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>pay $200 for a screw on mcmaster carr
>wait 3 months for delivery on aliexpress
>can't find what the fuck you want or how long it'll take to ship on amazon
How are these our only options
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>everyone wants their things now but no one wants to fight entrenched oligarchies to set up no global supply chains
if it was really important to you, you'd learn mandarin and start contacting factories directly to setup your own pseudo-legal chain and buy containers on ships to build up inventory that people actually need.
look up how all the sellers of fake luxury goods do it for a primer.
it's easier than you'd think. i do it in my country for mobile accessories that people want but are too overpriced when imported thru ethical channels.
just be ready for a lot of "you luan yong" behavior from chinese peeps they treat foreigners like cockroaches
>he doesn't own the tools to make screws by hand at home
>still calls himself a man

Crack a can of mister energy drink

Microwave some old dominos

Look at the screw pitch chart and power feed and speeds chart on the lathe

Say fuck it it’s too early for this, machine a piece of trash to major diameter I need it at throw a die on it and call it a day
>we warned you that globalism would be a disaster
>you said “nuh-uh”
>turns out globalism is a disaster
>”how could this have happened?”
how indeed
Alright, you know what I did when I was dirrrrtttt poor

I’m not proud of this… but I needed money in college

Okay so go on Facebook, find a moderately fashionable and attractive woman in her midn30s with kids and is all about community

Stalk her page

You’ll find something that all the fashionable fuckable bitches in town absolutely must have omg from a small business

Go to that business website, if they don’t have one look up their business license in your city

Take whatever info you can from it, TIN, DBA accounts and find it who they’re importing from

9/10 you can find out, contact their supplier and undercut them for the same product

One small business owner pissed me off once , so I did that, he was making a killing importing and reselling e-bikes under a brand name

But he was just reselling bikes from a Chinese bike factory

So what I did was I put an ad on Facebook, showed screenshots of his company importing bikes and I put, before you buy company X bikes… they’re just resold Chinese bikes from wherever and said I’d sell you one at cost

I got a cease and desist letter about a month later, my attorney said to ignore it… I didn’t I replied I’ll pull the ad down if you let me fuck your wife and he never ended up suing and I never renewed the ad

I think his business failed though
How are you going to cut threads with that piece of shit that doesnt even have a threading gearbox or a place to put change gears
>we warned
By "we" you mean all us hippies and punks who got gassed in Seattle and Québec City. Yeah, we did. At the time you were cheering for the pigs.
turn the handles by hand????
You can use a file and a vise to make a screw, just lay out the threads and start filing. It won't cost $200, or take 3 months. If you need it hardened it MIGHT take a few days to get a screw blank shipped in.
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>a place to put change gears

It does, it's not convenient but I have cut 3/8" stainless steel screws with it.
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>Microwave some old dominos
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Human cnc machine?
try again retard, I was an anti-globalist in 1999 and I’m an anti-globalist in 2024.
my personal values don’t change based on some political party’s pandering.
Fuck globalism then, fuck globalism now, and fuck you always
How do you find supplier of DBA, this does all sound LARPish
>drive to Lowes
>find screw
>pay and drive home
>>I’ll pull the ad down if you let me fuck your wife
Was she hot?
get a mini lathe and start making your own
I'll bite, what screw?
oh wait >frog poster
ok so this situation is fabricated for replies, got it
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You can't make a thread like that.
>You can use a file and a vise to make a screw
Not one that's actually going to be in spec.
>having anything but the most basic of basic machine screws
lmao, you go to ACE for stuff like that.
Do none of you fuckers know what a die is?
>Not one that's actually going to be in spec.

Bullshit. Gut gud. If you have half a clue you can even make the 55° file that you'd need for whatever crazy Whitworth threads or whatever that you think are so special.
Cool, except you suck so bad at doing anything with your hands that you'd probably just end up giving me a handjob, so go for it bad boy. Then again, I don't really want to wait two months for you to finish, so never mind.
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prove it. i bet youve never even tapped a hole in your pathetic life and are just regurgitating jootoob bullshit
I can pick every single part in this pic individually at Hornbach at it’ll be like €6. If the bearing needs to be a special one I may have to get it at the machine parts store but still won’t be expensive.

You just have to go outside and interact with people (and maybe live in Europe I dunno)
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deleted his post and picel of basic bitch, standard issue chinesium hardware after being called out
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the tranny janny got me

you have a brick-and-mortar that sells m5 bolts and m7 e-clips? you should come to america and open the metric fasteners drawer at any hardware store, mine didn't even have m4s
>tfw you live in the rust belt and have easy access to a family-owned multi-generational hardware supply company.
Give me the website I’ll find it
Sieg you are the literal worst shit poster on the site. One minute you are a 15 dollar an hour machinist, the other you are a brilliant Machiavellian wife fucker.

drop an email and let me refer you to a shitposting community.
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all my trash arrived
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>mcmaster carr
Don't you dare slander my favorite business
you won't be making screws with that you moron.
>How are these our only options
you did this.

there used to be all sorts of local ma and pa stores, private on off stores selling hardware, electronics, whatever. all killed by high prices and you always looking for the cheapest deal.

you made your bed, no sleep in it.
>You can use a file and a vise to make a shitty screw,

fixed that,
just get a longer bolt and cut to length with a metal saw
or if the extreme length required is the problem then get a threaded rod, red locktite and two nuts (if you have a welder you only need the rod and one nut)
Grandpa did it, not me
Everyone 40 and under was born into it.
>dirrrrrrrt poor college student has an attorney
>you have a brick-and-mortar that sells m5 bolts
grainger local pickup
>$200 for a screw
Redesign your shitty part to use fasteners that more than two humans actually use. Regular high-strength metric hardware can be had anywhere. Either search harder or stop being poor. And stop buying screws from Amazon.
>blaming the consumer
The policies which allowed manufacturing operations to be sent overseas without limits did this. These policies were ultimately harmful to our country as a whole, but were wholly endorsed and pushed by monied special interests. With the system the way it is, you can't keep these monied interests from dictating policy, and the end result was inevitable.

Our grandparents didn't want this shit either. It's a structural problem.
Out of all the things you could make, why the hell would you waste time making a regular damn fastener?
You should spend time to make things that are expensive or difficult to ship, or things which are unique, niche products you want for your autism-burger hobbies, etc. A screw is the literal exact opposite of all these things. Best case you spend 9000 hours to end up with a slightly shittier screw than a regular fucking screw which comes in a giant truckload of screws which already exists.
I never fucked his wife, the attorney was a family attorney on retainer imagine a Texas tough guy greaser lawyer

We’re not talking Harvard law be. Shapiro type

I’m an $18/hr machinist who gets my bills handled by my parents I’m not a success

Undercutting small businesses that resell Taobao or temu bullshit isn’t exactly a millionaire making scheme at best you make several hundred dollars at worst you lose money

Usually, I’m better at digging for personal information

During the pandemic this trip fag was trolling me… I found her mugshot, posted it on 4chan, found out she had 2 abortions and started sending her mothers day cards from those free services and churches

I found her address, then scanned the license plates of the cars, found her brother found the brothers wife turned out she hated the tripfag and it was this years long thing

She posted vacation photos bragging, but included the iPhone photo roll of all her nudes so on her final post she literally just spammed her nudes

It’s been about 5 years, I should send her some more Mother’s Day cards and maybe some baby toys from Amazon
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You are poor but somehow you can afford an attorney? At least make your fake and gay story believable
Based old school black block.
It's so funny seeing right wing capitalist and global free market shills now crying about the problems that globalization has created.
Right wingers here are less "Ronald Reagan" and more "William Luther Pierce", nobody posting on /diy/ ever supported offshoring
>tfw no Rockwell/Mosley ticket
you could get a lathe

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