all built to code?
Dreams in the Witch House
Looks like Little Johnny designed this studio, only missing the galvanized square steel and eco-friendly wood veneer
Nah, I was renting a basement bedroom for mad cheap, and trying to get access to the kitchen when I needed it sucked. If I made steak, that's outdoor cooking.
Mobile homes are also sold more like cars than houses, with high interest chattel loans. They also depreciate instead of building equity.
Those electronics are probably worth more than the bed they're attached to
How the fuck are you supposed to watch TV? Lay on your back and extend your neck backwards?
If you look at it from the pulled out view, the screen is mostly horizontal.
Those electronics are absolute crap. Very few solid state amps are usable until you get to the late 80s.
Fair enough
From the first pic, the TV is upside down. You are supposed to lie with your head towards the TV and look up at it.
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Yep, right over your head when laying down.
If you can fit an armchair through the opening that'd be a nice little spot to read in.
There are so many overpriced homes that should be demolished. I'd like to get land and build something new that suits my needs.

From Japan, I've only ever seen examples of washers in outdoor enclosures, by entrances, and by bathrooms.
Very avant-garde. Bravo
>My questions are how cold does it get in the winter
It hit lows of 0C in winter. Generally warms up quickly as soon as the sun comes out though.
>is that on acreage innawoods
It's 20 acres, not quite innawoods. We do have a (small) national forest behind us though.
>was it all built to code
Probably not. Code here is ridiculously hard to follow. We had a builder who was pretty lax approve it for us.
We technically don't even have power here. We got around that by having a solar system that we can "plug in" to provide us power.
Where I've built things, I've tried to follow code as best as possible though.
>detatched kitchen

Why convert the garage to the kitchen?

I love the efficiency of a one room utility. Just managing the drainjng sucks. Currently, if I run the dishwasher and washing machine, if they both drain at the same time, i am glad I have a deep sink lol
>20 acres

How long does that take to mow?
They never claimed they could spell it
Ignoring the position of the cabinet, I almost like this.
Feels like a castle.
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We mostly just focus on keeping the areas we walk around mowed.
Probably 2-3 hours for that on the ride-on (but it's one of those things I actually enjoy - feels rewarding).
In winter, we don't have to mow that often (probably less than once a month). In summer, sometimes we'll do it weekly (to lessen the chance of sneks lingering).
If it's a dry season (fire-risk) we try to mow down more of the outer perimeter where it would be likely to spread.
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>but it's one of those things I actually enjoy - feels rewarding

Amen brother.

Nice bit of land you've got going too.
Assuming you're American you're not able to say what state you're in, outta curiosity?
Cheers mate! Not an American sadly. Wish I was - as fucked up as your shit might be, I still think the situation's more optimistic than it is here.
>NSW, Australia
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Yeah, wasn't sure if you were Aussie or not. i'm in QLD at the moment and I know plenty of cunts up here who have added building extensions to their houses without telling the council, lol. Actually, not saying you do it, but I heard some cunt in NSW a few years ago got fined like $50,000 by the Land and Environment Court for clearing a bunch of native trees off his property. I think they caught him via drone surveillance (before/after shots). Not sure to what extent they do it with building extensions or if you have council inspectors doing random house calls to properties to make sure everything's compliant.
*or if you have council inspectors doing random house calls to properties to make sure everything's compliant down in NSW, I mean.
We got heckled about a year in. You're not allowed to live on a property without a Class 1A (Liveable) structure.
The council guy we had was near retirement. As much as I despise them, he was actually pretty decent - just wanted us to "check the boxes he needed" and gave us plenty of time (almost 2 years).
I've got a new structure I'm building currently (9x4.5m) which is going to have a bed, small bathroom and all my shit in it. No one's living it though because it's a shed (and we're allowed to have 100m2 of shed).
We'll see what happens. I've been pretty good about adhering to code on this one, so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to find a builder that can pass it if need be.
Are you Bris or rural?
Rocky atm. Which is I think is 'regional'.
Did you have a firecode guy inspect? My cuz had one who worked at rural volunteer fire brigade who was retired. Apparently good bloke who chekced off his property for fire hazards but wouldn't leave for like 2 hours lol (just lonely and chatting).
The abomination is ...?
fuck stairs without handrails
from the landing, the third step up the log is rounded.
that's a trip fall and die waiting to happen
What's wrong with this?
Nothing besides someone being a nitpicky asshole about kerning... It gets the job done clearly and consisely, absolutely nothing wrong with it
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smash the 3 button 9 times and you'll have dialed 999
For us, it was the same council guy.
Because we didn't have electricity, we had to put in lithium-battery'd smoke alarms - which he had to come verify were installed.
Funny story... we'd bought them, but not put them up yet the day he came over to inspect them.
He was good about it though, had a laugh and checked it off for us anyway.
Really nice guy. We saved a lot of money with the
>It's better to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission
... approach. I've heard the new council peeps are cunts though.
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trolling is a art
>step on stair too hard
>fall, hit head
>land on broken glass
Surface mounted utilities should be standard desu.
or it could be old (it is), and shock absorbers are fucked
what you call tiny, 12 kg? maybe if you're related to jabba the hutt.
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Built sort of like a cantilever home. Interesting story about those. They were built to fuck over taxes cause homes were charged based on square footage that touched the ground.
Surely this must be an intentional joke.
Surely the revenue office came to their senses and eventually started taxing on land area?
Nah, from the get go with the most recent replacement with the "wrong" load e.g. 2m square fleece blanket if its balled up before the spin cycle.
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>>step on stair too hard
This is where you would failed. You'd need to swing at it with sledge hammer. Even then I doubt you could break those steps.
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I feel the joke could have been improved if it was either, "How to remove screw holes." or "Secure with nail."
I always wondered about those stairs in the old cartoons that would fold up into a slide when somebody tried to walk on them.
Now I know how to build them.
I also live in Japan and I think this would never be done here. I have sort of managed rental apartments before and like you said, there is typically a washing machine mounting space near the shower room, and if the apartment is too small for that it would either be near the entryway or in a shared communal space outside. I think I have seen them installed on balconies in cases of extremely small and old buildings.
I should point out that Japanese appliances are typically temporary installations and are owned by the tenant, who takes them to their new apartment if they move. Even in a house, they are not mounted in place by hardware. Basically just a supply hose and a drain hose which both have quick release connectors. Some washers have a dryer module included, but it uses a condenser and heat pump instead of a ducted exhaust like in the USA.
It’s a space-saving men’s room.
there’s a urinal behind the door so all you have to do is open the door and pee through the doorway.
be careful when slamming the door
It’s all fun and games until you get moles in the roof
Can you just put some L brackets under the bowed shelf to support it for now?
it someone won’t let you even do that without screaming in your face, maybe it’s time to find a new use for one of those bottles.
Cut a couple boards the same length as the current vertical ones and add them in and you'll get better support.
Why can't you answer the question
I can smell grandma's menthol cigarettes..
probably, but saying that because i actually had to replace the shock absorbers in my (ten years old) previous washer.
Looks like a scam that's been going on around the country where local governments are told this "art" will attract a bunch of tourists to their town. There are many variations but it's always a mirrored simply house in a weird position.
I would put a card table there with chairs with uneven legs to rest level on the stairs.
If I remember right this was all done in a time period when there was like, one tax guy in every township and genuinely part of the community. So when the farmers started doing this the tax guys were like, yeah man, stick it to the greedy federal fucks.
I don't think it was fixed until taxes became based on the fair market value of the entire property instead of just the housing.
Good for a paintball course
At least if you fall, odds are high it'll be your final fall
oh don’t worry, it’s tempered glass.
>oh you had a piece of rock stuck in the tread of your shoe, well don’t worry it-
>oh, it was quartz.
I'll take a bleach martini, extra ajax
ugliest stairs ever
BMX time!
>Who the fuck keeps bleach in the kitchen
culinary professionals who don't want to be fucked by the health department, for one
>"How to remove screw holes." or "Secure with nail."
That's the sequel
Americans were a mistake
honestly the only serious issue i see with this is that the door at the bottom of the stairs is taller than the floor at the top of the stairs, so when you put the trap door down it pokes out the top of it.
It's a weird aesthetic choice but I don't see anything wrong.
What even is that?
Whatever it is, it's on the wrong side of the fence.
based. fuck shitty contractors. even though i didnt verbalize it on the estimate, my expectation are that you are to do a literally perfect job. if you didnt account for that in your bid, thats your problem, not mine
Houses in the south are weird
The wider step should be lower than the narrow one because the way it is now you’re likely to miss that trick step and fall mouth first onto that architectural face concavinator
>miss that trick step
Anon if you are on any part of the stairs that is uneven your head is touching the underside of the stairs past the landing. That space is decorative.
God I hate those stupid water boxes, not nearly enough pressure to flush crap
Kek, I have Mr. Cheng too.
Just pull the extra line into attic.
lol amazing
that's probably an A/C condensate drain tie-in.
perfectly fine
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Secret car-hole swimming pool is a good one
Show us your superior country.
This is just cool.
which way western man?
that's the door where all the Asians come to and from America, no Americans can pass through due to physical limitations
What am I missing?
The only thing that I can see are the bearers, but they could be loaded down inside the house?
Is it that or something else?
nothing so wrong with that, looks sturdy enough, what else do you want from a 100 year old basement? also
>pictures you can smell
>that skull-hole from before the warning foam was put in
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The porch to the right of the stairs is cantilevered out from the house. It might be engineered properly to hold it's weight and the weight of wet snow in winter. More likely someone just eye balled it and said "it'll be fine."
That's quite the substantial i-beam the joists are sitting on and it looks like there's an extension of the upper level of the house that's sitting on the same joists as the porch. If that's the case, weight on the porch is offset by the weight of the overhanging extension. A different angle would make this easier to determine.
>Squid Game
Yeah. It really depends on what's on the other end of the beams we see under the porch.
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yes, they were turned into fine pieces of human speghetti.
Setting aside all the other issues with this... tripping hazard.
Outside of St-Petersburg or Moscow, over 50% of Russians don't have indoor toilets.
Don't they die if the compressor is not standing up properly?
I feel like I'm choking on mold just looking at it
i actually think this is a good thing, despite it looking retarded with nothing there
its the perfect spot for having bookcases and decorative shelves next to the stairs instead of just having a wall there
also its likely that part just overhangs over the lower floor in which case they have no choice but to do it like this
overall, this isnt an abomination
Better yet - wider stairs
narrow stairs are comfy, i know they're a pain to get furniture up but i'm pretty used to taking them apart and putting them back together or buying kits
they remind me of old houses
also again, the only way to have wider stairs is if the bottom floor wall was even with the upper floor wall, which it appears not to be
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>its the perfect spot for having bookcases
It's a missed opportunity for staircase shelves.
I recall when the Soviets first invaded Germany at the end of the war they'd never seen indoor plumbing so they used German toilets as potato washers.
>which it appears not to be
Which is the real WTF, to my mind.
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cartoon stairs where they all ruse down and collide
inspectors mark faulty shit with tape like that
overhanging floors are completely normal
NA plug
For what purpose?
Keep it above the high tide mark.
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>designated shitting stair
that kind of thing is done for old people with mobility problems.
made temporary broad flat steps with handrails where there were none.
Book shelves
Perhaps, but I think these particular stairs were probably done to satisfy building code. Those old red steps below it don't comply, the riser heights were way too high and a 3'x3' minimum landing is required at the top of any exterior stairs.
To be fair, this isn't a finished job. Those metal plates will surely have finished wood treads attached to them (which is why they have the holes in them), they haven't put the railing in yet, they haven't patched the walls, the floor, or the sloped ceiling in whatever that little room is that's partially under the stairs. If they ended up finishing that correctly it would probably look fine.
That is a framed wall above a thick masonry foundation wall, that's just how it goes. Your other options of dealing with it are a lot worse. One being to align the framed wall with the inside of the foundation wall instead of the outside, in which case you'd have this same offset situation only on the outside of the house which is just an invitation for water issues and it's also a needless sacrifice of interior space. The other option is to frame that upper wall as thick as the lower wall, which is a huge waste of material for no benefit and you'd end up with like 20" deep window/door jambs which is ugly. What's in that pic is the best solution if your floor layout doesn't allow the interior stairs to not be against one of the exterior walls.
Couldn't do that there, the thicker lower wall is almost surely solid. Probably CMU block with furring & insulation on the inside. If doing what you sketched was possible, there wouldn't have been any reason for the difference in interior wall surface alignment in the first place.
there is no reason the 2nd floor needs less insulation and thickness than the 1st floor
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>there is no reason the 2nd floor needs less insulation and thickness than the 1st floor
You're assuming that this pic was taken from the 2nd floor looking down the stairs to the 1st floor, which is probably wrong. It's most likely a picture taken from the 1st floor looking down the stairs to the basement. In which case you've got to contend with what is shown in the attached wall section I drew up. The thickness of the foundation wall causes the interior surfaces of the walls to be offset, so whenever you locate a floor opening against an exterior wall you'd end up with this situation.
that would be fair, though I would argue that there's a clear abundance of natural light downstairs which makes it seem very unlikely that it'd be a basement
though not outright impossible, I suppose, with the right sunlight angle and a partially above-ground basement, even a tiny window could bring in this light, or maybe there's particularly bright very cool led lighting down there that makes it look like sunlight on the photo
Could also just be a ceiling full of those awful "cool white" fluorescent tubes
My guess is that it was a single-story masonry building that was expanded with a framed second floor at some point. I don't think anybody would do a ground floor ceiling like the one in the pic.
My apartment in Tokyo had a toilet/sink room with a door that led into a separate shower/bath room, and the washer was just inside the door into the toilet room. The most interesting thing to me was seeing how it was wired up, instead of a 3-prong plug there was a separate ground wire coming out of the cord and it was just attached to the outlet plate screw.
>I don't think anybody would do a ground floor ceiling like the one in the pic.
Came here to say this.
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Why is this an abomination?
This one too? Am I missing something here?
>Why is this an abomination?
3 stairs to the 2nd floor. None of them are straight. It's a massive waste of space just to "look cool." It's mcmansion garbage.

>This one too? Am I missing something here?
We've discussed it above in the thread. It's conditionally "OK"
>Why is this an abomination?
The three upper stairways are choked by the one lower stairway so they have the combined throughput of a single stairway.
You could hypothetically walk down the stairs to the landing then back up to a different part of the second floor as a "shortcut" to avoid walking around all that wasted space. But that would be a pain in the ass. Unless the second floor is laid out in a way that requires doing that to get from A to B I guarantee you no one ever does it.
80% of terraced house kitchens in the UK
Yeah those types of ground as a separate screw-on wire are standard for major appliances in Japan. I’m not sure what the reason is. You can get wall plates with USA-style ground prongs (a bunch of mine are) but those are mostly intended for computer equipment. They also make plug adapters for switching between the wire and prong type ground.
>Wooden planks that used to resemble stairs. (free nails included)
The one thing I was taught at home, is to not use too high spin settings, as it will dry out the clothes too much and they will end up wrinkly and require ironing.
If they are still a bit moist, you can hang them on a drying rack, and they will end up smooth and flat, with only single crease where they hanged on the string.
Dryers are not common. Some washers have built-in dryer, but people here generally buy cheaper models without.
The washer programs generally use 800 or 1200 rpm (usually max), sometimes there's 1600 rpm available.
That's likely, like perhaps a masonry garage they finished and added a 2nd floor to. So not a basement, but the offset in the walls would still be for the same reason.
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>Why is this an abomination?
The configuration is retarded and it's also really ugly. The materials & finishes don't match between the different staircases... You've got painted stringers/risers on one and stained stringers/risers on the other. Painted balusters and stained balusters together. Different wood grain on different finished treads. Different stain colors on different handrails. The whole thing is just really fucking bad.

>This one too? Am I missing something here?
See attached pic. The cantilever on that deck is more than double what the maximum allowable cantilever is for (what looks to be) 2x10's @ 16" oc. And this also is assuming those cantilevered joists extend 3x that distance back into the house's floor platform which I wouldn't count on. That thing probably bounces like a diving board when you walk on it.
Wait, no concrete or rebar? Wtf?
saw this explained
>it's a bar
>back alley loading door
>ramp was made so the supply people could get the handtruck of crates in easier
>ramp couldn't be longer due to it being an alley

I see nothing wrong here
Probably a secluded/private location given the trees.
There's a curtain rail for privacy if needed.
Imagine taking a hot shower then being able to open the door for a cool morning breeze. That would be great.
>>ramp couldn't be longer due to it being an alley
Why not make it sideways? Like those stairs in the back of the shot.
>I see nothing wrong here
Only if you're living alone or something. There's a patio right there, if other people live in the house they could walk past at any time.
The curtain rail makes this not completely insane, though, you're right. Practically though, I feel like it'd just end up permanently drawn, because people will very quickly get tired of closing it every time they take a piss and then reopening.
A proper window could achieve the same airflow as a huge sliding glass door.
Execution's botched too with that floating vanity taking up like half the doorway entry. Not sure what this guy was thinking when he wanted ease of access outside after he was done taking a big shit but at least the bathroom is decent
American engineering
As an alternate idea, it could be there so if you're having an outdoor party people have access to a bathroom without going through the house.
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>carpet in the kitchen and the bathroom
Where's the dryer?
Fuck you, I love these threads. Just don't read them if you don't like them, asshole.

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