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For starters you may count it as losing your virginity.
Then keep it close in case of unwanted attractions, in which case you just stick it the demagnetizer.
I think your penis is sticky enough already
what happes if I sealed my penus shut with super glue
when I was a kid I'd piss in the bath, and pinch the end of my foreskin shut, it would blow up like a balloon
* last week
cut bros, how can we compete?
I do this when taking a bath, really helps to clear the cheese
As a kid I played in the tub for hours.
All my toys piled in. GI Joes leg accidentally went up my butt 27 times
I tried that once except instead of super glue it was a kidney stone
can’t say I recommend
if by penis you mean screwdriver, it will become de/magnetized
you will magnetize your chastity cage
* last week
If your pp will fit in that tiny opening, you have more to worry about that whether it will get magnetized or not.


I did it back when i was a dirty coomer, through years of inserting my metal buttplug my anus became slightly metallic!

After i magnetised my dick it bent back over 180 degress and broke!


same thing as any craftsman tool. you'll wish you bought ryobi. mine not only magnetized my dick but my prostate and now if I back that ass up against a refrigerator it's a total jimp sitch
Your son will be Ironman.
screwing becomes easier
Be honest anon, you fucked yourself in the ass didn't you?
All the big booty robot bitches will be drawn to your dick
What would happen is I'd laugh at you that your dick is the size of a hex bit that you can fit inside one of those.
>t. Insecure dicklettes :^)
lol lmao roflmaolmfao even
You become a dick magnet and turn gay

If you put it in the + side you become HIV+LGHDTV+
Your willy will be attracted to my bum.
(I shove magnets up there for safe keeping)
i kekked
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the atronomical magnetism will cause this effect
>inverted penis -> tranny vagina
well done anon! you surpassed the jews in science!
such marvelous minds are not found everyday!
Based foreskin haver.
If you put it in the bottom it magnetizes it but you can just put it in the top to demagnetize
Hope this helps
It turns into a vagina. Sadly you can't stick vagina into the another hole so you become a troon
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It will be easier for you to pickup metal chicks
After the second time it's no longer an accident, quit kidding yourself
How do u think magnets r made?
If the pic was real EDP isn't circumcised either.
We all did, well the lucky ones did.

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