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How do you become not retarded mechanically?
I've always thought maintenance people were so awesome but I don't have that kind of brain
>I'll bite
What do you mean?
op is pretending to be a female for attention
OP is likely a parasite infected homo.

The answer is you do not.

Take an eraser size amount of ivermectin for a week and see if that makes your mind more masculine.
Would You Kindly Reveal Thine Timestamped Breast Flaps, MiLady?
>captcha: Y0NS
Idk like I can't really do anything mechanical like fix my bike and stuff
But I see maintenance people at work do cool stuff and I'm just too not there mentally to do it
break shit, and then instead of throwing it away and buying a new thing, try to fix it.
you don't really know how things work until you know how they break.
How are you at jigsaw puzzles? Legos? Plastic models? These kinds of activities will help build spatial awareness that can be applied to assembly/disassembly. People who are 'visual filers' can get away without organization on disassembly/reassembly, the rest of us use magnetic dishes, muffin tins, etc. to hold small parts. Photographs of 'before' are very helpful to restore the item.
I really can't do any of that sadly..
Fuck off.
perhaps euthanasia
What can you do?
marry a white person and diy some sons
I can make people laugh..
You have to have some intuition about you if you can make people laugh, I would suggest something like whittling or wood carving in general. There's not much to it but sharp tools and understanding how the material responds. So instead of trying to learn a bunch of obscure shit you just do it and if you come up with a question, you can ask the question. But really you could probably make something interesting happen just messing around. As soon as you start appreciating the way a material responds to your work, you start to look a little further into tools and different materials and then you have the intention that underlines what people consider "mechanical minds". You start a process of deconstructing the material, tools, work, etc to alter your work and results according to your intentions. What if I use tools made from harder steel, what if I use softer wood, what if I used plaster that doesn't have any grain, what if I used clay, etc, all because you're having a hard time getting a leaf to look right. These questions arise naturally under the right circumstances. Really, at the end of the day, no matter how in-the-weeds complex a particular discipline, at the end of that thread there's a particular person who's trying to manifest a particular result with particular materials using particular tools. Right now you're trying to efficiently manifest a set of circumstances using the collective knowledge of the board, you are obviously programmed to problem solve, but it seems you're focusing on the problem rather than the solution: which is to find something you like working on, if you don't know, try whatever comes to mind. The rest will come naturally.
you’re not succeeding
Thank you
I appreciate your post friend
Do you actually recommend whittling?
Lego technik is unironically a great teacher for a child to build intuitive knowledge of mechanical principles
or you can pull apart broken appliances before they go for junk and see how they were made?
Unironically you are born into it. Just like those autist coders that start at age 8.
If you need to ask you dont have "it"
i wanna kis her
What's Lego technik

I agree
I don't need IT tho I just wanna get able to function I don't need to be an engineer
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technik is the series thats all about struts, gears, bolts and electric motors. people build functional air engines and 6 speed transmission just out of those parts.
Basically small scale model building without an entry barrier like requiring a full workshop
>How do you become not retarded mechanically?
>I don't need IT tho I just wanna get able to function I don't need to be an engineer
sorry it's one or the other.
just tinker
Take apart some speakers, and never put it back together. Build a model of something you don't care about. Find some kind of shitty problem in your house and try and list as many dumb solutions as possible.

If you're not gonna take the direct steps in trying to build a skill, then just brute force trial and error it until you feel completely lost in why you're even doing it in the first place. Just build the impulse to put things together whether or not you're any good at it. Eventually you'll come up with a better question that would warrant a thread at all
Thank you anon
You need to breathe zyklon B
Take some kind of formal training and ignore the haters since it's the fastest most effective way to begin. I recommend auto shop courses at your local community college since if you can work on cars you can work on most anything and what you learn will save you far more than the course costs.
Was the head of maintenance at a 200 unit apartment. After a few years pretty routine stuff.
The problem…PEOPLE to be more specific WOMEN. Most were very nice and thankful.
Two in particular were insufferable. I carried my phone with video running thank god because it saved my ass. The hours suck being on call.
Awakened after 2 hrs sleep to plunger a shitbfilled toilet etc… Never again, granted it paid well…not worth it
>try fixing/making things
>break them and fuck them up
>notice what caused previous step
>don't do it again
>repeat until you're good at it
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>Righty tighty lefty loosey

That's it. There really isn't much more to it.

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