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Post /diy/ related tips and tricks
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Insulate any windows you don't use with polyiso foam board to dramatically cut heating and cooling costs
Pizza boxes work pretty well too. Stuff 'em with plastic grocery bags for example, and put 'em in a 13gal trash bag so they're waterproof.
I just use old newspapers and tin foil, as a bonus the neighbors can't see in either!
Hi, great comment man. I just bought my first house, large 6 bedroom three bathroom 3900m2 backyard. Was thinking how am i going to keep it warm. Great tip, faggot. Send more tips.
>pic related
is this mustard gas????!?
Use lots of lube, and be sure to dilatate with your fingers
Cuddle under heavy covers. If you do it right, you'll be warm all night long.
>when your whore wife literally salts the earth
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i hope you use a certified vinegar ot that's a hefty fine for using herbicides without certification.

this is so kek here in Germany using vinegar can cause the same fine as using some now banned weed killer like paraquat. or agent orange. some old lady was fined for spraying vinegar in her driveway a few years ago.

now company's "certified" their 100% vinegar and sell it as weed killer and that's legal to use.

or for your driveway you could get a stone "cleaner" which happens to have a warning on the can saying "don't spray on plants, kills plants and their roots" but as you see its a "cleaner" and may or may not accidentally hit plants and kill them to the root.
Jej. I was in the military and went to one of the clinics on base to deliver something. When I was walking in one of the guys was pouring bleach on an ant hill that came up through a crack in the sidewalk. When I came out a random EPA faggot happened to be there and see him doing it and was telling him about a $50,000 fine.

The funny part is if their job was to be anything but a nuisance theyd be arresting every farmer in the country for burning everything that can burn and burying everything else in improvised landfills.
In Ohio, they just put plastic cling wrap over the frame so there's about an inch of an air gap from the window. Its like an extremely ghetto form of double paned windows.
Just use fire. The city workers around me have a broom/flamethrower thing that they use to burn weeds.
I've tried that
It doesn't work
Or I have mutant weeds as even RoundUp barely works.
I live in a 120 year old farmhouse in Upper Wisconsin. House is built like a tank, but there are a lot of places around the windows that are drafty in winter. This film blocks that AND provides an air gap. It also greatly helps with condensation.

It's cheap and you get to use a heat gun!
We do that in QC too. But it's a temporary thing for winter.
Vinegar is weak ass and this doesn't work for shit.

They sell a product called burnout that's 30x the concentration of vinegar and barely does anything
so you have avoided actually removing the weeds for long enough that they have a 3 foot deep taproot, is what you are saying? post wrist.
boil water, pour boiling water on weeds
;post bobs
I bought property that has nearly 700 feet of frontage at my property meets the road, I'm not pulling 700 feet of weeds
I just buy a gallon of those nasty herbicides farmers use that requires a full hazmat suit and it does the trick. Stinks like hell but who cares.
yeah but the city issues them with properly certified weed fire. do you have any idea how expensive it is to get that shit privately?
it's troll /diy/. the only ingredient that matters in that composition is the salt. everything else are red herrings. you're literally salting the earth. of course nothing is ever going to grow back there
Will this cause condensation between the board and the window?
>120 year old farmhouse

What's the daily/day-to-day maintenance like on a place like that like?
I have a feeling they'd be pretty easy to make.
install awning on south facing windows that you do use
My gf's last apartment's bathroom was tiny with a tiny single-pane window.
During winter I threw an emergency blanket over it so it would sit on the outside. The window never got any condensation after that anymore.
Also works in summer against the heat (unlike those reflective shutters that just keep a pocket of plasma between them and the glass).
Pound of salt in a gallon of water with the detergent should work almost as well and won't kill most grasses.
Then you should have bought a different property, moron.
What this guy said >>2824576

Spray the roundup and then pull the roots after the roundup does its work up top. I had that with the gay ass beggarweed, the roots aren’t directly under the leafy part, and they send a root like 6” down, and they’re a cunt to pull. But once the top starts dying from the roundup, the roots come up much more easily
… or roundup, wait a few days, and then rake them out, it will pull up some of those roots
It doesn't kill the roots, so it immediately grows back. More fun to use weedeater as an edger, anyway.
Combine the two (Foam board frame with stretch wrap/vinyl on either side) for a triple frame window effect. Can add some felt if crooked and have air gaps.
vinegar is acid, if it's 30% that's strong enough to kill plants and dishwashing liquid makes it stick to the leaves. so why would this be a troll?
>so my wife
This is reddit talk
Also the reason we don't use this simple low cost mix for weedkilling is because new weeds grow out before the current ones are done dying.
You're describing roundup
thats mustard gas isnt it

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