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/diy/ /farm/ -- would you eat cherry plumbs growing next to where the house septic is? Just 2 people using that septic. Thanks
Why not its your shit
Did you know that all of the plants you eat are fertilized with thousands of different animal's shit?
this is shit I would expect from r/cooking.
i'd eat them even if they grow by my neighbor's pile of shit
you do realize shit doesn't literally flow through the plants?
The bigger issue is what those roots are doing to your leach field
No, definitely not!

They'd taste like shit!

shut up adults are talking.
septic tank killed our plum tree...
the cherry is surviving but the birds get all the cherries anyway
Who clipped your dick?
you can grow a ton of fruit for farm animals
for instance the brazilians found if
you feed them opuntia nopa cactus and poemgranate skins
they will produce just as much milk as pasture
same with fruits
the japanese make wagyu beef by feeding them olives
by the way
there is nothing wrong with fruit grown in shit water
fucking trees dont transfer viruses nigguh
wtf are you guys 12

i mean you prob cant sell them here its not fucking china
but its just bacteria water with nutriets
the tree just takes what it needs

the bigger problem is the septic field
is like a puddle of shit and attracts insects
Yummy septic water with medicine chemicals in them.
>animal pathogens are the same as human pathogens
What, you think da poopoo goes up into the plant or something? I don't think it works like that lil' nigga
Doesn't matter after being filtered through a tree.
You can do that.
depends. how close is the tree, how clean is the system, and whats the general above ground conditions. The general rule is to keep at least 50 feet away from a septic system to eliminate most risk of cross contamination. Personally, Ive pipped duck pond water to my plum trees before and never got sick from eatting them so I would assume the tree does a rather good job at filtering the water it takes in, but the bacteria from the human gutt can be slightly different and more dangerous in the right conditions. Also if you have a nasty leachfield that attracts insects, you can end up with contaminated fruit from bugs and birds crawling all over the fruit with their shit covered feet. I would absolutely never eat ground vegetables or shrub/berries near a sceptic but those plums look pretty tempting.
>flies land in shit water
>flies then fly to plum
>plum now has shit on it

is a legitimate concern.
how sick are you that your medicine intake pollutes the entire area around your septic tank?
your phone has more shit on it than the plums, retard
in matter of fact, your toothbrush you keep in your bathroom has more shit on it than a plum in the garden
Didn't a ton of people die in north korea because they used human poop to fertilize their crops?
yes like i said, if the septic field sucks
but most fields dont overflow
they will drain into the landscape
no food grown in poop ok
food having poop on the leaves is different
poop does not go into the roots
it is filtered
so no poop in leaves
the problem is getting poop on leaves after plant grown because your fucking disgusting
you guys do realize the future is this shit
like proteing farming
we going to be farming maggots
who eat poop
who we will feed to chickens
that we will eat and poop
this is how the fucking futures going to be
thats actually the most sustainable healthy way
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red wiggler worms
tiger worms and shit
eat poop
they can eat horse poop and cow poop allday
worms can feed chickens,
none of us have problem eating chickens that ate bugs. thats what they do
Sometimes, yeah. Not all the E Coli outbreaks are from workers shitting in the fields.
pasture grass poop
human chicken cow horse poop
maggots or earthworms eat poop
fed chickens maybe pigs or even reptiles lizards, racoon squireell,
like feed them tons of worms maggots fly larvea can also be grown in poo

take animals butcher said animals for meat
eat meat
feed other bigger animals
for more meat and profit

my mom use to eat iguana
do you guys remember blade runner
the guy at the beggging living on mars or some shit growing giant larvea to feed on
yes fucking roots can extract fucking vitamins water and nitrogen from poo water. how the fuck do you think forest grow

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