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Any lawn guys here? This drought is killing me here. Lawn care/mowing thread
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My extremely compact set up.
>care for peoples lawns
>dont water them
>dont remove weeds from pavers
so you dont really do lawn care, you'r just a mexican who cuts grass and has a stand on mower which needs new tires

Watch at x2 speed
Nobody cares about you you tattood hog. Go buy an ad. Grass is nice.
Grass is OK.
Try roses and fruit trees, elm and raspberries. Make your garden a home for birds and critters, enjoy apples in the autumn, plums in spring, nuts in winter and life all year round.
Grass is pretty much the most boring shit you can possibly do with a garden. It is the true sign of an NPC.
weak bait bud
The worst customers are...
Anyone Indian/Middle Eastern. The worst hagglers. Will live in a 900k house and haggle you over 15 bucks. Are never happy with your work. Will never recommend you to a friend: they have no friends. Plus everything is a competition to them: if they have someone that does good work, they will gatekeep them and want them all to themselves. Nowadays, if someone texts me and has a weird name or an accent over the phone, I tell them I'm busy. INDIA SUPERPOOPER 2024 TRILLION DOLLAR ECONOMY SAAR
Grass is gay. C'mon, admit it.

Grass is the zogbot/goyzogbot boomer statement to everyone else, that they are too rich to have to grow their own food. Pure ego madness.

Instead, they pay the zogcorp for 41% glyphosate and poison the fuck out of their lawn, and the surrounding area.

Monocultures are incredibly dumb.
She's right despite the muh colonialism tangent
K but what grows under trees? Grass.
I throw white clover seed all over my lawn. Always green, can't tell from the street driving past. Win win!
>water it
>mow it
simple as
if you want more
>verticut at spring
>fertilize with nitro@spring and/or more complex one @fall
>apply garden soil and seeds to patches
>fight moles/rodents w/ Calcium carbide+water
thats it
I have a fantasy to mount a 50 cal on the 32.
T . Lawn Nazi
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Every october/september i buy a couple pounds of crimson clover seed and the day before a big rain storm I spread it all over my lawn.
By next March/April my lawn looks like this
Damn, looking good.
nice setup, I have the same trailer. Didn't realize that a small trailer could pay for itself over and over and over.

Indie landscaper/crap remover here, I do jobs too nasty for lawn dudes and too small for full scale landscapers.

It is a good niche job for one dude, really small amount of equipment, work outdoors -usually in someone's nice yard, be your own boss, set your own schedule, work for people who care about their yards and are grateful for the help.

I prefer tearing things things out over planting new stuff, but I do both.
(I can guarantee destruction, but I can't promise what gets planted will do well.)
Yeah that's how I started out too, but the work was too inconsistent and I needed to constantly find new customers. Not easy. Getting into mowing gives you at least a guaranteed (well, almost guaranteed) weekly or biweekly income. My schedule has been filling up so for a college student I'm making decent money. Enough to have my own 1 bedroom place with my gf at least. I would recommend getting into mowing: my entire setup is probably only around 4k or so, not including the truck which I already had.
I'm fundamentally opposed to the concept of grass lawns. You disgust me
Where’s the best deals on electric mowers. Acme tools? Marketplace has retards selling the 5 year old ego with no batteries at $400
Lawns are a plague.
Excellent. Mowing is a decent gig.
I do places that already have a lawn service and have large and nice enough yards that always need something done.
I find that the local garden club is a good place to find quality customers.
Always change your cutting patterns. Grass can get use to cutting a certain way and the ripping and cutting that the blades do can cause uneven cutting if you cut the same yard the same way every time. Alternate between straights, diagonal, and swirl cuts for better looking yards. You're welcome.
only downside with crimson clover is that it pretty much blooms and then once you cut it back that's it. I try to cut it as high as possible and get some of the smaller plants to bloom out but by may/june the clover is all dead.
Still it looks very nice I've had neighbors ask about it and they say it looks really cool
I do that already. But some yards I have are short but long, so cutting them up and down would be retardedly inefficient. Plus, more prone to scalping. So there's some I never change the pattern on. Walk behinds are light enough they're not going to rut like a stander or zero turn.
meant to say thin and long

Does it kill your grass? You use a tractor to spread I imagine?
Thats not my yard, I live in the suburbs man I just throw the seed around by the handful.
Don't think it hurts the grass or anything, as far as I've seen. My lawn is half weeds anyway lol.
>My lawn is half weeds anyway lol.
Based and biodiversity-pilled
Actually,it should help it get nitrogen. People just don't like having anything other than pure grass on theiy lawns for some reason.
Grass isn't meant for your Arizona suburb. There is no reasonable alternative in these locations, humans should simply not live en-masse in the fucking desert.
Grass makes immense sense when you live on a real amount of land in a native human habitable zone. I want to be able to see a few hundred feet around my house for animals, and other pests. As well as creating an environment that discourages/prohibits pests and animals from being present. ADDITIONALLY this is to protect my biggest investment from those animals and pests. Yes, I took the bait.
this nigga never seen a coniferous
I haven't mowed my lawn since March of last year, It seems to be doing fine
I'm closing this tab, you're all gay NPCs
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Just ripped up a half a wheelie bin of this and various other weeds out, and I've only done 1/4 of the yard.
I have no idea what I'm doing, but in hindsight poisoning it might've been better since it was likely 2 separate plants spread across the lawn. (And now its probably dozens regrowing from broken roots)
When it shows up again ill likely do spot poisoning, but I would rather not have a lawn made of poisons.
There seems to be 2-3 different grass types. Do I just rip up the shit I don't want and reseed?

Best approach is to use weed n feed and mow it, it takes a while but it will turn into a grass lawn. One advantage is that you are allowing whichever type of grass is best suited for the yard to fill it in. Much cheaper and easier than reseeding.
You could use frost shavings from your freezer. It helped Hank
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A good chunk looks like buffalo grass which weed and feed(at least the type I've got on me) kills.
I'll pull up the rest of picrel since they're easy, will free up the ground cover(some are huge) and I'm enjoying the exercise.
Your idea is a good one though, I might do it in sections after testing.
This. Do not work for brown "people"
They come from cultures where all labor is done by slaves, so they will treat you like a slave. To them you will be a madarbenchod dalit basterd.
>Grass is pretty much the most boring shit you can possibly do with a garden. It is the true sign of an NPC.

Dust bowl-tier lawn management. This is why so many lawns have garbage soil that can barely support weeds.
This. Grow food like an adult.
>People just don't like having anything other than pure grass on theiy lawns for some reason.
Mental illness
I hope you'll eat them
>>fight moles/rodents w/ Calcium carbide+water
Doesn't work, don't bother.

Only 1 mole will exist in a lawn at a time. Kill the mole with a spring trap, and then apply castor oil granules every other month. Don't use the castor oil prior to killing the resident mole or else he will go nuts and fuck up your entire lawn.
depends on what quality of lawn you want, but for a normal non-lawn obsessed home owner, proper watering and mowing gets you like 80% of the way there.
Depends on the soil quality. I moved into a place that had a dying lawn on shit soil and it needed a hell of a lot more than water and mowing.

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