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moved out into the sticks more and i'm seeing at least 1 cockroach/week in the kitchen. there's no holes or anything, it's just how it is in texas. can i sprinkle diatomaceous earth everywhere, leave it for a week and the safely vacuum it up? i've read conflicting things on whether or not it can damage vacuum motors. i have a bagless one.
Have you read anything about how effective diatomaceous earth is as a bug killer? You hear people recommend it, but you hear guys that have tried say that it's basically a total pain in the ass, then it doesn't really work. Just food for thought.
I suspect it’s not great for the motor. But it’s a small-ish quantity.
I think people noticed it’s similarity to drywall dust, and that voids your vacuum cleaner’s warranty.
But a drywaller using a retail vacuum will definitely destroy it in no time, but you’re doing a small amount.
My suggestion would be to make sure you vacuum up a bunch of other stuff with the vacuum first (i use sawdust) and then vacuum up the diatomaceous earth afterwards. Less dust gets through the filter and into the motor I find, because it’s blocked by the other stuff.
>Have you read anything about how effective diatomaceous earth is as a bug killer?
its efficacy? honestly no i haven't. just that it gets all up in their exoskeletons and they die a very painful (and deserved) death. is it really not that good? yeah i hear it can be messy and you have to place it with a mask because you don't want to breathe that shit in.
It kills bugs eventually but it's also terrible to breathe in your lungs long term (Breathing any kind of dust is bad even if it's not a poison). Never use that shit out in the open. Dusts should only go behind walls where there isn't any airflow blowing it around.
boric acid, etc
get some huntsman spiders
they are basically a vacuum cleaner for roaches
>i sprinkle diatomaceous earth everywhere
For that you want to place it as a barrier to areas they might cross, not just across everything. I would place it around perimeter of under stove area where they would chill, forcing them to cross that diatomaceous berm to come out. They stop thriving there pretty fast.

>vacuum motors
It saturates the bags/containers/filters fast, clogging them. That's probably where the danger lay.

Very important: do not inhale it or let any pets near it.
These comments…jesus fuck whatva bunch of elmers
Clean your fucking house with a good bleach cleaner. Dont leave food out, dirty dishes, dog
food. Clean underbthe fridge, microwave…even
elmers fat wife doesnt do this. Get rid of boxes, news paper etc…clean, clean, cleanMake sure no water leaks underbsink. Then buy some bug spray,
bombs etc…nuke the shithole and stay out of the house for how ever long it says. Think like a bug…be the bug…food, water, place to hide….fuck people are stupid
These boomers... jesus fuck... whatva (?) bunch of boomers... Watch Star Trek... Listen to Captain Kirk... Learn to type like he talks ... Because it's... Cool man...

Oh, and use bug spray OP.
All the other posters are retards.
Buy this shit Advion Cockroach Gel Bait, 4 Tubes x 30-Grams, 1 Plunger and 2 Tips, German Roach Insect Pest Control, Indoor and Outdoor Use, Roach Killer Gel for American, German and Other Major Cockroach Species https://a.co/d/0j09eVaW
Spray it behind your fridge, under your stove, and in other places inaccessible for a kid or pet but perfect for a roach.
They'll feast on this and die.
People that have roaches tend to be poor white trash. So the moral is live with them orville

Guessing its this thing>>2823433
>t. dumbshit yank
boric acid powder will kill roaches.
I had a roach problem when I was living in Shreveport (basically texas) where I was seeing like two+ roaches a day and that perimeter spray shit and some bait traps pretty much fixed the problem overnight.
I swear by Advion. I live in apartments and over the years as the rent has gone up the maintenance has gone down including insect control. Advion is some paste like stuff that looks like peanut butter. At first you will find a lot of dead and dying roaches in the middle of the floor. I also use something that makes them unable to breed - you snap a little glass vial and toss the plastic thing behind stuff. I can't remember what that is called. I swear that stuff killed them in the rest of the building.
there is food grade DE. I've tried using it for roach control but it's ineffective. Just get Demon from tractor supply and spray it on your exteriors.

>t. Uses hotshot and only sees twitching dead roaches.
Absolutely based and boronpilled
No vacuum made would allow the particles it sucks up to contact the motor in any way.
Or they would never run longer that minutes
Putting a few bay leaves in the cabinet worked for those and moths. Can't say much about the whole house situation
>the sticks
Where do they live are they native to your country? Usually iroaches are a city problem
Anyway get your septic system treated
? Roaches are endemic to much of the Southern US.
First thing you need to do is clean your house. Cockroaches like dirty places
Not the ones that infest houses
This is the first step, and also make sure to eliminate sources of water (dog bowls, dirty dishes in the sink, etc) every night. Then, get some of the basic ass cockroach bait stations from Walmart and sprinkle them around liberally. The little compressed boric acid bait pills work good too if you want to get creative and sprinkle them behind appliances and inside of receptacle boxes. What you're describing are probably palmetto bugs, and I came back from a business trip to my house in central Florida once to find the damn things had moved in. One would, no joke, sit atop my paper towels every night munching and shitting on them.
its a woodsroach homie. theyre attracted to light at night. they find ways in to it pretty efficiently then get stuck inside. vents, window sashes, window ac units, exhaust hoods for stoves or dryers ... etc etc.
DE works for infestations, not great as a barrier. you have to treat them in the yard. you can do some ortho barrier on your exterior too. but imo, bugs need to all fuck off and die. i suggest some exciter, igr and bifenthrin in a backpack insectiside blower like picrel. can get all on amazon for like 300 total if you cheap out, but that setup has lasted 4 years for the chems on a 1 acre plot.
no mosquitos, no fleas, no wood roaches, no spiders ... in the woods. been an invaluable buy for me. buy once cry once
i would also suggest a tyvec suit and respirator.
forgot picrel
a lot of vaccums don't even have good enough filter and will just blow some of the DE all over the air.

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