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What are the preferred methods to removing weeds and ensuring new ones aren't going to grow back? I have no issues with using a mixture of diesel, glyphosate, dish soap, liquid (or solid?) clothes detergent, or other shit. No, I do not plan on growing anything remotely close to my house, I have 5 acres in the back for that, I just need an area of 10 feet from all sides of my house cleared out for stones, and also to prevent more annoying cunt weeds from popping up on my gravel walkway. Suggestions? Mixture ratio recommendations? Alternate methods?
weak ass grass killer
opensight, gromoxzone, and atrazine will kill most everything with a good residual. watch out for heat drift though
I'm going to try dumping salt. I tested table salt along a strip of grass that was growing between cracks and it has already turned brown.
I thought that stuff was outlawed in 2020 by the EPA and giga expensive now?
>giga expensive
always has been
helps to have farmer friends
Boiling water will kill the roots. When I have leftover water from boiling eggs or something I use it on weeds.
Salt as well, but that will fuck up your soil, so only use it where you don't want to grow anything - like tile cracks.
When it's winter I always buy a bag of salt they use on the roads.
Cover it with (black) tarp for a while, everything will die.
I use one of these fuckers. Mine has a short lance because apparently it's easier on the arm not having excess weight. You only gotta scorch them a bit and they'll die and dry over the next week, then I do a second round to burn away all the dry mess.
just dump your used oil on your weeds
> muh boomer retard poison everything including myself

Exactly. Then on yourself, and set yourself on fire. It's quicker than the slow, painful cancer.
Element 4 - 15.3oz
Arsenal AC - 2.5oz
Milestone - 1/4+oz(8cc)
Escort - 1/8oz(3.4cc)
Enhance - 2.5oz

Add to water to make four gallons
>Salt as well, but that will fuck up your soil, so only use it where you don't want to grow anything - like tile cracks.
This is the intent
I might try this for spot treatment on other smaller area but these sections are too big for that
I got the recipe from the crew-chief of a utility company spraying under power lines.

His was for 100 gallons of mix but I divided it for several batch sizes.

The four gallons is because I have a four gallon sprayer similar to OP pic.

If I have a lot to do I mix a larger batch and use it to refill my sprayer until I'm finished.

Element 4 Herbicide(Triclopyr 4 Herbicide)
Arsenal AC - weed and brush killer
Milestone - range grass killer
Escort - weed control
Enhance - surfactant

Element 4 - 384/100 (3-gal to 100-gal)
Arsenal AC - 64/100 (1/2-gal to 100-gal)
Milestone - 7/100 (7oz to 100gal)
Escort - 3/100 (3oz to 100gal)
Enhance - 64/100 (1/2-gal to 100-gal)
this doesnt do shit. i worked for a dodgy boomer mechanic shop that dumped gasoline and oil on the "weeds" behind the shop to "kill weeds". it didn't kill all the weeds.
they hired some retards to spray chemicals on those "weeds" which actually worked. guess what, the soil became dusty and dry and it rained heavily and washed all over the place and they had to hire someone with a scrubber to wash it all away.
boomers are brain-dead scum
I bought some stuff this year to try out called Polaris. Its a spray on ground kill with good residual. Has worked great so far. Probably ought to hit a few spots again. I put some premier 90 with it. Probably add some glyphosate with it for a faster burn down this time around.
If u have a big filed or yard. Just cardboard it. Or put a giant tarp on it. If u cover the whole area with cardboard for 1 month. It all dies or get goats. Or get shit like clover
like other anon said, just use hot water, it's such a meme to me that weed killer as a domestic industry even exists. You pour hot water on the plant, it has it's leaves wrecked, it's roots are wrecked, it's non toxic, it's not persistent to the soil, it doesn't fuck the soil, you can repeat treatment as much as you like, don't need to go to the store, it doesn't poison you or stain your clothes.

It's so obviously the correct answer it's no surprise tons of people can't see it.
Just invite a couple of germans to stay a while. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3125088/Inside-toxic-grave-longest-battle-history-French-forest-300-000-died-300-days-Battle-Verdun-littered-bodies-arsenic-unexploded-shells-grows-100-years.html
You've explained the metaphor that underpins life.
This doesn't kill weeds, it kills the top, barely, the ground heavy cools the water enough where it's just hot but nondamaging to roots. OP wants nothing to grow.
You tell the plants to drink bleach (you have to provide the bleach).
>A bloo hoo but the other plants!
OP said "No, I do not plan on growing anything remotely close to my house". Everything else doesn't work.
Doesn't work more than a season
I've been using one of these and it works well, it's good for areas with cracks like tile/brick whatever since it just blasts it and you don't have to get down in there.

For an easier job and especially for larger areas what I've found that works well is spray the area you want with industrial vinegar (30% and up), let it die and get dry and crispy then go back and torch it. It'll spread really well since it's all dry and the flames will do most of the work for you. I just get a good patch going and the rest generally takes off quickly, especially in the summer. Keep a hose nearby in case it gets away from you and to douse the area when you are done so it's out.

It's taken about two treatments of that and they are starting to not come back now for me, since you can't get the roots you can make it inhospitable for them and they won't keep growing.
>Spread out tarpoline over the area
>Weigh it down with rocks
>Leave it for two years
Wa La
I've tried a torch, horticultural vinegar, roundup, and groundclear.

Groundclear is the only one that really works.
Roundup 365 Max Control. Make sure its 365 MAX and not regular 365 (which is a weaker formula). Zap everything once in the spring and the ground stays barren all year.
I use the concentrate because its cheaper per gallon of mixed herbicide.
Pool chlorinator is the same stuff but more concentrated.
>it's roots are wrecked
Generally no.

>it's not persistent to the soil
This is a bad thing for OP's case.
>have no issues with using a mixture of diesel, glyphosate, dish soap, liquid (or solid?) clothes detergent, or other shit.
Why not just salt the earth?
Rock salt kills everything and persists for months or until there's a sustained period of heavy rain.
Old brake fluid kills weeds pretty well. But its no something I have tons of
Table salt is a good one. You can use it more selectively by mixing up a pound of salt in a gallon of water with an non-ionic surfactant. At that strength you can use it on most grasses without killing them.
>He doesn't know what the soil seed bank is
people are often killing weeds far away from their kitchen
boiling water's biggest drawback is it's impracticality
it's not easy to transport large amounts, it only works for spot treatments, it doesn't keep the plants dead and requires constant maintenance
Nothing you do is going to keep weeds from growing back except maybe a ton of landscaping fabric, or just pave the area, or build a short wraparound deck.
Weed seeds are in the soil already. If you killed them all more will magically show up. You can kill all the weeds and put down rocks and weeds will come back up through the rocks because they're resilient and restorative plants. Nature's best friends are weeds, they're plants that can revive shitty uncared for soils and make them healthy again. Dandelion tap roots can go down over 200 feet, pulling lots of nutrients back up into the top layer of soil. Weeds are good, you're a stupid human so I can't expect you to understand this, but they're the main line of defense against soil erosion. most of the things people call weeds are native wildflowers out of season that they have no idea how to recognize.
>OP specifically wants the opposite of this for valid reasons, no one wants to de-weed the side of their house and front walkway every 3 weeks, doesn't even mention the rest of the lawn
>Go on autistic tirade and unironically act like a weed apologist
>"you're a stupid human!"
Take a look in the mirror dumbass nigga
I'm not a human, I am a weed.
Never use landscaping fabric. It doesn't work.
This thing fucking sucks, the weed ejector broke like immediately. The tines came loose and I stopped using it after accidentally pulling up a buried internet cable, fucking damaged it good and probably lowered the bandwidth in my whole neighbourhood. Chemical treatment is the way to go.
skill issue
youre not using enough water ie thermal mass. thermodynamics 101
they make standalone propane burners that are relatively inexpensive and light. picrel is my setup but i use it with a 5 gallon pressure cooker to holocaust anthills. works great. its probably not enough coverage for OP but for normal applications its perfect. also it absolutely does keep them dead if you use enough water.
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forgot pic
It could also be that his soil is really clayey and doesn't drain well enough for the water to scald the roots.
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im in clay soil country brother. picrel is an anthill i nuked with only 3 gallons of water 2 months ago. plants are creeping from arround the spot but nothings grown on top of it.
Piss on them. My dog pisses in the same area every time, nothing grows there.
Ant hills are porous and designed to drain so they wouldn't be a problem. I've definitely seen plants grow back from a large pot of boiling water on clay soil. Usually ones with strong taproots.
pour white clover all over your lawn.
>only one hit besides me, a dumb troon
this board is in bad shape.
>3 gallons of water kills plants in ~1 square foot
OP wants to clear what is probably 1000-2000 square feet. With 2 months persistent effect (wildly optimistic for things other than an ant hill), that's in the neighborhood of 150 gallons of boiling water every day. That's fifty three-gallon buckets like what you have. How long does it take to boil? Five minutes? That's more than four hours every day just waiting for the water to boil.
yeah thats fair. i suppose you could aerate it a little with a pitchfork but if youre doing a lot of square footage its not reasonable. i only use the boiling water because im on a well and i dont want poison leaching down into the water. plus we have animals
>its probably not enough coverage for OP but for normal applications its perfect
How much area do you think a person would normally be interested in de-weeding?
This anon don't put down rocks maintenance hogs. Just use plastic.
Salt and industrial vinegar have always worked well for me. The 30% stuff, not the 5% cooking stuff at the grocery store.
I also layered a weedmat with some waxboard boxes (you can ask your local grocery store, lots of produce gets delivered in it and it all goes in the trash) and more weedmat on top. It blocks moisture and light, just make sure it's tilted away from the house a bit. Cover with small rocks (NOT sand or small pebbles) and anything that tries to get going will have nothing to grip to and you can pull it out real easy. Just stay on top of keeping leaves out of it so they don't decompose in the rocks.
Clover is very good if you still want something growing. Mix of Dutch, red, and subterranian makes a very stable weed free "wild" looking yard about a foot high.
As for cardboard get waxed board like they use for broccoli, regular cardboard decomposes in rain and actual feeds the soil, waxboard is much sturdier and totally blocks water and light.
Get the wooden one, way sturdier and half the price

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